DipIomarbet in Telematik TU Graz
`Initut für Informationsverabtung
`und ComputergeUtzte naie Mejien
`The Wor Id-Wide Web Gateivay to Hyper-G
`to Access
`Using Connectionless Protocol
`Seson-Oriented Services
`Chriiai De1e
`Gahte O.Univ.-Prof Dr.phil Dr.h.c Hffmain Mairer
`Breuer Dipi.-Ing Dr.techn Fraik Kpe
`GrimMaz 1995
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 1

`lnthisthes possbilitiesaeudied hcm sesson-oriented viceson the Intend
`male arbIeto usof dient progransth use conneionIssplicion-Ie
`Theconts aid properties of two Hypermedia Information Satems the World-Wide Web
`W/W end.Hype-C3 aedescri bed aid mpatn bwith twQ yi
`is used es
`converter bdwai the sess on-
`gateivay prograii wes devd opei whidi
`oriented Hyper-G dient-server protocol end the connedionless Hypett Traier Protocol
`mechaiisTi wimplemaited that lwsto differentiate HTTP requedsend to
`seagn then to Hype-C seons The gateway provides usersof World-Wide Web dients
`with sesson-orieited axeto information re9ding on Hyper-G ves
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 2

`Table of Contents
`The World-Wide Wth
`2.2 Architecture
`2.3 Uniform Resource Locator URL
`2.3.2 The HTTP Scheme
`2.3.3 Encoding of Prohibited Chaatas
`2.3.4 Sewrity ConScEations
`2.4 Hypertaxt TraSer Protocol HTTP
` H1ers
`2.4.2 Reome
` Status line
`2.4.22 Healers
`2.4.3 Condaationsatout
`Log Information
`2.5 Hypertd Makup Laigue HTML
`2.5.2 Genera Syntax
`2.5.3 Elemais
` Elemalswithin the HEAD Elemait
` Anchors
` H1ings
` Chaater Highlighting
` Parhs
` Liats
` Other Formatting Styles
` Inline lmes
`2.5.4 Fill-Out Forms
`2.5.5 HTML 3.0
`2.6 Future Devdopmaits
`AC 26 64
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 3

`3.2 Data Orgenization
`3.2.1 ColItion Hierathy veraisHypertd
`3.2.2 Document auats
`3.2.3 Link Maement
`3.3.1 SeadiFafflties
`3.3.2 Naiigation
`3.3.3 Identification Modes aid Axess Rights
`3.3.4 lnteroperatility with other lnfomiation Syatems
`3.3.5 Document Cathe
`3.4 Applications
`3.5 Compain bween Hyper-G aid WWvV
`Implementation of the Gateway
`4.2.1 Providing Connai on-Oriented Acrss with Connectionless
`4.2.3 Process
`4.2.2 Pald Prong of Requeats
`4.2.4 Differentiion of Urs
`4.2.5 URL Formation
`4.3 Compaian th en Alternative Concpt
`4.4 rudure aid Fundionity of the Progran
`4.4.1 The Man Module
`4.4.2 The ClsVVWWSlaie
`4.4.3 Implementation Datals
`4.5 TheUs View of the Gateway
`4.5.1 Entry Pe
`4.5.3 Collection hats
`4.5.4 Documents
`4.5.5 Seaching
`4.5.6 Options Menu
` User Identification
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 4

` Stus
` Prrcd Laigue
` Dilay Sating
`4.5.7 Online Hp
`4.6 Cuomizion
`4.6.1 Use of Filesfor Building the Us lnterfae
` edficionof
` Deription of Files
`4.6.2 Gate1way Commaids
`idlinaaers aid Environmitva1es
`4.6.3 Con
`4.7 Proxy Gw Support
`4.7.2 Usng the MNW Gew asa Proxy GeNay
`4.7.1 Proxy Server Concept
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 5

`As public ntereat for
`gi ob4 Information rifrastructure currently naeases tremendouy
`nformati on syatems ae berni ng more aid morel mportait on
`modern hypa-medi
`nte-nati on information natworks At the moment
`there ae different syaterns
`rwiy in
`de use but
`under deidopmait Interopa-ebility istherofore one of the key ies
`information syatems b1 on the dimt-ver pnndple usuly differ in
`In fat different
`the plkion-le protocolswhith
`they usefor communication bdween dients aid
`vers Aslong asthisisonly limited to diversenaning convaitionsaid other minor
`differences convers on batwea two protocols cai ea ly be performed
`problem aises howeier if ones
`server protocol aid the other sjateni
`emusesacxnnectionlessa1dtotly atatesediait
`that mint ns
`connection-oriented protocol
`is based on
`aatebatween consecutivetraisadions
`Thisisthecasewiththetwo hypermedia
`information syatems World-Wde Web aid Hyper-G Moreover there aefeaturesthat ae
`only aipported by one of these syatems
`Theman go of thisthesisto atudy posbilitieshow aconnection-oriental axessto
`Hyper-G server ca beprovidalforusersofWVvWdieita
`Theproaii tcen for thisproject wasto build agateway that cai beseen asaWWiV ver
`from the WNW dients view aid as Hyper-G dient from the Hyper-G servers view In
`fai the gateway prograil isa compl ate WWW server ance it meats two requl remaits
`It tks the dient-ver protocol used by the WWW when communicating with dieits
`It isebleto provide doairnentsin formats used by the WWiV
`The difference to uai \NWW ver is that
`the gateway does not ratri eve reaurces from
`mple file syatem but has Hyper-G ver as its baic- end dateb
`Thegateway isde9gned towork sea norm Hyper-G diait whidi usesaconneclion
`of aWWW
`oriented dialt-server protocol aid mantansai individu sesson for eah
`dialt For this purpose wnct was de oped that Iows to di ati ngui ati requeats from
`different WVAN dients aid to asagn them to reaiy opened Hypr-G sesons
`The fad that the gateway has now been in use with every Hyper-G server
`for sxne time may
`the project wasa aiccesul attempt
`be seen asai indication that
`batween Hyper-G aid the World-Wide Web
`to irrproveinteroperebility
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 6

`overview of the Woi1d-MdeWeb
`project isgiven borethe
`in chter
`of thisthe
`three key concepts of the WMN the Hypelat traier protocol Uniform Reurce
`Locators aid the Hypertt Maicup Laigue a-e de with in ame more data
`Chter desii bes Hyper-G its concepts features aid pi ications At the end of this
`compain bdweei Hyper-G aid the W\MV is drewn se differences aid
`aitimpat onthedegnofthegateway
`Finiy theimplementation of thegateNay progran isdesribed in thter4 Thego of the
`ned in data After the atructure aid the
`project aid the concepts deidoped
`fundionity of the progran is iown adatalerl deeciption for us of
`the gateway is given
`paate section dswith posbiiitiesof prograncuornization La but not Ieaat ways
`how to use the gateway togattier with the Hyper-G document caiie sea proxy server ae
`di ussed
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 7

`The World-Wide Web
`Theoffid dofiriition desalbesthe World-Wde Web WW/ W3 or amdimes 9mpty
`cdled The Web asavide-aree hypermedia inforrration rrieial syeni Itsam isto give
`the informion sems
`universEl eccessto alageuniverof docurroits It
`currently working on top of the Internet aid it isprobIy the mo popula et the moment
`Although it isrongly bad on hypertext
`indudesthe haidling of other types of daas
`wI aithasime aund movie etc Bngthefiretwiderealhypermiasjem
`the Web has repleced awne tradition informetion ems
`Informetion aout the WWW in genera cai befound for exaliple in
`UsuI nformetion for the
`whidi so compaesthe WwWwith other
`avalthlethrough the Internet
`WWW user cai befound in
`information syemsavàIebleonthelnternet
`2.1 History
`The birthp1a of the World-Wide Web was the Europeen Laboratory for Partide Phycs
`CERN located in Geneia 9Mtzerlaid For
`edE1 need for
`long time there hasbeen
`the redi ectivitiesof patide phydets The need amass
`wide-eras hypertext to aipport
`from the ggrhi
`di eraon of reasath ni tutes working together on the saiie pr erts
`etudents aid viting aientis only work at one inatitute for
`Very often reseachersinduding
`limited period of time boreleeiing for some other location Nev reseachersrepledng
`them haieto get up to eecf on projectsquickly Much of theinformation they need isin
`fa aialeble online but retrie waysneeJei some SpX knowledge of the network
`One hal to remember compi cated natructions for di ffererit protocol
`hoat naiies aid
`termin types One of the origin ms of the initiative at CERN wasto provide aem
`with apoint-aid dick interfece
`The firat project proposi datesfrom the yea 1989 aid waswritten by Tim Berners-Lee In
`October 1990 the project propos was rormulated with Robert Clliai asco-aithor aid in
`\/WJW text browasr/editor was
`Noverrter of the sane yea
`prototype of the initi
`deieloped for the NeXT us ng the grephic user nterf ae tools NeXTStep At Chri mas 1990
`at CERN In May 1991 thelinemode
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 8

`brcm www was red on centr CERN mathines The National Center of
`the firat
`Illinois Urbaia-Charipgn
`Siperarrputing PpplicationsNCSA at the Univerty of
`ataled to deop rrilti-platform interfaeto the World-Wide
`ac Andreens Mo for
`ptia verson of
`red In September of the sane yea the NCSA reaser1 working versonsof Mosac for
`mor platforms induding versonsfor PC/Wndcisaid
`the Mantoi At CERN thefirat
`internation World-\MdeWd Conferaicewashd
`in May 1994
`aid in Februay 1993
`briof hiatory written by Clliai who hasfollowel
`the dMopment of the Web from
`the very beginning cai befound in
`hiatory of the WWV cai beobtnedfrcm
`I/i nfo cern chl hypert extIWflhiYI-i St ory htnl
`dataled hat of datesconcerning the
`2.2 Architecture
`The World-Wide Web like maiy other eppli cati ons on glob nworks uses
`modd WIVW dieits often cled WMN browser try to fotdi information from remote
`the data to the user WWN servers muat
`servers where the information resdes aid presait
`mceinformation avaleble Thissomimesindudestheatility to perform seathes The
`isfreeto generate ruer1ed documents by saiding
`files or by generating virtu
`gateway saver could pass
`hypertext on the fly This m1ces it pose bi
`me of aiother syatem to WWI browser
`tecture ae that the uea nterfae renia ns the seme no matter
`The aivaites of such ai achi
`the uea
`what type of sa-va the dient isconnectelto for apatiaila traisaiion aid that
`need not underataid the differences batweei protocols The cxnct of hypertext is
`axffidently ampleto requirenotraningfor acomputer usa Ashypertext
`istraerreJ in
`ma-k-upform which isalogic representation compaedtotheatu form inwhidithe
`lent program cai matce opti
`nf omiati on is presented to the user the
`wlours aid other inta-fa resources alebleon the users corruter
`use of fonts
`To mcethisflow of information posble three mor ataidad aid conventions were
`consatent aldresssyatem ung compai syntex for Uniform Resource
`dined Atfirat
`Locor wasdined This is deecribed in chter 2.3 In alditionto other protocolswhith
`may beuith the WWW new protocol
`theHypertext Traier Protocol wasdofined
`giving performaice aid ftures not otherwise aválthle This protocol
`isexplaned in diter
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 9

`of dataformatscai be used in which datacai betraderred Oneof
`dataformat the Hypertext Makup Lalgue desenbed in chter 2.5 wtiicti
`them isap
`isthe man
`format for trainitti ng hypertext
`ly these convaiti ons oul
`togather arossthferent platforms
`nteroperability with other ajatems
`a.irrait aid even future ftwae syatems to work
`aida-d protocàlsused by the WAIW ere FTP which lowsaxessto athivesof
`of information induding softwae aid documentation aid NNTPwhich is used to axess
`nef work news By theway news alides mace good exaiplesof documentswhich cai be
`converted into hypertext asth contan referaicesto other atides aid newsgroups
`emsaeaipported by the WWW In
`Other protocols used by edating information
`palicula thereeretheWideAres Information Service WAI
`IKAHLE92whith ilows
`sea-dii ng through ndexed.mateti at aid finding all des based on.whatthi conta
`which providesa menu syatemfor browng resourceson the
`offered by WAIS cai be used by WWW browsersaswI
`lntern Thefunctionatity
`Gopher menuscai eIy be converted into
`hat of text ernaitswith hypertext Iinksto other
`documents So the Gopher spae cai be used as pat of the VWVW
`Providing Information
`exiating onlineiriformation no matter in what
`isatorai mantaned aid originatly maieavaleble may be publiatierf aspal of
`format it
`the web Ttiiscai be ahieved by giving axessto datathrougti siatl aid mpIe-ver
`type of WWW server program every server whi di
`thai having one
`programs Rather
`underataidsat Ie one of the edfied protocolsaidwhith cai provide data in at leaat one
`of the edfied formats used by the World-Wide Web isaWNW va Thisproach is
`probebly one of the rns why the use of the WNVV is increng so quickly
`2.3 Uniform Resource Locator URL
`definition of the Uniform Resource Locator as edfied in
`This thter gives
`EE94 whi di is at so cat led the URL edfi cation in this dter
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 10

`Inthefir pat thegener Wntax isdeibed Thesecond pat desonly with the ed
`ruleswhich ere epplied to the HTTP protocol Rulesfor other protocol
`here In the third pat the so-cled URL encoding isdescribed And finly some
`conderations out seairity of this methaiin ae mentioned in thefourth pat
`URL isaform zed p1 eco of information for ocati on aid axess of resources on the
`Intema The URL-schemeis derived from conceptsintroduced by the\WAN gIob
`information initiative It hasbeen aiccesuIly used by the World-Wide Web for quitea long
`time aid is one of the main ideas that form the whole concept of the VVWvV
`2.3.1 Syntax
`addresses of ot ects which ere ratri el
`mpi ng of phy
`On gi nai ly URLs
`the gaienc Wnt ai lows the degn of new schemes
`ai riy eatlished protocols However
`for nanesto be resolved usng protocolswhich havenot been edfied upto now
`complate URL consatsof
`naning schaiedfler asthefirat daneit followed by
`atning Thew of dofining anew URL athanecaiely beexplanI If you caiencodeail
`atri ng with pri
`the objeri into
`to identify the
`protocol paailaters necessay to
`protocol you will heve
`new scheme
`The exsct
`format of the atri ng is edfic to the nani ng scheme However
`those schemes
`information ontheintemat havea comon sjntac for theatring
`which ere used in locatorsof
`which is the so-cai led nternat protocol part The naTil ng scheme edfi er is sepaated from
`the atring by acolon
`Naming scheme ecdiers
`Hypertext Traer Protocol see thter 2.1.2
`FileTraier Protocol
`The Gopher Protocol
`Electronic mail address
`Uid news
`tolnat rlogin Rderencetointeraiivesessons
`Wide Ar Information Servers
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 11

`aid some otherswhich aelessimportat Moreover new hemesmai beregiata-ed by
`future edficationa
`The internat protocol part
`The xnd dement of the URL consatsof
`by the path
`the lntern Protocol IP address part followed
`The ntern Protocol
`aidress pal
`Thisatalswith adoublei II aid eidswith thefollowing ai It/U The double ath
`calá URL Within that pal are
`so ridi cates the preice of the
`aidress pall
`user name
`which isoptiond aid ía-dy used
`the internat dorrain narre
`of the hoat ltsformat is edfied in RFCIO34
`nateal of the domn nanethel
`-the port number
`aidress asa
`of four dai rnd digits cai be used
`which isgiven in dedm notation atter
`ddalt port number for the protocol
`colon if
`is not the
`Thepath pal
`Thisisthereat of thelotor aid it
`In gaier the dath
`nght sde
`indudesinformation that thould not beprocssed by the
`hierarchy withthelowerleM pal on the
`indicatesaIed in
`2.3.2 The HTTP Scheme
`The HTTP protocol edfies that the path pal is haidled traia-ently Only the serve-s de
`rderaice URLs Thepath ispassed by thedient to theserverwith aiy requeat but
`atudly undaood by the dient According to
`the document nara
`uaily contaned in the path pat thould becomposed of printatlediaactersaid
`thould not
`contan aiy information atout paticulaformatsavlatIefor adocumait or itsleigth
`that sendsthe URL the ho
`If the URL which is sent to the dient rdersto the sane server
`pat isomitted In thisc onlythe path pal issent by theserver Howeier when
`saver is
`bdng used sea gateway espeddly aproxy gateway thai the complate URL is passed on
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 12

`HTTP ximmaid line If
`thereisasea-ch pal present it
`es pal of the HTIP commend
`therof ore
`istrested pal of thepath aid
`2.3.3 Encoding of Prohibited Characters
`isoften uul to dofinea mping from
`When asjatem haloc aidressng iieme it
`loc aidressesinto URLs Inthiscase roferencesto objedswithinttieaddresng heme
`may beaxessed poably via gatevays globly The URL edfication kws the
`dofinition of aiy niping henie provided that
`isunanbiguous reverble aid produces
`vid URLs It
`isrecommended that hierathic atructuresin agivmloc naTàng shaTle
`may be mqped onto the hieradiic URL path ayntaK Thislowsthe pati form of the
`URL tobeused
`Aocording to theencoding tieme propoi by the URL wfication aiy diaaer which is
`not Iowed in aURL or aly theraerwhoseuse alhough technicIy Ilowed would
`caise problems of corruption by imperfect gateways or becaise of different
`cha-ecter asts iould beaicoded asfollows Chaatersin queation thould be represented in
`the URL by percaite gn
`followed by two hexaIedm digits 0-9 A-F which
`ue of the diaaer
`2.3.4 Security Considerations
`thould be mentioned that there isno gua-altee that objectswhich could be located by
`certãn URLsat onetime will be removed or moved to aiother location at a-ime later time
`which reailtsin thaigei URLs Ttiee URL could eiei point to oneobject at onetime
`at me other time
`aid to aiother obj
`Another point isthat it
`isarnatimesposbleto conatruct
`URL withtheintention to
`that will
`perform hamlessoperation aich asthe retnev1 of en object arxwding to one protocol
`in fa caise
`deatrudive renote operation to owir Typicly thisisthecwhen
`the ver isin fai
`the URL contnsa non-ataidad port number for thegiven protocol
`different protocol on that port number this could caise problems eedIy when
`the natrudions conta ned in the URL haie tot ly different mealing axordi ng to the other
`Finly ased in the URL edfication the useof URLscontning paswordsisdea1y
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 13

`2.4 Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP
`In thischter theplication-Ie protocol whith is used by the Woild-Wide Wetfor
`information retri@i aid mali pulation is eKpIanerl This veraon of the HTTP protocol
`implernenterl in theeaii WWW
`HTTP 1.0 isai upgraleof theorigin protocol
`The purpose of the Hypertext Traier Protocol
`is to provide
`ft aid flexible mediaii au
`forfollowing reteraices between unitsof information wliith ere dietributed at different
`bc ions a-ossthe Internet
`Its naiie may bemi9rlterpreterl It
`is not only
`traerring hypertext but for traierring
`information with the etfidency that
`needed for following links in
`hypertext syatem
`The protocol
`the dient
`isatatdess aid ot-oriented 8.bittraua iswaysuJ It provides seva
`commaidsfor retnev mauipulation aid seaduing of data in clietributed collatorative
`hyperJi1iainformatJQn syatii Qn Qf Its propti
`th p1 HTTP
`could ly be extended
`The processof retri@iing or mauipulating information u9ng thisatateless protocol ways
`is sent from the dierit totheiriformation urce the
`two operations
`server This requeet contansthe type of operation retne seaduing etc whidi
`waits the ver to perform aid secondly seme art of identifier for the otect on whi di this
`operation uouId be performed Thetypeof operation is by thecommaud whith iscled
`the method of HTTP ruea The problau of rderendng
`certn object
`isalved by
`u9ng the conct of Uniform Resource Locators whidi
`isdeaiibed in diter 2.3 In
`aldition to that for sometypesof operation the dient hasthe pobiIity to send aJdition
`data to the server within the requeet The server atter trying to fulfil
`the requeet sends
`reonse to the di ent The reonse of course depends on the requeet end on the fact whether
`or not the rerueet has been processed aiccesul
`between dient aid -ver iseetatIiied by the dient Normly when TCP/IP
`the detailt port for HTTP tration is the reserved number 80 But other port
`numbers may beui if they ae edfied in theURL of the requeet After ting up
`connection the di ent sends the requeat aid wats for the reonse from the eaver After that
`between di ent
`the connection
`is dosed by el ther both perU es In other words
`aid server sQjty set up for one trausaion
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 14

`2.4.1 Request
`Thedients rue to the ver cxnssof thefollOwing pats
`aepIned in
`All otha palsceptforthefir lineaeoption Thar presenc8dependson themhod
`aid sometimesforthetias ontheimplenaitation An alipty linehto be1 to
`indicatethe beginning of the data body If no data body ispresent en anpty lineindkates the
`end of the requeat
`The data body cai be aiy Ml ME conforming messe
`binay da slength is given on aheajer line
`To me dea how the server cai know thout the end of the requeat
`this cai be explanei
`follows Linescai bereal until ai enipty lineoccurs which indicatesthat
`haiebeai real If Content-length fid ispreit in theheaier it tdlstheserver that the
`following data body contnstheedfied number of bytes If thefidd is omitted uaily
`mathod is used which impliesthat thereisno data body following it iswith GET for
`N921 therof ore so
`rvt hod LR.. Versi on
`Mt hod isoneofthecommaidsdeaiibedin2.4.1.1
`LfL isdofined in 2.3
`pa1i URL isnormIy given here if
`the siianehttp aid the
`serve- aeobvious Whe if
`thecomplate URL is
`theserve- isbng used asagatawaj
`given 4.7.1. TheURL should beaicodal ung themediaiiern deai-ibed in 2.3.3 at
`extend that aes aid control diaactersde-im 0-31 aid 128-159 aeeaed
`Ie- to
`Ver Si Ofl is the protocol Veron which the di alt uses uai ly this is HLPI
`Lines ae waysteMnaed by CRLF HGwe it
`aetermin by LF only
`is remmmd1 th rves ouId betoterait
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 15

`If Ver Si Ofl is not prent it cai be asaimed that thedient
`HTTP Verson 09
`isela ellowed for HTTP 1.Ofor baic
`which uassa mpleform of reque Thismplefomi
`It has no rue heeders ad no data body
` Methods
`The melhiod field which isthefirat diient on thefirat line of HTTP requeat
`identified by the URL following asthecond
`operation to be performed on ttie object
`What followsisaliat of airreritly dofined mathods asdescribei in
`el elient
`is identified by the URL This iselso used
`for ches which iseplnedlater
`is the sane as GET but ratums only h1ers aid no atu data
`aesanew object
`linked to the edfied object The nw object
`asthe data body of the requeat
`atores the object Which IS it as the data body under
`The URL muatelreaIyd
`is sent
`the edfied URL
`reriues the delation of the edfied object
`links en edating object
`to the edfied object
`TEXTSEARCH Objectsm be seathed for with att atring This isimplemented ung
`the di form of the GET rnathod
`Theobjer will axt
`within theobj6i AdUel
`edd URLsasdessibed
`the fol lowing mathods ae del9ned CHECKOUT SHOWM ETHOD
`In aidition to that
`CHECKIN SEARCH Themhodsae not explanei here becaso moat of them aeatill
`query which contanscoordinatesof
`implementations uthe GET mathod with
`MAC 002677
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 16

`under diuson aid noty implemental For daIs the reazta is rred to e.g
`Currently only the methods GET aid POST aewidely used in implementations of WWW
`browsers The method POST is uaily used in nnection with fill-out
`forms see 2.5.4.
`beuJ to pernorm rching The URL used inthiscisaiffixed by
`GET cm
`to be sea-chei for Likein e/eiy other URL prohibited cheractershave
`da-aera-d thetext
`by plussgns
`tobeencoded In seach terms keywordsaesepaated
`IT /i nfo-server/searchi ngsnoboardraces
`Another useof GET isthe implementation of image maps By edfying ed URL the
`H1TP/ 1.0
`dieit provides the sever with information atout certain coordinateswithin en image objert
`In reelity the use- cai didc on acertan region of ai imagedi1ed by thebrowser The
`browser thai sendsthe coordinates of the point on which the use has dicked to the sever
`GET /Lnfo-server/.rmp/0
`50.9 l-ffTP/ 1.0
` Headers
`Thefollowing healer lines ere seit by the dierit
`requeet As me of the healers ae not
`edfied in detail othersma bedialged aid perhsnewfiddswilI
`bedofined in
`future thisliet only coritnsthe moat importait hiers Howaier aiud implementations
`these healers In my
`heaierlineshaveaforrnat which isdetinal
`is raommended that unrecognized
`only use semeof
`RFC 822
`fidds atiould be ignored by
`the server The order in which the lines eppea in the healer is not gnificait
`Thisfield cm beused to pthee-maI aldreesof
`for logging purposes Whereas usng it asampleformof acees protection seemsto be
`theuselothesever Thereit can be used
`very inseiire
`Morethal onelineof thisfield is alowal Ttieselinesbuild aliat of representation
`thediait isrealy to accept from the server Thevuesaethesarneasfor
`for theobject
`Content-Type field of the reonse sea except
`isellowed asawildcad
`that only for the Accept
`field an
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 17

`If thereisnoAat
`aid ttThtml
`fldd theasrvercaiasaimethatthediaitwill
`p1 ai
`ht iii
`cm be interpr1 as give mewh yoiive got
`1Iea act text/plwi
`Thistdlsthe ver which aicodingsof
`the object aeacceptthle by thedient
`Pccept-Encodi ng x-conpress
`Ii of prerred Iaiguesfor the oted inthereonisgiven here It
`to reond in alaigue1h is not spefied here
`the asrver
`is not iIleg for
`Thena-ne of the dient softwa-eprodud isgiven on thisline Thefir whiteaeddirrt1
`word mu be the produd nanefollowed by a-i option
`aid averson number
`produdse.g program Iibraies aepat of thedientftwae thor nanescai begiven as
`If other
`a1dition words on this line
`Example 1er
`94 Bet Xli SunC
`the ver where the URL of the reque was obtaned from
`With thisfidd the dient cal tdl
`The URL of the doaiment which contaned the link is given here By ganing this informion
`thever would beleto geneelisof bak-linksto objedsaid atfrom logging
`to berdativeto the URL
`purposthisIows ba-I linksto betraed Pati URLsaemeait
`of the object
`fferer httpI/hgi
`cmtu-graz ac at
`This line contàns the na-ne of the aithonzation seme
`name aid a-i option
`low-Ieid sewrity as u1 by unmodified Telnd or FTP
`pword This provides only
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 18

`kit hor zat on user nynarre nypasswr
`How@ier thisfidd could be used to provide other morephiicated ajthoiizion
`Char geTo
`information It hasbeen ray used by atu implementationsup
`to know The format
`iould be afunciion of the thaging jaterri
`It ispropoJ that
`indudeamdmum coat
`for the traisation aid acoat unit
`it could
`2.4.2 Response
`The response from the server cone ats of the foil owing pals
`The status line
`isecplaned in
`The response healers
`are expianedi
`Response data
`In order to wmmunicatewith old serverswhidi do not send astatuslinebecaise th use
`the protocol ongirly impleiia-ited in the WVVW dientsthould tolerate aich responses In
`the response isa doament of type text/html
`aich cases the di alt cai assume that
`Response data maj follow the hasda-sin the format of MIME conforming mese body
`The contents dends on the status code aid the content
`healer line The
`type is given on
`healer linewith the Content-length fid Asthe
`length of the messege iouId begivai on
`conneion ismply dosed by the server atter iding thel byte of data the dient cai
`assme that
`data has been real aid the transadion is terminated when the connerion
`in the hia
`wasdosal eien if no Content-length fidd was present
` Status line
`Thestatusline which iswsthefirat lineof the response hasthefollowing syntax
`ver Si Ofl St at us code reason
`ver Si ofl isusily HTTP/
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 19

`st at us code isanume-ic3digitcode ThevuesaeIiated later
`reason isahumeri r1lett that explanstheatatuscode
`dinoatic information
`It ai providesomesort of
`Inthefollowing hat
`atatuscodesaedescribed Ther eason-fidsaJded to theatatus
`However different rvers uso different tts
`as only the numeric cxde is
`gnifi cent
`Thefirat of the3 digitsindicatesthe man category towhidi theoxlebdongsto Codes
`ataiing wi
`haie the ming of ajcxess
`has somathing to do with redireriion
`as thefi rat digit ae error axles where mis that the ver
`rxgnisa1 error of thedientaid5 isintendedtobeai
`indicatorfora-i errorof the
`two cas a-e often not diatingui iatle so the difference is not very
`rver The
`If theatatuscodeindicatesajocess
`thedatabody isthererueaterl objer In sof en error
`or of ai rerliriion axle the data body cai coritan
`document whith isa sort of error
`nieewith adataled deeription of theerror in humeri riatleform Thisdocumerit
`intended to be prented to the user by the
`Status axles
`The requeat wasfulfihled Datafollows
`Asa reonasto
`POST requeat
`it mdi cates that
`the document was aiccesuhly
`The rueat has been axted but proceng has not been tcen pla2becaisothisis
`donethrough en indironousoperation Thereisnofurther posbiIityfor indicating
`the atua reailt of ath en asynchronous operation
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 20

`Ttiisindicatesth the raturnerl matanformation isnot from server with py of the
`objet but may indudeaviotation information atout the obje for exap1e from
`private ovela web
`301 MOVED
`The location of the requeed object has chaiged the diaige is permaent The
`url string
`is the ne URL of the object St
`ng is ai option commait
`BrvrsiouId aitomaticly rdink to the nv URL if
`link editing
`they have the catility for
`302 FOUND
`This has the sai1emeaing as301 MOVED with the cption that
`permae1t aid the re1irerion may betered on oxason
`the chaigeisnot
`thedient iouId try aiother URL Moreover adiffereit mathod
`Thisso indicatesthat
`be ud The reon conta nsa hder of the form
`thai GET ioul
`fvt hod net hod indicating theternatemathod e2.4.1.1 for aliat of
`mathods The data body cai cxntan paanetersto beuserl for the mathod
`This uaily isal indication of ai synta error in the requeat
`The uea has no axss tights for the rueated obj 31 The reqon ouI
`information Ebout suitatleaithorization iernes Thedient isintended to ratry the
`requeat with
`Authorization healer
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 21

`conta spf cions of the axqDtIe diagi ng
`Paaners in the reonse thoul
`9jern The di ent ioul rry with the proper ChageTo healer
`has no accessrightsfor
`the requeed object Unlikefor uscxde401
`aithonzationwill not hdp
`the servers da1
`URL Theobjt could not befound in
`The server was prehlented to fulfil
`the raue by ai unexpated condition
`The server does not aJpport
`the requeed feure
` Headers
`order in whidi
`ersaeoption aid the
`Likethehealerlinesin thereclue see2.4.1.2
`they oaur in the healer is not gnificait Unraxgnizerl healer fids iouId
`the more importait healer fiolds Only me of
`be ignored Thefollowing li contãnsonly
`thai ae au used by servers
`the moment
`Thislinecontànsa li of mhodscompae2.4.1.1 which aelowed for theedfied
`this is not preeait the daiIt mhods ae GET aid HEAD
`ThisisthesaneasAllowed but lisonly those mhodswtiich aiyone may use Thedailt
`mhod is GET
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1043, p. 22

`According to
`thisimpliesthat the databody isbinay ad ould be
`r1 directly from the czmmunicationslink without pasng However
`thisfid isnormly
`usadin Il reonsinorderto tI
`thedierit jnaJvacehowmeny
`bytesof datathedieritis
`going to reocive Clients cen dilaythisinformation so that
`thetraonisprodmatdy going to tce
`Thisfid isso ud in rueats eecily with mathod POST where the data body is not
`ttie user cen eatimate how long
`Cont ent
`On this line the type of the document

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