`. .
`AUSUST, 1116
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 1/118

`Volume I
`Contract No. 68-01-2215
`Project Officer
`Farley Fisher
`Prepared for
`Office of Toxic Substances
`Environmental Protection Agency
`Washington. D.C.
`August 1975
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 2/118

`ro~OID . . . . • • . .
`. . . . . •
`A. Producers and Sites
`• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
`B. Costs a."ld Physical Prqerties of Irrportant Boron
`Compounds • • • • • • • •
`rr . ProrucrroN . . • . • . • . • • .
`A. Natural Souroes of Berates •
`B. Manufacturing Proresses.
`1. Elenental Boron
`• • •
`2 . B<Jr ax • • • • • o
`a. The Mining Process •
`b. Trona Process. • • •
`3. Anhydrous Borax
`• • . •
`4. Boric Acid .
`. .
`5. Boric Oxide (Bz03, boron trioxide)
`6. Boron Trifluoride (BF3)
`• • • • • • • • • • •
`7. Boron Trichloride
`• • . • . • • • • . • • . •
`8. Diborane and Higrer Boranes (Pentaborane, etc.)
`9. boron c::x::rrp:mnds (rretal borides, boron
`carbide, and boron nitride)
`A. Uses of Boron Catpounds
`• •
`B. Future and Potential Uses
`• • •
`• • •
`. • • •
`• • • • •
`aJRRENT PRACI'ICES • • • • • •
`.. .
`A. From Uses. • • • • • • • • •
`1. Emissions to the At::nosphere (including fran
`production) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
`2. Arrount Enrering Warers and Earth .
`. • • •
`B. Frc:J!l Prcduction
`. • .
`· 1. Mining . • .
`. • . •
`. • .
`2. Processing •
`. • . • • •
`. • • .
`. • .
`D. Total Anounts Entering Envi.rarurent per Year
`r -16
`I -19
`I -41
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 3/118

`(Con 't)
`. . . .
`• • • • •
`A. Monitoring
`• • • • •
`• • • • •
`B. Analysis. • • • • •
`1. Deternti.natian of Boron in Water • • • • • • • •
`2. Detenninaticn of Boron in Plants and Biological
`Materials • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
`3. Analysis of Available Boron in Soil • • • •
`4. Detection of Boron in Airborne Contaminants
`COllected in Air Filters
`• • • • • • • • • •
`5. Analysis of Boron in Air by COlorinetry • • . • •
`VII. ~CAL REACriVI'I"i • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
`A. Environmental and Use Associated :Reactions
`B. Aspects with Biological Inplication ••••
`A. Absorption, Excretion, Grcwth, and Nutrition. •
`1. Hllllli3l1S • • • • • • •
`• • • • • • • • • • •
`2 • Nonhuman Manlnals
`• • • • • • •
`3. PlarltS
`. • .
`. • .
`4 . Microorganisms
`• • • •
`B • BiocheJni.stry. • • •
`• • • •
`1. Humans. • • • •
`2. Nonhuman Mammals ••••••.
`3 • Ncnrnarnmalian Vertebrates
`4. Plants
`. • • • • . • • • •
`5. MicroorganiS!l\'3
`'nlerar.eutic Uses . •
`1. Humans . . . • •
`2. Nonhuman Mamnals
`3. Plants
`• . • • •
`A. Enviranrrental Content, Transport, Contamination
`B. Bioaccunulation and Content •
`1. Human ••
`2 • Man'lrlals •
`3. Plants
`. .
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 4/118

`-.{RjAR [NC.
`(Coo. 't)
`'roXICITY . .
`A. Htlllal1S . .
`. . . .
`. .
`. .
`. . . .
`. . .
`1. Acute Toxicity
`. . . . .
`. . .
`2. Chrcari.cToxicity
`B. Manmal.s . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . . .
`. . .
`. .
`1. Acute Toxicity •
`2. Olronic'lbxicity .
`'Ieratogenicity •
`4. Allergic Reactions and Sensitization
`5. Behavioral Effects . .
`. . . . .
`6. carcinbgenici ty
`c. Naunanmalian Vertebrates
`E. Plants . . . . . . . . .
`. . . .
`. .
`F. Microorganisms . . . . . . . . . .
`Iesults of Personal Contacts with M:rlical Personnel
`A. Toxicity levels . . . . . . • . . . . .
`. . •
`c. Foreign Iegulaticns . . . . . .
`. .
`srANOAIDS. . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . • .
`A. Sumnary . . . .
`B. Ccnclusicns . . . .
`. . . . .
`B. Transportation and Handling Pegulaticns
`. . . .
`. . . .
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 5/118

`· • • •
`Products and P:rcxluccrs • • • ·
`Pria=s of Boron Minerals and Chemicals •
`Physical Properties
`. • • . • .
`Production of Berates in the United States as of 1972
`5. Uses .
`. .
`Emission Factors .
`Bon1n Emissions by Sourre, 19 72
`8. Rclotivc Stabilities of Boron Hydrides
`9. DL:tqnostic Criteria for Boron Nutrition of Field and Vegetable
`Crops Based upon Hot Water Extraction of Soil Boron
`Toxic !bran Ccnrentrations of Saturation Extracts for
`Se.nsi ti 'I.e, Sr.>Jn.i.tolerant Crop Sp:=cies .
`Plant GrCMth as Affected by Boron • • • • • • .
`Syrnptorrs of Boron 'I'oxici ty • .
`. . .
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 6/118

`Location of Bo:r.ate de!;X)sits m California, Nevada and Oregon .
`Borax production from ore . . . . . • • . • • . . • • • • • • .
`Borax manufacture fi:On Searles Lake brine
`Anhydrous Borax process
`5. Boric ucid manufacture
`Boric acid manufacture
`Distribution of Boron uses . .
`Boron conmntr<J.tion in plant tissues related to concentration
`in soil solution .
`. • .
`. • . • • .
`. . •
`Effect of Boron concentration an plant growth
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 7/118

`Vol1..1100 I
`Preliminary Investigation of Effects
`on Envirol'liTent of Boron and Its eonpounds
`This is Velure I of a series of six reports on the environrrental
`effects of lx>ron, indiun, nickel, selenium, tin, and vanadium and their
`oonpounds. The information is based on literature reviews, direct ron(cid:173)
`tact with representatives of companies involved in the production or
`usc of the materials, and consultation with knowledgeable individuals
`from industry r academic institutions and the Federal Governrrent.
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 8/118

`A. Prcrlurers and sites
`Table I li!3ts CXJI'llrercially significant chemical products and the
`o::mpanies involved. For this study significant is defined as production
`exreeding 1/2 rretri~ ton or $1,000 value. Other reterials rey also re included
`in the discussion because of treir tmusual properties, such as toxicity, or
`their anticipated future significance.
`Table 1
`f3oron PrOO.uct.s and PrOO.ucers (l)
`Che.m:i.. cal
`Company, subordination
`Beverly, Mass.
`Wilmington, Del.·
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Boyertown, Pa.
`Cle~land, Ohio
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Jersey City, N.J.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Trona, Calif.
`San Francisco, calif.
`Wilmington, Calif.
`Boron, Calif.
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Newark, N.J.
`Boyertown, Pa.
`Annonium fluolx>rate
`(Ammonium lx>roflooride}
`Antirrony fluoborate
`Barium borotunqstate.
`Boric acid (Boracic
`Ventran Corp. , Alfa Prcrlucts Di v.
`Aluminum diboridc
`U.S. ~rax & Chern. Corp.
`Amronium lx>rate
`(Ammonium acid tetraborate)
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Chems • Di v.
`Kawecki Beryloc Indust., Inc.
`Kewanee Oil Co., Harshaw Chern. Co.,
`Indust. Chems. Dept.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Chems • Di v.
`Harstan Chern. Corp.
`City Chern. Corp.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Olems • Di v.
`Kerr-McGee Corp.
`Kerr-McGee Chern. Corp. , subsid.
`Stauffer Chern. Co.
`Indust. Olern. Div.
`U.s. ~rax & Chern. Corp.
`u.s. Borax & Chern. Corp.
`Belrront Srrelting & Refining
`Works, Inc.
`Fairnotmt Chern. Co., Inc.
`Kawecki Pcryloo Indust., Inc.
`Ibric acid es tcrs
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 9/118

`. y{ u}i R I Nl:.
`noron (Con' t)
`Henderson, Nev.
`Callery, Pa.
`Wood Ridge, N.J.
`Rockford, Ill.
`Newark, N.J.
`Boyertown, Pa.
`Worcester, Mass.
`~ral>le 1 (Con' t)
`Boron Products and Producers
`Conpany, subordination
`Kerr-Mc!",ee Corp.
`Kerr-McGee.Chern. Corp., subsid.
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`Callery Chern. Co., di.v.
`u.s. Borax & Chern. Corp.
`U.S. Borax Iesearch Corp., subsid. Anaheim, Calif.
`Ventron Corp.
`Chems. Div.
`Ibron cat"bide
`!bran fluoridc(cid:173)
`cthylamli1e complex
`(Ethyl amine boron
`Boron fluoride
`orthophosphoric acid
`Po ron ni tridc
`no ron oxi< 1c
`Boron phosphate
`Boron phosl,)h.i.dc
`Apache Chems • , Inc.
`Fairnount Ch:!m. Co. , Inc.
`~cki Beryloo Indust., Inc.
`Norton Co.
`Ven tron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Kewanee Oil Co.
`Harshaw Olein. Co., div.
`Indust. Chems. I:ept.
`Ozark-Mahoning co.
`Kewanee Oil Co.
`Harshaw Chern. Co., di.v.
`Indus t. Chems • Dept.
`The carborundum Co.
`Refractories and Electronics Div.
`Fairrrotmt Chern. Co., Inc.
`Ka~cki Be:ry loo · Indust. , Inc.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa.Products Div.
`Allied Chern. Co:rp.
`Specialty Chems • Di v.
`Eagle-Picher Indust., Inc.
`Electronics Div.
`Stauffer Chern. Co.
`Indust. Chern. Div.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`'I\llsa, Okla.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`Ia t.rol::e , P a .
`Newark, N.J.
`Boyertown, Pa.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Miami, Okla.
`Quapaw, Okla.
`San Francisco, calif.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Beverly 1 Mass.
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 10/118

`Boron tribrcrnide
`Boron trichloride
`Boron trifluoride
`Table 1 (can't)

`Boron Products and Producers
`· Producer
`canpany 1 SuOOrdinatial
`Eagle-Picher Indust., Inc.
`Electronics Div.
`Kerr-McGee Corp.
`Kerr-McGee Chern. Corp.,
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Chems. Div.
`Kerr-McGee Corp.
`Kerr-McGee Chern. Corp.,
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Chems • Di v.
`Kewanee Oil Co.
`Harshaw Olern. Co., div.
`Indust. Chems. rept.
`Boron trifluoride ethyl
`ether complex

`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Sp:!cial ty Chems • Di v.
`Boron trifluoride(cid:173)
`phenol oonplex
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Sp:!cialty Cherns. Di v.
`Boron triiodide
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Boroxines (unspecified)
`Calcitnn borire
`(calciwn hexaboride)
`Ch:ronri.wn boride (mono)
`Chromium fluoboratc
`CObalt oorate
`(Oobaltous borate)
`Cobalt fluoborate
`(Cobaltous fluobor<lte)
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`Callery Chern. Co"¥ div.
`'.nmne<X> Inc.
`Termeoo Oil Co., Div.
`U.S. Borax & Chern. Corp.
`u.s. Borax Ieseardl. Co:rp., subbid.
`fulybcenum Oo:rp. of Arrerica
`Cherre • and Rare Earth Di v.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Di v.
`U.S. Borax & Chem. CO:rp.
`U.S. Borax Research Co:rp.
`Ventran Co:rp. , Alfa
`Products Di v.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Sp:!cialty Chems. Div.
`The Shepherd Chern. Co.
`Harstan Clem. Co:rp.
`Ventran Chern. Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Miami, Okla.
`Quapaw, Okla.
`Henderson, Nev.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Henderson, Nev.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`Cleveland, Ohio
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Callecy·, Pa.
`J::eath Valley
`Jmction, Calif.
`Anaheim, Calif.
`Washington, Pa.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Anaheim, Calif.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Cincinnati, Ohio
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Beverly, Mass.
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 11/118

`V:u;;, u I xr:.
`Copt:er borate
`(Cupric l:x>rate)
`Copp:!r fluaborate
`(Cupric fluoborate)
`Indium fluoborate
`Iron borate
`(Ferric borate)
`Iron fluoborate
`(Ferrous fluaborate)
`· lead borate
`Lead fluaborate
`(Plumbous fluoborate)
`Lithium borohydridc
`Lithium fluoroborate
`M.ilgnesium borate
`Magnesium fluoborate
`Table 1 (Con' t)
`Boron Products and Producers
`Cbrrpany, subordination
`City Chern. Co:r:p.
`The Shepherd Chern. Co.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty . 01ems • Di v.
`Iiarstan Chern. Corp.
`Kewanee Oil Co.
`Harshaw Chern. Co.
`Indust. Chems. ll!pt.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Chems • Di v.
`Harstan Chern. Corp.
`The Indium Corp. of Anerica
`City Chern. Corp.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty 01ems. Div.
`Harstan Chern. Corp.
`Hunphrey Chern. Corp.
`The Srepherd Chern. Co.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Chems. Div.
`Harstan Olem. Corp.
`Kewanee Clem. Co.
`Harshaw Chern. Co.
`Indust. Chems • Dept.
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`callery Chern. Co.
`Ventran Corp.
`Alfa Products Di v.
`Chems. Div.
`Foote Mineral Co.
`Ozark-Mahoning Co.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`The Srepherd Clem. co.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Chems. Di v.
`Kewanee Oil Co.
`Harshaw ~. Co.
`Indust. Chems. ~pt.
`Jersey City, N.J.
`Cincinnati, Ohio
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`Cleveland, Ohio
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Utica, N.Y.
`Jersey City, N.J.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Edgewood Arsenal, Md.
`Cincinnati, Ohio
`Marcus Hock, Pa.
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`Callery, Pa.
`Beverly u Mass.
`Exton, Pa.
`Tulsa, Okla.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Cincinnati, Ohio
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 12/118

`v::J~jA R /.Nr:.
`Manqancse borate
`(Manqanous borate)
`Manganese boride
`Manganese flooborate
`(Manganous fluol::orate)
`J.l.blybdenum boride', nono
`, di-:
`Nickel flooborate
`(Ni<"'..kelous flooborate)
`Niobiwn boride
`(Niobium dibbride)
`Phosphine borancs
`Potassium borohydride
`Potassium fluoboriltc
`Table 1 (Con' t)
`Boron Products and Producers
`Conpany, subordination
`CheiTe tron Corp. , Cherng.
`Group, Inorganic Cherrs • Di v.
`Gen. Metallic Oxides Co.
`The Sh:;!pherd Chern. Co.
`J.l.blybdenum Corp. of 1\merica
`Chems. and Rare Earth Di v.
`City Chern. Corp.
`U.s. Borax & Chern. Corp.
`U.s. Borax Pesearch Corp.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Chems. Div.
`Arrerican Can Co.
`M&T Olems. Inc.
`Hars tan Chern. Corp.
`Kewanee Oil Co.
`Harshaw Chern. Co.
`Indust. Cherns • Dept.
`Ozark-Mahaning Cb.
`Ventrc:rn Corp. , Alfa
`Products Div.
`Kawecki Beryloo Indust., Inc.
`u.s. Borax & Chern. Corp.
`U.S. Borax Research Corp.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`Callery Chern. Co.
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`Callery Chern.· Co., div.
`Ventran Corp.
`Chems. Div.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Cherns. Di v.
`Borden Inc.
`Borden Chems • Di v.
`Kawecki Beryloo Indust., Inc.
`Kewanee Oil Co.
`Harshaw Chern. Cb. di v.
`Indust. Cherns. Dept.
`Cleveland, Chio
`Jersey City, N.J.
`Cincirmati, Ohio
`Washington, Pa.
`Jersey City, N.J.
`Anaheim, calif.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`East Chicago, Ind.
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`Tulsa, Okla.
`Beverly, Mass.
`, Pa.
`Anaheim, Calif.
`Beverly, Mass.
`call.e:ry, P a.
`callery, Pa.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Plant City, Fla.
`Boyertown, Pa.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 13/118

`'l'able l (Con' t)
`Boron Prcducts and Producers ( )
`Potassiwn fluoborate
`(o:n 't)
`Rubidium borohydride
`Silicon hexaboride
`(Hexaboron silicide)
`Silicon tetraboride
`Sil~r fluo:r.borate
`Sodium borodeuteric"b
`Sodium borohydride
`Sodium flt.nborate
`(Sodium borofloori~)
`Sodium Octa}_x)rate
`Sodi urn Pen tilboratc
`Sodium ~rboratc,
`Conpany, subordination
`Ozark-Mahoning Co.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Di v.
`Vent..ral Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Mallinck.rcx:lt Chern. W:n:ks
`Indust. Chems. Div.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Allied Cllem. Corp.
`Specialty Cherns • Di v.
`Harstan Cl'lern. Corp.
`Ozark-Ma.honing Co.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Chems. Div.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Di v. ,
`Chems. Div.
`Mine Safety Appliances, Co.
`callery Chern. co. , di v.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Cl'lerns • Di v.
`Allied OJem. Corp.
`Specialty ~. Div.
`Kawecki Beryloo Indust., Inc.
`Kewanee Oil Co.
`Harshavv Olein. Co. , di v.
`Indust. Chems. Dept.
`Ozark-Mahoning Co.
`Ventran Corp.
`·Alfa Products Div.
`U.S • Borax & Chern. Corp.
`Kerr-McGee Corp.
`Kerr~ Chern. Corp., subsid.
`Tulsa, Okla.
`Bever 1 y, Mass •
`Beverly 1 Mass.
`Beverly 1 Mass.
`St. Louis, Mo.
`Beverly, Mass •
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Tulsa, Okla.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Beverly I Mass.
`Beverly, Mass.
`callery, Pa.
`Bever 1 y 1 •
`Beverly 1 Mass.
`Marcus Hook 1 Pa.
`Boyert:c:fNn 1 P a.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`'I\llsa, Okla.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Wilmington, calif.
`Trona, calif.
`FM:: Coxp.
`Inorganic Cherns • Di v.
`Buffalo, N.Y.
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 14/118

`(Con' t)
`'I'<Jblc l
`Boron Products and Producers (l)
`Scx1itm1 perborate
`tetrahydrate (Sodium
`rretaborate peroxyhydrate)
`Soditm1 tetraborate (:Borax)
`(Produood as Anhydroun
`Borax, Borax decahydrate,
`and Borax pentahydrare)
`Sodium tetraphenylboror
`(Sodium tetraphenylborate)
`Tantalum diboride
`Tin fluoborate
`(Stannous fluoborate)
`Titanitun diboridc
`('I'itaniurn boride)
`'I\.lnqsten rronoboride
`Vanadium diboride
`Zinc borate
`Cbnpany, subordination
`E. I. duPont re Nerrours & Co., Inc.
`Indust. Chems. ~pt.
`Filo Color & Chern. <l:>rp •
`FMC Corp.
`Inorganic Chems. Div.
`Kerr-McGee Corp.
`Kerr-McGee Chern. Corp. , subsid.
`Occidental Petroleum Corp.
`Searles Lake Olern. Co., subsid. *
`Stauffer Chern. Co.
`Indust. Chem. Di v.
`U.s. Borax & Chern. Corp.
`Allied ChP.rn. Corp.
`Specialty ChenlS. Di v.
`Richardson-!Jerrell, Inc.
`J .T. Baker Chern. Co., subsid.
`Kawecki Beryl co Indust., Inc.
`Allied Chern. Q:>rp.
`Specialty Chems. Div.
`Harstan Olern. Corp.
`Kewanee Chern. <l:>rp.
`Harshaw Chern. Co.
`Indust. Cherns. Dept.
`Kawecki Beryloo Indust., Inc.
`U.s. Borax & Chern. Co1:p.
`U.S. Borax ~search Corp.
`Ventron Corp.
`Al.fa Products Di v.
`U.S. Borax & Chern. Corp.
`u.s. Borax Ieseard1 Corp.
`U.S . Borax & Chern. Corp.
`u.s . Borax :research Corp .
`Ventran Corp.,
`Alfa Products Div.
`Hunphrey Chern. Corp •
`Maryland Zinc & Research Co.
`U . S . Borax & Chern. Corp.
`ven t..ran Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`~his, Tenn.
`Newa.rl<., N .J •
`Buffalo, N.Y.
`Trona, Calif.
`Searles Lake, Calif.
`West End, Calif.
`Boron, Calif.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Phillipsburg, N.J.
`Boyertor,.m, Pa.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`Boyertown, Pa.
`Anaheim, Calif.
`Beverly, Mass.
`l.nahe:i.m, Calif.
`Anaheim, Calif.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Edgewood Arsenal, Md.
`Cockeysville, Md.
`Wilmington, Calif.
`Beverly, Mass.
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 15/118

`Zinc fluaborate
`<::.i. rconiwn diboridc
`(Zirconium boride)
`'rable 1 (Con't)
`Boron Products and Producers
`Canpany, subordination
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Chems. Di v.
`Harstan Chern. Corp.
`Kewanee Oil Co.
`Harshaw Chern. Co.
`Indust. Chems. Oept.
`Mineral Ibsearch and Oev. Corp.
`VGntron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Kawecki Beryloo Indust. Inc.
`U.S. Borax & Chern. Corp.
`u.S • Borax Fesearch Corp •
`OO:AANES (Inorganic)
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`Callery Chern. Co., div.
`Mine Safety Appliances co.
`Callery Chern. Co., div.
`G. D. Searle & CO.
`Will Ross, Inc., subsid.
`Matheson Gas Products, div.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`Callery Chern. Co. , di v.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Brooklyn, N.Y.
`Cleveland, Ohio
`Conoord, N.c.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Boyertown, Pa.
`Anaheim, calif.
`Callery, Pa.
`Callery, Pa.
`CUcamonga, Calif.
`East Rutherford, N.J.
`Gloucester, Mass •
`Joliet, Ill.
`I.a Porte , 'Iex.
`M::>rr<JW', Ga.
`Newaxk , Calif.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Callery, Pa.
`Dirrcthylmninc bor<me
`Diox.:lbor in ;:me s
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`callery Chern. eo. , di v.
`u.s. Borax & <l1ern. Corp.
`Callery, Pa.
`Boron, Calif.
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 16/118

`Hexylene borate
`Morpholine borane
`Sodium tetrapheny ll: ::n::on
`(Sodium tetraphenyll~rate)
`wrt-Butylamine borane ·
`'rable 1 (Con't)
`Boron Products and Producers
`Company, subordination
`Kipers Labs.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Chems. Div.
`Allied Chern. Corp.
`Specialty Cherns • Di v.
`Richa.rdson-.tJ.en:ell, Inc.
`J. T. Baker <llem. Co • , subsid.
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`Callery Chern. eo., div.
`Ventran Corp.
`Alfa Products Di v.
`Stauffer Chern. Co.
`Specialty Chern. Div.
`Anderson Dev. Co.
`Santa Ana, calif.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Marcus Hook, Pa.
`Phillipsburg, N.J.
`callery I Pa.
`Beverly 1 Mass.
`W:!stan, Mich.
`Adrian, Mich.
`U.S • Borax & Chern. Corp.
`U.S. Borax Peseardl Corp., subsid. Anaheim, Calif.
`Anderson Dev. Co.
`Adrian, Mich.
`U.S. Borax & Chern. Corp.
`u.s. Borax :Research Corp. 1 subsid. Anaheim, calif.
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`Callery Chern. Co. 1 di v.
`Texas Alkyls, Inc.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Anderson r:ev. Co.
`U.s. Borax & Chern. Corp. /
`u.s. Borax Research Corp. , subsid. Anaheim, calif.
`callery, Pa.
`rear Park, Tex.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Adrian, Mich.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Di v.
`· Beverly, Mass.
`U.S . Borax & Chern. Corp.
`u.s. Borax IEsearch Corp., subsid. Anaheim, Calif.
`Texas Alky ls , Inc.
`Leer Park v
`Anrerson r:ev. Co.
`Adrian, Mich.
`Stauffer Chern., Co.
`Specialty Chern. Div.
`Ventron Corp.
`Alfa Products Div.
`Beverly, Mass.
`Weston, Mich.
`Trialkyl ooranes
`Tributyl oorate
`(Butyl borate)
`Tri-m, p-cresyl borate
`Tricyclohexyl borate
`TriethanolanQne borate
`Triethy lboranc
`(Tricthy lborinc)
`Tricthyl borate
`(Tricthoxy boranc)
`Triethyloxonium tetra(cid:173)
`Tri (hexylcnc glycol)
`'l'riisobuty lborane
`'I'riisq?!"q)yl borate
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 17/118

`J{,dAu /Nr:.
`(r-ethyl rretaborate)
`Tri-2-rrethoxycthyl bora~
`'I'rirrethyl borate
`(M=thyl borate)
`Trirrcthyl borate(cid:173)
`rrethanol azeot:rq::e
`* Scheduled late 1974
`'l'able l (Cont)
`Boron Products and Producers
`carpany, subordination
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`callery Chern. Co., div.
`Stauffer Chern. Co.
`Specialty Chern. Div.
`Anderson D:!v. Co.
`Anoorson D:!v. Co.
`Mine Safety Appliances Co.
`callery Olein. Co. , di v.
`Stauffer Chern. Co.
`Specialty Chern. Div.
`Ventran Corp.
`Chems. Div.
`Ventran Corp.
`Alfa Products Di v.
`callery, Pa.
`V€ston, Mich •
`.Adrian, Mich.
`.Adrian, Mich.
`Callery, Pa.
`Weston, Mich.
`Danvers, Mass .
`Beverly, Mass.
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 18/118

`Costs and Physical Properties of Inportant Boron Corrpounds
`Tre prices of selected boron minerals and chemicals are given
`The materials listed are the most oammercially significant
`in Table 2.
`of the bonn family. Another oonnon factor is that their rrost important
`2o3) content.
`applications are basrii on their boron oxide (B
`In many
`instances these mat.?rials are interchangeable.
`In 1970 anhydrous borax
`was the least expensive in B2o3 content, but under 1974 prices borax
`pentahydrat:e is cheapest. Physical properties of the rrost important
`boron oonpounds are presente1 in Tab~e 3.
`Many netals form borides of' various carcposi tions. M:>st are
`sr.:ecial.ty rmtcrials only, but a few are used in the aerospace indusb:y.
`general, enviraurental effects are minimal.
`Many of t."le rretal borides oxidize in air considerably belo.v the
`listed rrelting points. This limits the significance of the high rrelting points
`(c .g. , vanadium and tungsten borides oxidize in air at less than 1200C versus
`listed rrelting points of 2000 - 3000C. As a rule the rrelting point of a parti(cid:173)
`cular boridc c:arpositio:1 increases with the atcmic ~ight in a Group but de(cid:173)
`creases with increasing atomic weight in each period. Hafnium and tantalum
`boridcs therefore have the highest rrelting points - 3250 ± lOOC and 3400 ± SOC.
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 19/118

`2. 33
`:1.. 81
`per unit B2o3
`1974 Prices {$)
`per rretric ton
`f.o.b. Plant
`Price in Carlots,
`PriCES of Boron H.1.nerals and Clemicals
`Table 2
`fer unit B203
`per rretric ten
`1970 Prices ($)
`OJntent, %
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 20/118

`**So.Gr. at 11 °C referenced to water at 4°C
`*cazB6o11• 5H2o
`erni ts hydrogen chloride
`furres in rroist air
`pilllgen t odor
`furres in rroist air
`Natural mineral
`% B203-
`% B203-
`Natural mineral
`% B
`Natural mineral
`c:x:rrrbined £orm only
`O.OCl% 8~~·s crust
`d hot
`d hot
`106 oo1d
`1.1 100
`8.79 @ 40
`1.05 @ 0
`52.3 @ 100
`22.65 @ 65
`170 @ 100
`2.01 @ 0
`sl d
`-1 1/2 H
`to HB02
`-H 0
`2550 SID
`g/lOOcc oc
`Physical Properties
`Table 3
`1.349 4ll*k
`2.99 g/1
`1.812 glass
`2.46 crys
`l. 73
`2.37 arror
`2. ~4 crys
`Ammonium fluoborate
`Potassium f1uoborate
`Sodium f1uoborate
`Boron trichioride
`Boron trifluoride
`Boric oxide
`Boric Acid
`Co1em:mi te*
`Sodium tetraborate
`Sodium tetraborate
`Decahydrate (Borax)
`Sodium tetraborate
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 21/118

`i cold, sl d hot
`cold water
`sl. s, d
`g/lOOcc °C
`subl ca
`Physical Properties
`Table 3 (Con't)
`Liq. -ll
`Boron nitride
`Bor'O!"l ( tetra) c...rrbide
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 22/118

`v/.:ujA u I xc.
`A. Natural Sourres of Borates
`The map in Figure 1 (J) shows the location of tbe significant borate
`dep:>si ts in tbe United States. They produre virtual! y all of the raJN materials
`for the boron industry in the U.S. Approximately 20% of tbe present production
`sterns from the utilization of Searles Lake brines. Significar,t colernanite (Table 3)
`mining is also perfonred by Tenneco. Total borate production by c::x:Jrq?any and
`location is presented in Table 4 J
`B. Manufacturing Proresses
`1. Elerrental Boron
`Although widespread in nature boron occurs naturally only in
`canbined fonn. Elem=>..ntul bo;ron is not one of tbe rrore i.nportant co:rrrrercial
`fonns of boron.
`'I'hree general techniques are used to prepare boron from its
`conpounds: (1) Chemical reduction with active elerrents, (2) Non-aqueous electro(cid:173)
`lytic reduction, anll (3) Thermal deCX'liTpOSition. Reduction of boron corrpounds to
`elerrental boron has been carried out with magnesium, hydrogen, and many other
`elerrents. Among the boron corrpounds used are borates, boron oxides, boron
`halides, fluoborates, and borohydrides. The rrost comron rrethod for producing
`lar9e arrounts of elerrental boron is the exotberrni.c reduction (thennit reaction)
`of boric oxide with rnagncsit:nn. The prcrluct of this reaction, a finely-divided
`po.o~der as "Moissum' s boron" is arrorphous as is boron produced fran any
`of the Chemical reduction rrethods except for high temperatme reduction by
`'1'hc lattP.r rrethod, especially when involving hot filarrent reaction
`of hydrogen with b:m:>n, has becx:Jre a conventional rrearts for obtaining
`boron with puri tics of 99% and higher.
`Electrolytic preparation of boron usually involves t:h= passage of
`a current through fused rrel ts of boric oxide in p:>tassium halides or oxides.
`Electrolysis of p:>tassium fluorborate-p:>tassium chloride or potassium chloride(cid:173)
`sodium chloride rrelts is perfomed with a boron carbide anode. The purity of
`the product obtained by these rrethods has been 87-99. 8%. Direct electrolysis
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 23/118

`BORAX 18156
`PRODUCTION 1864"1874
`1929 "1953
`PROOUCTION 1899-1907,
`....--- TEELS MARSH
`PRODUCTION 1924-1962
`PRODUCTION 1921-1927
`PRODUCTION 1887 -1907
`PRODUCTION 1908-1923
`Figure i
`Location of Borate deposits
`in California 9 Nevada 01nd Oregon
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 24/118

`V:u;A N INc
`Table 4
`. (4}
`Productl.on of Borates 1.n the U ted States
`as of 1972
`> 500,000 metric tons
`as B o3 canbined
`annu~ capacity
`Boron, california
`crude borax
`refined borax
`anhydrous borax
`boric acid
`boric oxide
`boron oorrpounds
`Searles Lake,
`Trona, california
`Searles Lake,
`Trona, california
`ooron a:>rtp)unds
`Furnace Creek,
`oolenani.te ore
`calcined cx:>lernanite
`approx. 100,000
`rretri? tons a2o3
`ootric;: tons B/.03
`Oesign-150,000 metric
`tons rOM oolernani te
`Design- 70,000 metric
`tons calcined oolernani te
`Producticn: metric tons
`calcined oolemanite
`6,300 metric tons
`u.s. Borax &
`Cllemical Corp.
` Corp.
`Chern. Corp.
`Tenneoo Oil
`Searles Lake
`Chern. 0).
`subsid. of
`Pet. Corp.
`24,JOO rretric tons*
`Searles Lake,
`*SchL>duled lnte 1974. M"ly be indefinitely postponed.
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2043 - 25/118

`of alkali or alkaline earth berates yields a product of )..<::Mer purity.
`Electrolysis has not been an important CXJIT~Irercial rrethod for the production
`of elerrental lx:>ron.
`Boron L.unpounds that can be decomposed to high purl ty fonns of
`boron are limited to the halides and hydrides. Boron, boron
`triiodide, and ooron hydrides (from diborane to decaborane) have been de(cid:173)

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