`Computer Support of Clinical Practice
`Clinical Decision Support
`New Approach to Identify Needs
`in Critical Care
`for Information Management
`Seive M.D Ph.D
`TW Rosenal M.D D.E Forsythe Ph.D M.A Musen M.D Ph.D and
`Hand-Held Computing in the Patient Care Setting
`i.E Karshmer R.N Ph.D and Al Karshmer Ph.D
`Pilot Project
`An Overview of the CERC ARTEMIS Project
`Jagannathan Ph.D YV Reddy Ph.D
`Reddy Ph.D
`Karinthi Ph.D
`Srinivas Ph.D
`Merkin M.D and
`Friedman M.D
`Kilkenny M.D
`for Us An Expert System Emergency Drug Card Printout
`Automated Patient Care Documentation Whats In It
`Vernon RN
`Welkie RN andM Witte M.D
`G.C Bjornstad RN M.S.N
`Far Ph.D
`Language and Terminology
`Reference Base for Nursing
`Marx and
`Schrade Drrernat
`Sound Medical Model
`Analysis of Medical Texts Based on
`Lovis M.D R.H Baud Ph.D
`A.-M Rassinoux Ph.D J.C Wagner M.S
`andf.-R Scherre M.D
`Rector M.D Ph.D
`Sampling Strategies in
`Statistical Approach to Clinical Classification
`Yang Ph.D and C.G Chute M.D DrRH
`Validity and Reliability of Standard Terms and Codes for Patient Care Data
`Russo R.N and MR Stultz RN
`J.G Ozbolt Ph.D R.N
`Database Technology
`Generating Penetration Path Hypotheses for Decision Support
`Webbe Ph.D and
`Ogunyemi M.S.E
`Kaye M.S.E
`in Multiple Trauma
`Clarke M.D
`Estimation of Pharmacokinetic Model Parameters
`Timcenko Ph.D D.L Reich M.D and
`Trunflo M.D
`Computer Program for the Multivariate and Graphical Monitoring of Acid-Base Data in an Intensive Care Unit
`Lindemans Ph.D and E.S Gelsema Ph.D
`Hekking M.Sc
`SmaCS Smart Classification System for the Design Maintenance
`Application in Pediatric Cardiology
`van den Heuvel M.D Timmers Ph.D and
`and Use of Complex Terminologies
`Hess M.D Ph.D
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 1

`Clinical Knowledge Databases
`Supporting Ad-Hoc Queries in an Integrated Clinical Database
`S.A Steib R.M Reichley S.T McMullin K.A Marrs T.C Bailey WC Dunagan and M.G Kahn M.D Ph.D
`Semantic Visualization of Oncology Knowledge Sources
`WG Cole Ph.D D.D Sherertz M.S Tuttle G.-T Hsu L.M Fagan M.D Ph.D andR.W Carlson M.D
`Probability Database for Design-Analytic Models of Coronary Revascularization
`i.E Murphy M.D K.A Marrs M.S and M.G Kahn M.D Ph.D
`Forgotten Piece of the Electronic Patient Record
`Patient Precautions
`D.Z Sands M.D M.P.H and
`Safran M.D M.S
`Data Entry for Clinical Systems
`Cat mo
`symptoms Online Physician Charting and More
`Seilheimer M.D Abramson M.D
`TeleformlM Scannable Data Entry An Efficient Method to Update
`Robinson WP Moran M.D
`Messick M.D
`Guerette Ph.D
`Velez M.D
`Lin and
`Community-Based Medical Record
`Wright J.L Wofford M.D
`for Intelligent Data Entry Development of MedlO
`Design Considerations
`R.J DeFriece M.D M.E.E
`Intelligent Monitor for an Anesthesia Breathing Circuit
`Käck and D.R Westenskow
`Internet Applications
`The Bioethics Discussion Forum An Implementation of
`Analysis Resource
`A.R Derse M.D J.D and S.R Krogull M.S
`Phase Two An Information Resource for Nurses
`Developing AJN Network
`M.A Rizzolo Ed.D R.N and
`DuBois M.S.N
`Internet-Based Bioethics Information
`The Informatics Superhighway Prototyping on the World Wide Web
`J.J Cimino M.D S.A Socratous
`Grewal M.B.A
`WHAM Forms Constructor for Medical Record Access via the World Wide Web
`and 1.5 Kohane M.D Ph.D
`Changing Database Systems
`Middleware Approach to HIS Integration
`A.M Zakaria M.D and D.A Giuse Dr.Ing
`An Efficient Delivery of Historical Information for the Mendelian
`Waldo M.S
`Pineo M.S and
`Li Ph.D
`Fostei M.S
`Inheritance in Man Database
`Legacy Systems Managing Evolution Through Integration in Distributed and Object-Oriented Computing
`Tanguy F-C Jean and
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 2

`Representing Hospital Events as Complex Conditionals
`G.J Kuperman M.D Ph.D J.M Teich M.D Ph.D D.W Bates M.D
`and TG Hoff
`Eectronic Medical Record
`New Method and Tools for Capturing Clinical Encounter
`R.A Gensingeic Jr M.D and
`Fowle Ph.D
`Patient Entries in the Electronic Medical Record An Interactive Interview Used in Primary Care
`iS Wald M.D MPH
`Safran M.D MS
`Barke and WV Slack M.D
`Rind M.D M.S
`Enroute Toward
`Computer-Based Patient Record
`The ACIS Project
`HR Warnei M.D Ph.D
`Livingston and BE Bray M.D
`Guo Ph.D
`Implementing an EMR Papers Last Hurrah
`D.N Moh M.D PC Carpentet M.D PL Claus M.D PT Hagen M.D PR Karsell M.D and
`R.E Van Scoy M.D
`Section II
`Decision Support Systems in Clinical Practice
`in Decision Support Alerts
`Nurses Pagers and Patient-Specific Criteria Three Keys to Improved Critical Value Reporting
`K.E Tate Ph.D R.M Gardne Ph.D and
`Medical Decision Support Experience with Implementing the Arden Syntax at
`Medical Center
`Zhang MS
`Sideli M.D
`Hripcsak M.D
`R.A fenders M.D M.S
`DuMouchel Ph.D
`f.J Cimino M.D SB Johnson Ph.D E.H Sherman M.D M.S and PD Clayton Ph.D
`Palmtop PDA
`the Columbia-Presbyterian
`Real-Time Wireless Decision Support Alerts on
`MM Shabot M.D andM LoBue
`for Provider Interaction During Patient Care G-CARE
`f.M Overhage M.D Ph.D
`Mamlin .1 Warvel
`Tierney M.D and C.J McDonald M.D
`for Access to Disparate Systems in
`Patient-Focused Care
`Tools for Effective Decision Support
`The Single Logon Application An Enabler
`S.L SooHoo Ph.D
`Aabedi MS R.C Wagenet M.S
`Stempson RN M.S.N
`Verification and Validation Algorithms for Data Used in Critical Care Decision Support Systems
`Carlson Cf Wallace RN MS TD East Ph.D and A.H Morris M.D
`Analysis of Medical Decision Making
`Cognitive Perspective on Medical
`Kushniruk M.Sc VL Patel Ph.D and
`Fleisze M.D
`Concept Formation vs Logistic Regression Predicting Death in Trauma Patients
`Hadzikadic Ph.D
`Hakenewerth B.F Bohren f.M Norton Ph.D
`Mehta and
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 3

`Belief Networks for Decision Support
`Temporal Probability Models
`Clinical Simulation Using Context-Sensitive
`Ngo M.S and R.A Krieger M.S
`Haddawy Ph.D
`for Mammographic Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
`Preliminary Investigation of Bayesian Network
`CE Kahn Jr M.D L.M Roberts M.S
`Haddawy Ph.D
`Jenks M.S.N and
`New Formalism for Temporal Modeling in Medical Decision-Support
`CF A1feris M.D M.Sc and G.E Cooper M.D Ph.D
`to Enhance Sharing of Medical Knowledge Between Sites with
`Using Belief Networks
`Variations in Data Accuracy
`WR Hogan M.D and M.M Wagner M.D
`Decision Support for Clinical Practice Guidelines
`Representation of Clinical Practice Guidelines Through an Interactive World Wide Web Interface
`E.B Liem M.D J.S Obeid M.D ER Shareck M.D
`Sato M.D andR.A Greenes M.D Ph.D
`Computerized Practice Guidelines for Heart Failure Management The HeartMan System
`Margolis M.D B.E Bray M.D EM GiIberi M.D andH.R Warner M.D Ph.D
`An Architecture
`for Distributed Guideline Server
`M.R Barnes M.D and G.O Barnett M.D
`States to Improve the Ability of the Arden Syntax to Implement Care Plans
`Using Intermediate
`and Reuse Knowledge
`E.H Sherman M.D MS
`Hripcsak M.D Starren M.D R.A fenders M.D MS and PD Clayton Ph.D
`Computerized Support for Patient Care Protocols
`Informatics Academia and Industry
`Health Care Reform
`Symbiotic Relationship
`that May Assure Survival of Both Through
`TD East Ph.D C.J Wallace RN MS MA Franklin A.T Kinder R.M Sailors M.E.B.E
`Bradshaw andA.H Morris M.D
`Successful Protocol
`for the Use of Pulse Oximetry to Classify Arterial Oxygenation
`into Fcrur Fuzzy
`R.M Sailors ME TD East Ph.D Cf Wallace RN MS andA.H Morris M.D
`Formalisation of Safety Reasoning in Protocols and Hazard Regulations
`Hammond Ph.D Mi Sergot M.A and J.C Wyatt D.M
`Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death
`Probabilistic Model for Decision Support
`G.D Sanders R.A Harris M.Sc MA Hlatky M.D and D.K Owens M.D M.Sc
`New Systems for Decision Support
`Using Knowledge Maintenance
`N.L fain D.Sc and MG Kahn M.D Ph.D
`in Clinical Databases Based on Variable Precision Rough Set Model
`Ziarko Ph.D
`Tanaka Ph.D D.M.Sci
`Shan and
`Knowledge Discovery
`Tsumoto M.D
`for Preference Assessment
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 4

`Web-Based Architecture for Medical Vocabulary Server
`J.H Gennari Ph.D D.E Oliver M.D
`Rice and M.A Musen M.D Ph.D
`An Object-Oriented Knowledge-Based
`Inamda M.S
`R.M Rydei Ph.D and
`System for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
`Phase II
`Knowledge Representation in Decision Systems
`Experience with Mixed Semantic/Syntactic
`P.J Haug M.D Koehler Ph.D LM Lau M.D Ph.D
`andS.M Huff M.D
`Wang Ph.D
`Rocha M.D Ph.D
`Rational Reconstruction of INTERNIST-I using PROTÉGÉ-IT
`M.A Musen M.D Ph.D J.H Gennari and WW Wong
`Enhancing Medical Database Semantics
`Leão M.D Ph.D and
`Pavan M.Sc
`New Method for Clinical Decision Analysis
`Refinement Planning
`Haddawy Ph.D and C.E Kahn Jr M.D
`Decision Support for Cost and Quality Management
`The Use of Misclassification Costs to Learn Rule-Based Decision Support Models for Cost-Effective
`Hospital Admission Strategies
`R.A Ambrosino M.D B.G Buchanan Ph.D G.E Coopei M.D Ph.D and M.J Fine M.D
`Automated Identification of Episodes of Asthma Exacerbation
`for Quality Measurement
`Medical Record
`D.B Aronow M.D M.PH J.R Cooley M.D and
`Soderland M.S
`in Computer-Based
`Rule-Based Decision Support Application for Laboratory Investigations Management
`Boon-Falleur M.D
`Sokal M.D
`Peters and J.M Keteislegers Ph.D
`IMPACT An Object-Oriented Graphical Environment for Construction of Multimedia Patient
`Interviewing Software
`L.A Lenert M.D M.S
`Michelson C.R Flowers and M.R Bergen
`Section III
`Designing Computerized Patient Records
`Patient Record Management Design Implications
`Querying Temporal Clinical Databases with Different Time Granularities The GCH-OSQL Language
`Combi Ph.D
`Cavallaro and
`Comparison of the Temporal Expressiveness of Three Database Query Methods
`A.K Das and M.A Musen M.D Ph.D
`in the NUCLEUS Hospital
`Acts and Knowledge Management
`Information System
`Kanoui Ph.D
`Maury M.S and
`Pelletier Ph.D
`Joubert Ph.D
`Favard Ph.D
`Transforms of the Computerized Patient Record Data Model From Transactions
`to Analytical Processing
`Silva M.S
`Manchanda M.S and
`Canfleld Ph.D
`Abbott R.N M.S
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 5

`Knowledge Representation and Patient Records
`in the Clinical Environment
`Architectural Requirements
`for Multipurpose Natural Language Processor
`Forman M.D and
`Starren M.D M.S
`Friedman Ph.D S.B Johnson Ph.D
`Distributed Scalable Community Care Network Architecture
`Modeling and Simulation
`Ghosh Ph.D
`Reddy Ph.D
`Reddy Ph.D
`for Wide-Area Electronic Patient Records
`Kankanahalli Ph.D
`Jagganathan Ph.D
`Multi-Lingual Architecture
`Zweigenbaum Ph.D
`for Building Normalised Conceptual Representation from Medical Language
`Charlet Ph.D and JR Boisvieux M.D Ph.D
`Bachimont Ph.D
`Bouaud Ph.D
`Treatment Planning Implications for Structure of the CPR
`K.W Hammond M.D
`Design of Clinical Systems in Hospitals
`Evaluation of an Object-Based Data Model
`DL Pollard and
`Hales Ph.D
`Implemented Over
`Proprietary Legacy Data Model
`Legacy System Database into Relational Format to Enhance Query Efficiency
`J.C Prathe DR Lobach M.D Ph.D J.W Hales Ph.D M.L Hage M.D S.f Fehrs and WE Hammond Ph.D
`An Object-Oriented Computer-Based Patient Record Reference Model
`Lavril M.D P-C Jean and
`Doré Ph.D
`Comparison of Problem Lists Generated by Physicians Nurses and Patients Implications for CPR Systems
`S.B Henry RN D.N.Sc and WL Holzeme RN Ph.D
`Data Design for the Computerized Medical Record
`Clinical Repository
`to Include Multiple Sites
`K.A Marrs Ms and M.G Kahn M.D Ph.D
`Creating Temporal Abstractions
`M.G Kahn M.D Ph.D and K.A Marrs MS
`in Three Clinical
`Information Systems
`Comparison of Probabilistic and Deterministic Record Linkage in the Development of Statewide
`Trauma Registry
`D.E Clark M.D and DR Hahn
`Computerized Ambulatory Medical Records
`Data Model That Captures Clinical Reasoning About Patient Problems
`M.D and 5.B Johnson Ph.D
`Can One Patient Record Accommodate
`A.M van Ginneken M.D Ph.D and
`the Diversity of Specialized Care7
`Findings Model
`R.N Shiffman M.D M.C.1.S
`for an Ambulatory Pediatric Record
`Essential Data Relational Modeling and Vocabulary
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 6

`Categorization of Free-text Problem Lists An Effective Method of Capturing Clinical Data
`Zelinghei M.D M.Sc D.M Rind M.D M.S
`Caraballo M.S Tuttle D.D N.E Olson and
`Safran M.D M.S
`Role of Controlled Vocabulary in Building the Computerized Medical Record
`Applying Controlled Medical Terminology to Distributed Production Clinical Information System
`B.H Forman M.D J.J Cimino M.D S.B Johnson Ph.D
`Sengupta Ph.D R.V Sideli M.D
`and RD Clayton Ph.D
`Representation of Clinical Problem Assessment Phrases in U.S Family Practice Using Read Version 3.1 Terms
`Preliminary Study
`R.R Hausam M.D and
`Controlled Vocabulary Reduces Database Design
`VM Ph.D
`Low-Cost Computer-Based Patient Record
`D.J Essin M.D and TL Lincoln M.D
`Reasons for the Loss of Sensitivity and Specificity of Methodologic MeSH Terms and Textwords in MEDLINE
`N.L Wilczynski M.Sc C.J Walkei M.LS K.A McKibbon M.L.S and R.B Haynes M.D Ph.D
`Building Clinical Systems in Hospitals Case Examples
`to Create Cost-Effective Integrated Multimedia View of the Electronic
`Using Agent-Based Technology
`Medical Record
`H.J Lowe M.D WK Walke and J.K Vries M.D
`ARTS Integrating Multi-Source Data for Research in Andrology
`Stam A.M van Ginneken M.D Ph.D
`Timmers Ph.D
`Pierik M.Sc
`Steenbergen M.Sc
`EM van Mulligen Ph.D and R.FA Webe M.D Ph.D
`Coding Drug Effects on Laboratory Tests for Health Care Information Systems
`RE Gronroos M.D
`rjala M.D and J.J Forsström M.D
`Cooperative Architecture for Managing Workflow in CCU
`-M Geib
`Human Factors in Building Clinical Systems
`Enhancement of Clinician Workflow with Computer Order Entry
`J.M Teich M.D Ph.D C.D Spuri R.N M.B.A J.L Schmiz M.S E.M OConnell R.N andD Thomas R.N
`On-Line Documentation
`of Patient Care Orders
`C.M Prophet M.A R.N
`Inquiry Discovering Physicians True Needs
`J.M Coble M.S J.S Maffitt M.i Orland M.D and M.G Kahn M.D Ph.D
`Interaction and Dialogue Between the Users and the Patient Record Core of Hospital Information System
`Looking for
`Cortesi and
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 7

`Section IV Computer and Internet-Based Educational Systems
`Curricula and Issues in Teaching Informatics
`Model Curriculum of Health Care Informatics for Dutch Higher Professional Education
`J.E.C.M Aarts M.Sc
`Summative Evaluation of Baccalaureate Nursing Informatics Curriculum
`L.L Travis Ph.D R.N C.A Hudak M.Ed R.N and PP Brennan Ph.D R.N
`Modeling Respiratory Anatomy and Physiology in YR
`f.M Kaye M.S.E D.N Metaxas Ph.D and PP Primiano Jr Ph.D
`Cost-Efficient Management of Educational Material
`Cimino M.D Reichel M.D and
`Authoring Educational Software for the World Wide Web
`Cross-Platform Hypermedia Examinations on the Web
`TW Williams Jr N.B Giuse M.D M.L.S J.T Hube Ph.D and R.L Janco M.D
`Method for Interactive Medical Instruction Utilizing the World Wide Web
`K.W McEnery M.D S.M Roth M.D L.K Kelle K.R Hirsch M.D D.N Menton M.D andE.A Kelly M.L.S
`The Interactive Image Tool Adding Structure to Images
`Dev Ph.D
`Mathe and
`The Digital Anatomist Common Gateway Interface
`Web-Based Access to an Online Atlas of Anatomy
`Rosse M.D D.Sc and J.F Brinkley M.D Ph.D
`Efficacy of Computer and Web-Based Education
`Model for Connecting Doctors to University-Based Medical Resources through the Internet
`Cesnik M.B.B.S M.D
`A.J Vanzyl M.B.B.S and
`CAl-Critical Mission
`Computer-Aided Learning Validation
`TJ Handle M.D
`Lynch M.S and C.C Jaffe M.D
`Expert System for Management of Urinary Incontinence in Women
`R.H Gorman Ph.D R.N
`for Teaching and Learning Introductory Health Informatics
`D.J Bigsby and J.R Moeh Dr med
`Pictures on the World Wide Web
`Automatic Assessment of Scintmammographic Images Using
`Costa M.Sc and
`Moura Ph.D
`Novelty Filter
`Description Generation of Abnormal Densities Found in Radiographs
`Starren M.D
`Abella Ph.D J.R Kende Ph.D and
`Automated Reconstruction
`of Endoscopic Images of the Esophagus
`Weine M.D
`Kim M.D andJ Reynolds M.D
`A.O Sha Ph.D
`Hypermedia Patient Data Retrieval and Presentation Through WWW
`Tachinardi M.D 5.5 Furuie Ph.D
`Bertozzo E.E
`Moura Ph.D M.A Gutierrez E.E
`and C.P Melo M.Sc
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 8

`Health Information Networks Worth It or PIPE Dreams
`Health Care Network Communications Infrastructure An Engineering Design for the Military
`Health Service System
`P.F Hoffman M.D Ph.D E.H Kline M.A
`Price R.N M.P.A
`Clark andR Walasin M.S
`CHIME-Net The Connecticut Health Information Network
`L.L Reed-Fourquet
`Vogle J.R Lobb
`Pilot Study
`Cost Justification of Community Health Information Network
`Payton PP Brennan Ph.D R.N and J.B Silvers Ph.D
`Networking Need
`J.J McGowan Ph.D
`Cost-Effective Approach to Statewide Health Information Delivery
`Evans Ph.D and Michi M.D
`Lynch M.PH
`Dalal and
`The Computer Link for AD Caregivers
`The Impact of Guideline-Driven Computer Charting System on the Emergency Care of Patients with Acute
`Low Back Pain
`Day M.D LP Hoang
`Nagda and D.L Schrigei M.D M.P.H
`Model for Adapting Clinical Guidelines for Electronic
`D.F Lobach M.D Ph.D M.S
`Implementation in Primary Care
`Using Statistical Quality Control Techniques to Monitor Blood Glucose Levels
`TA Oniki M.S TP Clemmer M.D LK Arthu R.N and LH Linford R.N
`Networking Images and Data
`DICOM Media Interchange Standards for Cardiology Initial
`J.L Elion M.D
`Interoperability Demonstration
`Telepathology System Between Boston USA and Dijon France Glass Slides versus
`Evaluation of
`Telediagnostic TV-Monitor
`PA Allaert M.D Ph.D
`Dusserre PJ Yvon
`Dusserre and
`ClientJServer System for Remote Diagnosis of Cardiac Arrhythmias
`Gajjala and L.E Widman M.D Ph.D
`D.A Tong Ph.D
`Cost-Benefit Ramifications of PACS Do the Dollars Make Sense9
`J.P Weil
`Evaluation of Clinical Information Systems
`Tools for Analysis of Resource Use and Costs
`Use of Severity-Adjusted Comparative Systems in the Development of Critical Pathways
`PJ Landry M.D
`Promoting Measure of Nursing Care Workload Through Computerization
`Lepage M.D Ph.D
`Guillemet R.N
`Dupont and
`Clinical Economics Workstation
`EL Eisenstein D.B.A and
`for Risk-Adjusted Health Care Cost Management
`Hales Ph.D
`Veyer R.N
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 9

`an Outcomes Infrastructure for Nursing
`M.T Lush M.S R.N and D.L Jones M.S R.N
`Assessing and Meeting the Information Needs of Ambulatory Care
`Methods for Assessing Information Needs of Clinicians in Ambulatory Care
`P.C Tang M.D M.A Jaworski R.N C.A Fellencer R.N M.P LaRosa J.M Lassa
`WC Marquardt R.N
`Lipsey and
`Randomized Controlled Trial
`Prompting for Cost-Effective Test Ordering
`G.R Hollingworth M.D R.M Bernstein Ph.D M.D G.S Viner M.D iS Remington M.D and WE Wood M.D
`Computer-Generated Reminder System Improves Physician Compliance with Diabetes Preventive
`Care Guidelines
`D.S Nilasena M.D M.S.PH and M.J Lincoln M.D
`in the Design and Use of Clinical Decision Support
`Computerized Support of Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment Protocols
`D.F Willson M.S.N RN
`Ashton Ph.D RN
`Wingate M.S.N RN
`Buxton M.S.N R.N
`Davies and
`Goff RN Horn Ph.D
`for Antibiotic Therapy
`Decision Support Tool
`R.S Evans Ph.D D.C Classen M.D M.S S.L Pestotnik M.S R.Ph TP Clemmer M.D L.K Weaver M.D
`andi.P Burke M.D
`The Effects of Computer-Assisted Reminder System on Patient Compliance with Recommended Health
`Maintenance Procedures
`E.C Vincent M.D PA Hardin Ph.D L.A Norman M.D M.B.A M.H.S E.A Lester and S.H Stinton
`Lowering Physician Hospital Resource Consumption Using Low-Cost Low-Technology Computing
`C.C Johnson M.S.PH MPH and M.M Martin Ph.D
`Evaluating New Clinical Diagnostic and Information Management Tools
`Evaluation of Belief-Network-Based Reminder System that Learns from Utility Feedback
`M.M Wagner M.D M.S and G.E Cooper M.D Ph.D
`MCATA Multimedia Cardiac Angiogram Tool
`DY Cheng Ph.D
`Banerjea Ph.D E.-J Pol Ph.D and R.J Lundstrom M.D
`The Constellation Project Experience and Evaluation of Personal Digital Assistants in the Clinical Environment
`SE Labkoff M.D Shah M.S
`Bormel M.D M.PH Lee andR.A Greenes M.D Ph.D
`Evaluation of an Expert System Producing Geometric Solids as Output
`C.H Ketting M.D MM Austin-Seymour M.D Ii Kalet Ph.D JR Jacky Ph.D S.E Kromhout-Schiro Ph.D
`SM Hummel f.M Unger M.S and L.M Fagan M.D Ph.D
`Assessing the Value of the Computerized Patient Record
`Health System Re-engineering
`MC Diehl D.D.S M.A
`CPRS Economic Decision Model
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 10

`Randomized Evaluation of Computer-Based Physicians Workstation Design Considerations
`and Baseline Results
`McDonald M.D DeSmedt M.S
`B.L Rotman M.D A.N Sullivan
`Goodnature M.S
`Young Ph.D and D.K Owens M.D M.Sc
`Higgins Ph.D H.J Suermondt Ph.D
`Evaluation of Community Care Network CCN System in Rural Health Care Setting
`Friedman M.D and
`H.C Galfalvy M.S S.M Reddy Ph.D
`Niewiadomska-Bugaj Ph.D
`Merkin M.D
`the University of Iowa
`Cost-Effective Health Information Systems User-Driven Internal Development
`J.R Flanagan M.D Ph.D J.D Olson M.D Ph.D J.R Wagne M.S N.E Nuehring and S.D Krumbholz
`Implementing Systems Critical Success Factors and Lessons Learned
`Acceptance and Performance
`M.A Krall M.D
`by Clinicians Using an Ambulatory Electronic Medical Record in an HMO
`Evaluating the Impact of Structured Text and Templates in Ambulatory Nursing
`Crist-Grundman R.N
`Douglas R.N M.H.A
`Kern R.N M.S.N J.C Gregory and
`Switze R.N
`Comprehensive Outpatient Clinical Information System
`Case Study and Model for
`System Evaluation
`H.L Chin M.D and McClure M.B.A
`Overcoming the Limitations of Proprietary Computerized Billing Systems to Enhance Patient Care
`Car and WH Dodrill M.S
`Arbogast M.D
`Section VI Evaluation of Computerized Health Care Strategies
`Evaluation of Knowledge-Based Systems
`Factors Impacting the Success of Computerized Preadmission Screening
`Hales Ph.D R.M Gardne Ph.D and
`An Improved Methodology for Communication of Hospital Policy
`Structured Knowledge Representation
`J.J Guterman M.D M.S N.J Mankovich Ph.D
`Picken M.D posthumous
`Weinstein J.D and
`Comparison of Two Computer-Based Prognostic Systems for AIDS
`Ohno-Machado M.D M.H.A and M.A Musen M.D Ph.D
`Iliad and Medical HouseCall Evaluating the Impact of Common Sense Knowledge
`Accuracy of Medical Expert System
`Lambert M.D and G.E Morgan
`Bouhaddou Ph.D
`on the Diagnostic
`Design of Clinical Information Systems
`Problems with Integrating Legacy Systems
`E.M van Mulligen
`Cornet M.Sc and
`Timmers Ph.D
`The Evolution of Scalable Departmental Real-Time Clinical
`Information System
`Galewsky M.S
`Statham and C.B Owen M.D
`The Role of the Information Architect at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
`Payne M.D and
`Pinceti M.D
`D.F Sittig Ph.D
`Sengupta Ph.D
`Real Time Monitoring in the Control Theory Paradigm
`Seroussi M.D Ph.D
`Dreyfus M.D andJ.F Boisvieux M.D Ph.D
`Morice Ph.D
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 11

`Access to Medical Knowledge and Data
`Strategic Exploration and Analysis Using Interactive Visualization of Health Care Databases
`PH and
`Bormel M.D
`Barnett M.D
`The Deployment of World Wide Web W3 Based Medical
`Information System
`Sielaff Ph.D andD.P Connelly M.D Ph.D
`K.E Willard M.D M.S.E.E J.H Haligren
`Client/Server Approach to Telemedicine
`B.J Vaughan MS K.E Torok L.M Kelly D.J Ewing Ph.D and
`Internet Access and Video Conferencing
`for Community Cancer Network
`Catalano Pharm.D and R.L Comis M.D
`London Ph.D D.E Morton M.S
`Andrews Ph.D
`Success Factors in System Planning and Implementation
`Strategic Planning for Information Management What Are the Deliverables9
`A.J Olsen M.B.A M.A and WW Stead M.D
`Implementation of an Integrated Physician Order Entry Application
`Lincoln M.D
`Weir Ph.D
`Roscoe RN M.Ed and
`Systems Perspective
`Cross-Site Study of the Implementation of Information Technology Innovations
`in Health Sciences Centers
`Ash M.L.S MS M.B.A
`Participatory Design of Computer-Supported Organizational Learning in Health Care Methods
`and Experiences
`Timpka M.D Ph.D
`Sjoberg Ph.Lic
`Svensson R.N and
`Hedblom M.Sc
`Hallberg M.Sc
`Marmolin Ph.D
`Eriksson Ph.D
`Lindblom M.Sc
`System Evaluation Impact on Practice
`Impact of Diagnostic Decision Support System
`Assessing the Behavioral
`Li M.D Ph.D P.J Haug M.D M.J Lincoln M.D C.W Turner Ph.D TA Pryor Ph.D and
`H.R Warner M.D Ph.D
`Cost-Effective Computerized Decision Support Tracking Caregiver Acceptance at the Point of Care
`Zhang M.D A.T Kinder
`C.J Wallace R.N M.S
`Greenway andA.H Morris M.D
`Cost-Effective Clinical Uses of Wide-Area Networks Electronic Mail as Telemedicine
`ER Worth M.D TB Patrick Ph.D J.C Klimczak D.VM M.S andi.C Reid Ph.D
`Outcomes Research Using the Electronic Patient Record Beth Israel Hospitals Experience with Anticoagulation
`J.S Einbinder M.D
`Safran M.D M.S
`Rury and
`System Evaluation The Patients Perspective
`Computers in the Examining Room The Patients Perspective
`CE Aydin Ph.D PN Rosen M.D S.M Jewell R.N and VJ Felitti M.D
`HealthDesk for Hemophilia An Interactive Computer and Communications System for Chronic Illness
`Carl M.PH and Ti Gribble M.D
`Clinical Results Using Informatics to Evaluate Hereditary Cancer Risk
`Evans M.S H.T Lynch M.D R.M Fusaro M.D Ph.D
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 12

`Pen-Based Computer to Collect Health-Related Quality of Life and Utilities Information
`PP Le IS Kohane M.D Ph.D and iC Weeks M.D M.Sc
`Section VII Computerized Image Processing and Transmission
`Information Retrieval
`Comparison of Bibliographic and Full-Text Versions of the New England
`Retrieving Research Studies
`Journal of Medicine
`ED Johnson M.A M.C Sievert Ph.D and E.J McKinin M.A
`Contextual Models of Clinical Publications
`for Enhancing Retrieval
`G.P Purcell and E.H Shortliffe M.D Ph.D
`The SAPHIRE Server
`New Algorithm and Implementation
`Hersh M.D and TJ Leone M.S
`from Full-Text Databases
`Trial Bank Model
`Sim M.D and
`for the Publication of Clinical Trials
`Rennels M.D Ph.D
`Vocabularies for Biomedical Entities
`Defining Grammar for the UMLS Knowledge Sources
`A.T McCray Ph.D and
`Enhancements of Anatomical Information in UMLS Knowledge Sources
`Ben Said M.D MS KR Eno and i.E Brinkley M.D Ph.D
`Rosse M.D D.Sc
`Novel Approach to MeSH Term Assignment
`by Reference
`Kouramajian Ph.D
`Fowle Ph.D and Maram
`Comparing Clinical Vocabularies Using Coding System Fidelity
`J.C Klimczak D.VM M.S A.W Hahn D.VM Ph.D ME Sievert Ph.D
`Hewett Ph.D
`Petroski MS
`Organizing and Retrieving from the World Wide Web
`Teaching Literature Searching in the Context of the World Wide Web
`K.A Brandi Ph.D M.L.S and H.P Lehmann M.D Ph.D
`Automated MeSH Indexing of the World Wide Web
`Fowle Ph.D
`Kouramajian Ph.D
`Maram and
`Model of Clinical Query Management
`World Wide Web
`WM Detme M.D and E.H Shortlffe M.D Ph.D
`Information Retrieval and WWW Browsers at Mayo
`C.G Chute M.D DrPH DL Crowson iD Buntrock
`that Supports Integration of Biomedical Information over the
`Section VIII
`Computer System of Control of the Treatment Process for the Patients with Closed Fractures of Long Bones
`Gyulnazarova M.D VI Mamaev M.D L.A Kazak M.D S. Goldberg Ph.D and E.A Fedorova
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 13

`Paperless Fetal Monitoring System
`G.E Cianflone M.D M.Sc and
`Komagata M.D
`Care Business Process Reengineering
`J.A KaiKai M.S
`Point of Care System POC in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit PICU
`J.A Menke M.D C.W Bronei M.D D.Y Campbell R.N E.A Loch M.S M.Y McKissick R.N and
`J.A Edwards-Beckett
`The Many Faces of Natural Language Searching
`N.A Schoch M.LS Ph.D and
`Sewell M.L.S D.Sc
`for Dental
`Informatics and Dental Public Health
`Mezrich M.D Ph.D
`New Way of Communicating Radiological Findings
`Iconic Reporting
`Kulikowski Ph.D
`Stevenson Ph.D
`Abad-Mota M.Sc Ph.D
`Gong Ph.D
`Tria M.D and
`Klein M.D
`World Wide Web Server
`WP Lang D.D.S M.PH and K.M Roberts
`Dynamic Data Icons Graphical Display of Uterine Cervical Cytologic Exams Diagnostic Studies
`and Treatments
`D.W Mille Jr M.D
`Automated Linkage of an Electronic Medical Record with QMR Quick Medical Reference
`R.J Kiel M.D
`Quality Care Program QCP Integrated Software for Preventive Health Care Quality Improvement
`and Risk Management
`E.G Vincent M.D PA Hardin Ph.D L.A Norman M.D M.B.A M.H.S E.A Lestei and S.H Stinton
`CPR to More Effectively Manage Patient Care
`Orthostatic Blood Pressure Using
`R.A Stoupa M.S.N and J.R Campbell M.D
`Information Transfer System Using MOD
`Hamada M.D
`Nakamura M.D Kodera M.D and
`Clinical Evaluation of Medical
`Kawamura Ph.D
`SaUoh M.D
`Survey of Telemedicine Applications in Italy
`D.M Pisanelli FL Ricci and
`The Visible Human Dataset
`Valenza and
`for the Simulation of the Cardiac Electrical Activity Propagation
`Use of Computerised Clinical Database for Support of Home Dialysis Programme
`K.L Lynn A.L Buttimore and J.A Inkster
`and Presenting Clinical and Treatment Outcome Data for Cost-Effective Case Management
`E.E Westberg N.H Mann Ill Ph.D and D.M Spengle M.D
`Archive Node for Health Care Information System
`TT Chiang Ph.D and YK Tang Ph.D
`Standard Computer-based Oral Health Record
`Concept Model for
`Diehl D.D.S M.A
`Bramson D.D.S and
`MEDLINE Retrieval Grateful Med PaperChase and Physicians Online
`FA Brahmi M.A M.L.S
`MY ASSISTANT Computer-Assisted Record-Keeping
`WJ Gingerich Ph.D
`for the Case Manager
`Collins D.D.S M.PH
`to Support Hormone Replacement Therapy Decision Making
`Patient-Administered Computerized Questionnaire
`J.R Horsman R.S.A Hayward M.D
`Feightne M.D
`Gafni Ph.D and
`Implementation of HELP-Based Labor and Delivery Log
`PA Michael Ph.D M.D
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1071, p. 14

`Using Oracle to Track
`R.B Murray Ph.D
`Course Given on the World Wide Web
`Frisby Ph.D ER Warne M.S.L.S andM Hamlin Ph.D
`Kang M.S.E
`Natural Language Interface to VA DHCP Database
`Clinician-Oriented Access to Data C.O.A.D
`Levy MS and
`Rogers M.D
`Identification of Database Elements for Assessing the Quality of Referrals in Primary Care
`Nilasena M.D
`Wei Ph.D
`Haak Ph.D
`Turne Ph.D
`Lange Ed.D
`Lincoln M.D
`Thompson Ph.D and
`Reminders for Redundant Tests Results of Randomized Controlled Trial
`Rittenberg M.A J.M Teich M.D Ph.D
`D.W Bates M.D M.Sc G.i Kuperman M.D Ph.D
`Winkelman M.D A.L Komaroff M.D and
`Tanasijevic M.D
`Onderdonk Ph.D
`The Adoption of Clinical Information Systems by Physicians and Nurses
`Case Study Report
`Semantic Network Product Using
`Implementation of
`B.D Nelson Ph.D. D.N Will R.A Munoz Ph.D
`Standard Database Platform
`McBride M.A and J.K Singh M.S
`Data Aggregation
`S.A Mose Ph.D
`in Laboratory Medicine
`Dehne M.S and S.J Steindel Ph.D
`Structured Abstracts of Clinical Trial Reports in MEDLINE 1993 Descriptive Survey and Assessment
`CA Bean Ph.D M.LS
`Rapid Medical Model Development Using Neural Networks
`D.W Piraino M.D Grooff M.D
`Zepp M.D
`Herts M.D and
`Automated Guidelines Implemented via the World Wide Web
`and RD Clayton Ph.D
`J.J Cimino M.D S.A Socratous
`Survey of World Wide Web Lists of Medical Schools
`A.T Wright J.T Hube Ph.D andN.B Giuse M.D M.L.S
`Recht M.D
`Users Evaluation of Learning with Hypermedia System Interaction Experience and Satisfac

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