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`Library of Congress CataIog1'ng—1'n-Publication Data
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`icing refraction :
`sls also -elled,
`e on a fresh fuel
`1 refugere, to run
`ting protected, as
`A place that pro-
`s which one may
`ly refuge.> —V,
`fuge to. —vi. To
`core meaning :
`refuge in the em-
`réfugier, to take
`another country
`) < pr.part. of re-
`Shining radiantly
`recful’ gence,
`1-ing, -funds.
`. refundere : re-,
`‘URN: 2. To repay
`. 1. A repayment
`lj. —re-fund’-
`nds. 1. To fund
`esp. to replace (a
`;, -bish-es. To
`ment 21.
`re opportunity or
`. [ME refusen <
`pour back. —see
`ow. 2. To decline
`lecline to do, ac-
`‘efuser, to refuse.]
`less : TRASH.
`at citizen refused
`(ri-fyo"ot’l) n. 1.
`. [Lat. ‘refutare :
`r mistaken : DIS-
`accuracy or truth
`ya-to-) rr.
`:r n.
`s. 1. To recover
`r, king.] 1. Of or
`appropriate for a
`it magnificence :
`ly adv.
`egaler < OFr. re-
`1. To delight or
`.y with food and
`. 1. A great feast.
`Vment n.
`, neuter pl. of re-
`ams and symbols
`rileges of royalty.
`society. 4. Splen-
`1-egardful 0 regret
`a register. 3. A device that automatically registers an amount or num-
`ber. 4. An adjustable grill-like device through which heated or cooled -
`air is released into a room. 5. Correct alignment or positioning. 6. Reg-
`istration : registry. 7. Mus. a. The range of an instrument or voice. b.
`A part of such a range that has similar quality. c. A group of matched
`organ pipes : sror. ‘—v. -tei-ed, -ter-ing, -ters. — vt. 1. a. To enter
`in an official register. b. To enroll formally or official_ly..2. To indicate,
`as on an instrument or scale. 3. To show (emotion). 4. To cause (mail)
`to be officially recorded by paymentvof a fee. —vi. 1. To place or cause
`placement of one’s name in a. register. 2. To have one’s name officially
`placed on a list of eligible voters. 3. To make an impression. 4. To be
`a 7.
`piéiperly aligned. —reg’is-ter-er n. —reg’is-t_ra-ble (-i-stra-bol)
`-reg-isotered (rej’i-stard) adj. 1. Having the owner’s name listed in
`a register <registered bonds> 2. Having a pedigree recorded in a breed
`association studbook <a registered cocker spaniel> 3. Officially qual-
`ified <a registered pharmacist>
`registered mail 11. Mail that-is recorded by the post office when
`sent and at each point on its route so as to assure safe delivery.
`registered nurse 1:. A graduate trained nurse who has passed a
`state registration examination.
`reg-is-trant (réj"i-strent) n. One who registers or is registered.
`reg.isotrar (réj’i-strar’, réj’i-strar’) n. 1. An officer in a college or '
`university who keeps records on the enrollment and academic stand-
`ing of students. 2. An officer of a corpdration charged with maintain-
`ing records of ownership of its securities. 3. A hospital admitting
`reg-is-tra-tion (re]"i-strfi’ shan) n. 1. An act of registering. 2. The
`number of persons registered : ENROLLMENT. 3. An entry in a register.
`4. A document certifying an act of registering. 5. Mus. a. A combina-
`tion of organ stops chosen to be used in playing a piece. b. The tech-
`nique of choosing and adjusting organ stops.
`reg-is-try (rej’i—stré) n., pl. -tries. 1. Registration. 2. A ship's reg-
`istered nationality : FLAG. 3. A place for registering. 4. A book for of-
`ficial records.
`re-giusgprofessor (re'jas, -jé-es) n. [< Lat. regius, royal < rex,
`king.] One holdinga professorship set up by royal subsidy at certain
`British universities.
`reg-let (reg' lit) 11. [OFr. < 1/6316. ruler < Lat. regula < regere, to rule.]
`1. A narrow, flat molding. 2. A flat piece of wood for separating lines
`of printing. type.
`regenal (rég’n9l) adj. [Med Lat. regnalis, royal < Lat. regnurn, reign
`< rex, king.] Specifying a particula.r- year of a m_ona.tch’s reigu reckoned
`from the date of accession.
`reg-nant (reg’ nant) adj. [Lat. regnans, pr.part. of regnare, to reign <
`regnum, reign < rex, king] 1. Reigning : ruling. 2. Predominant. 3.
`Widespread : prevalent.
`reg-oolith (reg’ a-lith’ ) n. [Gl<. rhegos, blanket + -LITI-I.] The layer of
`loose rock material resting on bedrock, ‘making up the surface of most
`re-gorge (re-gori’ ) Vt. -gorged, -gorg-ing, -gorg-es. [Fr; regorger
`< OFr.
`: re-, back + gorger, to gorge < gorge, throat.] To disgorge.
`re-gress (ri-gres’) v. -greased, -gress-ing, -gress-es. [Lat. re-
`gredi, regress : re-, back + grqdi, to go.]' —v1‘. 1. To revert or return
`to a former and usu. worse condition. 2; To have a tendency to ap-
`proach or return to a statistical mean. —vt. To induce a state of re-
`gression in. —n. (ré’gres'). 1. Return or withdrawal. 2. An act of
`reasoning backward from an effect to a cause. —re-g1‘es’s01‘ n.
`re-gres-sion (ri—gresh’ an) n. 1. Reversion : retrogression. 2. Relapse
`to a less perfect or developed state. 3. Psychoanal. Reversion to a more
`primitive ‘or less mature behavior pattern. 4. Statistics. The tendency
`for the expected value of one of two jointly correlated random vari-
`ables to approach more closely the mean value of its set than the other.
`5. Astron. Retrogradation.
`re-gres-sive (ri-grés' iv) adj.--1. Likely to return or revert. 2. Marked
`by regression or a tendency to ‘regress. 3. Having the ratedecrease as
`the taxable amount increases. —re-gres’sive-ly 'adv.- —re-
`gres’ sive-ness n.
`re-gret (ri-grét’ ) ‘v. -gret-ted, -gret-ting, -gr-ets. [ME regretten
`< OFr. regretter, to lament.] —vt.’ 1. To feel sorry, disappointed, or
`distressed about. 2. To feel sorrow or grief over : MOURN. —vi. "To feel
`regret. —n. 1. A sense of loss and longing for someone gone. 2. Dis-
`re-gard-ful (ri—gard’fa1) adj. 1. Attentive 2 heedful. 2. Deferential :
`respectful. —re-gard’ful-ly adv. —re-ga.r'd’ful-ness I1.
`re-gard-ing (ri-gar’ ding)‘ prep. In reference to.
`re-gard-less (ri-gard’lis) adj. Unmindful. —adv. In spite of every-
`‘thing :ANYWAY. —re-ga:d’le_ss-ly adv. —re-gard’1ess-negss n.
`re-gardsless of prep. In spite of.
`re-g'at-ta (ii-g2'i’ta, -git’ 9) n. [Ital.] A boat race or an organized series
`of boat races.
`re_.ege~late (ré’ja-lat’, ré’ja-lat’ ) vi. -lat-ed, -lat-ing, -lates. [RE-
`+ Lat. gelare, gelat-, to freeze.] To undergo regelation.
`re-ge-la-tion (ré’je-liflshan) n. 1. Fusion of two blocks of ice by
`pressure. 2. Successive melting under pressure and freezing when pres-
`sure is relaxed at the interface of two- blocks of ice.
`re-gen-qy (ré'jan-sé) n., pl. -cies. 1. A person or group chosen to
`head the government in case of a monarch’s minority, absence, iI1com-
`petence, or sickness. 2. The period during which a regent governs. 3.
`The office, area of jurisdiction, or government of a regent or regents.
`—adj. --Re_-gen-cy. Of, pertaining to, or typical of the style, esp. in
`W es.
`fuanliiture, common during the regency -(1811-20) of George, Prince of
`re-gen-er-ate (ri-j'én'a-rat’) v. -at-ed, -at-ing, -ates. [Lat. re-
`generare, regenerat-, to reproduce :-'re-, again + generare, to beget <
`genus, birth.] —vt. 1. To reform spiritually or morally. 2. To form,
`construct, or create anew. 3. Biol. To replace (a lost or damaged organ
`or part) by formation of new tissue. —vi. 1. To become formed or
`constructed again. 2. To undergo spiritual conversion or rebirth. 3. To
`effect regeneration. —n. (ri-jén’or-it). One spiritually.reborn or re-
`formed. —adi. (Ii-ién’9r-it). 1. Spiritually or morally revitalized. 2.
`Restored : renewed. —re-gen’er-a-ble (-re-bal) adj. -re-g’e,nh
`er-a-cy (-jen’ar-a-sé) r1. ‘-re-gen’er-ate-ly adv. —re-gen’er-
`a’tpr n.
`re-gen-er-a-tion («ri-ien's-ra'shsn) r1. 1. An-act or process of re-
`generating or state of being regenerated. 2. Spiritual or moral revival or
`rebirth. 3. Biol. Regrowth of lost or destroyed parts or organs.
`re-gen-ersa-tive (ri-jen’ 9-ra’tiv, —9r-o—tiv) adj. 1. Of, relating to, or
`characterized by regeneration. 2. Apt to regenerate. —re-gen’er-
`a’t,ive-ly adv.
`[ME < OFr., ruling < Lat. regens, pr.part. of
`reogent (ré’jant) 11.
`regere, to rule.] 1. One who rules during the minority, absence, or dis-
`ability of a monarch. 2. One acting as a ruler or govemor. 3. One serv-
`ing on a governing board of an institution, as a university.
`—re’gent-al (-jsn-tl) adj.
`reg-gab (rég’ a) n. [Orig. unknown.] Popular music of Iamaican origin
`combining elements of calypso, soul, ‘and rock ’n’ roll and marked by
`a simple syncopated rhythm.
`reg-iocide (rej’i—sid’ ) n. [Lat. rex, regi-, king + -cIDE.] 1. Murder of
`a king. 2. One who murders a king. —reg’i-ci’ dal (-Sid’ 1) adj.
`re-gime also ré-gime (ra-zhém’ , ri-) n. [Fr. regime < Lat. regimen
`< regere, to’ rule.] 1. a. A management system. b. A government in
`power : ADMINISTRATION <‘the Tory regin1e> 2. A social system
`or pattern. 3..REGIMEN 2.
`regniomen (réj"a-man, -men’) 11.
`[ME < Lat., regime] 1. Govern-
`mental rule or control. 2. A system, as of therapy or diet.
`reg-i-ment (rej’a-mant) n. [ME < OFr. < LLat. regimentum, rule <
`_Lat,. regere, to rule.] A military unit of ground or airborne troops com-
`- posed of at least two battalions <an artillery regiment> <a paratroop
`regiment> —'vt. (réj’a-mént’) -ment-ed, -ment-ing, -nients. 1.
`-To organize into a regiment. 2.’ To appoint to a regiment. 3. To put into
`systematic order. 4. To impose uniformity and rigid order upon.
`-rreg'i-men’tal (-méu’tl) adj. —reg’i-men’tal-ly adv.
`—reg’i-men-taftion n.
`reg-i-men-tale (réj"a-ment’lz) pl.r1. 1. The uniform and insignia
`typical of a- specific regiment. 2.3Military dress.
`re-gion (re'jen) 11. [ME regioun < OFr. region < Lat. regio < regere,
`to direct.] 1. A,large, usu. continuous portion of avsurface or space :
`AREA. 2. A large, indefinite area of the earth’s surface. 3. A particular
`district or territory. 4. A field of interest or activity : SPHERE. 5. A part
`-of the earth marked by distinctive animal or plant life. 6. An area of
`the body with natural or arbitrarily assigned boundaries <th_e region of
`the lower back>
`re-gion-all (ré'js-nal) adj. 1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a
`large geographic region. 2. Of, relating to, or typical of a specific region
`or district :'LocALIzED. 3. Of, belonging to, or typical of a fon:n of a
`language that is distributed, in identifiable geographic areas and has
`identifiable phonetic, structural, and other differences from the stan-
`dard form of the language : DIALECTAL. —n. 1. Something that serves
`a region, as a branch of an organization. 2. One that is regional.
`—r,e’gion-al-ly adv.
`rétgisoseur (ra'zhé-sfir’ ) n., pl. -seurs (-sfir’ ) [Fr. < régir, to direct
`< Lat. regere < rex, king] The director of a ballet.
`reg-is-ter (rej' i—star) 11. [ME registre < OFI. < Med. Lat. registrum <
`LLat. regesta < Lat., neuter pl. of regestus, p.pa,rt. of regerere,
`record: re-, back + gerere, to carry.] 1. a. A formal or official recording
`of items, names, or actions. b. A book for such entries.‘ 2. An entry in
`vii) abuse
`th this
`ou out
`zh vision
`fir urge
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`.5. [ME regarden
`Germanic orig.]
`in a specific way
`)r. 4. Archaic. To
`account. 6. Obs.
`d. —n. 1.Alool<
`sect, affection, or
`etings that show
`: point or respect
`:tion : MOTIVE. 7.
`zrning. —in (or
`rs.-age: Regard is
`: with) regard to.
`if-regarder, to re-
`‘ I
`w which
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