Narasimha Murthy, Ph.D. (Vol. I)
`University, MS
`May 4, 2016
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` ___________________
` ___________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` Case No. IPR2015-01776
` U.S. Patent No. 7,582,621
` Case No. IPR2015-01780
` U.S. Patent No. 7,767,657
` Case No. IPR2015-01785
` U.S. Patent No. 7,767,567
`Taken at the instance of the Patent Owner at The Inn
` at Ole Miss, 120 Alumni Drive, University,
`Mississippi, on Wednesday, May 4, 2016, beginning at
` 8:35 a.m.
`8 9
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`University, MS
`May 4, 2016
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` Merchant & Gould
` 1801 California Street, Suite 3300
` Denver, Colorado 80202-2654
` Covington & Burling, LLP
` 850 Tenth Street, NW
` Washington, DC 20001-4956
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Brent Shorter
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`University, MS
`May 4, 2016
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` Certificate of Deponent ..................226
` Certificate of Court Reporter .............228
` Exhibit 1008: Declaration - Patent .........20
` No. 7,582,621
` Exhibit 1011-1: Declaration, First .........39
` Petition, Patent No. 7,767,657
` Exhibit 1011-2: Declaration, Second ........47
` Petition, Patent No. 7,767,657
` Exhibit 1009: CV ...........................64
` Exhibit 1: Abstract ........................76
` Exhibit 2: 10/29/15 Press Release ..........77
` Exhibit 3: Article .........................82
` Exhibit 4: Book ............................88
` Exhibit 1003 (Previously Marked) ..........120
` Exhibit 1002: International ...............135
` Publication Number WO 9533754
` Exhibit 5: Structural Diagram .............191
` Exhibit 1025(Previously Marked) ...........157
` Exhibit 6: Structural Diagram .............192
` Exhibit 7: Structural Diagram .............192
` Exhibit 8: Structural Diagram .............193
` Exhibit 9: Structural Diagram .............194
` Exhibit 10: Structural Diagram ............194
` Exhibit 11: Structural Diagram ............195
`4 5
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`University, MS
`May 4, 2016
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` VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the Video
` Deposition of Dr. Narasimha Murthy taken in the
` matter of "Coalition for Affordable Drugs X LLC v.
` Anacor Pharmaceuticals, Inc." The date is May 4th,
` 2016. The time now is 8:35 a.m.
` Counsel may now introduce themselves for
` the record.
` MS. REISTER: Andrea Reister, Covington &
` Burling, on behalf of Anacor Pharmaceuticals.
` MR. BERMAN: Paul Berman, Covington &
` Burling, on behalf of Anacor Pharmaceuticals.
` MR. TRZECIAK: Alex Trzeciak, Covington &
` Burling, for Anacor Pharmaceuticals.
` MR. GERGELY: Peter Gergely, Merchant &
` Gould, P.C., on behalf of Petitioner.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The Court Reporter may
` now swear in the witness.
` having been first duly sworn, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` MR. GERGELY: Just for the record, there's
` two other attorneys here, Ryan Fletcher and Kathy
` Ott, both with Merchant & Gould, P.C., on behalf of
` the Petitioner.
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`University, MS
`May 4, 2016
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` Q. Good morning, Dr. Murthy.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Is there any reason that you cannot
` testify truthfully today?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you ill?
` A. I'm not.
` Q. Excuse me?
` A. There's no reason.
` Q. No reason.
` And you're not on any medication or
` anything like that?
` A. I'm not.
` Q. No? Okay.
` I want to establish a couple of ground
` rules.
` A. Okay.
` Q. This is a question and answer.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And I'm going to ask the questions and
` you're going to answer the questions. The counsel
` that are present here today may object to the
` questions, but you still have to answer the
` questions.
` If you need a break, let us know, and
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`May 4, 2016
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` we'll try to take one at the next available time.
` Do you understand the ground rules today?
` A. I do.
` Q. Now, Dr. Murthy, I see that you have a
` number of materials in front of you.
` And what I'm going to ask you to do is
` identify what each of them are, and then we are
` going to set them behind the court reporter and
` carry on with our deposition.
` So if you could start with the first
` notebook to my left and tell me what -- what that is
` and what is in it.
` A. Okay. The first one is the declaration of
` our '621 patent and all the exhibits. This is the
` '657 patent edition of the declaration and all the
` exhibits. There's a second edition on '657,
` declaration and all exhibits. And these are some
` exhibits that was printed off from the patent
` owner's primary response to the -- the decision --
` the declaration. So these three documents are the
` supplemental declaration documents that we
` supplemented recently.
` MS. REISTER: Okay. I'd like to -- just
` take a short break so that we could put those on the
` floor, and then at the appropriate time, we'll go
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`University, MS
`May 4, 2016
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` through them one at a time.
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record. It's 8:39.
` (Off the record.)
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record. It's
` 8:39.
` MR. GERGELY: So the witness has brought
` his copies of his declarations and work papers with
` him. If he needs to refer to those during the
` deposition to answer a question, he -- I think he's
` allowed to do that under the rules and the rules of
` evidence as well. So I would like to have him have
` access to it if he needs to answer a question.
` MS. REISTER: We'll set them over there,
` and we'll proceed, and we'll -- any exhibit that's
` introduced, we'll be able to use that in the
` deposition.
` So we'll just remove them from the table,
` and we'll carry on with the deposition, please.
` MR. GERGELY: But, again, Dr. Murthy, I
` would advise you if you need to refer to your work
` papers to answer a question, please feel free to --
` to do so.
` MS. REISTER: And at the appropriate time,
` we'll enter them into evidence. We'll enter them as
` an exhibit.
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`May 4, 2016
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` MR. GERGELY: Yeah, but, you know, you're
` here to -- I don't mean to be combative, but he is
` here to answer questions.
` MS. REISTER: Correct.
` MR. GERGELY: And I don't think it's fair
` for you to tell him where to put his papers. That's
` not part of the rules.
` MS. REISTER: We're just moving them so
` that we don't get confused between the exhibits that
` are being marked for the deposition.
` MR. GERGELY: Okay.
` MS. REISTER: That's the reason why.
` MR. GERGELY: Okay. So if it's just
` simply a matter of --
` MS. REISTER: It's a matter of space --
` MR. GERGELY: If it's a matter of space,
` that's fine.
` MS. REISTER: -- and not confusing --
` MR. GERGELY: Okay.
` MS. REISTER: -- and making sure that we
` clearly mark every exhibit.
` MR. GERGELY: Okay.
` MS. REISTER: That's the purpose for it.
` MR. GERGELY: Okay. Well, how do you want
` to proceed? Would you rather have them here on the
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`University, MS
`May 4, 2016
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` table with you or would you rather have some space?
` MS. REISTER: Could you please put them on
` the floor at least?
` MR. GERGELY: Why don't you put them in
` the chair next to him?
` MS. REISTER: That's fine.
` MR. GERGELY: If he does have to refer to
` it, he can just --
` MS. REISTER: And at the appropriate time,
` we will mark it as an exhibit and enter it in as an
` exhibit.
` MR. GERGELY: Okay.
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record. It's 8:41.
` (Off the record.)
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record. It's
` 8:42.
` Q. (By Ms. Reister) Dr. Murthy, have you
` been deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When was that?
` A. I don't remember the exact date, but it
` was about four years ago.
` Q. Was it one time four years ago?
` A. Yes, that's right.
` Q. So you've only been deposed one prior
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`May 4, 2016
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` time?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. What was the subject matter of that
` deposition?
` A. That was a medical malpractice type case,
` and that's it.
` Q. It was a medical malpractice type case.
` So it was not anything to do with a patent?
` A. Nothing to do with a patent.
` Q. And on behalf of whom did you testify?
` A. I -- I testified on behalf of the
` defendant. I don't recall the names.
` Q. So you were testifying on behalf of the
` defendant?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. And was the plaintiff in that case a
` doctor or patient?
` A. Plaintiff was -- was the person -- husband
` of the person who died.
` Q. Have you ever testified in a trial
` proceeding in a court?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed in the context
` of an IPR proceeding previously?
` A. No.
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`May 4, 2016
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` Q. What did you do to prepare for the
` deposition today?
` A. So I -- I read all the declarations that I
` submitted and all the exhibits.
` Q. And did you do that yesterday or over the
` past month? How long did you spend doing that?
` A. Over the past few days.
` Q. Did you meet with any counsel before the
` deposition today?
` A. Today? Not today. Yesterday I met them.
` Q. And with whom did you meet yesterday?
` A. Yesterday, the -- all the three attorneys,
` my counsel.
` Q. Could you please speak up and identify the
` counsel by name with whom you met yesterday?
` A. Yes, Mr. Peter, Mr. Ryan and Miss Kathy.
` Q. And for how long did you meet with the
` counsel yesterday?
` A. A couple of hours, three hours maybe.
` Q. During your meeting with the counsel
` yesterday, did you review any documents?
` A. No, not -- we did not review any
` documents.
` Q. So during your meeting with counsel
` yesterday, you did not look at your declaration?
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`May 4, 2016
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` A. I did look at my declaration, yeah.
` Q. So during the meeting, you were discussing
` your declaration with your counsel, correct?
` A. I was not discussing my -- regarding my
` declaration. I had a few questions that I wanted to
` know, like how the deposition would go on and such
` things.
` Q. During the meeting with counsel, did you
` review any of the exhibits to the declaration?
` A. Yes, a few of them.
` Q. Which exhibits did you look at?
` A. The Austin, and then Brehove, and Freeman
` documents.
` Q. When did you find out that you would be
` deposed?
` A. I guess about a month ago.
` Q. And how did you find out?
` A. The counsel informed me.
` Q. And who was that?
` A. Mr. Ryan, and Mr. Peter, and Miss Kathy.
` Q. They all three told you?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Did you talk to anyone else in preparation
` for your deposition, other than the three attorneys
` sitting here today?
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`May 4, 2016
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` A. No.
` Q. There were no other attorneys that you
` discussed it with?
` A. No.
` Q. No other people that you worked with?
` A. No other people.
` Q. Did you do any -- any type of searching,
` literature searching in preparation for your
` deposition?
` A. I did some.
` Q. You did some searching in preparation for
` the deposition?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And what were the results of those
` searches?
` A. Can you be a little more specific?
` Q. Yes. You said that you conducted some
` literature searching.
` A. That's correct.
` Q. In preparation for the deposition today,
` correct?
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative response).
` Q. What was the results of that search?
` A. It's a broad question. I'm not getting --
` results means -- no, I -- I looked at the literature
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`May 4, 2016
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` that was cited in the preliminary response by the
` patent owner. That was the only, you know,
` documents that I -- I pulled up and read it.
` Q. So to be clear, when you said you did a
` literature search --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- do I understand your testimony to be
` that you were looking at the documents cited in the
` patent owner preliminary response?
` A. That's right.
` Q. So is it correct that you did not do an
` independent search looking for other documents --
` A. I did a lot of independent research also.
` Q. -- in preparation for your deposition
` today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Please explain what you did.
` A. Well, I just wanted to brush up my memory
` on some of the antifungal drugs that we investigated
` a few years ago, and I wanted -- I just looked at
` the data. I looked at my own publications. That's
` it.
` Q. And how did you conduct that search?
` A. How did I conduct that research?
` Q. Yes.
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`May 4, 2016
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` A. Well, I pulled up those papers. I worked
` on Internet, and I printed off the papers and read
` them.
` Q. What are the papers that you printed off?
` A. The papers that I printed off were my own
` papers.
` Q. Do you have them with you here today?
` A. No, not here.
` Q. Can you please tell us what those papers
` were?
` A. It was a review on treatment of
` onychomycosis, the delivery of drugs, a review
` paper, drug development in the pharmacy.
` Q. Any- -- anything else?
` A. No. The information, whatever information
` was available with me, I just reviewed them, and
` then I pulled up my papers and read them. I -- I
` pulled up a couple of papers that was cited on the
` preliminary response for the patent owner. I don't
` recall the name of doctors, but I read the paper.
` Just -- I was looking for some information in that,
` and that's it.
` Q. Now, you've testified that you looked at
` your papers, plural, and you've identified one
` paper.
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`May 4, 2016
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` Could you tell me what the other papers
` were that you looked at yesterday in preparation for
` your deposition?
` A. The one paper that I looked at was a
` recent paper that got accepted, probably it's
` online, on use of an electrical technique to deliver
` drugs into the nail plate.
` Q. This is a paper that you authored?
` A. That's a paper that my group wrote, that's
` right.
` Q. And do you have it with you here today?
` A. I don't have it here.
` Q. And the title of the paper is?
` A. Pardon me?
` Q. What is the title of the paper?
` A. "Trans-ungual anti forces exploring high
` chem as one of the potential roles of drug
` administration."
` Q. And when was this paper authored?
` A. When?
` Q. Yes.
` A. About six months ago. It got accepted
` recently when we submitted it.
` Q. The -- the prior paper that you were
` talking about, trans-ungual delivery across the nail
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`May 4, 2016
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` plate, when was that paper written?
` A. It was a while ago. It was three or four
` years ago, yes.
` Q. You said that in preparation for your
` deposition you were doing some searching for
` antifungal drugs.
` A. Right.
` Q. What type of antifungal drugs were you
` searching for?
` A. Well, there are several antifungal drugs.
` It was just a general search to see, you know, how
` many antifungal drugs exist and how many made it to
` market and what does their activities look like and
` such things.
` Q. And what was the -- the time frame for the
` scope of that search?
` A. How long did I search? That's what you
` mean?
` Q. No. During what period of time were you
` looking for antifungal drugs? Since 1906?
` A. During my preparation of -- for
` deposition, I was looking at antifungal drugs, yes,
` since, I believe, 1980s. I don't recall the exact
` years of approval of the drugs. I'm just interested
` in what drugs exist and what drugs are being used
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`May 4, 2016
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` for the treatment.
` Q. For the treatment of what?
` A. Onychomycosis.
` Q. Approximately when were you contacted,
` first contacted to work on these IPR matters?
` A. It was early last year, 2015.
` Q. Approximately what month?
` A. January or February, I think.
` Q. January or February of 2015?
` A. 2015.
` Q. And who contacted you?
` A. Mr. Ryan contacted me.
` Q. Excuse me?
` A. Mr. Ryan.
` Q. And he was the first person --
` A. That's right.
` Q. -- that contacted you?
` A. That's right.
` Q. Have you ever spoken with anyone from the
` Coalition for Affordable Drugs?
` A. I have not.
` Q. Do you know anyone from that company?
` A. I don't.
` Q. Do you know what they do?
` A. I don't.
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`May 4, 2016
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` Q. Do you know who Kyle Bass is?
` A. I have not heard about him.
` Q. You have never heard the name Kyle Bass?
` A. Never heard about him.
` Q. Have you ever heard the name Erich
` Spangenberg?
` A. No.
` Q. So you've never heard of any of those
` people?
` A. No.
` Q. Now, you were retained by the law firm of
` Merchant & Gould to assist in the IPRs; is that
` correct?
` A. That's correct.
` MS. REISTER: Alex, I think we'd like the
` 108 declaration.
` Q. (By Ms. Reister) We are going to hand you
` what has been previously marked as GFAD Exhibit 1008
` and IPR 2015-01776.
` Do you recognize that document?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's the declaration submitted for
` inter partes review of U.S. Patent Number 7,582,621.
` Will you understand if I refer to that
` patent as the "'621 patent"?
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`May 4, 2016
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` A. '621 patent, that's correct.
` Q. And can we refer to this declaration as
` Exhibit 1008? Do you see where that's marked?
` A. Yes. Can I write on this, on 1008?
` Q. That will become an original exhibit.
` Yes, you can.
` MR. GERGELY: I just want to make sure we
` have the numbering system clear. It looks like
` there's a sticker on it that says, "Murthy Exhibit
` 1."
` MS. REISTER: We're going to retain that
` as Exhibit 1008. We're going to have a side of
` previously marked and a side of new exhibits.
` So that will be Murthy Exhibit 1008.
` (Exhibit 1008 marked for identification.)
` Q. (By Ms. Reister) Thank you.
` I'd like you to turn to page -- page 29.
` A. Uh-huh (affirmative response).
` Q. My apologies. Page 55, if you could.
` A. 55?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, is that your signature on that
` page 55?
` A. That's my signature.
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`May 4, 2016
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` Q. When did you sign this document?
` A. On the date I mentioned there, June 15th.
` Q. So you signed it on June 15th, 2015?
` A. Right.
` Q. And you understand that in the declaration
` you were attesting that everything is true and
` correct under the penalty of perjury, right?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And you understand that today, you're
` testifying under the penalty of perjury, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Now, is everything in that declaration
` 1008 true and correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Are there any corrections to your
` declaration?
` A. I don't think.
` Q. Any errors of which you are aware?
` A. No.
` Q. Now, during preparation of this
` declaration, did counsel provide you with a draft of
` the declaration to review?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And when did they do that?
` A. It was probably in the month of April
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`May 4, 2016
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` after we had a few discussions about the IPR.
` Q. And how many drafts of the declaration did
` counsel provide to you?
` A. Again, I don't recall the number, exact
` number, but it was at least 10 times we reviewed the
` draft. I reviewed the draft.
` Q. So counsel provided you an initial draft,
` you marked it up, sent it back to them --
` A. Yeah.
` Q. -- they provided you another draft, you
` marked it up and sent it back to them; is that
` correct?
` A. Yes. The part we are missing here is when
` they provided the draft, I reviewed the draft, and
` we always had discussions over the phone, and then I
` told -- I give my input before they went to revise
` it further.
` Q. And the drafts back and forth, that was
` about 10 times; is that correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And did you bring those drafts with you
` today?
` A. No, I didn't.
` Q. Do you still have those drafts?
` A. Maybe they are on my e-mail. I didn't
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`University, MS
`May 4, 2016
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` print all of them.
` Q. Uh-huh (affirmative response).
` So you still have e-mail electronic copies
` of the drafts going back and forth?
` A. I believe so, yes.
` Q. Yeah.
` MS. REISTER: We're going to put in a
` request for those documents, Counsel, all of the
` drafts and communications with respect to that.
` MR. GERGELY: You will -- you are going to
` or you are?
` MS. REISTER: I am.
` MR. GERGELY: Oh, okay.
` MS. REISTER: I'm putting into the record
` a formal request for copies of the drafts and
` communications going back and forth with Dr. Murthy
` of the declaration.
` MR. GERGELY: And I think those are
` specifically excluded by Rule 26, but I have your
` request.
` MS. REISTER: Thank you. I have your
` objection.
` Q. (By Ms. Reister) So to be clear, you
` didn't draft, initially, any of the declaration
` yourself, correct?
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` A. No.
` Q. Did you review and understand all
` paragraphs and sections of the declaration before
` you signed it?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. I'd like you to turn to page 5 of
` the Exhibit 1008 declaration.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I draw your attention to paragraph 13,
` which actually starts on page 4.
` A. Yeah.
` MR. GERGELY: And, Andrea, just to be
` clear for the record, you were referring the witness
` to Exhibit 5, but I think you meant page 5; is that
` right?
` MR. GERGELY: Okay.
` Q. (By Ms. Reister) Paragraph 13, which
` starts on page 4 and carries over to page 5.
` And paragraph 13 states that you reviewed
` the following documents and information in the
` petition.
` Do you see that?
` A. Right.
` Q. And then there are a number of documents
`Alderson Court Reporting
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2032 - 24/638

`Narasimha Murthy, Ph.D. (Vol. I)
`University, MS
`May 4, 2016
`Page 25
` listed on page 5.
` A. Right.
` Q. Correct?
` Now, did you review the '621 patent before
` you reviewed all of those exhibits?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And how about the '657 patent? Do you
` understand what I mean by the '657 patent?
` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. Okay. Did you review the '657 patent
` before you reviewed all of the documents that are
` listed on page 5 of Exhibit 1008?
` A. Right, that's correct.
` Q. Now, were the documents that are listed on
` page 5 of Exhibit 1008 supplied to you by counsel?
` A. Could you come again, please?
` Q. Yes. Let me rephrase the question.
` In paragraph 13, on page 5 of Exhibit 1008
` declaration, there are a number of documents listed,
` Exhibit 101 through Exhibit 1028.
` A. Right.
` Q. Did counsel provide you with each of those
` exhibits listed on page 5?
` A. They did. They did.
` Q. They did. Okay. So you didn't -- you did
`Alderson Court Reporting
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2032 - 25/638

`Narasimha Murthy, Ph.D. (Vol. I)
`University, MS
`May 4, 2016
`Page 26
` not have any of these documents before they were
` supplied to you by counsel?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Now, are there any other documents --
` A. Can I go back and correct? I have read --
` I have read 1028 before, 1028.
` Q. So on page 5, it references Exhibit 1028,
` the article authored by Murdan, "Drug delivery to
` the nail following topical application."
` A. Right.
` Q. That is an article you had read prior to
` it being supplied to you by counsel for this case?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Are there any others on this list that you
` had prior to being provided to you by counsel?
` A. No.
` Q. Are there any other documents that you
` reviewed or considered in preparing your

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