Ulllted States Patent [19]
`Cameron et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jun. 22, 1999
`[75] Inventors: Dennis Wayne Cameron, Jackson,
`Miss; Walter Charles Roehr Jr-
`Reston, Va.; Jai P. Bhagat, Jackson,
`M1554 Masood Garah1>Mad1S°n>
`Miss; William D- Hays, Jackson,
`Miss; David W. Ackerman,
`Washington, D_C_
`[73] Assignee: Destineer Corporation, Jackson, Miss.
`[21] APPL No_: 08/899,476
`Jul‘ 24’ 1997
`Related US Application Data
`[63] Continuation of' application No. 08/760,457, Dec. '6, 1996,
`abandoned, which is a continuation of application No.
`07/973,918’ NOV‘ 12’ 1992’ Pat‘ NO‘ 5,590,403‘
`Int. cif ..................................................... .. H04B 1/50
`__ 455/59; 455/102; 455/103
`[58] Field of Search ................................... .. 455/502, 503,
`455/507, 509, 515, 516, 517, 524, 59, 60,
`62, 63, 671, 673, 676, 101, 102, 103;
`375/260, 267, 299; 370/343, 344
`References Cited
`1/1970 Chang
`3 488 445
`3:914:554 1O/1975 Seidel _
`9/1980 Hattori et al. .......................... .. 455/59
`1/1981 Perkins.
`7/1983 Kai ....................................... .. 455/34.1
`4,490,830 12/1984 Kai et al. ................................ .. 455/59
`3/1985 Lucas
`2/1986 Thro ........................................ .. 455/59
`4,701,758 10/1987 Dunkerton et al. .
`7/1989 Freébulg'
`4,968,966 11/1990 Jasinski ................................ .. 455/51.2
`7/1992 Jasinski .
`571637181 11/1992 Koontz _
`9/1993 Wei ....................................... .. 375/299
`8/1994 Jasper et al..
`2/1995 Davis .
`4/1996 Tomisato et al. ..................... .. 455/101
`WO 90/04314 4/1990 European Pat. Off. .
`WO91/18458 11/1991 WIPO .................................. .. 455/101
`WO92/11707 7/1992 WIPO ................................. .. 455/33.1
`Primary Examiner—Thanh Cong Le
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Finnegan, Henderson, FaraboW,
`Garrett & Dunner
`A tWo-Way communication system for communication
`between a system network and a mobile unit The system
`netWork includes a plurality of base transmitters and base
`receivers include in the network The base transmitters are
`divided into Zonal assignments and broadcast in simulcast
`using multi-carrier modulation techniques. The system net
`Work controls the base transmitters to broadcast in suimul
`cast during both systemWide and Zone boundaries to maxi
`miZe information throughout. The preferred mobile unit
`inlcudes a noise detector circuit to prevent unWanted trans
`missions. The system netWork further provides an adaptive
`registration feature for mobile units Which controls the
`registration operation by the mobile units to maximize
`information throughout
`19 Claims, 30 Drawing Sheets
`~638 BASE
`Petitioner Samsung - SAM1001

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 1 0f30

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 2 0f30

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 3 0f30
`m2: ........... ........ ...... -
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`8K 8K 8? 8? Si
`22; W n _ W W
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`mg; m w W ,n m f Etimzst
`W W M w m $2 $5385
`mi: N H U. U u N EEzQéE
`W M M M M m8 GZwDSE
`m . H . _ 205 565
`m _ H . _ 20$ 32%
`w m g m W m a E.
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`m m 2% M2192 mg m 9 $55K $25
`gm U __ u N u 31 5%: m m m m m JQEEE
`........ ........ -- 5E6
`Gym .wm
`6% 6m
`.Eq mQEQ
`@m .wm
`kmq @051

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 4 of 30

`P76‘. 5 PRIOR ART

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 6 of 30
`\ _.

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 7 0f30
`F/G. 7
`Generating a system information
`signal which includes a plurality of
`blocks of information
`Transmitting the system information
`signal to the plurality of transmitters
`Transmitting by the ?rst and second
`sets of transmitters a first block of
`information in simulcast during the first
`time period
`Transmitting by the first set of
`transmitters a second block of
`information during the second
`time period
`Transmitting by the second set of
`transmitters a third block of
`information during the second
`time period

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 8 0f30
`FIG. 8
`Transmitting a message signal by a
`base transmitter servicing a zone
`where the mobile transceiver was. last
`known to be located
`Transmitting a regional probe signal
`by a plurality of base transmitters
`servicing a plurality of zones if the
`mobile transceiver does not indicate
`receipt of the message signal from the J04
`base transmitter
`Receiving the regional probe signal by /806
`the mobile transceiver
`Transmitting an acknowledgment
`signal by the mobile transceiver in
`response to the received regional
`probe signal
`Receiving the acknowledgment signal
`from the mobile transceiver by a base
`Updating the data to reflect the zone
`of the base receiver that received the
`acknowledgment signal as the last
`known location of the mobile

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 9 0f30
`NIx rm
`6% m5
`>96 3 Umi

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 10 of 30
`FIG‘. /0
`F1 @_ IOIZ
`F2 6) \d0I4
`F3 6} \<|0l6
`Fm 6}

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 11 0f30
`FIG. 11
`CONTROL _____+
`CONTROL ____*_?
`1 1110 1120 MM

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 12 0130
`FIG. 12
`SIGNAL1 '——*——“+ [A1202
`S\GNAL4 f‘} fwzos

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 13 0f30
`EEEwzmF @wmm


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 15 0f30
`g \
`, V @2525;
`62395; 2502
`@604 mmmpowm
`N51 9%

`U.S. Patent
`Shcct16 0f30
` 5;mEoImm30>___>>@/\@.32

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 17 0f30
`F/G. /7
`Mobile Receiver
`Display and
`Storage Logic
`Controls '

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 18 0f30
`Tl mgmwwooi
`‘I @5339“;
`5295a @wmm @QRQQ
`g? 0%
`EEDEEQQ 623mm
`acoamm 251 NO@_\ @o_mc<
`623mm @wmm Etm?
`22 meg 002
`523mm * 3:95

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 19 0f30
`Correction {
`Store &
`Regional ‘
`Circuitry :

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 20 of 30

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 21 of 30
`FIG. 2/
`User 2
`;:n:tTlit 7
`Service Area
`Button Format
`._ _ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`I i
`User Database

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 22 of 30

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 23 of 30
`FIG‘. 23
`Service Queue
`Current Messages
`Data Location
`Probe List
`Data Location

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 24 of 30
` l

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 25 of 30

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 26 of 30
`FIG. 26
`Transmitting substantially
`simultaneously a first information
`signal and a second information
`signal, the first information signal
`being transmitted in simulcast by a
`first set of base transmitters
`second zone
`assigned to a first zone, and the
`second information signal being
`transmitted in simulcast by a second
`set of base transmitters assigned to a
`Dynamically reassigning one or more
`of the base transmitters in the first set
`of base transmitters assigned to the
`first zone to the second set of base
`transmitters assigned to the second
`zone, thereby creating an updated
`first set of base transmitters and an
`updated second set of base
`Transmitting substantially
`simultaneously a third information
`signal and a fourth information signal,
`the third information signal being
`transmitted in simulcast by the
`updated first set of base transmitters,
`and the fourth information signal
`being transmitted in simulcast by the
`updated second set of base

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 27 of 30

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 28 of 30
`F/6. 23/4)
` Send a message to disable the
`registration feature
`Store the number of probe
`signals sent and a number of
`messages successfully
`Process the stored number of
`probe signals and number of
`messages succesfully
`delivered to evaluate a
`likelihood that a probe signal
`will be required to be sent by
`the network to locate the mobile
`Send a message to the mobile
`unit to enable the mobile
`transceiver's capability to
`transmit a registration signal if
`the likelihood exceeds a
`selected value

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 29 of 30
`F/ 6. 28/8}
`Send a message to enable the
`registration feature
`Store the number of registration
`signals received and a number
`of messages successfully
`Process the stored number of
`registration signals and
`number of messages
`succesfully delivered to
`evaluate a likelihood that a
`registration signal will be
`received by a base receiver in
`the network that will not be
`used by the network to
`determine a set of base
`transmitters to be operated to
`transmit a message to the
`mobile transceiver
`Send a message to the mobile
`unit to disable the mobile
`transceiver's capability to
`transmit a registration signal if
`the likelihood exceeds a
`selected value

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 30 of 30

`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`08/760,457, filed Dec. 6, 1996, now abandoned, which is a
`Rule 60 continuation of prior application Ser. No. 07/973,
`918, filed Nov. 12, 1992, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,590,403.
`A. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to methods and systems for
`providing two-way communication capability between a
`central network and a mobile unit over a relatively large
`area, and more particularly to such methods and systems
`which allow for rapid communication of large messages and
`eflicient use of system resources.
`B. Description of the Related Art
`Conventional two-way portable/mobile wireless messag-
`ing systems often provide a variety of services to subscrib-
`ers. Conventional messaging systems in particular provide
`one-way services using store and forward techniques to
`mobile receivers carried by the subscriber. A fundamental
`goal of two-way messaging systems is to provide a network
`of interconnected transmitters and receivers which provides
`sufficient transmitted signal strength and rcccivc capability
`to uniformly cover a geographic region. Some conventional
`messaging systems provide the message to the user on a
`small viewing screen on the mobile unit.
`However, such conventional systems often suffer from
`problems associated with low system throughput, evidenced
`by slow message delivery and message sizc limitations and
`do not provide an acknowledgment feature wherein the
`mobile unit
`transmits an acknowledgment signal
`to the
`system to acknowledge receipt of the message from the
`system. Generally, system throughput refers to overall com-
`munication capability of a system as defined by the total
`amount of message data from the system to the mobile units
`ransferred by the system during a given period of time
`divided by the frequency bandwidth necessary to transmit
`he message data and may be measured in bits transferred
`Jer Hz. Further, such conventional systems suffer from
`echnical problems preventing consistent wide area cover-
`age and would require extremely wide portions of valuable
`frequency bandwidth to achieve acceptable system through-
`3ut rates.
`technology in communication systems was
`originally developed to extend transmitter coverage beyond
`hat which could be obtained from a single transmitter. Over
`ime, however, simulcasting has evolved into a technique
`capable of providing continuous coverage to a large area.
`Generally, simulcast
`technology provides multiple
`ransmitters, operating on substantially the same frequencies
`and transmitting the same information positioned to cover
`cxtcndcd areas. As shown in FIG. 1, transmitter 100 gener-
`ally provides coverage over area A, D, and E, transmitter
`102 generally provides coverage over area B, D, and E, and
`transmitter 104 generally provides coverage over area C, E,
`and F. In some cases, the coverage area of a first transmitter
`may be entirely enclosed within the coverage area of another
`transmitter, such as in building interiors and valleys. In areas
`where one (and only one) transmitter dominates (e.g., areas
`A, B, and C in FIG. 1), simulcast is effective because the
`other transmitters do not significantly affect receivers in
`those areas.
`However, in “overlap” areas D, E, and F shown in FIG. 1,
`where the signals from two or more transmitters are approxi-
`mately equal, problems can arise because destructive inter-
`ference of signals occurs in these overlap areas such as areas
`D, E, and F. Destructive interference occurs when the two
`signals are equal in magnitude and 180° out of phase and
`completely cancel each other. While there were some
`successes, reliable design procedures were not available.
`Attempting to precisely synchronize the carrier frequen-
`cies of all simulcast transmitters does not overcome the
`problem because points (i.e. nodes) at which destructive
`summing occurred persisted for long periods of time. At
`such points, a mobile receiver can not receive the simulcast
`Deliberately offsetting the carrier frequencies of adjacent
`transmitters can ensure that destructive interference does not
`persist at one point for an extended period of time. The slight
`errors in frequency displayed by high quality reference
`oscillators (e.g., 20 hertz errors in 100 MHz signals or a few
`parts in 107)
`render deliberate offsetting unnecessary.
`Further, merely offsetting the carrier frequencies could not
`guarantee acceptable quality demodulation because proper
`alignment of the modulating signals in time is also required.
`FIG. 2 displays the situation at, for example, point D in
`FIG. 1 when modulating waveforms are synchronized and
`includes coverage boundary 202 from a first transmitter and
`a sccond transmittcr covcragc boundary 204 from a second
`adjacent transmitter. An equi-signal boundary 200 exists
`where the signals from the first and second transmitters have
`approximately equal signal strengths. A more realistic equi-
`signal boundary would take into account natural and man-
`madc topography and propagation conditions, and therefore
`would probably not be a straight line.
`FIGS. 3 and 4 generally illustratc various signals as they
`may occur at or near the equi-signal boundary 200 as shown
`in FIG. 2. In particular, FIGS. 3 and 4 illustrate various
`aspects of modulation synchronization and how altering
`transmission parameters may affect the synchronization. In
`general, there are at least three sources which cause the
`signals from the first transmitter and the second transmitter
`to be out of synchronization: (1) timing shifts in the delivery
`of the modulating waveform to each of the transmitters; (2)
`timing shifts internal to each transmitter; and (3) timing
`shifts caused by propagation distances and anomalies. From
`the perspective of a receiver located in an overlap area, these
`three sources of timing shifts combine to produce an overall
`timing shifts between the received signals from the first and
`second transmitters. In current commercial practice,
`summation of these three components results in time shifts
`of about 200 microseconds. The timing shift present
`simulcast systems disadvantageously limits the baud rate at
`which information may be transferred. In general, FIGS. 3
`and 4 will also illustrate how timing shifts prevents high
`baud rate transmissions.
`A time line representation of a signal 306 from a first
`transmitter is shown in FIG. 3(A) and a signal 308 from a
`second transmitter is shown in FIG. 3(B), both from the
`perspective of a receiver located in an overlap area. Vertical
`dashed lines 300 represent baud intervals on the time axis.
`As can be seen from FIGS. 3(A) and (B), the signals 306 and
`308 are frequency modulated between a high and a low
`frequency value and the signals 306 and 308 arc exactly in
`phase. As will be appreciated,
`the timing shift between
`signals 306 and 308 must be small when compared to the
`baud interval shown in FIGS. 3(A) and (B) since signals 306
`and 308 are in synchronization. Of course, as the baud
`interval decreases, the timing shifts will likely cause signals
`306 and 308 to be out of synchronization.

`FIGS. 3(C), (D), and (E) show the summation of these
`two signals 306 and 308 at an equi-signal boundary, such as
`boundary 200 in FIG. 2. FIG. 3(C) shows a composite signal
`310 indicating that
`the frequency information remains
`unchanged, FIG. 3(D) shows a linear graph 312 of the
`relative phase difference caused by a slight carrier frequency
`difference between the signals from the first transmitter and
`the second transmitter. FIG. 3(E) shows a composite ampli-
`tude signal 314. A noise threshold is indicated by the
`horizontal dashed line 304 in FIG.
`Of interest, FIG. 3(E) shows the composite amplitude
`signal 314 dipping below the noise threshold 304 at an
`anti-phase condition 302 (e.g., when the relative phase angle
`is :180°, as shown in FIG. 3(D)). As can be seen from FIG.
`3(E), the anti-phase condition 302 caused by the slight phase
`shift between transmitter 1 and transmitter 2 will not cause
`any loss of data because the anti-phase condition persists for
`only a small portion of the baud interval.
`The slight offset of the carrier frequencies between the
`first and second transmitters causes a slow drift of the
`relative phase of the two signals, as shown in FIG. 3(D).
`When the signals are :180° out of phase, the temporary dip
`in the amplitude signal may cause the loss of a few bits in
`the composite signal, at worst. These errors can be counter-
`acted with a conventional error correcting code, such as is
`commonly known.
`FIG. 4 shows a set of similar signals to those in FIG. 3,
`but wherein the signal 402 from the first transmitter is offset
`from, or out of synchronization with, the signal 404 from the
`second transmitter by a full baud. In particular, signal 404
`lags signal 402 by one baud interval. As previously
`discussed, the offset of signals 402 and 404 may be caused
`by various timing shifts in the delivery of both signals 402
`and 404 to a receiver in an overlap area. FIGS. 4(A) and (B)
`illustrate the extreme case where the sum of these timing
`shifts is equal to the baud interval shown by dashed lines
`400. As can be seen in FIG. 4(C), composite signal 406
`includes a period of indeterminate frequency which unde-
`sirably covers several entire baud intervals and, therefore,
`successful demodulation is impossible during those baud
`intervals. If the baud interval were increased to minimize the
`effect of these timing shifts, data loss would be less likely.
`Therefore, it can be seen that the baud rate at which good
`data transfer can be accomplished is limited by the timing
`shifts between signals delivered to receivers in overlap
`Through these examples, it can be seen that high degrees
`of modulation synchronization make it possible to obtain
`good data demodulation in a simulcast system. However, the
`baud rate limitation of simulcast systems is a significant
`drawback and limits system throughput.
`An alternative to simulcast for wide area coverage is
`assignment of orthogonal, non-overlapping subdivisions of
`the available system capacity to adjacent areas. Subdivisions
`can be made in time (e.g., broadcasting the information on
`the same frequency in different time slots to adjacent areas),
`or in frequency (e.g., broadcasting the information simulta-
`neously on different frequencies in adjacent areas). There are
`several problems with such orthogonal systems, however.
`First, orthogonal assignments require tuning the receiver to
`the assigned frequency or time channel for the area in which
`the receiver currently resides. In the broadcast services every
`traveler has experienced the frustration of finding the correct
`channel for their favorite programs. Simulcast operation
`avoids the need for scanning and re-tuning as the mobile unit
`moves between areas. Such scanning and re-tuning also
`disadvantageously increases mobile unit power consump-
`the orthogonal assignment
`Second, and more serious,
`approach drastically reduces the system throughput capacity
`as measured in bits per Hz because anywhere from 3 to 7,
`or possibly more, orthogonal assignments are required to
`obtain continuous area coverage in most conventional
`orthogonal systems. This waste of capacity is somewhat
`recouped if the same information is not needed throughout
`the service area because a given piece of information is sent
`only to those cells where it is needed.
`Conventional cellular radio service is a typical example of
`an orthogonal system. In cellular, the same frequencies are
`reused in spatially separated cells to allow different data to
`be transmitted to different mobile units. An example of three
`cellular arrangements is shown in FIG. 5 where the number
`of cells (N) is equal to 3, 4, and 7. Each cell (i.e., A, B, C,
`. ) in conventional cellular service usually only includes
`a single transmitter and operates in a different frequency or
`time division within the communication protocol. As shown
`in I-'IG. 5, cellular service generally locates transmitters
`utilizing the same division (all the “A” transmitters) far
`enough apart
`to reduce the likelihood of interference
`between such transmitters. As the number of cells increases,
`the likelihood of interference decreases. For example, with
`N=3 as shown by arrangement 500 in FIG. 3, the distance
`between the coverage area of “A” cells is about 1/2 cell width,
`with N=4 in arrangement 502,
`the distance between the
`coverage areas of “A” cells is slightly larger, and with N=7
`in arrangement 504 the distance between “A” cells is larger
`than the width of one cell.
`However, as the number of cells increases, the length of
`the individual time intervals per cell decreases for time
`division multiplexed systems, thereby decreasing the sys-
`tems total
`information transfer.
`In frequency division
`systems, more cells undesirably increases the frequency
`bandwidth required. Therefore, system throughput in bits
`per Hz is decreased as the number of cells increases.
`Furthermore, cellular systems often require an electronic
`“handshake” between system and mobile unit to identify the
`specific cell (i.e. transmitter) in which the mobile unit is
`located to allow capacity reuse.
`The systems and methods of the present invention have a
`wide variety of objects and advantages. The systems and
`methods of the present invention have as a primary obj ect to
`provide a communication system with wide area coverage
`and high message throughput while minimizing frequency
`bandwidth usage.
`It is an object of the invention to provide a simulcast
`communication system with a high data transfer rate which
`does not exceed the baud rate limitations of simulcast
`It is a further object of the present invention to provide a
`communication system which provides for superior data
`communication integrity.
`Yet another object of the invention is to provide a mobile
`transceiver 11nit which prevents unnecessary RF
`interference, particularly on commercial aircraft. Still
`further, it is an object of the invention to provide a zone
`based communication system which may dynamically rede-
`fine zone boundaries to improve information throughput.
`Another object of the invention is to provide a zone based
`simulcast communication system which can effectively
`communicate with both mobile transceiver units located
`near the center of each zone as well as mobile transceiver
`units located within the overlap areas between two or more

`Additional objects and advantages of the invention will be
`set forth in part in the description which follows, and in part
`will be obvious from the description, or may be learned by
`practicing the invention. The objects and advantages of the
`invention will be realized and attained by means of the
`elements and combinations particularly pointed out in the
`appended claims.
`To achieve the objects and in accordance with the purpose
`of the invention, as embodied and broadly described herein,
`he invention is directed to a method for information trans-
`mission by a plurality of transmitters to provide broad
`communication capability over a region of space, the infor-
`mation transmission occurring during at least both a first
`ime period and a second time period and the plurality of
`ransmitters being divided into at least a first and second set
`of transmitters,
`the method comprising the steps of (a)
`generating a system information signal which includes a
`3lurality of blocks of information,
`transmitting the
`system information signal to the plurality of transmitters, (c)
`ransmitting by the first and second sets of transmitters a first
`3lOCl( of information in simulcast during the first
`aeriod, (d) transmitting by the first set of transmitters a
`second block of information during the second time period,
`and (e) transmitting by the second set of transmitters a third
`3lock of information during the second time period.
`In another embodiment,
`the invention is directed to a
`multi-carrier simulcast transmission system for transmitting
`in a desired frequency band a message contained in an
`information signal, the system comprising a first transmitter
`means for transmitting an information signal by generating
`a first plurality of carrier signals within the desired fre-
`quency band and by modulating the first plurality of carrier
`signals to convey the information signal, and a second
`transmitter means, spatially separated from the first
`transmitter, for transmitting the information signal in simul-
`cast with the first transmitter by generating a second plu-
`rality of carrier signals at substantially the same frequencies
`as the first plurality of carrier signals and by modulating the
`second plurality of carrier signals to convey the information
`the invention is directed to a
`In another embodiment,
`communication method implemented in a computer con-
`trolled communication network for locating a mobile trans-
`ceiver within a region of space, the region of space being
`divided into a plurality of zones with each zone serviced by
`at least one base transmitter and at least one base receiver,
`the network storing data corresponding to a zone where the
`mobile transceiver was last known to be located, the com-
`munication method comprising the steps of (a) transmitting
`a message signal by a base transmitter servicing a zone
`where the mobile transceiver was last known to be located,
`(b) transmitting a systemwide probe signal by a plurality of
`base transmitters servicing a plurality of zones if the mobile
`transceiver does not indicate receipt of the message signal
`from the base transmitter, (c) receiving the regional probe
`signal by the mobile transceiver,
`transmitting an
`acknowledgment signal by the mobile transceiver in
`response to the received regional probe signal, (e) receiving
`the acknowledgment signal from the mobile transceiver by
`a base receiver, and
`updating the data to reflect the zone
`of the base receiver that received the acknowledgment signal
`as the last known location of the mobile transceiver.
`In yet another embodiment, the invention is directed to a
`method of communicating messages between a plurality of
`base transmitters and mobile receivers within a region of
`space divided into a plur

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