`Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Ltd., et al.
`Galderma Laboratories, Inc.
`Exhibit 1047
`Exh. 1047

`Copyright ©, 1982
`Williams & Wilkins
`428 East Preston Street
`Baltimore, MD 21202, U.S.A.
`Copyright © by William Woodland Company: 1911, 1st ed.; 1912, 2nd ed.; 1914, 3rd ed.; 1916, 4th ed.; 1918, 5th
`ed.; 1920, 6th ed.; 1922, 7th ed.; 1924, 8th ed.; 1926, 9th ed.; 1928, 10th ed.; 1930, 11th ed.
`Copyright © by Williams &_ Wilkins: 1933, 12th ed.; 1935, 13th ed.; 1939, 14th ed.; 1942, 15th ed.; 1946; 16th ed.;
`l949,_1_7th ed.; 1953, ‘18th'ed.; 1957, 19th ed.; 1961, 20th ed.; 1966, 21st ed.; 1972, 22nd ed.; 1976, 23rd ed.
`All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of this bookrmay be reproduced in any form
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`Made in the United States ofAmerica
`English Language Co-editions
`Asian 1967, 1972, 1976
`Indian 1967, 1973
`Taiwan 1972, 1978
`Translated Editions
`Greek 1976
`Indian 1977
`Japanese 1977
`Portuguese 1976
`Spanish (in press)
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Stedman, Thomas Lathrop, 1863-1938.
`Stedman’s Medical dictionary. -
`1. Medicine—Dictionaries. I. Title. II. Title: Medical dictionary. [DNLM: 1. Dictionaries, Medical. W 13
`R121.S8 1982
`ISBN 0-683-07915-8
`Composed and printed at the
`Waverly Press, Inc.
`Mt. Royal and Guilford Aves.
`Baltimore, MD 21202, U.S.A.
`Exh. 1047

`papillo’matous. Relating to a papilloma.
`Papillo’mavirus. A genus of viruses (family Papovaviri-
`dae) containing DNA (molecular weight
`5 X 106),
`including the papilloma and warts viruses of man and
`other animals. Virions are about 55 nm in diameter.
`Papillon, M. M. See P.-Lefévre syndrome.
`Papillon-Léage. See P.-L. and Psaume syndrome.
`(pap’i-lo-ret-i-ni‘tis). Retinopapillitis;
`papillitis with extension of the inflammation to neighbor-
`ing parts of the retina.
`tome, inci-
`papillotomy (pa-pil-lot’o-mi) [papilla + G.
`sion ]. An incision into the major duodenal papilla.
`papillula, pl. papillulae (pa-pi1‘u-lah, -le) [Mod. L. dim.
`of L. papilla]. A small papilla.
`Papin, Denis, French physicist, 1647-1714. See P.’s digest-
`po(lyoma) + va(cuolating) ]. A family of small, antigeni-
`cally distinct viruses that replicate in nuclei of infected
`cells; most have oncogenic properties. Virions are 45 to 55
`nm in diameter, nonenveloped, and ether-resistant; capsids
`are icosahedral with 72 capsomeres, and they contain
`double-stranded DNA (molecular weight 3 to 5' X 106).
`The family comprises
`the genera Papillomavirus and
`papovavirus (pi-po’v5_-vi'rus). Any virus of the family
`PAPP. Abbreviation for p- aminopropiophenone.
`Pappenheim, Artur, German physician, 1870-1916. See
`P.’s stain, Unna-P. stain.
`pap’pose, pap’pous [G. pappos, down]. Downy.
`[G. pappos. down]. The first downy growthof
`PAPS. Abbreviation for adenosine 3’-phosphate '5‘-phos-
`papula, pl. pap’ulae (pap’u-lah) [L. ]. Papule.
`pap'ular. Relating to papules.
`papulaftion. The formation of papules.
`papule (pap’fil)' [ L. papula. pimple]. Papula; a small, cir-
`cumscribed, solid elevation on only skin. growth;
`Celsus’ p.’s,
`lichen agrius.
`‘ follicular p., a papular lesion arising about a hair follicle;
`not specific for any condition.
`moist p., mucous p.,
`condylbma la_tum.
`split p.’s, p.’s at commissures of the mouth seen in some
`cases of secondary syphilis.
`[papule +' L: fero,
`to bear]. Having
`papulo- _ [L. papula, papule ]. Combining form denoting
`papuloerythematous (pap’u-lo-Er-Y-them‘a-tus,
`tus). Denoting an eruption of papules on an erythematous
`pap’ulopus’tular. Denoting an eruption composed of
`- papules and pustules.
`pap'ulopus'tule. A small semisolid skin elevation which
`rapidly evolves into a pustule.
`The occurrence of numerous widespread
`a chronic papular and ulcerative
`lymphomatoid p.,
`variant of pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta
`characterized by dermalrvasculitis with heavy perivascular
`infiltrations by atypical mononuclear cells suggestive of a
`lymphoma; it is usually benign.
`' malignant atrophic p., Degos’ or- Kiihlmeier-Degos
`disease; a cutaneovisceral
`syndrome characterized by
`pathognomonic umbilicated porcelain-white papules with
`elevated telangiectatic annular borders. followed'by the
`developmengof intestinal ulcers which perforate, causing
`peritonitis; arterioles in the lesions are occluded by
`endothelial proliferation; it leads to progressive neurologi-
`cal disability and death.
`papulosquamous (pap’u-lo-skwa'mus)
`[papulo- » + L.
`. squamosus, scaly (squamous) ]. Denoting an eruption
`composed of both papules and scales.
`pap'uloves’icle. A small semisolid skin elevation which
`evolves into a blister.
`papil'liform. Resembling or shaped like a papilla.
`papillitis (pap’i—li’tis) [papilla + G. suffix -itis, inflamma-
`tion ]. Inflammation of the optic disk or renal papilla.
`renal papillary necrosis.
`necrotizing p.,
`papillo- [ L. papilla, q. v. ]. Combining form denoting papil-
`la, papillary.
`papilloadenocystoma (p5-pil'o-ad-é-no-sis-to’mah). A be-
`nign epithelial neoplasm characterized by glands or gland-
`formation of
`and finger-like
`projections of neoplastic cells covering a core of fibrous
`connective tissue.
`papillocarcinoma (pa-pil’o-kar-si-no’mah) [papilla + G.
`karkimima, cancer].
`1. A papilloma that has become
`is characterized by
`malignant. 2. A carcinoma that
`finger-like projections of neoplastic cells in
`association with cores of fibrous stroma as a supporting
`papilloma (pap-T-lo’mah) [papilla + G. suffix -oma. tu-
`mor ]. Papillary tumor; villoma; a circumscribed benign
`epithelial tumor projecting from the surrounding surface;
`more precisely, a benign epithelial neoplasm consisting of
`villous or arborescent outgrowths of fibrovascular stroma
`covered by neoplastic cells.
`p. acumina’tum,
`condyloma acuminatum.
`p. canalic’ulum, a papillomatous benign tumor arising
`within the duct of a gland.
`canine oral p., warts affecting mucous membranes of
`young dogs, caused by a papillomavirus.
`p. diffu’sum, widespread occurrence of p.’s.
`duct p.,
`intraductal p.
`p. du’rum,
`hard p.; a wart, corn, or cutaneous horn.
`fibroepithelial p.,
`skin tag.
`hard 1)., p. durum.
`Hopmann’s p., Hopmann’s polyp; a papillomatous
`overgrowth of the nasal mucous membrane.
`infectious p. of cattle, cattle warts; single or multiple
`- rough nodules on the skin and mucous membranes caused
`by a papillomavirus;
`in young cattle, which are most
`susceptible. they are most numerous on the head, neck. and
`shoulders; in cows they usually affect the udder and teats.
`p. inguina’le trop’icum,
`a cutaneous eruption, occurring
`in Colombia, characterized by numerous slender pink
`vegetations in, the inguinal. region.
`intracystic p.,
`a p. growing within a cystic adenoma,
`filling the cavity with a mass of branching epithelial
`intraductal p., duct p.; a small, often impalpable, benign
`p. arising in a lactiferous duct and frequently causing
`bleeding from the nipple.
`p. mol'le,
`soft, p.
`a papillomatous
`p. neuropath'icum or neurot’icum,
`eruption or growth following the course of a nerve.
`rabbit p.,
`see Shope p.
`rabbit oral p., a virus disease of rabbits characterized by
`nodules located usually on the lower surface of the tongue,
`but never on the skin as in Shope p.
`Shope p., a common wart of the wild cottontail rabbit of
`North America. caused by a papillomavirus.
`soft p., p. molle; (l) a p. with only a thin layer of horny
`epithelium; (2) any small soft growth; e.g., a soft mole or
`transitional cell p., a benign papillary tumor of transi-
`tional epithelium; in the urinary tract it is called transition-
`al cell carcinoma (q. v.), grade 1, because of the likelihood
`of its recurrence.
`p. vene’reum, condyloma acuminatum.
`villous p.,
`villous tumor; a p. composed of slender.
`finger-like excrescences occurring in the bladder or large
`intestine. or from the choroid plexus of
`the cerebral
`ventricles; villous p.’s of the colon are usually sessile and
`frequently become malignant.
`zymotic p., yaws.
`papillomatosis (pap’i-lo-ma-to’sis). 1. The development of
`numerous papillomas. 2. Papillary projections of
`epidermis forming a microscopically undulating surface.
`subareolar duct p.,
`adenoma of the nipple; a benign
`tumor which may clinically resemble Paget’s disease, but
`which is a papillary or solid growth of columnar and
`myoepithelial cells producing a florid pseudoinfiltrative
`Exh. 1047

`pus [ L. ]. A fluid product of inflammation, consisting of
`3 liquid (liquor puris) Containing leukocytes (p. corpuscles)
`and the debris of dead cells and tissue elements liquefied
`by the proteolytic and histolytic enzymes (e.g.,
`protease) that are elaborated by polymorphonuclear leuko-
`blue p., p. tinged with pyocyanin, a product of Pseudomo-
`mzs aerugmosa.
`cheesy p., a very thick almost solid p. resulting from the
`absorption of the liquor puris.
`curdy p., p. containing flakes of caseous matter.
`green 11.. blue p. when, as sometimes happens, it has more
`of a green hue.
`ichorous 1)., thin p. containing shreds of sloughing tissue,
`and sometimes of aifetid odor.
`laudable p., a term formerly used when suppuration was
`considered a desirable stage in wound healing.
`sanious p.,
`ichorous p. stained with blood.
`pustula (pus’tu-lah) [L. ]. Pustule.
`pustulant (pus’tu’-lant). l. Causing a pustular eruption. 2.
`An agent producing pustules.
`pustular (pus’tu-lar). Relating to or marked by pustules.
`pustulation (pus'tu-la’shun). The fonnation or the pres-
`ence of pustules.
`pustule (pus'tfil) [L. pustula]. A small circumscribed ele-
`vation of the skin, containing purulent material.
`malignant p., cutaneous anthrax.
`postmortem p., an ulcer. on the knuckle usually, resulting
`from infection during a dissection or the performance of an
`an epidermal p. formed by
`spongiform p. of Kogoj,
`infiltration of neutrophils into necrotic epidermis in which
`the cell walls persist as a spongelike network; seen in
`pustular psoriasis.
`pustuliform (pus'tu-li'-form). Having the appearance of a
`pustulocrustaceous (pus’tu-lo-krus-ta’shus). Marked by
`pustules crusted with dry pus.
`pustulosis (pus-tu-lo'sis) [ L. pustula, pustule.. + G. suffix’
`-osis, condition ]. 1. An eruption of pustules. 2. Te
`occasionally used to designate acropustulosis.
`p. vaccin’iformis acu’ta,
`eczema herpeticum.
`putamen (pu-ta’men) [ L. that which falls off in pruning, fr.
`puto, to prune] [ NA]. The outer, larger, and darker gray
`of the three portions into which the nucleus lentiformis is
`divided by laminae of white fibers; it is connected with the‘
`caudate nucleus by intervening bands of gray substance
`that penetrate the internal capsule. Its histological struc-
`ture is similar to that. of the caudate nucleus with which
`together it composes ‘the striatum. See alsocorpus striatum;
`nucleus lentiformis.
`James J., Boston neurologist,‘ 1846—19:l8. See
`_P.-Dana syndrome.
`putrefaction (pu’tri-fak’shun)A [L. putre-facio, pp. -factius,
`to make rotten ]. Decay (2); decomposition or rotting, the
`breakdown of organic matter usually by bacterial action,
`resulting in the formation of other substances of less
`complex constitution with the evolution of ammonia or its"
`derivatives and hydrogen sulfide; characterized usually by
`the presence of toxic or malodorous products.
`putrefactive (pu'tri-fak'tiv). Relating to or causing,pu-
`putrefy ,(pu’tri-fi). To cause to become, or to become,
`putrefying (pu’tri-fi’ing). UndergoingVputrefaction,
`putrescence (pu-tres’ens). The state of putrefaction.
`putrescent (pu-tres'ent) [L. putreseo, to grow rotten, fr.
`puter. rotten ]. Denoting. or in the process of, putrefaction.
`putrescine (pu-tres’En). .A poisonous amine (polyamine),
`1,4-diaminobutane, NH2(CHz)4NH2,
`formed from the
`amino acid, arginine, during putrefaction.
`pu'trid [L. putridus]. 1. In a state of putrefaction.
`Denoting putrefaction.
`Putti, Vittorio, Italian surgeon,
`l880—l940. See P.-Platt
`operation, procedure.
`PUVA. Abbreviation for oral administration of gsoralen
`and subsequent exposure to long wavelength ultraviolet
`light (uv-a); used to treat psoriasis.
`PVP. Abbreviation for polyvinylpyrrolidone.
`PWIVI. Abbreviation for pokeweed mitogen.
`pyarthrosis (pi-ar-thro’sis) [G. pyon, pus, + arthrésis, a
`jointing]. Suppurative arthritis.
`pycno-. For words so beginning, see under pykno-.
`pyel-. See pyelo-.
`pyelectasis, pyelectasia (pi-E-1ek’ta-sis, pi-E-lek-ta'zT-ah)
`[pyel- + G. ektasis. extension]. Dilation of the pelvis of
`the kidney.
`pyelit’ic. Relating topyelitis.
`pyelitis (pi-E-li’tis) [ pyel-‘ + G. suffix -itis, inflammation ].
`1. Inflammation of the renal pelvis. 2. Obsolescent term for
`pyelo-, pyel- [G. pyelos, trough, tub, vat (pe1vis).,PYEL ].
`Combining‘ forms denoting pelvis, usually the renal
`pyelocaliceal (pi’é-lo-kal’i’-se’al). Pyelocalyceal; relating to
`the renal pelvis and calices.
`pyelocaliectasis (pi’e-lo-kal‘T-ek't§-sis). ' Calicectasis.
`py’elocal’yce’al. Pyelocaliceal.
`pyelocystitis (pi-E-lo-sis-ti'tis) [pyelo- + G. kystis, blad-
`der, + suffix -iris. inflammation]. Inflammation of. the
`renal pelvis and the bladder. ,
`pyelofluoroscopy (pi’E-lo-flfir-os'ko-pi)
`[pyelo- + L.
`to flow, + G.
`to view ]. Fluoroscopic
`examination of the renal pelves. usually with a contrast
`A roentgenogram of the renal pelvis and
`[pyelo- + G. graphfi,
`pyelography (pi'E-log’ra-fi)
`write]. Pelviureterography;
`pyeloureterogi-aphy;‘ ure-
`the kidney and
`radiologic study ‘of
`renal collecting system, usually performed with the aid of
`a contrast agent.
`antegrade p., antegrade urography in which the contrast
`medium is injected into the renal calices or.~pelvis.
`pyelolithotomy (pi’é-lo-li-thot’o-mi) [pyelo- + G. Iithos.
`Stone: + tome". incision]. Pelvilithotomy.‘
`pyelolymphatic (pi'é-lo-lim-fat’ik). Pertaining to the lym-
`phatics of the renal pelvis.
`pyelonephritis (pi’E-lo-ne-fri’tis) [pyelo- + ‘G. nephros,
`kidney, + suffix -itis,
`inflammation ]. Nephropyelitis;
`inflammation of the renal parenchyma, calyces, and pelvis,
`particularly due to local bacterial infection:
`acute p., acute inflammation of the renal parenchyma and
`pelvis characterized by small cortical abscesses and yellow-
`ish streaks in the medulla due to pus in the collecting
`tubules and interstitial tissue.
`ascending p., p. due to bacterial infection from the lower
`urinary tract, particularly by reflux of infected urine.
`bacillary p. of cattle, a specific, necrotizing inflammation
`of the kidney pelvis and ureters of cattle,-caused by
`infection with Corynebacterium renale.
`chronic 1).,
`chronic inflammation of. the renal paren-
`chymay and pelvis resulting from bacterial infection,-chap
`acterized by calyceal deformities and overl.ying large flat
`renal scars with patchy distribution.
`xanthogranulomatous p., a chronic inflammatory condi-_
`tion diffusely involving the entire'kidney and usually
`resulting in a grossly enlarged and functionless kidney
`which can grossly resemble a neoplasm or tuberculosis;
`is characterized by an inflammatory
`reaction with numerous lipid-laden,
`foamy histiocytes
`mixed with lymphocytes and plasma cells to form multiple
`pyelonephrosis '(pi’E-lo-ne-fro’sis) [pyelo- + G. nephros,
`kidney, + suffix -osis, condition].
`1 Any disease of the
`pelvis of the kidney.
`pyeloplasty (pi’é-lo-plas-ti) [pyelo- + G. pIass6, to’fas’h-
`ion ]. Aplastic or reconstructive operation on the kidney
`pelvis to correct an obstruction.
`capsular flap p., a reconstructive procedure for correction’
`of uteropelvic obstruction, whereby a flap of renal capsule
`is swung down from the renal hilus to enlarge an
`obstructed intrarenal pelvis and ._upper ureter; used to
`-correct situations involving loss of renal pelvic tissue which
`preclude the use of renal pelvis for-.the reconstruction. .
`Exh. 1047

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