`Preciseley v. Dicon
`LLS. Patent
`.133. 4, 3333
`3333 1 .3 n
`U3 3,333,733 31
`FIG. .. ‘IA
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_002
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 4, mos
`Him: 2 III 11
`US 6,333,733 B1
`f 1
`firza $3.4.
`3 .453
`r "
`FIG._1'B 54:?
`(IE H114
`’ % “E
`?55 Emir
`FQ 1fi2
` a
`FfG._1C Settle-n AA’
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_003
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 4, mos
`Him: 3 III 11
`US 6,333,733 B1
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_004
`LLS. Patent
`.nm+4, zuus
`E-iheul 4 r.-F 11
`US 6.333.333 El
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_005
`US. Patent
`.lun+4, ZUIIS
`5|“,-cu 5 4'.-I" 11
`us 5,,,,733 131
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_006
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 4, mos
`Him: 5 III 11
`US 6,333,733 B1
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001 007
` K
`LLS. Patent
`Sh£'Ll '1'‘ nl" ll
`LIE 6.333.733 El
`LII‘-'I.":"EFt E12‘
`L-W ER H12
`LAY ER 512
`FIG. _ BA
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_008
`US. Patent
`Sheet 3 of II
`US fi,3.'~!flJ3fi B1
`FIG. -33
`a 305
`”””“- %;§:m aaa
`§ flflfl
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_009
`US. Patent
`Jan. 4.lvIHI«5
`sheet I; nf 11
`Us fi,fl3fi.T3E HI
`1%u1 1ufi fl
`£5" 1''WE fi"'..II"..II"..II§'fi§I"..II§I"..IIEIJ"..IIEI"..Ifi"1" £5"Jul".-EI§§EIIfi"..II§§I"..IIEI5I"..I'.."nI.F"..IIfi"1'' 15"fi§F..Ifi"..I5"..I2
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_010
`[L5, Pfllfllll
`Jun. =L1lHI'.-3
`H|ll."'E':l 11] ul’ ll
`U5 6.3335733 31
`mmma '
`IJ§H5f?f fl
`Féff!§§ ;5?§f;Effi*'fJ';fiF!;EfJ'J§I'JFffffi'fJ5fififi5f£§IffJ5fi%
` .
` !
` .WE.h§1
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_011
`LLS. Patent
`.lHn.==1. mus
`sane;-111 Id‘ 11
`US 6,333,738 B1
`E E E E E ans
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_012
`UH ti,H3i"i,'.-‘Eli Li]
`III.I-iF.Tl'l'-l:'|E|S'l'i‘t'1"I'|i.'.' CHHTIHII. {IF MICHEL
`fl|"TIl’.'.-"t.I. CHM Pfll'~lI".l'~l'I‘:-i
`'l'|l.iI I-‘.l;'I..-"t'I'l;'IlI
`{'l-l|i.l|-.‘ihi J-llfl-'l;'ll:l;'h'|'.II;'
`'lhis ttpplieation is related to I.-".5 patent applieation Her.
`l’~lt.t. l.iI"J.'5*'Il.-1-ll I:rt1t|l-LL1 'li_I,-l:IriIrJ |i.l||.'4:t.'r-Mt.'L'l'tttnit'.'a.l L'ttntl:tt.t-
`nunl“ 'h-3|
`ll-e netliel .l. i'.‘nslt.'lln lilutl nn
`it-L EIIIL. and re LL!-i. patent applieatieut E-er. He.
`il':.|t'I'.'-'."l.3-T" untitled "U|_:Ill.I:.'fll
`‘_'iwitL'l't" by lit; ru:t.1ir_'t J.
`'i‘o:-alelle. Peter T. Jones anti Elo-Shanp, lee liletl on Sep 2?.
`ELIIII, at-hieh are irtoe-rporatet-J herein by this reference in
`their e11ti:rel3,-. Thh a]1r.tlit.'atinn is also n.'lat-t:t:l1n arsl claims
`priority iretnt L|.S. pres-isional Patent applieation He.
`IEt|J.I'3l-‘I.3-1-.‘i- t.':ttl:il:|.I:sl. "l;'|.I:s;l:rI:tsla.1:is; {'s.ttttru|s.~ll'a1iL11:t-|Li||:IliL'al
`Fotnponents“ ht-'
`lile nediel J. 'i‘o:-alelle. Peter T. Jones. and
`llo~ti|tartp_ [.ee tiled on Hep. 2t. 2iIl2I],whie|t is ineorporated
`huruin 'h-3| this rt.'i't.':n:nr.'e in its l.'l.'l|ll.'l.'1].'.
`lil-."|.|l"EIl'iFl:|l'?|l..'l~l'|'.I HI-' Tliii |'l'~l‘e'Iil~l'I1i'III"'l
`l Eiieltl oi the Invention
`'lhe present in1'e ntion relates generally to ntiero-opliettl
`det-'ier.-s. and tnore speeiIteal|3.- to It-lierolileetroh-leehanieal
`[HEEHH] an.'luIlnt's and -tlut.-is:-t.'s.
`1 E'.t.'lIle-tl .-"trl
`lll:|Il.'rl.'l]:I[l.I: sta-t1L'ht.'s artrl
`require that an optieal elentenl '-'llI2l.'l as It mirror. .1 lens. or a
`pn:i.n1.. :tr.s.wt.' in :l'|.'.'a]:|Il.'|l'L"l-I.‘
`ltt a.rt 1.'l.|.'\L|.Tll.' I.1trnulus. |:tt
`|l.'ll.' print
`at"! this has gemrally huun ar.'t:ss'n [t-lM1t:t:l
`l'.Ig.r lalting .I.tlt.-an-
`rage of tire eleetrostatie attraetien I.‘-etweert
`l'-‘.'t!r parallel
`t.'lt.'L'l:rt.'sl.I.'s. I'ara.ll-Ll platt; I:lt.'r_'1nts1al:t-: aL'1ualttt's ha‘-.'vt.' st;'-.'vt;ral
`disatl'-'an1age=. They require high we-ltape. ha'-we It limited
`range oi motion. and heeotne unstable u-hen ntoveol l.'Iu]-'vuu1d
`a critical [st-inl. i'ltl'.s:r IL'l ua1nrs. .s.ut.'h Is elt.'n.'ln'trna|.'_n:t:|it.' nr
`therrnal a-:tuators,o'«'er-:ot:tte these lintitations but at the eost
`ttl:' high puns-t.'r I'J:l'.'It'l-l.]2|tllLIL'rl.'l.. sis.“-.I n.'s-ptsttst.'. a.ruJt'I:tr ir.s:rt;ast.'tJ
`oantplet-tit;.r oi ntanttiaeture
`ELI In-'[M.-"t.l-l'!t!'
`l'E||_‘ lI"~l‘I."t_'H'l'I|l.2Ih'
`"-'i.u'Iiealeonth tlti'-we aetuators oenthine adva ntapes of very
`]:tLtaI.'vt.'r L'Llr.I'.'al.lr.IlF|.lLll'I.. simple 2lal:triL1ttt.ttn.
`:-ital:-le e-peratie-rt. anti ettlentled range e-i ntotion.
`-:ottI':tg.uratieuts of tire fingers or oe-nths are shown to fern:
`1.-ar.irt-us urnhn-rlirnu11|.s. ni'1l'.s:
`ittt.-unlinn. ta-'ltis:l'.t
`in turn .lJ'\E
`in enthotlinte nts of tniero-opliettl tleviee:-:.
`in one enthotlinte nt of the invention an eleelroslatie
`ar_'1uatttr Ilttrnturl rat a singlt; lag-I:r r_s.stn|;a'i.s:t.'s a sta.lttr ['utrrnt.'tJ
`in the lI].'\Er unmprkinga lirs.1nlut'.tli13- nl'linp_e:t':'t.. Intl a rs:-1nr
`iornted in the layer eornprisinp a seoenti plurality of fingers.
`Uni.‘ ua' rnt.trt.' tt[' lJtt.'
`l'trtg,t.'t's t.t[' lJtt.' sa.'L'I:tr.sl. ]:tlu:ra.lit_I,- islat.'1ttI.'vt.'t.'n
`the I':tt'.q.jr.ers oi the |irs1 plurality-'. and one or more lingers oi
`thl: sla.1ttr a:tttJ l.'|:l|.I:.'a:l' art; p-ttsi1tttnt.'-L1 alau-.II: a r_ssttt.1ur_'1irtg plarat;
`ha-rittg lhu sIrnu nnluttlial as the mlnr. ."|.t'lt:litinnIll3,-. nnu nr
`ntore Ilrtp_-.-rs of tire rotor has a height less than or equal to
`ttrat; ttr :tr.sst1: 1iit|._t;vt;rs Lt['1l'.s.' sta.lttr H-LlL‘l'.| that a '-.'t.'t'tt-:al
`l:'t.trs:t.' is
`esettetl upon the roter.
`irn.-t.'ntittn a nu:lht.IrJ
`[rt ant.tlht.'r
`i'nn'ninp_ att
`:||.'lLLI|i.'lL' in .1 walitr -tssrnfsrisittg I
`silieen sutrstrate. art lt'L‘ittla1[t'tg layer on the substrate. and a
`la:pt.'r having a l'.s.'ig_hl
`s ttn an insulating la._I,-t.'r.
`tliselrsetl. 'l'lte ntelhotl eslntpris-es et-ehinr.-. a treneh having a
`depth gr within a silieon layer. and thereafter etehitg the
`silitst-11 l.I.3,It.':r and the trt.'t's:l'.t tea the inst.tl.:.1ing_ layer In form I
`rote-r ilnger ei height I-]-' and a plurality of stator I':tttp.ers oi
`hutgltt :It.. and I:1L'htrt3 a.
`|:s.s'1t-ut't ttl:'
`|l.'ll.' imulaling la._I,-t.':r l:It.'ltttI.'
`the rotor and the stator lingers.
`in yet another etnhoditnent of the invention. an e|ee1ro-
`statit: aetuatetr formed in a irtsttlatirtg layer is -tlisetosed. ln
`1his urnhnelirnent, even an insulating n'tlnr r:In hu 11's:-1.-utl
`at-ith eleetrostatie forees.
`'ihe aetttator eeuttprises. a stator
`r_s.s'rt]:tri.sing a llrs1 |.'-lu.'ralit3- sol llingura. having an iru+t.tla1trt3
`portion formed in the insulating layer. and a eontluetive
`ponion upon me irtsulatittp. petrtiort.
`'ihe aetuator
`ir.s:lut'l-as a rnl-tar-ts:-'rnp:t'isi11g a st.'r:nr.sl]1lu.'rIlilg.rni' ling,ut's,1hu
`rotor ionttetl in the insulating layer. wherein one or mere of
`1l'.s.' llngum t.t['
`|l.'ll.' st:-t:t.trttJ plurality is ht.'1tIot.'t.'n |l.'ll.'
`l!in£_I:ra. ttl:'
`the first pl.1lt'-il[|]t'
`"ml-'t'ten a voltage is applied to the eontJtIe-
`1[‘."I.'- portions of the stator I':tt:t_g.-.-.rs a uertieal ioree is esenerl
`ups:-11 rtne nt' mnru iin;-I_'vt:rs -rt-l' lhu n'tlnr.
`li|}t|E.l-' E|I|i.'5Ii'l-'i[Fi'[E}H till-'
`'l'lII:'. Ell-'i.I'|t.'t.'|.-'[l‘~i'il5
`l:'Iti. IA illus1nt1t.'s a. plan '-.'iI:w t.t[' a.rt t.'ntl.'s.'sl.intt.':ttl:
`ntiere-oplieal eornpe-nettt 1ll'l.'I.
`l:'Iti'.'i. 1H-—1Il|
`:tniL'.t1:t-ttplis:al L'Llr.Il|_:Il.1l1.L':ll[ IE}. it
`1un.:l.'tlt: iiller.
`ttl:' a
`Fltii. in. illustrates a plan ‘."iu'-‘.' of a retating. er pit-etirtp
`t.'nn'tr.st-11unl Elli].
`Fltii. ill is a ere-ss seetiort oi hg.-hrid ntiero-optieal eorn-
`]:ILlrL|.'nI .215.
`Flii. J isa eross seelion e-i an etnhoditnent of an ttetualor
`lttr 1.tsL tn:. a n1iLTtt-ttplis:als:urnp»ut'tt;nl.
`is .1 asses suetinn -rt-i' attnlhur urnhrslirnettt ni' an
`aetuat-er fer use in a ntiero-optieal -oe-ntponertt.
`FIG. 5 E I asses seulinn nl'.I.nnlltt.':r urnhrslirne11tillt.'t't.1t'.tt-
`ing. a push-pull aetuator for use in a rniero-eptieal eontpo-
`Flii. G is a erases seotion e-i anolher etnhotlitnent oi an
`a.-t:lual:-tat" ['-tat" use in a ntit:rtt-uptt-:al r_s.s'rt]tttr.s.'rt1.
`is .l. n:Iss-ts st.-ctinn -:sl' attnlhur urnhrslirnottt n:l' an
`aetuat-er fer use in a ntiero-optieal oentpottertt.
`FIG. Ht: is a
`tl-epirlingg the i'ahris:alinn nl' an
`aelttttte-r [er use in a ntiero-optieal oernponent.
`l:'Iti'.'i. 33";-El. illu:i.1ra|:-t.' Illa: slt.']:ts tt[' Ilttrnting an aL'l:ua.lttr
`sueh as that er Fllii. 3. -l or 5.
`I}E.'lihJl.IiD lJl;'S'i."|i[F"l'[|Zl|l'1l {ll-'
`’l'hene are several variations on the 1.-enieal eonth drive
`th.t.'ir rang: ttl:' nttttit.tn..
`I2!'l.!'t'n]:|l'I'.t:'|:i|Z3-'.-i.nI:l ehoiee oi =IarIinp.tnaIeria|. 'l'he3-' are related
`in that |J1I.'-].' all use ll1u eleeuostatie ieree lo-.-tweet: a station-
`.I.rj.r eletraanl t:aJ:IInr] Intl a n'tn1.I'ir.tgt:|t.'1'rt:t:n1[:t'nt-rt-:t':t.'|'ht:
`ereated and utili:-ted in the t-'enit.'al eonth drive is perpen-
`rlieular ttt
`1h:L plaru:
`rulttr a.ruJ stalttr
`rah-riea1etl.'l'o ntasirnhte the magnitude oilhis vettieal Fe-roe.
`the rot-er and stator are generally patterned into the shape of
`an .l.1'rI].'Ii!Il'll.'l||'£r-Iil.lEll:.'ll. linp_t.':s rtr rrnrnhs.
`Einr1l'.s: ]1t.ttT.s:«s-t.'s nf lltis. app-Ii-t:Ilinn. .1 sl.I.lnr is tlulinutl in
`its elttt-asie :-tense as the staIiona.r;.r port er the eleetretitalie
`'I'h:L sla.1ttr nta._I,-
`l.'ltL r_1:tn1pri.'e.sl.tt2l:tnan_I,-
`]1arLIr. 1iint.'.t.'
`lhu aJIlnr is i'nn'ne-tl in .1 lIg.rer nl' .1 -a.-Il't.'r.
`stator ntajr inelude ntat:tj.I Ilsed areas eI' the at-aier. and art}.-
`:tnatI:rial uat
`l'h.I: tI:tt-Lat" is l:l'.s.' :trsa-1.-irtg part ttr parts
`oithe wafer and any material such asan eleettie iriwtalor or
`r_'-t.s.'tt.IuL'1t.tr Ltrt 1l'.ss1-t.'
`l:tan:[s:l sol
`|l.'ll.' wafer.
`The height ei the Iitg-.-.rs oi the rotor and stat-er is tte
`tlimunsinn nl' the lingo: Ilnng the I .I.:Iris. .-"t. -.ot:rlir:.:.l
`l'nrs:-t.' is
`a I'oree in the pesiti-re or negatit-'e E direetion.
`i.e., au-ap
`lisstn utr tttta-anJs lltt.' httl1t.trn ttl:' thl: sul.ts1ra1t.' ttr r_1:tnt.1uL'1trt3
`plane. l.i|-:ewise. '-ertieal nto'-entent is ale-ng the E asis.
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_013
`UH ti,t3'i3i"i','.-‘Sit? Li]
`'l'l'tc prc:-aont inwntion will now ltc not-cril'Icd in rlctail with
`oat’-arctticc t-ta tlto -rlrawittgs. wharcirt lil-as o|c.nt-attt.-i arc o.-.t'-arrcd
`tin: with IEI-:c n:|'crcncc |rthcL-r. tl'.ton1.t|.'__hnt.tl.
`Flii. In is a plan trii.-w ct’ art -.-nthoclitttcnt ct'a tn.-nicallp
`actuating n'tiL't'tt-t.1|.'-1t-:al L'ttntpt.ttttc:ttt III}. R.|.'l1.'rl'Lrl.3 1tt
`l.-'t.. Iingctt: 1|.'I4 of stator 1|.'Ili- arc intsr-tligital with iingcr:-:
`I.l1lltt2|'ot.t1t.tr llfl. l"ttt IL'il.1'l|i}'..|:ll.'ll._|.' ttnc ttl:'1l'.tt.' 2|i:ttgvt.'rat Ii}-I a:tttJ
`IiI.ll5 a:n:
`Ialtclt.-t:l in Fifi.
`'|'hcst.' iintgcrat lll-1| anrl Iillll .l.1'tE
`t-ta Lrartslatc rotor Ill] of nticrc-ntacltincd structurc 1ll[I
`in a lJl.T|.'tLlll.1rL rtttrt'n.a.|1t.t lJtc |.'-lar.tt.' irt n-'ltiit:l'.ti1ts-at-rl:'a|.triit:at-t:-tl.
`in tho plan tricw sltown in l-"I'll. l.-'t.tl'.-o plans oltlt-I: silicon
`irttnt ts-hi-:lt
`thl: tic‘-.'t-'_'-t.'
`:It-_I,- pla.ttc [1l'.tt.'
`plant: -rt-|'lltc ]1rt[tcr}.:.nt| t:l'.tc t:lit'cr:lirt-11 nfthic inrcc .:.nt| rnntinn
`is along thc :-: attis [normal to tltc papcr}.
`|i'.-utor 11[I
`a1tait:l'.I.'vtl t-ta fll.'IL+.H.'AlI'!'|- lll Ll'L lJtc atilt-'_'-cot
`la_I,-cc '-ria. 2-rptring:a. H4.
`The tinr.'l'.-ots ll2 tin: iiscrl. as is Ihc stator lilti.
`thus tho
`a:ttL'l'tt.ttrs. nta_I,- ltt; L'ttt'.nitlI.'.nt.'t.i part ttl:' lhc atiat-or HIE. t.tr 2-rt.tn|.'-I32
`[l.'ll'l: nf lhc .-silicnn lapcr. Fi{tring_s ll-1 a:n: [trci'c:t'.:.'lt-I1.‘ rnaslc n|'
`thcsantc silicon lapcr as lJ1I.'- stator lili and rotcir11[I.l-‘urthcr
`tJctai| -oi '|l'.|IL' I:lcr_'lt'tnrla1t-:
`I’-:.tn'_1.'s. prnpclling l.'|:l|iI:.'A:l' [II in '|l'.|IL'
`rlinta.'tion will ltc dissrlasiscrl with rcgttrrl to l-'|Ii'rH. 3-—'-'.
`ill1t.~tlra.1c ant.'I1l1t.'r t.'nt|.tt.tIrJirncnt ttl:' a 1.-c:r1t-
`r:.:.|lg.r ai.'tttalinp_ l'l1ll.'l.'l'l-l't|'!I1iIt.'Il.I.‘t.'ll'l1[ll'tl1t'£11l:.
`l1.tnal'.I|c fillcr lfll.
`l-‘I'll. [I5 is a plan 1.-i-aw, Eiltii. 1{‘ is a cross scction at suction
`littc ."|..-'I.'. .:.nt'l Fifi. ll'.| is .1 r.'.rnat.tt :ot:L't inn at st.'i.'tiin-11 |ir.tc lil-H‘.
`'['until'I|o lilt-or llll has two or En'!.!'t!'I: tntwaltlo liloors 151 and
`IE1. anti ttru: ttr :tr.n.t:t1: 2|itrctJ Iilt-Lrtr [nut a.ltt.tI.t-'.tt}.
`rnn1.-rtl'.I|t.' Iiltcrts I52 rtnrl 1&1. rtt1rll'tt.'t-.It.~t:t.'r.t n'tn1.r.Ii.'tl-ttfillcr Hi}
`and tl'tI.'-
`t':ilt-.-as [not shownl arc air catritii.-s. Tltc tlltcr
`[HI it-r a.IrJ_1uttt:a|:I|c -:.'A2l"'|ilJ:llfll.1l.|."'l.'l}' n'tttt-'i:tt|._I; thl: [illI:.rs. 151 a:tttJ
`lfil '-tortit~a|l;.r in ortlsr to tillow rlilfcting ftcquoncics wti'-t:-
`l-Lnglltoi. tti |i_gltt
`ttt pat-at lltrttugh. 'll'.tt.' [illI:.rs. ant.‘ l.'l'L1.l]|l-l.fl}'|.'r
`trl:rui.'tttot:s. and h].' rtllc:rinp_ Iltc an-'rnpnatit:inn a11t:l nu1'n'hc:r n|'
`tho lag.-i.-rs, of cach t'tlt-.-it tltc: rcflcctit-it}.I of thc tilt-.-.rs can lac
`'-.'ariiLt.i liIlJLlIl.'IiflHfl]lFiiL1t1LElnJt. l:'t|t-Lt Ifl L-+at'tit:l'.tit.t:t1.'\tlt-t.'i1l'.tit.'
`:-:ul'I:-:LraIc hp springs lfl ant] vorticallp tnotrotl by tho slott-
`trostatic faircc iitducocl
`lt-ottt-o-.-n rot-or 154 and stat-air 156
`when rt pnt:-cntial is app-Iicsl In .-strtt:-rt-:t' I5-ti. Iiiltcr Ifil, |r.1Latct'l
`laclc-it Illti.-r 151 is cont:-octca-.l to tltc: suhstrato hp springs lvtifl
`thl: 1.'iL'|:|l:|:lE't|fl'|:iIL'
`hctv-toon rotor [H and stator l-tifi. Thc inI.'li‘«".l|.'.l1l-ll tingcrs of
`tho rotor and stator and thc v.*,|-.-.ctrostatic forca hotwci.-It than:
`will hc slcscrilootl itt |'u.'rll'tcr-rlctail with t'cg_an:| tn l"|I."rH. J ‘F.
`Flii. lift illustratcs a p|a.it vi-we ct’ an ctnl;-c-Llirttcnt of a
`'-.'crtir.'a.ll}' ait:t1.ta1t.ttg. ttttaling :lr.|iL'.|'|Zl-LlF||:iL‘d] -::t.trnp»:.tt'tcnl EDI].
`ltoisning to E-'[Ei. 2r't. fingers lll-l of stator illilfirt anrl liltih
`an: intI:otli|._I;itat-t:-tl with l!ingI:rs. ID-R ttl:' rt.tlttr .211}. l"ttr t:laril_I,-.
`nnly nnc -rt-I" lhc iittgcrs Ill! and llfl rtrc lahcl-t:t:l in l"|[‘i. .1.
`‘[1;-tsc Ilrtgccs.‘.'.tl]-I ancl EIIB arc usod t-ta rotatc or pit-tot rctor
`III] about an atria. a|tg,nctJ with spaingts .21-I.
`l-lttt-tat" III] will
`tottito about Iltc tttti:-: wltcn opt:-citing it:-to-as arr: omitotl at
`stator illtic and illti-it-. [fa forcc in tho positi-rc :r.dircction at
`rtnic :rJ:rtl-rt-:t'
`rt Enrol: is r.'.rcalc-rl in thin ncp_atiI.rc :.t tlircctinn
`is cnoatoi-J at tho othi.-r stator. rotor ill] will rutatc alt-c-I.it tnc
`atrts. alig_r.tt.'t.i
`it-prntgat II-I. 5prir.tg_.-r Elli: an: prciL1alt|3.-
`tnatlo of tho sant-I: :-ailioon ltqrcr as tho stator 2ll|i- tintl no-tor
`2lll. S-prirtg-t 2H aro simply narrow pioccs of silicon that
`all-nw lnrsinnal n'tl.:.tirt-11 -rt-|'
`t:l'.tc atptintgs lhctrtscltacs and thin
`l!'I.'|l'l.!'t!'2I.fl.E:t|l'l'l1I.ll!'I.'lI.!|:-IilI.'Iil'l1I.l clcotrostatio loco:-s propelling
`tttt-or III! a|.tt.t1.tt
`lhc a:It.it-r will
`-tli.ttt:uttaat.'t.i with rcgarti 1tt
`is a
`rtnothi.-r cttantplc of such an optical contpottcrtt
`nplittrtl l1].'l'.|l'll.'i s'I.I.I'ilr:h."rtllc11ttailnr."-.It.-ai1.rc|c11gllt
`t:li't.-kin-11 multi-
`plcttor ['l|i-'|IIIl'i-'[ft shown in l-'[|fi.2ll. ltrlicru-optical contportont
`EDI] -tail’ l:'Iti. Eh ['t.trrt'ot
`ltia:i.t.' aL'tua.1ttr L'I:tn'tpt.1rtI:.ttt
`optical hphrid
`Th-.' optical ht-htitl atw-ta-rrling to Iltc pnosont
`orttplogrs a I'I.'fl|.'A.."1.l"u"|.‘.= sttrfacc. which ittcludc.-i a n:ii-:roiahti-
`r:alct| rnit't'nrt:n-:|.irci:t light nr nlltcr |i.'tt'n1s nEc|ci:trnn'trt|.'__nclic
`ra-iliatiot:ii[ri.-i-.-.rrc:l to I.'|.'|”I.'L"|ii'l.'|.'-l]I'
`l'.~r.:|-.'-w as“|igltt"l iront onc-
`ttr rnt.toc int;-1.tt Ll|.'I'|:iILfll. 2|i|.tcn-r 1t.t ttru: ttr :tr.tt.t:n: ttulpul |:l|_:I|.lL1tl
`liltcts Whon tltc pntscnt invention lttnirtiotzs ti: an optical
`switch, Iltc mirror is tilt-ail by an oli.-ctrortic control sigrtal to
`:rc-rlircirt lhc light 'lat.'.:.n't In alto rn.:.lc nttlpttl ill.'ll.'l.'!'.. when 1l.'lt.'
`invention iunotions as an optitttil attonttatoir.
`:tnir.n:tr i.~t1tltt.'-Li
`light lt-I:arn gradually away
`tin output
`ttttcnutiting tho otttpttt signal
`pon-'r.:r.tiirtti|ar functions can ho aclti-n.-od Ltgir tiltirtga narrow
`l'tant:l prttas.
`l'tn'trtt'l ha11t:l prnut nr lap t‘illc:r clcrncttt:
`in tho
`attonuator-"ll-'lll-i lttrhrirl ctnl'Iot1itnonts proloraltlp inolutlo ti
`tltin tlltn t't|ti.-r clontcttt which rctii.-cts a portion oi thu-
`ir.H.'-|'I11'Ii11H |ip_ltl
`Iivnrn rtnt: nr rnnrc ittpttt n]tt:ir::.| fihcrtr tn nnc
`or tnon: output optical ftltors. 'l'l't-.' rctnaining prlttion olthc
`|t_gl'tt loortnttnc t.tr rnt.ttot.' input-:.tptir.'a.l 2|il1t.'n-r lfl- lJtc:tt l.'rarL-ta'rtit1ctJ
`tltrottgh Ihc iilt-or onto It
`rnirnot wlticlt is
`usacl to rlirc.-:1 ligln citlt-.-it onto lJ1I.'- santo input Illtcr or onto
`an nut:p1.tt:
`'|'hc fillcr clcrnc nt n'l.'l].'
`l1L rt ltiatttl pass nr
`htotttl hanrl iiltor clontcnt.
`in thl:
`tI.'hI:oL 1ht.' a.-t:t1.tatt.ttr
`lhc rnt-t:rt.t['a|:Itt'it:a.1ctJ
`mirror or iiltor is tlrivcn in such It wap thtit all oitho light is
`intondccl I:-ta lac t'ull}.I couplozl itlt-ta an output tilt-ct. the optical
`r:t-:tn1]1nn-t:nt .:.-clan act. rt 113,-l'.Irit'l
`l.'ll.'1'.l.'t-I':l.'r.I r.t
`'|.|."|'.II'i-'| and an nplical
`in thc urn:-H: wttcrc Iltc trctttator of tho of tho ntioroial'Iti-
`t.tr iilt-Lr
`is tJrt1.-c:tt
`in !'tLl.ILl'L a wa_I,- 1hat that 1hc
`.:.n'tn1.tnl nf light which is tlirt.-at:-t:t:l nnln |l1t.'..
`t.'lLL|]1LL| iihcr can
`ho continuously acljtL=.t-.-.rJ. thc optical compcncnts acts as a
`l'.It:l1.I.rcc11 a ‘ti'ti"|'.|M .:.11t'l rtn nptical .alt:cnu.:.tnr.
`l:'Iti. Eli illtL-ttiratttata.-::rt.'tttt-r-titt:-tttittrt 1.-iit.'tI.'-t.'i1|'a.tt c:tnltt.tt.iit'rtI:rt1
`oi an optical Irw'itv.':h.I"-'-I'|IIIl-'[ htuhritl or an optical attenuator!
`'t-'t'l.iI|'|.'i h_I,-|.trurJ 3I.5 at-r
`IJ-t.'tot:rtl.'tctJ l'tit.'l-tn-.I.
`'ll'.I: tt|.'-1t-cal
`‘ti'ti"|'.|M nr .:.tt:-t:n1.tatnr_-"ti"ti"|'.|M IIII ll.'ll.'l.lJl.'il.'tIt ittpttt l'lf.I|:lIL.'l] fil'.It:r
`ill and 2|}. output optical Ilhois 12!} and ill. a Ions 1-it].
`a.1l'tt.tt [ilnt 2|iltI:r t.'lI:rncnt I55 a:tttJ a ntirrt.tr .1-Ill. Mirntr III]
`is tho tot-or 2111 soon in Eillii. 14"». with a rcllorati-to onating
`upon it. In an application it-ltcro tltc rotor 2lll iunctiorts as
`nr-rlri-nos rt Tnintnr, n'ti-ttrn-rt-]1t:ir:.:.| IL'ItiI11'l[H.'lr.|tt!l'.|'| lllil n|'l"|ti‘i. 1-1
`is rcfciritorl to as rnirrcir chip lllil. 'l'hc rnirr-or chip lllil also
`lJtc -::t.'nt:uitr3-
`rtttalc lhc :tni:t:nLtr
`nrsponsc to an input signal. 'l'l't-.' inp-tttopIit.'ttliil1-.'ts2llanrl
`ill si.-ncl cinc or ntoro light h-.-ants t'r-ant art ctrtcrnal iilot.Ii-cc
`r:tnt.tr.t|ct| In Iltc tr-.It.-it:-t:l'.t_-'1:-"t-'l'.IfI.'i nr aiItcnu.:.Int'_i"|.|."|'.I!t-‘I. 'I'hc light
`is couplt-.cl th.ioI.iglt thc Inns and a poniort ct’ lJ1I.'- light will L-c
`lrvtatn 1hc lJtirt iilnt iilt-Lr -:.t:ttt-ta tltl: ttutput 2|il'tcm.T.1-ii
`and 222. Tho portion ofthc |igl'ttwl'tioh isnol tcllorrtotl l'|}'1l.'t'|.'=
`tltin Illnt filtor will I.‘-c
`tltrouglt thc Illtcr and
`irnpingc nn tho surlil.-t:-t.' nf tho rnirrnr.
`|'.Ic[tcntlinp_ -rt-11
`position of tho ntitrot tltc impinging light will lac fully or
`partially IrJtot.'L't-t.'t.i
`|.taL'h |i.'AlIII.|i.'! ttru:
`|il'tc:r ttr cntc ttulpul
`.-'tiEc:r.rulc I-IL! tru]1ptt-:t'ttr Iltc input nplir.-.t| fihcrtr Ill .:.11t'l I11
`and lJ1I.'-I.'Itt1pll1i-ll.'It.'r.-i.1C1|] aitd11:Ir-.-.lati'ci.- to ortc artoth-sr.aitd
`II:la1t-.II: ttt Icnat .2-Ill. 'I'l1L 2iI.1ru|c it-r rrta.-tl.t.' -oi glat-at t.tr L'c:ra.rnt-:.
`a.n.tJ1l'tt.' -ta-t.ttput Lt|.'-1|.-cal I|il'tit.'r.21-[I a.n.IrJ .133 in a poLtJ:lt.':rrnt.1tt.'tJ
`.-‘ti par:lrag_c Ifill cnr:.:.st.'s lhc ntfion-:r chip III] in nrtlcr In
`]iIt!'|.'-'l.'I.'t:'IlItilf|I..t1ltrt.tt.l.'t1|.It'I.' or corrosion front itnpairing its opr.:ra-
`1t-t.tt't. 'll'J: pa.-cltagc 151] has an ttpcninglfil ll'trt.tug_l'.t Is-'ltiit:l'.t1l'tit.'
`light |'-cant passc:-:. This opcning can ltc sotilotl
`in otrlct to
`PRECISELEY EX. 1001_014
`t1',13'.3Fi','.-'38 Li]
`prevent tlirt or nae-i:-attire irorn impairing the operation oi1he
`ntirror -.-.itJt-.-.r u.-ting tJt-.-.t|:tin film 1l|ter.L55,the outer dia.n:teter
`nf ihno l-orrt. .21-1|-I]. nr .1. glare: wi11t'l-rt-w ttrlti-ch ite ttnl .-t.hnw'n in
`l-‘Iii. 1H.
`'lhc thin lll:tn lll1cr clcntI:rt1.255 L"l- n1.a.tJc ttl:' a l:rat'n.pat'I:.ttl:
`material. =ueh It: glnaat. lhe thin lilm filter element 15.! ean
`Ltc r_'tta1ctJ ttn l:I:tl:h ttltJctt.
`'lh.I: [illI:.r cl-Lntc:ttt IE prciicralrly
`has an a11li-roll-octiyu ntaaiing 151'" -rat 1h:o ttirlu l'acing1h:o
`otirror ehip .‘.."lllI.’l'ht.- aide 2!-5a ofthe illter element 155 eao
`clthc:r Ltc l.1|llL'l'l wllh a. narntw hantlpa.-tat ll.ll:cr. wh.'lcl'.t1ra:tor-
`the light
`in I eertain pt:-rlion of the wa-telength
`.-rp-eeLruot.. and reileeta the rortiaining portion -at’ lJ1I.'- light
`ntthtirlu lh:'t't. nan'rrw' hantl tIrpor:lt'urn nr it can he .1 hrnat:I.'ta11t'l
`tap which trarL=.rttit.-i a portion oi lllc power witJt
`lhc same
`l:Icrcc:ttl:agvc a1 all 1-I.-a'-.'cl.-t.'rtg_l:l'L-1- a.ruJ :vclllccI'_~r Llll.'
`ponion lhe I'tlI-.'r element 255 preiernhly ha: a M-otlgerl
`-:ro.-a»:r:.-.eti-eat, a.=.
`.=.hown in Eilii. ill in order to prevent an
`u1al-rt-11 r:au5a.'t'l l'.Iy lhu1-.I.~a- l'acutt nEl:l'.|o fillo:r cl.-omunl H5. Tlao
`patltage .'t'.E|.'I
`i= preiornh-ly .1 'iTl-1y|:e paoltage. which i:-: I
`cylindrical ntI:la.l L'a:tt wt1h l.lll.' parall-cl lcatlt-r .1-Tll c:Itlc:tttJLttg
`irom 1he |'-ta-1tern attriaoe oi the package 261}.
`il-:ttc cntl.
`ttl:' lltc l.crL-+ .2-Ill
`it-r al1achctJ ltt
`lhc ct'.rtL-+-o|'1l'.r:t.'
`r.'n-I:-on'ninutt i11pu1 anrlnttlpttl n|'.t1:ical li'hont.III. I'l1,IIlIa11t'l
`221.. ittrte-ther end of tltI.'-
`lI.'a1.-i 2-will i.=. attached to lhc eoatud
`t-ru.'r['acc 35511.1 tti1l'u; llltcr clcntI:.ttl:.255. 'Ihc lcna. will hc lluah '
`with the intitle wall eithe package 2|.'i-ll. iithe filler element
`255 i.=.
`llfi-cd to seal the paeltagp 261]. tllr it may he irte.-rte-d
`:in1n1l'.r-o package Iii] :in which r:a.-=.L lhc pacleaypo Ifirll will he
`.-‘.1.-aled to the enter wall of the lI.'a1.-i 2-HI.
`'lhc l:l_gltl: l.tIcan't l:ra.-.II:lt-r :lrt cratc -rat" ntttrc -oil’ lltc input ttpliral
`iiherut 211 and 112. and i:-: eollintnletl hy the Ion:-: 1-ill. r't
`pLtrl:lLtat cr[' lhc taptlcal ttlgnal :la. rErll:£:U.'\i1 ttlli ttl:' lltc rcillcclltot;
`nr.tl:ical -c-nalinp_ 155.11. is En-cu.tu.'t'l haclt lhnattgh lhc lunar lull]
`and i.=. coupled to one eithe output t't|.'u.-r.-i ill] and 221. The
`n.1nautirtgptat'1:lo:tt cr['lhc t.t|.'-1t-:alatg_nal it-r lra.ttt-rnt:ll1ctJ lhrttugh '
`the iilter element 255 anti reiloelt-: oi the mirror 2l|.'I. The
`light which relluura olli ll1I.'- rttirror i.=. trattontittod through the
`iiller cl.-omunl 155 and EnctL-t.Lrl l'.Iy1ho lotttt I-Ill n11l:-ta nnu nl'
`the output ilh-.-r.-1111] and 122.litht.- itiirre-r11I] is rttot.-1.-.d by
`thl: ac1ttatttr in H-l.LILl'.I a way 1hat all of thc llghl 1.-.Iht-ch rcl:lcr_'1t-r
`oE|' the mirror Eli! is coupled -onto e-rte of tho otttpttt fiher:-:
`121] and 121. where the ehoaen output Iiher rlep-.-atda on the
`t'lri1.I1.' yrnllagu 1n lhc elor:lricall-oat:h..1'il[I.l:hon1l'ro cnrnpnnottl:
`arm: a: I hyirlritl hetwe-en I 't't-"Ell-1 and an optical avrileh Ii
`thl: :tnl:t'.oot' Ill] :la. n'ttt'-.'c-Ll lry l.lll.' ac1ttatttr :lrt t-rtt-ch a way lltal:
`either all or .1 portion oi the light whieh rellwrta oE|'1he mirror
`2 I1] is coupled oitto_iua.t one of the output ilh-.-r.~'.11[I and 1:1.
`wlacrc lhc arnnttnl: ni lighi which is cnup-lct'l its t:vttrr.'tlinttnt.1.'rtly
`atljuatahle depending on the tJri'-to voltage to the electrical
`l-catJa. .1-'l'll.1ht.'n thc -cttrnpvottcnl acla. aa. a hylcrltl l.tIct1.-.IcI:rt a
`"ill-'Il|h.'I and a np-1:ical al1untLalnr.
`The lert-i 1-1|] i.-i pmierahly a Itiltlhl [gradient ioolett lt.-Ito}.
`and is tr.1nt:lw'ich:od hy 1h:o l'ern.tlo II1-.1. .l.11l'l lhc -c-nalinp_ H541-
`of the litter element 255.
`[rt a.n.ttlJtc:r crnl:~a-tJ:lrncnl. lltc :tnlt'.t1:tr Ell] tnay lt-I:
`in whioh ease I ponion oi the light which
`irnplttgctt ttn thl: t-rttr['acc t.t['1lat.' :tnl:t'.oot: ta. rc2|lI.'\t:lI.'tJ l:ta.-clt ttn1tt
`nno -rt-l'1h:o l'|1.ll:[!I1.ll:
`lilaorar .:.nt'l lhc :ron'taininp_ pnrlinn is 1111115-
`otitt-.-.d tltrottgh lJ1I.'- :1tirror.n['l'ho partially trattrsitti.-rr.i's'e char-
`ar_'1cr ttl:' lltc ntirrcrr -cta1.tl-tl. Ltc l.lll.' rct-rttlt -oil’ tin: ttr ntttrc laolct-r
`heing plaootl in tho nairror or i1 eould he the result oitt:-ting
`a thin I':tLnt coating on lhc itiirr-or auriaee.]n [rt this ertthor.|i-
`rnon11hu .-a.tl'.vrt.l:r'.Il:-t: II]: it. a [t-hnlnclind-o nr, ha.-t. a phnlndind-o
`mourned to it as d-.-aerihetl below which cont.--.-r1.=.
`lJ1I.'- intui-
`two air
`ttlgnal. By this
`method i1 i:-: poatiitlle 1o tap a portion of the ineorning signal
`in one or
`For tho pur|:d.'I:-re: oi monitoring the power level
`111::-:ro -cl'.I.I.n11c1-t. art. wcll as. attaljnting lhc I1|11:lEu'Il.:'=u2l|{niIl
`Einr I-'ut'1h:or inl'nrrnal:inn nn this hyh-:rit'l ntarn]1nr.|o n1 pluatt-t.-
`acc LL5. pa1cnl
`fl]:IF|l:lL1llil|:ll.'l 21'-Lr.
`[llv".":.|-'1l.-illl cnlltlctJ
`'Elyl:Irltl |l.iI|:Iltt-l'|.'lI.'\-:ha.tt:lt.'al
`|'.it.trnpta:ttcnt' lry liIa'-rltl Pttllnarlty
`and lit.-rte.-.li-:t J. {Tr-atolha filed on .-"tug. 121. Eur], which was
`prot.-ieu .-ily inoarporate.-.l by roierenee in lL‘i- entirety.
`Eiltiia. lrtthiough Eli are illustrations of eootpoaentr. tJtat
`enn tI1i|i:-to etoelrot-italic -i|.I:l|.ll:||2¢.!-I!'l- tlepiuto-tl
`in l-'[IIi-5.
`l-{any ronligurationn oi the springs. ro1or= anrl stator:-: are
`]1rtraat.'lt-lu itt
`ro'vrlo:r 1n li.'tn'n nlhu:r r.'nrn]tnno11Ltr nr 1.r.:.t'ia1i-rt-115:.
`Thuaao t:nrn]1nnon1.'Ir include lil.'tu:r np-1:ic tewiichuar. aliunualnnt.
`a.ruJ l1.tnal:Ilc Illltcrtt 1hal n:qucoL art ttpliral clI:rncnl t-rur_'h an a
`:lr.Ill.'.I'|:lr.. a lL'.Il!1.. or a.
`|_:Il'l:al.'l'L I:-ta n'ttt'-or.‘ in r\Il.'!v.‘_|:ILlr.I1-I.‘ to an |.'ll.'t'_"ll.'.l|.'
`atiotultn. 'l'l:tt.-
`-:ot:npon-.-.nt L1 attaehe.-.l
`to or olriw.-:1 hy 1hu
`.I1!ra-'|.'t.'t'I'tI:I't1 oi lJ1I.'- retor.
`Eilfti. 3 illusttrntoa aoluater Jll'l.'l. an-ether emhotlime nte-i1h-.'
`.-"t-cluat-at" J-lllll ntay tJrtyc tnany I'l:llIL'.I'l.'l'.I'l
`li}'_|:Il.'fl- ttl:'
`1'nir.'.t'vrt-nr.tlical cnrnprt-11unl5.'I'hu tti1'np-luttl1.It.':t'l:it:alc.nn'tl'.I-:l.'ri'I.-I.-
`aetuat-or -:ot:oi.=.t.-i oi alt-.-ritating t.‘va:t'tI3lJI."1[‘."¢ rotor fingers iluild
`innly nno tIrhnwn:| antl 5J:alnr lingutar II-I [nnly l:-.II.~:t- 5J.'rmI.rn]
`poaitionetl nlvrlve .1 eontlturting plane I-ill} When .1 '-t.'Ilta._t_t.e is
`a.|.1allctJ ltt l.lll.' ttlalcrr arttl t1:-r llrtgcnefllllt-1 ocla.l:lt-1: 1tt lhc rcrlttr
`and its finp_'ont. Jlll anrl r.'nt1rl1.tn:ti11g nlattu Jill. an electrical
`Iteld .!L‘.."ll is -.-atahlialtt.-d between aol_ia-:ent rotor I':n:g-.-.r.~'. and
`atatttr llrtgcne a.tttJ l.tc[w-1.'vt;rt
`lltc atat-or anrl
`lhc r_'ttnLluc1trtg
`plane. hlo eleolrie I':tett| ¢:'|:l:-ilil-'l!~.l1'-I-"'|:I.lt'l tho rote-r3I|l§ .tntl1h-.'
`r.‘-ot'tt.luL'1trtg pla.ttc 3ll3Ilt-I.'t:auac1lat.'y arc at lhc aa:tnL pvaicnlial.
`Thh i1'n'h-alanc.L ro' a:eyn'tt'no1t'y in 1h-o electric litcl-tl git.-car :ri:-t-c
`to a force 3115 onthe re-tors. in a olio.-.etia.it ttarntalto and away
`inatn thl: cttntl.1