In the Matter of:
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`RPX Exhibit 1102


`RPX Corporation vs
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·3· · · · · · · · · · ·Case IPR2015-01750
`·4· · · · · · · · · · ·Patent 8,484,111 B2
`·5· · · · · ·Case IPR2015-01751, Case IPR2015-01752
`·6· · · · · · · · · · ·Patent 7,356,482 B2
`·7· ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`·9· · · · · · ·Petitioner,
`10· · · · · · ·v.
`12· · · · · · ·Patent Owner.
`13· ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`14· · · · · · · · · · · · VIA TELEPHONE
`16· ·Before:· ·The Honorable Lynne Pettigrew
`17· · · · · · ·The Honorable Mitchell Weatherly
`19· ·Date:· · ·Tuesday, May 5, 2020
`21· ·Time:· · ·11:30 a.m.
`24· ·Court Reporter:· James A. Scally, RMR, CRR
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting SolutionsO'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`888.825.3376 - production@court-reporting.com888.825.3376 -



`RPX Corporation vs
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·1· · · · · · · A P P E A R A N C E S
`·4· ·600 Atlantic Avenue
`·5· ·Boston, Massachusetts· 02210-2206
`·6· ·617-720-3500
`·7· ·By: Richard F. Giunta, Esq.
`·8· · · ·Elisabeth H. Hunt, Ph.D., Esq.
`·9· · · ·Counsel for the Petitioner
`12· ·310 North Westlake Boulevard
`13· ·Suite 120
`14· ·Westlake Village, California· 91362
`15· ·805-230-1350
`16· ·By: Steven C. Sereboff, Esq.
`17· · · ·Counsel for the Patent Owner
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting SolutionsO'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
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`RPX Corporation vs
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·1· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· Good morning.· This is a
`·2· ·call for IPR-2015-01750, 01751, and 01752, RPX v.
`·3· ·AIT.
`·4· · · · · ·This is Judge Pettigrew, and Judge Weatherly
`·5· ·is also on the call with me.
`·6· · · · · ·Who do we have on the call for petitioner
`·7· ·RPX?
`·8· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Good morning, Your Honor.· This
`·9· ·is Rich Giunta from Wolf Greenfield, and I'm joined
`10· ·on the line by my colleague Elisabeth Hunt.
`11· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· Okay.· Thank you.· And who
`12· ·do we have on the call for patent owner?
`13· · · · · ·MR. SEREBOFF:· Good morning, Your Honor.
`14· ·This is Steve Sereboff for AIT.· And I'm alone.
`15· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· All right.· Thank you.· And
`16· ·we do not have a court reporter on the call; is that
`17· ·correct, petitioner?
`18· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· No.· We do have a court reporter
`19· ·on the line, Your Honor.
`20· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· Oh, I'm sorry.· You do have
`21· ·a court reporter on the line?
`22· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Yes, Your Honor.
`23· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· Okay.· Thank you.· So we
`24· ·just ask that you file the transcript as an exhibit
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`RPX Corporation vs
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·1· ·in due course, or actually as soon as possible after
`·2· ·the call.
`·3· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Yes, Your Honor, we will.
`·4· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· Okay.· As you know, these
`·5· ·cases are currently before the board on remand from
`·6· ·the Federal Circuit.· Last week we received an email
`·7· ·from petitioner RPX requesting a conference call to
`·8· ·seek authorization to file a motion to stay the
`·9· ·remand proceedings.· The email indicated that in view
`10· ·of the Supreme Court's recent decision in Thryv v.
`11· ·Click-to-Call, RPX intended to file a motion with the
`12· ·Federal Circuit asking that it recall its mandate and
`13· ·reinstate AIT's appeal from the board's final written
`14· ·decision.· The email also indicated that patent owner
`15· ·AIT opposes RPX's request.
`16· · · · · ·In response to petitioner's request for a
`17· ·call, we scheduled this call for today.· Meanwhile,
`18· ·we received a followup email from petitioner
`19· ·informing us that RPX filed a motion to recall the
`20· ·mandate with the Federal Circuit yesterday, and the
`21· ·email also attached a copy of the motion.· And I
`22· ·think that's where we are as of today.
`23· · · · · ·So, petitioner, you requested the call.
`24· ·Let's hear from you first.
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`RPX Corporation vs
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·1· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Thank you, Your Honor.
`·2· · · · · ·So in view of the Supreme Court's decision in
`·3· ·Thryv holding that a board decision finding no time
`·4· ·bar under 315(b) is unreviewable by the Federal
`·5· ·Circuit, as Your Honor noted, we yesterday filed with
`·6· ·the Federal Circuit a motion requesting that the
`·7· ·Court recall its mandate, vacate its judgment that
`·8· ·vacated the board's final decision, and reinstate
`·9· ·AIT's appeal on the merits to the board's findings
`10· ·that the challenged claims are unpatentable.· And we
`11· ·ask that Your Honors stay the issuance of any
`12· ·decision in these remand proceedings until the
`13· ·Federal Circuit rules on RPX's motion.
`14· · · · · ·Based on the Supreme Court's decision in
`15· ·Thryv, it's now clear the Federal Circuit had no
`16· ·authority to review Your Honors' determination that
`17· ·the petitioners here were not time-barred under
`18· ·315(b) and that these cases should not have been
`19· ·remanded for further analysis on the time bar issue.
`20· ·RPX believes the motion in the Federal Circuit should
`21· ·be granted to simply put these cases back to where
`22· ·they would have been had the Federal Circuit had the
`23· ·benefit of the Thryv decision which makes clear the
`24· ·315(b) challenges that AIT made on appeal are not
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting SolutionsO'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
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`RPX Corporation vs
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`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`·1· ·reviewable.
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·2· · · · · ·If the Federal Circuit grants RPX's motion,
`·3· ·that will remove jurisdiction from the board and put
`·4· ·back before the Federal Circuit the board's findings
`·5· ·of unpatentability of the challenged claims.
`·6· · · · · ·Now, the board would of course issue a final
`·7· ·decision in these remand proceedings reinstating
`·8· ·those unpatentability findings if it completes its
`·9· ·review of the time bar issue and once again finds in
`10· ·favor of RPX.· But the Supreme Court in Thryv made
`11· ·clear that an important reason that Congress made a
`12· ·time bar non-appealable is the AIA's emphasis on
`13· ·efficiently weeding out, quote, "bad patent claims,"
`14· ·unquote.
`15· · · · · ·The Supreme Court noted that the board's
`16· ·315(b) findings are not appealable precisely to
`17· ·ensure that the board's adjudication of the merits be
`18· ·preserved after the board has found the claim
`19· ·unpatentable and to ensure that the board's work not
`20· ·be undone and, quote, "the cancelled claims
`21· ·resurrected," end quote, by later consideration of a
`22· ·315(b) time bar issue.
`23· · · · · ·Under Thryv, we do not believe the board
`24· ·should be asked to reconsider its no time bar
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`RPX Corporation vs
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·1· ·determination here, after the board has already done
`·2· ·the work of finding the challenged claims
`·3· ·unpatentable based on multiple independent grounds.
`·4· ·So given that, we believe it to be appropriate for
`·5· ·the board to take no action until the Federal Circuit
`·6· ·rules on RPX's motion to give the Federal Circuit an
`·7· ·opportunity to recall its mandate.
`·8· · · · · ·Now, there's no set timeline for the Federal
`·9· ·Circuit to act on RPX's motion, but we hope and
`10· ·expect the Court will act quickly, given the unusual
`11· ·posture of this case.· So RPX believes a short stay
`12· ·is warranted given if the Federal Circuit grants
`13· ·RPX's motion, it will be unnecessary for the board to
`14· ·issue a decision reconsidering the time bar issue,
`15· ·which the board never should have been asked to do in
`16· ·the first place under Thryv.
`17· · · · · ·So Your Honors undoubtedly have the authority
`18· ·to hold off on issuing a decision until after the
`19· ·Federal Circuit rules on RPX's motion and a stay here
`20· ·would require nothing more.
`21· · · · · ·The parties could certainly brief RPX's
`22· ·request for a stay if Your Honors would find it
`23· ·helpful, but it seems likely that any briefing will
`24· ·be mooted by the Federal Circuit ruling soon on RPX's
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`RPX Corporation vs
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·1· ·motion before briefing could be completed and Your
`·2· ·Honors could rule on it.
`·3· · · · · ·Given that, it may be most efficient for the
`·4· ·parties and the board for Your Honors to simply hold
`·5· ·off on issuing a decision until the Federal Circuit
`·6· ·rules on RPX's motion without briefing from the
`·7· ·parties.
`·8· · · · · ·Unless Your Honors have any questions, that's
`·9· ·all I have.
`10· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· Thank you, counsel.
`11· · · · · ·One question:· Do you have a proposal for how
`12· ·many pages you would like for a motion and when you
`13· ·can file that motion?
`14· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· We could do it in five pages,
`15· ·and we could file it -- file it within a week, Your
`16· ·Honor.
`17· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· All right.· Thank you.
`18· · · · · ·Patent owner, let's hear from you.
`19· · · · · ·MR. SEREBOFF:· Thank you, Your Honor. I
`20· ·appreciate being heard.
`21· · · · · ·Being heard here or in any judicial setting
`22· ·is a fundamental part of the Constitutional right to
`23· ·due process.· Staying these cases would be unfair.
`24· ·It would be shenanigans.· It would be a denial of due
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`RPX Corporation vs
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`·1· ·process.
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·2· · · · · ·AIT's right to due process, as guaranteed by
`·3· ·the Fifth Amendment, is important here.· The Supreme
`·4· ·Court Thryv decision didn't eviscerate the right to
`·5· ·due process.· In fact, Thryv doesn't touch on due
`·6· ·process, and it only applies to institution
`·7· ·decisions.· Typical of the Roberts court, Thryv is a
`·8· ·narrow decision on statutory construction.· Neither
`·9· ·Justice Ginsburg nor Justice Gorsuch mentioned due
`10· ·process in their opinions, nor did they foreclose
`11· ·appellate review of time-barred decisions in FWDs.
`12· ·Twenty-one months ago the Federal Circuit vacated
`13· ·your FWDs because the RPI analysis in the FWDs was
`14· ·flawed.· Judge Reyna in his concurrence said that AIT
`15· ·was denied due process.
`16· · · · · ·After RPX did its best to derail that Federal
`17· ·Circuit decision, the Federal Circuit mandated 18
`18· ·months ago.· At that point, the burden of proof was
`19· ·squarely on RPX to show that it wasn't Salesforce's
`20· ·proxy.· On remand you gave RPX six months to prove
`21· ·that it wasn't Salesforce's proxy.· The oral argument
`22· ·in these cases was 12 months ago.· Since then AIT has
`23· ·waited for these cases to proceed to some kind of
`24· ·decision.· For 12 months there has been no decision,
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting SolutionsO'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
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`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·1· ·no process.· Adding a stay here to the prior 12
`·2· ·months of inaction would be a denial of due process.
`·3· · · · · ·We know you think that AIT patents are
`·4· ·invalid.· You wrote as much three and a half years
`·5· ·ago in the FWDs.· Of course, that was based on BRI, a
`·6· ·standard the board no longer uses.· Consider this:
`·7· ·If these patents are so clearly invalid, the district
`·8· ·court will invalidate them.· If these patents are
`·9· ·clearly invalid, the lines of justice don't need to
`10· ·be moved using BRI or a preponderance of the evidence
`11· ·standard to get there.
`12· · · · · ·Your job isn't to be vigilantes.· Your job is
`13· ·to follow the law.· And the Fifth Amendment
`14· ·guarantees that AIT is owed due process.· The Federal
`15· ·Circuit mandated this too.· Due process says that you
`16· ·should enter a decision now.· Due process says that
`17· ·your decision should be termination.· A stay is the
`18· ·last thing you should consider doing.
`19· · · · · ·Thank you.
`20· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· All right.· Thank you,
`21· ·counsel.· I'm going to put you on hold for just a
`22· ·couple moments while I confer with my colleague.
`23· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· I'm sorry, Your Honor.· Could I
`24· ·just respond to a couple things counsel said?
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`RPX Corporation vs
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·1· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· Go ahead, counsel.
`·2· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· I believe he said that Thryv
`·3· ·said that the time-barred determinations do not apply
`·4· ·on a final written decision.· That's incorrect.· Page
`·5· ·14 of the Thryv decision specifically deals with that
`·6· ·issue.
`·7· · · · · ·And then, secondly, with respect to due
`·8· ·process, Thryv makes clear that the board's initial
`·9· ·determination should not have been considered.· AIT
`10· ·had all the process it needed.· They had plenty of
`11· ·opportunity the first time around and didn't prevail
`12· ·on the time bar issue.· So Thryv makes clear that
`13· ·that issue never should have been reconsidered.· So
`14· ·there is no concern about due process here.
`15· · · · · ·And with respect to what the Federal Circuit
`16· ·ordered, we're simply asking the board to hold off a
`17· ·short period of time and we'll find out if the
`18· ·Federal Circuit believes it should recall its mandate
`19· ·or not.
`20· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· All right.· Thank you,
`21· ·counsel.
`22· · · · · ·I do have a question for patent owner's
`23· ·counsel, the same one we had for petitioner.· If we
`24· ·grant petitioner authorization to file motions of
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`888.825.3376 - production@court-reporting.com888.825.3376 -
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`RPX Corporation vs
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·1· ·five pages and give one week, would that also be
`·2· ·sufficient for patent owner to file an opposition
`·3· ·after -- five days after petitioner's motion?
`·4· · · · · ·MR. SEREBOFF:· I think five pages and one
`·5· ·week would be adequate, Your Honor.
`·6· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· All right.· Thank you.
`·7· · · · · ·All right.· Now I will put you on hold just
`·8· ·for a brief moment.· Thank you.· (Pause.)
`·9· · · · · ·Thank you for your patience.· The panel is
`10· ·back.
`11· · · · · ·We are going to authorize petitioner to file
`12· ·a motion to stay and authorize patent owner to file
`13· ·an opposition.· We will give each party five pages,
`14· ·as proposed.· Petitioner's motion will be due one
`15· ·week from today, which is May 12th.· Patent owner's
`16· ·opposition will be due one week after that, which is
`17· ·May 19th.· We will issue a short order memorializing
`18· ·this call.
`19· · · · · ·And, again, we remind petitioner to have the
`20· ·court reporter file -- to have the court reporter's
`21· ·transcript filed as soon as possible as an exhibit.
`22· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Yes, Your Honor.
`23· · · · · ·JUDGE PETTIGREW:· All right.· If there's
`24· ·nothing else, this call is adjourned.· Thank you for
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting SolutionsO'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
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`·1· ·your time.
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·2· · · · · ·MR. GIUNTA:· Thank you, Your Honor.
`·3· · · · · ·MR. SEREBOFF:· Thank you, Your Honor.
`·4· · · · · ·(Call adjourned:· 11:43 a.m.)
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`RPX Corporation vs
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`Applications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic Conference
`Telephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
`·1· · · · · · · · · ·C E R T I F I C A T E
`·3· · · · · · ·I, James A. Scally, RMR, CRR, a Certified
`·4· ·Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public in and for the
`·5· ·Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby certify that
`·6· ·the foregoing transcript is a complete, true, and
`·7· ·accurate transcription of my stenographic
`·8· ·notes/audiographic recordings taken in the
`·9· ·aforementioned matter to the best of my knowledge,
`10· ·skill, and ability.
`13· · · · · · · · · · · · · James A. Scally, RMR, CRR
`14· · · · · · · · · · · · · CSR/Notary Public
`15· · · · · · · · · · · · · My Commission Expires:
`16· · · · · · · · · · · · · April 8, 2022
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting SolutionsO'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`888.825.3376 - production@court-reporting.com888.825.3376 -
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`Telephonic ConferenceTelephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
` 3:2
` 3:2
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` 5:24
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` 5:19
` 4:13 5:9,24
` 6:16
` 4:21
` 5:16 7:17
` 4:8
` 5:21 6:4
` 6:13
` 5:4,19 6:9,12,
` 22,24 7:14
` 5:14 7:3
` 5:20 7:11
` 5:23
` 4:5 5:3 6:3,6,
` 18,23 7:1,5,
` 13,15 8:4
` 4:13 5:8,9 6:4,
` 15,17,19
` 7:23 8:1,6
` 3:2,5,6,12,16
` 4:2,7,17,23
` 6:20
` 7:11
` 4:5 5:18,21
` 8:23
` 5:10 6:5 7:2
` 5:24
` 4:6,12,20 5:5,
` 6,13,15,20,22
` 6:2,4 7:5,6,9,
` 12,19,24 8:5
` 6:18
` 5:10 6:5,13,20
` 7:2
` 5:15,23 6:11
` 4:11
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` 8:1
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` 4:7
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` 6:21
` 8:22
` 4:21
` 3:17
` 8:10
` 3:16,18,21 5:7
` 6:10,15 7:10
` 4:10 5:2,14
` 4:10,14 5:2,3,
` 8,12,14,23 6:7
` 7:14,18 8:5
` 8:24
` 5:16 7:1
` 4:1 8:23,24
` 8:3
` 6:13
` 3:10
` 4:6,9,14,18,21
` 6:12
` 6:21
` 6:17,19
` 3:24
` 7:10
` 6:10
` 4:6,12,20 5:4,
` 6,13,15,20,22
` 6:2,4 7:5,6,8,
` 12,19,24 8:5
` 3:24 4:8,11
` 8:13,15
` 4:19 5:5
` 4:13 5:8 6:6
` 7:22
` 5:3 7:2
` 5:9 6:4,8,16
` 6:9
` 4:18
` 6:18
` 8:22
` 3:8,9,18,22
` 4:3 5:1 8:14
` 7:6
` 3:1,8,13
` 5:21
` 6:2 7:12
` 3:9
` 7:3
` 4:24 8:18
` 8:20,21
` 7:23
` 7:18 8:4
` 5:3
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` 4:3 5:1,5 8:16,
` 19
` 5:11 7:17,22
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` 7:3
` 4:19
` 4:11
` 3:2
` 5:11
` 5:19 6:6,9,22
` 7:14
` 7:18 8:5
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` 3:1,4,11,15,
` 20,23 4:4
` 8:10,17
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`·Index: 01751–Judge


`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications In Internet Time, LLCApplications In Internet Time, LLC
`Telephonic ConferenceTelephonic Conference
`May 05, 2020
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` 7:7
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` 5:5 6:15
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` 3:12 4:14 8:18
` 8:12,14
` 8:22
` 7:21 8:4,7
` 3:12 4:14 6:13
` 8:18
` 3:6,17 4:7,18,
` 23
` 4:16
` 5:17
` 3:1,4,11,15,
` 20,23 4:4
` 8:10,17
` 7:16
` 7:11
` 6:16
` 6:18
` 4:9 5:12 6:7
` 8:23
` 8:11
` 5:21 6:3
` 8:11
` 8:8
` 7:10
` 6:13,20,21
` 6:11
` 4:12,19 5:7
` 7:7
` 4:6,18
` 4:10
` 6:24
` 7:14
` 4:13 5:8
` 6:7
` 4:5,9 5:12 6:7
` 5:19
` 6:3
` 3:16,18,21
` 4:15,16 7:22
` 4:23
` 4:7 5:6
` 7:20
` 4:16
` 6:21
` 5:16 6:9
` 6:1
` 3:9
` 3:2,7 4:7,11,
` 19 5:20 6:10
` 7:11
` 4:15 5:13 6:2
` 7:6,9,13,19,
` 21,24 8:6
` 8:2
` 5:13 7:6,19
` 8:6
` 7:24
` 4:17
` 4:8
` 3:13,14 8:19
` 7:8
` 8:21
` 8:24
` 7:11
` 5:21 8:4
` 4:8 5:11 7:11,
` 19,22
` 8:23
` 3:14
` 4:10 5:2,14
` 6:10,15
` 4:10 5:3,15,23
` 6:10,23 7:16
` 5:3,19 6:9,12,
` 22,24 7:14
` 5:17
` 7:8
` 4:17,22
` 3:24
` 6:20
` 7:17
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`888.825.3376 -
`888.825.3376 -
`·Index: judgment–yesterday

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