`Michael R. Fleming (Reg. No. 67,933)
`Samuel K. Lu (Reg. No. 40,707)
`1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900
`Los Angeles, California 90067-4276
`Telephone: (310) 277-1010
`Facsimile: (310) 203-7199
`Attorneys for Petitioner
`LAM Research Corp.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,017,221
`Issued: January 5, 2000
`Named Inventor: Daniel L. Flamm
`Title: Process Depending On Plasma
`Discharges Sustained By Inductive
`Daniel L. Flamm,
`Patent Owner.
`Declaration of Miyoko Tsubamoto
`LAM Exh 1010-pg 1

`I, Miyoko Tsubamoto, declare as follows:
`I am employed as a communications specialist and senior designer print/web
`at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences ("EECS") departmentrorfthe _
`University of California at Berkeley ("UCB"). If called upon as a witness, I could
`competently testify to the truth of each statement herein.
`Attached as Exhibit A hereto is is a true and correct copy of the following
`0 Michael A. Lieberman and Richard A. Gottscho, Design ofHz'g/1-Density
`Plasma Sources for Materials Processing, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,
`The technical report in Exhibit A exists in the UCB EECS database of
`technical reports and is publicly available through UCB library services.
`The article's catalog number, M93/3, indicates that the article was published
`and made publicly available by UCB library services as a technical report in 1993.
`The date of January ll, 1993 shown on the cover of the report shows the
`date of the article that was made publicly available in 1993.
`Executed August 10, 2015, at Berkeley, California.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America
`that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
`Miyoko subamoto
`Senior Designer Print/Web
`231 Cory Hall
`University of California, Berkeley
`Berkeley, CA 94720
`(510) 643-6685
`|—- l\.)
`>—- be
`o—A 4%
`l—' ‘J:
`>—a ON
`—n 00
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`l\.) G
`[0 >—I
`[0 IO
`l\J U.)
`I\.) 43-
`F.) U1
`|\.) '-—-I
`l\J 00
`44925.1 08
`Declaration of Miyoko Tsubamoto
`LAM Exh 1010-p 2
`LAM Exh 1010-pg 2

`Declaration of Miyoko Tsubamoto
`LAM Exh 1010-pg 3

`Michael A. Lieberman and Richard A. Gottscho
`Memorandum No. UCB/ERL M93/3
`11 January 1993
`College of Engineering
`University of California, Berkeley
`LAM Exh 1010-pg 4

`Michael A. Liebennan
`Deparunent of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
`University of California
`Berkeley, CA 94720
`Richard A. Gottscho
`AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Murray Hill, NJ 07974
`In this review article, we focus on recent advances in plasma source technology for materials
`processing applications. The motivation behind new source development is discussed along with
`the limitations of conventional radio frequency diode systems. Then the fundamental principles
`underlying electron heating in electron cyclotron resonance, helicon wave, inductively coupled,
`helical resonator, and surface wave plasmas are discussed with some attention to design issues.
`The transpOrt of ions to device wafers and its influence on etching anisotrophy is discussed for all
`sources. Similarly, we examine the benefits of using high density sources for minimizing plasma
`process induced damage and discuss in particular, the effects of plasma unifonnity on charging
`LAM Exh 1010-pg 5

`Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Discharge Sources • • •
`Limitations of Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Discharges
`Overview of High Efficiency Sources
`• •
`• • •
`ll.A Unified Analysis of Source Operation
`• • • •
`• •
`Electron Temperature
`Ion Bombarding Energy
`Plasma Density and Ion Current Density 10
`ll.B Discharge Heating •
`• •
`ill.A Source Configurations
`ill.B Electron Heating
`ill.C Resonant Wave Absorption
`IV .A Helicon Configurations
`IV .B Helicon Modes •
`IV .C Antenna Coupling •
`IV.D Helicon Mode Absorption
`• •
`Inductive Source Configurations
`V .B
`Power Absorption and Operating Regimes
`V .C
`Source Operation and Coupling • •
`V .D Low Density Operation and Source Efficiency
`• • •
`• •
`• •
`•. • •
`Vlll.A The Ion Energy Distribution Function •
`Vlli.A.l Ion Transport and Etching Anisotropy 34
`Vlll.B Methods for Measuring Ion Energy Distribution Functions •
`Vlll.C Methods for Measuring Plasma Potentials •
`• •
`• • •
`Vlll.D Measurements of Energy Distributions and Potentials
`VIII.D.l Ion Acceleration Outside the Sheath 37
`Vlll.D.2 Transverse Ion Energy 38
`Vill.E Ion Energy Control
`• •
`• • •
`Vlli.E.l Plasma Anodization 42
`• •
`• •
`• •
`IX. Device Damage •
`• •
`IX.A Atomic Displacement Damage
`IX.B Contamination •
`• • · • •
`DCC Charging
`• • •
`IX.C.l Plasma Uniformity 44
`IX.C.2 Biasing 44
`IX.D Radiation
`• •
`• •
`LAM Exh 1010-pg 6

`XIII. FIGURE CAPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . . . 60
`- 1-
`Michael A. Liebennan
`Department of Electtical Engineering and Computer Sciences
`University of California
`Berkeley, CA 94 720
`Richard A. Gouscho
`AT&T Bell Laboratories
`. Murray Hil~ NJ 07974
`The advent of sub-micron electronic device fabrication has brought unprecedented demands for process
`optimization and control (1,2) which, in tum, have led to improved plasma reactors for the etching and
`deposition of thin films. As a result, we have witnessed the introduction of a new generation of plasma sys(cid:173)
`tems based on electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) heating (3-6). ECR plasma etching of polycrystalline
`Si, single crystalline Si, silicides, AI, Mo, W, Si02, polymers, and m-V compound semiconductors have
`all been reported in recent years (7-33). Similarly, ECR plasmas have been used to deposit amorphous Si,
`silicon nittide, boron carbide, and Si02 to name just a few materials (34-40). Applications of ECR plasmas
`beyond etching and deposition have also been reported and include ion implantation (41-45), surface clean(cid:173)
`ing (46-59), surface passivation (60), and oxidation (53,61-63). Besides ECR, many other "novel" plasma
`generation schemes are now being offered to satisfy manufacturers' needs in these materials processing
`areas. All these schemes purport to offer advantages over conventional approaches such as the capacitively
`coupled radio frequency discharge now used in many factories for etching and deposition of thin films dur(cid:173)
`ing integrated circuit manufacturing.
`But which scheme is best? What are the key aspects to plasma source design that impact materials pro(cid:173)
`cessing? And why are the conventional approaches inadequate? While the answers to these questions
`remain elusive and are the subject of much current research, one can clearly identify commonalities and
`differences between the novel sources, whose most distinctive characteristic is higher efficiency than their
`conventional counterparts operated at low pressure. The purpose of this review is to: (1) develop a unified
`framework from which all "high efficiency" sources may be viewed and compared; (2) outline key elements
`of source design that affect processing results; and, (3) highlight areas where additional research and
`development is needed. In so doing, we hope to assist those who use plasma for materials processing to
`make wise choices in constructing or purchasing sources, to guide vendors of high efficiency sources in
`choosing designs that can best meet their customers' expectations, and to inspire the research community to
`focus on problems of technological interesL
`Before beginning such a review, several disclaimers must be made. Ftrst, the literature on applications,
`diagnostics, and modeling of high efficiency sources is now so voluminous that we are not able to review or
`reference every paper. Rather, we have opted for highlighting key results in line with our objectives stated
`above. Second, we resttict our focus to those aspects of plasma processing that are uniquely affected by the
`use of high efficiency plasmas. For example, we discuss aspects of source design that affect plasma(cid:173)
`induced electtical damage in microelectronic circuits but a comprehensive discussion of damage mechan(cid:173)
`isms is the subject of its own review and clearly beyond the scope of this work. Third, there are pertinent
`areas that while important are not yet ready for review. Foremost amongst these is the field of numerical
`simulation. While impressive results have been reported recently and we will draw on some of these, little
`has appeared in print and it is premature to review the field. Similarly, the stability of high efficiency
`sources is a matter of some concern and recent work illustrates that sudden mode changes and bistability
`may adversely affect materials properties, but too little has been reported and analyzed to make a thorough
`discussion meaningful. Finally, any review reflects the biases of the authors and this work is no exception.
`Based on our interests and experience, we focus on applications of plasmas to microelectronics fabrication
`and, in particular, etching. Heavy emphasis is placed on simple, analytical, unifying theories and
`LAM Exh 1010-pg 7

`' .,
`quantitative diagnostic measurements.
`Why new sources? In plasma etching, the shrinking dimensions of micro-electronic devices have
`placed unprecedented demands on process control. Consider critical dimension (CD) control where the
`width of the ttansistor gate is specified to better than 10%. For yesterday's CD of 1 J.UD, this means a
`linewidth variation of 0.1 J.UD can be tolerated but by the end of the 20th century when the CD should be
`only 0.25 J.UD, variations in CD must be less than 0.025 J.UD. This requires unprecedented anisotropy in the
`plasma etching of gate electrodes, contact windows, and metallic interconnections. To achieve such con(cid:173)
`trol, we need to increase the anisotropy of ion ttanspon to the device wafer from what it is in the conven(cid:173)
`tional capacitively coupled rf reactor. This means operating plasmas at lower pressures. But, conventional
`rf sources are inefficient at low pressure so that high powers must be used to achieve the high rates of ioni(cid:173)
`zation and dissociation necessary for high throughput, low-cost manufacturing. Unfortunately, excessive
`power input to a capacitively coupled system leads to high ion bombarding energies that can degrade selec(cid:173)
`tivity in etching and produce electrical damage that reduces device yield. Thus, new sources are needed to
`operate at lower pressure and higher efficiency.
`In conventional rf systems, ion energy and flux are inexorably linked. But, ion energy control is needed
`in plasma deposition to tailor film properties such as stress, composition, refractive index, crystallinity, and
`topography. Ion energy control is used in plasma etching to optimize selectivity and minimize atomic dis(cid:173)
`placement damage while meeting linewidth and throughput specifications. Therefore, gaining superior con(cid:173)
`trol of ion energy and decoupling it from ion flux control is fmther motivation for developing new plasma
`sources and processing systems.
`In the remainder of this section, we review briefly the properties of capacitively coupled radio fre(cid:173)
`quency plasmas and elaborate further on the advantages of high efficiency sources. In the following sec(cid:173)
`tions, we first discuss the fundamental principles underlying high efficiency plasma source design and, to
`compare one source with another, use a simple analysis in Sec. n that allows estimation of electron tem(cid:173)
`perature, ion bombardment energy, and plasma density in terms of the gas phase cross sections, gas density,
`absorbed power, and source dimensions. In this way, we provide an approximate but common framework
`with which one source can be compared to another. In sections m-vn we discuss in greater detail ECR,
`helicon, inductive, helical resonator, and surface wave sources, respectively. Emphasis is placed on elec(cid:173)
`tron heating and power absorption, since these are the primary differences between one source and another.
`In section vm, we tum to the issue of plasma transport and independent control of ion energy and flux.
`Obtaining such control is largely independent of the electron heating mechanism but depends critically on
`source design parameters such as the magnetic field and power absorption profiles. We focus our attention
`in section vm on measurements of ion energy distributions, mostly in ECR systems since little data are
`available from other systems. In sections Vlli and IX, we relate ion energy and plasma uniformity, dictated
`by source design, to processing results such as etching anisotropy, atomic displacement damage, and
`charge-induced damage. In the final section, we highlight remaining issues and the areas where further
`investigation is needed.
`Throughout this paper we strive to be consistent with dimensional analysis despite not using a con(cid:173)
`sistent set of units. Generally, magnetic field is expressed in gauss, distances in m, em, or mm, and the
`electron charge in coulombs. Energies are usually given in units of volts, not e V, so the value of e is expli(cid:173)
`citly written. Pressures are given in Torr or mTorr. While this does not conform to international conven(cid:173)
`tion, it does conform to common usage. We apologize to the purists.
`I.A Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Discharge Sources
`Capacitively driven rf discharges-so-called rf diodes-are the most common sources used for materi(cid:173)
`als processing. An idealized source in plane parallel geometry, shown in Fig. 1a, consists of a discharge
`chamber containing two electrodes separated by a spacing I and driven by an rf power source. The sub(cid:173)
`strates are placed on one electrode, feedstock gases are admitted to flow through the discharge, and effluent
`gases are removed by the vacuum pump. Coaxial discharge geometries, such as the "hexode" shown in
`Fig. lb, are also in widespread use. When operated at low pressure, with the wafer mounted on the powered
`electrode, and used to remove substrate material, such reactors are commonly called reactive ion etchers
`(RIE's)-a misnomer, since the etching is generally a chemical process enhanced by energetic ion
`bombardment of the substrate, rather than a removal process due to reactive ions. When Tra~ ~hi!h:
`essure with the wafer mounted on the grounded electrode, such n:ac~~ ~ co~mo Y re err .
`~lasma etchers. In terms of the physical properties of these systems, this disuncuon 1S somewhat arbitrary:
`The physical operation of capacitively driven discharges is ~nabebtwly welthl eunt·odnersantoadd ei~~op:O:

`di harg operated at frequenctes
`Flg. 2 for a symmetncally
`th .
`tantaneous electric fields produced by the rf
`frequencies, th~ ~obile plasma e:tro;s· ;::~~: :th~ •:e positive space charge cloud of the ions. At
`(13.6 MHz) drivmg ~ol~ge, osc ~ o~ to the time-averaged electric fields. Oscillation of the electron
`13.6 MHz. the masstve ~ons respon h eiectrode that contain net positive charge when averaged over an
`cloud creates sheath regtons n~ eac
`ti e char e in the system, with the excess
`oscillation period; i.e., the post~ve charge exceeds the ne:n v-avera:ed electric field within each sheath
`appearing within the sheaths. ThlS excess producesfla s~ng ef the. bulk plasma near the center of the
`directed fro
`Iasma to the electrode Ions owmg out o
`ted b th sheath .fields to high energies as they flow to the substrate, l~ng. to
`m e P 1
`discharge can be acce era
`odif surface reactions. Typtcalton
`Y e
`. .

`energetic-ion bombardment, which can enhance, mhibtt, oro ~se m ;. 2) and as high as V f at the
`bombarding energies E; can be~ high as V(Fr~/21fo)r s::~c :~m:ol~:~ amplitude (peak rf ~oltage)
`powered electrode for asymmetnc systems
`t w
`between the two electrodes might typically vary between 100 V and 1 kV.
`bard th 1 trode over an rf cycle In contrast, electrons
`th elec~e During that time
`We note that positive ions continuously born
`e e ec
`are lost to the electrode only wh~n the oscillating cloud clos: a~7. :Cfic~ent num~r of electrons ~
`the instanbalantaneous thsh~th egn:!l~::! : : : · Ex:t for such brief moments, the instantane(cid:173)
`escape to
`ce e ton c
`t to any large electrode and wall sur-
`. .
`~:~~~!::ec::::.~::=~~d~uk;:~~uL ~tron confinement is ensured by the pres-
`ence of positive space charge sheaths near all surfaces.

`· portant paradigm that applies to all
`The separation ofthe.~harge ~to bulk and sh~ regtons 18 =:time-averaged fields are low. The
`discharges. The bulk regton ts quast-neutral, ~ bo~~~ gh pressures and by free-fall ion loss at

`bulk plasma dynamics are described by ambtpolar . uston
`to d
`ics that are described
`low pressures. In the positive space charg~ sh~. high fields eXlS~~~~ high=ity sources) and vari(cid:173)
`by various ion space charge sheath laws, ~eluding low voltag~ .sh
`s ~d collisional Child laws and their
`ous high voltage sheath models (for RF diodes), such as co~~~ at their interface. The usual joining
`modifications (66-73). The plasma an~ ~eath ~odels thmustlasmJOmheath edge be equal to the ion-sound
`that the mean ton velocity at e p
`· ·

`c(Bondih uo) n lSI 1? req~ (e T IM)ltZ where e and M are the charge and mass of the ion and T e is the elec-
`o m ve OClty Us -
`tron temperature in units of volts.
`d tasma parameters are gtven. For antso-
`. od
`ln the second column of Table 1, typtcal RF di e source an P . .
`0 1 1 W/cmz the driving fre-
`1(}-100 mTorr power denstttes are · -
`. th
`tropic etching, pressures are 10 e rang~
`common Plasma densities are relatively low.
`quency is typically 13.6 MHz. and mul.uple wafer systems are
`to Maxwellian electron tempera(cid:173)
`-1010 cm-3 and mean electron energtes are of orderS V, correspon. g
`tore) are also
`1 tron distributtons (e.g. two-tempera
`than 1 v (74 75). Ion acceleration ener-
`we 1ail ~ ec
`tures of order 3 V. However, non-
`h 1
`observed. with the bulk electron temperature some~es ~u~ ~ss . 1 w The' degree of dissociation can
`gies (sheath voltages) are high, >200 V, ~d :::o: •o;::u:: :as ~o~position and plasma conditions
`range widely from less than 0.1% to near Y
`d to be higher and frequencies some(cid:173)
`(76,77). For deposition and isotropic etch ~h~~~·~r ~~pie, silicon nitride deposition .used
`° ·
`. be
`times lower than the commonly used stan
`50 and 500 kHz where relauvely
`for chip encapsulation is ordinarily performed at frequenctes ~e: try (7S)
`large ion bombardment energies are used to tailor film stress and stotc orne

`d de discharges In the former, the build-up of negative

`1 Exceptions to this rule are also po~sible in low frequency ele~eganve an "th the plasma.(64). In the laner,the plasma potential

`can reduce the plasma potential below that of large surfaces m contact WI
`~s lie between the two electrode potentials if sufficient current is drawn from the plasma (65).
`LAM Exh 1010-pg 8

`Cross Sectional Area A
`Magnetic Field B
`Plasma Density n
`Electron Temperature T.
`Ion Acceleration Energy E;
`Fractional Ionization X· II
`RF Diode
`109 - 1011
`10-6 - 10-3
`High Density Source
`1010 - 1012
`10-4 - 10-1
`I.B Limitations or Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Discharges
`. A crucial limiting feature of RF diodes is that the ion bombarding flux r. = nu and th

`bon energy E
`· ed .
`e ton acce era-
`tage and curr:n~::l in ~ode :depend~. The ~tuation is ~ogo_us to the lack of independent vol(cid:173)
`or sc:mlc~~uctor pn Junctions. Hence, for a reasonable (but
`relatively low) ion flux
`11 acuum tu
`. • as we as a reasonable diSSOCiation of the feedstock gas, sheath voltages at the
`driven elec
`or loss of : : ~~~or Fwafers placed on the ":riv~n electrode: this can result in undesirable damage,
`relatively narrow window f~ Urthennore, the ~mb~natlon of low Ion flux and high ion energy leads to a
`many proc~s applications. The low process rates resulting from the limited
`ion flux ·n rf diod
`reprodu:ibility :;er ~o~~~tes m:;afer or batch processing, with consequent loss of wafer-to-wafer
`~es are generally required for single wafer processing in a
`chambe ~ enVIrorednment. m which a smgle wafer is moved by a robot through a series of process
`tools are used to control interface quality
`. an are sat
`significant cost savin s in fabricatin

`to have the potential for
`significant problem fo~ processes h g mthtegmfi:..-~ CJI'Cwts (79). ~inally' low fractional ionization poses a
`w ere e ~tock costs and disposal of effiuents are issues.
`· ·
`To meet the line · dth
`' se ec:'?ty ~d ~ag~ c~iltrol demands for next-generation fabrication, the
`mean ion bombardin WI
`and neutral fl
`Sg energy • an Its ~nergy distribution, should be controllable independently of the ion
`uxes. orne control oveuon bombarding energy can be h · ed b

`Y putting the wafer on the
`undriven electrode and independently biasing this 1 trode
`ac tev
`WI a second RF solii'Ce. Although these so-
`e ec
`called rf triode
`s are m use. processmg rates are still low at low pressures and sputtering contamina-
`lion is an issue. sy
`I.C Overview or High Efficiency Sources
`The limitations of rf diodes and their magnetically enhanced variants have led to the development of a
`new generation of low pressure, high efficiency plasma sources. A few examples are shown schematically
`in Fig. 3, and typical source and plasma parameters are given in Table 1. In addition to high density and
`low pressure, a common feature is that the rf or microwave power is coupled to the plasma across a dielec(cid:173)
`tric window, rather than by direct coMection to an electrode in the plasma, as for an rf diode. This non(cid:173)
`capacitive power transfer is key to achieving low voltages across all plasma sheaths at electrode and wall
`surfaces. DC voltages, and hence ion acceleration energies. are then typically 20 -30 Vat all surfaces. To
`control the ion energy, the electrode on which the wafer is placed can be independently driven by a capaci(cid:173)
`tively coupled rf solii'Ce. Hence independent control of the ion/radical fluxes (through the source power) and
`the ion bombarding energy (through the wafer electrode power) is possible. This subject is discussed at
`greater length in Sec. Vlll.
`The common features of power transfer across dielectric windows and separate bias supply at the wafer
`electrode are illustrated in Fig. 3. However, sources differ significantly in the means by which power is
`coupled to the plasma. For the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) source shown in Fig. 3a, one or more
`electromagnet coils surrounding the cylindrical source chamber generate an axially varying de magnetic
`field. Microwave power is injected axially through a dielectric window into the source plasma, where it
`excites a right hand circularly polarized (RHP) wave that propagates to a resonance zone, for cold electrons.
`at ro = roce where the wave is absorbed. Here ro = 27t/is the applied radian frequency and roce = eBim is
`the electron gyration frequency at resonance. For the typical microwave frequency f = 2450 MHz used.
`the resonant magnetic field is B = 875 G. The plasma streams out of the source into the process chamber in
`which the wafer is located.
`A helicon source is shown in Fig. 3b. A weak (50 -200 G) de axial magnetic field along with an rf(cid:173)
`driven anteMa placed near the dielectric cylinder that forms the source chamber allows excitation of a heli(cid:173)
`con wave within the source plasma. Resonant wave-particle interaction (Landau damping) is believed to
`transfer the wave energy to the plasma (82-86) (Sec. IV.D). For the helical resonator source shown in Fig.
`3c, the external helix and conducting cylinder surrounding the dielectric discharge chamber form a slow
`wave structure, i.e. supporting an electromagnetic wave with phase velocity much less than the velocity of
`1ighL Efficient coupling of the RF power to the plasma is achieved by excitation of a resonant axial mode
`(Sec. VI). An inductive (or transformer) coupled source is shown in Fig. 3d. Here the plasma acts as a
`single-tum, lossy conductor that is coupled to a multitum non-resonant rf coil across the dielectric
`discharge chamber; rf power is inductively coupled to the plasma by transformer action (Sec. V). In con(cid:173)
`traSt to the ECR and helicon sources, a de magnetic field is not required for efficient power coupling in the
`helical resonator or inductive sources.
`Figure 3 also illustrates the use of high density sources to feed plasma into a relatively distinct. separate
`process chamber in which the wafer is located. As shown in the figure, the process chamber can be sur(cid:173)
`rounded by de multidipole magnetic fields to enhance plasma confinement near the process chamber sur(cid:173)
`faces, while providing a magnetic field-free plasma environment at the wafer. Such configurations are
`often called ''remote' • sources. another misnomer since at low pressures considerable plasma and free radi(cid:173)
`cal production occurs within the process chamber near the wafer (See Sec. VIII.D). Hence such sources are
`not actually remote. For reasons that are discussed further in Sees. ll.A.2, VIII.D, and IX.C. the source and
`process chambers are sometimes combined, or the wafer is placed very near to the source exiL Such
`configurations are useful for obtaining increased ion and radical fluxes, reducing the spread in ion energy.
`and improving process uniformity. But, the wafer is exposed to higher levels of damaging radiation as well
`(Sec. IX).
`Although the need for low pressures, high fluxes and controllable ion energies has motivated high den-
`sity, source development. there are many issues that need to be resolved. A critical issue is achieving the
`required process uniformity over 200-300 mm wafer diameters. In contrast to the nearly one dimensional
`geometry of typical RF diodes (two closely spaced parallel electrodes), high density sources are often
`cylindrical systems with length-to-diameter ratios of order or exceeding unity. Plasma formation and tran(cid:173)
`sport in such geometries is inherently radially nonuniform. Another critical issue is efficient power transfer
`(coupling) across dielectric windows over a wide operating range of plasma parameters. Degradation of and
`strongly.!,~=% =1
`Various magnetically. enhanced rf diodes and triodes have also been developed to im
`of ~ rf. reactor. These mclude, for example, the Applied Materials' AMT-5000
`magneti Y enhanced
`d th Mi
`reacbve ton etcher (MERlE)
`~lectromcs Center of ~orth Carolina's split cathode RF mag-
`netron. In the
`h" hAMf MERlE, a DC magnetic field of 50-300 GIS applied parallel to the powered elec
`trode on
`to th~ p~ th: :er sits. The magnetic field increases the efficiency of power transfer from the so~-
`1he ~ ~eld is applied (80,81). However, the plasma ~ ':
`and m
`ly due to E x B drifts, where E and B are the local electric
`y an :wmu
`etic fi
`is rota:' in the ~~~s:::::r !oa ~r:: ~~ :formi~ (at_Ic:ast ~muthally), the magnetic field
`. CJ 0

`do not have ood
`• While thiS IS an Improvement. MERlE systems
`. •
`fabrication I!deed,u~formny whtch ~ay hmn therr applicability to next-generation, sub-micron device
`can damag~ thin gate o::!o~: ~:~~~~~rna over the wafer can give rise to a lateral de current that
`~ enhances plasma confinemenL This results in a reduced sheath volta
`LAM Exh 1010-pg 9

`deposition on the window can also lead to irreproducible source behavior and the need for frequent. costly
`cleaning cycles (87). Low pressure operation leads to severe pumping requirements for high deposition or
`etching rates and hence to the need for large, expensive vacuum pumps. Furthermore, plasma and radical
`concentrations become strongly sensitive to reactor surface conditions, leading to problems of reactor aging
`and process irreproducibility. Finally, DC magnetic fields are required for some source concepts. These can
`lead to magnetic field induced process non-uniformities and damage, as seen, for example, in MERlE sys(cid:173)
`tems (88).
`For the pressures of interest (see Table 1), the plasma is not in thermal equilibrium, and local ionization
`models (89), where the ionization rate is a function of the local field and density only, fail. For all sources,
`the electrical power is coupled most efficiently to plasma electrons. In the bulk plasma, energy is
`transferred inefficiently from electrons to ions and neutrals by weak collisional processes; for ions, energy
`can also be coupled by weak ambipolar electric fields. The fraction of energy transferred by elastic collision
`of an electron with a heavy ion or neutral is 2m! M - 10-4 , where m and Mare the electron and heavy parti(cid:173)
`cle masses. Hence the electron temperature T. much exceeds the ion and neutral temperatures, T; and T,
`respectively, in the bulk; typically T.- 5 V whereas T; and Tare a few times room temperature (90). A
`more complete discussion of the ion temperature is given in Sec. vm. However, dissociation and excita(cid:173)
`tion processes can create a subgroup of relatively high energy heavy particles. Also, the am bipolar electric
`fields accelerate positive ions toward the sheath edge, and typically, the ions in the bulk acquire a directed
`energy at the sheath edge of order T .12.
`At these low pressures, the mean free path for ionizing electrons, with energies of 10-15 V, is typically
`comparable to the source dimensions. Hence, even if the electric power is deposited in a small volume
`within an rinmagnetized source, the electron-neutral ionization rate v u is expected to be relatively uniform,
`since the ionization occurs on the distance scale of this mean free path. In magnetized plasmas, on the
`other hand, the ionization rate may be highly non-uniform as the magnetized electrons have trouble cross(cid:173)
`ing field lines, so ionization along a magnetic flux tube might be uniform but significant radial non(cid:173)
`uniformities may persist In addition, the propagation and absmption of the exciting electromagnetic fields
`depend on the charge density distribution. The coupling is non-linear

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