In the Matter of:
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLC
`Patent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
`RPX Exhibit 1107


`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLCApplications in Internet Time LLC
`Patent Teleconference HearingPatent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
`·3· · · · · · · · · · ·Case IPR2015-01750
`·4· · · · · · · · · · ·Patent 8,484,111 B2
`·5· · · · · ·Case IPR2015-01751, Case IPR2015-01752
`·6· · · · · · · · · · ·Patent 7,356,482 B2
`·7· ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`·9· · · · · · ·Petitioner,
`10· · · · · · ·v.
`12· · · · · · ·Patent Owner.
`13· ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`14· · · · · · · · · · · · VIA TELEPHONE
`16· ·Before:· ·The Honorable Scott R. Boalick
`17· · · · · · ·The Honorable Jacqueline Wright Bonilla
`18· · · · · · ·The Honorable Scott C. Weidenfeller
`20· ·Date:· · ·Friday, November 6, 2020
`22· ·Time:· · ·10:01 a.m.
`24· ·Court Reporter:· James A. Scally, RMR, CRR
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`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLCApplications in Internet Time LLC
`Patent Teleconference HearingPatent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
`·1· · · · · · · A P P E A R A N C E S
`·4· ·600 Atlantic Avenue
`·5· ·Boston, Massachusetts· 02210
`·6· ·617-720-3500
`·7· ·By: Richard F. Giunta, Esq.
`·8· · · ·Elisabeth H. Hunt, Ph.D., Esq.
`·9· · · ·Counsel for the Petitioner
`12· ·310 North Westlake Boulevard
`13· ·Suite 120
`14· ·Westlake Village, California· 91362
`15· ·805-230-1350
`16· ·By: Steven C. Sereboff, Esq.
`17· · · ·Counsel for the Patent Owner
`20· ·50th Floor, 500 Fifth Avenue
`21· ·New York, New York· 10110
`22· ·212-319-4755
`23· ·By: Andrea Pacelli, Esq.
`24· · · ·Counsel for the Patent Owner
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`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
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`Patent Teleconference HearingPatent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
`·1· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Good morning.· This is a
`·2· ·conference call for IPR-2015-01750, IPR-2015-01751,
`·3· ·and IPR-2015-01752.
`·4· · · · · ·I am Vice Chief Judge Weidenfeller.· Chief
`·5· ·Judge Boalick and Deputy Chief Judge Bonilla are also
`·6· ·on the line.
`·7· · · · · ·Why don't we start with a roll call.· Who's
`·8· ·on the line for petitioner, please?
`·9· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Good morning, Your Honors.· This
`10· ·is Rich Giunta from Wolf Greenfield for the
`11· ·petitioner RPX, and also on the line is my colleague
`12· ·Elisabeth Hunt, and we have a court reporter on the
`13· ·line as well, Your Honor.
`14· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Thank you.
`15· · · · · ·And for patent owner?
`16· · · · · ·MR. SEREBOFF:· Good morning, Your Honor.
`17· ·This is Steve Sereboff from SoCal IP Law Group.· Also
`18· ·on the line with me is my colleague Andrea Pacelli
`19· ·from King & Wood Mallesons.
`20· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Okay.· Thank you.
`21· · · · · ·Mr. Giunta, would you please file a
`22· ·transcript prepared by your court reporter as an
`23· ·exhibit when it becomes available.
`24· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Yes, Your Honor, we will.
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`Patent Teleconference HearingPatent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
`·1· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· And I doubt this will be
`·2· ·necessary, but if there's any confidential
`·3· ·information, you can file that under seal.
`·4· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Thank you.· Thank you, Your
`·5· ·Honor.
`·6· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Okay.· The purpose of
`·7· ·this conference call is to address patent owner's
`·8· ·request for authorization to file a motion to strike
`·9· ·portions of petitioner's reply briefs on rehearing.
`10· · · · · ·Why don't we start with counsel for patent
`11· ·owner.· Why don't you begin.
`12· · · · · ·MR. PACELLI:· Yes.· Good morning, Your Honor,
`13· ·and thanks for accommodating our request for a call
`14· ·today.
`15· · · · · ·My name is Andrea Pacelli.· I'm backup
`16· ·counsel for patent owner, and I will address the
`17· ·panel on this issue.
`18· · · · · ·Last Friday petitioner RPX filed a reply in
`19· ·support of the rehearing request.· As Your Honor
`20· ·knows, that's paper 136 in the 1750 case.· Patent
`21· ·owner AIT is requesting authorization to file a
`22· ·motion to strike two new arguments in this reply.
`23· ·First, new statutory arguments, and, second, new
`24· ·allegations that RPX has an interest perfected by the
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`Patent Teleconference HearingPatent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
`·1· ·due process clause.· And we can take them one at a
`·2· ·time.
`·3· · · · · ·Starting with the first argument, RPX's
`·4· ·rehearing request alleged a constitutional due
`·5· ·process violation.· That can be clearly found on
`·6· ·pages 1 through 3 of the request, paper 134 of the
`·7· ·1750 proceeding.· RPX's reply raises for the first
`·8· ·time new statutory, not constitutional, arguments,
`·9· ·based on several provisions, including 5 USC 554,
`10· ·556, and 706, and 35 USC 6.· These provisions can be
`11· ·found in the reply at pages 1 through 2 and also
`12· ·pages 4 through 7 and 8 through 9.
`13· · · · · ·For example, on page 5 of the reply, RPX is
`14· ·now alleging a violation of 35 USC 6(c), as in
`15· ·Charlie, and 5 USC 554(d), as in delta.· None of
`16· ·those statutes were even cited in RPX's rehearing
`17· ·request despite RPX's due process argument being
`18· ·almost three pages long, and RPX should not be
`19· ·allowed to raise a brand-new statutory argument for
`20· ·the first time in reply.
`21· · · · · ·Now moving on to the second argument, RPX's
`22· ·rehearing request alleged a due process violation,
`23· ·and as AIT explained in its response, there are two
`24· ·steps to a due process analysis.· The first step is
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`Patent Teleconference HearingPatent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
`·1· ·identifying a protected property or liberty interest,
`·2· ·and the second step is determining if additional
`·3· ·process is required to avoid a risk of erroneous
`·4· ·deprivation of such interest.
`·5· · · · · ·As the party claiming a due process
`·6· ·violation, RPX bears the burden of establishing both
`·7· ·elements, and in its response, AIT pointed out that
`·8· ·RPX's rehearing request failed to allege any
`·9· ·protected property or liberty interest.· AIT also
`10· ·pointed out, and that's in the footnote on page 5 of
`11· ·paper 135, Your Honor, in the 1750 proceeding, it
`12· ·would be improper for RPX to try to meet its burden
`13· ·for the first time in reply.· But that is exactly
`14· ·what RPX is doing now.· For the first time in reply,
`15· ·RPX explains to us how it can allegedly meet the
`16· ·protected interest requirement, and this new argument
`17· ·can be found in the reply paper 136 of the 750
`18· ·proceeding at page 2.
`19· · · · · ·And RPX here adopted a scatter file approach
`20· ·and pointed to three different alleged protected
`21· ·interests.· Now, two of these relate to the
`22· ·procedural protections of 5 USC 554, and the third
`23· ·one, that the fees paid to have the agency review the
`24· ·petitions are, quote/unquote, property which RPX
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`November 06, 2020
`·1· ·would be deprived.· Now, none of this was in RPX's
`·2· ·rehearing request.
`·3· · · · · ·As the party alleging a due process
`·4· ·violation, RPX bears the burden of establishing a
`·5· ·protected interest.· Having failed to allege a
`·6· ·protected interest in its opening brief, RPX should
`·7· ·not be allowed to do so for the first time in reply.
`·8· · · · · ·Thank you, Your Honor.· If you have any
`·9· ·questions, I'm happy to answer them.
`10· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Thank you.
`11· · · · · ·Why don't we hear from Mr. Giunta or Ms.
`12· ·Hunt, whoever is speaking on behalf of petitioner.
`13· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Yes.· Thank you, Your Honor.
`14· ·This is Rich Giunta.
`15· · · · · ·So both of the arguments that counsel just
`16· ·referred to reply directly to arguments that AIT made
`17· ·in its response.· I will take them in the reverse
`18· ·order that counsel just went through them.
`19· · · · · ·So -- excuse me -- with respect to the
`20· ·protected interest, at page 2 of AIT's response,
`21· ·first full sentence of the first full paragraph, AIT
`22· ·made two arguments.· First, AIT argued that the
`23· ·rehearing request did not identify a protected
`24· ·interest; and then, second, AIT went further and
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`November 06, 2020
`·1· ·affirmatively argued that, quote, "RPX does not have
`·2· ·such an interest," end quote.
`·3· · · · · ·RPX's reply responds at a minimum at least to
`·4· ·this second argument.· This is clear from page 1 of
`·5· ·RPX's reply, which identifies the argument that AIT
`·6· ·made in its response at page 2 and then replied to it
`·7· ·by explaining why AIT is wrong.· As noted in RPX's
`·8· ·reply, AIT's bold and broad assertion that RPX had no
`·9· ·protected interest was unsupported by citation to any
`10· ·authority.· So AIT's suggestion now that can make
`11· ·such a broad assertion, again, unsupported by any
`12· ·authority, and that RPX is not authorized to reply to
`13· ·it by citing authority that refutes AIT's argument
`14· ·is, frankly, extraordinary.· That is what a reply is
`15· ·for.
`16· · · · · ·Now, with respect to the statutory provisions
`17· ·that RPX cited, the rehearing request cited a
`18· ·California state case, Moles, that discussed which
`19· ·judges can decide a case after oral argument.· AIT
`20· ·tried to distinguish Moles by arguing that there are
`21· ·provisions of the California State Constitution that
`22· ·require that any judgment be determined by at least
`23· ·two judges that were present at the oral argument.
`24· ·Excuse me.
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`November 06, 2020
`·1· · · · · ·In AIT's response at page 4, AIT then goes
`·2· ·further, and they made the broad argument that,
`·3· ·quote, "No equivalent statutory or regulatory
`·4· ·provisions are applicable to board proceedings, and
`·5· ·certainly not determination decisions by the board,"
`·6· ·end quote.
`·7· · · · · ·AIT's response at page 4 further argued that
`·8· ·under the correct standard, RPX is not entitled to a
`·9· ·written decision from the original panel.· So RPX's
`10· ·reply at page 5, which AIT seeks to strike, makes
`11· ·clear that it is replying to those two arguments at
`12· ·page 4 of AIT's response because both of those
`13· ·arguments are wrong.
`14· · · · · ·The provisions of the APA and the patent
`15· ·statute are cited at page 5 of RPX's reply because
`16· ·they directly refute AIT's assertion that the, quote,
`17· ·"correct standard," end quote, does not require a
`18· ·decision from the original panel; and they further
`19· ·directly refute AIT's assertion that there are no
`20· ·statutory provisions that prohibit the re-paneling
`21· ·that occurred here.
`22· · · · · ·So, again, AIT made bold and broad assertions
`23· ·in its response that were unsupported by any
`24· ·authority, and their suggestion today that RPX is
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`Patent Teleconference HearingPatent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
`·1· ·powerless to reply to those wrong assertions by
`·2· ·citing authority that refutes them is, again,
`·3· ·extraordinary.
`·4· · · · · ·So RPX's reply did not raise any new issues.
`·5· ·The rehearing request alleged it was improper to
`·6· ·re-panel these cases after oral hearing and that due
`·7· ·process required that these cases be decided by the
`·8· ·original panel.· Your Honors granted AIT response
`·9· ·where AIT could have cited authority that authorized
`10· ·the re-paneling and proved RPX wrong, but AIT cited
`11· ·no such authority.· Instead, they -- again, they made
`12· ·these broad sweeping arguments that were wrong.· It
`13· ·was perfectly appropriate for RPX in reply to explain
`14· ·why AIT's arguments were wrong.· And RPX's reply
`15· ·arguments all support the argument that RPX made in
`16· ·the rehearing request, which was that it was a
`17· ·violation of due process for these cases to not be
`18· ·decided by the original panel.· AIT's request that
`19· ·RPX's reply arguments be struck is baseless and
`20· ·should be denied.
`21· · · · · ·Unless Your Honors have any questions, that's
`22· ·all I have.
`23· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Any reply, Mr. Pacelli?
`24· · · · · ·MR. PACELLI:· Yes, just very quickly.· And
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`November 06, 2020
`·1· ·I'm going to start from the statutory versus
`·2· ·constitutional issue, which is the last one that
`·3· ·counsel mentioned.
`·4· · · · · ·So I think there is a little bit of confusion
`·5· ·between two completely different types of argument.
`·6· ·Obviously, constitutional due process under the Fifth
`·7· ·Amendment and the procedural protections of the APA
`·8· ·are different things.· Now, RPX's opening brief
`·9· ·related to constitutional due process and not to the
`10· ·APA.· And this was clear not only from RPX's failure
`11· ·to cite any provisions of the APA, but also from the
`12· ·very footnote from the Arthrex decision which RPX
`13· ·quoted in the rehearing request.· And this footnote
`14· ·is quoted in the rehearing request at page 1 of paper
`15· ·134 of the 750 proceeding, and the original can be
`16· ·found in the Federal Circuit decision 941 F3rd 1332,
`17· ·footnote 3.· And I quote -- this is what the Federal
`18· ·Circuit said:· Quote, "it is not clear whether this
`19· ·type of mid-case de-designation of an APJ could
`20· ·create a Due Process problem.· However, we need not
`21· ·decide whether the Director has such authority or
`22· ·whether such authority would run afoul of the
`23· ·Constitution."
`24· · · · · ·Those are the words of the Federal Circuit
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`November 06, 2020
`·1· ·that RPX relied on for arguing a due process
`·2· ·violation.· So it was clear from the rehearing
`·3· ·request that the argument was constitutional due
`·4· ·process, not an APA violation.· Now, to argue that
`·5· ·citing extensive portions of the APA to respond to a
`·6· ·failure to make a case of constitutional due process,
`·7· ·that is improper, and there is no argument that
`·8· ·should not be brought in reply for the first time.
`·9· · · · · ·With regard to the second point, which is the
`10· ·first point that counsel mentioned regarding the
`11· ·protected interest, now, counsel argues that these
`12· ·new allegations of protected interest responded to
`13· ·AIT's argument that RPX has not satisfied Supreme
`14· ·Court precedent, including the protected interest
`15· ·requirement.· But a proper response would have been
`16· ·to argue, for example, that RPX does not need to
`17· ·satisfy that requirement.· To argue for the first
`18· ·time that RPX meets a protected interest requirement
`19· ·just because AIT pointed out that RPX doesn't make
`20· ·even the effort to do that, is not a proper response
`21· ·in reply.· That is making for the first time a reply
`22· ·in argument in which RPX bears the burden, and that
`23· ·is improper.
`24· · · · · ·And that's all I have, Your Honor.
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`November 06, 2020
`·1· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Your Honor, may I -- may I
`·2· ·briefly respond to that?
`·3· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Certainly.· Thank you.
`·4· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Counsel is building up a straw
`·5· ·man here.· They would like you to believe that what
`·6· ·their paper said was that RPX didn't meet its burden
`·7· ·on proving a due process violation, full stop, so
`·8· ·that AIT didn't need to say anything.· And he is
`·9· ·suggesting that some of these arguments were
`10· ·responding to that.· But if Your Honors take a look
`11· ·at the paper, it will be very clear that the
`12· ·arguments that we clearly were responding to were
`13· ·these statements AIT made that went far beyond saying
`14· ·RPX didn't prove these things.· They made bold,
`15· ·affirmative assertions that RPX had no protected
`16· ·interest.· The notion that we can't respond to that,
`17· ·again, just seems extraordinary to us.
`18· · · · · ·And they also made a bold assertion that
`19· ·there was no statutory restriction on re-paneling
`20· ·here, and they're wrong on both counts, and they
`21· ·don't want Your Honors to look at the law and get it
`22· ·right by trying to seek to strike our reply.· And we
`23· ·just think that it's undeniable that the things that
`24· ·we have cited responded to direct arguments they
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`November 06, 2020
`·1· ·made.· If they didn't want us to be able to point out
`·2· ·that these things are wrong, they shouldn't have made
`·3· ·arguments that were wrong.
`·4· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Thank you.· I think we
`·5· ·understand the positions of both parties at this
`·6· ·point.
`·7· · · · · ·Why don't you give us just a minute or two to
`·8· ·confer as a panel, and we will be back in a minute or
`·9· ·two.· Thank you.
`10· · · · · ·(Recess:· 10:17 a.m. to 10:20 a.m.)
`11· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Counsel, thank you very
`12· ·much for setting forth your positions.· The panel is
`13· ·inclined to deny the request to file a motion to
`14· ·strike, and we will issue an order in due course.
`15· · · · · ·Mr. Giunta, I'd like to ask:· When can we see
`16· ·the transcript that your court reporter is preparing?
`17· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Yes.· Thank you, your Honor. I
`18· ·guess I'll ask the court reporter.· We'll get it to
`19· ·you as soon as -- as soon as the court reporter gets
`20· ·it to us.
`21· · · · · ·Court reporter, can you give us an idea of
`22· ·when we could have the transcript?
`23· · · · · ·THE COURT REPORTER:· Probably tomorrow would
`24· ·be fine.
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`·1· · · · · ·JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· That sounds very good.
`·2· ·Thank you very much.
`·3· · · · · ·Unless either party has anything else they
`·4· ·would like to add at this point, the conference call
`·5· ·is concluded.
`·6· · · · · ·(Time noted:· 10:21 a.m.)
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·C E R T I F I C A T E
`·3· · · · · · ·I, James A. Scally, RMR, CRR, a Certified
`·4· ·Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public in and for the
`·5· ·Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby certify that
`·6· ·the foregoing transcript is a complete, true, and
`·7· ·accurate transcription of my stenographic
`·8· ·notes/audiographic recordings taken in the
`·9· ·aforementioned matter to the best of my knowledge,
`10· ·skill, and ability.
`13· · · · · · · · · · · · · James A. Scally, RMR, CRR
`14· · · · · · · · · · · · · CSR/Notary Public
`15· · · · · · · · · · · · · My Commission Expires:
`16· · · · · · · · · · · · · April 8, 2022
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` 8:8,11 9:2,22
` 10:12
` 12:8
` 13:4
` 6:6,12 7:4
` 12:22 13:6
` 8:18,21
` 3:2,7 4:7,13
` 4:20 8:18,19
` 12:6
` 10:6,7,17
` 5:15
` 3:4,5
` 11:16,18,24
` 8:9
` 11:11
` 5:16 8:17 9:15
` 10:9,10 13:24
` 8:13 10:2 12:5
` 6:5
` 5:1
` 8:4 9:11
` 11:10,18 12:2
` 13:11
` 3:11,18
` 11:5
` 5:14
` 5:10
` 6:17 11:15
` 11:16
` 14:10
` 6:2
` 4:7,16
` 6:19
` 13:15
` 8:1
` 11:22
` 6:23
` 4:21 5:23 6:7,
` 9 7:16,21,22,
` 24 8:5,7,19
`5:6,11 8:4
` 11:14
` 14:10
` 14:10
` 11:16
` 5:6 11:15
` 6:11
` 4:20 6:17
` 4:20 5:7 6:11
`5:11 6:18 7:20
` 8:6
`5:6 11:17
` 5:10,14
`5:12 9:1,7,12
` 6:10,22 9:10,
` 15
` 5:9 6:22
` 5:15
` 5:10
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`888.825.3376 -
`888.825.3376 -
`·Index: 1–completely


`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLCApplications in Internet Time LLC
`Patent Teleconference HearingPatent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
` 14:8
` 3:2 4:7
` 4:2
` 11:4
` 8:21 11:23
` 5:4,8 11:2,6,9
` 12:3,6
` 9:8,17
` 4:10,16 7:15,
` 18 11:3 12:10,
` 11 13:4 14:11
` 13:20
` 3:12,22 12:14
` 14:16,18,19,
` 21,23
` 11:20
` 11:19
` 8:19 11:21
` 10:7,18
` 9:9,18 11:12,
` 16
` 9:5
` 5:15
` 10:20
` 14:13
` 6:4
` 7:1
` 3:5
` 9:5
` 8:22
` 6:2
` 13:24
` 7:16 9:16,19
` 11:21
` 8:18
` 8:20
` 4:1
` 5:1,4,17,22,24
` 6:5 7:3 10:6,
` 17 11:6,9,20
` 12:1,3,6 13:7
` 14:14
` 12:20
` 6:7
` 3:12
` 8:2 9:6,17
` 9:8
` 9:3
` 6:3
` 6:6 7:4
` 7:19 8:24
` 3:23
` 10:13
` 5:23
` 8:7
` 6:15
` 12:5
` 8:14 10:3
` 13:17
` 10:8
` 3:10
` 3:17
` 14:18
` 11:16
` 6:8 7:5
` 11:10 12:6
` 11:16,17,24
` 6:23
` 3:21 4:3,8,21
` 6:19 14:13
` 4:18
` 14:24
` 6:10 11:12,13,
` 17
` 5:5,11 6:17
` 11:16
` 8:14
` 4:18
` 7:21 13:7
` 3:9,10,21,24
` 4:4 7:11,13,14
` 13:1,4 14:15,
` 17
` 14:7,21
` 3:1,9,16 4:12
` 7:9
` 7:11
` 10:6
` 3:13,16,24
` 4:5,12,19 6:11
` 7:8,13 12:24
` 13:1 14:17
` 3:9 10:8,21
` 13:10,21
` 3:12 7:12
` 14:21
` 8:5
` 7:23
` 6:1
` 6:12 10:5
` 12:7,23
` 14:13
` 5:9 12:14
` 4:3
` 4:24 6:1,4,9,
` 16 7:5,6,20,24
` 8:2,9 12:11,
` 12,14,18
` 13:16
` 6:21
` 3:17
` 3:2
` 3:2
` 3:3
` 4:17 11:2
` 14:14
` 10:4
` 3:1,4,5,14,20
` 4:1,6 7:10
` 10:23 13:3
` 14:4,11
` 8:19,23
` 8:22
` 3:19
` 3:17 13:21
` 6:1,9
` 5:18
` 7:16,22 8:6
` 9:2,22 10:11,
` 15 13:13,14,
` 18 14:1,2
` 8:10 12:6,19
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`888.825.3376 -
`888.825.3376 -
`·Index: confer–make


`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLCApplications in Internet Time LLC
`Patent Teleconference HearingPatent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
` 9:10
` 12:21
` 3:19
` 13:5
` 6:12,15 13:6
` 12:18
` 11:3 12:10
` 11:19
` 8:3
` 14:7,8
` 8:18,20
` 3:1,9,16 4:12
` 4:8,22 14:13
` 5:21
` 8:7
` 13:16
` 9:21
` 7:6 11:8
` 8:19,23 10:6
` 7:18 14:14
` 9:9,18 10:8,18
` 11:15
` 3:15 4:11,16,
` 21
` 4:7
` 3:18 4:12,15
` 10:23,24
` 5:6,11,12,18
` 6:23
` 4:17 9:9,18
` 10:8,18 14:8,
` 12
` 4:20 5:6 6:11,
` 17 11:14 13:6,
` 11
` 7:21
` 14:5
` 6:5 7:3
` 3:15 4:7,10,
` 16,20 9:14
` 4:24
` 10:13
` 3:8,11 4:18
` 7:12
` 4:9
` 6:24
` 12:9,10 14:1,6
` 6:7,10,20
` 12:19
` 4:9 12:5
` 14:5,12
` 10:1
` 12:14
` 3:22
` 14:16
` 8:23
` 11:20
` 6:22 11:7
` 5:7 6:11,18
` 11:15
` 9:4
` 5:1,5,17,22,24
` 6:3,5 7:3 10:7,
` 17 11:6,9,20
` 12:1,4,6 13:7
` 9:20
` 12:15,20
` 6:1,9,24
` 6:1,9,16,20
` 7:5,6,20,23
` 8:9 12:11,12,
` 14,18 13:15
` 6:22 11:7
` 13:14
` 10:10
` 13:7
` 5:9,10 8:16,21
` 9:4,14,20
` 11:11
` 4:6
` 7:9 10:21
` 10:24
` 8:1,2 9:3,6,16,
` 17 11:17,18
` 6:24
` 11:13,14
` 5:19 10:4
` 5:7
` 10:6
` 9:20 10:10
` 13:19
` 14:10
` 7:16
` 9:16,19
` 8:13 10:2
` 12:9
` 9:3
` 4:9,19 5:4,16,
` 22 6:8 7:2,23
` 8:17 10:5,16
` 11:13,14 12:2
` 6:21
` 11:9
` 12:1
` 8:6
` 4:9,18,22 5:7,
` 11,13,20 6:13,
` 14,17 7:7,16
` 8:3,5,8,12,14
` 9:10,15 10:1,
` 4,13,14,19,23
` 12:8,21 13:22
` 9:11
` 3:12,22 14:16,
` 18,19,21,23
` 4:8,13,19 5:4,
` 6,17,22 6:8
` 7:2,23 8:17
` 10:5,16,18
` 11:13,14 12:3
` 14:13
` 4:21
` 8:22 9:17
` 6:3 10:7
` 6:16 12:15,17,
` 18
` 7:19 8:16
` 12:5 13:2,16
` 12:12 13:24
` 13:10,12
` 8:3
` 5:23 6:7 7:17,
` 20 8:6 9:1,7,
` 12,23 10:8
` 12:15,20
` 13:19
` 7:17
` 6:23
` 3:10 7:14
` 6:3
` 3:7
` 3:11 4:18,24
` 5:13,18 6:6,
` 12,14,15,19,
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`888.825.3376 -
`888.825.3376 -
`·Index: makes–RPX


`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLCApplications in Internet Time LLC
`Patent Teleconference HearingPatent Teleconference Hearing
`November 06, 2020
` 13:23
` 14:5
` 8:9,11 9:23
` 5:9,10,14,15
` 6:22
` 11:1
` 3:4
` 5:5,14,22 6:6
` 7:4 10:17
` 12:2,4 13:7
` 3:1,4,14,20
` 4:1,6 7:10
` 10:23 13:3
` 14:4,11
` 3:10
` 3:19
` 11:24
` 9:9
` 8:7 9:13 10:1,
` 10,12,14
` 13:20 14:2,3
` 4:23 5:8,19
` 8:16 9:3,20
` 11:1 13:19
` 5:24 6:2
` 5:24
` 3:17
` 13:7
` 13:4
` 4:8,22 9:10
` 13:22 14:14
` 10:19
` 13:9
` 8:10 9:24
` 4:19 10:15
` 12:13
` 10:12
` 11:8 13:14,23
` 14:2
` 5:2,8,20 6:13,
` 14 7:7 12:8,
` 18,21
` 4:14 9:24
` 14:23
` 3:22 14:16,22
` 11:19
` 11:5
` 24 7:4,6 8:1,8,
` 12,17 9:8,24
` 10:10,13,15
` 11:12 12:1,13,
` 16,18,19,22
` 13:6,14,15
` 5:3,7,16,17,21
` 6:8 7:1 8:3,5,7
` 9:9,15 10:4,
` 14,19 11:8,10
` 11:22
` 12:13
` 12:17
` 6:19
` 4:3
` 13:22
` 9:10
` 7:21
` 3:16,17
` 14:12
` 3:17

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