Exhibit 1008
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs XI LLC
`Exhibit 1008
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs XI LLC v Insys Pharma, Inc.


`U D A P
`] D '
`Random House Webster’s College Dictionary
`Copyright © 2000 by Random House, Inc.
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Random House Webster’s college dictionary
`ISBN 0-375-42560-8
`ISBN 0-375-42561-6 (Deluxe Edition)
`1. English language—-Dictionaries.
`I. Random House (Firm)
`Visit the Random House Reference & Information Publishing
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`2000 Second Revised and Updated Random House Edition
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`April 2000
`ISBN: 0-375-42560-8
`ISBN‘. 0-375-42561-6 (Deluxe Edition)
`New York
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`Sydney Auckland

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`spouse to Springfield
`U.S. —v.t. 4. to stretch out
`. — . 1. ne’s hus—
`form the skatinsdflisigre 0116 -"1-"~’9-N1 unlit
`‘gouge (spit? Spgurfli nfirzfiafgoilgeiifedpoillsi$1200’? < cor spous
`‘doer(sre ar,zL Jnzmri
`an orw . ._
`sblffor spreading butter or the fire 1 r
`spouse gem.)
`F L dlgigllldsplesdlgldlsa ht” pledged (man
`t: volcanoes spout— materia .
`. a
`Woman): ‘L “SE5 0 Ftp‘ ° SP0"

`1 4
`device for keepins. ac-at ‘int
`spout (spam), 11.1. 1. to discharge 111 a stream or re
`5. a strut for spreading shrouds an 5 mm;
`":2 unfastened to
`mg ash and lava. Z. to state or declaim vo_l\—r1l))l_L\]-3<3.r‘gn.‘S&;“lei0_\Y‘I\ll3a Xe‘ spreadfihee‘ £Swed,s\\é‘,\) E ,L E Ewan
`theories on oreign policy.
`- d (spring'hed
`gimdgdfmtrgrus Qtfeam. 4. to isgue forth with force, as liquid through a
`countants. 2. such a sheet simulated. '-
`computer software, used esp. for financial planrrzzg
`use \s.p\r\n-git
`narrow orifice. 5. to speak volubly or pornpously. _—-In.
`3 P1139:
`ouse ‘o\ii\t over 2
`sprech-ge-sang (Ger. shpReI<|-1'89 Zing’). TL 3 V0C<~ 95"!
`tube, or liplike projection through or by which a_.11Cl111d_15 dlschaiged.
`. products cool ant
`ate between speech and singing but without exact
`poured, or conveyed. 7. a trough or shoot for discharging or convey-
`[1925—30; < G. = sprechtenl to srm + Gesans sons
`- ing (springfing
`ing grain, flour, etc. 8. WATERSPDUT. 9. a continuous stream of material
`Zus devices are
`5p|'e¢'_h.5t'||\\u\1\e (Ger. shpr<ei<n’shtirn/9), n. srnrcntzsut. l
`discharged from or as if from a pipe. 10. a spring of water. 11. Ar-
`\1300—S0; (v.) ME, akm ‘O D Spultefl. ON spyta ‘O
`< C, = sprech(en) to SYEAK 4- Stimme voice)
`Aoadled, adj
`si>1T‘; fn.) ME spowt(e) pipe. akin to the IL] —5P°Ut’e_l‘- TL-
`spree (spré), n. 1. a period or bout of indulgence, as at n
`r by -a spring.
`the Senate and People of Rome.
`[< L Senatus Populusque
`whim: an eating spree; a spending spree. 2. a binge; CEIEIWJ
`peepler, n
`riod or outburst of activity.
`[l79S—1805; orig. Lll’lC€‘!‘L:l
`an the back ar
`Sprachogeofiihl (shprrakr-|’ga 511/),
`11. German. a sensitivity to what is Spree [spri, shpra), n. a river in E Gernrany, flowing K v
`are of E. North A
`grammatically or idiornatically appropriate in a given language.
`lin to the Havel RIVEI‘. 220 mi. (354 km) long.
`rgfll, rr. an
`sprag (sprag), n. a pole hinged to a rear axle, as of a cart, in such a
`spri-er‘ (spri/er), adj. a comparative of SPRY.
`(springz), n_
`way that it can act as a brace against rolling downhill.
`[l83S—45; of spri.e5t [spri/ist), adj. a superlative of SPRY,
`E of Johannes
`uncert. orig.]
`sprig (sprig), n., v., sprigged. sprig-ging. —n. 1. a small .
`sprain (sprén), v.t. 1. to overstrain or wrench (the ligaments around a
`pianr with its waves, flowers, e[c_ 2. an ornament I'1a\,'i_m_g 1;. i
`Insects of the or
`joint) so as to injure without fracture or dislocation. —n. 2. a wrench— such a spray. 3. a shoot, twig, or small branch. 4. a sum:
`appendage for 3:
`ing injury to ligaments around a joint. 3.
`the condition of being
`youth. 6. a headless brad_ —r,~,t, 7. to mark or decor-are um n
`' IfideI_ n_ Q

`[1595-1605; orig. uncertl
`of sprigs. 8. to fasten with brads. 9. to remove a sprig or -.
`. or the {nu mgr
`sprang (sprang), 12. a pt. of SPRING.
`[a plant).
`[1300—50; ME sprigge (n.); orig. uncert.; cf. syn _
`g.time (spnn
`sprat Esprat), n., pl. sprats. (esp. collectively) sprat for 1. 1. a herring, spright.fu|
`(SP1-it/faj), adj.
`[1535_95; _.,-pnrghi
`3;, ‘ml
`sfiest period “SC
`Clupea sprattus, of the E North Atlantic. 2. a young or small person
`sPR]T]-3) + -FUL] —spright/ful.|y, adv,
`- g.w°°d (spu-
`or thing. [1590-1600; var. of earlier sprot. ME. OE, c. MD]
`sprightoly (sprit’lé), adj., -Ii-er, -li-est, adv. —adj. 1.‘ .
`inigracterized by 13,
`(sprol), vi.
`to be spread out awkwardly. 2.
`to sit or lie
`am; lively, —ad11_ 2. in a sprightly rnanner-_ [159o_15oo;
`“growing season
`with limbs spread out. 3. to spread out or be distributed irregularly. 4.
`var. of SPRITE) + -Ly] —spr-ight/ii-ness, n.
`' g,y (spring/é]
`to crawl or scramble awkwardly. —-v.t. 5. to stretch out (the limbs) as
`spring (spring), v., sprang or, often, sprung; sprung; 5 _,
`in sprawling. 6. to spread out or distribute irregularly. —n. 7. an act
`-—-v,z', 1. to rise, leap, or move suddenly and swiftly: :1 tigy ..
`_.5pring/i.ne55_ n_
`or instance of sprawling.
`[bef. 1000; ME spraulen to move awk-
`spring. 2.
`to be released suddenly from a constrained pom”.
`'n.k|e (spring/k
`Wa1'd1Y. OE SPTEHWZIYITI» akin I0 Fl'lS (N dial-) SPWIU-’€ll'l —sprawl'y.
`door sprang open. 3. to issue forth suddenly or forcefully: CE
`. or particles: sprinkl
`adj.. Sprawl-i-er. Sprawl-i-est.
`from the well. 4. to come into being; arise: Industnes sprang m
`are here and there,
`spray‘ (spra), n. 1. water or other liquid broken up into minute drop—
`suburbs. 5. to have as one’s birth or lineage: to spring from .
`mlvder, or the like
`lets and blown, ejected into. or falling through the air. 2. a jet of fine
`folk. 6. to extend upward. 7. to take an upward course or cm-. mg.
`in-iih objects scatter
`particles of liquid discharged from an atomizer or other device. 3. a
`a point of support, as an arch. 8. to occur‘ suddenly: A.-'2 Mimi.‘
`nqnid, a powder, at
`liquid to be discharged or applied in such a jet. 4. an apparatus or de—
`sprang to mind, 9. to become bent or warped. -11.1. 10. to zum-vb.‘
`taxed drops.
`vice for discharging such a liquid. 5. a quantity of small objects,
`spring. 11. to cause the sudden operation of:
`to spring a m:;- ‘lump
`1-sed for sprinkling.
`ing or discharged through the air: a spray of shattered glass. —v.t. 6.
`cause to work loose, warp, or split: Moisture sprang the
`‘ eased to decorate ca
`to scatter in the form of fine particles. 7. to apply or direct in a spray.
`the fence. 13.
`to undergo the development of: sprang a lazt 11 mt
`:4-nall quantity or r
`8. to sprinkle or treat with a spray. —-v.z‘. 9. to scatter or discharge a
`bend by force. 15.
`to produce by surprise:
`to spring a joke ‘rm t MD sprenkelen; akin
`spray. 10.
`to issue forth in a spray.
`[161s~2S; appar. < early D
`leap over. 17. Slang.
`to secure the release of from contineu-mi: 1.,
`qrin’kler sys’tem
`Spfael/En. C. MHG SIJREJETL] —spray'er. fl.
`spring for, Informal. to pay for; treat someone to. —n. 19. az mm‘
`in a building, cons
`spray’ (spra), n. 1. a single, slender shoot, twig, or branch with its
`springing; a sudden leap or bound. 20. an elastic quality: a =3-2;:-1m,
`fiat open at a certa:
`flowers, or berries. 2. an arrangement of cut
`flowers or
`his walk. 21. a structural defect caused by a warp or crack. imp
`grin-kling (spring
`branches. 3. an ornament resembling a spray of flowers.
`sue of water from the ground. 23. the place of such an issue immw,
`2- 3 Small '1“
`ME, appar. continuing OE *spra‘2g; cf. OE sprzic with same sense]
`springs. 24. a source; fountainhead: a spring of inspirutior; 5 ‘in
`(sprint), 1/.i.
`spray’ can’,
`11. a can whose contents are in aerosol form.
`elastic contrivance or body, as a strip or wire of steel coiled g
`rance, as in runnin
`spray’ gun’, n.
`a container from which paint or other liquid is
`that recovers its shape after being compressed, bent, or stretdzeet‘.
`sprint a half mile.
`sprayed through a nozzle by air pressure from a pump.
`the season between winter and summer, marked by the budding mm
`‘ speed.
`[lS60—70; pt
`spray’ paint’, n. paint that is packaged in an aerosol container for
`growth Of plants and The OHSEI Of Warmer Wealhefi
`in the NEWER l
`fump UP] —5P|‘in'V¢
`spraying onto a surface. ——spray’-paint/, u_t.
`Hemisphere from the March equinox to the June solstice: 11 ‘llfl
`i Qflt (sprit), TL.
`El SI]
`spread (spred), v., spread, spread-ing, n., adj. —u,t. 1.
`to draw,
`Southern Hemisphere from the September equinox to the Deans .
`[bef. 900; ME
`stretch, or open out, esp. over a flat surface: Spread out the blanket. Z.
`solstice. 27. the first stage and fieshesl P91’i0d1 the 51771718 Of 3‘-75 It
`Qfite (SDTTU. Tl. an
`to extend out; move apart: The bird spread its wings, 3. to distribute
`Also called springing. a. the point at which an arch or dome rm ‘
`esprit < Lispiritus s
`over an area of space or time: to spread seed on the ground. 4. to ap—
`from its support. b. the rise or the angle of the rise of an arcl:
`grit-sail (sprit’s.?1l/;
`ply in a thin layer or coating: to spread butter on bread. 5. to extend
`900; OE spiingan. c. OFris springa. 05. OHG Spfinsan. ON
`75; late ME sprete Se
`as a covering: to spread the sheet over the bed. 6. to set or prepare (a
`(IL) 013 spring 155119 Of 61 Stream. 0- MLG. OHG Spriilgl
`spritz (sprits, shprits
`table) for a meal. 7. to send out in various directions: to spread light.
`2. a brief spray;
`8. to cause to become widely known; disseminate: to spread rumors.
`9. to extend the aperture at (the lips) laterally, so as to reduce it verti—
`spritzoer .(sp1-it/gar,
`cally, in articulating a sound. —u.i. 10. to become stretched out or ex—
`tended; expand. 11. to become broadly distributed.
`-—n. 12. an act or
`sprock-et (sprok/it),
`instance of spreading. 13. expansion; diffusion:
`the spread of suspi—
`or power ch.-nn_ 2. 3
`cion. 14. the extent of spreading:
`to measure the spread of branches.
`(sprout), v.1‘.
`15. a. the difference between the prices bid and asked of stock or a
`plant) to put forth I
`commodity. b. a commodities market transaction in which the call
`new growth from a 2
`price is set above and the put price below the current market quota-
`ing a sprout, as a yo
`the difference between any two prices or rates for related
`falfa, soybeans, etc.
`costs. 16. capacity for spreading. 17. a distance or range between two
`points. 18. WINGSPAN. 19. an expanse of something: a spread of tim-
`spriezen to sprout]
`ber. 20. a cloth covering for a bed,
`table, or the like, esp. a bed-
`(spro_os), n.
`spread. 21. Informal. an abundance of food set out on a table; feast.
`Picea, of the pine fa
`22. a food preparation for spreading, as jam or peanut butter. 23. two
`attached singly a.rou
`facing pages, as of a book or newspaper. 24. a. an extensive display
`Douglas fir. 3. the V1
`treatment of a topic in a newspaper or magazine. b. an advertisement
`< OF Pruce < ML P
`or story covering one or more pages. 25. landed property, as a farm
`(spréhs), ac
`or ranch. —adj. 26. (of a speech sound) pronounced with spread lips,
`—-adj. 1. trim in dre:
`as the vowel (e) in tea. —Idiom. 27. spread oneself thin, to under~
`(often fol. by up). -
`take too many projects simultaneously.
`[11S0—1200; OE -sprzfadan, c.
`[1580—90,' perh. < s,
`OS —spreidan, OHG spreiran]
`(See SPRUCE“ _5pn
`spread’ ea’gle, . n. 1.-a representation of an eagle with outspread
`wings: used as an emblem of the U.S. 2. a skating figure performed
`spruce! beer-/I n_ 3
`with the skates touching heel—to»heel in a straight line and the arms
`twigs, or an extract fl
`spruce] bud/worm
`spread’-ea/gle, adj., v., -gled, -gling. —adj. 1. having or suggesting
`5}-wr-[smneum fnmr-fa
`the form of a spread eagle. 2. lying with arms and legs outstretched.
`spruce and balsam fj
`3. boastful or bombastic, esp. in the display of patriotic pride in the
`springs (def. 25)
` sprout
`spring-board (spri11g’b6rd’, —b6rd/)', n. 1. a flexible board anchamt
`at one end and used in diving and gymnastics for gaining height:
`momentum. 2. a starting point; point of departure, as for a disc» i
`sion, argument, etc.
`spring-bok (spring/bok/), n., pl. -boks, (esp. collectively) -bok. a 5» i
`zelle, Anzidorcas marsupialis, of S Africa, that leaps up high 'w"mr
`[1765—75; < Afrik. See spurns, rancid]
`spring’ chick’en, n. 1. a young chicken, esp. a broiler or fryer. 1 1
`Slang. a young person.
`[l835—4S, Amer.]
`springe (sprinj), n. a snare for catching smallgame.
`[l200—50; Am,
`OE ”sprencg, ult. der. from base of SPRING]
`spring-er (spring’ar), n.
`1. one that springs. 2.
`the first voussar
`above the impost of an arch.
`sprmgler span’iel, n. a dog of either of two breeds of medium»
`sized spaniels used for flushing and retrieving game. Compare Encu-5.:
`spring’ fe’ver, n. a listless, lazy, or restless feeling commonly ass.-,
`ciated wrth the beginning of spring.
`[1855—60, Amer.]
`Spring-fleld (sprmg'féld/), n. 1. a city in S Massachusetts, on the
`Connecticut River. 149,948. 2. a city in SW Missouri. 143,407. 3. the

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