CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 1/13

`Andrew B. Onderdonk, Editor in Chief (2009)
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`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR201 5-01776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 2/1 3
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 2/13

`Volume 42
`July 2004
`Rapid Detection of Antimicrobial-Resistant Organism
`Carriage: an Unmet Clinical Need
`Daniel J. Diekema, Kirsty J.
`Dodgson, Bryndis Sigurdardottir,
`and Michael A. Pfaller
`Bacteremia in an Immunocompromised Patient Caused
`by a Commensal Neisseria meningitidis Strain Harboring
`the Capsule Null Locus (cnl)
`Molecular Characterization of Extended-Spectrum Beta-
`Lactamases Produced by Clinical Isolates of Klebsiella
`pneumoniae and Escherichia coli from a Korean Nationwide
`Prospective Study of a Real-Time PCR That Is Highly
`Sensitive, Specific, and Clinically Useful for Diagnosis
`of Meningococcal Disease in Children
`Molecular Typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolates by
`Pyrosequencing of Highly Polymorphic Segments of the porB
`Isolation of Recombinant Antibodies against EspA and
`Intimin of Escherichia coli O157:H7
`Use of Robotized DNA Isolation and Real-Time PCR To
`Quantity and Identify Close Correlation between Levels of
`Neisseria meningitidis DNA and Lipopolysaccharides in
`Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid from Patients with
`Systemic Meningococcal Disease
`Ulrich Vogel, Heike Claus, Lutz Von
`Miiller, Donald Bunjes, Johannes
`Elias, and Matthias Frosch
`Seok Hoon Jeong, Il Kwon Bae,
`Jung Hun Lee, Seung Ghyu Sohn,
`Geun Ho Kang, Ghil Ja J eon,
`Young Ho Kim, Byeong Chul
`Jeong, and Sang Hee Lee
`Penelope A. Bryant, Hua Yi Li,
`Angelo Zaia, Julia Griffith, Geoff
`I-logg, Nigel Curtis, and Jonathan R.
`Magnus Unemo, Per Olcén, Jon
`Jonasson, and Hans Fredlund
`Sarah A. Kiihnc, William S. Hawes,
`Roberto M. La Ragione, Martin J.
`Woodward, Garry C. Whitelam, and
`Kevin C. Gough
`Reidun Qvstebo, Petter Brandtzaeg,
`Berit Brusletto, Kari Bente Foss
`Hang, Knut Lande, Ernst Arne
`I-Ioiby, and Peter Kierulf
`Molecular Analysis of the Microflora Associated with Dental
`M. A. Munson, A. Banerjee, T. F.
`Watson, and W. G. Wade
`Studies on the Involvement of the Exopolysaccharide
`Produced by Cystic Fibrosis-Associated Isolates of the
`Burkholderia cepacia Complex in Biofilm Formation and
`in Persistence of Respiratory Infections
`Prevalence of the hifBC, hmw1A, hmw2A, hmwC, and hia
`Genes in Haemophilus irifluenzae Isolates
`Use of In Vivo-Generated Biofilms from Hemodialysis
`Catheters To Test the Elficacy of a Novel Antimicrobial
`Catheter Lock for Biofilm Eradication In Vitro
`Comparison of the APTIMA CT and GC Assays with the
`APTIMA Combo 2 Assay, the Abbott LCX Assay, and Direct
`Fluorescent-Antibody and Culture Assays for Detection of
`Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae
`Monica V. CL1nha, Silvia A. Sousa,
`Jorge H. Lcitao, Leonilde M.
`Morcira, Paula A. Videira, and
`Isabel Sa-Correia
`I. Zafer Ecevit, Kirk W. McCrea,
`Melinda M. Pettigrew, Ananda Sen,
`Carl F. Marrs, and Janet R.
`P. Kite, K. Eastwood, S. Sugden,
`and S. L. Percival
`B. Boyadzhyan, T. Yashina, J. H.
`Yatabe, M. Patnaik, and C. S. Hill
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`Continued on following page
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`Contirmcd from preceding page
`Endemic, Epidemic Clone of Salmonella enterica Serovar
`Typhi Harboring a Single Multidrug-Resistant Plasmid
`in Vietnam between 1995 and 2002
`Quantitative Analysis of Diverse Lactobacillus Species
`Present in Advanced Dental Caries
`Evaluation of the Hyplex BloodScreen Multiplex PCR—
`Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay System for Direct
`Identification of Gram-Positive Cocci and Gram-Negative
`Bacilli from Positive Blood Cultures
`Multiplex Real~Time PCR for Detection of Anaplasma
`phagocytophilum and Borrelia burgdorferi
`Use of Swabs without Transport Media for the Gen-Probe
`Group A Strep Direct Test
`Use of Applied Biosystems 790OHT Sequence Detection
`System and Taqman Assay for Detection of Quinolone-
`Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae
`Detailed Protocol for Purification of Chlamydia pncumoniae
`Elementary Bodies
`Performance of the MagNA Pure LC Robot for Extraction of
`Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA from
`Urine and Swab Specimens
`Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Erythromycin
`Resistance in Four Isolates of Streptococcus-Like Gram-
`Positive Cocci Causing Bacteremia
`A Novel Multiplex Real-Time PCR Assay for Rapid Typing
`of Major Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec
`Genetic Relatedness and Quinolone Resistance of
`Campylobacterjejuni Strains Isolated in 2002 in Hong Kong
`Epidemiological Investigation of Bloodstream Infections by
`Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin-Resistant Escherichia coli
`in a Taiwanese Teaching Hospital
`Diagnostic Utility and Clinical Significance of Naso- and
`Oropharyngeal Samples Used in a PCR Assay To Diagnose
`Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infection in Children with
`Community-Acquired Pneumonia
`Dilferenccs in Clinical Manifestation of Streptococcus
`pneumoniae Infection Are Not Correlated with In Vitro
`Production and Release of the Virulence Factors
`Pneumolysin and Lipoteichoic and Teichoic Acids
`Evaluation of Indirect Fluorescence Antibody Assay for
`Detection of Bartonella clarridgeiae and Seroprevalence of
`B. clarridgeiae among Patients with Suspected Cat Scratch
`Clinical and Microbiological Analysis of Bloodstream
`Infections Caused by Chryseobactcrium mcningosepticum
`in Nonneonatal Patients
`Thi Anh Hong Le, Monique Lejay-
`Collin, Patrick A. D. Grimont, Thuy
`Long Hoang, Thi Vinh Nguyen,
`Francine Grimont, and Maurice R.
`Roy Byun, Mangala A. Nadkarni,
`Kim-Ly Chhour, F. Elizabeth
`Martin, Nicholas A. Jacques, and
`Neil Hunter
`Nele Wellinghausen, Beate Wirths,
`Andreas Essig, and Lars Wassill
`Joshua W. Courtney, Leah M.
`Kostelnik, Nordin S. Zeidner, and
`Robert F. Massung
`Paul P. Bourbeau and Barbara J.
`Julie Giles, Justin Hardick, Jeffrey
`Yuenger, Michael Dan, Karl Reich,
`and Jonathan Zenilman
`Sanghamitra Mukhopadhyay,
`Alejandra P. Clark, Erin D.
`Sullivan, Richard D. Miller, and
`James T. Summcrsgill
`Nicholas Dalesio, Vince Marsiglia,
`Andrew Quinn, Thomas C. Quinn,
`and Charlotte A. Gaydos
`Patrick C. Y. Woo, Amanda P. C.
`To, Susanna K. P. Lau, Ami M. Y.
`Fung, and Kwok-yung Yuen
`Patrice Francois, Gesuele Renzi,
`Didier Pittet, Manuela Bento,
`Daniel Lew, Stephan Harbarth,
`Pierre Vaudaux, and Jacques
`Yiu-Wai Chu, Man-Yu Chu, Kit-
`Yee Luey, Yin—Wa Ngan, Ka-Lok
`Tsang, and Kai-Man Kam
`Jing-Jou Yan, Wen-Chien Ko,
`Jiunn-long Wu, Shu-Huei Tsai, and
`Chin-Luan Chuang
`Ian C. Michelow, Kurt Olsen,
`Juanita Lozano, Lynn B. Dulfy,
`George H. McCracken, and R.
`Doug Hardy
`Annette Spreer, Astrid Lis, Joachim
`Gerber, Ralf René Reincrt, Helmut
`Eiffert, and Roland Nau
`Hidehiro Tsuneoka. Akiko Umeda,
`Masato Tsukahara, and Kohsuke
`Pen—Yi Lin, Chishih Chu, Lin-Hui
`Su, Chung—Tsui Iluang, Wen—Ya
`Chang, and Cheng-Ilsun Chiu
`Continued on following page
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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 4/13

`Crmtirmed from preceding page
`Quality Control Guidelines for BAL9141 (R0 63-9141), an
`Investigational Cephalosporin, When Reference MIC and
`Standardized Disk Dilfusiou Susceptibility Test Methods
`Are Used
`T. R. Anderegg, R. N. Jones, H. S.
`Sader, and the Quality Control
`Working Group
`Combination of PCR Targeting the VD2 of amp] and
`Reverse Line Blot Analysis for Typing of Urogenital
`Chlamydia trachamatis Serovars in Cervical Scrape
`Comparison of Three Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests for
`Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in Urine Specimens
`Immunohistostaining Assays for Detection of Chlamydia
`pneumoniae in Atherosclerotic Arteries Indicate Cross-
`Reactions with Nonchlamydial Plaque Constituents
`High-Throughput Method for Detecting Genomic-Deletion
`Molecular Epidemiology of Tuberculosis among Immigrants
`in Hamburg, Germany
`Assessment of Partial Sequencing of the 65-Kilodalton Heat
`Shock Protein Gene (hsp65) for Routine Identification of
`Mycobacterium Species Isolated from Clinical Sources
`Improved Sensitivity of Nucleic Acid Amplification‘ for Rapid
`Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis
`Comparative Evaluation of the New Version of the INNO-
`LiPA Mycobacteria and GenoType Mycobacterium Assays
`for Identification of Mycobacterium Species from MB/BacT
`Liquid Cultures Artificially Inoculated with Mycobacterial
`Antigenic Evidence of Prevalence and Diversity
`of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Arabinomannan
`304] -3045
`Monica Molano, Chris J. L. M.
`Meijer, Servaas A. Morré, Rene
`Pol, and Adriaan J. C. van den
`Charlotte A. Gaydos, Mellisa
`Theodore, Nicholas Dalesio, Billie
`Jo Wood, and Thomas C. Quinn
`Vicky Y. Hoymans, Johan M.
`Bosmans, Dominique Ursi, Wim
`Martinet, Floris L. Wuyts, Eric Van
`Marck, Martin Altwegg, Christiaan
`J. Vrints, and Margareta M. Ieven
`Yves-Olivier Luc Goguet de la
`Salmoniere, C. C. Kim, A. G.
`Tsolaki, A. S. Pym, M. S. Siegrist,
`and Peter M. Small
`Roland Die], Sabine Ri'1sch—Gerdes,
`and Stefan Niemann
`Alan MCNabb, Diane Eisler, Kathy
`Adie, Marie Amos, Mabel
`Rodrigues, Gwen Stephens, William
`A. Black, and Judith Isaac-Rcnton
`Tsik Somuncu Johansen, Bettina
`Lundgren, Fehmi Tabak, Bjorn
`Petrini, Salih Hosoglu, Nese
`Saltoglu, and Vibeke Qstergaard
`Eduardo Padilla, Victoria Gonzalez,
`Jose Maria Manterola, Andres
`Perez, Maria Dolorcs Quesada,
`Sergio Gordillo, Cristina Vilaplana,
`Maria Angelcs Pallarés, Sonia
`Molinos, Maria Dolores Sanchez,
`and Vicente Ausina
`Aharona Glatman-Freedman,
`Arturo Casadevall, Zongdong Dai,
`William R. Jacobs, Jr., Anping Li,
`Sheldon L. Morris, Josepinc» Anne
`D. Navoa, Sajida Piperdi, John B.
`Robbins, Rachel Schnccrson, J.
`Reid Schwebach, and Michael
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR201 5-01 776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 5/1 3
`Continued on _/'0//owing page
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 5/13

`Continued from preceding page
`Molecular Genotyping of a Large, Multicentric Collection
`of Tubercle Bacilli Indicates Geographical Partitioning of
`Strain Variation and Has Implications for Global
`Epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
`High Genetic Diversity Revealed by Variable-Number
`Tandem Repeat Genotyping and Analysis of hsp65 Gene
`Polymorphism in a Large Collection of “Mycobacterium
`canettii” Strains Indicates that the M. tuberculosis Complex
`Is a Recently Emerged Clone of “M. canettii”
`LightCycler-Based Dilferentiation of Mycobacterium abscessus
`and Mycobacterium chelonae
`Application of Oxidation-Reduction Assay for Monitoring
`Treatment of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
`Direct Identification of Mycobacterium haemophilum in Skin
`Lesions of Immunocompromised Patients by PCR-
`Restriction Endonuclease Analysis
`Intra- and Interlaboratory Study of a Method for Testing
`the Antifungal Susceptibilities of Dermatophytes
`Further Standardization of Broth Microdilution
`Methodology for In Vitro Susceptibility Testing of
`Caspofungin against Candida Species by Use of an
`International Collection of More than 3,000 Clinical Isolates
`Cross-Resistance between Fluconazole and Ravuconazole
`and the Use of Fluconazole as a Surrogate Marker To
`Predict Susceptibility and Resistance to Ravuconazole
`among 12,796 Clinical Isolates of Candida spp.
`Geographic Variation in the Susceptibilities of Invasive
`Isolates of Candida glabrata to Seven Systemically Active
`Antifungal Agents: a Global Assessment from the ARTEMIS
`Antifungal Surveillance Program Conducted in 2001 and
`Comparison of Different Methods of Isolation of DNA
`of Commonly Encountered Candida Species and Its
`Quantitation by Using a Real-Time PCR-Based Assay
`Cloning and Characterization of Trichophyton rubrum Genes
`Encoding Actin, Tri r2, and Tri r4
`Detection of Pneumocystis jiroveci in Respiratory Specimens
`by Four Staining Methods
`Niyaz Ahmed, Mahfooz Alam,
`K. Rajender Rao, Farhana Kauscr,
`N. Ashok Kumar, Nazia N. Qazi,
`Vartul Sangal, V. D. Sharma, Ram
`Das. V. M. Katoch, K. J. R. Murthy,
`Sujai Suneetha, S. K. Sharma,
`Leonardo A. Sechi, Robert H.
`Gilman, and Seyed E. Hasnain
`Michel Fabrc, Jean-Louis Koeck,
`Philippe Le Flechc, Fabrice Simon,
`Vincent Herve, Gillcs Vergnaud,
`and Christine Pourccl
`L. Sedlacek, M. Rifai, K. Feldmann,
`and F. C. Bange
`Parissa Farnia, Foroazan
`Mohammadi, Mehdi Mirsacdi,
`Abolhasan Zia Zarife, Javad
`Tabatabee, Katayoon Bahadori,
`Muslem Bahadori, Mohammad
`Reza Masjedi, and Ali Akbar
`S. X. Wang, L. H. Sng, H. N.
`Leong, and B. H. Tan
`M. A. Ghannoum, V. Chaturvedi,
`A. Espinel-Ingroif, M. A. Pfaller,
`M. G. Rinaldi, W. Lee-Yang, and
`D. W. Warnock
`M. A. Pfaller. S. A. Messer, L.
`Boyken, C. Rice, S. Tendolkar, R. J.
`Hollis, and D. J. Diekema
`M. A. Pfaller, S. A. Messer, L.
`Boyken, C. Rice, S. Tendolkar, R. J.
`Hollis, and D. J. Diekema
`M. A. Pfaller, S. A. Messer, L.
`Boykcn, S. Tendolkar, R. J. Hollis,
`and D. J. Dickcma
`Younes Maaroufi, Naima Ahariz,
`Mireille Husson, and Francoise
`Jimin Gao and Akira Takashima
`G. W. Procop, S. Haddad, J. Quinn,
`M. L. Wilson, N. G. Hcnshaw, L. B.
`Reller, R. L. Artymyshyn, M. T.
`Katanik, and M. P. Wcinstein
`Continued on following page
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`Continued from preceding page
`Performance of a New, Rapid Assay for Detection
`of Trichomonas vaginalis
`Risk Factors for Sporadic Cryptosporidiosis among
`Immunocompetent Persons in the United States from 1999
`to 2001
`Purification of Enterocytozoon bieneusi Spores from Stool
`Specimens by Gradient and Cell Sorting Techniques
`Detection and Genotyping of Entamoeba histolytica,
`Entamaeba dispar, Giardia lamblia, and Cryptosporidium
`parvum by Oligonucleotide Microarray
`Real-Time PCR Assay for Detection and Genotype
`Dilferentiation of Giardia lamblia in Stool Specimens
`Use of Two Sensitive and Specific Immunoblot Markers,
`Em70 and Em90, for Diagnosis of Alveolar Echinococcosis
`Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
`Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein in SARS Patients by
`Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
`Detection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1
`Antiretroviral Resistance Mutations by High-Density DNA
`Probe Arrays
`Performance of Commercially Available Enzyme
`Immunoassays for Detection of Antibodies against Herpes
`Simplex Virus Type 2 in African Populations
`Coexistence of Multiple Genotypes, Including Newly
`Identified Genotypes, in Outbreaks of Gastroenteritis Due
`to Norovirus in Japan
`Evaluation of the Binax NOW, BD Directigen, and BD
`Directigen EZ Assays for Detection of Respiratory Syncytial
`Ann Kurth, William L. H.
`Whittington, Matthew R. Golden,
`Katherine K. Thomas, King K.
`Holmes, and Jane R. Schwebke
`Sharon L. Roy, Stephanie M.
`DeLong, Sara A. Stenzcl,
`Beletshachew Shiferaw, Jacquelin
`M. Roberts, Asheena Khalakdina,
`Ruthanne Marcus, Suzanne D.
`Segler, Dipti D. Shah, Stephanie
`Thomas, Due J. Vugia, Shelley M.
`Zansky, Vance Dietz, Michael J.
`Beach, and the Emerging Infectious
`Program FoodNet Working Group
`Zuzana Kucerova, Hercules Moura,
`Gordon J. Leiteh, Rama Srirarn,
`Caryn Bern, Vivian Kawai, Daniel
`Vargas, Robert H. Gilman, Eduardo
`Ticona. Aldo Vivar, and Govinda S.
`Zheng Wang, Gary J. Vora, and
`David A. Stenger
`Rebecca A. Guy, Chongxie Xiao,
`and Paul A. Horgen
`Metin Korkmaz, Tonay Inceboz,
`Fehmi Celebi, Aylin Babaoglu, and
`Ahmet Uner
`Susanna K. P. Lau, Patrick C. Y.
`Woo, Beatrice H. L. Wong, Hoi-
`Wah Tsoi, Gibson K. S. Woo,
`Rosana W. S. Poon, Kwok-Hung
`Chan, William I. Wei, J. S. Malik
`Peiris, and Kwok-Yung Yuen
`R. Gonzalez, B. Masquelier,
`H. Fleury, B. Laeroix, A. Troesch,
`G. Vernet, and J. N. Telles
`Eddy Van Dyck, Anne Buvé, Helen
`A. Weiss, Judith R. Glynn, David
`W. G. Brown, Bénédicte De Deken,
`John Parry, and Richard J. Hayes
`Tsutomu Kageyama, Michiyo
`Shinohara, Kazue Uchida, Shuetsu
`Fukushi, Fuminori B. Hoshino,
`Shigeyuki Kojima, Reiko Takai,
`Tomoichiro Oka, Naokazu Takeda,
`and Kazuhiko Katayama
`Marilyn J. Ohm-Smith, Patricia S.
`Nassos, and Barbara L. Haller
`2944-295 1
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR201 5-01 776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 7/1 3
`Continued on following page
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 7/13

`Cnntiriued ‘om recedinr an e
`.51 8
`Dissociation of Serum and Liver Hepatitis C Virus RNA
`Levels in Patients Coinfected with Human
`Immunodeficiency Virus and Treated with Antirctroviral
`Measles Virus Genotyping by Nucleotide-Specific Multiplex
`High Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Type 5 in Central
`France Evidenced by a Prospective Study from 1996 to 2002
`Highly Sensitive Assay for Detection of Enterovirus in
`Clinical Specimens by Reverse Transcription-PCR with
`an Armored RNA I11ternal Control
`Simultaneous Runs of the Bayer VERSANT HIV-I Version
`3.0 and HCV bDNA Version 3.0 Quantitative Assays on the
`System 340 Platform Provide Reliable Quantitation and
`Improved Work Flow
`Detection and Typing of Human Papillomavirus by E6
`Nested Multiplex PCR
`Comparison of Three Commercially Available Serologic
`Assays Used To Detect Human Parvovirus B19-Specific
`Immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG Antibodies in Sera of
`Pregnant Women
`Discovery of Novel Human and Animal Cells Infected by
`the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
`by Replication-Specific Multiplex Reverse Transcription-
`Amplicon Sequencing and Improved Detection of Human
`Rhinovirus in Respiratory Samples
`Use of Oligonucleotide Microarrays for Rapid Detection and
`Serotming of Acute Respiratory Disease-Associated
`Development and Clinical Evaluation of a Highly Sensitive
`DNA Microarray for Detection and Genotyping of Human
`Identification of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
`Coronavirus by Simultaneous Multigene DNA Sequencing
`Influenza B Virus Victoria Group with a New Glycosylation
`Site Was Epidemic in Japan in the 2002-2003 Season
`Genotypic Profile of Human Herpesvirus 8 (Kaposi’s
`Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus) in Urine
`Milena Furione, Renato Maserati,
`Marta Gatti, Fausto Baldanti,
`Agostino Cividini, Raflaele Bruno,
`Giuseppe Gerna, and Mario U.

`Jacques R. Krcrncr, Fred Fack,
`Christophe M. Olinger, Mick N.
`Mulders, Claude P. Muller
`Cécile Henquell, Carole Cartau,
`Armand Abergel, Henri
`Laurichesse, Christel Regagnon,
`Christophe De Champs, Jean-Luc
`Bailly, and Helene Peigue-Lafeuille
`Marcel Beld, René Minnaar, Jan
`Weel, Cees Sol, Marjolein Damen,
`Harry Van der Avoort, Paulinc
`Wcrtheim-van Diilen, Alex van
`Breda, and Rene Boom
`Tarek Elbeik, Norman Markowitz,
`Patricia Nassos, Uday Kumar, Scott
`Beringer, Barbara Hallcr, and
`Valerie Ng
`K. Sotlar, D. Diemer, A. Dethlefls,
`Y. Hack, A. Stubner, N. Vollmer,
`S. Menton, M. Menton, K. Dietz,
`D. Wallwiener, R. Kandolf, and
`B. Bijltmann
`3012-3016 I
`Allyson R. Butchko and Jeanne A.
`Laura Gillim-Ross, Jill Taylor,
`David R. Scholl, Jared Ridenour,
`Paul S. Masters, and David E.
`Christelle Deffcrnez, Werner
`Wunderli, Yves Thomas, Sabine
`Yerly, Luc Perrin, and Laurent
`Baochuan Lin, Gary J. Vora, Dzung
`Thach, Elizabeth Walter, David
`Metzgar, Clark Tibbetts, and David
`A. Stengcr
`TaeJeong Oh, ChangJin Kim,
`SukKyung Woo, TaeScung Kim,
`DongJun Jeong, MyungSoon Kim,
`Sunwoo Lee, HyunSi1l Cho, and
`Sungwhan An
`T. Vinayagamoorthy, Kirk Mulatz.
`and Roger Hodkinson
`Naoko Nakagawa, Ritsuko Kubota,
`Akiko Maeda. and Yoshinobu
`M. M. Beyari, T. A. Hodgson, W.
`Kondowe, E. M. Molyneux, C. M.
`Scully, S. R. Porter, and C. G. Teo
`Evaluation of a Real-Time PCR Assay Using the LightCycler
`System for Detection of Parvovirus B19 DNA
`Richard S. Buller and Gregory
`Continued on following page
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR201 5-01 776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 8/1 3
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 8/13

`Continued from preceding page
`Molecular and Ultrastructural Characterization of Porcine
`Hippurate-Negative Brachyspira pilosicoli
`Multiplex PCR Assay for Detection of Streptococcus suis
`Species and Serotypes 2 and 1/2 in Tonsils of Live and Dead
`Reference System for Characterization of Bordetella pertussis
`Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis Profiles
`Molecular Epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
`in Western Sweden
`Widespread Dissemination in The Netherlands of the
`Epidemic Berlin Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
`Clone with Low-Level Resistance to Oxacillin
`Clonal Relatedness of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
`Strains Isolated from a Cohort of Young Children in
`Molecular Epidemiology of Serratia marcescens in Two
`Hospitals in Danzig, Poland, over a 5-Year Period
`Diversity among Community Isolates of Methicillin-
`Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Australia
`Serotypes and Genotypes of Erythromycin-Resistant Group
`B Streptococci in Korea
`Extended-Spectrum-B-Lactamase (TEM-52)-Producing
`Strains of Salmonella enterica of Various Serotypes Isolated
`in France
`Fungemia Caused by Zygoascus hellenicus in an Allogeneic
`Stem Cell Transplant Recipient
`First Comprehensively Documented Case of Paracoccus yeei
`Infection in a Human
`Septic Arthritis of the Knee Due to Fusobacterium
`Prosthetic Mitral Valve Endocarditis Due to Ochrobactrum
`anthropi: Case Report
`Marja Fossi, Tarja Pohjanvirta,
`Antti Sukura, Sirpa Heinikainen,
`Rikke Lindecrona, and Sinikka
`C. Marois, S. Bougcard, M.
`Gottschalk, and M. Kobisch
`Abdolreza Advani, Declan
`Donnelly, and Hans Hallander
`Karine Brudey, Max Gordon, Peter
`Mostrom, Lisclott Svensson, Bodil
`Jonsson, Christophe Sola, Malin
`Ridell, and Nalin Rastogi
`W. J. B. Wannet, E. Spalburg,
`M. E. O. C. Heck, G. N. Pluister,
`R. J. L. Willems, and
`A. J. de Neeling
`Hans Steinsland, Palle Valentiner-
`Branth, Peter Aaby, Kare Molbak,
`and Halvor Sommerfelt
`Lukasz Naumiuk, Anna Baraniak,
`Marek Gniadkowski, Beata
`Krawczyk, Bartosz Rybak, Ewa
`Sadowy, Alfred Samet, and Jozef
`F. G. O’l3rie11, T. T. Lim, F. N.
`Chong, G. W. Coombs, M. C.
`Enright, D. A. Robinson, A. Monk,
`B. Said-Salim, B. N. Kreiswirth, and
`W. B. Grubb
`Young Uh, In Ho Jang, Gyu Yel
`Hwang, Mi Kyung Lee, Kap Jun
`Yoon, and Hyo Youl Kim
`Frangois—Xavier Weill, Marie
`Demartin, Laetitia Fabre, and
`Patrick A. D. Grimont
`Mary E. Brandt, Carol A. Kauffman,
`Peter G. Pappas, Naureen Iqbal,
`Beth A. Arthington-Skaggs, Wendy
`Lee-Yang, and Mandy T. Smith
`Guido Fnnke, Reinhard Frodl, and
`Hartmut Sommer
`Paresh D. Sonsale, Mark R.
`Philipson, and Jilean Bowskill
`M. P. Romero Gomez, A. M.
`Peinado Esteban, J. A. Sobrino
`Daza, J. A. Séez Nieto, D. Alvarez,
`and P. Pena Garcia
`31 69-3175
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR201 5-01 776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 9/1 3
`Continued on following page
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2084 - 9/13

`Continued from preceding page
`Bacteriology of a Bear Bite Wound to a Human: Case
`Dennis Kunimoto, Robert Rennie,
`Diane M. Citron, and Ellie J. C.
`Legionella pneumophila Serogroup 1 Antigen Can Be
`Detected in Sputum Samples by an
`Immunochromatographic Assay
`Kristoifer Stralin, lngegerd
`Alriksson, and Eva Tornqvist
`Human Tracheopulmonary Myiasis
`Robert D. Garrison
`Internal Amplification Control for PCR Should Not Be
`Mandatory in the Clinical Medical Environment
`Letter: Timothy Barkham.
`Reply: Jeffrey Hoorfar
`Coverphotograph (Copyright © 2004, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.): The organism shown was isolated
`from the blood of a 66-year-old man with a long histor

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