In the Matter of:
`RPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLC
`May 03, 2021
`RPX Exhibit 1108


`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLCApplications in Internet Time LLC
`May 03, 2021
`·3· · · · · · · · · · Case IPR2015-01752
`·4· · · · · · · · · ·Patent 8,484,111 B2
`·5· · · · · Case IPR2015-01751, Case IPR2015-07152
`·6· · · · · · · · · ·Patent 7,356,482 B2
`·7· ·______________________________________X
`·9· · · · · · · · · Petitioner,
`10· · · · · · ·vs.
`12· · · · · · · · · Patent Owner.
`13· ·______________________________________X
`14· · · · · · · · · · · VIA TELEPHONE
`16· ·Before:· The Honorable Scott R. Boalick
`17· · · · · · The Honorable Jacqueline Wright Bonilla
`18· · · · · · The Honorable Scott C. Weidenfeller
`20· ·Date:· · Monday, May 3, 2021
`22· ·Time:· · 1:00 p.m.
`24· ·Court Reporter:· Valerie Rae Johnston, RPR
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`May 03, 2021
`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
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`·4· ·600 Atlantic Avenue
`·5· ·Boston, Massachusetts 02210
`·6· ·617-720-3500
`·7· ·By:· Richard F. GIUNTA
`·8· · · · Elisabeth H. Hunt, Ph.D., Esq.
`·9· · · · Counsel for the Petitioner
`12· ·310 North Westlake Boulevard
`13· ·Suite 120
`14· ·Westlake Village, California· 91362
`15· ·805-230-1350
`16· ·By:· Steven C. Sereboff, Esq.
`17· · · · Counsel for the Patent Owner
`20· ·50th Floor, 500 Fifth Avenue
`21· ·New York, New York· 10110
`22· ·212-319-4755
`23· ·By:· Andrea Pacelli, Esq.
`24· · · · Counsel for the Patent Owner
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`·1· · · · · · · · · P R O C E E D I N G S
`·2· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Good afternoon to
`·3· ·those on the east coast and good morning to those on
`·4· ·the west coast.
`·5· · · · · · This is a conference call for
`·6· ·IPR-2015-01750, IPR-2015-01751, and IPR-2015-01752.
`·7· · · · · · I am Vice Chief Judge Weidenfeller.· Chief
`·8· ·Judge Boalick and Deputy Judge Bonilla are also on
`·9· ·the line.
`10· · · · · · Let's start with the roll call.· Who is on
`11· ·the line for the Petitioner?
`12· · · · · · MR. GIUNTA:· Good afternoon, Your Honor.
`13· ·This is Rich Giunta from Wolf Greenfield for
`14· ·Petitioner, RPX.· I'm joined on the call by my
`15· ·colleague, Elisabeth Hunt, and we also have a court
`16· ·reporter on the line.
`17· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Thank you.
`18· · · · · · And for patent owner?
`19· · · · · · MR. SEREBOFF:· Good morning, Your Honor.
`20· ·This is Steve Sereboff with SoCal IT Law Group for
`21· ·Applications In Internet time.· With me, also, is
`22· ·Andrea Pacelli from King & Wood Mallesons.
`23· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Mr. Giunta, if you
`24· ·could have your court reporter file the transcript
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`·1· ·as an exhibit when it becomes available, we'd
`·2· ·appreciate that.
`·3· · · · · · MR. GIUNTA:· We will do so, Your Honor.
`·4· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Thank you.
`·5· · · · · · So the purpose of this conference call is
`·6· ·to address Petitioner's request regarding the
`·7· ·destruction of certain documents that were produced
`·8· ·to Patent Owner under our protective order.
`·9· · · · · · Mr. Giunta.
`10· · · · · · MR. GIUNTA:· Thank you, Your Honor.
`11· · · · · · So RPX provided highly sensitive
`12· ·confidential -- confidential information to AIT
`13· ·solely for use in these proceedings.· The protective
`14· ·order acknowledgement that AIT signed acknowledges
`15· ·that AIT would, quote, use the confidential
`16· ·information only in connection with this proceeding
`17· ·and for no other purpose, end quote.
`18· · · · · · These proceedings are over, and the time
`19· ·for appeal expired on January 29th.· There is no
`20· ·legitimate reason for AIT to retain RPX's
`21· ·confidential information.· AIT -- AIT cannot use it
`22· ·now or any time in the future without violating the
`23· ·protective order acknowledgement that they signed
`24· ·acknowledging that they would use it for no other
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`·1· ·purpose, other than these proceedings, which are
`·2· ·over.
`·3· · · · · · The Consolidated Trial Practice Guide at
`·4· ·Page 115 has a provision specifically addressing
`·5· ·disposal of confidential information after a
`·6· ·proceeding is terminated.· It requires that, within
`·7· ·60 days after the time for appeal has expired, a
`·8· ·party must return or destroy the confidential
`·9· ·information and provide a certification of
`10· ·destruction to the party that produced it.
`11· · · · · · We called this provision to AIT's attention
`12· ·after the 60 day period expired, and AIT has refused
`13· ·to comply, and, in that, we are here asking that
`14· ·Your Honors order AIT to comply.
`15· · · · · · RPX simply does not have confidence that
`16· ·AIT will not misuse RPX's confidential information
`17· ·if AIT is allowed to retain it.· The Board has
`18· ·already sanctioned AIT once in these proceedings for
`19· ·misusing RPX's confidential information, and any use
`20· ·AIT might make would necessarily not be in
`21· ·connection with these proceedings.· There's no
`22· ·legitimate reason for AIT to retain this
`23· ·information.
`24· · · · · · Now, AIT wants to use this information in
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`·1· ·its lawsuit against Sales Force.· Indeed, eight days
`·2· ·after the Board issued its decision terminating
`·3· ·these proceedings in September of 2020, AIT added
`·4· ·its litigation counsel, Mr. Pacelli and Mr. Whitman,
`·5· ·as additional attorneys in these matters, and they
`·6· ·signed the protective order granting them access to
`·7· ·RPX's confidential information.
`·8· · · · · · These proceedings have been ongoing for
`·9· ·five years before AIT decided to add its litigation
`10· ·attorneys to these matters, and AIT did so only
`11· ·after the Board terminated the proceedings.
`12· · · · · · Now, AIT responded to RPX's request that
`13· ·AIT destroy copies of RPX's confidential information
`14· ·by issuing a subpoena to RPX in the litigation
`15· ·asking for same information.
`16· · · · · · AIT has suggested to us that AIT should be
`17· ·entitled to retain RPX's confidential information
`18· ·unless and until it gains access to it in the Sales
`19· ·Force litigation.· We disagree.
`20· · · · · · In this email of April 16th to Your Honors,
`21· ·AIT suggested that RPX is seeking to destroy
`22· ·evidence that could be relevant in the Sales Force
`23· ·litigation; so AIT should be able to preserve this
`24· ·evidence until it is granted access to it in the
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`·1· ·litigation.
`May 03, 2021
`·2· · · · · · RPX is not taking to destroy any evidence.
`·3· ·RPX has its own copy of this confidential
`·4· ·information and has represented to AIT and to Your
`·5· ·Honors that it will retain it.· All RPX is seeking
`·6· ·is that Your Honors will order AIT to destroy the
`·7· ·copies in AIT's possession.
`·8· · · · · · RPX has not agreed that AIT is entitled to
`·9· ·receive RPX's confidential information in the Sales
`10· ·Force litigation, and that's an issue that may
`11· ·ultimately need be resolved by the District Court.
`12· ·Respectfully, that is not an issue for Your Honors
`13· ·to decide.
`14· · · · · · If RPX ever produces this information in
`15· ·the Sales Force litigation, it would be under the
`16· ·terms of an entirely different protective order
`17· ·governed by the District Court.
`18· · · · · · While that issue is being sorted out before
`19· ·the District Court, there is no reason for AIT to
`20· ·maintain possession of this information because AIT
`21· ·cannot use it in any way that does -- does not
`22· ·violate their protective order acknowledgment in
`23· ·these proceedings.· Again, there's simply no
`24· ·legitimate reason for AIT to retain RPX's
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`·1· ·information.
`May 03, 2021
`·2· · · · · · In terms of the relief we're seeking, RPX
`·3· ·is simply asking that Your Honors order AIT to
`·4· ·comply with the Trial Practice Guide by immediately
`·5· ·destroying all copies of RPX's confidential
`·6· ·information in the possession of AIT and its lawyers
`·7· ·and -- and by providing to RPX a certification that
`·8· ·AIT has done so.
`·9· · · · · · We also ask for destruction rather than
`10· ·return of confidential information because the
`11· ·information was served electronically, so return
`12· ·without destruction would be meaningless.· And we
`13· ·ask for destruction immediately because we are
`14· ·already 34 days beyond a 60 day period the Trial
`15· ·Practice Guide specifies, and there's no
`16· ·justification for AIT to retain RPX's confidential
`17· ·information a moment longer.
`18· · · · · · We would also ask that Your -- Your Honors
`19· ·order AIT to certify that it will not access copies
`20· ·of confidential information that are available on
`21· ·the Board's website.· There is a pending motion to
`22· ·expunge that information, but unless and until Your
`23· ·Honors act on that motion, we ask that you order
`24· ·AIT -- if you order them to destroy the current
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`·1· ·copies, that they not go and then access copies from
`·2· ·the Board website.
`·3· · · · · · Unless Your Honors have any questions,
`·4· ·that's all I have.
`·5· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· This is Judge
`·6· ·Weidenfeller.
`·7· · · · · · I have one question before we -- we move on
`·8· ·to the other side.· Am I correct in my understanding
`·9· ·that the parties have agreed that this paragraph
`10· ·from the Trial Practice Guide should apply in these
`11· ·proceedings, although there's a disagreement about
`12· ·when that should happen?· Is that your
`13· ·understanding?
`14· · · · · · MR. GIUNTA:· I'm hesitant to say, Your
`15· ·Honor.· I guess I would leave it to AIT.
`16· · · · · · I can tell you that we -- we had quite the
`17· ·back and forth about this.· Ultimately, AIT agreed
`18· ·that it would destroy the confidential information
`19· ·if the protective order was modified to require it
`20· ·and -- which RPX agreed to do, but then negotiations
`21· ·broke down because AIT's position was that they
`22· ·shouldn't be forced to destroy the information,
`23· ·unless and until first Your Honors entered the
`24· ·revised protective order and then, secondly, they
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`·1· ·wanted 45 days after that time period to destroy the
`·2· ·information because they told us they would
`·3· ·believe -- they believed that, in the interim, they
`·4· ·would get access to it through the litigation
`·5· ·subpoena.
`·6· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Okay.· Thank you.
`·7· · · · · · Why don't we hear from AIT.
`·8· · · · · · I'm sorry.· For the Court Reporter's
`·9· ·benefit, this is Judge Weidenfeller again.
`10· · · · · · Why don't we move to counsel for AIT and,
`11· ·if you could, start with answering the question that
`12· ·I just asked Mr. Giunta and then proceed, please.
`13· ·Thank you.
`14· · · · · · MR. PACELLI:· Yes.· Good afternoon, Your
`15· ·Honor.· Andrea Pacelli for the Patent Owner, AIT.
`16· · · · · · Yes, I can clarify our position.· As Mr.
`17· ·Giunta said, yes, we would agree to a
`18· ·modified amended protective order with a 45 day
`19· ·provision as opposed to immediate destruction, and
`20· ·if Your Honor allows, I can -- I can give a little
`21· ·bit of background.
`22· · · · · · So as -- as Your Honor understands, the
`23· ·dispute is really about timing here, and we -- and
`24· ·we all agree that we need more guidance on this
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`·1· ·issue because the protective order enforced does not
`·2· ·provide for destruction of documents, and the Trial
`·3· ·Practice Guide does provide guidelines that I
`·4· ·respect, but there's -- there's no rules or other
`·5· ·binding authority; so we would need intervention by
`·6· ·the Board.
`·7· · · · · · So we proposed by RPX that we would
`·8· ·consider an amendment to the protective order along
`·9· ·those very guidelines in the Trial Practice Guide,
`10· ·and we got to the point that we then we exchanged
`11· ·drafts of the proposed amendment of the executive
`12· ·order.
`13· · · · · · Now, as I said, the only disagreement was
`14· ·about timing.· AIT proposed a deadline of 45 days,
`15· ·as -- as the judge explained, after entering the
`16· ·protective order.· RPX's proposal was just 10
`17· ·business days -- not immediate but 10 business days,
`18· ·which is 14 calendar days; so we are about 30 days
`19· ·apart, and, again, 30 days should not make a lot of
`20· ·difference.· This case has been going on five years,
`21· ·and the Trial Practice Guide provides for 60 days --
`22· ·for a 60 day waiting period, so 45 days is -- you
`23· ·know, is reasonable.
`24· · · · · · Now, with respect to the timing issue, this
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`·1· ·is what is going on in this case.· So, as you
`·2· ·know -- Your Honor knows, the -- the pending
`·3· ·litigation in District Court currently is Sales
`·4· ·Force, and -- and -- and the Board has filed Sales
`·5· ·Force to be a party in interest in that proceeding.
`·6· · · · · · In the District Court litigation, Sales
`·7· ·Force seeks to rely on the IPR record, and it's only
`·8· ·fair that, if -- if Sales Force wants to rely on
`·9· ·that record, AIT should also be able to rely on the
`10· ·same record that it pertains to Sales Force, if
`11· ·Sales Force is deemed to be a party with the IPR.
`12· ·So these documents are clearly -- clearly relevant
`13· ·to the District Court litigation.
`14· · · · · · Now, as Mr. Giunta explained under the
`15· ·Board's protective order, those documents cannot be
`16· ·used in the District Court litigation.· So, on April
`17· ·9 of this year, AIT served on RPX a litigation
`18· ·subpoena for the same documents at issue.
`19· · · · · · So we get to the 45 days.· The 45 days that
`20· ·AIT requests provide a bit more of an overlap
`21· ·between the Board's protective order and the
`22· ·District Court's protective order, basically, a
`23· ·bridge, and this allows RPX to comply with the
`24· ·subpoena by simply agreeing for the documents
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`·1· ·produced in the IPR's to be used in the District
`·2· ·Court litigation under the Court's protective order.
`·3· · · · · · So, just to clarify, we're not proposing
`·4· ·self-help here.· Obviously, RPX would have to
`·5· ·authorize use of the documents in the District Court
`·6· ·litigation.
`·7· · · · · · The important thing is that this is the
`·8· ·least burdensome option for the parties and the
`·9· ·least burdensome option for RPX to comply with the
`10· ·subpoena.· So, by insisting that we eliminate this
`11· ·overlap, now RPX wants to create an artificial
`12· ·burden on itself and the other parties.
`13· · · · · · And, just to clarify one more thing, as
`14· ·counsel, both we and counsel for RPX need to be
`15· ·careful in handling documents that are known to be
`16· ·responsive to a subpoena and relevant to a pending
`17· ·litigation.· So we have, respectfully, a duty to
`18· ·preserve these documents because they might affect
`19· ·the life of our client.
`20· · · · · · So, on that note, I appreciate counsel's
`21· ·assurance that RPX will preserve these documents.
`22· ·Nevertheless, we would appreciate the Board's
`23· ·guidance in this respect.
`24· · · · · · Thank you.
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`·1· · · · · · MR. GIUNTA:· Your Honor, may I respond to a
`·2· ·couple of points.
`·3· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Yes.· Please, do so.
`·4· · · · · · MR. GIUNTA:· So what counsel just said was
`·5· ·that, in order to make Your Honors aware of what
`·6· ·else is going on in this case -- so this case --
`·7· ·these cases -- there's three of them -- three IPRs
`·8· ·are over.· There's nothing else going on in these
`·9· ·proceedings, but only AIT wants to use this
`10· ·information in an entirely different proceeding to
`11· ·which RPX is not a party.
`12· · · · · · Now, what he suggested is that the benefit
`13· ·of this bridge or overlap, as he described it, is
`14· ·that it would -- it would reduce the burden on RPX
`15· ·in -- in producing this information.
`16· · · · · · Rpx was quite comfortable that it will not
`17· ·be a big burden if ultimately it's -- it's deemed by
`18· ·the District Court that RPX needs to provides this
`19· ·information in litigation.· It would be quite easy
`20· ·for RPX to do it.
`21· · · · · · I respectfully submit that it sounds much
`22· ·more concerning to us that the reason AIT wants a
`23· ·bridge is that it will have this information so that
`24· ·it can use it during that time period, and if it
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`·1· ·does, that is a violation of Your Honor's protective
`·2· ·order.
`·3· · · · · · Again, there's absolutely no reason for
`·4· ·them to have this information, unless and until they
`·5· ·get it in the litigation, and if that happens,
`·6· ·they'll have it again.· Up until that point, they
`·7· ·shouldn't be using it and they don't need to have
`·8· ·it.
`·9· · · · · · And then, lastly, counsel suggested that
`10· ·they had a duty to preserve this evidence.· They
`11· ·told us that during the meeting before they had
`12· ·absolutely no authority for that position.· What he
`13· ·is suggesting is that he thinks the information that
`14· ·he got in these proceedings under very strict
`15· ·circumstances that can only be used here might be
`16· ·helpful to a client in some other proceeding; so he
`17· ·wants to hold on to it so that he can use it in a
`18· ·different proceeding, and if they do that, that is a
`19· ·clear violation of Your Honor's protective order.
`20· · · · · · So there's absolutely no reason for them to
`21· ·have this information.· The District Court will sort
`22· ·this out.· Again, it is not -- he's making arguments
`23· ·to Your Honors about why this is relevant in the
`24· ·litigation.· Respectfully, those are arguments that
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`·1· ·should be made to the District Court, and if those
`·2· ·arguments prevail, they will get it up.· Up until
`·3· ·then, AIT shouldn't have this information, and we
`·4· ·ask that Your Honors order them to destroy it.
`·5· · · · · · MR. PACELLI:· Your Honor, may I respond?
`·6· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Yes.· Please, do so.
`·7· · · · · · MR. PACELLI:· Yes, very briefly.
`·8· · · · · · First of all, I appreciate Counsel's
`·9· ·representation that producing the documents by RPX,
`10· ·it will not be a big burden, because as Your Honor
`11· ·knows, burden is an issue in responding to a
`12· ·third-party subpoena.
`13· · · · · · So our concern is that RPX, after the
`14· ·search on documents, might argue burden to the
`15· ·District Court.· So I appreciate your recommendation
`16· ·that there's no burden, and just to be clear, AIT
`17· ·will not use the documents until it's allowed to do
`18· ·so under the District Court's protective order.
`19· · · · · · Thank you.
`20· · · · · · JUUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Thank you.
`21· · · · · · I think we understand the position of each
`22· ·party.· Please, hold for a moment while the panel
`23· ·confers.· Thank you.
`24· · · · · · (Recess, 1:19 p.m. - 1:21 p.m.)
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`·1· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Thank you for waiting.
`·2· · · · · · This is Vice Chief Judge Weidenfeller
`·3· ·again.
`·4· · · · · · We have conferred, and we have decided that
`·5· ·we are going to order AIT to destroy all of the
`·6· ·copies of the documents by this Friday, May 7th.· We
`·7· ·will issue an order in due course, but I wanted to
`·8· ·let you know of our decision right away.
`·9· · · · · · That is, I believe, all for now.
`10· · · · · · Does either party have any questions or
`11· ·have any other -- any other issues?
`12· · · · · · MR. GIUNTA:· Your Honor, this is Rich
`13· ·Giunta for RPX.· The only other question I would
`14· ·have is whether Your Honors could include in the
`15· ·order a requirement that AIT not access the
`16· ·information again from the Board's website.
`17· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Yes.· Thank you.· We
`18· ·will include something in the order.
`19· · · · · · MR. GIUNTA:· Thank you, Your Honor.
`20· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Mr. Pacelli, anything
`21· ·further?
`22· · · · · · MR. PACELLI:· Sorry.· No, nothing.· Nothing
`23· ·else from us, Your Honor.
`24· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Okay.· Thank you very
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`·1· ·much.
`May 03, 2021
`·2· · · · · · I believe that concludes everything we need
`·3· ·to address today.· So thank you for your time, and
`·4· ·we will issue an order in due course.
`·5· · · · · · And, Mr. Giunta, if you could provide the
`·6· ·transcript in due course, we would appreciate that.
`·7· · · · · · MR. GIUNTA:· We will, Your Honor.
`·8· · · · · · JUDGE WEIDENFELLER:· Thank you very much.
`·9· ·Have a good day.
`10· · · · · · · · · (Whereupon the hearing
`11· · · · · · · · · concluded at 1:23 p.m.)
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`888.825.3376 -
`888.825.3376 -
`Page 18


`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLCApplications in Internet Time LLC
`May 03, 2021
`·1· · · · · · · · · C E R T I F I C A T E
`·2· · · · I, Valerie Rae Johnston, Registered
`·3· ·Professional Reporter, do hereby certify that the
`·4· ·foregoing transcript, Volume I, is a true and
`·5· ·accurate transcription of my stenographic notes
`·6· ·taken on Monday, May 3, 2021.
`10· · · · · · · · · ________________________________
`11· · · · · · · · · Valerie Rae Johnston
`12· · · · · · · · · Registered Professional Reporter
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`888.825.3376 -
`888.825.3376 -
`Page 19


`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLCApplications in Internet Time LLC
`May 03, 2021
` 13:19 15:16
` 3:3,4
` 3:15
` 14:16
` 5:13,14 8:4
` 12:23 13:9
` 16:13
` 3:5 4:5
` 16:23
` 5:15
` 4:12,15,21
` 5:5,8,16,19
` 6:7,13,17 7:3,
` 9 8:5,10,16,20
` 9:18
` 4:16 5:21
` 5:3
` 6:13 7:7 8:5,
` 19 9:1
` 7:3
` 9:8
` 6:4 10:10
` 13:14 14:4
` 15:9
` 13:20 16:8
` 14:2
` 3:15,24 7:11,
` 17,19 10:8
` 12:3,6,13,16
` 13:2,5 14:18
` 15:21 16:1,15
` 12:22 13:2
` 11:8,11
` 3:22 10:15
` 10:11
` 4:19 5:7
` 3:21
` 9:10
` 6:20 12:16
` 16:14
` 15:22,24 16:2
` 13:11
` 13:21
` 5:11
` 6:5,10
` 11:5 15:12
` 13:5
` 14:5
` 9:17
` 10:21
` 12:22
` 10:3
` 10:9 14:12
` 14:17 16:10
` 11:5
` 10:21 12:20
` 3:8
` 5:17 6:2,11
` 9:2 11:6 12:4
` 8:21 12:15,21
` 13:22
` 3:8
` 12:23 14:13,
` 23
` 16:7
` 9:21
` 13:12 14:14,
` 17 16:10,11,
` 14,16
` 13:8,9
` 11:17
` 11:18
` 3:5,10,14 4:5
` 5:11
` 13:15
` 11:20 12:1
` 14:6
` 14:7
` 5:9 8:7
` 8:19
` 3:7
` 15:15
` 10:16 13:3,13
` 15:19 16:16
` 4:14,23
` 4:14
` 4:24
` 7:22
` 8:23
` 6:9
` 6:3
` 6:5
` 4:6
` 5:4
` 13:18
` 3:2,12 10:14
` 10:17,24
` 7:8 9:9,17,20
` 12:24
` 4:12,14,15,20,
` 21 5:12,14,16,
` 17,18,20,22,
` 24 6:3,9,10,
` 12,13,16,21,
` 23 7:4,6,8,19,
` 20,24 8:3,6,8,
` 16,19,24 9:15,
` 17 10:7,10,15
` 11:14 12:9,17,
` 20 14:9,22
` 16:3,16
` 5:11 7:7 9:21
` 5:17 16:17
` 10:18
` 11:16,17
` 5:4
` 11:18
` 6:20
` 16:24
` 16:24
` 6:3
` 4:19
` 11:18,19
` 8:14
` 10:1,18 11:14,
` 22 12:19
` 5:7,12 8:14
` 11:21,22
` 15:3,12,20
` 6:6,18,24 8:19
` 9:1 10:4
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`888.825.3376 -
`888.825.3376 -
`·Index: 10–Court's


`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLCApplications in Internet Time LLC
`May 03, 2021
` 16:18
` 13:11
` 8:24
` 5:12 8:14
` 10:18 11:22
` 5:7 6:1 8:14
` 10:1 11:14,17,
` 18,19,21,22
` 12:19
` 11:14
` 7:13
` 6:9
` 6:2
` 12:11 14:17
` 3:8
` 5:8 6:13,21
` 7:2,6 8:24
` 9:18,22 10:1
` 16:4
` 8:5
` 4:7 5:10 8:9,
` 12,13 10:19
` 11:2
` 11:20
` 6:19
` 9:11 11:13
` 5:5
` 10:23
` 7:11,17,19
` 12:3,6,13,16,
` 22 13:1,5
` 14:18 15:21
` 16:1,15,18
` 4:7 11:2
` 12:12,15,18,
` 24 13:5,15,18,
` 21 16:9,14,17
` 11:11
` 13:17 15:10
` 3:3
` 14:19
` 8:11
` 13:10
` 3:15
` 6:20
` 4:17
` 11:1
` 9:23
` 11:15
` 6:17 7:8
` 6:22,24 7:2
` 15:10
` 11:10
` 11:11
` 4:1
` 4:19 5:7,12
` 11:15 12:14
` 8:22
` 12:8
` 3:24
` 12:4
` 6:1,19,22
` 7:10,15 12:4,
` 5,7,8,10,11
` 9:22
` 4:22
` 6:18
` 3:12,13,23
` 4:3,9,10 9:14
` 10:12,17
` 12:14 14:1,4
` 10:20
` 3:2,3,12,19
` 10:14
` 7:17
` 6:24
` 6:6
` 3:13
` 3:20
` 9:15
` 10:24 13:23
` 5:3 8:4,15
` 9:10 11:3,9,21
` 11:3,9
` 13:15
` 9:12
` 10:7
` 15:16
` 9:14
` 4:11
` 15:17 16:22
` 3:12,19 4:3,10
` 9:15 10:15,20,
` 22 12:2 14:1
` 16:5,10
` 15:1,19
` 5:14 6:20 7:5,
` 6,12 8:3,18,23
` 9:3,23 14:5
` 15:23 16:4
` 3:15
` 8:4,13
` 13:7
` 4:12,16,21
` 5:5,9,16,19,
` 23,24 6:7,13,
` 15,17 7:4,9,
` 14,20 8:1,6,
` 10,11,17,20,
` 22 9:18,22
` 10:2 14:10,15,
` 19,23 15:4,13,
` 21 16:3
` 13:10
` 12:5
` 10:3
` 3:21
` 11:5
` 12:7,11
` 13:1
` 3:6
` 3:6
` 3:6
` 14:7
` 7:10,12,18
` 11:1,24 12:18
` 16:11
` 6:2
` 6:14
` 4:19
` 3:14
` 3:2,7,8,17,23
` 4:4 9:5 10:6,9
` 11:15 14:3
` 16:6
` 8:16
` 16:20
` 3:22
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions
`888.825.3376 -
`888.825.3376 -
`·Index: create–King


`RPX Corporation vsRPX Corporation vs
`Applications in Internet Time LLCApplications in Internet Time LLC
`May 03, 2021
` 15:9
` 3:20
` 6:1
` 8:6
` 9:15
` 4:20 5:22 7:24
` 13:19
` 6:4,9,14,19,23
` 7:1,10,15 10:4
` 12:3,6,13,16,
` 17 13:2,6,17
` 14:19 15:5,24
` 8:17
` 11:19
` 1

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