Update | Update Definition by Merriam-Webster
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`.-'\IIFt1c'::!n :::di:I |3riI:uIi1i'a('n1 1 1:;
`- v.-mm 0 - THE mm’
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`zeuoraxnm LONNELTED
`Popularity: Top 40% ofwords
`Simple Definition of update
`: Io change (soInc1|:ing)l>y 1'r.c|uding the most recent infmmation
`: Io make (something) more modern
`: Io give {someone} the most recent ilmfornmation about somelhing
`Source: Meniam-Webstefs Learner's Dictionary
`Exam Jlus: H ::!u.rc in n sclalcrlccv
`Full Definition of update
`I .
`lrlmnhw \'¢lI|
`to bring up to dale
`Scc ll|Id.'iIL' defined for Engiisli-la.t|guagc learners
`See tlpdnlc defined for kids
`RPX Exhibit 1055
`RPX Exhibit 1055
`6!’ 14.32 01 6

`Update I Update Definition by Merriam-Webster
`Page 2 of 9
`Examples of update in a sentence
`1. [need to upcfnte my address book.
`2. update all the population figures
`3. She wants to update her wardrobe.
`First Known Use of update
`Related to update
`cnntcntnorizc. s1t‘e:iIn|ine, Iilodemize
`%.rc-ievclo .@.rcen int*cr.reInnd |.rcvnm
`Rhymes with update
`ahalc. alalale. uclnalc, aerate. auzc-lnalc. nunale, zI1'1'dalt:, ilitfrci ehi, alale, aréic. H\\'IliI. hackdale. Itnldtlzlte. ltoltdnmtc, hascpiale, hetlntate, bedplnlc, bl.!I‘.lIt.‘, h1'I1hr:ttc, hislate.
`bite plate, hlwnk slate, lahgji (truly, lulgie plugs}, l)npLp131];__-, _I‘J|'gfl<TE!_fi]l!, §fl_§_t“fl]_fl£, ;_a§_|_[;_i_tg,_, ggnglglg. g_:,;]L]1]_1h;, g;[§_|g, fl|§'l,pa},-31;, Cb_§Qkj|_]iIl§‘_ fllglggg, ghnfglgig, gjllnlg,
`clnssitmtc. clnvnle, cognate. collate. comalc, couflnle, colpmle, Cook fitmit, corgh,lg, create, crenmtc, crenatle, ctlrale, cut-r1,tc, de.'i(|\\'ei;hl. tltétlh rule, dghztte, detlntg, Llclaie,
`EEK. iitilfi. .f.l.E£.LflI.§. Slilfiltv’. dI'_§Fali;. donate. donrplnle, do“-11state, (|m\\]IJ:ite, elate, end plulc, equate, estalc. fncepiatc, falcale, fellute. filtrate, first-rate. fishplaic. fiwtt’,
`mm. mm.
`4 -I G I-.
`hm rlav.
` fll$ |1\-dmle. Ice-s|<::le.]1'tI'|ale.1tIgI'nte, Imnate, initiate, tnslnte, II'g_l_t3_, jnilbmt, Ktlwnit, |::cI.1l_g, _|_r5[_:_s_e_;'_:Ite, iggg, jjl_ly|1§_ |_i-,4_at_q, It -It wet -ht,
`L\_I_1fl|;, _|%Jl_t',
`|un:Ite_1u.~'.tr.1te_ veg-gang. l\'[;1.|:}, Inggngjg.
`fig,-n|5g;ve'|p,-|_u, mgudgtg, , nligrntg, m_i_-.-_,s:_q_a_|g_ mujagg Hg1i1g;g 1,tg, glauutg, ]_L:;_|;_,;|_|,g_ _[g|5-iygggg 33.15;, nutngg,
`mllute, oblate, of Iale, orale, ornate, ovate, palmate, gnlpate. pcltnte, 1'Il'IO1It!lt‘_ pilinute, gin:-ate, plavdale, p|:|\=|mte, plieate, pnrtmil, postdalc, predate, printc rule, probate,
`]!]'OIgl§', p[oII.‘t!g_, nrnmlg, ]]!'Q§I‘!, lg. prostrate ptlnctale,
`au late, gtlndrzlte, rain dale. mntale, r¢l!:1lc, [gd-bail, relate, restate, LQQUIIIIHIC, roslrale. [r-lute, srtccntc. sclmolnmlc,
`s§.'1tm3l::_ -=1-dale. Sc'l'lS:!lI:. scpt::lc_ serrate, slm-nn.11y, gjiprt \ygjgI1j_ .4.-[ave spigg, xplegjntg. son! 1331;; <95-flute, s:p'Ig:n1,» <g_"_,_;-m-itp. eyigalggtg _q:g|c|];;1I_r:-_ <:I§j]-,Jt5._-, sgrinlg. 's1.]IIl:Il§_
`5n|ssl1'::te. sulcale,stIrmm1le,tai|un1e, Icnminale, '['eln:l, tenth-rate, lernatc. lcmt-pl3Ir.', teslate, l|11':'rI-rate, I:'np|ate_ to (late, tgcglale, tnllgate. Iraglale. Imnglsle. Iristale,
`l|'u1]g_;gt;-, ;1_uweig!1].Jjjlfilifidlltstulc. V-3. vncatte, vullale, \'::l\'nle, viltmic, irireate. vuliznte, whileltail, worl-unole
`u pd ate
`noun up-date\'ap-_d'F1t‘h
`Simple Definition of update
`: a report that includes the most recent infmniation about something
`: a change or addition to computer software that includes the most recent information
`Sourec: Merriam-Webster's Learners Dictionary
`Full Definition of update
`I : an act or instance ot’up:lntin-,-
`2. 2 : current infonnntion for updating something
`3. 3: an up-to-date version. account, or repon
`See update defined for Engiish-language learners
`http :ffwww.merriam—!d ictionaryfupdate
`6!l4f201 6

`Update | Update Definition by Merriam-Webster
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`Examples of update in a sentence
`I haven't heard the latest weather update.
`3. You can download updates for free.
`First Known Use of update
`UPDATE Defined for Kids
`1 u
`um: up-dale \_::p-'d:'tI\
`Definition of update for Students
`to give or include the latest information
`I :
`2. 2: to make more modern
`2 u
`um.-u update \'ap-_dét\
`Definition of update for Students
`: suntellting that gives or includes the latest infomtation
`Learn More about update
`I. Tltesaurus: All syuunvlns and :!11llIl'I\'lIIS fur trg.dur:'Spanislt Central: T1':ITI5lil|lllI'I uI”ngn’rurNglish: Tr:-iilsltllluli of:m:.lut(* for Spaatislt spe.1ltt:rsBritan:tica English:
`'I'rnnsl:s1im1 <11" 1: >ul:r.rr for :‘\r:t1\ie s aezlkcis
`Seen and Heard
`Wltat made you want In look up tt,nn"ah:‘? Please tell us where you read ur heard it (including the quote, ifpossible).

`Update | Update Definition by Merriam-Webster
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`‘fig ."
`Anngtnette Adelie Anderson
`I need it: knew which prepoeilion to use after the noun update: is it "an update to." "an update for." or "an update 01"?
`Llka-Rapw - cm2.2o:5 2.23pm
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`'!'3§JV!)Ii\'G N.OW
`1. fismgglt Q11;
`A rifle designed for military use
`2. Glass § .eiIi1-Ig
`Hillary Clinton is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president
`3. L :,-rl'uft1g
`A disturbance
`4. Truenlem
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`5. AEIIO§lil.?
`Yes, it's different fmm ‘atheist’
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`up front
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