NOTE This disposition is nonprecedential
`United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
`Revised April 29 2010
`Gilliland Jr Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP of San Francisco
`California argued for plaintiffs-appellees With him on the brief were Theodore
`Artuz and Eric
`Hutchins of Palo Alto California
`Greco Robert
`Meek Baker Botts LLP of Dallas Texas argued for defendant-appellant
`Adams of
`With him on the brief were Larry
`Carlson and Samara
`Kline and Darryl
`Austin Texas
`Appealed from United States District Court for the District of Delaware
`Judge Sue
`Correction of party designation
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1030, p. 1

`United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
`from the United States District Court for the District of Delaware in case no 06-
`CV-414 Judge Sue
`DECIDED April28 2010
`Before RADER PLAGER and PROST Circuit Judges
`RADER Circuit Judcie
`The United States District Court
`for the District of Delaware granted Oracle
`Corporations and Oracle U.S.A Inc.s collectively Oracle motion for summary
`judgment of non-infringement on the ground that the accused products do not meet the
`releasing limitation of the asserted claims Oracle Corp
`Parallel Networks LLP
`Supp 2d 549 56367
`Del 2008 Because
`reasonable jury could find that
`the accused
`devices satisfy the
`releasing limitation this court vacates the district
`courts grant of summary judgment and remands
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1030, p. 2

`Oracle filed an action against epicRealm Licensing L.P epicRealm seeking
`declaratory judgment
`that Oracle does not
`infringe U.S Patent Nos 5894554 554
`and 6415335 335 patent
`that both
`patents are invalid and/or
`epicRealm counterclaimed that certain Oracle products infringe the 554
`patent and the 335 patent epicRealm later assigned the patents to Parallel Networks
`LLC Parallel Networks Parallel Networks replaced epicRealm in this action
`The 554 patent
`is entitled System for Managing Dynamic Web Page Generation
`Requests by Intercepting Request at Web Server and Routing to Page Server Thereby
`Releasing Web Server to Process Other Requests
`The 554 patent
`issued on April 13
`1999 based on an April 23 1996 application
`The 335 patent
`is entitled System and
`Method for Managing Dynamic Web Page Generation Requests
`The 335 patent
`issued on July
`2002 based on
`January 19 1999 application
`The 335 patent
`divisional of the 554 patent
`The patents claim systems and methods for efficiently managing dynamic web
`page requests
`the claimed invention seeks to lighten
`web servers
`processing load by allowing it
`to off-load dynamic web page requests to one or more
`page servers Figure
`illustrates one embodiment of the invention
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1030, p. 3

`CACHE 4121
`554 patent fig.4 In this embodiment
`web client 200 initiates
`for web
`web server 201 receives the request
`Instead of
`web server executable
`201E processing the request an interceptor 400 diverts the request
`402 The dispatcher selects one of
`number of page servers 4041-n based on
`predetermined criteria The selected page server
`retrieves the requisite data from one
`or more data sources 406 408 410 and incorporates the data into
`web page
`page server transmits the web page to the web server or to machine that is accessible
`to the web server for later retrieval Thus while the page server processes the request
`the web server
`can concurrently process other Web client requests ki at col.6 11.21
`24 This partitioned architecture allows both the page server and the web server
`simultaneously process different
`requests thus increasing the efficiency of the Web
`site ki at col.6 11.2427
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1030, p. 4

`Parallel Networks asserts that certain Oracle products infringe claims 15 and
`11 of the 554 patent and claims
`and 16 of the 335 patent
`Claim 11 of the 554
`is representative
`machine readable medium having stored thereon data
`instructions which when executed by
`sequences of
`computer system
`cause said computer system to perform the steps of
`Web server
`dynamic web page generation request
`receiving said request and releasing
`page server said page server
`said Web server
`reciuests wherein said routing
`to process other
`intercepting said request at said
`step further
`includes the steps of
`from said Web
`routing said request
`dispatcher and dispatching said request
`to said page server
`processing said request said processing being performed by said page
`server while said Web server concurrently processes said other
`requests and
`page said Web
`retrieved from one or more data sources
`including data
`554 patent col.1O 11.2441 emphases added All asserted claims have the releasing
`limitation the intercepting limitation and the dispatching limitation
`Parallel Networks accuses the following Oracle products of
`Web Cache products
`Internet Application Server products
`products with Real Application Clusters
`The parties do not dispute the physical
`characteristics of the accused products
`Web Cache is
`software program designed to store or
`requested web pages Web Cache creates
`front end fiber for each web page request
`The front end fiber checks
`to see if
`the cache has already stored the requested web
`is cached Web Cache returns the cached web page to the client Otherwise
`Web Cache creates
`back end fiber which stores the data associated with the request
`memory buffer and then forwards the request
`server called Oracle HTTP
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1030, p. 5

`Server OHS The back end fiber deletes the data packets
`from OHS indicating that OHS has received the request
`upon receiving an ACK
`Once OHS locates the
`requested web page Web Cache stores it
`in its cache and returns it
`to the client via the
`front end and back end fibers Web Cache then normally destroys the fibers it used to
`process the request
`Internet Application Server products contain multiple software programs such as
`OHS and Oracle Containers for Java OC4J the latter of which runs Java-based
`software applications
`An OHS instance runs
`program called HTTP Listener and has
`collection of modules
`HTTP Listener
`receives the web page requests from Web
`Cache and forwards them to the appropriate module for processing
`For example
`client requests
`web page that requires processing by
`Java-based software
`HTTP Listener uses
`module called mod_oc4j
`to route the request
`The OHS instance completes its process when it either sends the requested
`web page or an error message to Web Cache
`Database products consist primarily of
`package of data management software
`called Relational Database Management System RDBMS Real Application Clusters
`RAC is
`database option in which multiple instances on multiple computers can
`single database
`RAC database instance can generate
`web page
`Parallel Networks presents two contentions of infringement The first contention
`treats Web Cache as the Web server and OHS as the page server The second
`contention treats OHS as the Web server
`and either OC4J or
`RAC database
`instance as the
`page server Parallel Networks asserts that under both theories the
`page server releases the Web server to process other requests
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1030, p. 6

`Oracle moved for summary judgment of non-infringement of all asserted claims
`based on the releasing intercepting and dispatching limitations Parallel Networks
`also moved for summary judgment
`that Oracle literally
`infringes claim 11 of the 554
`patent On December
`2008 the district court granted Oracles motion solely based
`on the ground that the accused products did not meet the releasing limitation Oracle
`Supp 2d at 563-67 The district court denied Parallel Networks motion ki On
`December 23 2008 the district
`court entered
`Parallel Networks
`appeals both the grant of Oracles summary judgment motion of non-infringement
`the denial of Parallel Networkss summary judgment motion of infringement This court
`has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C 1295a1
`courts grant of summary judgment
`of non-
`infringement without deference
`Pause Tech LLC
`TiVo Inc 419 F.3d 1326 1329
`Fed Cir 2005
`This court
`denial of summary judgment
`for an abuse of
`discretion Little Six Inc
`United States 280 F.3d 1371 1373 Fed Cir 2002
`Summary judgment
`is appropriate when the pleadings depositions answers to
`interrogatories and admissions on file together with the affidavits if any show that
`there is no genuine issue as to any material
`fact and that the moving party is entitled to
`judgment as matter of law Fed
`56 Thus
`court may grant summary
`judgment when no creasonable
`jury could return
`for the nonmoving party
`Revolution Eyewear
`Aspex Eyewear Inc 563 F.3d 1358 1365 Fed Cir 2009
`citing Anderson
`Liberty Lobby Inc 477 U.S 242 248 1986 To establish literal
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1030, p. 7

`infringement every limitation set forth in
`claim must be found in an accused product
`exactly Southwall Tech Inc
`IG Co 54 F.3d 1570 1575 Fed Cir 1995
`As noted the district court granted summary judgment of non-infringement solely
`based on the
`releasing limitation
`The district court construed
`releasing said Web
`to process other
`requests to mean freeing the Web server
`to process other
`requests Oracle Corp
`Parallel Networks LLP No 06-CV-414 2008 U.S Dist
`LEXIS 98155 at
`Del Dec
`page server does not crelease the
`Web server unless the Web server
`is free to process other requests
`is defined as
`or machine having software that receives Web page
`requests and returns Web pages in response to the requests ki at 4_5
`Because Web server can be software or machine having software Parallel
`Networks may prove infringement by showing that either
`the page server
`the fiber or instance running on the Web server software infringement or
`page server releases the hardware resources e.g memory microprocessor cycles of
`the Web server hardware infringement
`The district
`court centered its analysis on
`software infringement For example the district court
`found that Web Cache functions
`cWeb server only through
`front end and bank end fibers Oracle 588
`Supp 2d at 565 Also the district
`found that OHS functions as
`cWeb server only
`through these
`ki at 566 The district court concluded that the
`accused products do not
`infringe because they do not free particular fibers or instances
`The district court did not however address whether hardware resources are freed
`reasonable jury could find that
`the accused Oracle products meet
`limitation under the hardware infringement
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1030, p. 8

`releasing limitation is met as long as the page server makes available the
`Web servers hardware resources for other uses one of which might be the processing
`of another web page request Oracle contends that the freed resources must be used
`for processing
`new web page request However
`the district courts claim construction
`does not require such
`narrow reading of the claims Also nothing in the specification
`requires the Web server to use the freed resources only for processing
`new request
`The specification simply recognizes the shortcoming of processing many web page
`requests on
`single processor and explains that
`routing the requests to
`computer allows the processor
`to continue servicing other requests 554 patent col.5
`Oracles page servers free the Web servers buffer memory When Web Cache
`is the Web server
`back end fiber stores the data associated with the web page
`request before forwarding the request
`to OHS Upon receiving an ACK or an error
`from OHS the back
`end fiber
`frees the memory
`The freed memory is
`deallocated so that it may be used elsewhere such as for processing another web page
`request When OHS is the Web server OHS similarly stores data about the web page
`in its memory and deletes it upon receiving an ACK from OC4J or
`instance OHS can later use the freed memory to process
`different web page request
`In addition Oracles page servers free the Web servers processors When Web
`Cache is the Web server the back end fiber waits while OHS processes the forwarded
`web page request When OHS is the Web server an OHS instance will wait
`response from OC4J or
`RAC database
`time is
`shared resource of the
`Web server for which the fibers and instances compete
`Therefore while
`fiber or an
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1030, p. 9

`instance idly waits for
`response the Web servers processors can handle other tasks
`Because the Web server handles multiple web page requests at
`the same time it can
`use the freed processor cycles to process other web page requests Accordingly this
`court finds that
`reasonable jury could find that the accused Oracle products meet the
`releasing limitation
`This court may affirm district courts judgment on any ground supported by the
`record even though that was not the basis of the district courts decision Hydril Co LP
`Grant Prideco LP 474 F.3d 1344 1351 Fed Cir 2007 However
`that authority is
`discretionary not mandatory
`In the present case this court declines to consider
`the additional grounds for affirmancedispatching
`intercepting limitations
`because they involve
`technical analysis of
`the accused products and
`analysis of
`the patent specification
`The two contested limitations would therefore be
`more appropriately addressed in the first
`instance by the district court
`reasonable jury could find that the accused Oracle products meet the
`releasing limitation this court vacates the district courts grant of Oracles motion for
`summary judgment of non-infringement
`and its denial of Parallel Networks motion for
`summary judgment
`proceedings consistent with the opinion
`Costs are taxed against Oracle
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1030, p. 10

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