Modification I Modification Definition by Merriam-Webster
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`.-mm: mod -i-Ii -ca-tion \,ina-zla-fa-‘kéi-s11::n\
`|’opu|a1'ity: Bottom 50% of words
`Simple Definition of modification
`: Ihc act or process of changing parts ofsmnetliing : the act or process of modifying soniellaing
`.‘| change in something {such as a syslem or style)
`Source: Merriam-Webslef5 Learn cr's Dictionary
`lixaln illzs: i.=:m.t'o‘r‘m.rin:i in :5 scntclicev
`Full Definition of modification
`I. I :
`tlicliniiting ofa statement: i]|i.'i|iI':c:m<)I1
`2. 2'.
`'l;1mJu 6:!
`3. 3 o :
`the inaking ofa limilcd ciiangi: in snlncliiing; ufxo :
`-J '_ a limitation or qualification nflhe meaning of a word ll)’ arlnthcr word. by an affix, or by imcmal change
`See ilmdilicatioii defined for En glish-Ian gua ge 1:.-amcrs
`the result of such a nlialigcin : a clmngc in an organisln caused by elwiromncnlal factors
`RPX Exhibit 1054
`RPX Exhibit 1054

`Modification | Modification Definition by Merriam-Webster
`Page 2 of 8
`defined for kids
`Examples of modification in a sentence
`I. The program can be used on all computers without modifconan.
`2. They passed the law with only a few minor i::od{fic:m‘mi.r,
`3. The weather required some major modificaffom‘ to our travel plans.
`innit plin nr or r1Ioh|]:- ilei.-ice!
`JUNE14,8PM llcilh Lotl-:l1ar1,mnLi1J(toI
`!'mI {ha-{air thv: sL-u-.51 gllayrd luv n-ilh your
`I 603
`First Known Use of modificariorr
`I 603
`Related to modification
`all;-mlinn, diffgrcncc, changg. 1'cdoin1,r, rcfasliimling, rcziiaking-, r("l‘ll0dEIiIIl_', rc\*:i:1I_pi11:;_, I'e\'ir.'w, I'c\'isc, mvisimi. reworking, \'g]'1';;;jnn
`fx;_q1im;. s;gli';]i'/gnging
`Related Ward:
`amendment, correction, 1'cctiIication, reform; colwcrsiou, dcformmioli, distortion. lTI£'lilnlIJI'|1iIO5lS. mulnlion |Till?$ilj{l1I'<’l'li(‘1l. 1r'.ms1‘on1a:Itinn; iluclugginn, osciliaitimi. shifl;
`displaceniclit, rcplzaceinclit, subslitulimi; ai:iiu.\ moral, mndn1:aIion_ rcglllptimi, t\ ‘oak; redesign, redo
`Rhymes with modificmion
`;|hl1ru\'i;iIir:n. alamnitmninn. ncuclcrminil, sIc::ci1I1i:3Ijm1, accoI111nod:sIin|i, accretlilalinn, accull uralion, gculllllllilllltlll, acnializnlinu, atliudiczitinil, r4dn1iIIi5EI':|linn, .
`zlffiliailion, :i1_.u;1onIc1‘.1tio:1, alienation, a|le\'i:sIinn, allileralioll, :un_:_1_|_,i_::!nI:IIion, :1nIc1ioruI1'<!n, ilnilllificulioll, Elllflilcillilifill. am hilntign, :l1II1IJI1Ci£IIl01l, EllIIlClQ"lllOf|.
`gnprcciation ggproprintiou, ggproxinlfilioig ;'|r;:|.II'l1I;‘I'|li!ll(\I]., grliiculgglion, asplwxigtinn, assnssiualio
`evemtiun, assirnila '09. association atonlizaiion. alt::I1u:nigI1.
`aililicnlicaliuli, a11l|mri7alioI1 auluxidaliola, halkalllzallllll, haslardization, lieuiltificntion, liowdlcrimlinn, calcificuiioli. ca.1Ioi1imIio11, c:!piIu]::Iim1. ccnlraJi?;aIion,
`::cI1ificaIim1, cicatiiiuuioll. c
`ilizzllinn. clarific
`ll, classification. Cflflmlialiflll, §mlificalion_ g9_:;_g|uc::1i(m, gob-gncrati
`1, cnliabitaiioil, collabomtioli, colnni alion,
`go|o[i?_._}-lion, L‘Ul'I'ln‘It'TI'I0t'allO]I, cumluisgration, culnmnliicalion, conualcnalinn, coilciiialiun, cn1I1'alii|l:1lim:_ (‘onfedeI'nlion. cunfi_s_:ur'.1liu1I, conulnlncralimi, cnngrntulalion,
`coiisidcratioii, Luonsolidaliun, conlnnliliatinu, colitiliuution. coupcrulion, coordination. c::I'rulmraIion, cross-|aol1inntion_ L'r}'Sl8iI§?J!ll{lI'l, (‘il::icli\'.'31lCIII, dchilitalion,
`lldcllflilfliiflll, decclclmioll. dccuilsccralinll, dc-cscalnlioil, d::fc1n;sIJ;,11io1:_ rlefihrill
`ion, tlulhrcslgIigu, Q_gfrQl_'i.'t}L‘1II€lIl0II, dE!E(.‘l'Jt:l'£lil0I}, :1 '
`I1, delibcrnlion, dclincagigli,
`r]cumniz' lion. dc:mmi:1:|t'on, do uncin '|I'I, depopulalion, Qg_1_rcc' l'on, dcrncn
`n, (lerugulrili
`deseuimzntioil, clcspnliaiion. dclcrniinsltinli, fi¢ , .
`iminalion, :|iscn1l1a|'k:Ilion. di5i1|u:1ina1j_9_i1, Qi§Et1f9:1ng;ioI1, dj§igIc;_[a|iQn. I)'i§.ng\'l'Ig::tir.ur1, disscluinalign, dissimulnlion, dissocialifl,
`(|isa;1p|'obaIim1. tiiscoiura
`1, (1
`cluculncnlalinn. dt‘II11¢S1iI.aLI1l(‘1l, _iyj'.1|:1:!ti?LiI1i0I1, I3i:|I1~i](-<:aLI'_§J_:_'I_, gdificagion, cia<:lIl:1Iim1, Ckllluffllinll, cl
`‘on, elucidalion, cn::1 "aiion, enizmc piutiou, cllaasciililligm,-
`cnulneralion, cmlricialion, cgunlization, cgui\'o~:::|1.ion, cradicnliou, evacunliml cmlllalioil, wnpnralinll, L
`lstltfilllilll, U 1[i ‘in, gym i
`I), yxgsperntioii, exliilnraljon,
`exgII1e!';|Iin;|_, ex;'_i1'o}IgԤ1i5v1;, cv<Ig;_1|;531jp[{,
`_l3L]"'I;gglgljaz-11, l'acilila1ig:|_ fulsificalinli, felicilalioil, fgtninizalion, fen‘.ili7.11io1I, h:-.
`1za1inn, Flilrllizatipn,
`I-'inl:mdiQ1.io1:_ fm'ma|i7'1Iion, forlilicaiimi. fossilizatioli, gglsification, Eenlr
`I,g6S|iClliE'I1.i0I1, glolmlimlinn, gglorificutimi, gT'!flifi§'5IiiQI!, |1ui1i];t‘,;_1ioI1, hpllglcinalioli,
`Iiammnizrltiou, llulllflllizx
`u. |ll.lI'll'l alion. h\rpcri1:1'latinI:. idn|i7:ilio_u, 1,'l]§,m1;imtmq,
`m_q|:|gn1gn1aIinn, in1pI'nvis:|1 ion, :'I1:1;1i_._'5i1', i|1cnr9g;'gtigI1,
`ins r imenla ion
`inurrgretaiiun, inlcrrclalioii, iillclrogalion, inliniidation, intoxicalion. iIl\‘iJgi11i!1.i0I1. iI:\’::licI:i‘tiun. inve. cation. ilw nlalinq, _ _
`iEgEI]iZiiiiU1'l. Iilieraliznlioll, nlzli.-,i1c§i7,ajj_Qn_, 1n.1gniI'i§,1tiQg, jimlntlriptglinn, Iiiallifgsialimn Inntaipillaligii, n1;lIriuu|ali
`1, nlaxirliizaiioii, Incclmni
`on, mc:nn|'izaIio[[,
`I'I1i1=I:L‘!_..’L‘IlaIiI.‘l1!, mobilizalinn, mndcI11m|lim|_ monificaliou multiplication, Invslificalion. nnlionnlizaiior_1_, Ilalllralization.
`--n '- (nu, Ilu.‘|I'IIlEIii?"IIl(‘J11, nmi ficalioii.
`noveIi:vat+uu. nutlifiaaaiion. sablitrazuic-:1. orsmnimi-m.
`pgistellriglioii, nc:“aJn|Jul'1,lion, pcregriliatioli, ggpetuntion, Qersolializaiinn, pelrificatlall, pu!:|:‘ization_ poillifimlion, prccipilzslion, lgi'cn|cs1i:1'._)l]'pI1, grcfg wiggilioli,
`p:'efiI:uI':Itio|1, _[i:'emeditaIi(::I, preoccupation, prcordinnliou, p1'::r::gi-ilmljgn. pgglgjfigagjcig,
`p[§a§r;;<]'|u3jjoq, mugiloslicatinil, prolifcraliaii, propitiafigil,
` . realimiw
`rcduplicalion, rcforcslatioll, refrincrntion, :1.-gt-ilcration, :'eginH.:11lalion. Icgtlrgilatiqg rcilicatitin, rcitlcznnzllinn, 1';-'|n|;g1',1Iini1, I'::iterntiun, rejllvclirmon, I'emuneI':ItiorI,
` . wns" an n
` . §1,'1l_1j jggg Lou, ,\1gmlardjg::Iin|l. Jolir=1‘{1i?JJlit‘1|. _STfi’\lli—|¢-‘fliifili. 5l|b"|'diH'd1ifl1,
`5_i_gI1ificnl1'ou, siiuplificnlioli. socialization. solicilmiou. soplIistici1\i_r,‘]l,
` , ,
`_I_c_lg_p_orlntion, Ier|_:i\'cI'sation, Iransfiizuralion, rranslileriltion, 1rzInSV“aIui!1iQ1.1. . .
`llnificmion, unionizaliun, In'l::1ni7:IIio1I, veril"ic:!liou versificalion. \-':ii;till1iZi11'iO|1. \'i]_'Lfi_§;g]j::n. y_j_L;u3g:J'a1ioIl, \'§I§fl]|'é1]|'£1Ll, tgllg-nrimtiuu, \\'c_=.Icmiza1io|1, >1-r:Id
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`Modification | Modification Definition by Merriarn—Webster
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`MODIFICATION Defined for Kids
`mum mod-i -ti-ca -non \,n1ti-do-fo-’kfi-slnmi
`Definition of modification for Students
`J‘ :
`the act or process of changing parts of something
`2. 2 : a slightly changed t'on11
`Medical Dictionary
`now: mod-i-fit 'ca'tion ‘\_miid-3-fa-'k:i-s|iam\
`Medical Definition of nzodijicafion
`the actor result of modifying something
`"' a change in an organism that is not inherited and that is caused by the influence of its eliviroltment
`Learn More about modification
`I. Thesaurus: All 5\'II0lWIllS and aulonvlm-' for moa'r{:mt:rmMedical Dictionary: Dcflliitinit taI'Jnr>J'n'i'c'a:Iro1:SpaJ:ish Central: Tlnltslntion pl‘nim.-'i,fi.*aH:-;iNg|ish:
`Tlzmsiatinn uI'ni.--:.tir."c.r:r:'r:;1 Fur Spanish s.pca|-ccrsBritannica English: TI'ansI::tiun nfnmu’: i¢‘(r.'mn for Arabic .~ cal-:ersBritannica.oonI: Ent‘\-'cEopcdi:I arlicie ahont
`Seen and Heard
`Wltat made you want to look up nirndtficrrrrmr? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).
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`APPLi_AN -‘s
`unintelligent or not ciear in thoughl
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`Inndcrnizaliu I
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`5. Agno§1i::
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