ODBC Web Database Addon
`for Microsoft Internet Server Beta
`Release Notes
`This release contains the ODEC Web Database addon for the beta software of the
`Internet Server for Windows NT that you received near the end of AugusL It
`contains the Open Data Base Connectivity ODBC components to enable access
`Microsoft SQL Server database from the Web Server service
`the Microsoft Internet
`Server Although this release contains only the ODBC driver for Microsoft SQL Servers
`you can use other ODBC drivers in similar manner by installing the driver and
`for use by the Web Sthcr
`configuring it
`Again weed like
`thank you for beta testing the Microsoft Internet Server for the
`Windows NT Server version 331 operating system Before installing this ODBC add
`release please read these release notes completely They contain
`on to the beta
`important information for ensuring proper installation and usage of Microsoft Internet
`Server with this added functionality This document should be used in addition to and
`in place of the documentation and software you received with the Microsoft
`Server for Windows NT Sewen
`For setup instructions please refer to pages I723
`Overview of database access from the nternet Server
`With the Web Server and 0DB
`you can
`Create Web pages with information contained in
`Insert update and delete information in the database based on user input from
`Web page
`Perform other SQL commands
`database access
`by the Internet Seer as shown in Figure
`Conceptual view of database access from the World Wide Web
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 1

`Microsoft ntemet Server Beta
`Web Database Meose Aetease Noth
`or browsers front
`Web browsers such as the one included in the Internet Server beta
`other companies such as Netscape submit requests to the Internet server by using
`HyperText Transport Protocol HTIP The Internet Server
`responds with
`fonnatted in HyperText Maikup Language HTIvti Access to databases La accomplished
`component of the Internet Server called internet Database Connectar one of
`family of Internet Server Extensions The Database Connector is Dyna icLirik Library
`DLL file Httpcdhcdil
`that uses ODBC to access databases
`Figure ShOWS the components
`for accessing databases from the Internet Server
`MD flts
`Other DEMS
`Database access-components
`on the Internet Server
`Httpodbcdll uses two types of tiles to control how the database is accessed and how the
`output Web page is constructed These tiles are Web Dalabase Gateway WDG files and
`HTML extension Ifl
`to the desired ODBC data
`The WDG files contain the necessary information to connect
`source and execute the SQL statement WDG file also contains the name and location
`of the HTX file
`The HTX file is the template for the actual HTML document
`that will be returned to the
`Web browser after the database information has been merged into itby Hctpodbc.dlL
`The following example shows how Web browser requests information from the
`Database Connector and how that information is returned
`An example database query
`simple Web page called Samplehtm The sample Web page
`This example starts with
`query being executed with the results
`will contain one hyperlink that will result in
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 2

`Inlemal Ser4et Beta
`Web Oatebase Areese Retease Ntaas
`returned as another Wcb page Samplehtm is located in the root directory of the
`enclosed compact disc installation instructions are at the end of this Uocument Figure
`Internet Explorer assuming that the
`is displayed by Microsoft
`shows Sarnple.hun as it
`Internet Server
`Internet Server
`Database Access Sample
`Samp1ehtr as seen in Internet Explorer
`When the hyperlink Click here to run query is clicked another Uniform Resource Locator
`URL is sent to the server The URL preccdes th hyperlink text it
`is formatted as
`bidden text
`HREFhttp1 /webserver/seripts/httpodbc
`dgC1iek here to run uery/A
`is referenced in the URL as is the
`As you can see the Database Connector Httpodbcd1l
`WDO tile for Htcpodbcdl1 to use SampIewdg Both are located in
`subdirectory called
`subthrectoxy of the Web root directoy you selected when you
`\Sciipts which is
`installed the internet Server beta The default root directory for Web services is
`c\wwwroot Note Although it appears to be one long path name after hup/webserver
`there are two distinct path names in the URL
`specifies the path of the program for the Internet Server to
`in fact
`/scripts/sarnp1ewdg specifies the path of the file to be passed to Httpodbcdll
`On the Internet Server the entire process of using the Database Connector
`six steps as shown in Figure
`is perfonned in
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 3

`fntemet Server Beta
`Web Database cea Retease Notes
`9f2711 995
`The six steps
`in the Internet Server
`The URL is received by the Internet Server
`The URL sent by the Web browser actuaily contains the name of the Database Connector
`and the name of the WDG file to be used Samp1ewdg is shown here but
`is shown in Figure
`any name
`the URL is received by the Internet Server
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 4

`treme Srve Be
`The Internet Server
`information in the URL
`Httpadbc 411 obtains the name of the WDG file and other ithms from the URL passed to
`the Internet Server shown in Figured
`loads Httpodbcdl1 and provides it with the remainLug
`etterver calls Httpodbc.dII
`reads the WOG file
`The WDG FIle contains scvral envies in the format
`field value
`In the Sampie.wdg file the ODBC data source is specified by
`Datasource Web QL
`And the HTX file is specified by
`Template saniplehtx
`Here is the file Sample.wdg referenced in the URL above
`Datsource Web SQL
`Username 88
`SELECT aulnaxne ytdsales
`from pubs.dbo.titleview
`where ytdsa1es5OOO
`In the Sample.wdg file also provided in the root directory of your compact disc the data
`source name is Web SQL The ODBC installation notes in the next section step through
`data source called Web SQL that refers to SQL Server
`The other items contained in Sample.wdg include
`valid login to SQL Server
`The Username which must be
`Template which specifies the file to use to merge the results
`the SQL statement to execute
`SQLStatement which contains
`Sec the Features of the Database Connector section of this document for definitions for
`all the fields that can be specified in WDG files
`the author last names and year4odate
`in Sa plewd returns all
`The SQLStatement
`sales amounts from the pubs sample database in SQL Server for authors whose books
`have year$o-date sales of more than 5000 copies
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 5

`Mbosort ntomt SerBeta
`Dsecs5 Reae Notes
`shows the process through Step
`todbc 411 reads Samp1ewdg
`Bttpodbcd1l connects to the ODBC data source and executes the SQL
`statement contained within the WflG file
`The connection is made to the ODBC data source by Httpodbc4ll which in this example
`loads the ODBC driver for SQL Server and connects to the server specified in the
`definition of the data source Once the comiection is made the SQLstatement
`in the
`WDG file is sent to the SQL Server ODBC driver which in turn sends it to SQL Server
`The interaction with ODBC is shown in Figure
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 6

`Microsoft lntwnel Seiver Beta
`Web Database Access Release Notes
`ta Web SQL
`SQL Server
`dntècting to the ODBC data source and executing the
`the data frOm the database and merges it
`into the RTX
`reads the HTX file specified in
`After the SQL statement has been executed Httpodbc.dll
`Sample.wdg SarnpIehtx and replaces every placeholder with the actual data returned by
`the query
`The Sample.htx file is an HTML document tjian contains placebotders for data returned
`from the database the placeholders are shown in bold for clarity
`Microsort 1ntenet Server
`Dabaae cceas Sasp1 /H2
`7XTLEHTe docuaent
`the WotId W4O Wb FTtTL
`TInrnat Aaaitat for WOsd 2.0 BctA
`here are the reau1ta
`YTC $elea/
`The web pege you see here was created by eer9in9 the restilts of
`sapiaw4 with the teeptate
`the query specified
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 7

`Mlcrsft ntsmet Swve Bets
`Web Datab5sG Access RelSeeO Holes
`The serge was done by the oaabese Cennactor Rttpsdbcd11
`Internet Server
`to this Web browser by the Microsoft
`aed the reesite were returted
`The %begindetait% and %enddetail% sections delimit where rows returned from
`in the document Columns returned from the query are
`the database will appear
`surrounded by %%such as %au_lnaine% and %ytdsales%in the preceding
`shows the process upto the data retrieval
`the Samplehtx file
`from the data source and merge with
`ConneeL Ww SQL
`SQL Server
`Steps 1-5 data retrieval and merge with
`Httpodbc.dfl sends the merged document back to the Internet Servers whkh
`returns it
`to the client
`After all the data has been merged into the placeholders in Sample.htx the complete
`is sent back to the client Figure 10 shows the process through step
`the merged document back to the client Web browser Step
`has been omitted from the
`diagram for clarity
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 8

`Mroaft ntcmet erver8%a
`PCCeS3 Reteae Noe
`Web Database
`SQL Scr
`To Web
`Figure lO Returning HTML document
`to the client Web browser
`And the resulting Web page is displayed in the Microsoft NT Internet Explorer as shown
`inPigure 11
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 9

`Internet Server 8oa
`Web Oetabase Acass Release Notes
`Database Access Samp$e
`Mere are the results
`TD S1es
`Cnon 780
`The web page you see here was created by merging the results of the
`SAMPLE WOO with the template TUe SAMPLEHTX
`query specifIed
`The merge was done by the Database Connector MTTPODCDLL and the
`results were returned to this Web browser by the MIcrosoft ntemet Seiver
`Output Web page containing the results of the query
`Features of the Database Connector
`The Database Connector has several
`features to provide additional
`creating Web pages that contain data from database
`functionality for
`WOG files
`As seen the examples above WDG files contain the informatIon used to access the
`database The following section describes the features of WOO files
`31i Parameters
`The exampk in the preceding section shows only the simplest kind of query
`which was defined completely in the WDO file on the Internet server Although this type
`of query is useful even more powerful Web pages can be constructed through the use of
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 10

`tme Swvr Boa
`VDba AcceSS Rea Nôte
`paromeers Parameters the names and values of HTML form controls such as ThPUT
`and names specified direcdy in URLs These are sent by Web browsers and can be
`used in SQL statemeuls on the server
`For exarnpk in the last section the query in Sainplewdg returned only the authors whose
`parameter we could build Web page that
`yearrodate sales exceeded 5000By using
`asks the user to decide what number to use instead of 5000
`The Web page needs to prompt th user for the year4odate sales figure an then name
`the associated variable to .raler Sample2htm included on the compact disc shows
`ield used toobraln
`Internet Server
`Database Access Sampe2
`Enter YTO saes amount
`Figure 12 Saaple2htm
`The HTML syntax for the input field and button in Samplt2htm is
`thr YTD s1es aomt NTJT AEaa VLtJZ5QOO
`rnir IYPE- sUNT1
`JALTh- Run
`In the WDG flu you use the parameter in pisce
`SELEcr aL1nwRe
`pub dbtiUeviw
`vbere ytsa
`it corresponds to the EPUT NAr
`Here the parameter name must be sales so that
`on the Web page Parameters must be enclosed with percent characters
`an SQL
`distinguish them from normal
`the number 5000
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 11

`Mrostl etemeT Swver Beta
`Web Database cee Retaase Notes
`You can build powerful collections of Web pages by using the output of one query to
`provide links to other queries For example to show the titles for an inthvidual author
`instead of returning the author name as plain text you can embed it with
`link1 and then
`use the link to do another query
`The final example included on the compact disc shows how to do this type of linkage
`Sample3.htin is used to run the query in Sample3.wdg which uses Sample3.htx for the
`template Sainple3 .htx will return author last names as links which when clicked
`.on will display the titles for each author using Sample3a.wdg and Sample3a.htx
`.3.1.2 Fields in WDG tiles
`The following table lists the fields that can be specified in WDG ifie Field names in
`bold are required
`The name that corresponds to the data source name you created
`earlier by using the ODBC Administrator
`valid user name with access to the SQL Server This field is
`the SQL Server is not running integrated security
`required if
`Note If the SQL Servà is running integrated security the
`Username field will be ignored even if it
`is supplied
`The password that corresponds to the user name If the password is
`null this field can be left out Note If the SQL server is running
`integrated security the password will be ignored
`The maximum buffer space allocated by Httpodbc.dll
`Any characters beyond thIs will be truncated
`The maximum number of records that httpodbc.dul will return from
`per record
`The name of the .MTX file that will be used to format the data
`when the data from tbique is returned
`The parameter names if any that httpodbc.dU will ensure are
`passed from the client or will return an error
`The parameter values if any that will be used in the WDG file if
`parameter is not specified kythe client
`cached output
`The number of seconds to want before refreshing
`caches the Web page sent to the
`page By defaultHttpodbc.dll
`request is identical the cached page will be
`returned without ever accessing the database The Expires field is
`useful when you want to force
`requery of the database after
`certain ueriod of time
`The SQL statement to execute The SQL Statement can contain
`parameter values from the cicnt which must be enclosed with
`percent characters The SQLstatement can occupy multiple lines in
`the WIXI
`field each subsequent
`file Following the SQLStatement
`will be considered part of the
`line beginning with
`plus sign
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 12

`Mcroso InimeL SVP Beta
`HTX Fifes
`number of keyords that control how the output HTML document
`HTX files contain
`constructed These keywords are explained below
`32.1 %begindetai% %enddetail%
`section of the HTX
`The %begindetail% %enddetail% keywords surround
`from the database will be merged Within the seedon
`in which the data Qutput
`the column names delimited with
`are used to mark the position of the
`returned data from the query For examples
`the columns aujnaine and ytd_sales Any column can be referred to in this way
`Column names can also be refened to elsewhere in the JflX Note If
`there are no records
`returned from the query the %bvgindetail% section Will be skipped
`32.2 %f%..%else%..%endif%
`HTX files can contain conditional
`logic with an ifthenelse statement
`Web page is constructed For example one common usage is to insert
`row within %begindetail%
`display the column names from the query on the first
`section but if there are no records returned by the query display the text No records
`found By using the %lf%statement and builtin variable called CurrentRecord
`you can tailor the output so that the headers are not printed when no records are returned
`as they are in the example shown in the last section Here is an example showing the use
`of the %if%statement
`to control how the
`condition to
`air CirrentPecord EQ
`YTO Sales/B
`u_1nezne%/A %ytda1e%
`enOdeti 1%
`air CurrentRecord EQ
`No eeords e1ectecU
`The general syntax is
`%if condition
`HTML text
`HTML text
`Where coldifton is of the form
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 13

`Motttnemat Savor8ta
`Web Database Accs Roloase Notes
`value operator value2
`and operator can be one of the followinR
`if value equals value2
`if value is less than value2
`if valuel
`than value2
`is greater
`part of value contains the stdnylue2
`The operands valuel and value2 can be column names one of the built-in variabics
`CurrentRecord or MaxRecords see below an HTFP variable name see below or
`vonstant When used in an %if%statement values ye not delimited with
`For example to do special processing on author name Greerf use the condition
`%if au3nase EQ Green%
`this guy is areen
`%enCdeti 1%
`The %if%statement can also be used to do special processing based on information
`from HTP variables For example to format
`page differently based on the typo of
`client Web browser you could include the following in the HTX file
`%jf WrP_usERAGft
`is Netscape
`cQntsjfls Nozi1la%
`323 CurrentRecord MaxRecords
`The CdlTentRecord built-in variabe contains
`the number of times the %begindetail%
`section has been processed The first
`time through the %begiudetail% section the
`value is zero Subsequently the value of CurrentRecord changes every time another
`record is fetched from the database
`The MaxRecords bui1tin variable cantains the value of the MaxRecords field in the
`WDG fll
`324 Parameters from WDG tiles
`Parameters from WDG files may be accessed in the HTX file by prefixing the name of
`the parameter with wdg and
`period In Samplc3Ji shown eariler you could show
`the value of the parameter %sales% by including the line
`The value of
`the sales parameter
`is- %wdgsales%
`325 HTTP variables
`Several variables can be used hi HTX files which give
`lot of information about
`environment and Web client connected to the server The table below gives
`listing of the information available
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 14

`Moscft ntem1 Sewr eia
`Web Otbase Acs Release Notes
`flTTP variable
`All HTFP headers that were not already parsed into one of
`the form
`the above
`These variables are of
`field name for cxemple
`qQ3OO auaio/xai-fff
`image/jpeg image/gf
`E1orer/O.1 Win32
`http /fwebser er/scripts/max1e3
`HTTP EXTENSION Security/Pigest
`The type of authorization in se If the usemame has been
`contain Basic
`this will
`by the
`it will not be scnt
`The number of bytes which the script can expect to receive
`from the client
`The content
`type of the information supplied in the body of
`the CGI Common Gateway Interface
`The revision of
`specification to which this server comp1ies The current
`version is CGIJL1
`Special case HTFP header Values of the Accept
`Eg if
`the foLlowing
`are concatenated separated by
`lines are part of the HTFP header
`then the HTIP_ACCEFF variable will have
`value of
`qal text/html
`Additional path information as given by the client This
`compdses the trailing part of the URL after the script name
`This is the value of PATHIFO but with any virtual path
`The information which follows the
`in the URL which
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 15

`Microsoft 1nieet Sosvor Beic
`Wb Databa Atcess Reasa Notos
`address of the client
`The hostname of the clint
`This contains
`supplied by the client and
`the username
`by the server REQUEST_lvTHOD String
`The name of the script program being executed
`The servers hoatname or IP address as it should appear
`The TCP/U port on which the request was received
`The name and version of the information retrieval protocol
`The name and version of the Web Server under which the
`CG1proam or Internet Server Extension is running
`The complete list of HiT variables will be provided with the final documentation for
`the Internet Server
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 16

`Mlcrceoft nteme Server Eeta
`aaae Access Release Notes
`912 Th995
`nstaHing ODBC and the SQL Server ODBC driver
`Run Setup.exe from the directoty on the enclosed conlp4ct disc named for your
`platform For example for Intal platforms OU can run Setup from the Program Manager
`by choosing File Run and entering the information shown in Figure 13 assuming your
`CDROM drive is Drive
`Qmeland Line
`aun Mlnimxed
`lice ui Sepeiatc pmeiy Spec
`Figure 13 Running ODBC Setup
`The ODBC Setup dialog box appea as shown in Figure 14
`Figure 14 The ODBC Setup
`the ODBC driver list
`Click the Continue button The next dialog box will present
`In this
`case only the SQL Server driver is available Click the SQL Seerent13 in the list box as
`shown in Figure 15
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 17

`Microsoft ntrnm Saver Bti
`Wsb Databav Access Release Notes
`Figure 15 SeIect
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 18

`Mcoot1 ntemet $er 8e
`Data baze cea Aaoase Notes
`Figure 18 Add bátá Sbrce
`list of ODBC drivers than that shown in Figure 18 If you have
`You may have
`never installed ODBC components on your computer before only the SQL Server driver
`will appear in the list box
`Select SQL Server from the list box and click OK The ODBC SQL Server Setup dialog
`box will appear as shown in Figure 19
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 19

`Microsoft Internet Server Beta
`Web Database Access Release Notes 9/2711995 7
`(3080 SQL Se'nre_r'$ctu|1
`'lTlSTS .
`- mrsrsv
`Figure 19: SQL Server Setup dialog box
`Entcruthe name of the data source. The data source name is a logical name used by ODBC
`to refer to the SQL Server driver and the actual server name on which SQL Server is
`running. You can also use the server name "(local)" if SQL Server is running on this
`computer. The data source name is used in WDG files to tell the ‘Web Server where to
`access the data.
`In Figure 19, the data source name “Web SQL" was entered and the SQL Server
`“N’I"I‘S'I'SR " is selected. "Web SQL" was used in a earlier examples, so you should use
`that name for now. Later, you can change it if you like. The server name, network
`address. and network library are specific to your installation. If you do not know what to
`enter in these controls accept the defaults. To find out the details, click the Help button
`and find the section that describes your network.
`After the data source name and server name have been entered, click OK. The System
`Data Sources dialog box will be displayed again, but now will have the name of the data
`source displayed as shown in Figure 20:
`System ala Source;
`Petitioner IBM — Ex. 1038, p. 20
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 20

`Microsoft Ihiemel Sewer Beta
`Web Database Access Release Notes
`Click Close. The Data Sources dialog box is displayed again as shown in Figure 21:
`Figure 21: Data sources dialog box.
`Click Close. The final completion dialog box of ODBC Setup is displayed. Click OK. and
`the ODBC Setup is complete.
`'""-""—' "" "'_ ”""‘" " "'"
`" """'
`“ """ “""""""—“"
`.. ..
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 21

`Mcrnsott nteme Sever Dea
`Web Oatase Access Roease Noise
`Installing the sampe files used in this document
`The sample files specified in section 3J are included on the compact disc in the root
`directo In order to use the samples you must copy them to the correct directory on your
`Inteniet Server computer You must also create
`new subdirecto and copy the Database
`to that directory You can use the File Manager or the command
`Connector Httpodbc4ll
`prompt on the computer running the Internet Server Finally in order to use the samples
`the following must be true
`You must have access to Microsoft SQL Server and know the name of the computer
`is running FusThermore for the samples to run as is the sa account
`on which it
`from your computer and the an account must have no password
`must be accessible
`installation for Microsoft SQL Server If you cannot or do not
`This is the default
`wish to use the sa account
`for these samples you can change the Username field
`and add Password fleld if necessary in Samplewdg Sample2wdg and
`valid user account
`Sample3.wdg to
`You must run the ODBC setup procedure as described in the previous section of this
`called Web SQL
`document Specifically you must create an ODBC Datasourco
`If you installed ODBC but
`associate it with an NT server running SQL Server
`just need to create the ODBC Datasource you can do so by using the ODBC control
`panel device in the NT control panel
`Just double click on the ODBC icon and
`youll be able to follow the steps to create the Web SQL Datasourve as shown in
`Figure 1600 page 18
`The SQL Server must have the pubs sample database installed and it must be
`accessible by whatever user accoUnt you used in step
`Step by step instructions for installing the samples included on the compact disc
`subdirectory called scripts from the Web root directory If you chose the
`default installation directory for Web Publishing Services your Web root directory is
`called wwwroot Within that directory create
`subdirectory called scripts
`From the command line this can be accomplished by
`If you changed the Web root directory when you ran setup for the Internet Server use
`the path name you specified for the Web root in place of
`Copy Httpodbc .dll
`from the Internet Server installation directory to the
`The default installation threctoiy for Internet
`scripts directory created in step
`The Httpodbc d11 is located in
`Server software is
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 22

`Mrosoft nemet swver ae
`Web Oatab$a ACOS eeas Notes
`called seices From the command line this can be accomplished by
`COPY C\fletT\
`installation directory or the Web root directory
`If you changed the Internet Server
`when you ran setup for the Internet Server use the path you specified for the Internet
`inetsrv and
`Server and Web root in place of
`Copy the sample files from the CD to the scripts directory From the command
`line this can be accomplished by
`Again if you changed the Web root directory when you ran setàp for the Internet Server
`use the directory name you specified for.the Web root In place of
`file on the CD called copysamp.bat
`that you should not use This
`Note there Is
`file will not properly copy the sample files for this beta
`Once the files are in the \Scripts directory and the ODBC data source Web SQL has
`been defined you can use the Internet Explorer to specify the following URLs to run the
`of this document
`examples shown in section
`httpky our server name/scripts/samplehtm
`httpIkyour server narne/scripts/sample2.htm
`hnpfIyour server name/scripts/sample3iiun
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 23

`This Page is Inseited by IFW Indexing and Scanning
`Operations and is not part of lie Official Record
`Dcfectiv in1ags whhn this docuiiiut re accu rate rep CseRtatiun of t1ie origiua
`docu rneots submit ted by the applicnkt
`Defects in the images include but are not
`limited to the items checked
`As resea net og thee ci octm menis will not con ect
`the ni age
`problems cheelced please do not report
`these problems to tie
`IFW Image 1tObleflI ailbox
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1038, p. 24

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