Nineteenth Annual
`on Computer
`in Medical Care
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 1

`dose or
`in the
`Medicine is an ever-changing science As new research and clinical
`in treatment and drug
`experience broaden our knowledge changes
`therapy are required The authors and the publisher of
`this work
`have checked with sources believed to be reliable in their efforts
`in accord
`to provide information that
`is complete and generally
`the time of publication However
`with the standards accepted
`the possibility of human error or changes
`view of
`in medical
`sciences neither the authors nor the publisher nor any other party
`who has been
`involved in the preparation
`or publication
`the information contained herein is in every
`or complete and they are not
`responsible for any
`respect accurate
`errors or omissions or for the results obtained from use of such
`information Readers
`are encouraged to confirm the information
`contained herein with other sources For example and in particular
`information sheet
`readers are advised to check
`the product
`in the package of each drug they plan to administer to be certain
`the information contained in this book is accurate
`and that
`have not been made in recommended
`for administration This recommendation
`is of
`in connection with new or infrequently used
`work warrants
`particular importance
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 2

`Nineteenth Annual
`Symposi urn
`on Cornputer
`in Medical Care
`Conference of the
`American Medical
`Informatics Association
`October 28-November
`New Orleans Hilton
`Riverside Hotel
`New Orleans Louisiana
`Edited by Reed
`Program Chair
`Gardner Ph.D
`Medical Publishers
`Ph ilaclelph Ia
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 3

`Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications
`in Medical Care
`Published by Hanley
`Belfus Inc
`1995 by American Medical
`Informatics Association
`Printed in United States of America
`Copyright and Reprint Permissions Abstracting is permitted with credit
`to the source
`Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of U.S copyright
`law for private
`code at the bottom of the first
`use of patrons those articles in this volume that carry
`page provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through the Copyright
`Clearance Center 21 Congress Street Salem MA 01970 Instructors are permitted to
`classroom use without fee For other
`photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial
`copying reprint or republication permission write to Executive Director American
`Informatics Association 4915 St Elmo Avenue Suite 401 Bethesda MD 20814
`Library of Congress Number 79-641114
`ISSN 1067-5027
`ISSN 0195-4210
`ISBN 1-56053-123-1
`This book was prepared camera-ready
`Port City Press was printer and binder
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 4

`American Medical Informatics Association
`Board of Directors
`Miller M.D
`Greenes Mi Ph.D
`Brocring M.L.S M.A
`Board of Directors
`Clayton PhI
`Frissc M.D
`Masys Mi
`Mitchell Phi
`James Cimino Ml
`Humphreys M.L.S
`Lindherg M.D
`Charles Safran MI
`Patricia Flatley Brennan RN Ph.D
`Kahn Ml Ph.D
`Ozbolt Ph.D R.N
`AGMI President
`Hanniond Phi
`Acting Executive Director
`.Jeanne Nevin M.B.A
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 5

`19th Annual SCAMC Program Committee
`Program Chair
`Gardner Ph.D
`LDS Hospital/University of Utah
`Salt Lake City Utah
`Evening Workshops/Theater-Style
`James Cimino M.D
`Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
`New York New York
`Poster Session
`Scott Evans Ph.D
`LDS Hospital
`Salt Lake City Utah
`Student Paper Competition
`Andrew Balas M.D Ph.D
`University of Missouri
`Columbia Missouri
`Tutorials and Panels
`Lexical Technology
`Alameda California
`Computer Support of Clinical Practice
`Grobe Ph.D R.N
`University of Texas
`Austin Texas
`Decision Support Systems in Clinical Practice
`Michael Shabot M.D
`Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
`Los Angeles California
`Designing Computerized Patient Records
`Bates M.D M.Sc
`Brigham and Womens Hospital
`Boston Massachusetts
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 6

`Computer and Internet-Based Educational Systems
`Parvati Dev Ph.D
`Stanford University School of Medicine
`Stanford California
`Evaluation of Clinical Information Systems
`Erica Drazen Sc.D
`Little Inc
`Cambridge Massachusetts
`Evaluation of Computerized Health Care Strategies
`John Glaser Ph.D
`Brigham and Womens Hospital
`Boston Massachusetts
`Computerized Image Processing and Transmission
`Melvyn Greberman M.D M.P.H
`Food and Drug Administration
`Rockville Maryland
`Library Information Science
`Mary Ellen Sievert Ph.D
`University of Missouri
`Columbia Missouri
`Networks Standards and JCAHO Assessment
`Oklahoma Healthcare Systems
`Oklahoma City Oklahoma
`Primary Care Practice Systems
`H.C Moon Mullins M.D
`University of South Alabama
`Mobile Alabama
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 7

`1995 SCAMC Reviewers
`Christine Curran
`André Dascal
`Parvati Dev
`Jocelyn DeWitt
`Doller Jr
`Erica Drazen
`Ray Duncan
`Walter Duque de Estrada
`Dottie Eakin
`Melvyn Greberman
`Brian Grimm
`Tonya Grinde
`Sushil Gupta
`Mirsad Hadzikadic
`Kristine Heyrend
`Wayne Hibbs
`Lloyd Gus Hoffman
`Gus Howells
`Constantin Aliferis
`Rita Altamore
`Cohn Bailey
`Andrew Balas
`Richard Banvard
`Scott Beadenkopf
`Thomas Bell
`Mary Benhase
`Ivor Benjamin
`Omar Bouhaddou
`Alton Brantley Jr
`Patricia Flatley Brennan
`R.D Brittain
`Austin Brown
`Sonny Butler
`Ivan Carrasquillo
`Val Catanzarite
`Christine Chastain-Warheit
`Wei-Tih Cheng
`James Cimino
`Lynda Ellis
`Scott Evans
`Tom Ferguson
`Taras Fernand
`Michael Fisk
`Andrew Friede
`Carol Friedman
`Ray Gensinger
`Merryellen Giger
`Anne Gilchrist
`George Hripcsak
`Mary Lee Ingbar
`Kahn Jr
`Debra Ketchell
`Susan Knutson
`Siew Hong Lam
`Sandra Lang
`Lee Mm
`Charles Lee
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 8

`Teng Liaw
`Allen Lipsey
`William Long
`Erika Love
`Alvaro Margolis
`Douglas Martin
`Elizabeth McColligan
`Alexa McCray
`Clement McDonald
`Paula ONeill
`Sidney Ontai
`Richard On
`Jae Won Park
`Kim Pemble
`Mark Poler
`Allan Pryor
`Glenn Rennels
`Mary Anne Rizzolo
`Raymond Simkus
`Lori Simon
`Joe Sisson
`James Sondheimer
`Zoe Stavri
`Mario Stefanelli
`Mikelle Streicher
`Mary Ellen Sweeny
`Carl Medsker
`Perry Miller
`Khalid Moidu
`Pat Molholt
`H.C Moon Mullins
`Judy Murphy
`Sreedhar Nair
`Donald A.F Nelson
`Igal Nevo
`Serdar Uckun
`Judith Warren
`Mark Washam
`I.L Wilchesky
`David Williams
`John Williams
`Diana Wilison
`Linda Woolery
`Sze-Ya Yeh
`Ivan Zendel
`Charles Rosenberg
`Eytan Rubinstien
`Charles Safran
`Naomi Sager
`Winifred Sewell
`Michael Shabot
`Smadar Shiffman
`Michael Shwe
`Mary Ellen Sievert
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 9

`Computer Support
`of Clinical Practice
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 10

`Section II
`Decision Support
`Systems in Clinical
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 11

`Section III
`Patient Records
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 12

`Section IV
`Computer and
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 13

`Evaluation of
`Clinical Information
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 14

`Section VI
`Evaluation of
`Health Care
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 15

`Section VII
`Image Processing
`and Transmission
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 16

`Section VIII
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 17

`Section IX
`Electronic Posters
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 18

`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 19

`1995 Proceedings Authors
`Adams W.G
`Adlassnig K.-P
`Allaert F.A
`Ambrosino R.A
`Andrews L.T
`Arbanas J.M
`Arbogast J.G
`Aronow D.B
`Arthur L.K
`Austin-Seymour M.M
`Bailey T.C
`Barnes M.R
`Barnett G.O
`Barrows Jr R.C
`963 967
`309 965
`62 960
`233 1023
`233 766 1023
`Bates D.W
`Baud R.H
`Bean C.A
`Bernstein R.M
`Berry D.H
`Bigsby D.J
`Bjornstad G.C
`Boisvieux J.F
`Box J.B
`Bradley S.W
`Brandt K.A
`Brennan P.F
`Bressler N.M
`Brinkley J.F
`Brint S.U
`137 935
`963 967
`357 761
`678 766
`484 566
`512 873 972
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 20

`BronerC.W 913
`Brown J.R
`Buchanan B.G
`Buntrock J.D
`Burke J.P
`Bushyhead A.L
`Buttimore A.L
`Cain R.V
`Campbell D.Y
`Campbell J.R
`Campbell K.E
`Carison R.W
`Carpenter P.C
`Carr M.C
`Cass O.W
`Cheng D.Y
`Chiang T.T
`Chin H.L
`Chute C.G
`Cianflone C.E
`Clark D.E
`Clayton P.D
`Clemmer T.P
`Coble J.M
`Cohen L.R
`Cole W.G
`Comis R.L
`Conley D.M
`Connelly D.P
`Cooley J.R
`Cooper G.F
`Côté R.A
`Crooke III
`Crowson D.L
`Cutts III J.H
`DAlessandro D.M
`DAlessandro M.P
`DeFriece R.J
`Deloney L.A
`Derse A.R
`972 1016
`213 304 666
`91 1005
`132 377
`898 1023
`508 943
`878 893
`688 927
`944 956 957
`67 1003
`32 903
`111 169421941 1023
`169 238 421 941 1023
`586 651
`67 944 956 957 958 1003
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 21

`Dodril W.H
`Downs S.M
`East T.D
`Einbinder J.S
`Eisenstein E.L
`Elion J.L
`Elmer S.L
`106 1025
`188 243 248
`Forsström J.J
`Forsythe D.E
`Franklin M.A
`Frisse M.E
`Fuller L.F
`Fusaro R.M
`142 878 893
`347 985
`12 698
`944 956 957 958
`601 998
`Eno K.R
`Eribaum M.S
`Essin D.J
`Evans R.S
`Ewing D.J
`Fagan L.M
`Fehlauer C.S
`Fehrs S.J
`Feightner J.W
`Felitti V.J
`Fellencer C.A
`Fine M.J
`873 972
`944 956 957 958
`67 683 1003
`Galfalvy H.C
`Galvin J.R
`Gardner R.M
`Geib J.-M
`Gelsema E.S
`Gennari J.H
`Gensinger Jr R.A
`Gest T.R
`Gilbert E.M
`Gingerich W.J
`Giuse N.B
`Goldberg S.I
`Gorman R.H
`164 728
`275 289 1023
`498 942
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 22

`Greenes R.A
`Gregory J.C
`Gribble T.J
`Griffin J.Z
`Grönroos P.E
`Guterman J.J
`Gutierrez M.A
`Gyulnazarova S.V
`Hage M.L
`Hagen P.T
`Hahn A.W
`Hahn D.R
`Hales J.W
`Haligren J.H
`Hammond K.W
`Hammond W.E
`Handler T.J
`Hardin P.A
`Harr D.L
`Harr D.S
`Harris R.A
`Haug P.J
`Hausam R.R
`Haynes R.B
`Hayward R.S.A
`Heckel V.M
`223 678 1023
`203 208 299
`426 883
`367 372 620 728
`656 919
`284 805
`930 991
`Heiwig J.W
`Henry S.B
`Hirsch K.R
`Hoang L.P
`Hoffman P.F
`Hohnloser J.H
`Hollington S.A
`Hollingworth G.R
`Holtum E.A
`Hoizemer W.L
`Homey L.F
`Horsman J.R
`Horvitz E.J
`Huber J.T
`Hudak C.A
`Huff S.M
`Hughes J.I
`Hummel S.M
`Inkster J.A
`Irj ala
`Irons R.J
`Jackson G.L
`169 238
`67 1003
`498 942
`284 1023
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 23

`JackyJ.P 683
`JacobsonJ.T 728
`Jaffe C.C
`Jam N.L
`Janco R.L
`Jaworski M.A
`Jean F.-C
`Jelliffe R.W
`Jenders R.A
`Jenkins R.A
`Jewel S.M
`Johnson E.D
`Johnson S.B
`Jones D.L
`Kahn Jr C.E
`Kahn M.G
`Kaplowitz A.J
`Karsell P.R
`Karshmer A.I
`Karshmer J.F
`Kaufman S.E
`Kazak L.A
`Kelley L.K
`Kelly E.A
`Kelly L.M
`Kender J.R
`12 352
`132 377
`169 238
`169 347 402 421 985
`208 299
`62 72 263 387 392 469 952 960
`Ketelslegers J.M
`Ketting C.H
`Kiel R.J
`Kienzle M.G
`Klimczak J.C
`Kohane 1.S
`Krall M.A
`Krieger R.A
`Kromhout-Schiro S.E
`Krumbholz S.D
`Kuperman G.J
`Labkoff S.E
`Lacey D.L
`Lambert J.G
`42 488
`LaRosa M.P
`Lassa J.M
`Lau L.M
`Le P.P
`243 810
`814 883
`116 839
`963 967
`878 893
`137 935
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 24

`LeãoB.deF 294 974
`Lehmann H.P
`Lenert L.A
`Leong T.-Y
`Lester E.A
`Leyerle B.J
`Liem E.B
`Lincoln M.J
`Lincoln T.L
`Lipow S.S
`Lobach D.F
`Lundstrom R.J
`Lupski J.R
`Lush M.T
`Lussier Y.A
`Lynch H.T
`Lynn K.L
`MacCall S.L
`Macura K.J
`Maffitt J.S
`Mamaev V.1
`Mangila M.F
`Mankovich N.J
`Mann III N.H
`Marek V.W
`Marini J.J
`Marquardt W.C
`Marrs K.A
`Martin M.M
`Mazzoleni M.C
`McCray A.T
`McDonald C.J
`McEnery K.W
`McGee J.B
`McGowan J.J
`McGowan W.T
`McKibbon K.A
`McKinin E.J
`McKissick M.Y
`McMullin S.T
`878 893
`62 72 387 392 960
`178 1029
`571 981
`62 960
`888 989
`963 967
`319 995
`656 919
`640 790 805 934
`944 956 957 958
`372 581
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 25

`MendonçaE.A 974
`Menton D.N
`Metaxas D.N
`Miller Jr D.W
`Minor M.A
`Mitchell J.A
`Moran W.P
`Morgan G.E
`Morris A.H
`Morton D.E
`Moser S.A
`Munoz R.A
`Murphy J.F
`Musen M.A
`Nelson B.D
`Nelson S.J
`Nilasena D.S
`Norman L.A
`Norton J.M
`Nuehring N.E
`OConnell E.M
`Obeid J.S
`Oliver D.E
`Olsen A.J
`Olson J.D
`Olson N.E
`Oniki T.A
`Orland M.J
`Overhage J.M
`Owens D.K
`Ozbolt J.G
`Patrick T.B
`Payton F.C
`Pestotnik S.L
`Piraino D.W
`Pol E.-J
`Pollard D.L
`640 934
`656 919
`275 1023
`416 944 956 957 958
`178 1029
`258 693
`814 984
`294 974
`326 923
`188 243 248 810
`275 289 331 737 966 1023
`944 956 957 958
`81 1010
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 26

`Primiano Jr F.P
`Prophet C.M
`Pryor T.A
`Purcell G.P
`Rassinoux A.-M
`Reddy S.M
`Reddy Y.V
`Reed-Fourquet L.L
`Reich D.L
`Reichley R.M
`Reid J.C
`Remington J.S
`Ricci F.L
`Rind D.M
`Rizzolo M.A
`Roderer N.K
`Rosen P.N
`Rosenal T.W
`372 1018
`12 352
`62 960
`814 984
`147416 961
`106 1025
`512 873 972 1016
`Rothenfluh T.E
`Rotman B.L
`Ryder R.M
`Said M.Ben
`Sailors R.M
`Sanders G.D
`Sandroni S.E
`Sands D.Z
`Scherrer J.-R
`Schmidt D.F
`Schmiz J.L
`Schneider S.J
`Schriger D.L
`Sergot M.J
`Shabot M.M
`Shank R.R
`Shareck E.P
`Sherertz D.D
`Sherman E.H
`Shiffman R.N
`Shortliffe E.H
`Shwe M.A
`963 967
`77 147416819961
`243 248
`421 756
`174 951
`12 352 1027
`67 944 956 957 958 1003
`169 238
`851 898 1023
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 27

`SideliR.V 169421
`846 883
`111 941 1023
`238 347 542 985
`62 960
`656 919
`956 957 958
`Sievert M.C
`Silvers J.B
`Sims J.D
`Singh J.K
`Sittig D.F
`Slack W.V
`Soback M.W
`Socratous S.A
`Soetikno R.M
`SooHoo S.L
`Spengler D.M
`Spitler D.L
`Steib S.A
`Steigerwald D.G
`Steindel S.J
`Stinton S.H
`Stultz M.P
`Suermondt H.J
`Sullivan A.N
`Sumner II
`Tang P.C
`Teich J.M
`Tong D.A
`Torok K.E
`Travis L.L
`Trueblood J.H
`Tu S.W
`Turner C.W
`Tuttle M.S
`Unger J.M
`van den HeuvelF
`van Ginneken A.M
`Van Guilder
`van Mulligen E.M
`Van ScoyR.E
`Vargas L.G
`972 1016
`137 459 935 1024
`178 1029
`57 445 747
`601 968 998
`805 934
`67 416 944 956 957 958 1003
`445 747
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 28

`VinerG.S 635
`Vincent E.C
`Vries J.K
`Wachter M.R
`Wagenet R.C
`Wagner J.C
`Wagner J.R
`Wagner M.M
`Walker C.J
`Walker W.K
`Wallace C.J
`Ward D.C
`Warner H.H
`Warner H.R
`Weaver L.K
`Weber R.F.A
`Weil J.P
`Westberg E.E
`Westenskow D.R
`Wheeler D.A
`Whitman E.D
`656 919
`Widman L.E
`Wilczynski N.L
`Will D.N
`Willard K.E
`Williams Jr T.W
`Wilison D.F
`703 1028
`218 666
`188 243 248 810
`152 228
`178 1029
`178 1029
`790 934
`Wofford M.M
`Wright A.T
`Wyatt J.C
`Zakaria A.M
`601 968 998
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 29

`Artificial neural networks
`see Neural networks
`Abstract Syntax Notation
`Abstraction-based model
`Abstraction tools
`Abstracts structured
`Academic medicine
`Access conditions
`Acidbase data
`Admission screening
`Admission strategies
`Adult respiratory distress syndrome
`information systems 152 1024
`Advanced clinical
`Advanced Informatics in Medicine
`Agent-based technology
`AJN Network
`137 164 169 174 219 449
`Alarm systems
`Alcohol abuse
`Alerting systems 137 164 169 174 219 449 635
`640 646 656 666
`Bayesian networks
`Belief networks
`Bibliographic records
`Bibliographic searching
`see Searching
`Billing systems
`see Images
`Blood glucose
`Blood pressure
`Bone fractures
`Brain structures
`see also Neuroanatomy
`Breast cancer
`Breathing circuit monitor
`British vocabulary
`Business process reengineering
`203 208
`213 219 666
`846 851 858 888
`208 537
`275 294
`Cancer education
`Cancer families
`Cancer pattern identification
`Cardiac arrhythmias
`see Electrocardiogram interpretation
`Cardiac angiography
`Cardiac images
`Cardiac visualization
`963 967
`992 1006
`57 591
`Care Base
`402 411 527 630 693 708
`Alzheimers disease
`Ambulatory care
`717 819 1004
`Ambulatory nursing
`American Journal of Nursing
`Analysis system
`Analytical processing
`42 488 508 512 547 873 971 972
`Angiogram annotation
`Antibiotic ordering
`Archive nodes
`Arden syntax
`Arterial oxygenation
`see also Expert systems
`47 96
`169 238 331 969
`12 1027
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 30

`Care planning
`Care plans
`see Practice guidelines
`Caregiver acceptance
`Case records
`see Patient records
`Case tools
`Case workloads
`Case-oriented design
`Centralized data storage
`Charting systems
`see Pediatrics
`Chromosome 12
`81 576 951 1004
`32 198 309 449
`377 441 601 771 776
`Classification systems
`Clientlserver systems
`839 858 990 998
`Clinical guidelines
`see Practice guidelines
`Clinical Informatics Network
`information management
`information system evaluation
`137 169 174 347
`information systems
`387 392 397 421 469 752 771 936
`see also Hospital
`information systems
`information systems Nursing infor
`mation systems
`see also Research
`Clinicopathologic conferences
`Coding systems
`956 957
`Cognitive analysis
`Cognitive evaluation
`243 454 776 781 1022 1023
`Collaboration technology
`Commercial applications
`Common sense
`Communication of policy
`Communication systems
`Communication tools
`Community care networks
`Community networks
`275 284 294
`556 561
`352 698
`581 640 646 656
`Community-based medical
`Complex conditionals
`Compliance nursing
`Compliance patient
`Compliance physician
`Computer architecture
`Computer charting
`see Charting systems
`Computer data entry
`see Data entry
`Computer graphics
`see Graphics
`Computer interface design
`Computer interfaces
`see Interfaces
`Computer legacy systems
`see Legacy systems
`Computer monitoring
`see Monitoring
`Computer pen-based
`Computer security
`see Security
`Computer systems
`see Systems
`Computer workstations
`see Workstations
`Computer-administered patient
`see Patient self-interviews
`Computer-aided diagnosis
`see Diagnostic support systems
`Computer-assisted instruction
`see Education Examinations Learning
`Teaching Testing
`Computer-based patient records
`see Patient records
`Computer support of clinical practice
`cooperative work
`see Collaboration Cooperative work
`Computerized patient records
`see Patient records
`Conceptual classification
`Conceptual data models
`Congenital heart disease
`956 957
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 31

`Connecticut Health Information Network..
`Consensus building
`Constellation project
`Context-sensitive models
`106 1028
`Contextual models
`Continuing education
`Continuous quality improvement
`Control theory
`Controlled terminologies
`Controlled vocabularies
`Cooperative planning
`Cooperative work
`Core data sets
`454 800
`Coronary artery bypass grafting
`Coronary revascularization procedures
`Cost accounting
`606 688
`304 402 431 441 571 620
`635 688 693 698 703 717 781 810 814
`Cost efficiency
`see also Costeffectiveness
`Cost justification
`Cox model
`Critical care units
`Critical pathways
`Critical value reporting system
`Cross-sectional anatomy
`see also Anatomy Three-dimensional
`Cross-site studies
`see Multiple-site studies
`Curriculum models
`188 454
`480 484
`416 839 938
`Data access modules
`Data accuracy
`Data aggregation
`Data capturing
`Data collection
`Data dictionaries
`see Dictionaries
`42 52 62 67 542 766 1003
`Data display
`see also Graphics
`Data diversity
`Data entry
`Data entry design
`Data entry scannable
`Data mapping
`Data model for versatility
`86 91 411 416 883 973 1005
`387 392 421
`387 421 926
`343 970
`372 967
`294 431
`Data modeling techniques
`Data quality
`Data quality assurance rules
`Data repositories
`see also Data storage
`367 372 387 421436 551 666
`Data retrieval
`846 851 858 878 893 898 903 928 965
`Data sharing
`238 270 372 421 445
`Data storage
`see also Data repositories
`Data transformation
`Database conversions
`Database design
`Database query tools
`see Query tools
`Database searches
`see Searches
`57 6272 86 127 137 152 238
`270 294 326 343 387 411436610625
`703 722 752 766 952 1000 1015
`Decision analysis
`Decision making 62 81 101
`688 805 810
`Decision models
`72 299
`193 263 319 661
`163323 771 805
`Decision support systems
`810 814 984 1002
`Decision support
`Deep venous thrombosis
`Design complexity
`Design participatory
`Designing patient records
`Deterministic record linkage
`Diabetes mellitus
`916 927
`556 561
`581 640
`77 596 601 742
`Diagnostic accuracy
`Diagnostic support systems.
`805 953 963
`Dialogue computer
`367 377 402 416 421 937 1001
`512 873 972 1016
`Digital Anatomist
`Imaging and Communications in Medicine
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1070, p. 32

`357 949
`352 377 387 397 445
`Digitized biomedical
`see Images
`Discharge summaries
`Disease knowledge base
`Disease reporting
`Distributed applications
`517 596 1011 1029
`DNA analysis
`Document creation
`666 846 851 858 878 893
`see also Data retrieval
`Drug abuse
`Drug card printout
`Drug dosages
`Drug dose monitoring
`Drug dosing
`464 576 712 949
`62 77 392 693
`982 992 1006 1015
`Drug ordering
`Dynamic decision models
`Economic decision models
`Economics workstation
`Education nursing
`Education patient
`Educational materials
`Educational systems
`Electrocardiogram interpretation
`Electronic mail
`Electronic medical record systems
`see also Patient records
`Electronic patient records
`see Patient records
`Emergency drug card printout
`Emergency medicine

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