`Drug Metabolism in the Nasal Mucosa
`Mohamadi A. Sarkarl
`Nasal delivery is a potential alternative for systemic availability of drugs restricted to intravenous
`administration, such as peptide and protein drugs. Although nasal delivery avoids the hepatic first-
`pass effect, the enzymatic barrier of the nasal mucosa creates a pseudo-flrst—pass eflect. The xeno-
`biotic metabolic activity in the nasal epithelium has been investigated in several species including
`humans. The Phase I, cytochrome P-450 enzymes have been studied extensively for their toxicological
`significance, since these enzymes metabolize inhaled pollutants into reactive metabolites which may
`induce nasal tumors. The cytochrome P-450 activity in the olfactory region of the nasal epithelium is
`higher even than in the liver, mainly because of a three- to fourfold higher NADPH—cytochrome P-450
`reductase content. Phase II activity has also been found in the nasal epithelium. The delivery of
`peptides and proteins has been hindered by the peptidase and protease activity in the nasal mucosa.
`The predominant enzyme appears to be aminopeptidase among other exopeptidases and endopepti-
`dases. The absorption of peptide drugs can be improved by using aminoboronic acid derivatives,
`amastatin, and other enzyme inhibitors as absorption enhancers. It is possible that some of the
`surfactants, e.g., bile salts, increase absorption by inhibiting the proteolytic enzymes. Thus, in addi-
`tion to the permeation barriers, there also exists an enzymatic barrier to nasal drug delivery, which is
`created by metabolic enzymes in the nasal epithelium.
`KEY WORDS: nasal metabolism; nasal cytochrome P-450; enzyme inhibitors; absorption enhancers.
`the nasal mucosa are considered, a brief review of the nasal
`anatomy and physiology is neceSSary'
`Until recently antibiotics antiinflammatory steroids
`and decongestants were administered intranasally only for
`their local action, e.g., nasal decongestion and bronchodila- A“at°mY and PhY5l°l°3Y 0f the N059
`tion. The observation that systemic side effects appeared in
`some cases led to the conclusion that the nasal mucosa per-
`mits the systemic availability of some drugs. Nasal delivery
`offers a promising alternative to parenteral administration of
`drugs that cannot tolerate the rigorous gastrointestinal envi-
`ronment after oral administration. Nasal administration is
`being actively investigated as one of the possible noninva-
`sive alternatives to delivering peptide and protein drugs.
`The nasal epithelium has a defensive enzymatic barrier
`against the entry of xenobiotics, and the original concept of
`nasal delivery without first-pass effect is no longer applica-
`ble. Although the blood circulation from the nose is not pre-
`sented to the liver, the nasal mucosa itself is a barrier to the
`direct systemic access of some drugs. Drug metabolism in
`the nasal mucosa is an important consideration not only in
`nasal drug delivery, but also for toxicologic implications be-
`cause of xenobiotic metabolism of inhaled environmental
`pollutants or other volatile chemicals. The Phase I cy-
`tochrome P-450 enzymes can convert some of the airborne
`chemicals to reactive metabolites which may be involved in
`forming DNA adducts, increasing the risk of carcinogenesis
`in the nasopharynx and lung. Before the metabolic aspects of
`The primary function of the nose is olfaction, but it also
`filters airborne particulate and heats and humidifies inspired
`air. The external portion of the nose does not have any sig-
`nificance in drug metabolism. The lateral wall of the internal
`nose contains the turbinates, the draining orifices of the
`paranasal sinuses, and the nasolacrimal duct. The nasal pas-
`sageways are extremely convoluted, the turbinates divide
`the air spaces into thin slits only a few millimeters wide, and
`the surface area of the nasal mucosa is considerably in-
`creased (1). In adult humans, the nasal cavities are covered
`by a 2- to 4-mm-thick mucosa (2), the nasal cavity’s volume
`is about 20 ml, and its total surface area is about 180 cm2 (1).
`Ethmoturbinates. This term is often seen in the nasal
`metabolism literature. The ethmoid bone is the principal sup-
`porting structure of the nasal cavities. The ethmoturbinates
`are composed principally of the olfactory mucosa. The 01-
`factory receptors (Fig. 1) lie in the superior nasal turbinates
`(ethmoturbinates), also called the olfactory region. The 01-
`factory epithelium of several species is abundant in cy-
`tochrome P-450 enzymes and is capable of metabolizing
`drugs (3). Below the olfactory region, the membrane con-
`tains capillaries and pseudostratifled ciliated columnar cells
`with many goblet cells and ducts of Bowman’s glands.
`MOXill0lMrbiflai€S- This lS another term frequently €11-
`countered in literature. The paired maxillae unite to form the
`‘ School of Pharmacy, West Virginia University, Health Sciences
`North, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506.
`0724-8741/92/0100-000l$06.S0/0 © 1992 Plenum Publishing Corporation
`Page 1 of 9
` Insys Exhibit 2014
`CFAD v. Insys
`Ollacloly bulb
`Olfactory (Bowman's) gland
`Ollaclory epnhehum
`Cnbmorm plale ot emmoua Done
`Ollactovy (I) nerve
`j_,__— Connective IISSUE
`Basal cell
`Supporting cell
`Ollactory cell
`Ollactory vesicle
`Ollactory nan (aendme)
`Mucus layer
`Substance belflg smelled
`Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the olfactory receptors. (Reproduced from G. J. Tortora, Prin-
`ciples of Human Anatomy, Harper & Row, New York, p. 559.)
`part of the lateral wall and floor of the nasal cavity. The
`maxilloturbinates form the respiratory mucosa; the pseudo-
`stratified ciliated columnar epithelium (Fig. 2) is often called
`respiratory epithelium. The yellow—brown olfactory epithe-
`lium usually has substantially higher metabolic capabilities
`than does the pinkish-white respiratory epithelium. Mucus-
`secreting goblet cells are interspersed within the nasal mu-
`cosa with ciliated cells, while the submucosa is rich in both
`serous and mucus glands. There is a continuous flow of mu-
`cus within the portions of the nose lined by ciliated respira-
`tory epithelium, as a result of the ciliary activity, most of
`Goblet cell
`Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the respiratory mucosa consist-
`ing of the pseudostratified columnar epithelium. This histological
`section shows the typical appearance of the nasal mucosa. The sur-
`face cells are largely ciliated columnar cells, interspersed with gob-
`let cells. Mucus and serous secreting glands are found in the under-
`lying loose and vascular submucosa. (Reproduced from K. G. Mar-
`shall and E. L. Attia, Disorders of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses,
`PSG, Littleton, Mass., p. 9.)
`which is directed posteriorly toward the nasopharynx. The
`area below the epithelium is a highly vasculatized connec-
`tive tissue region.
`Absorption of drugs across the nasal mucosa results in
`direct systemic exposure, thus avoiding the first~pass he-
`patic metabolism associated with oral administration. How-
`ever, an alternative first-pass effect is created, by the met-
`abolic activity within the nasal mucosa. As the existence of
`drug metabolizing enzymes in the nasal mucosa of humans
`has not been definitively established, the information pro-
`vided in this article relates to different animal species. Me-
`tabolism in the nasal mucosa has been investigated in rat,
`rabbit, Syrian hamster, dog, and monkey (3). It would be
`reasonable to assume that despite some interspecies varia-
`tion seen in the nasal drug metabolizing enzymes, humans
`may also have a similar profile of enzymes in the nasal mu-
`cosa. Such a comparison can be justified by a report on
`metabolism by human nasal microsomes (4), where the re-
`sults were comparable to the observations in animals (5).
`This speculation is supported by the vast information avail-
`able on drug metabolizing enzymes in the liver and the fact
`that, despite some interspecies differences, most of the he-
`patic enzymes studied in animals are homologous in humans.
`The various drug metabolizing enzymes identified in the
`nasal mucosa are oxidative Phase I enzymes, conjugative
`Phase II enzymes, and proteolytic enzymes.
`Cytochrome P-450
`The nasal epithelium is recognized as a potential first
`line of defense of the lung against airborne xenobiotics. It is
`Page 2 of 9
`Nasal Metabolism
`The presence of cytochrome P-450-dependent monoox-
`ygenases has been reported in the nasal tissue of rabbit,
`guinea pig, rat, Syrian hamster, mice, and dog (Table I). The
`highest microsomal cytochrome P-450 concentration was
`found in the Syrian hamster nasal epithelium, and in general,
`for all the species the highest microsomal cytochrome P-450
`concentration was found in the ethmoturbinates (olfactory
`region). Subsequently the catalytic activity (e.g., aminopy-
`rine N-demethylation) is more pronounced in the mucosa of
`the olfactory region than in the mucosa covering the respi-
`ratory region (18). In another study (17) catalytic activity,
`using four substrates, was compared between the liver and
`the nasal olfactory epithelium (Table II). All four substrates
`were metabolized more rapidly in the olfactory epithelium,
`probably because of higher NADPH cytochrome P-450 re-
`_ductase activity, which was two- to threefold higher in the
`olfactory epithelium than the liver. This observation was
`consistent across various species and sex (17).
`All three major classes of hepatic inducible cytochrome
`P-450 isozymes have been found in the nasal mucosa. The
`phenobarbital (PB)-inducible P-450 isozymes are concen-
`trated within the respiratory epithelium, whereas the 3-me-
`thylcholanthrene (MC)—inducible P-450 isozymes are located
`in the Bowman’s gland of the olfactory region. The preg-
`nenolone-16o(-carbonitrile (PCN)-inducible P-450 isozymes
`are distributed uniformly throughout the nasal mucosa (19).
`Two unique cytochrome P-450 isozymes, NMa and NMb,
`related to P-450 3a, have also been purified and character-
`ized in the rabbit nasal microsomes (20). Oxidative metabo-
`lism is thought to play an important role in olfaction.
`Drug Metabolism in Human Nasal Mucosa
`Few reports are available on human nasal metabolism
`capabilities (4,5). However, these observations strongly sug-
`gest that significant metabolic activity is present in the hu-
`man nasal mucosa. The volatile diethylnitrosamine (DEN)
`present in air, water, foods, and tobacco smoke is metabo-
`lized upon inhalation and, thus, presents a high risk of nasal
`tumors to individuals working in the leather or wood indus-
`try (21). Investigation of catalytic activity (4) showed that
`the DEN-deethylase activity of human nasal mucosa mi-
`crosomes was 1.06 : 0.99 nmol/mg/min (n = 4) and that of
`human liver microsomes was 2.7 : 1.44 nmol/mg/min (n =
`5). Since the P-450 content in the human liver is 0.2-0.8
`nmol/mg protein (22) and 0.026 nmol/mg protein in the hu-
`Table I. Cytochrome P-450 in Nasal Mucosa“
`Conc. cytochrome P-450
`(pmol P-450/mg microsomal protein)
`Total nasal tissue”
`460 : s (12)
`350 -_- 71 (3)
`235 -_- 43 (3)
`110 -5 15 (9)
`94 : 6 (12)
`as : 5 (30)
`Syrian hamster
`Cynomolgus monkey
`Guinea pig
`“ Data presented from Ref. 3.
`" Number of animals in parentheses; results are mean 1' SE.
`constantly exposed to the external environment and is one of
`the major target organs for toxicity of many inhaled sub-
`stances. For example, many environmental pollutants ad-
`sorbed onto particles (of sizes 1- to l00—p.m mass median
`aerodynamic diameter) have been observed to deposit in the
`nasopharyngeal region of the respiratory tract (6).
`Studies of biotransformation of foreign compounds in
`the nasal mucosa of animals have shown extensive P-450-
`dependent metabolism. Some cytochrome P-450 enzymes
`have been linked to increased risk of cancer and/or other
`toxicological effects such as lesions in the nasal mucosa,
`because of formation of reactive metabolites which can form
`mutagenic DNA adducts. Nasal cancer has been reported to
`occur in experimental animals after inhalation exposure to a
`variety of important industrial chemicals, including formal-
`dehyde (at an exposure of 15 ppm) (7), hexamethylphos-
`phoramide (8), and the tobacco—specific nitrosamines (9).
`The common air pollutant, benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), has been
`shown to be converted to the carcinogenic metabolite BaP-
`7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide in the rat nasal tissue (10). Inhalation
`studies with benzo(a)pyrene in Syrian hamsters resulted in
`neoplasms in the nasal cavity, larynx, pharynx, esophagus,
`and forestomach (11). The gastrointestinal tract tumors
`could possibly be a result of swallowing of the mucus laden
`with BaP or its reactive metabolites. Nasal administration is
`not necessary to initiate the carcinogenic effect of P-450 me-
`tabolism. Long-term experiments have indicated that oral
`administration of large doses of phenacetin to rats will in-
`duce carcinomas of the nose (12).
`Numerous other compounds have been shown to be me-
`tabolized in vitro by the nasal P—450—dependent monooxy—
`genase system, e.g., nasal decongestants, essences, anes-
`thetics, alcohols, nicotine, and cocaine (13). A number of
`these compounds are also metabolized in vivo in the nasal
`mucosa, as demonstrated by whole-body autoradiography
`(14). The results from these studies indicate that the nasal
`mucosa is, in many cases, much more active (on a per mil-
`ligram of protein basis) than other organs, including liver, in
`the metabolism of foreign compounds both in vitro and in
`The specific content of the F-450 in nasal mucosa is
`relatively high, second only to that of the liver. The most
`striking feature is that the catalytic activity of the P-450
`enzymes in the nasal epithelium is higher than in any other
`tissue including the liver. The relatively high levels of the
`cytochrome P-450 enzymes and the maximal catalytic activ-
`ity serve as a protective mechanism against the constant
`barrage of xenobiotics. The higher activity could be a result
`of a higher NADPH—cytochrome P-450 reductase content,
`which is the rate—limiting factor in the cytochrome P-450
`oxidoreductase cycle, since the reductase is involved in the
`transfer of the first or the second electron in the cycle (15).
`Immunoblot analysis with antireductase IgG has shown that
`rabbit nasal microsomes have very high levels of cy-
`tochrome P-450 reductase (16). The ratio of NADPH-
`cytochrome P-450 reductase to cytochrome P-450 content is
`1:11 to 1:15 in the liver, whereas in the olfactory region of
`the nasal epithelium this ratio is 1:2 to 1:3 (17). The higher
`proportion of NADPH reductase makes the cytochrome
`P-450 enzymes more efficient, thereby considerably increas-
`ing the catalytic activity.
`Page 3 of 9
`4 T
`able II. Drug Metabolism in Microsomes Isolated from Liver and
`Olfactory Epithelium of Male Hamsters”
`Metabolic activity
`(nmol/mg protein/min)
`Cytochrome P-450
`1.15 1 0.19
`0.58 : 0.14
`(nmol/mg protein)
`27.10 : 11.9
`3.74 I 0.58
`7-Ethyoxycoumarin deethylase
`0.56 : 0.10
`0.21 : 0.05
`7—Ethoxyresoruf1n deethylase
`Hexobarbitone oxidase
`4.67 : 0.73
`0.95 : 0.15
`Aniline hydroxylase
`“ Data reproduced from Ref. 17. Results are mean 1 SD of at least
`three observations, each from tissues pooled from at least two
`animals. Hexobarbitone oxidase results are means of two obser-
`Epoxide Hydroxylase
`The reactive epoxides generated by the cytochrome
`P-450 enzymes are inactivated by hydrolysis, hence it is not
`surprising to find epoxide hydroxylase in olfactory and re-
`spiratory epithelia, Bowman’s glands, and seromucous
`glands, the respiratory region having the highest levels of
`epoxide hydroxylase. The epoxide hydroxylase activity of
`rat nasal tissue tends to reflect that reported for rat liver
`These enzymes can be of special importance for deliv-
`ery of drugs with carboxylic acid esters as functional groups.
`The interest in this enzyme is generated because of the de-
`velopment of lesions in the nasal mucosa after exposure to
`certain volatile industrial esters, e.g., solvents used in paint
`and coating industries. The ability of rodent nasal mucosa to
`hydrolyze these and a series of other esters to acid and al-
`cohol metabolites has been studied (28). For certain sub-
`strates, the rate of hydrolysis is equivalent to or greater than
`that found when using tissue preparations from liver (29).
`The activity of olfactory mucosal carboxylesterases has
`been shown to be three to six times greater than respiratory
`mucosa when p-nitrophenyl butyrate is used as a substrate
`Carbonic Anhydrase
`Carbonic anhydrase, the zinc-containing enzyme that
`accelerates the rate of formation of carbon dioxide from car-
`bonic acid, is present at a high concentration in rat olfactory
`cells but absent in supporting cells. Besides its normal func-
`tion with carbonic acid as a substrate, carbonic anhydrase
`exhibits considerable simple esterase activity and may be
`responsible for a major part of the olfactory esterase activity
`Comparative evaluation of nasal metabolism of 178-
`estradiol indicated that significantly more conjugation oc-
`curred when the drug was administered via the nasal route
`compared with the iv route (31). The extent of conjugation
`following nasal administration of 17B-estradiol decreased as
`the dose increased, suggesting that the drug is conjugated
`within the nasal mucosa and that this process is saturable.
`The authors did not determine the specific conjugated me-
`tabolites, hence it is not possible to evaluate which of the
`conjugation pathways is saturated.
`Glucuronyl and Sulfate Transferase
`Studies utilizing pooled nasal tissues from the maxilla-
`turbinates, ethmoturbinates, and nasal epithelial membrane
`has shown the presence of these enzymes (32).
`Glutathione Transferase (GST)
`This is a Phase II detoxifying enzyme converting the
`electrophilic reactive metabolites, formed by Phase I en-
`zymes, into harmless glutathione conjugates. Thus, GST is
`man respiratory nasal mucosa (5), the DEN-deethylation ac-
`tivity of nasal mucosa, expressed per nanomole of P-450, is
`2-10 times higher than that of human liver.
`The nasal mucosa, in particular the olfactory region of
`the nasal cavity, is rich in the cytochrome P-450 enzymes
`that metabolize xenobiotics. This “first-pass effect” of the
`nasal mucosa should be taken into considerations for drugs
`to be delivered by the nasal route. The high oxidative met-
`abolic capabilities of the nasal mucosa should also be taken
`into account in toxicokinetic models intended to predict the
`fate of inhaled compounds.
`Steroid Metabolism by Nasal Mucosa
`Alternative routes of administration of steroids are
`needed especially for progesterone and testosterone, be-
`cause of their poor oral absorption. The nasal bioavailability
`after in vivo administration of the same dose of progesterone
`to rats was 100% (relative to iv), compared to only 1.2% for
`intraduodenal bioavailability (23). However, conflicting re-
`sults have been observed in in vitro studies in the rat nasal
`mucosa. Extensive metabolism and uptake of progesterone
`and testosterone are noted in the rat nasal mucosa in vitro
`(24). The pattern of metabolites shows that these steroids are
`reduced as well as hydroxylated at multiple positions. This
`discrepancy between the in vitro and the in vivo results could
`be due to rapid uptake of progesterone by the respiratory
`mucosa, which is less abundant in metabolizing enzymes
`than the olfactory mucosa.
`In addition to the cytochrome P-450 enzymes, the fol-
`lowing oxidative Phase I enzyme activity have also been
`studied in the nasal epithelium.
`Flavin-Containing Monooxygenases and
`Aldehyde Dehydrogenases
`The monooxygenase activity is high in the nasal ethmo-
`turbinates of rabbit respiratory tract in the area of the olfac-
`tory mucosa, with levels exceeding those found in the liver
`(25). Aldehyde dehydrogenases I and II and formaldehyde
`dehydrogenase have also been detected in the nasal cavity of
`the rat (26). The specific activities of aldehyde dehydroge-
`nase II and formaldehyde dehydrogenase in homogenates of
`olfactory epithelia were higher than in respiratory epithelial
`Page 4 of 9
`Nasal Metabolism
`important for the inactivation of inhaled mutagens and car-
`cinogens. Reports indicate that a significant level of GST
`activity is located in the cytosol of olfactory and respiratory
`mucosa in humans. The specific activity was higher than that
`reported for a number of extrahepatic tissues (33), suggest-
`ing the potential of nasal mucosa in protection of the body
`against the toxic effect of compounds present in the inhaled
`air. The activities of the Phase II enzymes may be dependent
`upon the activated cofactor in these tissues (10,27). Quanti-
`ties of glutathione, on a per gram tissue basis, in rat nasal
`tissue were found to be about one-tenth those typically re-
`ported in rat liver. Thus, the reactive intermediates formed
`by the cytochrome P-450 enzymes could accumulate when
`available glutathione is exhausted by conjugation reactions.
`The above Phase I and Phase II enzymes have been
`studied in the nasal mucosa only for their toxicological im-
`portance, since it is the site for producing toxic metabolites
`from the inhalation exposure of environmental pollutants.
`This hypothesis seems very likely, since the cytochrome
`P-450 activity is higher in the nasal mucosa than any other
`site in the body, even the liver.
`This information can be useful when formulating a drug
`for nasal delivery. The earlier theory, that the nasal delivery
`eliminates first-pass metabolism in the liver, can be refuted,
`since the nasal mucosa could itself present a first-pass effect.
`The presence of esterases (28) in the nasal mucosa provides
`a unique opportunity to avoid the nasal first-pass effect by
`designing ester prodrugs for nasal delivery. The product
`would be rapidly absorbed through the nasal mucosa and
`metabolized by the esterases, and the parent compound
`would be available in the systemic circulation.
`The oral delivery of peptides and proteins has not been
`successful, primarily because of extensive digestion of these
`substances by protease and proteinases in the gastrointesti-
`nal tract. Consequently, alternative routes, e.g., via the na-
`sal mucosa, which are presumed to be deficient in these
`enzymes, are being investigated for peptide and protein de-
`livery. Some peptides can be absorbed in a systemically ef-
`fective quantity following transnasal administration (see Ref.
`34 and references therein). On the other hand, variable and
`low systemic absorption has also been reported for polypep-
`tide hormones with a large molecular size, such as insulin
`(34) and leutinizing hormone releasing hormone (35). Al-
`though the bioavailability of peptides and proteins from the
`nasal mucosa is substantially improved over the oral route, it
`is still far from optimal when compared to intravenous
`routes. This result may be attributed to the resistance en-
`countered by peptides and proteins in penetrating the nasal
`mucosa, as well as the susceptibility to degradation by pro-
`teases and proteinases that may be present in the mucosa.
`The inadequate bioavailability of peptides and proteins even
`in the presence of penetration enhancers suggests that there
`is another barrier, an enzymatic barrier, which limits absorp-
`tion. The mucosal membranes of the nasal cavity are known
`to have various types of peptidase and protease activities,
`including both exopeptidases and endopeptidases (36). Lee
`and co-workers (37,38) demonstrated that the proteolytic ac-
`tivities in homogenates of the mucosal tissues of the albino
`rabbit against methionine enkephalin, [D-Ala2]methionine
`enkephalinamide, substance P, insulin, and proinsulin were
`comparable to those in the ileum. On evaluation of the me-
`tabolism of the peptides enkephalin, leucine-enkephalin, and
`met-enkephalinamide in homogenates of nasal mucosa,
`was found that all the peptides disappeared rapidly (39), pre-
`sumably because of the action of aminopeptidases, dipepti-
`dyl peptidase, and dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase. Based on
`the fractions of amino acids obtained after metabolism of
`enkephalins, the authors felt that aminopeptidases were the
`principal peptidases mediating the hydrolysis of enkepha-
`lins. Thus, inhibition of the aminopeptidase should minimize
`enkephalin degradation. The authors cautioned, however,
`that the structural organization of the peptidases that con-
`tribute to the hydrolysis of enkephalins and other peptides
`and proteins can be destroyed upon homogenization. It is
`conceivable that significant differences in the susceptibility
`of a given peptide to hydrolysis could be discerned in vivo if
`the peptidases have different structural organization (39).
`In conclusion, aminopeptidase activity in the nasal mu-
`cosa has been found to be similar to that of the ileal mucosa
`in its subcellular distribution. Specifically, almost half of the
`aminopeptidase activity in the nasal mucosa of the albino
`rabbit is membrane bound (40). It has yet to be determined
`whether the membrane-bound aminopeptidases are active
`enough to de