Jeffrey M. Lipshaw
`Curriculum Vita
`Suffolk University Law School
`120 Tremont Street, Room 250F
`Boston, MA 02108
`Phone: (617) 305-1657
`Fax: (617) 305-3079
`154 Richdale Avenue
`Cambridge, MA 02140
`Phone: (617) 714-4085
`137 C&O Club Drive
`Charlevoix, MI 49720
`Cell Phone: (317) 694-4976
`SSRN Author Page:
`Suffolk Law School, Boston, MA
`Professor of Law, 2014 – present
`Associate Professor of Law, 2007 – 2014 (tenured 2013)
`Courses: Contracts; Corporations; Business Entity Fundamentals; LLCs & Partnerships;
`Securities Regulation; Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital, and the Law
`Other: U.S. Federal Securities Regulation, LL.M. Program in U.S. and Global Business Law,
`Eotvos Lorand University Faculty of Law, Budapest, Hungary, July 2009, July 2011.
`Cornelius J. Moynihan (Teaching) Award, 2012-13 (given to a member of the law school faculty
`who exhibits great expertise as a classroom instructor; voted by the student body).
`Alexander Cella Award, 2011 (given in recognition of a faculty member’s support of the Law
`Tulane University Law School, New Orleans, LA
`Visiting Associate Professor of Law, 2006-07
`Courses: Business Enterprises, Secured Transactions, Sales
`Wake Forest University School of Law, Winston-Salem, NC
`Visiting Professor of Law, Fall Term, 2005
`Courses: Contracts, Sales
`Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis
`Adjunct Professor of Law, Spring Term, 2005
`Course: Advanced Topics in Business Law: Technology Start-ups & Venture Capital
`RPX Exhibit 1065


`Articles and Book Reviews
`Conversation, Convention, or Conversion? A Response to Kar and Radin, 43 AUSTL. J. L. PHIL.,
`forthcoming, 2018, sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3144687 (peer-reviewed).
`The Persistence of “Dumb” Contracts, 2 STAN. J. BLOCKCHAIN L. & POL’Y, forthcoming, 2019,
` (peer-reviewed).
`Halting, Intuition, Heuristics, and Action: Alan Turing and the Theoretical Constraints on AI-Lawyering, 5
`SAVANNAH L. REV. 133 (2018).
`Lexical Opportunism and the Limits of Contract Theory, 84 U. CIN. L. REV. 217 (2016).
`What Is It Like to Be a Beetle? The Timelessness Problem in Gilson’s Value Creation Thesis, 15 U.C.
`DAVIS BUS. L. J. 23 (2015).
`“Retire and Teach” Six Years On, 41 N. KY. L. REV. 67 (2014).
`Trust v. “Law in a Box”: Do Organizational Forms Make a Difference? 2014 U. ILL. L. REV. 1795.
`Dissecting the Two-Handed Lawyer: Thinking Versus Action in Business Lawyering, 10 BERKELEY BUS. L.
`J. 231 (2013).
`Thesis Sentence, 16 GREEN BAG 2d 225 (2013).
`What’s Going On? – The Psychoanalysis Metaphor for Educating Lawyer-Counselors, 45 CONN. L. REV.
`1355 (2013).
`Contract as Meaning: An Introduction to “Contract as Promise at 30,” 45 SUFFOLK L. REV. 601 (2012).
`(introduction to symposium volume containing papers by, among others, Randy Barnett, Charles Fried,
`Barbara Fried, Jean Braucher, Avery Katz, Daniel Markovits and Alan Schwartz, Roy Kreitner, Juliet
`Kostritsky, Henry Smith, George Triantis).
`Metaphors, Models, and Meaning in Contract Law, 116 PENN ST. L. REV. 987 (2012).
`The Financial Crisis of 2008-09: Capitalism Didn’t Fail, But the Metaphors Got a “C,” 95 MINN. L. REV.
`1532 (2011).
`Can There Be a Religion of Reasons? A Response to Leiter’s Circular Conception of Religion, 26 J. L. &
`RELIGION 43 (2010) (peer-reviewed).
`The Venn Diagram of Business Lawyering Judgments: Toward a Theory of Practical Metadisciplinarity,
`46 SETON HALL L. REV. 1 (2011).
`The Epistemology of the Financial Crisis: Complexity, Causation, Law, and Judgment, 19 S. CAL.
`INTERDISC. L. REV. 299 (2010).


`Beetles, Frogs, and Lawyers: The Scientific Demarcation Problem in the Gilson Theory of Value
`Creation, 46 WILLAMETTE L. REV. 139 (2009).
`Disclosure and Judgment: “We Have Met Madoff and He is Ours,” 35 U. DAYTON L. REV. 139 (2009).
`Why the Law of Entrepreneurship Barely Matters, 31 W. NEW ENG. L REV. 701 (2009).
`Review of POLICING AND THE POETICS OF EVERYDAY LIFE (solicited), 43 L. & SOC’Y REV. 720 (2009).
`Objectivity and Subjectivity in Contract Law: A Copernican Response to Professor Shiffrin, 21 CAN. J. L.
`& JURIS. 399 (2008) (peer reviewed).
`Models and Games: The Difference between Explanation and Understanding for Lawyers and Ethicists,
`56 CLEV. ST. L. REV. 613 (2008).
`Memo to Lawyers: How Not to “Retire and Teach,” 30 N.C. CENT. L. REV. 151 (2008).
`Screed or Scholarship: The Days of Whine and Roses, 9 LEGAL ETHICS 233 (2007) (solicited review of
`The Destruction of Young Lawyers).
`Freedom, Compulsion, Compliance, and Mystery: Reflections on the Duty Not to Enforce a Promise, 3
`LAW, CULTURE & THE HUMANITIES 82 (2007) (peer-reviewed).
`Of Fine Lines, Blunt Instruments, and Half-Truths: Business Acquisition Agreements and the Right to Lie,
`32 DEL. J. CORP. L. 431 (2007).
`Contract Formalism, Scientism, and the M-Word: A Comment on Professor Movsesian’s Under-
`Theorization Thesis, 35 HOFSTRA L. REV. 23 (2006) (featured as “Download of the Week” on Larry
`Solum’s Legal Theory Blog, June 24, 2006).
`Law as Rationalization: Getting Beyond Reason to Business Ethics, 37 U. TOL. L. REV. 959 (2006).
`Duty and Consequence: A Non-Conflating Theory of Promise and Contract, 36 CUMB. L. REV. 321
`Contingency and Contracts: A Philosophy of Complex Business Transactions, 54 DEPAUL L. REV. 1077
`The Bewitchment of Intelligence: Language and Ex Post Illusions of Intention, 78 TEMP. L. REV. 99
`Sarbanes-Oxley, Jurisprudence, Game Theory, Insurance and Kant: Toward a Moral Theory of Good
`Governance, 50 WAYNE L. REV. 1083 (2004).
`Antitrust Issues in Dealer Terminations and Product Distribution, 64 MICH. BAR J. 44 (1985) (with Ronald
`S. Holliday).
`Antitrust, 4 DET. COLL. L. REV. 281 (1984) (Annual Survey of Sixth Circuit Law)


`Books and Book Contributions:
`Cognition and Reason: Rethinking Kelsen in the Context of Contract and Business Law, in D.A. Jeremy
`(Springer, 2016).
`Formalism, Speech Acts, and the Realities of Contract Formation, in Lawrence Solan, Janet Ainsworth &
`TIERSMA (Oxford Univ. Press, 2015).
`BECOMING A LAW PROFESSOR: A CANDIDATE’S GUIDE (with Brannon Denning and Marcia McCormack),
`American Bar Association (2010).
`UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS ENTITIES, 5th edition (with Larry Ribstein (deceased), Elizabeth Miller, and
`Joshua Fershee) (LexisNexis, 2014).
`Rapoport, Jeffrey D. Van Niel & Bala G. Dharan (Foundation Press, 2009) (Wayne Law Review and
`University of Toledo Law Review articles, above).
`Note on Judge Posner’s Opinion in Lake River Corp. v. Carborundum Co., in Teachers’ Manual to BRUCE
`Trial in LITIGATING THE COMMERCIAL CASE, ch. 11 (1992) (with Donald S. Young).
`Conglomerate “Masters” Series, 2011-12. Conglomerate is the leading business and corporate law
`professor blog. In 2011-12, I was invited to participate for the year in its “Masters” series, in which
`leading business law scholars comment on selected topics.
`Entrepreneur/VC Term Sheet Simulation Materials, available at the Kauffman Foundation’s educator
`website, (
`Harvard Program on the Legal Profession, Conference on Globalization of the Legal Profession,
`November 21, 2008. Posted live blogging of proceedings on Legal Profession Blog. See
` globalization_conference.php
`Corporate Boards and Good Judgment: Does Rule 14a-8 Activism Help? HARVARD LAW SCHOOL
`Co-Editor, Legal Profession Blog, legal_profession/.
`Co-Editor, The Legal Whiteboard,
`Guest Blogger, PrawfsBlawg, July-August, 2006; July, 2007, July, 2008; July, 2009; May, 2010; July
`2011; June 2012.


`Guest Blogger, Concurring Opinions, December, 2007 – January, 2008.
`Guest Blogger, Conglomerate, October, 2008.
`Appellant’s Brief in O’Dowd v. General Motors Corp., 4 COOLEY L. REV. 193 (1987) (Winner of the
`Thomas M. Cooley Law Review Distinguished Brief Award).
`Presenter, “The Persistence of ‘Dumb’ Contracts,” 13th International Contracts Conference, Barry
`University Law School, Orlando, FL, Feb. 23, 2018
`Presenter, “Halting, Intuition, Heuristics, and Action: Alan Turing and the Theoretical Constraints on AI-
`Lawyering,” Symposium, The Rise of the Automatons, Savannah Law School, Sept. 15, 2017.
`Speaker, “Unlearning How to Think Like a Lawyer,” Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession,
`April 4, 2017 (Video available at
`Presenter, “Does Contract Law Matter,” 10th International Contracts Conference, UNLV, Jan. 27-28, 2015.
`Presenter, “Hans Kelsen in America” Conference, Valparaiso University School of Law, Chicago, June
`25-26, 2014 (see above).
`Presenter, AALS Annual Meeting, Transactional Law and Skills Meeting, Jan. 5, 2014 (see reference to
`What Is It Like to Be a Beetle? above).
`Presenter, Larry Ribstein Memorial Symposium, University of Illinois College of Law, Oct. 17-18, 2013
`(see reference to Trust V. “Law in a Box” above).
`Commenter, George Washington University C-LEAF Junior Scholars Workshop, Washington, D.C., April
`5-6, 2013.
`AALS Annual Meeting, Jan. 4-7, 2013, Section on Agency, Partnership, LLCs and Unincorporated
`Associations, commenter on paper by Kelli Alces of Florida State.
`Presenter, What’s Going on? – The Psychoanalysis Metaphor for Educating Lawyer-Counselors, at the
`symposium entitled “Are Law Schools Passing the Bar: Examining the Demands and Limitations of the
`Legal Education Market?”, University of Connecticut Law School, Nov. 16, 2012.
`Invited Guest, “Unlocking the Law” Seminar (in honor of Larry Ribstein), George Mason Law School Law
`& Economics Center, Nov. 8-9, 2012.
`Presenter, Reflections on the Two-Handed Lawyer, Law & Society Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu,
`HI, June 5, 2012.
`Guest Lecture, Disclosure and Paradoxes of Rationality, Suffolk University Philosophy Department (Prof.
`Nir Eisikovits), April 10, 2012.


`Pace University Law School, White Plains, NY, Nov. 2, 2011. Faculty exchange. Presented Disclosure
`and Paradoxes of Rationality, an earlier version of the Dissecting the Two-Handed Lawyer article.
`Presenter, Metaphor, Models, and Meaning in Contract Law, Law & Society Association Annual Meeting,
`San Francisco, CA, June 2, 2011.
`Lecturer, Interdisciplinarity and Practical Judgment. Pearl Lecture in Philosophy and Public Affairs,
`Suffolk University Philosophy Department, April 19, 2011.
`Panelist, “Did Capitalism Fail,” Minnesota Law Review Symposium: Government Ethics and Bailouts:
`The Past, Present and Future, October 14-15, 2010 (presenting the paper The Financial Crisis of 2008-
`09: Capitalism Didn’t Fail, But the Metaphors Got a “C”).
`Steering Committee Member and Participant, Teaching Transactional Skills Conference, Emory Law
`School, June 4-5, 2010.
`Annual Meeting of Law & Society Association, Chicago, Illinois, May 27-28, 2010. Presented “The Venn
`Diagram of Business Lawyering Judgments: Toward a Theory of Practical Metadisciplinarity.” Acted as
`chair/discussant for the panel on “branding” in law firms and law school.
`Faculty Colloquium Speaker, Boston College Law School, March 19, 2010, presenting the “Venn
`Diagram” paper.
`Participant, Earle Mack School of Law, Drexel University, Transactional Skills Conference, March 4, 2010,
`and Judge, First Annual Transactional Skills Meet, March 4-5, 2010.
`Faculty Colloquium Speaker, Brooklyn Law School, October 28, 2009, presenting the paper “The
`Epistemology of the Financial Crisis.”
`Speaker, Plenary Session on the Basic Business Association Course, “Role of Basic Course – What is It
`and Where is It Going,” Conference on Business Associations, AALS Mid-Year Meeting, Long Beach,
`California, June 7, 2009.
`Workshop Fellow, Creativity, Law, and Entrepreneurship Conference, University of Wisconsin Law
`School, April 24, 2009.
`Presenter, “Law’s Illusion,” Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities, Suffolk
`University Law School, April 3, 2009 (panel on “Responsibility and Causation”).
`Speaker, “The Fallout from the Bailout,” University of Dayton Symposium, March 20, 2009 (presented
`“Disclosure and Judgment,” above).
`Guest Lecture, “Law’s Illusion,” Boston College Law School, March 18, 2009 (Professor Kent Greenfield’s
`seminar on theory and practice of business law).
`Guest Lecture, “What Do Shareholders Want?” Harvard Law School, November 18, 2008 (Professor
`Lucian Bebchuk’s Shareholder Activism seminar).
`Northeast Regional Law & Society Conference, Amherst College, October 31, 2008. Chair/Discussant,
`Panel on Knowledge Processes in the Law (with Ed Cheng, Brooklyn, and Joanna Grossman, Hofstra).


`Panelist, “Why the Law of Entrepreneurship Barely Matters,” Third Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on
`Entrepreneurship and Community Development, Western New England College Law and Business
`Center for Advancing Entrepreneurship, Springfield, MA, October 17, 2008.
`Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities, University of California, Berkeley, March
`28-29, 2008, organizer and moderator of a roundtable panel entitled “Justice and Instrumentality in
`Private Law” (with Peter Alces (William & Mary); Alan Calnan (Southwestern), Robin Kar (Loyola – Los
`Angeles), Nathan Oman (William & Mary))
`Midwestern Law and Economics Association 2007 Annual Conference, University of Minnesota,
`Minneapolis, October 12-13, 2007 (presentation of Models and Games).
`Joint Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association (LSA) and the Research Committee on
`Sociology of Law (RCSL), Humboldt University, Berlin, July 25-29, 2007, Roundtable Panelist, “The New
`Formalism,” (with Lawrence Solum, Dennis Patterson, Randy Barnett, and Ekow Yankah).
`AALS Annual Meeting, Section on Socio-Economics, Panel on Criminology and Socio-Economics, “Co-
`optation and Accounting Fraud,” Washington, D.C., January 3, 2007 (synopsis available at
`Faculty Colloquia, “The Right to Lie in Business Acquisition Agreements: Preliminary Thoughts on
`Reconciling Contract and Fraud,” Tulane University Law School, October 25, 2006; Texas Wesleyan
`University Law School, October 30, 2006.
`Presentation, “Applying Principles of Corporate Law in the Real World,” Indiana University School of Law
`– Indianapolis, November 10, 2006.
`Panelist, 5th Annual Faculty Conference and Workshop, Teaching Transactional and Exempt Organization
`Law in the Classroom, in the Clinic and in Field Placements, “Teaching Transactional Law in the
`Classroom,” Northwestern University School of Law, April 7, 2006.
`Panelist, NYU Journal of Law & Liberty On-Line Symposium, “Sarbanes-Oxley and the Federalization of
`Corporate Law,” Oct. 28, 2005 (with Larry Ribstein, Brett McDonnell, Justice Myron Steele, Robert
`Ahdieh, Allen Ferrell and Larry Backer), available at
`Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship, University of Michigan Business School, March 31, 1999; University
`of Michigan-Dearborn School of Management, March 24, 1999.
`Understanding What Sellers are Looking For, Third Auto Industry Supplier Mergers & Acquisitions Forum,
`Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Dearborn, Michigan, October 26, 1998.
`Practicing Corporate Law, Speaker, University of Michigan Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, October 6,
`Year 2000 Issues, CMS Enterprises Law Department, South Haven, Michigan, September 4, 1998.
`Understanding What Sellers are Looking For, Auto Industry Supplier Mergers & Acquisitions Forum, Hotel
`Nikko, Chicago, Illinois, April 14, 1997.


`Director, Business Law & Financial Services Concentration, 2013 – 2014.
`Co-Director, Business Law & Financial Services Concentration, 2009 – 2013.
`- Tenure Committee (Chair), 2017 – present
`- Faculty Review Committee, 2013 – present
`- Scholarship and Workshop, 2016 – present
`- Curriculum, 2008 – 2010, 2015 – 2017
`- Learning Outcomes (Standard 315), 2016
`- Appointments, 2013 – 2015
`- Graduate Admissions, 2014 – 2015
`- Admissions, 2012 – 2014
`- Clinical Programs, 2013 – 2014
`- Concentrations, 2013 – 2014
`- Advanced Legal Studies, 2007 – 2011
`- Career Development, 2007 – 2011
`- Co-Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Transactional Skills Curriculum, 2009 – 2012
`- Advocacy, 2010 – 2012
`- Finance, 2010 – 2011
`- Technology, Website, and Social Networking, 2011 – 2012
`- Law & Society Speaker Series, 2011 – 2012
`- Faculty Scholarship Committee, 2012 – 2013
`Competition coaching:
`- Securities Law Moot Court Team, 2008 – 2015
`- Tax Law Moot Court Team, 2008 – 2015
`- Cultural Properties Moot Court Team, 2010
`Suffolk University Law School
`Intra-University Activities
`- University E-Mail Outsourcing Committee, 2011-12.
`- Alternate Member, Institutional Review Board, 2011-present.
`- Working Group – J.D.-M.P.P. Program
`- Organizer and co-moderator, “From Enron to Refco,” (April 1, 2008), sponsored jointly
`by the Law School and the Sawyer Business School
`- Speaker, “Preventing the Next Financial Crisis” (April 1, 2010), Center for Global
`Business Ethics and Law (Sawyer Business School), introduced Harry
`Markopolos (the “Madoff whistleblower”)
`- Organized brainstorming session on teaching evening students (April 13, 2010)
`AALS Section on Agency, Partnership, LLCs and Unincorporated Associations, Chair-Elect, 2013;
`Chair, 2014; Executive Committee, 2009 - present.
`Richdale Avenue Neighborhood Association, Cambridge, MA, Organizer, 2008 - present.
`Stanford Club of New England Entrepreneurs’ Forum, Member, 2007 - present.
`Park Tudor School, Indianapolis, IN, Board of Directors (2003 - 2007).


`Pre-K through 12th grade independent private school with approximately 1,000 students.
`Spirit & Place Festival, Indianapolis, IN (2004).
`Organized and raised funds for “Coming to Terms with Evil,” lecture by Susan Neiman, director of the
`Einstein Forum, Berlin and author of Evil in Modern Thought
`New Enterprise Forum, Ann Arbor, MI, Board of Directors (1999)
`Organization supporting the entrepreneurial and venture capital community in Southeastern Michigan.
`Stanford University
`J.D., 1979
`University of Michigan
`A.B. in History, with High Distinction, 1975.
`Phi Beta Kappa.
`James B. Angell Scholar (two consecutive terms of all-A), 1973, 1974, 1975.
`Cartoonist, Michigan Daily
`Great Lakes Chemical Corporation, Indianapolis, Indiana
`Senior Vice President & General Counsel (1999-2005)
`Interim Vice President, Corporate Development (2000)
`Overall responsibility for legal affairs of $1.6 billion, NYSE-listed global specialty chemical
`company with approximately 4,500 employees.
`AlliedSignal Inc., Southfield, Michigan
`Vice President & General Counsel, AlliedSignal Automotive (1993-1997)
`Senior Counsel, AlliedSignal Automotive (1992-1993)
`Responsibility for legal affairs at $6 billion division of a $13 billion diversified multi-national
`company. AlliedSignal later merged with and took the name Honeywell International.
`Dykema Gossett, Detroit, Bloomfield Hills and Ann Arbor, Mich.
`Of Counsel, Corporate and Finance Group. (1998-1999).
`Partner, Corporate and Finance Group (1989-1992)
`Partner, Litigation Group (1987-1989)
`Associate, Litigation Group (1979-1987).
`General commercial and corporate matters, mergers and acquisitions, underwriting for conduit
`municipal bond financing, investment advisor registration and regulation, insurance regulation,
`antitrust, international transactions, startup and venture capital transactions, securities litigation,
`insolvency, and rate proceedings.
`Bar Membership: Michigan (1979); Indiana (inactive, 2001); Massachusetts (2008); United States
`Supreme Court (1984).

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