CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776
`ANACOR EX. 2014 - 1/3

`by ii
`A Harcourt Health Sciences Company
`The Curtis Center
`Independence Square West
`Philadelphia, PA 19106
`Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary.
`Philadelphia: WB. Saunders Co.,
`v.: ill.; 27 cm.
`Began publication with 23rd ed.
`Description based on: 26th ed.
`Continues: American illustrated medical dictionary.
`I. Dor]and,W.A. Newman
`1. Mediclne——Dictionaries.
`(William Alexander Newman), 1864-1956.
`[DNLM: ]. Dictionaries, Medical.
`2. Reierence Books,
`Library of Congress
`Chiel Lexicographer: Douglas M. Anderson, MA
`Leidcographers: Jeiierson Keith, MA
`Patricia D. Novak, PhD
`Pronunciation Editor: Michelle A. Elliott, BA
`Listed here are the latest translated editions oi this book together with the languages for the translations and the
`Chinese (23th Ea‘ition)—Xi‘an World Publishing Corp., Xi'an, China
`Indonesian (26th Edition)—-E1.G.C. Medical Publishers, Jakarta, Indonesia
`Italian (280: Ed:‘rion)——-Edizioni Scientifiche Internazionali (E51), Milan. Italy
`Japanese (2305 Edition)—Hirolcawa Publishing Company, Tokyo, Japan
`Portuguese (23th Edition)——-Editiora Manole Ltda., sao Paulo, Brazil
`Spanish (23th Edition) (Adaption)—McGraw-Hill-Interarnericana de Espafia. Madrid, Spain
`D0|‘l&11d'slllustrated Medical Dictionary
`ISBN 0-7215-6254-4 (Standard)
`0-7015-3251-3 (Deluxe)
`03089-2l8[¥X (International)
`© 2000 by w
`1909, 1911' 1 -B. Saunders Company. Copyright 1900, 1901, and 1903 by WB. Saunders and Company. Copyright 1906,
`913.1915, 1917. 1919, 1921, 1923, 1927, 1929,1932
`1985 1988
`,1935, 1933, 1941, 1944, i947, I951, i957. 1955, I97-'-1.1981,
`. and 1994 by WB. Saunders Company.
`ggglygidghl Under the Uniform Copyright Convention. Simultaneously published in Canada. All copyright renewals F63-
`‘*3 Teservados coniorme a la ley para la Republlca Mexlcana.
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`ANACOR EX. 2014 - 2/3
`ANACOR EX. 2014 - 2/3

`bi-nu-cle-at {bi-noo'kle-ar) [bi + nuclear] having two nuclei.
`bi-nu-cle-ate (bi—noo’kle-at] binuclear.
`bi-nu-cle-a-tinn (bi"noo-irfe-a'shan)
`the formation of two nuclei
`within a cell through division oi the nucleus without division of the
`bi-nu-cleo-late [bi-noo-kle'o—lat) [bi- + L. nucleolus] having two
`|1io- [Gr. bios life] combining form denoting relationship to life. or to
`living organisms.
`the science dealing with the com-
`bio-acous-tics (bi"oa-koo'stiks)
`municating sounds made by animals.
`bio-ac-live (bi"o-ak’tiv) having an eifect on or eliciting a response
`from living tissue.
`a modification of the activated
`bio-aer-a-tion (bi"o-ar-a'shan)
`sludge method of purilying sewage.
`bio-amine (bi’o-a-men") biogenic amine.
`bio-am-in-ervgic (bi”o-am"in-ar’jik]
`of or pertaining to neurons
`that secrete biogenic amines.
`bio-as-say (bi"o-as'a) [bio— + assay] determination of the active
`power of a sample of a drug by noting its elfect on a live animal or
`an isolated organ preparation. as compared with the efiect of astan-
`dard preparation; called also biological assay.
`bio-as-tro-nau-tics (bi"o-as"tra-nawt'il-ts)
`the science concerned
`with study of the effects of space and interplanetary travel on living
`the degree to which a drug
`bio-avail-a-hil-i-Iy (bi”o-.:»val";rbil'i-te)
`or other substance becomes available to the target tissue after ad-
`the relation of
`bio-calia-Iyst (bi“'o-kat'a-list) enzyme.
`bio-ca-no-sis (bi"o~se-no’sis) [blo- + cerro-3 4- -sis]
`diverse organisms that live in association.
`bio-ce-not-ii: (bi"c»se-not'ik) characterized by biocenosis.
`bio-chem-is-try [bi"o-l-tem'is—tre)
`[bio- + chemistry] [MeSH: Blo-
`the chemistry of living organisms and of vital pro-
`cesses; physiological chemistry.
`bio-che-mar-phic (bi"o-ice-mor‘fik) pertaining to biochemorphol-
`the study of the re-
`bio-che-mot-phol-o«gy (_bi"0—ke-mor-fol':)—je)
`lationship between chemical constitution and biological action.
`bio-cl-dal {bi"c»si'dal} pertaining to that which kills living orga-
`the quality of being
`a colloid from animal.
`an agent that kills living organisms.
`bio-cide (bi'o-std)
`bio-cli-mat-ics {bi"o-kli-mat’il-ts)
`‘bio-cli-ma-tol-0-gist (bi"&kli"m;>tol‘z»jist) an individual skilled in
`bio-cli-ma-tol-o-gy [bi”o-ldi"ma-tol'a-]e) [bio + climatology]
`science devoted to the study of effects on living organisms of con-
`ditions of the natural environment (rainfall. daylight. temperature.
`humidity. air movement) prevailing in specific regions oi the earth.
`See also biorneleoroiogy.
`bio-coe-no-sis (bi"'o—se-n0'sis) biocenosis.
`bio-col-Ioid (bi"o-kol'oid) [bio- + colloid]
`plant. or microbial tissue.
`bio-corn-pal-i-bil-i-ty (bi"o-kom-pat"i—hil'i-te)
`biotcornopat-i-ble (bi"c»korn-pat’i-bal) being harmoniouswithlife;
`not having toxic or injurious ellects on biological iunction.
`bio-cy-her-net-ics (bi"osi"bar—net'il-ts)
`the science of communi-
`cations and control in animals.
`the rhythmic repetition ofcer-
`bio-cyecle (bi"o-si’kal) [blO- + cycle]
`tain phenomena observed in living organisms.
`bio-cy-tin (bi’*o-si'tin)
`biotin in amide linkage with the earrrino
`group of lysine. as occurs in the holoenzymes for which biotin is
`the coenzyme.
`susceptible oi decomposi-
`bio-cle-grad-a-ble {bi"o-de-grad'a-bal)
`tion by natural biological processes. as by the action of bacteria.
`plants. animals. etc.
`bio-deg-ra-da-tion (bi"o{|eg"r:i-ria'shan) [MeSH: Biodegradation]
`the series of processes by which living systems render chemicals
`less noxious to the environment.
`bio-do-Iririus (bi”o—de-tri’tas) detritus derived from the disinte-
`gration and decomposition of once-living organisms; further desig-
`nated as phytodetritus or zoodetritus. depending on whether the
`original organism was vegetal or animal.
`ANACOR EX. 2014 - 3/3
`having two angles; a dental instrument
`-n we angulations in the shank connecting the handle. or shaft.
`ism“ the working portion of the instrument. known as the blade. or
`:.i[']l'l8‘IT {bi’nar-e) [L. binaries of two]
`1. made up of two elements.
`I‘ 2 denoting a number system with a base of two.
`hi_na“.m| (bi—naw’ral) [bin- + aural] pertaining to both ears; called
`._. also binolic.
`c-u-Iar (bi"naw-rik'u-lar) [bin- + auricular] biauricular.
`inn.-,| (bind)
`l. to wrap with a binder or bandage. 2. to form awealc.
`reversible chemical bond. e.g.. antigen to antibody or hormone to
`3. a predicament or dilemma.
`double h., a situation in which one person receives conflicting mes-
`sages from another and in which response to either message. rec-
`ggnition oi the conflict. or withdrawal is met with rejection or dis-
`"approval; thought to be a characteristic mode of interaction in some
`. ufamllies of schizophrenics and in other dysfunctional families.
`331113,, foot pain and lameness in a horse due to a horseshoe nail
`:|1aVing been driven close to, but not into. the soft tissue. ii a nail
`'-‘penetrates soft tissue, the condition is called pricked fool or nail
`5'.' (bind’ar)
`an abdominal girdle or bandage. especially one
`applied after childbirth to support the relaxed abdominal walls.
`gfiiqggg-a-live (bi-neg’a-tiv) having two negative charges. especially
`.'in ions such as 503‘.
`hinge {binj.’)
`l. a period of uncontrolled or excessive self-indulgent
`.-t.-activity. particularly of eating or drinking. 2. to engage in such ac-
`‘ tivity. See also under eating.
`hinge-lng (binfing) engaging in a hinge. particularly of eating; see
`also binge eating, under eating.
`Bi-net’: test (be—naz’) [Allred Binel, French psychologist. 1857-
`see under lesl.
`[Ii-net-Si-mon test (be-na’-se~maw') [A Binel; Theodore Simon,
`French physician. l373—l96l] Binet‘s test.
`Bing's test (binge) [Albert Bing. German otologist, 1344-1922] see
`under lest.
`"Bing-Neel syndrome (hing-rial) [lens Bing, Danish physician. born
`1906; Axel Valdemar Neel, Danish physician, 1878-1952] see under
`an antibacterial substance pro-
`_|Iin-ir-a-my-cin (bi-ner"a-mi'sin)
`‘ duced by a variant of Slreplomyces bikiniensis.
`[biir- + ocular]
`l.pertaining to both
`eyes. 2. having two eyepieces. as in a microscope.
`-'9"-l""*‘3‘|‘||i'=I1 (bi-nr'im'e-al) [bi'— + L. nomen name]
`1. composed of two
`_-. names. as the scientific names of organisms {ormed by combination
`‘=13’ genus and species names (binomial nomenclature).
`2. a mathe-
`. Eflfillcal expression obtained by taking powers of the sums or dil-
`.- fences 0! two terms; see binomial coefficient and distribution. un-
`El’ coeffic.-enl and dislribrilion.
`"""°Dh-Ihal-mo-scope (bin"oi-thal'm;)-skfip) (am- + opmimima
`' 59099] an ophthalmoscope for examining both fundi of the patient
`at one time’
`an instrument [or
`' h'i':l':1'*°°P|§ [lJin'o-skop) [L. bini two 4- -scope]
`Cenlgclnfl binocular vision in squint by presenting one object in the
`'3' Part of the field of vision. the peripheral parts of the field
`“lg screened out.
`" °‘ “= (bin-ot'iir) [bin— + oric] binaural.
`IEI|'|Iuv.u |
`’ 3', (hin4:iv'u-lar) [birr— + ouular] pertaining to or derived
`mm “V0 distinct ova.
`“"3 ‘''"''''9'eI''s disease (dementia, encephalitis} (bin'
`E\:3:"3‘?'l') [Otto Binswonger. German neurologist. l852—1929] see
`1‘ disetise.
`Binangle chisel.
`‘ _bm]a3ilia1'Y
`,.i|-Iary (bi-ma'k’si-lar"e) pertaining to or affecting both jaws.
`fig appliance (bim’lerz) [H.P. Bimler. German orthodontist.
`see under appliance.
`(bi-rrro'dal) having two modes; of a graph. having two
`0.13;;-u-lar {bi"mo-lek'u-lar)
`relating to or formed lrorn two
`ANACOR EX. 2014 - 3/3

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