`Coalition For Affordable Drugs XI LLC
`Exhibit 1007
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs XI LLC v Insys Pharma, Inc.

`RaNootu Houss
`Nnw Yonr

`Random House Webster's CoIIege Dictionary
`Copyright @ 2000 by Random House' Inc'
`A, rights reserved under lnternational and pan-American copyright conventions' No
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in'Publication Data
`Random House Webster's college dictionary
`p. cm.
`ISBN 0-375-42560-8
`ISBN 0-375-42561-5 (Deluxe EditionJ
`1. English language-Dictionaries
`PE162B.R28 1999
`l' Random House (Firm)
`Visit the Random House Reference & Information Publishing
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`Typeset and Printed in the United States of America
`Typeset Uy tire Random House Reference & information Publishing Group
`2000 Second Revised and Updated Random House Edition
`987 65432r
`April 2000
`ISBN: 0-375-42560-B
`ISBN: 0-375-42561-6 (Deluxe Editionl
`New York Toronto London Sydney Auckland
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`; weil-adjusteJ';,
`,i[i.|.,igJl,,1iii"B;i,,r*i",i,l i'JiTE;,l',ii^l#o;";"y-, abortions
`This term is a slur and must be 11870-7-5' AY"l) .. -
`.6." iiurol, n., pl. ab.os.
`u.bor.tite- (a.bor/tiv),.adi. 1. failing to succeedj unsuccessful: fruit-
`avoided. 1is used with otrn"rjii,Yt'iri"*;ili;;";;;i"il"r^rriimv '" -". " '
`"'" ":l_
`lilss: an aborttve rebeition.' 2. born piematureJy. 3. imperfectlv devel-
`-n. Australton slong: E-xtrcmely Dtsporagtng and offensbe. (a con- oped; -rudimentary .4' Droducins or intended to ploduce aboltion;
`iemptuous term used to reter to'an aioriJini.) [1905-10; Uv .ttoti"n- aboriifacient s' actlng tb halt orosress of a disease [1300-50; < L
`) arr A,urrBtrrc / L17ur-av' u] J'--'
`oborfwu. see ABoRr, -rval, adv. -a'borrtive'ness, n'
`^ing; see _ol
`ltBo system, . n. a ciassification of human biood into four major
` (o/bon), n. swedish name of Tumu.
`a.board [abdrdu,a bordt),adv. 1.onboardj on,in,orinloaship, pfi9i^*l l;1?;.3Y, I'basedonthepresenceonthesudaceo{red
`train, airylane, bus, etc.: AIL aboard! 2. alongside; to the,side. E.-inio 6lood cells of either of.two antigens, A or B, or their absetrce' o: used
`in determining compatibilitv foitransfusions [1940-451
`,a,o*'a-ni^ o^ati'i
`d group as a new member: rni
`orintotaboardashlp. [1350-1406i** a.bound (a 6ound/), 'l' a'bound'ed, a'bound'ing' 1' to occur or
`a.bbde, (abddl,n. l.aplaceinwhichapersonresides; ,-u,iiJnt"; :i':ll ql!:t^gl:.llit1::-numbers: astreamtnDhichtroutobound'
`-o*"rring;'r,o-u."2. an extlnaea^;;';;';;i";"i 'tJ"'.n. rrztjilibi ljl i:Ti't""i,il.l] ;:3#'is,Il":i.t?'r:J','fi]'# !ifi"Io3!,f#itli
`rats. tr3zs-zs: uB . t ia:iiai" to duernoiv : ab- in- + undare to
`l"JUffh3l#i :?'H1",
`i.boir G' ',!iy)', adj.,;a,. r."u"iri,e. !.'il " ,,"," or excitement ,lTiJiJilii4:";#:Y,':::Hi;lllllifS,Y;i11ior; in resard to:,
`il boi/ish).u/..-ished,-ish'ine.todoawavwirh(alaw'
`custom, condition, etc.) completely; put an end to; annul: to iaitun mystery obout hlm 3' near; close to: about my height: about sta
`ottori d' in or somewhere near: He is about the house 5' on everv
`slovery. 11425-75: Iate ME < l,|i''roiii.'1,i"i i.-.L{abotir .,"1i)'
`"r?r1- iia" oi; utouna 6' on or near (one's person): Ttley lost all they had
`lgre to destroy, eflace, put an end tol -
`ou u" infinitive): about to leave 9' here or
` (abla lishran.l, n. 1. the act of abolishing or the.state of 119 ":18:-1f-11:tl..j:!
`wand-er'about the retla l0 engaged in or occupied
`th:f" t19l o-l:
`being abolished. 2. lsometimes cap.) the legal termination 9I t't;;i
`face, destroy (cf. anorrsn) + ,tlo -rroNl -ab/o.liltion.arly, adj. ''
`pot"' Tho|s not what Life is all about -odv 12' near in time' num-
` (ab/a lishza niz/am)' n. the principle or policy oi Ler,'degree' etc;-approximately: about ftve mtLes from lrcre 13'
`nearly; ilmost: Dlnner ts about ready 14' nearby; not far off: He is
`abolition, esp. of slavery. l18oo-101
` (ab,a iish/a nr,tl,'n. r. (esp. prior to.trre civir,wdr *Zt:;;1'#i;",li"ii,iLT{,illiii',iii$i'ii'""1?tl;ll3}*;tl
`a person who advocated-or supported the abolition of slaveryin^the i"|'rilrt'ri.
`ir"i"'iria tn"t"; in or to varrous places: to move fuiltt-
`u.b z, -a person who favore.'the abolition of any law or practrce iirr"iiiirt';;;;;'t;;;'r"
`obout. '18. in rotation or successioni'alter-
`.$:il;i:3fr1'',:"d"'^iJ;"t*il';1tll'*" u*,. the.rourth. or true Xl"*l ilf J:i;l.""kf :'ll-'.';"',t":":Hj11*il"i'o;rryf,.i';,i;
`-tt*".ft of the;ow and other ruminanls, from which partially_fer. :;li;, S#;";;
`ot dawn. 22. in existence; current; preva-
`is passed to the sma'intestine 11700-1''
`i"#irlti fi",,;;z:n"=*na';m::**i#H1i?i'sg,::
`A-bomb (arbomz), n. AroMic BoMB. [1945]
`of :' a- a-l + bttan outside tsie sur')l
`nb.o.-"i (Jb-'a m5/. a bo/md), rt,. a ciry in Sw Bunlf;,:4i119; , ,^ about/ facer, inrerl. iused'as " .liir"ru command to perform an
` (a bom/a na bJl), ddi. 1. repuSnanlly nalelur; ue
`,hnut-f:.e) It8(10-651
`a bout/fas/, a bout/fas/; u. a bout/fas/), n., u.,
`testable; loathsome. 2. very unpleasant; disagreeable: abomLnobLe- .;;;;i-i;;a'in.
`t. very bad; poor in quality; iil.etiott- obomtnable raste. h '-iiiJa*-li"Jr"ii. j". i. ii" .ri,r" order drillj a 180' tum from the po-
`L abominaibtlts = obamtno(n) to !::.r. ':
`itoiiei ttzzs-is; ME
`sition of auenrion. z. " Jiiir-ii"i! .i*tie" i;porition, clirection or aiti-
`avert an iventuality, despis€ as a bad omen, abhor (see AB-, oMEN) -
`i;;;.':r.;.1.'io p"rfot- un'uuout-face: [18oo-65, amer.]
`u. -a'bomri'na'bly' adv
`-bllis -nrtl
`a.bove [a b\vt),'adv. i. in, ut, or to a higher place. 2. overhead or in
`Abom/inable Snow/man, n. YErl. [1920-25]
`the skv:' A flock of btrds ct;Ied above." 3. upstairs: the opartment
` (a bom/a Deta, v t-, -nat'ed, -nat'ing 1' to regard rOr*'' q. frii'h"i in rank, authority, or power: the officer above S.
`with intense aversion or loathin8: abhor. 2' to- feel distaste^ for: dis- f.i"fr"r i"'"";"t*iu ot nri"t .r, book; utth' 100 pages aid aboue. 6. be'
`like. [1B40-50; < L abomtnatus loathed, ptp. of abaminan See ABoM ioi" o, .uifi"r, eip. in a book or other piece of wdtinS: the rcmark
`rNterr, -an'] -3.!66/i.n3/191, 2.
`ouoted above. Compare serow (def. 6). 7. in or to heaven: Sone to her
` [a bom/e na/shan), n. l. something greatly disliked Ztiiitiii
`"tor".'8. higher ti"n zero on the temperature scale. 9'
`or abhorred. 2. intense aversion or loathing; detestation 3-' a vile or 2ool onthe upper or do"rsal side 10. upstage Compare eErow (def'
`ifrmetul action, condition, or habit. [1350-1400; ME < LL]
`-prep. 11. rr or to a higher place ihai; over: fo fly above.the
`6g.o.ral (ab6rral, -oyt-),adi. oppositetoorawayfromthemouth. ciouas.'i.moreinquantityoinumberthan:in-excesso'i:aLLchUdren
`[1855-60], siy.
`iior" 6 years ol age. 13. superior in rank, duthority_._or standing to.
`air.o.rig.i.nat (abza rijz3 nl), adj. 1..of or pertaining to aboriSines 2.
`be aboue suspicion. 15. of too fine a
`r+. not iuUlect or"ljable to:
`o.ieinaior earlieit known; native; indigenous. 3. (usu. cap) 9f_91n_e1; character for: aboue suchtrtckery. 16. rather-than; in preference to: to
`i.i3i"e r" ihe Aborigines of Ausrralid-. -tr. 4. ABoRrclNE. [1660 70] favor one child aboue the other. 17. b€vond, esp. north of: slx niles
`:a173.;igii.;airi.iy,"n., adu.
`obove Baltimore. 18. upstage of . -adj 19. said mentioned or wril-
`uU.o.rig.i."" (abz'a'rijr3 nc), [. 1. one of_the orjginal or earliest iun uUou"; foregoing: the a-bove explanatton.. -n 20. something that
`known-inhabitants of a country or region. 2. (usu. cap.) a member !l was said, mentioned, or written above. 21. the percon or persons pre'
`;;; ;f th";6Gi *no nt" tlri itori"ginat inhibitants of Australia.-3. viously indicated: The above uiIL stond tnal. 22. heaven: a gtft from
`a-U6rigines,'ttr" original, native fiu.a'or flora of a region. [15-40-50; obue' 71. a higher authority: an.order toT !!:rt.,-Idiom'
`iAongtnet a raci of_pie-Roman aLore all, mostimportantly; princip-ally.- [bef 900;-ME above(n)' OE
`Uiit ior.ition froil abongtnes
`obufan, onbufan (d-' on' i-' + bufa-n above = p!e) .sut + -ufa!'' c:
`italy, prob. a"ltei. of phrase aE oigine from the originl
`birrh; bef"ore being carried- out: oiiii',iro, o6, oAc obar(a), oN ofon above; akin to ovenJ; cf. upl
`i" udiziinsl,
`The scheme died. abomtng. -oaj. i. U"i"i born; comirig into being,
`fiw critics objbit to the'use of .asovr as an adjective (rhe
`-ui"S".'a [igao-:sia-,+ bori- abovefiata) orasanoun (studvtheabove)ln referringtowhathas
`fruition,orrealization: ar"riLiiaiiit"s.
`6e"n m"ntionea earlier in a piece of writing. Both uses, however,
`imiffes. for beigborn; seeBoRN, -rNG,l
`".f".i-i" UOtirt, i.i. 1. ro bring forth i fetus before it is viable. 2. to have long been standard.
`remain rudimentary, fait to d;?;i;;; ;r-;;;"bp ircompletely. 3. to a.bove.b"oard (a buvrb6rdr' -bord/), adu-' adj without tdcks' con-
`fuif oi riop at an jarly o, ptu*uiuri'riugu. a. ti tult to accoriplish a cealment, or dilguise; in the open [1610-20].
`military obiective lor any reason other ihan enemy action. 5. 1of a a.bove.grotnd (a buv/ground/), adj 1. situated on or above the
`.irr1.j t"'.t"p before the r"rr"a"f"a ttigiiiis completed. -u.t. 6. to ground.1. not secret, hidden; open .[1875-80] ..
`"iui"io Uring'totth (a fetus) before it ii viable. 7. to cause (a ptug- (a buv/men/shand), adi. mentioned above;
`io be delivered-of a nonviable fetus. 8. to cause to cease aforementioned. [1700-10]
`or end at an early or pr".utut.!,ui". g. io i"i-i.ut" (a mis_site flighl, 6! s.vo [ii! 6two: EnT. ab ozvo), adv Lattn from the beginning'
`*irrio", "Al beiore iompletion. -ln. 10. rhe termination of a missile Uit., from the eggl
`nieht, .isslon, elc., belore completion ll. a missile. rocket etc ' that a!P- archbishop
`rti?"u"ii"J li570-80: <Laborlus'ptp oloboin todisdppear'mis- abr" l abrid-ged 2-abridgment.
` [abzra ka dab/ra), n. 1. a mystical word used in in-
`+ oin to appearl
`cafiy = ab-
`cantations, on amrlets, etc., as a-magical means of warding off mis-
`a.bor.ti.fa.cient [e bor/ta iaTsiiant), ddj. 1. causing abortion. -n.
`2. a drug or device ror i.orcingil;iiiir".'trgzo-zsl "
`fortune, hirm, or illness. 2. any charm or incantation using nonsensi-
`"ut ot-tuppo.t"at1'-magical wbrds. 3' neaningless talk; gibberish;
`a.bor.tion (a b6r/shen),...'i.-irr"'i"*o't^l of in embryo or fetus
`^i1690-i700; < LL, prob <.LGkl . .
`2. any of uaiious proce- no.s"nse.
`from the uterus in order to
`duresforterminatinguprugn"'cattedspontaneousibor- a.brade [abradl,,.t,,.i.,a;brad'ed'a'brad'ing' 1'towearoffor
`tion. MrscAmrAGE (def. rt. +. ln im;"il;; ;il ;";"iaile fetus. 5. a down by scraping or rubbins. 2' to scrape or rub off [1670-80; < L
`malformed or monstrous p*roi'or'" u*.t"d aevetlme"i iaraauL,,: 'abl ae- + ladere to scrapel -a'bradta'ble' adj'
`of an embryo or an organ at a more or less early stage T' the stop- -a'brao'er' n'
`r i@F
`| 'n"!"'r't
`rdll ",M
`{ r:r
`Itr .ij(IS[
`Hrb.lli:i l!.!d

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