PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D July 21, 2016
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` _________________________
` _________________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner
` Case No. IPR2015-01776
` Patent No. 7,582,621
` Case No. IPR2015-01780
` Patent No. 7,767,657
` Case No. IPR2015-01785
` Patent No. 7,767,657
` Deposition of PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D.
` Washington, D.C.
` Thursday, July 21, 2016
` 8:36 a.m.
` Volume 1
`Job No. MP-091088
`Pages 1 - 205
`Reported by: Karen Young
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions - Minnesota
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776, CFAD EXHIBIT 1048

`PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D July 21, 2016
`Page 2
` Deposition of PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D., held
`at the offices of:
` 850 Tenth Street, Northwest
` Washington, D.C. 20001
` (202) 662-6000
` Pursuant to notice, before Karen Young,
`Notary Public of the District of Columbia.
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions - Minnesota
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776, CFAD EXHIBIT 1048

`PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D July 21, 2016
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 1801 California Street
` Suite 3300
` Denver, Colorado 80202-2654
` (303) 357-1670
` One CityCenter
` 850 Tenth Street, Northwest
` Washington, D.C. 20001-4956
` (202) 662-6000
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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776, CFAD EXHIBIT 1048

`PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D July 21, 2016
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` C O N T E N T S
` By Dr. Fletcher............................. 6
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1 Notice of Deposition,
` IPR2015-01776.............................. 18
`Exhibit 2 Notice of Deposition,
` IPR2015-01780.............................. 19
`Exhibit 3 Notice of Deposition,
` IPR2015-01785.............................. 20
`Exhibit 2034-1 Declaration of Paul J. Reider,
` Ph.D., IPR2015-01776....................... 28
`Exhibit 2034-2 Declaration of Paul J. Reider,
` Ph.D., IPR2015-01780....................... 29
`Exhibit 2034-3 Declaration of Paul J. Reider,
` Ph.D., IPR2015--1785....................... 29
`4 5
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`Exhibit 20 Article by Segal et al............ 146
`Exhibit 1001 U.S. Patent No. 7,582,621......... 73
`Exhibit 1001 U.S. Patent No. 7,767,657......... 73
`Exhibit 1002 International Patent
` Application, WO 95/33754.................... 127
`Exhibit 1003 U.S. Patent Application
` Publication US 2002/0165121 A1.............. 131
`Exhibit 1004 International Patent
` Application, WO 03/009689................... 140
`Exhibit 2005 Article by Baldock et al.......... 192
`Exhibit 2007 Article by Lefkovits and Topol.... 194
`Exhibit 2008 Article by Grassberger,
` Turnowsky and Hildebrandt................... 197
`Exhibit 2030 Curriculum Vitae.................. 51
`Exhibit 2043 EPA Preliminary Investigation of
` Effects on the Environment of Boron,
` Indium Nickel, Selenium, Tin, Vanadium and
` their Compounds............................. 180
`Exhibit 2052 Paper by Soloway, Whitman and
` Messer, 11/20/59............................ 168
`Exhibit 2129 Editorial, "Proof of the Pudding". 165
`Exhibit 2130 Article by Soloway, Wright and
` Messer...................................... 169
`Exhibit 2131 Article by Soloway, Whitman and
` Messer, 10/11/61............................ 178
`Exhibit 2133 Article by Dominguez et al........ 182
`Exhibit 2134 Article by Fevig et al............ 185
`Exhibit 2135 Sax's Dangerous Properties of
` Industrial Materials, excerpt............... 187
`Exhibit 2136 Article by Vyakaranam et al....... 189
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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776, CFAD EXHIBIT 1048

`PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D July 21, 2016
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` having been duly sworn, was examined as follows:
` - - -
` Q. How are you today?
` A. Well, thank you. Yourself?
` Q. Good, thank you. So just let me formally
`reintroduce myself. So I'm Ryan Fletcher, counsel for
`petitioners in the underlying proceedings, and you are
`aware that your testimony today is actually addressing
`three different proceedings before the Patent and
`Trademark Office?
` A. I am.
` Q. Thank you. Have you had your deposition
`taken before?
` A. I have.
` Q. When was the last time?
` A. Probably 18 months ago.
` Q. Okay. So let me just touch base then on a
`couple of the procedural issues with a deposition.
`Sounds like you're going to be pretty familiar with
`most of them. First and foremost, just let me finish
`my question before you answer. The goal of the
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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776, CFAD EXHIBIT 1048

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`deposition is a clear record, and not -- and I don't
`want there to be any confusion. I don't think you
`want confusion. I don't want any confusion. So let
`me finish my questions before you answer and then
`please answer.
` If you don't understand anything I say, if
`it's ambiguous to you, if I'm talking too softly,
`which I'm prone to do, please let me know and we'll
`work with each other to clarify. If you need to take
`a break, just let me know. Happy to take a break at
`any time. My only request is that we don't take a
`break when a question's pending. Otherwise, you have
`to go to the bathroom, need something to drink, by all
`means let me know and we'll take a break. I think
`we'll probably end up breaking naturally every hour,
`hour and a half just depending on the flow of the
`deposition or when your counsel wants a break as well.
`Can you state and spell your full name for the record?
` A. I can.
` Q. Would you please?
` A. Yes, my name is Paul Joseph Reider.
`Spelling of last name is R-E-I-D as in David, E-R.
` Q. And what's your current address?
` A. My current address is 377 Walnut Lane,
`W-A-L-N-U-T, Lane, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.
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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776, CFAD EXHIBIT 1048

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` Q. And then one other important rule for IPR
`depositions, which is going to be a little bit
`different than probably your experiences with
`depositions in District Court, and that is, when we do
`take a break, whether it's for lunch or at the end of
`the evening, as long as my examination's still open,
`the IPR rules prohibit you from corresponding with
`your counsel about the substance of your testimony, so
`I would just ask that you refrain from doing that. If
`you do have a question about the substance of your
`testimony or you want to ask your counsel about
`something that's occurring during the deposition, I
`would just ask that you please include me in the
`conversation, okay?
` A. Yes.
` MR. BERMAN: Unless of course the matter
`involves whether some subject matter is confidential.
` Q. So you mentioned you had your deposition
`taken before, and you said the last time you had your
`deposition taken was 18 months ago. Can you tell me
`about that matter?
` A. I can.
` Q. Please do.
` A. I believe the timing is accurate. It would
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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776, CFAD EXHIBIT 1048

`PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D July 21, 2016
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`have been a deposition taken in Princeton, New Jersey
`for a Canadian case involving intellectual property of
`a -- an HIV protease inhibitor for the treatment of
` Q. And were you testifying on behalf of the
`plaintiffs or the defendants in that matter?
` A. On behalf of the innovator company, which
`would be the plaintiffs.
` Q. And did your opinions relate to whether the
`intellectual property was valid?
` A. In this case they related to whether the
`intellectual property was infringed.
` Q. So no opinions on validity.
` A. For that deposition, I don't recall opinions
`on validity.
` Q. Okay. Have you ever given a deposition
`relating to intellectual property in another case?
` A. I have.
` Q. How many times? Let me -- let me rephrase
`the question. How many different cases?
` A. The HIV drug involved a number of different
`venues. If we view that as one case, as an expert,
`I've given testimony or depositions in a total of
`three cases.
` Q. So two additional cases on top of the HIV
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`protease case?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. So sounds like you gave multiple
`depositions in the HIV protease case?
` A. That would be correct.
` Q. And your testimony in the HIV protease case
`was always for the plaintiffs, and always
`concerning -- well, I'll let you answer that first.
`Always for the plaintiffs?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And always concerning infringement.
` A. No.
` Q. What was the substance of the other
` A. The other testimony --
` Q. In the HIV case, yes.
` A. To nonobviousness.
` Q. So then you did give testimony in the HIV
`protease case on the topic of validity.
` A. I did.
` Q. Okay. And was the patent held valid?
` A. It was.
` Q. Okay. So you mentioned two other cases
`other than the HIV protease case.
` A. That's correct.
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` Q. Can you give me -- let's take the first
`case. Did you testify on behalf of the plaintiffs or
`defendants in that case?
` A. The plaintiffs.
` Q. As to what topic?
` A. Canadian section 8 hearing with regard to
`the value -- economic value of lost sales.
` Q. So you did not offer any opinions on the
`validity or invalidity of any patent in that case.
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Okay. So it sounds like there was a third
` A. There was.
` Q. Did you offer opinions on validity in that
` A. I did not.
` Q. Have you ever testified at trial?
` A. I have.
` Q. And your testimony at trial was related to
`the three cases we've already discussed?
` A. It was.
` Q. Did you testify any other times at trial
`where you did not provide a deposition prior to trial?
` MR. BERMAN: Can I have the question again
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` - - -
` THE REPORTER: Question: "Did you testify
`any other times at trial where you did not provide a
`deposition prior to trial?"
` - - -
` A. No.
` Q. So you've never testified at trial on behalf
`of a defendant in a patent litigation case?
` A. Could you repeat the question please?
` Q. So you've never testified at trial on behalf
`of a defendant in a patent litigation case?
` A. That's incorrect.
` Q. Was that one of the three cases we've just
` A. Yes.
` Q. And which case was that?
` A. The cases -- consolidated case of Teva,
`Mylan, Lupin in New Jersey District Federal Court
`versus Janssen Pharmaceuticals on multiple patents
`with regard to the HIV protease inhibitor darunavir.
` Q. So I apologize. I'm a little confused. I
`thought in the HIV protease case, you just testified
`that you testified on behalf of plaintiffs as to
`validity and infringement.
` A. I did. Did I misunderstand your question?
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`Did you ask if -- I'm sorry, please repeat the
` Q. Have you ever testified -- have you ever
`offered opinions at trial relating to the invalidity
`of a patent?
` A. The invalidity.
` Q. Uh-huh.
` MR. BERMAN: Counsel, let me interpose an
`objection that this calls for a legal conclusion, and
`if you give me permission, I will explain the nature
`of my objection.
` Q. Your objection's noted. You can answer the
` A. I have not testified at trial with regard to
`my opinions on the patent being invalid.
` Q. But you have offered opinions on behalf of a
`party as to --
` A. I need to ask -- this is a confidential
`question. This is a matter that's currently ongoing
` Q. Uh-huh.
` A. -- that I'm uncomfortable answering your
`question because I have not yet provided a
`declaration, I have not yet been deposed, and I have
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`PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D July 21, 2016
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`not yet appeared at trial, but to make matters a
`little bit clearer for you, I am currently involved
`expressing opinions on behalf of -- in an antitrust
`case challenging the validity of a patent on behalf of
`the people challenging the patent.
` Q. Are any of your opinions in that case
` A. Not yet.
` Q. Okay, thank you.
` A. Sorry. You can understand why it was hard
`to answer.
` Q. So maybe you can help me. Maybe I'm
`misremembering. I remember reading the trial
`transcript, which I believe was your trial transcript,
`where you were offering opinions on behalf of a
`defendant as to a patent that was being asserted
`against that defendant.
` A. Could you please remind me of the case?
` Q. Yeah, I'll have to check on the break.
`Thanks. So we established you've offered deposition
`testimony related to intellectual property in three
` A. I believe that's accurate.
` Q. Okay, and you've offered trial testimony in
`one of those three cases?
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` A. In the U.S., trial testimony that I've done
`has occurred in court. The Canadian system makes it
`difficult for me to understand the difference between
`deposition and trial testimony and when it's used, so
`I -- with the caveat that the Canadian proceedings,
`which was very much similar to what we are doing
`today, could be construed as trial testimony.
` Q. Okay. Have you ever provided a declaration
`on behalf of a defendant in a patent case where you
`were not deposed?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many times, or how many different
` A. I believe once.
` Q. Okay. Can you explain to me the facts
`surrounding that?
` A. I can.
` Q. When was it?
` A. Approximately three years ago.
` Q. And what was the context of the setting?
` A. The validity of a composition of matter
`patent for an HIV drug in which the challengers
`questioned the validity of the patent.
` Q. And you were offering a declaration on -- in
`support of the challengers or of the patent holder?
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` A. In support of the innovator company patent
` Q. Okay. And you were never deposed and you
`never offered any testimony at trial.
` A. The challengers stipulated validity of the
` Q. Okay. So it was just infringement.
` A. The trial ended up being limited to
` Q. Okay, thanks. Have you ever participated in
`an IPR before? And by IPR, do you understand what I
`mean by that?
` A. I understand. I need clarification when you
`ask about participation.
` Q. Have you ever consulted with any party that
`was involved in an inter partes proceeding?
` A. I have.
` Q. Okay. Have you consulted on behalf of the
` A. No.
` Q. You've only consulted on behalf of the
`patent owner.
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Have you ever been involved in -- let me
`back up. Did you offer a declaration in that matter?
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` A. I did not.
` Q. Okay. Have you ever been involved in any
`other Patent Trial and Appeal Board proceeding?
` A. I'm not sure if that's two questions. Would
`you please repeat it?
` Q. Have you ever been involved in any other
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board proceeding? Do you
`understand what I mean by Patent Trial and Appeal
`Board proceeding?
` A. If it's an IPR --
` Q. Uh-huh.
` A. -- separate from --
` Q. Reexamination. Inter partes reexamination
`or ex parte reexamination.
` A. So with the caveat if you're asking have I
`participated as an expert, the answer is not to my
` Q. You've participated as an inventor?
` A. No.
` Q. How else have you participated?
` A. As a fact witness.
` Q. Okay. Have any of -- have any of your
`previous opinions been excluded by the court?
` A. Not to my knowledge.
` DR. FLETCHER: So directed to the -- direct
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`PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D July 21, 2016
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`to the court reporter, if we previously used an
`exhibit in a deposition and it's already marked, let's
`keep that exhibit number the same unless counsel
`objects. If it's been a previously served or filed
`exhibit, so it has an exhibit number on it, I'd like
`to keep that the same. If we run into any issues with
`overlapping exhibit numbers between inter partes
`proceedings, then we'll work at the time to clarify
`that. In this instance I'd like to introduce just the
`notice of deposition to Dr. Reider in the 1776
` - - -
` (Deposition Exhibit Number 1 was marked for
` - - -
` Q. And while the court reporter's marking
`exhibits for us, do you know what -- when I'm
`referring to the 1776 petition, do you understand that
`I'm referring to Case Number IPR2015-01776?
` A. This is on the '621 patent?
` Q. Yes.
` A. I do.
` Q. Okay. So -- and by '621 patent, you mean
`patent number 7,5 -- patent number 7,582,621?
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` A. I believe that's correct.
` Q. So we can agree today that if I call it the
`'621 patent or you call it the '621 patent, we're
`referring to United States patent number 7,582,621?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay, and could we also agree today that if
`I use the term the 1776 petition, that we'll be
`referring to the petition that relates to the '621
` A. That would be preferable. Thank you.
` DR. FLETCHER: Are you done marking this?
`Here you go. I'd like to introduce Exhibit Number 2
`for the Reider deposition, should be the notice of
`deposition for Case Number IPR2015-01780 relating to
`patent number 7,767,657.
` - - -
` (Deposition Exhibit Number 2 was marked for
` - - -
` Q. And Dr. Reider, the same shorthand, we can
`agree that the same shorthand for that petition can
`apply, so if I use the term 1780 petition, I'll be
`referring to the IPR that relates to the '657 patent?
` A. Yes.
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`PAUL J. REIDER, PH.D July 21, 2016
`Page 20
` DR. FLETCHER: Okay. I'd like to enter
`Deposition Exhibit Number 3, which is the notice of
`deposition in Case Number IPR2015-01785, relating to
`patent number 7,767,657.
` - - -
` (Deposition Exhibit Number 3 was marked for
` - - -
` Q. And Dr. Reider, we can agr

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