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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2086 - 1/14

`Andrew B. Onderdonk, Editor in Clzief (2004)
`Clitmning Ltzbomtory‘, Boston, Mass.
`Carole A. Bolin, Editor (2004)
`Viitiomil Animal Disease Center.
`/lrrtes, Iowa
`Timothy J. Cleary, Editor (2004)
`.‘,r’rzit»'€rSit_,v of Miami, Miami, Fla.
`Gary V. Doern, Editor (2004)
`University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
`Iowa City. Iowa
`VVendy M. Johnson, Editor (2002)
`Ccmgene Corporation.
`Wimzipeg, Manitoba
`David II. Persing, Editor (2000)
`Corim Cmporalioi1/lnfiactious I)ise(1se
`Rcsearc/1 Institute, Seattle, Wash.
`Frank G. Rodgers, Editor (2001)
`l\la1ionul Laboratory for Entcric Pathogens,
`Winnipeg, Mmzitobtz
`Ira F. Salkin, Editor (2000)
`i'\l.Y. State Department of Heciltlt.
`Albany. NY
`Soman N. Abraham (2002)
`Daniel Amstertlam (2000)
`Surt E. Anderson (2000)
`Peter Appelhaum (2000)
`Max Arens (2002)
`Michael Aschcr (2001)
`Jaber Aslanzadeh (2002)
`llatthew J. Bankowski (2002)
`Ellen Jo Baron (2001)
`William W. Barrow (2001)
`Juzanne Earth (2000)
`Bernard Beall (2001)
`William H. Benjamin (2001)
`Virginia M. Bieluch (2002)
`Carolyn M. Black (2000)
`»‘y’i|lian1 Bonnez (2000)
`Patrick Bocrlin (2001)
`Erik Boettger (2001)
`."aul Bourhcau (2002)
`Kenneth Bromberg (2000)
`Robert Brubakcr (2001)
`tieorge E. Buck (2000)
`Jens Bukh (2002)
`Iiichard Buller (2000)
`Felipe Cabello (2001)
`Richard Calderone (2001)
`.-vteven M. Callister (2002)
`Jose Campione-Piecar (2001)
`Roberta B. Carey (2000)
`ifllisaheth Carniel (2001)
`Charles Cartwright (2000)
`itephen J. Cavalieri (2001)
`Voon L. Chan (2001)
`Kimberle C. Chapin (2001)
`Clilford G. Clark (2002)
`H. Fred Clark (2000)
`?ichard B. Clark (2001)
`Lorraine V1. Clarke (2000)
`Dennis Cleri (2002)
`.aurie l-1. Comstock (2002)
`Chester R. Cooper, Jr. (2000)
`‘ulicliael Coulthart (2000)
`fimothy Cover (2002)
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`Tack T. Crawford (2000)
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`"hyllis Della-Latta (2001)
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`Frances P. Downes (2001)
`Michael P. Doyle (2000)
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`Rance B. Lel-‘ebvre (2001)
`VVilliam NI. Dunne, Jr. (2002)
`John A. Elliott (2000)
`Paul N. Lcvclt (2002)
`Mark J. Espy (2000)
`Ron Limberger (2000)
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`William .I. Hausler (2001)
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`.lim Newcll (2001)
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`Steven W. Woeste (2000)
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`Steven Zuckerman 2000)
`Robert M. Zsigray (2000)
`Samuel Kaplan, Clmirmtm, Pziblications Board
`Victoria A. Cohen, Production Editor
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`The Joitnzal of Clinical Microbiology (ISSN 0095-1137), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). 1752 N St., N.W., Washington, DC
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`Volume 38
`January 2000
`Characterization of Escherichia coli Strains from Cases of
`Childhood Diarrhea in Provincial Southwestern Nigeria
`The Elficacy of Laboratory Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori
`Infections in Gastric Biopsy Specimens Is Related to
`Bacterial Density and vacA, cagA, and iceA Genotypes
`Comparative Analysis of PCR versus Culture for Diagnosis
`of Ulceroglandular Tularemia
`Prevalence of Toxin Types and Colonization Factors in
`Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Isolated during a 2-Year
`Period from Diarrheal Patients in Bangladesh
`Direct Amplification of rRNA Genes in Diagnosis of
`Bacterial Infections
`Convenient Test for Screening Metallo-[3-Lactamase-
`Producing Gram-Negative Bacteria by Using Thiol
`Development and Evaluation of a Phage Typing Scheme for
`Vibrio cholerae 0139
`Polymorphism in the Pertussis Toxin Promoter Region
`Affecting the DNA-Based Diagnosis of Bordetella Infection
`CagA Antibodies in Japanese Children with Nodular
`Gastritis or Peptic Ulcer Disease
`Characterization of Streptococcus agalactiae Isolates of
`Bovine and Human Origin by Randomly Amplified
`Polymorphic DNA Analysis
`Iruka N. Okeke, Adcbayo
`Lamikanra, Hartmut Stcinriick, and
`James B. Kaper
`Leen-Jan van Doorn, Yvonne
`I-Ienskens, Nathalie Nouhan, Anita
`Verschuuren, Rolf Vreede, Paul
`Herbink, Gabrielle Ponjee, Kees van
`Krimpen, Ruud Blankenburg, Joost
`Scherpenisse, and Wim Quint
`Anders Johansson, Lennart
`Berglund, Ulla Eriksson, Ingela
`Gijransson, Ralfh Wollin, Mats
`Forsman, Arne Tarnvik, and Anders
`Firdausi Qadri, Swadesh Kumar
`Das, A. S. G. Faruque, George J.
`Fuchs, M. John Albert, R. Bradley
`Sack, and Ann-Mari Svenncrholm
`Kaisu Rantakokko-Jalava, Simo
`Nikkari, Jari Jalava, Erkki Eerola,
`Mikael Skurnik, Olli Meurman, Olli
`Ruuskanen, Anna Alanen, Esa
`Kotilaincn, Paavo Toivanen, and
`Pirkko Kotilainen
`Yoshichika Arakawa, Naohiro
`Shibata, Keigo Shibayama, Hiroshi
`Kurokawa, Tetsuya Yagi, Hiroshi
`Fujiwara, and Masafumi Goto
`A. K. Chakrabarti, A. N. Ghosh, G.
`Balakrish Nair, S. K. Niyogi, S. K.
`Bhattacharya, and B. L. Sarkar
`Malin Nygren, Elisabet Reizenstein,
`Mostafa Ronaghi, and Joakim
`Seiichi Kato, Toshiro Sugiyama,
`Mineo Kudo, Kenji Ohnuma, Kyoko
`Ozawa, Kazuie linuma, Masahiro
`Asaka, and Martin J . Blaser
`Gabriela Martinez, Josee Harcl,
`Robert Higgins, Sonia Lacouturc,
`Danielle Daignault, and Marcelo
`Heterogeneity of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomifans Strains
`in Various Human Infections and Relationships between
`Serotype, Genotype, and Antimicrobial Susceptibility
`Susanna Paju, Petteri Carlson,
`Hannelc Jousirnics-Somer, and
`Sirkka Asikaincn
`Identification of Mycoplasma fermentans in Synovial Fluid
`Samples from Arthritis Patients with Inflammatory Disease
`Sheena Johnson, David Sidebottom,
`Felix Bruckner, and David Collins
`Conrirzued on following page
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`Cantimted from preceding page
`Isolation, Cultivation, and Characterization of Borrelia
`burgdorferi from Rodents and Ticks in the Charleston Area
`of South Carolina
`Clinically Applicable Multiplex PCR for Four Middle Ear
`Specific Taenia crassiceps and Taenia solium Antigenic
`Peptides for Neurocysticercosis Immunodiagnosis Using
`Serum Samples
`Comparison of PCR-Restriction Fragment Length
`Polymorphism Analysis and PCR-Direct Sequencing
`Methods for Diiferentiating Helicobacter pylori ureB Gene
`The I998 Senegal Epidemic of Meningitis Was Due to the
`Clonal Expansion of A:4:Pl.9, Clone III-1, Sequence Type 5
`Neisseria meningitidis Strains
`Escherichia coli Serotype O1S:K52:H1 as a Uropathogenic
`Detection of Clarithromycin-Resistant Helicobacter pylori
`Strains by a Preferential Homoduplex Formation Assay
`Validation of the INNO-LIA Syphilis Kit as a Confirmatory
`Assay for Treponema pallidum Antibodies
`Distribution of the Intermedilysin Gene among the
`Anginosus Group Streptococci and Correlation between
`Intermedilysin Production and Deep-Seated Infection with
`Streptococcus intermedius
`Diagnosis of Bubonic Plague by PCR in Madagascar under
`Field Conditions
`Etiology of Genital Ulcer Disease in Dakar, Senegal, and
`Comparison of PCR and Serologic Assays for Detection of
`Hacmophilus ducreyi
`Importance of Inoculum Size and Sampling Elfect in Rapid
`Antigen Detection for Diagnosis of Streptococcus pyogenes
`Species-Specific PCR as a Tool for the Identification of
`Burkholderia gladioli
`Prevalence of Campylobacter, Arcolmcter, Helicobacter, and
`Sutterella spp. in Human Fecal Samples as Estimated by a
`Reevaluation of Isolation Methods for Campylobacters
`Molecular Methods for the Epidemiological Typing of
`Salmonella enterica Serotype ’l‘yphi from Hong Kong and
`J. H. Oliver, Jr., K. L. Clark, F. W.
`Chandler, Jr., L. Tao, A. M. James,
`C. W. Banks, L. O. Huey, A. R.
`Banks, D. C. Williams, and L. A.
`Panu H. Henclolin, Lars Paulin, and
`Jukka Ylikoski
`Ednéia Casagranda Bueno,
`Adelaide Jose Vaz, Luis Dos Ramos
`Maehado, Jose Antonio Livramento,
`and Silvia Regina Mielle
`Toshihito Tanahashi, Masakazu
`Kita, Tadashi Kodama, Naoki
`Sawai, Yoshio Yarnaoka, Shoji
`Mitsufuji, Fumitaka Katoh, and Jiro
`Pierre Nicolas, Georges Raphenon,
`Martine Guibourdenche, Laurent
`Decousset, Richard Stor, and Ahou
`Beckr Gaye
`Guillem Prals, Ferran Navarro,
`Beatriz Mirelis, David Dalmau,
`Nuria Margall, Pere Coll. Adam
`Stell, and James R. Johnson
`Shin Maeda, Haruhiko Yoshida,
`Hironari Matsunaga, Keiji Ogura,
`Osamu Kawamata, Yasushi
`Shiratori, and Masao Omata
`Anne Ebel, Lies Vanneste, Martine
`Cardinaels, Erwin Sablon, Isabelle
`Samson, Katrien De Bosschere,
`Frank Hulstaert, and Maan Zrein
`Hideaki Nagamune, Robert A.
`Whiley, Takatsugu Goto, Yasuko
`lnai, Takuya Maeda, Jeremy M.
`Hardie, and I-liroki Kourai
`L. Rahalison, E. Vololonirina, M.
`Ratsitorahina, and S. Chanteau
`Patricia A. Totten, Jane M.
`Kuypers, Cheng—Yen Chen, Michelle
`J. Alfa, Linda M. Parsons, Susan M.
`Dutro, Stephen A. Morse, and
`Nancy E. Kiviat
`Bradley Kurtz, Michael Kurtz,
`Martha Roe, and James Todd
`Paul W. Whitby, Lauren C. Pope,
`Karen B. Carter, John J. LiPun1a,
`and Terrence L. Stull
`Jorgen Engberg. Stephen L. W. 011,
`Clare S. Harrington, and Peter
`J. M. Ling, N. W. S. Lo, Y. M. Ho,
`K. M. Karn, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Hoa,
`Le Thi Phi, and A. F. Cheng
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`Conlinuecl on following page
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`4 minued from prececling page
`Evaluation of Whole-Cell and 0spC Enzyme-Linked
`Immunosorbent Assays for Discrimination of Early Lyme
`Borreliosis from OspA Vaccination
`Chad A. Wieneke, Steven D.
`Lovrieh, Steven M. Callister, Dean
`A. Jobe, Jennifer A. Marks, and
`Ronald F. Schell
`Identification and Characterization of Immunoglobulin G in
`Blood as a Major Inhibitor of Diagnostic PCR
`Waleed Abu Al—Soud, Leif J.
`Jonsson, and Peter Rfidstrom
`Simplified Protocol for Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis
`Analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniue
`M. Catherine McEllistrem, Janet E.
`Stout, and Lee H. Harrison
`Temporal Changes in Outer Surface Proteins A and C of
`the Lyme Disease-Associated Spirochete, Borrclia burgdorferi,
`during the Chain of Infection in Ticks and Mice
`Distribution and Antigenicity of Fibronectin Binding
`Proteins (SfbI and Sfbll) of Streptococcus pyogenes Clinical
`Isolates from the Northern Territory, Australia
`Identification of a Major Cluster of Klebsiella pneumoniue
`Isolates from Patients with Liver Abscess in Taiwan
`Sequencing the Gene Encoding Manganese-Dependent
`Superoxide Dismutase for Rapid Species Identification of
`Confirmation of psaA in All 90 Serotypes of Streptococcus
`pneumoniue by PCR and Potential of This Assay for
`Identification and Diagnosis
`A Clonal Subpopulation of Leptospiru interroguns Sensu
`Stricto Is the Major Cause of Leptospirosis Outbreaks in
`Molecular Epidemiology of Genital Chlamydia trachomatis
`Infection in High-Risk Women in Senegal, West Africa
`Improved Sensitivity of PCR for Diagnosis of Human
`Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis Using epankl Genes of Ehrlichiu
`phagocytophila-Group Ehrlichiae
`Natural Infection of Domestic Goats with Ehrlichia
`Differentiation among Members of the Mycobacterium
`tuberculosis Complex by Molecular and Biochemical
`Features: Evidence for Two Pyrazinamide-Susceptible
`Subtypes of M. bovis
`Tom G. Schwan and Joseph
`Alison M. Goodfellow, Megan
`Hibble, Susanne R. Talay, Bernd
`Kreikemeyer, Bart J. Currie,
`Kadaba S. Sriprakash, and
`Gursharan S. Chhatwal
`Yeu—Jun Lau. Bor-Shen Hu, Wan—
`Ling Wu, Yu-I-lui Lin, Hwan-You
`Chang, and Zhi—Yuan Shi
`Claire Poyart, Gilles Quesnes. and
`Patrick Trieu-Cuot
`Katherine E. Morrison, Derrick
`Lake, Jennifer Crook, George M.
`Carlene, Edwin Ades, Richard
`Facklarn, and Jacquelyn S. Sampson
`M. M. Pereira, M. G. S. Matsuo,
`A. R. Bauab, S. A. Vasconcelos,
`Z. M. Moraes, G. Baranton, and I.
`Saint Girons
`Katharine Sturm-Ramirez, Hunter
`Brumblay, Khady Diop, Aissatou
`Gueye-Ndiaye. Jean-Louis Sankalé,
`lbou Thior, Ibrahinia N’Doye,
`Chung-Cheng Hsieh, Souleymane
`Mboup. and Phyllis J. Kanki
`Jennifer J. Walls, Patrizio Caturegli,
`Johan S. Bakken, Kristin M.
`Asanovich, and J. Stephen Dumler
`Vivien G. Dugan, Susan E. Little,
`David E. Stallkneeht, and Ashley D.
`Stefan Niemann, Elvira Richter, and
`Sabine Riisch-Gerdes
`Identification of Nocurdia Species by Restriction
`Endonuclease Analysis of an Amplified Portion of the 16S
`rRNA Gene
`Patricia S. Conville, Steven H.
`Fischer, Charles P. Cartwright, and
`Frank G. Witebsky
`Continued on following page
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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2086 - 5/14

`Conr1Tn.uen' from preceding page
`Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis of
`Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolated from Countries in the
`Western Pacific Region
`Sequence-Based Identification of Mycobacterium Species
`Using the MicroSeq 500 16S rDNA Bacterial Identification
`l)ill'erentiation of Phylogenetically Related Slowly Growing
`Mycobacteria by Their gyrB Sequences
`Evaluation of the BACTEC MGIT 960 and the MB/BacT
`Systems for Recovery of Mycobacteria from Clinical
`Specimens and for Species Identification by DNA AccuProbe
`Dilferentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex and
`Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Liquid Cultures by Using
`Peptide Nucleic Acid-Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization
`New Monoclonal Antibody Specific for Candida albicans
`Germ Tube
`Recovery of Candida dubliniensis from Non-Human
`Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients in Israel
`Typing of Histoplasma capsulatum Isolates Based on
`Nucleotide Sequence Variation in the Internal Transcribed
`Spacer Regions of rRNA Genes
`Young-Kil Park, Gill-Han Bai, and
`Sang-Jae Kim
`Jean Baldus Patel, Debra G. B.
`Leonard, Xai Pan, James M.
`Musser, Richard E. Berman, and
`Irving Nachamkin
`Hiroaki Kasai, Takayuki Ezaki, and
`Shigeaki Harayama
`Fernando Alcaide, Miguel Angel
`Benitez, Josep M. Escriba, and
`Rogelio Martin
`F. A. Drobnicwski, P. G. More, and
`G. S. Harris
`Agnes Marot-Leblond, Linda
`Grimaud, Sandrine Nail, Sandrinc
`Boutcrigc, Veronique Apairc-
`Marchais, Derek J . Sullivan, and
`Raymond Robert
`ltzhack Polacheck, Jacob
`Strahilevitz, Derek Sullivan,
`Samantha Donnelly, Ira F. Salkin,
`and David C. Coleman
`Bingdong Jiang, Marilyn S. Bartlett,
`Stephen D. Allen, James W. Smith,
`L. Joseph Wheat, Patricia A.
`Connolly, and Chao-Hung Lee
`Determination of Antifungal MICs by a Rapid Susceptibility
`Marcia H. Riesselman, Kevin C.
`Hazen, and Jim E. Cutler
`Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Dermatophytes:
`Establishing a Medium for Inducing Conidial Growth and
`Evaluation of Susceptibility of Clinical Isolates
`Pulmonary Infection Caused by Gymnascella hyalinospora in
`a Patient with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
`Microascus cinereus (Anamorph Scopulariopsis) Brain
`Abscess in a Bone Marrow Transplant Recipient
`Fungemia Due to Fusarium sacchari in an
`Immunosuppressed Patient
`Aspergillus fumigatus Antigen Detection in Sera from
`Patients at Risk for Invasive Aspergillosis
`C. J. Jessup, J. Warner, N. Isham, I.
`Hasan, and M. A. Ghannoum
`Peter C. Iwen, Lynne Sigler, Stefano
`Tarantolo, Deanna A. Sutton,
`Michael G. Rinaldi, Rudy P.
`Lackner, Dora J. McCarthy, and
`Steven H. I-linrichs
`John W. Baddley, Stephen A.
`Moser, Deanna A. Sutton, and
`Peter G. Pappas
`Josep Guarro, Marcio Nucci, Tiyomi
`Akiti, Josepa Gene’, M. Da Gloria
`C. Barreiro, and Renato T.
`Bernabé F. F. Chumpitazi, Claudine
`Pinel, Bernadette Lebeau, Pierre
`Ambroise-Thomas, and Renee
`246-25 I
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR201 5-01 776 ANACOR EX. 2086 - 6/“I4
`Continued on following pagc
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2086 - 6/14

`"r,mziI'zued from preceding page
`Difierentiating Taenia solium and Taenia saginata Infections
`by Simple Hematoxylin-Eosin Staining and PCR-Restriction
`Enzyme Analysis
`Performance of Immunoblotting in Diagnosis of Visceral
`Leishmaniasis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-
`Leishmania sp.-Coinfected Patients
`Serodiagnosis of Recently Acquired Toxoplasma gondii
`Infection with a Recombinant Antigen
`Optimized PCR Using Patient Blood Samples for Diagnosis
`and Follow-Up of Visceral Leishmaniasis, with Special
`Reference to AIDS Patients
`A Polymorphic Multigcne Family Encoding an
`Immunodominant Protein from Babesia microti
`Evaluation of a Combination Rapid Immunoassay for
`Detection of Giardia and Cryptosporidium Antigens
`Serological Detection of Capillaria hepatica by Indirect
`[mmunofluorescence Assay
`Development and Application of a PCR-Based Method
`Including an Internal Control for Diagnosis of Congenital
`Cytomegalovirus Infection
`Automated Specific Capture of Hepatitis C Virus RNA with
`Probes and Paramagnetic Particle Separation
`Neutralization Assay for Human Group C Rotaviruses Using
`a Reverse Passive Hemagglutination Test for Endpoint
`Relationship of Incremental Specimen Volumes and
`Enhanced Detection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
`Type 1 RNA with Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology
`Development of a TT Virus DNA Quantification System
`Using Real-Time Detection PCR
`H. Mayta, A. Talley, R. H. Gilman,
`J. Jimenez, M. Verastegui, M. Ruiz,
`H. H. Garcia, and A. E. Gonzalez
`G. Santos—Gomes, S. Gomes-
`Pereira, L. Campino, M. De
`Alrneida Araujo, and P. Abranchcs
`Shuli Li, Greg Maine, Yasuhiro
`Suzuki, Fauslo G. Araujo, Gina
`Galvan, Jack S. Remington, and
`Stephen Parrnley
`Laurence Lachaud, Jacques
`Dereure, Elisabeth Chabbert,
`Jacques Reynes, Jean—Marc
`Mauboussin, Eric Oziol, Jean-Pierre
`Dedet, and Patrick Bastien
`M. J. Homer, E. S. Bruinsma, M. J.
`Lodes, M. H. Moro, S. Telford III,
`P. J. Krause, L. D. Reynolds, R.
`Mohamath. D. R. Benson, R. L.
`Houghton, S. G. Reed, and D. H.
`Raymond Chan, Jing Chen, Mary K.
`York, Norman Setijono, Raymond
`L. Kaplan, Fitzroy Graham, and
`Herbert B. Tanowitz
`Martina Juncker-Voss, Heinrich
`Prosl, Helga Lussy, Ulrike
`Enzenberg, Herbert Auer, and
`Norbert Nowotny
`Rachel N. Jones, M. Lynne Neale,
`Brian Beattie, Diana Westmoreland,
`and Julie D. Fox
`Hayato Miyachi, Atsuko Masukawa,
`Toshio Ohshima, Toru Hirose,
`Chaka Impraim, and Yasuhiko
`Ritsushi Fujii, Mitsutaka Kuzuya,
`Masako Hamano, Hajimc Ogura,
`Masao Yamada, and Tadashige
`Donald J. Witt, M. Kemper,
`Andrew Stead, Christine C.
`Ginocchio, and Angela M. Caliendo
`Takanobu Kato, Masashi Mizokami,
`Motokazu Mukaide, Etsuro Orito,
`Tomoyoshi Ohno, Tatsunori
`Nakano, Yasuhito Tanaka, Hideaki
`Kato, Fuminaka Sugauchi, Ryuzo
`Ueda, Noboru Hirashima, Kazuhide
`Shimamatsu, Masayoshi Kage, and
`Masamichi Kojiro
`Continued on following page
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR20’|5-01776 ANACOR EX. 2086 - 7/“I4
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2086 - 7/14

`Cantirtuedfro/11 preceding page
`Performance of Indirect Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Serology
`Tests and IgM Capture Assays for Laboratory Diagnosis of
`Comparison of Antibody Titers Determined by
`Hemagglutination Inhibition and Enzyme Immunoassay for
`JC Virus and BK Virus
`In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluations of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
`and Dextran Sulfate as Microbicides against Herpes
`Simplex and Human Immunodeficiency Viruses
`VP7 and VP4 Genotyping ot' Human Group A Rotavirus in
`Buenos Aires, Argentina
`Nested PCR for Rapid Detection of Mumps Virus in
`Cerebrospinal Fluid from Patients with Neurological
`Recovery and Analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
`Type 1 (HIV) RNA Sequences from Plasma Samples with
`Low HIV RNA Levels
`Stability of Plasma Human Immunodeficiency Virus Load in
`VACUTAINER PPT Plasma Preparation Tubes during
`Overnight Shipment
`Improved Amplification of Genital Human Papillomaviruses
`Genotype Profiles of Rotavirus Strains from Children in a
`Suburban Community in Guinea-Bissau, Western Africa
`Quantitation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1
`Group 0 Load in Plasma by Measuring Reverse
`Transcriptase Activity
`Polyomaviruria in Renal Transplant Patients Is Not
`Correlated to the Cold Ischemia Period or to Rejection
`Additional Human Papillomavirus Types Detected by the
`Hybrid Capture Tube Test among Samples from Women
`with Cytological and Colposcopical Atypia
`Mink Lung Cells and Mixed Mink Lung and A549 Cells for
`Rapid Detection of Influenza Virus and Other Respiratory
`Samuel Ratnam, Graham Tipples,
`Carol Head, Micheline Fauvel,
`Margaret Fearon, and Brian J.
`R. S. Hamilton, M. Gravell, and
`E. 0. Major
`Jocelyne Piret, Julie Lamontagne,
`Julie BesLman—Smith, Sylvie Roy,
`Pierrette Gourde, Andre
`Désormeaux, Rabeea F. Omar,
`Julianna Juhasz, and Michel G.
`M. H. Argiielles, G. A. Villegas, A.
`Castello, A. Abraini, P. D.
`Ghiringhelli, L. Sernorilc, and G.
`Gustavo Palaeios Poggio, Claudia
`Rodriguez, Daniel Cisterna, Maria
`Cecilia Freire, and Jeronimo Cello
`Jordi Niubo, Wuyi Li, Keith Henry,
`and Alejo Erice
`Mark Holodniy, Lynne Rainen,
`Steve Herman, and Belinda Yen-
`P. E. Gravitt. C. L. Peyton, T. Q.
`Alessi, C. M. Wheeler, F. Coutlée,
`A. Hildesheim, M. H. Schiffrnan.
`D. R. Scott, and R. J. Apple
`Thea Kolsen Fischer, Hans
`Steinsland, Kare Molbak, Rui Ca,
`Jon R. Gentsch, Palle ValenLiner—
`Branth, Peter Aaby, and Halvor
`J. Gerardo Garcia Lerma, Vincent
`Soriano, Antonio Mas, Miguel E.
`Quifiones—Matcu, Eric J. Arts, and
`Walid Heneine
`P. Priftakis, G. Bogdanovic, G.
`Tyden, and T. Dalianis
`J ézsef Konya, Gyorgy Vcrcss, Attila
`Juhasz, Krisztina Szarka, Tamas
`Sapy, Zoltan Hernadi, and Lajos
`Yung T. Huang and Brian M.
`2-Hour Cytomegalovirus pp65 Antigenemia Assay for Rapid
`Quantitation of Cytomegalovirus in Blood Samples
`Marie L. Landry and David
`Impact of Sample Type on Rapid Detection of Influenza
`Virus A by Cytospin-Enhanced Immunofluorescence and
`Membrane Enzyme-Linked lmmunosorbent Assay
`Marie L. Landry, Sandra Cohen,
`and David Ferguson
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR201 5-01 776 ANACOR EX. 2086 - 8/“I4
`Continued on following page
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2086 - 8/14

`"0/Minuet!’ from preceding page
`Prevalence of Escherichia coli OI57:H7 from Cull Dairy
`Cows in New York State and Comparison of Culture
`Methods Used during Preharvest Food Safety Investigations
`Comparison of Pasteurella spp. Simultaneously Isolated from
`Nasal and Transtracheal Swabs from Cattle with Clinical
`Signs of Bovine Respiratory Disease
`Molecular Cloning and Characterization of the 120-
`Kilodalton Protein Gene ofEhrlicI1ia canis and Application
`of the Recombinant 120-Kilodalton Protein for
`Serodiagnosis of Canine Ehrlichiosis
`Quality Control Guidelines for Disk Dilfusion and Broth
`Microdilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests with Seven
`Drugs for Veterinary Applications
`Phenotypic and Molecular Typing of Nosocomial
`Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Strains
`Susceptible to Gentamicin Isolated in France from 1995 to
`Typing of Candida glabrata in Clinical Isolates by
`Comparative Sequence Analysis of the Cytochrome c
`Oxidase Subunit 2 Gene Distinguishes Two Clusters of
`Strains Associated with Geographical Sequence
`Pulsed—FieId Gel Electrophoresis-Based Molecular
`Comparison of Vibrio cholerae O1 Isolates from Domestic
`and Imported Cases of Cholera in Japan
`Peritonitis Due to Roseomonas fauriae in a Patient
`Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
`Bacteremic Pneumonia Caused by a Single Clone of
`Streptococcus pneumoniae with Dilferent Optochin
`Isolation of Pantoea ugglomerans in Two Cases of Septic
`Monoarthritis after Plant Thorn and Wood Sliver Injuries
`Streptococcus bovis Meningitis in an Infant
`Patrick L. McDonough, Christine A.
`Rossiter, Robert B. Rcbhun, Susan
`M. Stehman, Donald H. Lein, and
`Sang J. Shin
`D. C. DeRosa, G. D. Mechor, J. J.
`Staats, M. M. Chengappa, and T. R.
`Xue-jie Yu, Jere W. McBride, C.
`Marcela Diaz, and David H. Walker
`Brant A. Odland. Meredith E.
`Erwin, and Ronald N. Jones
`J acques—Olivicr Galdbart, Anne
`Mon/an, and Nevine El Solh
`I854 90
`Gerdine F. O. Sanson and Marcelo
`R. S. Briones
`Eiji Arakawa, Toshiyuki Murase,
`Shigeru Matsushita, Toshio
`Shimada, Shiro Yamai, Takoshi Ito,
`and lIaru0 Watanabe
`Evangclia Bibashi, Danai Sofianou,
`Konstantina Kontopoulou,
`Efstathios Mitsopoulos, and
`Elisabeth Kokolina
`Hsiu-Yuan Tsai, Po—Ren Hsueh,
`Lee-Jene Tong, Ping-Ing Lee, Li-
`Min Huang, Chin—Yun Lee, and
`Kwen-Tay Luh
`C. De Champs, S. Le Seaux, J. J.
`Dubost, S. Boisgard, B. Sauvezie,
`and J. Sirot
`Russell J. Grant, Terence R.
`Whitehead, and James E. Orr
`Achieving 100% Typeability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by
`Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis
`Ute Romling and Burkhard
`Is a Large Number of Sputum Specimens Necessary for the
`Bacteriological Diagnosis of Tuberculosis?
`Alessandro Cascina, Anna Fietta,
`and Lucio Casali
`Continuecl on following page
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR20’|5-01776 ANACOR EX. 2086 - 9/“I4
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2086 - 9/14

`Continued from preceding page
`Detection of Bordetella holmesii Using Bordetclla pertussis
`IS481 PCR Assay
`Two Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Serotype 8 Reference
`Strains in Circulation
`Acute Renal Failure in an Infant Associated with Cytotoxic
`Aeromonas sobria Isolated from Patient’s Stool and from
`Aquarium Water as Suspected Source of Infection
`Rapid Mini-Preparation of Fungal DNA for PCR
`Obtaining Unacceptable Results in Assays for Quantitation
`of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 RNA in Plasma
`Mike J. Loeffelholz, Curt J.
`Thompson, Karla S. Long, and
`Mary J. R. Gilchrist
`Trine Gram, Peter Ahrens, and
`Qystein Angen
`Guido Filler, Jochen H. H. Ehrich,
`Eckhard Strauch, and Lothar Beutin
`Don Liu, Sue Coloe, Rob Baird,
`and John Pcdcrscn
`A. Aguilera, A. Vela, M. Trevino,
`E. Varela, R. Seoane, and B. J.
`Dilferentiation of Campylobacterjqiuni Serotype O19 Strains
`from Non-O19 Strains by PCR

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