United States Patent
`Bittinger et at
`Reed Reed Bittinger Michael Levi
`Fraenkel both of Raleigh Barron
`Cornelius Housel III Chapel Hill
`David Bruce Lindquist Raleigh all of
`International Business Machines
`Corp Armonk N.Y
`The term of this patent shall not extend
`the expiration date of Pat No
`Appl No 601903
`Feb 15 1996
`Int Cl.6
`U.S Cl
`Field of Search
`GO6F 3/00
`200.33 200
`References Cited
`Epard et
`12/1995 Halliwell
`11/1996 Morris
`2/1997 Howard
`Shaw et
`665 670 A3
`European Pat Off
`H04L 29/06
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin Method
`to Reduce
`Changed Data Sent Between Computer Systems vol 35
`No 1B pp 110112
`Austin et al File System Caching in Large PointtoPoint
`Networks Software Engineering Journal vol
`6580 Jan 1992
`Patent Number
`Date of Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`Nelson et al Caching in the Sprite Network File System
`pp 34 1987
`Operating Systems Review vol 21 No
`Huizinga et al TwoLevel Client Caching
`and Discon
`of Notebook Computers
`nected Operation
`Systems SIGICE Bulletin vol 21 No
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin Method
`Transmitting Only Document Change Data vol 27 pp
`844846 Jun 1984
`International Search Report
`pp 914 Jul
`in Distributed
`List continued
`on next page
`Primary ExaminerP arshotam
`Assistant ExaminerKenneth
`Attorney Agent or FirmJerry
`and computer program product
`method apparatus
`reducing the data transmitted over an external communica
`tion link from first application
`second application
`second computer The
`method apparatus and computer program product
`data stream from the first application
`to be provided
`to the second application
`from the
`in response to
`second application
`in the first
`server base cache entry and in cache
`to create
`cache entry
`the second computer
`to create
`client base
`Requests from the second application
`are interrogated
`client base cache entry corresponding
`to the
`request exists and to determine
`server base
`cache entry corresponding
`request exists
`to the interrogated
`The response data stream is intercepted prior to transmission
`the response on the external communication link and
`to the server base cache entry to provide differ
`to the difference between the inter
`ence data corresponding
`cepted response and the server base
`cache entry The dif
`the external communication link
`ference data is sent over
`and acquired by the second computer which reconstructs the
`response data stream by combining the client base
`data to create
`entry with the difference
`response data
`stream which is provided to the second application
`48 Claims 19 Drawing Sheets
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 1

`IBM Sales Brochure G3253595OO prioted Sep 1995
`HTTP Working
`Hyptertext Traosfer ProtocolHTTP/1.O
`Group BernersLee et alInternetDraft Basic HTTP
`IBM Sales Brochure G3253598O printed Sep 1995
`IBM ARTour Technical OverviewRelease
`IBM Publication 5B14O11OOO 1995
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 2

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`of 19
`Web Browser
`Web Server
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 3

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`of 19
`Receive request from
`web browser
`Cache Entry Exist
`for Request
`Is entry
`Send Cache entry
`to Browser as
`HTTP data stream
`Send Coherency Check
`to SSI
`Coherency Interval
`CRC of cache entry
`and HTTP request
`Send Request to Server
`Side Intercept Module
`SSI including HTTP
`request Coherency
`Interval and Null CRC
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 4

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`of 19
`Receive Response from
`including Response
`Type CRC and Age
`J5Response Coherent
`Receive data stream
`and store
`Cache entry exist
`for data stream
`Update cache entry by
`updating Store Date
`Current Date
`Time Age received
`from SSI
`Delete old
`cache entry
`Update Cache with
`received data including
`HTTP data CRC of HTTP
`data and Store Date
`Current Date
`Time Received Age
`Create Cache Entry
`by storing HTTP data
`received URL of HTTP
`data CRC of HTTP data
`and Store Date Time
`Current Date Time Age
`Send HTTP data of
`Cache Entry to Browser
`as HTTP data stream
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 5

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`of 19
`Recetve Request from
`Client Side intercept
`Module CSI Including
`Coherency Interval
`CRC and H11P data
`Response to
`SSI Cache
`entry Coherent
`Send coheren1
`response to CSI
`Send HUP
`request to
`Send streams
`response to CSI
`Including CRC of SSI
`entr Age of SSI entry
`and HTTP data of SSI
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 6

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`of 19
`server Cache
`entry exist
`or response
`Server Cache
`of received H11P data
`the H1TP data and the
`Stored Date lime
`Current Date lime
`_________ _____
`Receive response from
`server and store H1TP
`data siTeam and
`calculate CRC of H1TI
`cache entry
`Update Store
`Date lime
`Date lime
`Delete stored
`frOm server
`Delete H1IP data of
`server cache entry
`Update Server cache
`entry wtth CRC of server
`response 1-HIP data of
`server response and Store
`Dafe lime Current
`Date lime
`cache CRC
`Send coheren response
`Send stream response
`Including I-fliP data received
`from server CRC of I-in
`data andAge
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 7

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`of 19
`Set CRC to send to SSI
`to CRC of client base cache
`entry for CGI request
`Send CGI request to SSI
`Including H1TP request and
`CRC of client base
`cache entry
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 8

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`of 19
`Receive response to CGI
`from SSI including
`response type and CRC
`of server base form
`response and store
`HTTP data CGI difference
`data and CRC
`client base
`Rebase the client
`cache by storing the
`HTTP data received
`from the SSI and
`the CRC received
`from the SSI
`the HTTP
`from the web
`server by merging the
`CGI difference data to
`the client base form
`HTTP data to create
`the HTTP data stream
`client base
`cache entry by storing
`the URL of the CGI
`the CRC of
`the HTTP data from
`the SSI and the HTTP
`data from the SSI
`Send reconstructed
`response to browser
`as H1TP data stream
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 9

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`of 19
`FIG 10
`Receive CGI request from
`CSI including CRC of
`client base cache entry
`and HTTP data of request
`Send CGi request
`to web server
`response from
`server and store HTTP
`data CRC of HTTP
`data and null CGI
`difference data
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 10

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`of 19
`CRC of response
`CRC of server
`ase entry
`Compute difference
`between server base
`cache entry for CGI
`request and response
`from web server
`Create server base
`cache entry by storing
`URL of CGI request
`HTTP data of response
`from server and
`CRC of 1-ITIP data
`Update server base
`cache entry with HTTP
`data of response CRC
`of HTTP data and Null
`the CGI difference data
`HTTP data set
`to received
`HTTP data
`Send response to CSI
`of CRC of SSI base
`cache entry HTTP
`data and CGI
`difference data
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 11

`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 12

`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 13

`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 14

`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 15

`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 16

`363 C
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 17

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`Sheet 16 of 19
`FIG 16-1
`FIG 16-2
`Add data
`to virtual
`socket queue
`Connect virtual
`to real socket
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 18

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`Sheet 17 of 19
`FIG 16-3
`FIG 16-4
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 19

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`Sheet 18 of 19
`FIG 17-1
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 20

`U.S Patent
`Jan 12 1999
`Sheet 19 of 19
`FIG 17-2
`Add bClosehl
`to socket queue
`Remove real socket
`from real event
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 21

`The present
`ing between
`such as web browser and
`invention relates
`invention relates to methods of communicat
`on different computers
`web server More particularly
`to differencing methods of
`the present
`an external communication
`between two computers
`which for purposes of this example may be home page
`The URL acts as the address of the web site and is unique
`the Internet The web server would then obtain
`and supply the web browser with the HTML data corre
`the home page specified by the URL This
`operation may involve further communications on the Inter
`net by the Internet web server or the URL may specify the
`server which is in the local network to which the browser is
`attached The web browser would then evaluate the HTML
`data received as an HTTP data stream from the web server
`there were any embedded hyper-links such as an
`to see if
`icon or an image and if such
`hyper-link exists would
`requests specifying the URL of the hyper-link to
`obtain the specified data This data would then be incorpo
`rated into the home page and displayed to the user As is seen
`single user input request by web
`in this simple example
`in multiple additional requests which are
`browser may result
`automatically carried out by the web browser in response to
`the receipt of the HTML data corresponding
`to the user input
`The basic communication structure for an Internet based
`web browser 10
`system is depicted in FIG
`web server 20 over
`communicates with
`link 15 This communication link is typically
`local area
`25 network connection wide area network
`combination thereof The
`nection over
`telephone lines or
`web browser 10 communicates with the web server 20 using
`TCP/IP For the majority of Internet communications
`web server using the generic
`browser communicates with
`protocol HTTP which is
`30 communication
`the web browser and
`the web server over
`TCP/IP link between the web browser and the web server
`The actual data transferred between the web browser 10 and
`the web server 20 are HTTP data objects e.g HTML data
`The web server 20 may be
`as described above
`which receives web browser communications from num
`ber of web browsers
`routes them to the appropriate
`The popularity of the web browser/web
`server and their
`information and transport protocols HTML and
`40 common
`HTTP has lead to rapid acceptance
`of web technology
`for network access
`and language for com
`Furthermore because the protocols
`munication between web browsers
`and web servers
`the communication protocols and
`will be the same whether
`is using Netscape
`NavigatorTM NCSA MosaicTM WebExplorerTM or any other
`web browser as their web browser to access network
`for web
`mation Therefore the
`large installed user base
`browsers combined with the connectivity of the Internet and
`servers using the HTTP
`the ease of writing web application
`defined Common Gateway
`Interface CGImake web tech
`nology very attractive
`large class of
`At the same time that
`the Internet was growing in popu
`larity and acceptance mobile computing was also increasing
`laptops notebooks Personal
`use of
`in popularity
`Digital/Communication Assistants PDAs/PCAs
`and other
`lead to an increase in demands
`60 wireless communications Wireless wide
`cellular communications and packet
`radio however suffer
`from common limitations if used in web context The high
`cost per byte of communications slow response time low
`and unreliability
`all hamper
`use of wireless
`for the stateless communication protocol of the
`World Wide Web Also because the web protocol is stateless
`the amount of data per request and the number of commu
`area networks
`The recent publicity and emphasis on the information
`has increased awareness and acceptance of
`mass communication media This broad
`the Internet
`viable media
`based recognition of
`communication and interaction across multiple networks has
`also created
`large established
`user base built upon the
`protocols for interaction between com
`Internet standardized
`puter networks
`The paradigm for the Internet
`is that of
`relationship where Internet
`clients browsers communicate
`with Internet
`servers To provide
`the communication protocols and languages utilized
`and servers have become standardized These
`by the clients
`protocols include the Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol HTTP
`which is the communication protocol used for communica
`tions between clients and servers and the Transfer Control
`Protocol TCP/IP the TCP portion of
`for communication
`which is the transport
`specific protocol
`between computers or applications Also standardized
`is the
`language in which clients and servers communicate which is
`Language HTML Because
`called Hyper-Text Markup
`and language are machine independent
`these protocols
`to sending
`best-efforts protocol
`transaction is fully self contained Thus
`information each
`for example each message from client contains informa
`the capabilities of the browser and is independent
`tion about
`of any other communications for the communication to be
`nature of the communica
`completed This self-contained
`tions between
`client and
`server may be referred to as
`stateless communications and
`the amount of
`client and
`data which must be transferred between
`given communication
`the World Wide Web client/server
`web browser which acts as
`the client may be
`the user interface The web browser sends user
`requests to
`the appropriate web server and
`formats and displays the
`HTML data returned from the web server The web browser
`also evaluates the HTML data to determine
`there are any
`in the HTML data which
`embedded hyper-link statements
`would require
`subsequent browser requests which would
`web server acts as the
`then be initiated by the browser
`server for the client and processes the web browsers requests
`and returns the requested response as an HTML data portion
`HTTP data stream
`typical world wide web communica
`As an example of
`web browser
`tion the case of
`home page
`from the web server
`illustrates the basic
`relationship between HTTP HTML TCP and
`the web
`the web browser
`browser and server When the user of
`specific web site the web
`information from
`initiates communication with the web server by
`to the web server specifying the
`get request
`Universal Resource Locator URL of the desired web site
`In the context
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 22

`invention the second
`further aspect of the present
`the server base form is identical
`form and
`form and the
`difference data are transmitted to the second computer
`the external communication link if
`the server base form is
`form The intercepted
`client base
`to the response from the
`response data stream corresponding
`is then reconstructed
`by combining the
`the external communication
`server base form received over
`link with the difference
`data received
`the external
`communication link to create
`data stream corresponding
`response The client base form correspond
`the intercepted
`is also updated by storing the
`ing to the interrogated
`form as the client base
`cache entry
`server base
`to the interrogated
`invention the
`rebasing aspect of the present
`the difference
`server base form and the intercepted response is greater
`threshold The server base
`the wireless connection
`requests transferred
`the communication
`are larger than would be necessary
`combining wireless
`were not self contained
`communication technology
`technology or any low-speed
`with web technology
`seems impractical as the strength of the
`in its universal nature
`weaknesses of the wireless technology
`In view of the above limitations it
`is one object of the
`communication system which
`invention to provide
`reduces the amount of data to be transferred between appli
`invention to
`the present
`is an additional object of
`communication system which may be used in
`web browser/server
`invention to be
`the present
`further object of
`compatible with existing communication protocols and lan
`low speed or wireless communication system 20
`guages in
`requiring modification of web browser or web
`server applications
`storing the intercepted
`the first
`is updated by
`response data stream received from
`cache entry corre
`as the server base
`the difference between
`sponding to the intercepted request
`the server base form and the intercepted response is greater
`threshold The comparison
`than the predefined
`then utilizes the updated server base
`In an alternative embodiment of the present
`plurality of server base cache
`entries which correspond
`from the second application
`are maintained
`the request
`from the second application
`to deter
`mining if
`entries exist
`forms is
`to the client
`forms is
`is interrogated
`plurality of server
`from the second application
`to the request
`plurality of server base forms The first
`if one of the plurality of server base
`to the client base form and utilizes the one of the
`plurality of server base forms which is identical
`form if one of
`the plurality of server base
`to the client base form
`An additional embodiment of
`includes updating the server cache entry with the data stream
`from the
`from the first application
`in response to the request
`second application
`data sets which
`plurality of difference
`from the second application
`to the request
`which represent
`between successive server
`the differences
`entries are maintained to provide
`plurality of CRC entries are also maintained wherein
`each of the plurality of CRC entries is associated with one
`data sets and uniquely identify
`of the plurality of difference
`the server base form from which the difference data set was
`plurality of difference data sets and CRCs exist
`50 derived If
`from the second application
`to the request
`and if one of the plurality of CRCs corresponds
`form which is identical
`form the
`to the client base
`to the CRC which
`data corresponding
`to the client base form the successive archival
`55 corresponds
`difference data sets and the difference data calculated for the
`form and
`the response from the
`server base
`are sent to the second computer over the external
`communication link The response data stream correspond-
`from the
`ing to the communication from the first application
`the external communication link
`data stream received over
`in first
`the data is transmitted over
`an external
`to the second
`to create
`invention to
`the present
`is an additional object of
`communication system which reduces the amount
`web browser and
`of communication required between
`web server and thereby enhances performance of the com
`munication system
`In view of these and other objects the present
`method of reducing the data transmitted over
`communication link from first application
`and to
`second application
`computer where
`communication link from the first
`computer One aspect of
`invention includes
`the present
`data stream from the first application to be provided
`from the
`to the second application
`in response to
`second application
`in the first
`server base cache entry The data stream to be
`to the second application
`in response to
`is also stored in cache
`from the second application
`cache entry
`in the second computer
`to create
`client base
`from the
`second application
`are evaluated
`client base cache entry corresponding
`to the
`client base
`request exists to provide
`Requests from the second application
`are also interrogated
`to determine
`server base cache entry corresponding
`server base form
`the interrogated request exists to provide
`The data stream corresponding
`to the
`response originated by
`the first application
`in response to the interrogated
`from the second application
`is intercepted prior to transmis
`response on the external communication link and
`sion of the
`compared to the server base form to provide difference data
`the difference
`form The difference
`response and the server base
`data is
`over the external communica
`to the second computer
`tion link and the difference data transmitted over the external
`communication link sent by the first
`is acquired
`from the external communication link The response data
`to the communication from the first
`stream corresponding
`from the client/server
`is reconstructed
`data stream received over the external communication link
`by combining the client base form with the difference
`the external communication link to create
`received over
`data stream corresponding
`to the
`The reconstructed
`data stream corresponding
`to the second applica
`response is provided
`the intercepted
`combining the client base
`is reconstructed
`by successively
`form with the difference
`data received
`the external
`communication link to create
`response data stream corre
`65 sponding to the intercepted response The client cache entry
`from the second application
`to the request
`data stream
`also updated with the reconstructed
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 23

`In alternative embodiments of the present
`invention the
`web server
`the second
`web browser Alternatively
`wireless commu
`external communication link comprises
`nication link Furthermore
`an alternative
`from the web browser comprising CGI
`includes the request
`As will be appreciated by those of skill
`in this art the
`above described aspects of the present
`invention may also be
`as an apparatus or
`program product
`program means
`FIG is
`block diagram of
`typical web browser/web
`server system
`web browser/web
`FIG is
`block diagram of
`system according to one embodiment of the present
`tion utilizing
`client intercept
`server intercept
`FIG is
`flow diagram depicting
`client-side intercept module in
`preferred embodiment
`carried out
`the present
`invention implementing
`coherent caching
`FIG is
`flow diagram depicting
`client-side intercept module in
`preferred embodiment
`carried out
`the present
`FIG is
`flow diagram depicting
`server-side intercept module in preferred embodiment
`invention implementing
`coherent caching
`carried out
`the present
`invention implementing
`coherent caching
`FIG is
`flow diagram depicting
`server-side intercept module in preferred embodiment
`carried out
`the present
`invention implementing
`coherent caching
`FIG is
`flow diagram depicting
`carried out
`preferred embodiment
`client-side intercept module in
`invention implementing
`differencing data
`the present
`carried out
`transfer system
`FIG is
`flow diagram depicting
`preferred embodiment
`client-side intercept module in
`differencing data
`the present
`invention implementing
`transfer system
`FIG is
`carried out
`flow diagram depicting
`server-side intercept module in preferred embodiment
`the present
`differencing data
`invention implementing
`transfer system
`FIG 10 which is comprised of FIG 1OA and FIG lOB
`which collectively form FIG 10 is
`flow diagram depicting
`server-side intercept module in
`carried out by
`preferred embodiment of the present
`invention implement
`differencing data transfer system
`FIG 11 is
`block diagram of one aspect of the present
`invention utilizing virtual sockets
`FIG 12 is
`block diagram of
`client-side intercept
`module and
`server-side intercept module according to one
`invention utilizing virtual sock
`embodiment of the present
`FIG 13 which is comprised of FIG 13A and FIG 13B
`which collectively form FIG 13 is
`flow diagram depicting
`carried out by
`socket manager of either
`client-side intercept module
`or the
`module according to one embodiment of the present
`tion utilizing virtual sockets
`FIG 14 is
`flow diagram depicting operations
`carried out
`function in one embodiment of the
`client-side intercept
`invention utilizing virtual sockets
`the present
`FIG 15 is
`operations carried out
`flow diagram depicting
`function in one embodiment of the
`server-side intercept
`invention utilizing virtual sockets
`FIG 16-1 is
`flow diagram depicting
`the virtual create
`one embodiment of
`invention utilizing virtual sockets
`FIG 16-2 is
`the present
`the present
`the present
`the virtual send
`flow diagram depicting
`one embodiment of
`invention utilizing virtual sockets
`FIG 16-3 is
`flow diagram depicting
`the virtual
`one embodiment of
`invention utilizing virtual sockets
`FIG 16-4 is
`flow diagram depicting
`the virtual select
`one embodiment of
`invention utilizing virtual sockets
`FIG 17-1 is
`flow diagram depicting
`the virtual
`one embodiment of
`invention utilizing virtual sockets
`FIG 17-2 is
`the present
`flow diagram depicting
`the virtual close
`one embodiment of
`invention utilizing virtual sockets
`the present
`invention now will be described more fully
`The present
`hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings in
`which preferred embodiments of the invention are shown
`This invention may however be embodied in many different
`forms and should not be construed as limited to the embodi
`forth herein rather these embodiments are pro
`ments set
`vided so that
`this disclosure will be thorough and complete
`and will
`fully convey the scope of the invention to those
`skilled in the art Like numbers
`like elements
`to 10 and 13 to 17-2 are flowchart illustrations of
`and systems according to the invention It will be
`understood that each block of the flowchart illustrations and
`combinations of blocks in the flowchart illustrations can be
`implemented by computer program instructions These com
`puter program instructions may be loaded onto
`to produce
`or other programmable apparatus
`such that
`the instructions which execute on the computer or
`other programmable apparatus create means for implement-
`ing the functions specified in the flowchart block or blocks
`These computer program instructions may also be stored in
`computer-readable memory that can direct
`computer or
`other programmable apparatus to function in
`manner such that
`the instructions stored in the computer-
`readable memory produce an article of manufacture
`ing instruction means which implement
`the function speci
`fied in the flowchart block or blocks The computer program
`instructions may also be loaded onto
`or other
`programmable apparatus to cause
`series of operational
`steps to be performed on the computer
`or other program
`mable apparatus to produce
`implemented pro
`the instructions which execute on the com
`cess such that
`puter or other programmable apparatus provide
`steps for
`specified in the flowchart block
`implementing the functions
`60 or blocks
`Accordingly blocks of the flowchart
`illustrations support
`combinations of means for performing the specified
`tions and combinations of steps for performing the specified
`functions It will also be understood
`that each block of the
`illustrations and combinations of blocks
`in the
`illustrations can be implemented by special pur
`pose hardware-based
`systems which perform the
`Petitioner IBM – Ex. 1011, p. 24

`or steps or combinations of special
`and computer
`purpose hardware
`FIG illustrates one embodiment of the present
`tion As seen
`in FIG
`web browser 10 communicates
`client-side intercept module 30 The web server 20
`server-side interrupt module 40 The
`communicates with
`client-side interrupt module 30 then communicates with the
`server-side interrupt modul

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