`C0NsIs'I‘ING 01* VII +1148 PAGES,
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 1/11
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 1/11

`|\.\'l \.\TlZll
`l‘Rl.\$, I\'('.,
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 2/11

`. ..
`The Proto.<teli<l:I—21 new order of the i\’I_\'CCtOZ02l, L1.\'n.s‘.-\\' S. Ol.I\'l£ .
`. ..
`The role of the inycologist in metlicine,
`I\'oI<.\1.\.\' F. Co.\'AN'1‘
`Notes on Cl2l\’2lI'l0l(l
`tungi. VI. Two new species and notes on the origin ot
`Clavuliim, RONALD H. P1:'rr.1<.x:1-:_\'
`. ..
`Puccinizt holcinzr and P. poarum redefinecl. H. C.
`(jlatalaxlz .v\.\'n
`(,iI~Z()R(‘.li H.
`. ..
`~ of
`\\'21I'l1]lll >‘ rates on the viabilitv of
`frozen t'un>‘ous s)ores, R. D.
`E ee
`l‘.I..\1l-ZR lt. D.-\\'1.~‘,
`.—\.\'n \\ I.\'1rIu~:1) BU'l"l‘El{I’Il£LI)
`. ..
`of Alternaria,
`and Ul0cla(li11111,
`li.\1o1<\' G.
`. ..
`Sporangial ge\r[mination of RT’l1_\'topl1tl[1%or%from pap21_\'a, MI.\'o1<L'
`Ross D.
`A onL1~:\',
`[NE .
`. ..
`Taxonomic studies in the .\‘[_\'.\'o1n_\'cetes
`I. The genus .\Iacl)ri(leola. Cox-
`S’l‘.\.\"l‘INli _l.
`. ..
`Some species of lxamhertella from Imlizl, V. P. Tl£\\'Al<[ .»\.\'l) D. C. P.—\.\"r
`The llltI‘;l.\‘lI't1Cttll‘C of meiosis
`in three species of
`Pl1_\'S£lI‘ll111, H1«:.\'1<\' L.
`. ..
`A[3'co1)z1i'nsitisi11 by Hz1si<liom_\'cetes
`in culture. N. T. Clm-‘1-‘rrn .\.\'1)
`Lycogala exiguum. G. \\'.
`l\l.»\n'r1N .
`. ..
`Rape seed extract agar: a new medium for production and detection of
`oospores of heterothallic species of Ph_\'tophthora, MoK1-n‘.—\u M. S.»\’l‘()l'R
`Two new members of the Pl1_\'sz11‘21les, Do.\u\I.1) T. Ko\\'.-\LsKI
`. ..
`Some cultural and ultrzlstructurztl aspects of Smittium culisetae (Trichom_\‘«
`from mosquito larvzle, D.-\\‘Ip F.
`l7.\m< .~\.\'n Roincm‘
`Review .
`No. 2.
`. ..
`\\". DI1~:1—1L
`Lawrence .\larion Ames (1900-1966),
`C0nspecificit_\' of Bz1si(lior2t(lulum (Radulum)
`rzulula and Corticium l1_\'(ln;ms,
`1\'lILl)Rl~ID K. N0lil.lC5 .
`. ..
`The o1'igi|1<of self—.<terile. cros.<—fertile strains and culture sterility in Cerz1to—
`cystis lnnhriata, R. K.
`\\"1:Iz.s"n-:I< ANI) E. E. B(,"I‘Ll€R
`. ..
`The inheritance of sexuality, color and colony type in Cer:1toc)'stis fimhriata.
`R. K.
`\\'I«:Ixs'1'I~:R .
`. ..
`Abnormal cell behavior
`in the heterothallic My.\’om_vccte Dl(l)’l1]lL1I1)
`L\.\' K. R()s.< .
`. ..
`The Nectriella element of "l"l_\‘ztlo(lotl1is," R1"r1—I
`I’lol<i\'1=.R AR.\'oLn .
`. ..
`A new geophilic Tricho[)l1_\'t0n, L1m~:1<o A_n:LLo .—\.\'I) SIIU-LAN Y. Cm:.\‘(;
`New records.
`taxa. and notes on high altitude, west American rust
`JOE l". HI«:.\'xI-:.\* .
`. ..
`CFAD V. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 3/11
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 3/11

`.\ new heterothallic l’ythium from southern United States, \\'. ;\. C.-\.\I|’l£l{|.l.
`.~\.\'n F. F. Hi~::\'niux, _lR.
`. ..
`A new type of nuclear life cycle in Hemileia vastatrix, R[t‘I—l.v\Rl) B. R.~\,I|4:.\‘—
`Structure and reproduction of Paraeoceidioides
`jofxo S. FI'R'r.\no_
`T1»IAI.i~:s tn; Burro,
`.\.\'n F.n.\'.-\ Flu-1\'.\1UI.I.l£R .
`. ..
`Hypoxylon multiforme: cytology of the ascus. _l:\CI( D. Ro(:i«:Rs
`. ..
`Central American Pezizales.
`II. The genus Coolceina,
`\\'n.1.1.»\.\1 C. Dr:.\'I.<oN 306
`Aleuriospore formation in four related Aspergillus species, R. S.
`I"o1u~: AND
`Ho\\'.-\k1) \\'. L.—\RsI—I
`. ..
`A new genus of .\'Iucorales,
`I).-\\-'11) M.»\i.i.ocn .
`. ..
`An electrophoretic survey of estcrases. phosphatases. and leucine aminopep—
`tidases in mycehal extracts 01 species of Aspergillus, K. H.
`.\.\'1) E. D. G.-\1<m-1R
`Sporoholomyces roseus.
`Notes on the genus Helvella in North America. H1«:.\:1<\‘ Dissixta AN!)
`Notes and Brief .~\rticles
`Comments on Suillus amahilis and Suillus lakei, ALliX;\.\'l)]~‘.I< H. S.\1rrII
`. ..
`a new genus of L'redinales, Gr-:ok<;r: B. Ct‘.\i.\|I.\'s .v\Nl)
`\\‘. B:\X'l‘l-IR .
`. ..
`:\ note on the mitotic apparatus in the rhizomorph meristem of
`laria mellea, _ll£I{0.\I12 J.
`. ..
`The 1961 Indiana Foray, \\'.\1. B1up(‘.r‘. Cooxr:
`. ..
`'l‘.\BLE or Co.\''1‘1:N'1‘s
`No. 3.
`.\I.»\1<\'1.\' D.
`Studies in the genus 'l‘0l_\'posporella, M. J. THi1<Lrx1.\1..\c1—1.\t<.
`. ..
`\VI—I1'rI-:In<:An, AND 1\IL'RIliL _l. O'BRIEN .
`Fungus spores in East African lake sediments.
`\".. Fiu~:n1-:I<IcK A.
`and planktonic Phyeomycetes
`from northern Micliigan, R.
`Penetration of wood cells hy special extensions of Pestalotia hyphae, Do.\'
`. ..
`The plasmodium of the myxomycete Licea biforis in agar culture. Co.\:sr.\NL’1-:
`\\"0l.I..\I.~\N A.\‘D CONS’I‘AN’l‘INE J. AI.l-ZXUP()L‘I.():‘.
`... .
`. ..
`Nticlea1' division in Saprolegnia as revealed by colehieine,
`.\'l1Ri.\.\1 K. SI.Il~‘Kl.\'
`Thalassiomyeetes. X. Variation in growth and reproduction of two isolates
`of Corollospora maritima, S. P.
`l\'[E\'ER>‘ .»\.\‘1) E. S(‘()'l‘T .
`. ..
`Two new species of clavarioid fungi, CHI-Z>'«TER R. LE;\THI~:R.\‘ AND 1-\l.l~Z.\I.-\Nl)l~ZR
`H. S.\I1'rI1 .
`. ..
`The Myxomyeetes of India—N\"lII. K.
`The Helotiales of India—\"l, K. S. THINI) .»\.\‘n S. S. SAINI
`. ..
`A new species of .-\nixiopsis, JOHN B. ROL"I‘lIi.\’
`. ..
`from larvae
`Zygospores and spore appendages of Harpella (Trielioinyeetes)
`of Simuliidae, ROBERT \\". LICII'l‘\\'ARDT .
`. ..
`Some effects of
`rare earth elements and yttrium on microbial growth.
`D\\‘lGI-IT E. T.-\I.nt'i<'r .~\.\'n G. T. ]o11Nso.\'
`. ..
`Notes on western fungi.
`1., O1<s0N K. MiLI.I«:1<, JR.
`. ..
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 4/11

`Isolation and pure culture of aquatic Phycomycetes by membrane filtra-
`tion, CI—1AI<1.I-:5 F.
`l\'IIl.I.F.R .
`. ..
`The line structure of the ascus septum in Ascotlesinis sphaerospora and
`Saccoholus kerverni, Gl{0l((il{ CARROLI.
`. ..
`I\'t-\\' record of a large Cyathus from western Canada,
`I-I.»\i<oi.n j, BRo1u1~:
`Dasyscy1)l1us virgineus on dead crauherry stems. R.
`D. M. Boom-:
`. ..
`Fusicoecum canker, a new (hseasc of Russian olive, ]. C. C.\R'l‘liR .-\Nl)
`CIIAl{l.IiS M. S.»\c.>\.\1.»\,\‘o
`. ..
`\7irgatospora: a new genus of Stilhellaceae, D.~\\'u)
`. ..
`A simple method for preparing dried reference cultures,
`I7|.o1<.-\ G.
`Grouping of spores in agaric spore—prints, C. T. IN(i0Ll) .-\.\'n .\1. H. Zomcki
`Ultrasounds applied to the study of hyphal systems
`in Polyporaeeae,
`Osw,u.1)o F1nA1.(;o
`. ..
`Cyphelium sancti—jaco|)i, perfect or imperfect ?_
`I’Iu«:n1-:R1c H.
`likmscu ..
`No, 4.
`_I L‘L\'—A (‘G L's'r
`Dow \'. Baxter (1898-1965), Al.l£X.»\.\'l)l£R H. S.\n'ru
`Jiogeuic radiation,
`Some \'ie\\'points on the phylogeny of
`. ..
`15. Ll£PI'IK .
`Studies on the genus Chaetomium.
`I. Heterothallism, H.-uu K.
`. ..
`.\Iecl1auism of
`sex in Phragmidiella heterophragmae (L'redina]es) A. V.
`Sexuality in Pythium sylvaticmn: heterothallism, K.
`15. P.\I'.\, \\'.
`.-\. C.-\.\lI‘-
`m«:I.I., AND F. F.
`I'II-ZNl)RL\’, JR.
`. ..
`Studies on Deuteromycctes,
`. ..
`Control of tarsonemid mites in fungal cultures, R001-:u S. S.\u'ru .
`. ..
`Morphogenesis of Sehizophyllum commune.
`II. Effect of microaerohic
`growth, M.-\R\'1x N. ScH\\'.»\Ln ;\.\'p PHILIP G.
`. ..
`Morphology and cytology of Diplocarpon maculatum on Crataegus.
`tiation and development of
`the apotheciuin, E. A. STO\\‘I~:LL AND M. P.
`The mating‘ type system of the Myxomycete Physarum flavicomum, M.-\R\' R.
`Reisolation of Sarcinomyces inkiu and its transfer to the genus Triehosporou.
`\'.-\.\' Uma.\‘
`. ..
`Cell wall structure of Pythium (leharyanum, BARB;\R.»\ ;\. COOPER AND _l1ai<<).\1r.
`r\R0.\‘SON .
`. ..
`Influences of temperature and adenine concentration upon the cultural
`bility of a red adenine auxotroph of Candida alhicans, I. T. Btsu .-\.\'n
`. ..
`Sexual reproduction in Histoplasma capsulatum, LIBERO AJELLO .\.\'u SHIE-
`. ..
`Evaluation of
`taxonomic characters in the genus Conidioholus. with key to
`known species, M. C. SRINI\.»\.\‘.»\N AND M. I. TIIIuL'.\1.»\L.-\c1—1.-\1< .
`. ..
`CFAD V. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 5/11
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 5/11

`'l‘.~\m.i5 or CoN'r1:N'rs
`Notes and Brief Articles
`M. P.-\n\' AND C.
`in ztirhorne l)ElClCl'l2l.
`Diurnal peri()(lieit_\'
`. ..
`T0rul0m_\‘ees and i\[0nocillium, G. L. BARRON .
`. ..
`Observations on Riessia semi0pl1oi‘a. R. D. G()0S .
`T’r0(lucti0n of keto acids by Cei'21toc_\'stis
`fztgaeeztruln uml Ce1‘21t0c_\’.~’tis
`eoerulescens. R. T’. COLLINS AND K. KALNINS .
`Formation of zunoelaoid cells
`from the plzlsmodium of
`I.\N K.
`I\’o.~'.~‘\-\.\'n R.]. C1'.\1.\11Ns
`EI‘g‘oster0l and the ultrztviolet requirement for pr0(luetion of conidizt
`Steinpliylium .<olani_ TH().\I.-\5 SP1<0s'1'0N .\Nn R. B. SF.’l‘I.0\\'
`Survivztl of
`fun_:;'us cultures maintztined under mineral oil
`_\'e21rs, GEURGIE
`T.I'l"l‘l.l£ .-\Nl) Moi<R1.~' A. Cokuux .
`. ..
`Influence 01' ne2u‘—ultr2t\'i0let
`light on liyplial elongzltioit of
`\V'. H. BR;\Nl)'1'
`. ... .
`. ..
`. ..
`Iinpaction patterns of small fungus spores collected on etlges of microscope
`slides exp0se(l
`in intermittent
`rotoshde 5Z1l1][)lCl‘5, R. C. DE (JROUT
`. ..
`. ..
`Notices .
`No. 5.
`Sl£1"l‘F..\l in«:R—()("min»:I<
`C_vt01>|u»to1net1‘_V of nuelenlzlr and C_\'l(>[)l2l.\‘l1]lC ril)unucleic acid and hztsic pro-
`tein in the ])l2lSlIl()(ll2ll slime mold Pi1)'S2ll'l1l11 pusillum. C. T).—\I.l£ TlIF.RI{Il~Z.\'
`Type stutlies in the ela\'arioi(l fungi.
`I. The tztxzi (leseril)e(l
`l)_\' Charles Hor~
`ton Peek, Ro.\'.\1.n H. PI?” ‘
`.-\.\'l) P.\L'L D. OI.Exi.\
`.\rIiero—evoluti0n in Auriculztrizt ziurlculzt,
`G. DL‘N(‘.-\N .~\.\'l) _l. A.
`Stephensiet sliztnori.
`I. C_\'t0log_\‘ of the ascus and other 0|)ser\'21tions, FR.-\NL'l.\'
`A. L'1cL'KI~:R .
`. ..
`]"olyp0raeeae from Trinidzul and 'l'o|):ig'0.
`[I., O.\‘\\';\l.I)() FIn.\I.<;0 .\.\'n M.-\1<i.\
`l’AcH1-:c0 K.-\L‘1~‘i~‘.\1.—\NN 1711).-\i.(;o .
`. ..
`Occurrence of lzilcztte zuitheritlia in Pythium species. 1)21rticul;u'ly in P. irregu-
`lare and its .\‘_\'l1()I'|)'lI1. T‘. p0l_\'l]]0l'])l10I1. 0. \'7.\.-\RT.-\.].v\
`. ..
`(il'O\\'1l1 and 0x_\'g_:en—upt:ll<e I‘C.\‘[)()I’ISC.\' of Cunninghznnellzt eehinulzitzt on even-
`cliziin fzitty acids,
`I‘[.~\l{()l,I) L. L1:\\'1s .-\.\'I> G. T. _1()IIN.\'().\'
`. ..
`An un(leseri|)e<l species of Curvulzlrizi pathogenic to Dieltzmthiuni 2uinul;ttum_,
`R. A. KILI‘.-\’1‘RlCI{ AND E. S. LL"r'rRE1.1.
`.. .
`. ..
`M_\'e0ec0l0g_\' of
`\\'ill0\\' and e0tton\\'0o(l
`l0\\'lan(l comnnniities in southern
`11. Soil micro fungi
`in the san(ll)zu'
`G0cHI-:N.-\L'1< AND M. P. B.-\CI{L‘S ..... .
`. .... .
`. ... .
`. ..
`On the ecology of Herpotriehia nigrzt, H0I<Aci: R. SI.\l.\I>‘
`. ..
`Notes and Brief Articles
`.\l.\i<L;.\1<1«:'1‘ E. B.-\|<1<
`The 1963 M21. aelnisetts I7ora_\'.
`I-Io\\'.-\1<n li. B1(;1-:I.0\\'
`At_\'pie;1l and t_\'pic2tl germination of ure(lin0i(|
`teliospores of Hemileia
`vastzttrix. R. B. R.-\jicNL)R1:.\'
`. ........ .
`. .........
`Cl1zt1'2iete1'iz21tioi1 of
`fungus spore populzttions of crop residues by direct
`ohservzttion and plating of eomminutetl residue. H. S. M.»\c\\'I'I‘1n:\'
`The pattern of n1_\‘e0l0g‘ieal taxonomic literature. G. C. AIN.<\\‘0R'rH
`First occurrence of Tlierinoztseus illll'2ll1li21Cl1.\’
`from ztnimztl
`zuul hunmn
`sources. R.
`.-\Nn Hu\\'.\iu) \\'. ]-.\R.\‘lI
`. ..
`l‘CSlll(l_V of Cerat0c_\'sti.< penicillutzi and report of two American speci
`of this gelnis from Europe, Ross \\'.
`l).\\'n>.\‘0N_ H111.
`.-\Nn AiNn l{.Tt.-\iuI<
`. ..
`’JI \!
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 6/11

`N0. 6.
`. ..
`Joseph C. (jilman (189l)—1966), Luis H. T1i«‘1<‘.\.\'\'
`_l. A. RIi~‘.s—
`A taxonomic stu(l_\' of P_\'thium irregulare an(l related species,
`. ..
`]¥R()('K .\xn l“i.m'n F. H1-:.\'n1ux, JR.
`The relation of the carh0n—nitrogen ratio in the basal me(linn1 to sexual repro-
`duction in species 01 Ph_\'tophthora, J. A.\"r0.\'i0 L1-:.\1., M. E. C.-\i.I.1«.(.i.\'.
`\’n<(‘.IL GI<I«:1~:NI: LILLY .
`. ... .
`. ......
`A comparison nf cellulose production in the genus Ceratoe_vstis,
`S.\llTlI. SIs'ri:i< CL.v\IRl-Z l\l.-\i<nc P.\'riK,
`.\.\'n .\I.
`An un(lescril)e(l
`fungus associated with a root and c1'0\\'n rot of birtlsioot
`(Lotus eorniculatusl, S'r.-\x1.i-:\’
`_—\. Osr.-\7.1-:s1{I
`. ..
`Ambrosia fungi: a taxonomic revision, and nutritional stutlies of some species.
`l.lil\'H Ix’. B.\’1'1<.»\
`. ... .
`. ..
`The fine structure of ascospore formation in T’_\'ronema (lomesticuin. FUN-
`’l‘.\I.\'li R1-:1-:\'
`. ..
`Indian species of Hymenocliaete,
`l70x'rAi.\'i-: RI:1«'\'1
`\\'i«:1_m<:.\'.. .
`l*’ol_\'p0r11s meliae and two similar
`species, H.
`studies of
`. ..
`Studies on the genus Archangiunl (M_\'xohacterales). H. The effect of tem-
`perature and Carh0li_V(lI‘ates on some ph_\'siulogical
`_l.»\.\IIis C.
`i\lcDu.\'.\1.n .. .
`. .. 1059
`H0r1n0ne—lil(e substances which increase carotenogenesis in -1- and A sexes ul
`Clmanephora cucurbitarum.
`\".»\1L, CL1r'r0x .\'lURRI.\'_ AND
`('i1<1~‘.i<:.\'1: LILLY .
`. ... .
`. ....... .
`. .. 1069
`Observations on the Dianemaceae, D0.\'.\LI) T.
`.. .
`. .. 1075
`Cytological and inorphological studies of a new species of Phlyetnchytrium.
`Cum-3 _l. U.\n*n1.i«.'r'1' Axn L.\L'i:I1'7. \\'.\'
`. .... .
`. ... .
`. .. 1085
`An lll1(lL‘SCl‘ll)C(l species of
`l{xosporium 011 grain of Seeale cereale,
`.\.\‘1> E. S. L1"r'r1<1-:L1.
`. .. .
`. ..
`I).-\\'\' 1102
`A new species of Cei‘atuc_vsti.s un aspen. T. E. Hixns ;\.\'I) R.
`relationsliips in morpllogenesis of
`l’l1_\'topl1tlmra palmivora
`and I’. capsici sporangia. _l.-\.\n:s \\'. HI-I.\'llRlX .
`. ..
`Notices .
`. ..
`Errata .
`. .. .
`. ..
`Mye0l0gia—l7inancial Report
`lntlex to \'olume S‘)
`. .. 1117
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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 7/11

`numbers produced are dependent upon concentration and time of Contact
`with receptive preconidiophores. No conidia result from flooding with
`buffer alone. The morphological characteristics and ontogeny in Conidial
`production appear the same after treatment l>y solvent alone. hy a low
`concentration of ergosterol. and by exposure to noninhihiting.
`low doses
`of UV radiation. Conidiophores develop pigment which is light yellow
`to oliyaceous to black. and they swell and thicken at
`the tips sinml—
`taneously with the production of normal conidia. Conidia have typical
`color. muriform septation, and germination characteristics in xiii! with
`This research was jointly sponsored by the [,‘ni\'ersity of \"e1'mont.
`and the 1'. 9. Atomic F.nerg_\' Commission under contract with the Union
`Carbide CO1‘pOl‘2lliO1].—T1IOM.—\S SI’ROS’l‘()N. Department of Botany. Uni-
`\'ersity of Vermont, Burlington. Vermont
`(on leave _’]anua1'_V 1. 1967~
`_luly 1. 1967,
`to the Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Lal)oratory.
`Oak Ridge. Teimessee). and R. B. SE'rLow. Biology Division. Oak
`Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
`LT'l‘l?R.»\'[‘[,' R13 C‘I'l‘ED
`Sporulation in pure culture by .S‘z‘¢‘1n/7/Iylizmr
`1. Diener, U. L.
`1-’ll_\'10])2itl]OlOg_\' 45: 141-145.
`SL'R\'I\'.»\L or 'l’LL\:t;L's CL‘L'l‘L'RJ£S .\l.~\1i\*'ix»\1i\'ED U.\‘n1«:R
`The use of a mineral oil as a mold culture prese1‘\'ati\'e was first re-
`ported l)_v Sheri (1943). who found that
`:1/It’/‘Maria sp., several species
`of FlL\‘(I)‘1I!lll and 3 species of [’/I_\'t0111011a.\‘ remained viable and un-
`changed for at least 6 months. although none of 10 strains of P. xv/>1’-
`(/())II'(‘(lv sur\‘i\'ed 21 months. Representatives of 8 genera of fungal plant
`pathogens also were ol)ser\'ed by Norris (1944) to retain their viability
`for 6 months. Many of Buell and '\\’eston's (1947) Cultures. encompas-
`sing a rep1'esentati\'e diverse assortment. lasted for at least 2 years. and
`these authors cite equally sticcessful
`trials hy others. Henry (1947)
`maintained 17 strains of wine yeasts under oil for 7 years. The entire
`collection of :\je1lo et al. (1951), consisting mainly of human pathogens,
`was still Viable when tested approximately 2 years following inoculation.
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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 8/11

`L\1YCOLO(§IA, VOL. 59, 1967
`\'1A1s1L1'1'1' 01-‘ 1-‘1'_\‘1;1 .-\:\‘1)
`.-\C'l‘I.\'0.\l\'CF.T1£S _\1A1N’1'_—\1N1;1) UNDER 1-.~\11..\1-‘1«‘1.\' 011.
`No. viable
`6 years
`12 _\'e211‘s
`im_\'dii Shear
`As/2e1'_g-{/1115 flzmrs Link
`:1. _I’11n1'1'guI11.\' Fre.=e11i11s
`)l'ig€l’ V2111 Tieghem
`.~l111'cnlI(1si(Ii11n1 [111//11/0115 (de Bury) .-\r111111d
`Bm1117'c1'i11 b(1.\'.\'1'r1m1 (Bal.<.—C1'i\'.) \'11i|l.
`B. (Icnm (1.i11l~:) Picarcl
`B. cfl'11s(1 (Bea11\'c1‘ie) \'11iI1.
`B. _q/0121111:/‘crtz
`B/(IS/(HIl_)’t'(’A‘ ¢Iz'r11111l1'lv1'(I’1'.\‘ Gilcl11‘i.<1 & Stokes
`C(u1a'i(1(1 ulI1ir(1ns (Robin) Be1'kl1()111
`C. g11‘1'lI1‘L’1‘Iunnrlii (C21.<1ellz111i) Lz111ge1'011 & C11lCl'l'21
`lerz/sci (C21s1cllz111i) BCI'1{11()ll1
`Ii/>0/yIv1'¢‘(1 (H211‘1'is'o11) Diddens 8' I,.0(1(le1'
`C. /Jam ])s1'/051.1‘ (.—\sl1fo1'(l) C;1111a1‘g0
`/>sr’I1dn/1'o])in1[ix (Cz1:<tellz111i) B:1sg21|
`.1‘/1’/l(1fr11'(I’r(I Jones & .\I;11'ti11
`I1'n[21'1‘(1/is (Cz1.<tellz1111) Be1‘ko111
`Ce/)/Ir:/0.1/Jurizl/11 sp.
`Cc1'r1lm‘_\'slis H/mi (B11is111.) C.
`CIudn5[)ni'v1'11u1 m1'1'1'm1i1' Trejos
`Co1'lvir1'1m1 sp.
`C2'_\1[)/n((1a‘I1s nco/'m’11111)15 (S21111'elice) \'11iH.
`C1'_\'/2/nr0(z'11s spp. (sz1prop11}'tes)
`Eildnzzlyrn/).vis_/11211/igcr (l.i11(l11e1') Dekker
`E/)1'(1c1'n1up/Iyton flurm.1‘1uu (Hz1r1"/.)
`I.z111gero11 & .\lil0-
`Fonseracu «"0111/2111’/11111 Cz11'1'i(>11
`F. /)mI1'nsu1' Neg1'011i
`F11xm’1'11111 sp.
`Gcrzlriv/1/1111 sp.
`I'Ieln11'11!/Ins/mrin111 sp.
`H13‘/0/)I(1s1II(1 m[>s11/ufzrm D211‘li11g
`Jfirros/>o1'11III (111(Im11'n1'1' G1'11b_\’
`11[.(ru1is Bndin
`Al. fz’1'i'11gi11eI1111 Ota
`J[. gy/).\‘v11nI (Rodin) G11i;11'1 & G1'ig<)1'a11{is (.\'11m1i.::I'u 111-
`(m'1'r1fa :\)
`P(1crvi/a111,\'(c.\‘ sp.
`PtlI"(I(‘()t‘l"1.(1I'(JI.l/CS In"(1.x‘1'/1'c11.s‘1'.s‘ (Splendore) :\|111ei(l;1
`Pctziri/l1'1111I Sp.
`Plziu/n/211nm we/‘)'11ms(1 .\lcdla11‘
`P11011111 sp.
`Rlzmin/m'11lu sp.
`S'(1a‘/Iarnmyrcx r(11'!xl1¢')'g1’11six 1121115011
`Sr0[)11/m‘1'0/>s1's sp.
`S/7m'0lmlnI11,\1z‘es 511/1110/1110101’ (Fischer & Brebeck) Kl11§‘ver
`& v. Niel
`.5‘/mrn/I1r1‘.\‘ 31‘/11411‘/e1‘i Helclocn & 1’c1'l;i11s
`5'_\=/Irep/lulu3/1'11/II sp.
`'I‘i'1'(I1oj2I1,\vIm1 e(/1111111111 Gcdoclst
`T. megm'n1'1' Bla11cl121rd
`T. nlen/ag1'npI1_1'les (Robin) Bla11c11;11‘d
`T. 1‘1llN'IHlI (Castellani) Sab.
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 9/11

`/()II.\'I(}‘(l}IS .\Ialmsten
`t'L’i'i'!(('()SI{)ll Bodin
`T. 2'[n/m'eun/ Sal).
`T;'irI1os[20i'm1 sp.
`i\'nr(mIz'(1 (isle/"02'(Ics (Eppinger) Blanchard
`;\'. l)i'(1s-1'/iensiix (Lindenberg) Castellani & Chamlers
`N. f(u'rI'nI'(u Trevisan
`S/1'2/2/r2111_\'z'c.v m(1(I'1Ir(1e (\'incent) .\Iacl<innon & .-»\rtaga\'eV\‘1ia—‘
`.8‘. [)6//el1'er1' (Laveran) .\Iacl<innon & :\rtaga\'e_\'tia-Allende
`(1 years
`Hartsell (1956), working mainly with bacterial cultures, found that 27
`of 52 yeasts survived for 1-1 years and set the probable optimum survival
`time at from 5 to 7 years.
`Twelve years ago, our collection of 202 cultures of fungi and actino—
`mycetes was transferred to Sabouraud dextrose agar slants and incu-
`bated at room temperature for 2 weeks.
`Sterile hea\'_\' mineral oil was
`added by pouring directly from 500 ml Erlenm_\'e1‘ flasks containing 100
`ml of oil. This simple procedure resulted iii a contamination rate of
`less than 1%. The oil~co\'ered stock. consisting primaril_\' of human
`pathogens together with a few com1nonl_\' encountered saprophytes, we1'e
`stored in a cabinet at room temperature. which \'Zl1‘l€(l
`from l8~20 C
`during the winter to as high as 32-3-1 C in the summer. Viability was
`determined after 6 and 12 years by transferring a portion of each culture
`to a Sabourand dextrose agar slant which was incubated at room teln-
`perature; strains showing no growth after
`1 month were subcultured
`again from the oil
`tube and observed for an additional month before
`being considered nonviable. Those so designated were 11e\'ertheless
`retained and tested again after the 12 year period, with uniformly nega-
`tive results.
`\\’he11e\'er subcultures appeared to show significant n1o1'—
`phological ditferences from the original. serial transplants to Sabouraud
`dextrose agar were made in an ell'ort to induce reversion. The species
`of fungi tested, the number of strains of each, and the numbers reinaining
`viable after 6 and 12 years are listed in TABLE I.
`A few species showed morphological transformation upon subculture
`after the first 6-year period. Most strains of il[I'vr0.\‘/>0r1m1 aH(l0Irin1'i
`developed fliiffy white patches. The 2 strains of J[. ‘(/_\'/7A‘(’HllI
`.-;'ia 1'lI(II)"i.’(I/(Iv A) grew out white and Huffy and on microscopic exami-
`nation were bereft of conidia. This change to so—called “pleomorphis1n"'
`appeared to be permanent since subsequent
`transfers failed to induce
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 10/11
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 10/11

`M\'eoLo<;i.-\, VOL. 59,
`reversion to conidial colonies. This change, occurred also in all 5 strains
`of Trit‘/to/7/1_\'l()): 1'io/ucezrm and all three strains of E/>1}/er//I0/>/I_\'f0H flor-
`cosunz. Among the s_\'stemic fungi, at the e11d of 6 years, subcultures
`of 3 of the 9 strains of Hisro/>/a.m1a (raps)!/(zfzr/I1 were completely glabrous
`and the remaining 6 were largely so, but all grew in typical fashion
`upon serial transfer. Eight of the 11 B/zzxtozzzyces (Im‘u1az‘iti(Ii.v strains
`and one of four Para¢‘0cri(li0iu'cs I>)‘a.i‘i/I't’)1sI'.s‘ were also glabrous upon
`initial transfer but re\'erted to type following‘ a second transfer. Changes
`among the other species were minor and transient.
`In general the pattern of \'iabilit_\' exhibited at the end of 12 years
`was similar qualitati\'ely to that observed after 6, the decrease in number
`of \’lEll)l€ strains occurring chiefly within the same species that had been
`affected earlier.
`I11 agreement with the report of Hartsell (1956). we
`found 2111 abrupt decline in numbers of certain species between 6 and I2
`_\fears. Current studies are aimed at determining more closely the re-
`spective periods of
`longevity. particularl_v within the first 6 _\'ears.—
`Gi:oR(;i~: N. L1'r'rLE and MORRIS A. GORDON. Division of Laboratories
`and Research, New York State Department of Health,
`Institute of l"re\'enti\'e Medicine,
`.\ledical College.
`:\lhau_\'. and
`in the
`1951. Use of mineral oil
`Ajello, L., V. 0. Grant, and M. A. Gutzke.
`maintenance of cultures of
`fungi pathogenic for humans.
`;\rch. Dermatol.
`Syphilol. 63: 747—749.
`the mineral oil
`1947. Application of
`Buell, C. B., and W. H. Weston.
`servation method to maintaining collections of
`fungous cultures. Amer.
`Bot. 34: 555-561.
`Hartsell, S. E.
`1956. Vaiiiteliance of cultures under parallin oil.
`biol. 4: 350-355.
`Henry, B. S.
`19-17. The \'iahilit_\' of yeast cultures pre.ser\'ed under mineral oil.
`J. Bacteriol. 54: 26-1.
`Norris, D.
`19-1-l. Preservation of tube cultures of fungi and bacteria with liquid
`_l. _-'\ustral. Inst. Agr. Sci. 10: 77.
`Sherf, A. F.
`19-13. A method for maintaining P/1_\'foIImnu.r .w*/u’a'onin1 in culture
`for long‘ periods without
`I’hytopatlml0g_\' 33: 330—33Z.
`.-\ppl. Micro»
`INFLUENCE or NEAR—U1.'1‘R;\\'1oLI;'r L1(;H'r o.\'
`I’I\'I’H.~\L EI.o.\'(;.\'1‘1o.\'
`JN \"1:R'1‘1(:1I.I.1L'.\t
`Colonies of a microsclerotial isolate of I*'erli¢‘il/ii/H1 (I/[)0-{If)'IIlII Reinkc
`& Berth. reach larger maximum diameters when cultured under near-
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2198 - 11/11

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