Solaris 2.4 Introduction
`2550 Garcia Avenue
`Mountain View CA 94043
`Sun MiansySems Inc Buness
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 1

`Pfifmnr T/1rrcrff
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 2

`1994 Sun Microsystems Inc
`2550 Garcia Avenue Mountain View California 94043-1100 U.S.A
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`restricting its use copying distribution and decompilation No part of this product or related documentation may be
`reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Sun and its licensors if any
`Portions of this product may be derived from the UNIX and Berkeley 4.3 BSD systems licensed from UNIX System
`Inc and the University of California respectively Third-party font
`Laboratories Inc wholly owned subsidiary of Novell
`software in this product is protected by copyright and licensed from Suns font suppliers
`RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use duplication or disclosure by the United States Government is subject
`set forth in DFARS 252.227-7013
`ii and FAR 52.227-19
`to the restrictions
`The product described in this manual may be protected by one or more U.S patents foreign patents or pending applications
`Sun Sun Microsystems the Sun logo Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation the Sun Microsystems Computer
`logo SunExpress SunSolve Solaris SunOS OpenWindows DeskSet ONC ONC
`Corporation logo SunSoft
`the SunSoft
`NFS Direct Xlib Solaris PEX AnswerBook AccessX ToolTalk SunCD SunVideo SunDials SunButtons SunDiag
`SunSHIELD SHIELD XGL and XIL are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc in the U.S and certain
`other countries UNIX and OPEN LOOK are registered trademarks of UNIX System Laboratories Inc wholly owned
`subsidiary of Novell
`Inc Motif and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation Inc Pentium is
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`trademark of Intel Corporation PhotoCD is
`trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc All other product names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners
`All SPARC trademarks including the SCD Compliant Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International
`Inc SPARCstation SPARCserver SPARCengine SPARCstorage SPARCware SPARCcenter SPARCclassic SPARCcluster
`SPARCdesign SPARC8 11 SPARCprinter U1traSPARC microSPARC SPARCworks and SPARCompiler are licensed
`exclusively to Sun Microsystems Inc Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun
`Microsystems Inc
`The OPEN LOOK and SunTM Graphical User Interfaces were developed by Sun Microsystems Inc for its users and licensees
`Sun acknowledges
`the pioneering efforts of Xerox in researching and developing the concept of visual or graphical user
`interfaces for the computer industry Sun holds
`license from Xerox to the Xerox Graphical User Interface
`which license also covers Suns licensees who implement OPEN LOOK GUIs and otherwise comply with Suns written license
`Window System is product of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 3

`Introduction to Solaris 2.4
`The Solaris 2.4 Software Environment
`New Features in Solaris 2.4
`Differences Between SPARC and x86
`How Solaris is Packaged
`Installing Solaris Software
`The OpenWindows
`3.4 Environment
`Motif 1.2.3 Runtime Environment
`Solaris 2.4 Enhancements
`The Solaris 2.4 Release
`The Solaris 2.3 Release
`The Solaris 2.2 Release
`XIL 1.2 Runtime Environment
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 4

`Solaris PEX 2.2 Runtime Environment
`Supported Devices and Features
`Installation Requirements
`XGL 3.1 Runtime Environment
`SPARC Supported Devices and Features
`Installing the XGL RTE and Reference Pipelines
`Solaris Security and Accessing Direct Graphic Access DGA
`SPARC Direct Xlib 3.1
`Upgrading from Direct Xlib 3.0 to 3.1
`ImageTool Enhancements
`Making the Transition to Solaris 2.4
`SPARC Making the Transition From SunOS 4.x
`SPARC Changes Affecting SunOS 4.x Users
`SPARC Changes Affecting SunOS 4.x System Administrators 20
`SPARC Compatibility with SunOS 4.x Releases for SPARC
`SPARC The SunOS/BSD Source Compatibility Package 23
`SPARC The SunOS Binary Compatibility Package
`Making the Transition from Solaris 2.1 for x86
`Solaris 2.4 System Administration Tools
`Since the Solaris 2.3 Release
`Since the Solaris 2.1 Release
`System Administration in Solaris 2.4
`Starting the OpenWindows Software
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 5

`Shell and Command Tools
`Common Administration Tasks
`Setting Up Printers and Printing
`ip Feature Transition
`Print Spooler
`Setting Up Mail
`ToolTalk Service
`Administering Realtime Applications
`Administering Files and File Systems
`Setting Up File Systems
`Administering Systems and Networks
`Dynamic Kernel
`Adding Devices or Kernel Modules During Boot
`Volume Management
`Displaying System Definitions
`Initializing and Changing Run Levels
`Administration Tool admintool
`Database Manager
`Host Manager
`Printer Manager
`Serial Port Manager
`User Account Manager
`Securing Systems and Networks
`Administration Tool Security
`The Shadow Password File
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 6

`Automated Security Enhancement Tool ASET
`Setting Up Network Communication Services
`Administering Name Services
`NIS Network Security
`Solaris Documentation
`About AnswerBook On-Line Documentation
`Other Solaris AnswerBooks
`Printed Documents
`User AnswerBook
`Additional AnswerBook Documentation
`System Administrator AnswerBook Documents
`Reference Manual AnswerBook Documents
`Software and Driver Developer Documentation
`Software Developers
`Driver Developers
`Additional Information
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 7

`Table P-i
`Typographic Conventions
`Table i-i
`New Features in Solaris 2.4
`Table i-2
`i.2.3 Runtime Environment Package
`Table 2-i
`Enhanced Features in Solaris 2.4
`Table 2-2
`Features of Solaris 2.3
`Table 2-3
`Features of Solaris 2.2
`Table 2-4
`XIL i.2 Runtime Environment Packages
`Table 2-5
`Solaris PEX 2.2 RTE Packages
`Table 2-6
`XGL 3.i Runtime Packages
`Table 2-7
`ImageTool Photo CD Formats
`Table 4-i
`ip Administrative Commands
`Table 4-2
`Default Directories and Mount Points
`Table 4-3
`Location of CD and Diskette With
`File System
`Table 4-4
`Location of CD and Diskette Without
`File System
`Table 4-5
`Run Levels
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 8

`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 9

`This manual describes those aspects of the SolarisTM 2.4 version of the System
`SVR4 UNIX that are of interest to users and system
`information quickly this manual directs you to
`To help you find additional
`other sources for details Use this book primarily as an overview and
`How This Manual Is Organized
`This manual
`is organized into the following chapters
`Introduction to Solaris 2.4 provides
`brief introduction to
`Solaris 2.4 lists new features in the release and gives
`other Solaris topics
`brief overview of
`Solaris 2.4 Enhancements
`describes the enhancements made
`to Solaris 2.4 including XILTM 1.2 Solaris PEXTM 2.2 XGLTM 3.1 Direct X1ibTM
`3.1 and more
`Chapter Making the Transition to Solaris 24 describes issues for those
`making the transition from earlier Solaris releases to Solaris 2.4
`Chapter System Administration in Solaris 2.4 summarizes the process
`of administering SunOSTM 5.x systems and ONCTM networks
`in the Solaris
`2.4 environment
`Solaris Documentation describes available Solaris 2.4 printed
`and AnswerBook on-line documentation and lists additional Solaris
`resource information
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 10

`Related Books
`See the following manuals to get
`broader overview of the Solaris 2.4 release
`SPARC Installing Solaris Software
`x86 Installing Solaris Software
`Solaris 2.4 Open Issues and Late-Breaking News
`Solaris Lx to Solaris 2.x Transition Guide
`Solaris Users Guide
`For additional
`information on hardware topics see the following documents
`SPARC Hardware Compatibility List
`Solaris 2.4 x86 Hardware Compatibility List
`x86 Device Configuration Guide
`For additional
`information on system administration topics see the following
`User Accounts Printers and Mail Administration
`Security Performance and Accounting Administration
`Peripherals Administration
`File System Administration
`Administration Application Reference Manual
`Common Administration Tasks
`Software and AnswerBook Packages Administration Guide
`SunSHIELD Basic Security Module Guide
`TCP/IP Network Administration Guide
`Name Services Administration Guide
`NFS Administration Guide
`SunDiag Users Guide
`Name Services Configuration Guide
`Direct Xlib Users Guide
`For additional
`information on software and driver development
`following documents
`topics see the
`Software Developer Kit Introduction
`Software Developer Kit Open Issues and Late-Breaking News
`Driver Developer Kit Introduction
`Driver Developer Kit Open Issues and Late-Breaking News
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 11

`What Typographic Changes and Symbols Mean
`Table P-i describes the type changes and symbols used in this book
`Table P-I
`Typographic Conventions
`Typeface or
`The names of commands files
`and directories on-screen
`computer output
`Edit your
`login file
`Use ls -a to list all files
`system You have mail
`What you type contrasted with
`on-screen computer output
`system su
`Command-line placeholder
`real name or
`replace with
`To delete
`file type rm filename
`Book titles new words or terms
`or words to be emphasized
`in Users Guide
`Read Chapter
`These are called class options
`You must be root to do this
`Code samples are included in boxes and may display the following
`shell prompt
`Superuser prompt
`Bourne and Korn shell prompt
`Superuser prompt Bourne and
`Korn shells
`Platform-Specific Conventions
`are used to indicate that
`The following conventions
`table or figure discussed in text applies only to
`either SPARC or x86 but not both
`section note bullet
`specific platform that is to
`Section or Procedure Title
`The following symbols are used to indicate that
`only to the named platform
`section or procedure applies
`SPARC platform-specific section or procedure
`Denotes an x86 platform-specific section or procedure
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 12

`The following notations are used to indicate that
`only to the named platform
`section or procedure applies
`This note is specific to the SPARC platform
`This note is specific to the x86 platform
`Bullet Items
`The following items are used to indicate that
`SPARC This bullet is specific to the SPARC platform
`x86 This bullet is specific to the x86 platform
`bullet applies only to the named
`Code Samples Thbles and Figures
`The following notations are used to indicate that
`applies only to the named platform
`code sample table or figure
`Table 1-1
`Table 1-2
`SPARC Title Specific to SPARC Platform
`x86 Title Specific to x86 Platform
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 13

`Introduction to Solaris 2.4
`is meant
`to answer the
`This book provides an introduction to Solaris 2.4 It
`general questions that users and system administrators may have about
`features enhancements
`and latest changes
`to Solaris 2.4
`This manual briefly covers the following topics
`New features in the Solaris 2.4 release
`Enhancements to previous Solaris features
`SPARC and x86 platforms and how to install and support Solaris on both
`The transition from previous Solaris releases to Solaris 2.4
`System administration including printing electronic mail file systems
`networks naming services Administration Tool and more
`Solaris documentation including AnswerBook on-line documents and
`printed books
`robust and sophisticated software environment There are many
`Solaris 2.4 is
`Solaris topics that cannot be touched upon or covered in this book For more
`information on the Solaris documentation that covers these topics and for
`resources see Chapter Solaris Documentation
`information on additional
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 14

`The Solaris 2.4 Software Environment
`The Solaris 2.4 software environment provides users and system
`administrators with the following
`SPARC and x86 cross-functional
`compatibility enabling the Solaris 2.4
`operating system to run on SPARC as well as Intel 386 486 and PentiumTM
`32-bit Solaris 2.4 operating system
`SVR4 and the ONC family
`Industry standards UNIX System
`of networking protocols
`in the OPEN LOOK
`OpenWindowsTM 3.4 graphical user interface GUI
`Window Manager and DeskSetTM environment
`for increased productivity
`OPEN LOOK Administration Tool as the base for object-oriented
`New Features in Solaris 2.4
`The Solaris 2.4 release includes some new features as well as enhancements to
`previously provided Solaris features For information about Solaris 2.4
`see Chapter Solaris 2.4 Enhancements
`Table 1-1 New Features in Solaris 2.4
`Solaris 2.4 New Features
`AccessXTM enabling
`OSF/Motil Runtime
`Motif installation GUI
`Transparent Overlays
`to provide handicapped
`Enabling technology
`variety of keyboard modifications
`Runtime Environment used to run Motif
`new graphical user interface GUIprovides step
`by-step instructions for installing Solaris software
`graphics application programmer interface API
`imagery in application
`allowing temporary graphical
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 15

`Differences Between SPARC andx86
`Solaris 2.4 runs on both SPARC and x86 platforms In most cases the
`differences between these two environments are minimal However
`differences do exist These are
`x86 hard disks have standard PC fdisk partitioning as well as standard Sun
`label partitioning
`Many x86 peripherals require manual hardware and software configuration
`the variety of hardware is greater with x86
`In general
`x86 systems have more pointing devices and display devices available
`x86 keyboards do not have Meta or L-keys key sequences
`provide the same functions
`are used to
`boot diskette in addition to
`x86 systems require
`CD-ROM drive to install
`local or remote
`x86 secondary boot ufsboot
`inetboot has
`shell-like interpreter
`How Solaris is Packaged
`The Solaris 2.4 release is shipped on
`systems For x86 systems there is both
`single CD compact disc for SPARC
`CD and
`single boot diskette
`Installing Solaris Software
`Before installing Solaris software you should have
`Supported hardwaresee SPARC Hardware Compatibility List or Solaris 2.4
`x86 Hardware Compatibility List
`Minimum required hardwaresee SPARC Installing Solaris Software and
`x86 Installing Solaris Software
`If you are making the transition to Solaris 2.4 from SunOS 4.x for
`SPARC or from Solaris 2.1 for x86 see Chapter Making the Transition to
`Solaris 2.4 before installing Solaris software
`Introduction to Solaris 2.4
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 16

`For step-by-step instructions on installing Solaris software on systems using
`interactive or custom JumpStart methods see
`the JumpStart
`SPARC Installing Solaris Software
`x86 Installing Solaris Software
`after Solaris is installed you can use
`To add or remove software packages
`pkgadd 1M and pkgrm 1M command-line utilities that are described in
`the Software and AnswerBook Packages Administration Guide
`Software Manager swmtool 1M an OPEN LOOK graphical user interface
`Packages Administration Guide
`is described in Software and AnswerBook
`The Open Windows 3.4 Environment
`The OpenWindows
`Version 3.4 environment provides the following features
`The OPEN LOOK Window Manager OLWM client
`server manages the following
`Window placement
`Workspace Programs menu
`Window and icon opening and closing
`Application starting and exiting
`to the OpenWindows
`Internationalization which enables you to select
`language time
`format and numeric format for the workspace and the DeskSet applications
`the local
`localized version of the Solaris 2.4 release you can install
`If you have
`for European or Asian locales
`localization packages that provide support
`The OpenWindows
`server the platform of the OpenWindows
`for window applications
`is the foundation for the
`The OpenWindows
`program that
`is the X11R5 sample server with Display
`PostScript DPS imaging system extension and considerable SunSoft
`added value The OpenWindows
`server also includes several
`and DPS font enhancements
`Solaris 2.4 AnswerBook software
`document viewing system for on-line
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 17

`users to customize their
`The Solaris AccessX software allows handicapped
`keyboard behavior
`for easier access to the Solaris operating environment
`fully described in Solaris Users Guide
`Motif 1.2.3 Runtime Environment
`the Motif runtime environment RTE if users at your site
`You should install
`that were developed and linked with Suns version of
`run Motif applications
`1.2.3 dynamic libraries
`The Motif 1.2.3 runtime environment
`The Motif widget
`library libxm
`The Motif resource manager
`The Motif User Interface Language library libuil
`files for Xm uil Mrm and bitmaps
`Default key bindings for Motif on Sun
`An executable xmbind which allows you to change your keybindings
`restarting olwm
`The Motif 1.2.3 RTE lets you run Motif applications and is delivered
`with Solaris software To develop Motif 1.2.3 applications you need the Solaris
`Software Developer Kit SDK Solaris option that must be purchased
`Introduction to Solaris 2.4
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 18

`The Motif 1.2.3 RTE package
`contents are listed in Table 1-2
`Table 1-2 Motif 1.2.3 Runtime Environment Package
`SUNWmf run
`Package Contents
`Installation Location
`Motif dynamic libraries
`and Motif keybindings
`files for Motif
`Man page for xmbind
`the Motif RTE select the entire distribution software group or select
`To install
`another software group and add the SUNWmf run package
`For more information on using Motif in your environment see OSF Application
`Environment Specification AES User Environment Volume Revision
`Prentice Hall
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 19

`The Solaris 2.4 Release
`Solaris 2.4 Enhancements
`For the benefit of users and systems administrators updating from earlier
`Solaris releases this chapter describes the features that were added or
`enhanced in Solaris software from releases 2.2 to 2.4
`Table 2-1 lists the features enhanced in Solaris 2.4
`Table 2-1
`Enhanced Features in Solaris 2.4
`Solaris 2.4 Features
`XIL1.2 Imaging Library
`Runtime Environment
`SolarisPEX 2.2 Runtime
`XGL 3.1 Runtime
`foundation imaging library suitable for libraries or
`applications requiring imaging or digital video such as
`imaging color prepress or digital video
`and playback
`An application programmer interface API
`provides application portability across platforms and
`3-D graphics rendering on local and remote displays
`2-D and 3-D immediate-mode application
`programmer interface API
`that provides portability
`across hardware platforms and optimal performance
`from graphics acceleration
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 20

`The Solaris 2.3 Release
`Table 2-1
`Enhanced Features in Solaris 2.4
`Solaris 2.4 Features
`Direct Xlib 3.1
`Expanded localization
`OpenWindows 3.4
`graphics application that uses the new DGA
`Drawable Interface and supports systems with multiple
`frame buffers It provides modified versions of the
`standard Xli libraries to accelerate Xlib rendering
`The operating system is now available for desktop and
`workgroup server product configurations in four
`European languages and four Asian languages as well
`as Latin American Spanish and U.S English
`ImageTool enhancements
`Functionality enhanced so the user can read Kodak
`images from Ph0t0CDTM disc using Image Tool
`Enhanced hardware
`wider range of new hardware configurations are
`supported refer to SPARC Hardware Compatibility List
`or Solaris 2.4 x86 Hardware Compatibility List for
`specific details
`Table 2-2 lists the features that were added in the Solaris 2.3 release
`Table 2-2
`Features of Solaris 2.3
`Solaris 2.3 Features
`Direct Xlib 3.0
`The first
`release of Direct Xlib that utilized MIT DDX
`loadable modules to perform Xli
`graphics rendering
`Serial Port Manager
`that enables you to quickly setup and modify
`serial port software for terminals and modems
`new kernel virtual
`file system that supports
`automatic mounting of file systems
`An asynchronous
`implementation of the standard data
`link level Point-to-Point Protocol PPP included in the
`Internet protocol suite that enables communications
`links using modems and telephone lines
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 21

`The Solaris 2.2 Release
`Table 2-2
`Features of Solaris 2.3
`Solaris 2.3 Features
`Cache File System
`nonvolatile caching mechanism to improve
`of certain file systems by utilizing
`local disk
`Three additional scripts to enable you to more easily
`set up an NIS domain
`SolarisPEX Runtime
`Environment RTE
`An implementation of the MIT PEX specification
`Window System to support 3D
`an extension to the
`Table 2-3 lists the features that were added in the Solaris 2.2 release
`Table 2-3
`Features of Solaris 2.2
`Solaris 2.2 Features
`XIL 1.0 Imaging Library
`Runtime Environment
`Imaging library runtime environment
`to use with
`imaging and video applications developed with the
`XIL 1.0 Imaging Library Software Developers kit
`Direct Xlib 2.0
`The first
`release of Direct Xlib available for Solaris 2.x
`Volume Management
`Software that automatically mounts and unmounts
`CDs and diskettes
`Multithreaded Library
`An interface that allows developers access to MIT
`User Installation Interfaces
`User interfaces that make it easy to install and upgrade
`Enhanced OpenWindows
`New AnswerBook administrators utility
`and Library-based user
`interface that
`allows easy access to AnswerBook
`sets located over
`include Image Tool an
`improved Properties Tool
`integrated international
`capabilities and many ease-of-use improvements
`Solaris 2.4 Enhancements
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 22

`XIL 1.2 Runtime Environment
`is automatically installed if you select either
`The XIL 1.2 Runtime Environment
`of the following software groups
`End user system support
`Developer system support
`Entire distribution
`The Solaris installation program lets you edit the selection of packages
`however if you do not want the XIL 1.2 runtime environment RTE you must
`explicitly deselect
`the XIL 1.2 RTE if users at your site run image-processing
`You should install
`applications that were developed with XIL For example ImageTool
`requires the XIL runtime environment
`The XIL 1.2 library includes several new features that were not available in the
`new XilDevice object that can
`XIL 1.1 library For example it contains
`devices attributes and
`atomically initialize
`XillnterpolationTable object
`that permits vertical and horizontal kernel
`sampling on source-image pixels XIL 1.2 applications that
`take advantage of
`these and other new XIL 1.2 features will not run in the XIL 1.1 RTE
`The XIL 1.2 RTE supports
`and 24 bit visuals
`The XIL 1.2 RTE lets you run XIL applications and is delivered with
`Solaris software To develop XIL applications you need the Solaris Software
`Developer Kit SDK which is
`Solaris option that must be purchased
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 23

`The XIL 1.2 RTE packages are listed in Table 2-4
`Table 2-4 XIL 1.2 Runtime Environment Packages
`Package Contents
`XIL Loadable Pipeline
`Installation Location
`XIL English Localization
`XIL Runtime
`XIL Loadable Pipeline
`SUNWxilrt SUNWxiler SUNWx11dg and SUNWx110w make up the XIL
`runtime environment SUNWxilrt contains the core XIL library and
`configuration files SUNWxI1dg and SUNWxI10w
`contain the XIL loadable
`pipelines and SUNWxiler contains the XIL English language error messages
`to be
`Applications built with the XIL library require these four packages
`installed for example ImageTool cannot
`run unless all
`four of these packages
`are installed
`Solaris PEX 2.2 Run time Environment
`Solaris PEX 2.2 RTE consists of PEX client-side runtime library PEX1ib and
`PEX server-extension
`file Solaris PEX server PEX1ib is an
`application programmer interface API to PEX protocol as Xlib is to core
`protocol PEX1ib provides application portability across hardware platforms
`and enables 3D graphics rendering on local and remote displays The
`Version 3.4 Xli server automatically loads the PEX shared-
`object extension when incoming PEX requests are sent from PEX client
`The PEX1ib implementation for Solaris 2.4 is based on PEXlib
`Language Binding Version 5.1 available from the Massachusetts Institute of
`Technology MIT The PEX server extension is based on PEX Protocol
`Specification Version
`Solaris 2.4 Enhancements
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 24

`Solaris PEX 2.2 RTE is included in the Solaris 2.4 release for your convenience
`and should be installed if you are planning to
`Run PEX1ib-based graphics client applications
`Display any 3D graphics from client applications that perform rendering on
`remote displays through the PEX protocol
`To install PEX choose the entire distribution software group when installing
`Solaris 2.4
`Supported Devices and Features
`the devices that are supported in XGL 3.1
`Solaris PEX 2.2 RTE supports all
`through Direct Graphics Access DGA and Xlib
`Installation Requirements
`Solaris PEX 2.2 RTE requires OpenWindows Version 3.4 and XGL 3.1 RTE
`packages The PEX RTE packages
`are installed with the Entire Distribution
`option in Sun Install
`If you want to use Custom Install
`in either Developer
`System Support or End User System Support you need to select SunPEX
`the PEX RTE packages
`Runtime Environment explicitly in install
`The Solaris PEX 2.2 RTE packages
`are listed in Table 2-5
`Table 2-5 Solaris PEX 2.2 RTE Packages
`Package Name
`Package Content
`PEX Runtime Client
`PEX Runtime Server
`Installation Location
`XGL 3.1 Run time Environment
`The Solaris 2.4 release includes the XGL 3.1 runtime environment RTE The
`XGL product
`2-D and 3-D immediate-mode application programmer
`interface APi that provides application portability across hardware platforms
`and enables graphics applications to get optimal performance from graphics
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 25

`The XGL 3.1 RTE lets you run XGL applications
`and is delivered with
`Solaris software To develop XGL applications you need the Solaris Software
`Developer Kit SDK Solaris option that must be purchased separately
`You should install XGL if users at your site are running
`graphics application
`SPARCstation system since the application may reference the XGL
`is not always obvious whether an application requires the XGL
`libraries It
`RTE Therefore we recommend that you install
`the XGL RTE if you are
`installing OpenWindows Version 3.4 software on
`color SPARCstation system
`Applications built with the XGL library require these four packages
`installed The default installation location for these packages
`to be
`The XGL 3.1 RTE packages
`are listed inTable 2-6
`Table 2-6 XGL 3.1 Runtime Packages
`Package Name
`Package Contents
`XGL runtime library and the RomanM stroke font
`Localized error message files for SUNWxglrt
`Loadable pipeline libraries for generic drivers with specific
`error message files when applicable The generic drivers
`include cg6 GX GXplus TurboGX and TurboGXplus cfb
`color frame buffers such as cg3 and cg8 mem
`memory xpex combined Xlib and PEXlib pipelines swp
`software pipeline and cgm CGM Stream device XGL
`loadable libraries for other devices are included in the
`packages distributed with each device
`XGL stroke fonts
`The Solaris 2.4 XGL runtime library libxgl so which is shipped as part of
`the SUNWxglrt package must be used with the Solaris 2.4 versions of the XGL
`reference pipelines in the SUNWxgldg package Users cannot use Solaris 2.3
`ibxgl so If users try to
`reference pipelines with the Solaris 2.4 version of
`Solaris 2.3 or older version of the reference pipelines with the Solaris 2.4
`ibxgl so XGL will
`from within the runtime loader with unresolved
`reference errors
`Solaris 2.4 Enhancements
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 26

`SPARC Supported Devices and Features
`Any graphics device supported by Solaris 2.4 is supported by the XGL RTE
`through Xlib or PEX1ib
`x86 All x86 display adapters are supported through Xlib rendering
`The XGL 3.1 RTE provides support via Direct Graphics Access DGA for the
`following SBus graphics devices
`GX GXplus TurboGX TurboGXplus
`The XGL 3.1 RTE uses PEX the 3-D extension to
`whenever possible to
`render on remote displays If the display doesnt support PEX then Xlib is
`used for rendering With this release not all XGL primitives are accelerated
`through PEX Those that arent are rendered via Xlib
`If window raster is created on
`remote server that supports PEX but
`ibPEX5 so cannot be found on the local machine XGL
`the PEX1ib library
`issues an error message and uses Xlib to communicate with the remote
`window raster To eliminate the error either install
`the PEX1ib library or
`disable PEX on the remote server
`In stalling the XGL RTE and Reference Pipelines
`The XGL RTE packages
`are automatically installed if you select any of the
`following software groups
`Entire distribution
`Developer system support
`End user system support
`the XGL RTE is included in the End user system support package it
`Note that
`installs automatically when you choose the initial upgrade option
`The XGL packages
`are not deselected from the list of available software
`so the XGL RTE is installed unless you explicitly deselect
`Solaris 2.4 IntroductionAugust
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1045, p. 27

`If you installed the XGL libraries at
`previous release and follow the
`normal upgrade procedure to install new packages
`for the current
`release the
`new versions of the XGL packages
`are installed correctly However
`if you
`explicitly delete XGL packages pkgrm may not remove all
`the files and
`directories that were created by other packages
`or by third party software If
`you then add the SUNwxglrt package using pkgadd the SUNwxglrt
`symbolic link on top of the existing directories and the disk space

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