`Mosaic and the Web
`Advance Proceedings
`Volume II
`Editors Conference Organizing Committee
`Jra Goldstein 05FF Co-chair
`Joseph Hardin NCSA/U Co-chair
`Tim Berners-Lee MIT/CERN
`Larry Brandt NSF
`Robert Cailliau CERN
`Jim Fuilton CNIDR
`Tim Krauskopf Spyglass Inc
`Ed Krol
`Yasuyo Kikuta Fujitsu
`Barbara Kucera NCSA/UTLJC
`Corinne Moore UniForum
`R.P.C Rick Rodgers NLM
`Michael Schwartz
`of Colorado
`Yuri Rubinsky SoftQuad
`Tony Rutkowski
`Internet Society
`Jackie Stewart OSPRI
`Marty Tenenbaum LIT
`Janet Thot-Thoxnpson NRC
`17 through 20 October 1994
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 1

`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 2

`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 3

`Words of Welcome
`On behalf of the Conference Organizing Conm-iittec we are pleased to welcome you to the
`Second lnternational World Wide Web Conference Mosaic and the Web As was the case with
`the First International Conference held at CERN this one has turned out
`to be far more
`popular than anticipated We want
`to thank everyone who has contributed to the success of
`the Web and is continuing to build it
`There is plenty of hyperbole in hyperspace but it
`is not an exaggeration to say that we are all
`taking part in an historic process We are engaged in
`collective global project
`that will
`affect everyone on the planet and that keeps growing at phenomenal
`rates The purpose of
`this conference is to provide
`place where users and developers the experienced and the
`novice can all come together exchange their experiences and share their excitement about
`these new technologies The proceedings provided here are another way to share in that
`excitement knowledge and experience
`Participants from all over the world will present papers posters and demonstrations at
`conference and that diversity reflects the richness of the community that
`is producing the
`new global information infrastructure and populating it with content We have tried to
`provide as much connectivity and opportunity for people to get together and show each
`other their work as possible The openness of this community and its commitment
`to truly
`are some of its fundamental strengths and this conference is dedicated
`global perspectives
`to furthering that openness and global view The Web has always been meant as an open
`space where people could come together
`to work play or converse That
`is also the goal of
`this conference
`Joseph Hardin
`ira Goldstein
`October 1994
`The papers listed in the table of contents reflect
`The papers
`the conference
`the presentations given at
`page number in the right-hand margin papers with
`printed in this document are indicated by
`included in this document All conference papers are available in
`in the right-hand margin are not
`the electronic proceedings which can he accessed
`via the conference home page at the URL listed below
`Plenary sessions and tutorials are not
`included in the proceedings
`The conference poster was adapted with the permission of Science magazine and the 4.445 from the
`cover of the 12 .4ugust 1994 issue of Science magazine
`The digital composite was created by
`Schatz both of NGSA/UJUC using contributions from public domain sources on the lnternet
`The printed and electronic versions of the Advance Proceedings were assembled by members of the NUSA
`Software Development Group staff with the particular efforts ofF Baker 14 Burkee
`File and .1
`Conference home page hcto/
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 4

`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 5

`Table of Contents
`EthIcal Web Agents
`David Eichmann
`Web Search Agents for Effective Data Distillation
`Jeffrey Gra her
`The TkWWW Robot Beyond Browsing
`Scott Spetka
`Auto-FAQ An Experiment in Population Leveraging
`W\Winda An Orchestration Service for WWW Browsers and Accessories
`Yechezkal Shunon Gufreund John Nicol Russet Sasnert Vincent Phua
`Tool for Individualizing the Web
`from Anglo-Saxon Text to Hypertext
`The Electronic Beowuif
`Andrew Ford Andrew Prescott
`Art Galleries and Exhibits on the WWW
`Cultural 1-leritage and Cyberspace
`Marty Harris
`Mosaic Tour of the University of Delaware Botanical Gardens
`Elizabeth Mackenzie John Freti
`Critical Thinking with the Interactive Text Decentering Textual Authority with Mosaic
`James Francis Peruzzelii
`Ovid The Metamorphoses
`The File Room An Interactive Computer Project Addressing Censorship
`Maria Roussos Paul Brenner
`Language Learning and the World Wide Web
`Robert Godwin-Jones
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 6

`Graffiti on the Web
`Interchange or
`that Stops Being Lighthearted at the End
`Elizabeth Ii.ccher
`Lighthearted Romp with an Artist in Webland
`Chclscy l3onestef Art Gallery
`Kathryn /1 umm
`the Future Issues of Identity and Authenticity of Work of Art
`Sue Gollifrr
`i-low to Present Lots of Volatile Information on the World Wide Web
`lonald Jennm.çs Peter Damon Maia Good Rysard P/so rski
`The Web in Astronomy and Related Space Sciences
`/wuel Egret Andre I-fec/c
`Electi-onic Publication and Data Distribution for the Star Formation Group in the Five College
`Astronomy Department
`Korea 41 Strom
`Implementation of Astrophysics Tools on the Web
`A/air Richmond Margo Duesterhaus Nick White
`The WWW Server at
`the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics
`Sirooas Hawkins
`stro Web Tools
`Tailoring Information Presentation with Words and Pictures at the COSSC
`James 41 IOn/Wi Mar/c Cresite/lo-Djnnar
`LUV Astrophysics and the World Wide Web
`IhIranj Ant/a Brett Siroozas William Boyd Carol 6hristian Kuci Chen
`NASAs Use of the World Wide Web to Deliver Shoemaker-Levy Collision Data in Near-Real
`Planetary Science Data Distrihutation on the Web The Magellan Standard Products Catalog
`Susan Slatii ev Thomas
`Panel Experience Workshop with HTMl Authoring Tools
`Desien Considerations for an HTML Editor
`Lion Quii
`HTML Made Easy HTML Claris XTND Translator
`.fonathan Ryan Do Br/a So//ira Jff Spun/n/k
`lbr Preparing HTML Documents
`Puimi Mukkai
`En vrontnent
`EL/ion SO/owav
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 7

`TOPS On-Line .- Automating the Construction and Maintenance of HTML Pages
`Panel Beyond HTML
`SGML HTML and Beyond Case Study from UCLA
`Jeff Suttor
`The Transformation of SGML Documents for Presentation on the WWW
`Eric Freese
`HTML to the Max SGML Intelligence to the World Wide Web
`Sperberg-Mc Queen Robert
`Putting Paper Documents
`in the World Wide Web
`Panel Finding Your Way
`Unmngling the Web
`The Role of Text Retrieva in Hypertext Environment
`Theresa Kasper
`Creating Web Analysis and Visualization Environment
`Kent Christian Neuss
`The GeoWeb Project Using the World Wide Web and WAIS for Finding Distributed Geographic
`Electronic Document Publishing on the WWW
`Standardized Formatting for HTML Data for Print Output
`Richard Pasewark
`James Bag gott Sharon
`Chemistry in the Web Hyperactive Molecules
`Rzepa Christopher Leach
`WWW Entrez
`Hypertext Retrieval Tool for Molecular Biology
`Jonathan Epstein Jonathon Kans
`The Web as Computational Engine for Computational Chemistry and Molecular Biology
`Robert Pear/stein Peter
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 8

`The Maturation of the Web
`Sustainable CWIS
`From Grass Roots to Corporate Image
`The University of Illinois College of Engineering Web
`Knit/in Duck She rwood
`The Campus Conundrum Building
`Pieter Lechne Kent Wada
`MiTs Campus Wide information System Scaling up for World Wide Web Support
`Peter Roden Suzana Lisanti
`for World-Wide Web Based Campus Informarson Systems
`Kriiper Marc
`Projecting an image to Promote Penn States College of Agricultural Sciences Using Mosaic
`El/en Thricani
`The Media Business on the WWW
`Gun We
`The Economic Consequence of the World Wide Web
`.4 mold K/mg
`Where Commercial Services and the Web Are Headed
`f/cnn Houh
`WWW-based Home Banking Services in Switzerland
`Richard Dratea
`Sonic FAQs about Usage-Based Pricing
`iricm Jeff MacKie-Mason
`Understanding Return on investment
`for information Discovery and Retrieval Technology
`Philip Wherry Mark
`Krause Di Richard
`Case Study
`Finding What You Want to Buy Using the Web
`Anna-Lena Neches Paul Pastel Craig Mi/c Rogers
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 9

`Synchronous Collaboration Tool for WWW
`Tak Woo Michael
`.1 Rees
`Using Mosaic for Remote Electron Beam Test System Control
`Ronald Scharf Werner Wolz
`Beyond the Web Teleoperadon Via Mosiac
`Ken Goldberg Michael Mascha
`Collaborative Viewing of Scientific Data The UARC Project
`Case Study on Distributed
`Extending WWW for Synchronous Collaboration
`Lang Martin
`Frivold Ruth
`The Sociable Web
`Judith Donath Niel Robe rytson
`The Town Meeting on the Vice Presidents National Performance
`Wide Area Policy Discussion
`Roger Hurwiti Larry Koskinen John Mallefl
`The Journal of Computer Mediated Communication
`An Interactive Electronic Bulletin Board Implementation for Mosaic and HTTP Sener
`James Halama Anne Kraft
`Multimedia Bulletin Board in the WWW Environment
`Nicholas Frega Anthony Volpentesta
`Wide-Area Collaboration and Cooperative Computing
`John Mallery Tim
`Workshop Panel
`Local Web for Information Delivery
`Bednarcyk Kevin Th Bond
`AMS on the World Wide Web
`Simmons JerroldM Grochow
`Lighile James
`Filiatrault Craig
`Corporate Memory Infrastructure from Internet Discovery Technologies
`Huynh baird Popkin
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 10

`Developing In-house Applications for Northrop Grumman on the F/A-IS E/F Program Using
`Mosiac and HTTPD
`Mosiac Streamlines Government Computer Contract
`ATT and the World \Vide Web
`OmniPort Integrating Legacy Data into the WWW
`Ford Robert
`Utilizine Mosaic and the WWW in an Operations Environment
`Thin Fire/icc Mike Pin gleton
`lele-conferencing Experiment with WWWIMosiac
`Gotrfried Mayer-Kress Wi//jam Bende John Bazik
`An Information Clearinghouse Server
`for industiy Consortia
`Brian l3arbara Singer
`Joining the VVeb Technology
`and Culture
`Phi/lip Wierry Mark
`Krause Richard
`Coi-puratc Communication Integration through Mosiac WAIS and Gopher
`Kathy Moret
`MPRS Mosiac and WAIS
`Two-way Data Dispenser
`C/iris Pro/i Diane DiGioiann
`Peter Wi/I
`Facilitating Microelectromechanical Systems MEMS Research and Development via the WEB
`Business School New Opportunities for Information Sharing and Teaching
`case study in Implementing Organisational Wide Networked Multimedia
`./o/ii Brie Peggy Havukainen
`WWW Financial Automated Management Environment at ORNL
`Nancy Gradt Ruth Aii Manning Forrest J-offinan Ron Lee Jim Kohl
`The Loss of Control
`in the Creation of Community Leveraging the Web for Business
`Shcnnan Wbo Ryan Iviariens Mike Gull
`Online Procurement
`at 151 Transitioning to the Web
`Anna-Leon Neches Cesar Pina Paul Pastel Craig Mila Rogers
`The National Science Foundation NSF LastLane Project
`David Garter
`Man Mc4 liner
`Mcrcury WWWBased Corporate information
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 11

`WWW interface to Documented Databases
`Rosvan Limb Stephen McKea rney
`Large-scale Database Publishing
`Case Study in Re-engineering
`David Eichmann
`Database Application for the Web
`Climate Reserach and the Web Integrating World Wide Web and Mosaic Capabilities into the
`Climale Diagnostics Center
`Julia Collins
`EOSD1S tIDE and Mosaic Accessing Earth Science Data
`Theodore Meyer Rarnachandran Suresh Douglas Jig Bruce Moxon
`Interactive Species Distribution Modelling Using the World Wide Web
`Tony Boston David Stockweil
`Serving Digital Map Information Through the WWW and Wide-Area Information Server
`Mosaic Access to Realtime Data from the TOGA-TAO Aray of Moored Buoys
`Using Lhe Information Highway to Explore Climate Variability
`Bruce Baker Danny Brine gar
`Browsing Analysis and Retrieval of Climate Data with Mosaic and FERRET
`Steve Iankin
`Panels Distance Education
`The \irtual Community Distance Education
`Joseph Sragg
`Combining WWW/Mosaic with Realtime Multimedia Conferencing in Distance Education
`Li Dybvik
`and Community Master Planning
`Uses of Mosaic in University Setting
`Judy Cossel Rice Rosina Bignalt Dalinda Bond Phillip Windey
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 12

`Web of Students Teachers Projects and Resources Current K-12
`Use in the United States
`K-I Clients and Servers Who are the Providers What
`bra hams John Clement
`Sampling of Collaborative K-12 Projects on the Web
`Louis Game
`Information Resources for Education
`Jane Smith
`is the User Base
`1.aniel Pen-on
`Innovative Learning Environments arid Teaching Paradigms
`Learning on the WWW
`Case Study
`Using the World-Wide Web WWW in Graduate Engineering Design-team Class
`Jack Hong Larry Lefiet George Toye
`Resource for the WWW
`MendelWeb An Electronic
`Integrating Simulations and WWW Courseware
`Ca/urn Stneaton Alan S/titer
`interactive Discovery Gallery for Education The NCSA Bndge
`lvi Panoff MS out/i
`Bell Atlantic West Virginia World School
`Panel K-12 Education
`Frog Dissection Kit for K-12 Education
`li vu 14 Robe rt.con William
`Johnston YvThg Nip Keshea Williams
`Server for K-8 School
`Bonnie Thiurhet Bob Davis
`Organizing Information in Mosaic
`Michael Keeler
`Student Mutimedia Publishing on the INTERNET
`Pat Ridge Lila C1ieil/e
`Patch Am 11.5 Home Page
`Classroom Experiment
`Robert Wra Ronald Chong Joseph Phillips Seth Rogers1 William Walsh John L.aircj 475
`K-I School Uses of the Web
`Rai Mason Craig Milo Rogers Suzanne Woolf
`An Eliective Environmental Studies Curriculum for K-12
`Panel Information Organiza and Presentation for an Improved Learning
`Introductory Computer Science
`Web of Resources for
`Improving Education through
`CS Digital Library with Three Types of WWW Servers
`Edward Fox Dsi.ight Barn ette
`for Parallel Computing using Mosiac and the World Wide Web
`Iv Stephens
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 13

`The World Explorer System
`John Schmitz
`An individualised Course for the
`Ba Kwnnzerfeld Judy Kay
`Innovative Courseware Development Paradigms with Mosaic and WWW
`Programming Language
`Rajiv Tetvari
`Teaching Strategies and Curriculum Ties to Integrate Internet Using Mosiac Into the Curriculum
`Pat Ward
`The SDRS Critical
`Issues Server
`Jim Nauta Rand Knurh
`Spinning Useful Weblet
`Al Globus Chris Beaumonri
`Mosiac and Tele-Aniphi Hypertext Hypermedia Services with Interactive Work Tools for Interac
`tive Multimedia Distance Teaching
`Natalie Begoc Bernard Bouchare
`rovest Jean Seguin
`Using W\\TW as an information System to Reduce the Average Period of Study by Better
`mation Providing and to Relieve Administration
`Bernd Mueller
`An Interactive Foreign Language Teaching Tool Using the WWW
`Conner DiVito
`Jonathan Lieberman Nadine
`Hypermedia for HyperKids
`Judy Cossel Rice
`Communicating Information about Virus Structure via the World Wide Web
`Jean-Ytes Sgro
`Stephen Spencer
`lain Guittot Yannick Lecompte Jean-F rancois Lep
`WWW Front End to an 00DB MS
`Martin Sjolin
`The Wide Area Technical Report Server
`Kurt Ma1
`Evolving Information Services Lessons Learned from the Boston Restaurant List
`The Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index Lessons in Indexing Diverse Resources
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 14

`Taxing Times WWW Access to Federal and State Tax Forms Information and Assistance
`Will ian
`The Internet Grows Up Bringing Commercial Applications to End Users
`Chris Cooper
`The EDGAR Project Using the Web to Customize Dissemination of Financial
`Mark Ginsburg
`NETworth and MOSAIC The Mutual Fund Distribution Channel of the Future
`Robert Frasca
`Information on the
`Mosiac Forms Database Acccss
`Palaeobotanic Case Study
`Dark/A Gee Mike Boulter
`An interactive Forum for Convection-Diffusion Problems
`Brad/ct Garl Red Antonio Rapt via
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 15

`Volume II
`Sun Web User Interface Design for Sun Microsystems Internal Web
`Jakob Nielsen Darrell Sano
`Discovering Usability Improvements for Mosaic Application of the Contextual Inquiry Tech
`nique with an Expert User
`DavidR Brirron Jr ArehurA Reyes
`Countering the Surf Impulse Designing an Attention-Holding Web Site
`Neil Randall
`Designing User Interfaces
`Regisser John
`Communal History-of-Use Mechanism to Aid Resource Discovery in the WWW
`Will Hill Mark Rosen stein Larry Stead
`for Public Information and Scientific Research
`for the Web
`Navigation Server
`Lessons Learned Implementing
`David Glazer
`Active Outlining of HTML Documents An X-Mosiac Implementation
`Jui-Chieh Hsu John McCarthy
`From the Yanomamo to Wudangshan Representing Ethnography on the World Wide Web
`Gary Seaman
`New Dimension to the Desktop
`Mosaic Launches New Dimensions in the LAN Manaaement
`Jaromir Likavec
`US-Japan WWW Collaboration for Japan Information
`Japan Window
`Lee Michael Bayle Atsuhiro Goro Yashuhisa Sakamoto
`The Web in Germany No Problems
`Michael Len Toiri Baker Inke Bruening Ltrhar Klein
`Internet Growth in Australia and Asias Four Dragons
`Phillip Tcang
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 16

`Innovation and Iniplementatjo Adopting and Managing World Wide Web Services in Academic
`Michael Rid/ev
`Introducing Mosaic to Library End Users to Access the Britannica Online
`Nan cv
`John Edward Valausicas
`Swim at Your Own Risk
`Ann Koopinan Sharon Hay
`North Suburban Library System Internet Training Project
`Jack Privy Phyllis Geren Bob Davis
`South Seas ELJBL
`WWW Jnformatjon Service for Library and Information Studies
`Bringing the Internet to Faculty Building Partnerships to Customize Access to Internet
`Cities Online Public Acess to City Services on the Web
`Paul Mockapetris Ron Ohlande Craig Milo Rogers
`The Role of the Web in Connecting Community The Development of Champaign County
`Network CCNet
`The Oregon State Archives on the World Wide Web
`for Goverment Services
`Jw Caizirall
`Case Study in Building
`New Uses Base
`Fuchs 1W Reddt
`Applications of Mosiac in Health Care Delivery
`Dynamic Hypertext Control and Navigaijon
`Katie Olive Christine Remenyik
`W3 Based Medical
`information Systems vs Custom Client Server Applications
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 17

`The Virtual Hospital
`.Jeffre Graber
`Instructional Modules in Pathology The Transition from Hypercard to the
`Design of Hypertext
`Ken Williamson Tommy Williams
`Prototype Electronic Journal Browser implemented in the World Wide Web
`Marc Salomon David Martin
`Web-based System for Intelligent Biomedical
`Anna Harbour
`Information Retrieval
`Delivery of Educational Material from World Wide Web Server
`Pagogh Cho James Guittierez Cameron Payne Russell Pruirr Charlotte Wilcox
`Anne LeMaistre M.D
`Interactive Computer-based Programs versus Traditional Methods
`for Self Study
`Davis Pagogh Cho James Guütierez Cameron Payne Russell Pruirt Charlotte
`Wilcox I.. Mo.ximiilian Buja M.D Anne LeMaistre M.D
`The Loyola University Medical Education Networlc LUMEN
`Baltazar Espiritu M.D John
`Halama Arcot
`McNulty James
`Ronald Price Je Brain Maggi
`Robotic Telescopes An Interactive Exhibit on the World-Wide Web
`Cox John
`The Global Interactive Museum Using Mosiac
`Mary Rasmussen Brad Blumenthal Steve Borvsewicz
`New Media Exhibition
`Architecture of the Future
`Rand Bohrer
`The lnternet Sampler Mosaic-based Museum Kiosk about
`the Internet
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 18

`Panel Government Applications
`Using WWW to Create Government Information Clearinghouse
`Tyson Macau/ny
`Information Discovery and Distillation in Govermerit An Experience Report
`Applicaton of the WWW and Internet
`Information Technologies
`in Work Environment
`The Virtual Policy and Administrative Community
`in Canada
`John Vekw Saul Schwartz
`Communications Initiative for Better
`Panel Government Applications
`The World Wide Web and the Nuclear
`Stone Ill Char/es
`The World Wide Web and Technology Transfer at NASA Langley
`Mw/ia ci
`ihe Use of Distributed Hypermcdia at the Naval Research Laboratory
`Mark It Fernandez Jim Milie Jeffrey
`Beckiehjnie Bill Malay
`NOAA on the Web
`The Experiences and Future of One Nation-wide User
`Tnrnhull Ernest Jjaddjo
`NeLcon David
`The internet and the Anti-net
`AiA Artier
`Museums Public Lands and Billboards Toward
`Philosophy of the World Wide Web
`Substantive Corporate Communication and the Web The High Road to Institutional
`.1 Pab
`WWW and the Demise of the Clockwork Universe
`Duffi Michael
`JOFU Munpzec/e
`Publishine in the New Medium Creating Content on the Internet
`AntI ret Fry
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 19

`Network Publishing The Center of the Web
`Tim Krauskopf
`An Architecture for Scholarly Publishing on the World Wide Web
`Stuart Wethel Eric Miller Jean Godhy
`Drop-in publishing with the World Wide Web
`Jim Davis Carl Lagoze
`Adventures in Publishing
`Dale Dougherty
`Authorship Copyright and Online Fair Use Issues and Concerns
`Gerard Martin
`for the World Wide Web
`Sourcerer Thesaurus assisted Automated Source Indenuficanon
`Rodgers Surech Srinnasan Jini Pu/hon
`Information Discovery and Access System
`The Harest
`Mic Bowman Percr Danzig Darren
`Hard Udi Manbcr Michael
`for Managing Cross references between WWW Documents
`Web linker
`Ian Hannell Arash Khodahandeh
`James Ca cc Alberto Aunat Nikoc Drakoc
`Paolo Palazzi Bertrand Rousseau Mario Ruggier
`Graphical Hypertext Navigation Tool
`Peter Doemel
`Associative Concept Navigation in MEDLINE and other NLM Databases via Mosiac-Forms
`WWVT Interface Combining Natural Language Processing Expert Systems and unConven
`Information Retrieval Techniques
`Set/i 13 Widoff Bruno
`Using Coolists To index HTML Documents
`in the Web
`Jon g-Gvun Lini
`Information Access and Management
`The lnfoHarness System for Integrated
`Leon Shklar Howard Marcus Anit Sheth Swish Thatie
`Finding What People Want Experiences with the WebCrawler
`Brian Pinkerton
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 20

`Word Is Worth 1000 Pictures
`Natural Language Access to Digital Libraries
`Howard Beck Amir Mobini Viswanajh Kadanthari
`Intelligent Distributed Hypertext Documentation
`Mike Clarkson
`The MCC infoSleuth Project
`Intelligent Search Management via Semantic Agents
`Darrell Woe/k Christina Tom/inson
`for Arbitrary Information in the WWW The Fish-Search for Mosaic
`Paul Dc Bra Rein icr
`Semantic Retrieval for NCSA Mosiac
`Hsinchun Gien Bruce Schaiz
`Improving WWW Marketing through User Information and Non-intrusive Communications
`The DCE Web Project Developing
`tv/cry Ellen Zurko Steve Lewonrin
`Secure DCE-based World Wide Web
`rid Pu/er
`CJES iNs Wehspace
`Information for Changing World
`Frederick Zitnnerman Peter Young
`Visualization and the World Wide Web
`Pesce Anthony Parisi
`From Database to Cyberspace Mosaic as Middle Ground
`Levine Mark
`Collaborative MOO-based I-lypei-media System for WWW
`Torn Meyer David B/ai Suzanne Hader
`Approaches Using Virtual Environments with Mosiac
`Sandy Ress/tr
`Visualization through the World Wide Web with Geomview Cyberview W3Kit and WebOOGL
`Thnauj Munner Patti Burchard Ed Chi
`CAVEview Mosaic-based Virtual Reality
`Marek Czernuszenko Joanna Mason Dana P/epts Thomas DeFanti
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 21

`Cornerstone of Web Publishing
`Information Access
`Lawrence Fitzpatrick Paul
`Campbell David Macdonald Adrienne Griffith
`Doors An Architecture for Virtual Places
`Ehud Shapiro
`IBM WebExplorer Advanced Features for Navigating the Web
`Scott Penbershy
`Building Information Communities with the World Wide Web
`Chris Wilson
`Wide-area Collaboration and Cooperative Computing
`John Mallery Tim Berners-Lee Andre DeHon
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 22

`Practical Problems
`Webmasters Starter Kit
`Jay Weher
`The Design and Implementation of Multilingual Extension for WWW
`Nor vuki Shigechika Shigeya Suzuki Shin Yoshirnura Jun Mura
`Providing Data on the Web From Examples to Programs
`Car/usA Vare/cj Caroline
`Techniques For Server-side Dynamic Document Generation
`Thomas Route/i Gerald Laner
`Data and Program Extensibility
`Extending W3 Clients
`A/an Fa/coner Slate
`User Interfitce Documents
`Ste//en Meschkat
`Dynamic Documents Extensibility and Adaptability in the WWW
`41 Trans Kaas/ioek Tom Pinckney Joshua
`lntcgraiing Complex Data Access Methods
`into the MosaicIWWW Environment
`Darren /1ards A/lan f-iundhausez Dave Merke/ John Nob/c Michael
`Dynamic Fomi Processing
`General Framework for Interactivity
`Mat/cry Benjwn/n Renaud
`Annotating HThff/Markup
`An HTML Extension for Implementing Client-Side Imagemaps
`Jaiiies Sejdnc
`Preprocessing Instructions Embedding External Notations in HTML
`Plithy Thrift
`Interactive Realtime and Mobile
`weh mush Serving Interactive Resources to the Web
`Glenn Cracker
`PDAs as Mobile WWW Browsers
`Stefon Gessler Andrcac Ko1ja
`Live Muhimedia Using HTTP
`hnothon Son
`Ilelin Can You Hear Me Incorporating Real-time Audio on the Web System
`Stephen U/i/er
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 23

`Web Programming Interfaces
`to Mosaic
`Guy Singh Roger Binns
`Uniform Library of Common Code
`Henrik Frystyk Hakon
`NCSA Mosiac CCI
`Dave Thompson
`Recent Developments in URI
`Jim Fuliton Kevin Gamiel
`Presentation of the CERN World-Wide Web
`Interfaces to Particular Data Types and Systems
`Providing Customers Information Using the WEB and CORBA Integrating Transactions
`Objects and the WEB
`Edwin Hastings Dilip
`Jeremy Brown fake Harris Lw-a Karbine Massimilliano Poletto Andre DeHan Thomas
`Knight Jr
`for World-Wide Web in the Online Data Acquisition System of the DELPHI Experi
`ment at CERN
`Mark Donszeltnann Kerry Rodden
`interactive Visualization of Computational Fluid Dynamics Using Mosaic
`Clucas Val Watson
`Performance and Traffic
`Improving HTTP Latency
`Padmanabhan Jeffrey Mogul
`Web Traffic Characterization An Assessment of the Impact of Caching Documents
`Web Server
`Claffy Hans-Werner Braun
`Mosaic Will Kill My Network Studying Network Traffic Patterns of Mosaic Use
`Jeff Sedayao
`Simple Yet Robust Caching Algorithm Based on Dynamic Access Patterns
`fames Pizkow Margaret Recker
`MDMA Multithreaded Daemon for Multimedia Access
`from NCSAs
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 24

`Wide-area File System within the World Wide Web
`Mirjana Spasojevic Mic Bowman A4rred Spector
`Managing the Fonts in Multilingual WWW
`Michael Parrashjn
`User Extensibility in Amiga Mosaic
`Michael Fischer Michael Meyer Michael Withrock
`Web Gateway to Virtual Mathematical Software Repository
`The Use of Mosaic as Documentation Tool
`Software Reuse Libraries with Mosaic
`Poalin Keith
`Building Web Servers for Microcomputer Platforms
`Greg Bean
`for Large Graphically-Based Simulation Software
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1077, p. 25

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