`European Patent Office
`Office européen cles brevets
`File number : 02796725.6
`Final Instructions
`for closing an application (loss of all rights).
`1- tl No use has been made of any of the legal remedies available.
`CI The decision refusing the: appeal / applicationfor reestablishment of rights / request for
`further processing has become final.
`2- CI The application will not be dealt with as a European patent application (Rule 39 EPC).
`CI The decision refusing the application has become final.
`XI The application is deemed to be withdrawn.
`3. Form 1320 has been dispatched (if necessary).
`4. The return of Form 1320 is to be controlled by coding "BEEF".
`The Hague, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. .
`O’Donne||, Hugh
`(Formalities Officer)
`5. Checked with regard to costs; where applicable, refund ordered (RFAC).
`6. ADW|(3) or REFU(3) and DEAD have been coded.
`The Hague, ....................................... ..
`|.3.°.n.n?!|: |._|.U.g.h.
`(Formalities Officer)
`Goog|e_LG Exhibit 1007
`Google_LG Exhibit 1007
`Page 1 of 99
`P_B_5313 _ patemlaan 2
`2280 HV Rijswijk (ZH)
`(070) 3 40 20 40
`FAX (070) 3 40 so 16
`Keilalahdentie 4
`02150 Espoo
`Patent Office
`Ofiice européen
`cles brevets
`Generaldirektion 1
`Directorate General 1
`Direction générale 1
`epoIine® Customer Services
`Tel.: +31 (0)70 340 45 00
`Application No./Patent No.
`02796725.6 - 2412 PCT/EP0214726
`Applicant/P roprietor
`Nokia Corporation
`Noting of loss of rights pursuant to Rule 69(1) EPC
`The European patent application cited above is deemed to be withdrawn (Rule 108(1) EPC) for the
`following reason(s):
`translation of the international application into one of the EPO's official languages (Art. 158(2)
`EPC) not filed within the period specified in Rule 107(1)(a) EPC
`b) E national basic fee
`search fee
`designation fee
`examination fee and/or written request for examination
`not validly paid / not made within the time limit specified in Rule 107(1)(c)-(f) EPC
`payment of the above fees on .........................
`after expiry of the period for payment (on
`1. The loss of rights [(a)(b)] shall be deemed not to have occurred if, within a (non-extendable) period of
`TWO MONTHS of notifcation of this communication, the relevant requirement(s) has (have) been
`fulfilled and the appropriate surcharge(s) under Article 2(3b)(3c) RFees have been paid (Rule 108(3)
`If fees were paid late [(c)], the requirement(s) as specified in Article 8(3)(4) RFees is (are) to be fulfilled
`within the same time limit.
`If, however, the applicant considers that this finding is inaccurate, he may apply in writing for an EPO
`decision on the matter (Rule 69(2) EPC) within the same time limit, i.e. that specified in (1). The finding
`will be set aside only if it does not actually correspond to the factual or legal situation.
`The applicant's rights with regard to fee payment or filing the written request for examination
`cannot be re-established under Article 122 EPC.
`If, in spite of all due care required by the circumstances having been taken, the applicant was unable to
`observe the time limit
`filing the translation, he will, upon application, have his
`re-established provided that the time limits and formal requirements laid down in Article 122 EPC are
`complied with.
`Registered letter
`EPO For? 56A 01.02 ADWI 2
`Page 2 o
`Page 2 of 99
`Sheet 2
`Application No. 027967255
`Applicants not having either a residence or principal place of business within the territory of one of the EPC
`contracting states must have the above request under Article 122 EPC or Rule 69(2) EPC filed by a
`professional representative authorised to act before the EPO.
`Enclosure: Schedule of Fees
`04/78 a nun)
`01.02 ADWI2
`Page 3 of 99
`Geblihren fiir europiiische Patentanmeldungen in EURO geltend ab 01.04.04
`Fees for European patent applications in EURO effective as from 01.04.04
`Taxes pour les demandes de brevet européen en EURO applicables in compter du 01.04.04
`Anmeldegebiihr (nationale Grundgebllhr) I Filing fee (national basic fee) lTaxe de depot (taxe nationale de base):
`Die europaische Patentanmeldung oder des Formblatt fur den Eintritt in die europaische Phase (EPA Form 1200) wlrd auf
`Papier eingeretcht.
`The European patent application or the form for entry into the European phase (EPO Form 1200) is filed on paper
`La demande de brevet européen ou le formulaire d‘entrée dans la phase europeenne (formulaire OEB 1200) est dépose sur
`Die europaische Patentanmeldung oder das Formblatt fur den Eintritl in die europaische Phase (EPA Form 1200) wlrd online
`e n ereicht.
`TltgEuropean patent application or the form for entry into the European phase EPO Form 1200) is filed online.
`La demande de brevet européen ou le formulaire d‘entrée dans la phase europ nne (formulaire OEB 1200) est déposé en llgne.
`Search fee.
`Taxe de recherche.
`Benennungs ebiihr fur jeden benannten Vertragsstaat (siebentacher Betrag = alle Vertragsslaaten).
`Designation ee for each contractm state designated (seven times the amount = all contracting states).
`Taxe de designation pour cheque tat contractant désigne (sept fois cette taxe = tous les Etats contractants).
`Zuschla sgebilhr zur Anmeldegebiihr, Recherchengebflhr undloder Benennungsgebuhr (Regel 85a EPU) 2 50% der betreffenden
`Gebtihr, ochstens insgesamt:
`ou a axe
`Surcha e on the filirég fee, search fee and/or des: natlron teeégule 85a EPC£: 50% of the relevant fee, but not to exceed a total of:
`désignation regle 85bis CBE: 50% de la taxe concernée, sans que
`la taxe de epot, la taxe de recherche e
`le montant total puisse dépasser:
`Anspruchs ebiihr fur den elften und jeden weiteren'Anspruch.
`claims fee or the eleventh and each subsequent claim.
`Taxe pour chaque revendicatron a partir de la onzieme.
`Pauschalpebuhr fur eine zustitzliche Abschrift der im Europaischen Recherchenbericht aufgefuhrten Schriften.
`Flat-rate ee _for an additional copy of the documents cited in the European search report.
`Taxe forfartatre pour une copie supplémentalre des documents cites dans le rapport de recherche européenne.
`Examination fee.
`Taxe d‘examen.
`Zuschlagsgebiihr ftir die verspatete Stellung des PrfltungsantragsF(Regel 85b EPU): 50% der Prafungsgebirhr.
`Surcharge or late filing of the request for examination (Rule 85b E C): 50% of the examination fee.
`Surtaxe pour presentation tardtve de la requéte en examen (régle 85ter CBE): 50% de la taxe d‘examen,
`Only applicable to entry into the European phase of international applications:
`Nur anwendbar fiir den Elntritt in die europtiische Phase von intematlonalen Anmeldungen:
`Seulement applicable 3 I‘entree dans la phase europeenne de demandes Intemationeleszz
`Zuschlagsgebtihr for die verspatete Einreichung der Ubersetzung der internationalen Anmeldung oder die verspatete Stellung des
`Prufungsantrags oder die verspatete Entrichlung der nationalen Grundgebflhr, der Recherchengebiihr oder der Benennungsgebuhren
`(Regel 108 Absatz 3): 50% der betreffenden Gebtihren, ledoch mindestens 500 EUR bei verspateter Einreichung der Ubersetzung
`und insgesamt hochstens
`que le montant total puisse dépasser
`Surcharge for late filing of either the translation of the international application or the request for examination, or for late payment of
`the national basic fee, the search fee or the designation tee (Rule 108(3)): 50% of the relevant fees, but at least EUR 500 for late
`filing of the translation, up to a maximum of
`Surtaxe pour production tardive de la traduction de la demande internationals, pour presentation lardive de la requéte en examen
`ou pour retard de paiement de la taxe nalionale de base, de la taxe de recherche ou des taxes de designation (regle 108 (3): 50%
`des taxes concernées, sans que le montant puisse étre inférieur a 500 EUR en cas de production tardive de la traduction et sans
`65000 (2)
`(1) = Anwendbar fiir européiische Patentanmeldungen. die ab 1. April 2004 eingereicht werden und fiir internationale Anmeldungen, die ab diesem Tag in die
`européiische Phase eintreten (ABl, EPA Nr. 12/2003).
`Applicable for European patent applications filed on or afterl April 2004 and for international applications entering the European phase on or after that
`date (OJ EPO NR.12I2003).
`Applicable aux demandes de brevet europeen déposées a partir du tar avril 2004 et aux demandes internationales entrant dans la phase europeenne a
`partir de cette date (JO OEB no 12/2003).
`(2) = Nur anwendbar fiireuropéische Patentanmeldungen.
`Only applicable to European patent applications.
`Seulement applicable aux demandes de brevet européen.
`EPO Form 1135 / 1205A
`Page 4 of 99
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`Bank-und Postscheckkonten derEuropaischen Patentorganisation in EURO»
`Bank and Giroaccounts of the European Patent Organisation in EURO
`Comptes bancaires et cheques poslaux de l‘Organisation européenne des brevets en EU R0
`Bank-und Postscheckkonten
`Bank and Giro accounts
`Comfites bancaires et de
`c ecques postaux
`Eesti_ Uliis enk AS
`EE-10151 Tallinn
`Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria
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`Nordea Bank Finland plc
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`800013-90405 '
`Sampo Bank lc
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`000 200 20463
`Code ba_nque 30 004
`Code uichel 00 567
`Cle Rt 29
`BNP - Paribas
`A ence: Paris Clientele lntemational
`lace de |'Opéra
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`86 98 72 66 (Sorting Code 20-00-00)
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`At ens Tower Branch
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`Bank and Giro accounts
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`c ecques postaux
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`Administration des P.& T.
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`000 254 22154
`Code ban ue 30 004
`Code uic et 09179
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`.CUBB, K3
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`g?aiich;l13anaska Bystrica
`0 na
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`Tlirki e IS BankasiA.S.
`ustata Kemal Bulvari 8
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`Com tes bancaires etde
`c ecques postaux
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`Geor Coch-Platz 2
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`ING Bel
`Mamix usiness Branch
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`B-1000 Bruxelles
`7, Sveta Nedelya Sq.
`BG-1000 Sofia
`230-322 005 60 M
`Bahnhofstrasse 45
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`91-649517-3 "
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`Giro account
`Compte de cheque postal
`Page 5 of 99
`Page 5 of 99
`Copy for the Elected Office (E0/EP)
`PCT/E P2002/014726
`(PCT Rule 92bis.1 and
`Administrative Instructions, Section 422)
`United Kingdom
`READ, Matthew
`Venner, Shipley LLP
`20 Little Britain
`London EC1A 7DH
`Date of mailing (day/month/yea r)
`13 July 2004 (13.07.2004)
`Applicant's or agent's file reference
`PS D/46470GEN1
`International application No.
`International filing date (day/month/year)
`23 December 2002 (23.12.2002)
`1. The following indications appeared on record concerning:
`B the applicant
`D the inventor
`El the common representative
`Name and Address
`State of Residence
`the agent
`Telephone No.
`44 20 7600 4212
`Facsimile No.
`44 20 7600 4188
`READ, Matthew
`Venner, Shipley & Co.
`20 Little Britain
`London EC1A 7DH
` United Kingdom
`2. The International Bureau hereby notifies the applicant that the following change has been recorded concerning:
`E‘ the person
`I: the name
`the address E the nationality D the residence
`Name and Address
`State of Nationality
`\F;EAD' Msafihfw LLP
`‘P 9)’
`20 Little Britain
`London Em A 7DH
`United Kingdom
`Q 1
`3 0.137» ZQIIII
`State of Residence
`Telephone No.
`44 20 7600 4212
`Facsimile No.
`3. Further observations, if necessary:
`44 20 7600 4188
`Teleprinter No.
` 4. A copy of this notification has been sent to:
`the receiving Office
`D the designated Offices concerned
`D the International Searching Authority
`the elected Offices concerned
`I: the International Preliminary Examining Authority
`[3 other:
`Authorized officer
`The International Bureau of WIPO
`34, chemin des Colombettes
`1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
`Facsimile No. (41-22) 338.89.75
`Form PCT/IB/306 (March 1994)
`Page 6 of 99
`Telephone No.
`(41-22) 338 9666
`Page 6 of 99
`PA 973561
`A “I
`"!@)AT5B;__I'1i£9)WElQ1!L1J'iiH____.$l.‘E‘S'B13E*_...‘S!‘3‘_NiE§;5 @@.M@3
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`March 11,2003
`FILING DATE: December 31, 2001
`17 1(a) 0
`, J
`J »j
`:‘ ‘j
`By Authority of the
`A ‘./. »r;§.:1-ze./..=\.W,
`A1,./gȤ;>,e e
`I -t
`Page 7 of 99”
`Certifying Officer
`Page 7 of 99
`Please type a plus sign (+) inside this box -9
`2" ",3 4
`3% an
`xi‘: ""
`$’_=._—_- F
`_.____=_ in
`=—-‘: ..i
`(Only fornewnonprovisional applications under 37 CFR 1.53(b))
`SEE MPEP cha ter 600 concemin - utili
`- atent a - Iication contents.
`Fee Transmmai F°”" 03-9" PTOISW17)
`(Submit an engine!anda duplicate fortea pmoossingj
`2. El
`Applicantclaims small entity status.
`See 37 CFR 1 27
`PTOISB/05 (03-01)
`Approved for use through 10/31/2002 OMB 0651-0032
`U 5 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no ersons are reuired to resend to a collection of information unless it displa s a valid OMB control number.
`_ _
`First Inventor
`Express Mail Label No.
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Box Patent Application
`Washington, DC 20231
`ADDREss To;
`7. D CD-ROM or CD-R in duplicate, large table or
`Computer Program (Appendix)
`lt‘d dlA'A'd
`2-lfuace°' ea“ or mm C‘ Sequence S" ""550"
`Iicable, all necessary)
`Computer Readable Form (CRF)
`b Specification Sequence Listing on:
`L ' U CD-ROM or CUR (2 copies)‘ or
`El paper
`c D Statements verifying identity of above copies
`(i=IbTarmdIIrlfV90fli:inll9Hoi1II below)
`Descriptive title ofthe invention
`-Cross Reference to Related Applications
`-Statement Regarding Fed sponsored R & D
`-Reference to sequence listing. a table,
`or a computer program listing appendix
`-Background of the invention
`-Brief Summary of the Invention
`-Bnef Description of the Drawings (if filed)
`3332?; Descnpuon
`'Ab5"a°t °f the D‘5°'°s”'e
`4. K4
`DrawIng(s) (35 use. 113)
`5’ 0am or Declaramn
`. D Newly executed (original or copy)
`. '3 Copy from a prior application (37 CFR 1 63 (d))
`(for continuation/divisional with Box 18 completed)
`. El i2Ei_EIioN_oE_LNvEN1oi3isi
`Signed statement attached deleting inventor(s)
`Named in the prior application. see 37 CFR
`1-33(d)(2) and 1.3309)
`9. El Assignment Papers (cover sheet & documents(s))
`10 El
`37 CFR 3 73(b) Statement
`El Power of Attorney
`iwhe" ‘here 73 3" a5S"9"e°)
`11. B English Translation Document (ifapplicable)
`12. D information Disclosure
`D Copies of lDS Citations
`13 [:1 prenmmary Amendment
`Return Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
`D (S"°_"’dbeSPe°"7°a{’i(i9m’Zedl
`Certified COPY Of PFIOTIW D00’-1m9""(5)
`(iffflfeign P"'°l7'i}' 1'5 Claimed)
`16. D Nonpublication Request under 35 U S.C. 122
`(b)(2)(B)(i). Applicant must attach form PTO/SB/35
`or its equivaient
`17. VA Other: '
`'. Ii‘:
`if a CONTINUING APPLICATION, check appropriate box, and supply the requisite infonrition below and in a preliminary amendment,
` 18.
`or in an A Iication Data Sheet under 37 CFR 1. 76:
`E] Divisional
`[:1 Continuation-in-part (CIP)
`[Total Pages: 4]
`D ‘
`Application Data Sheet See 37 CFR 1.76
`of prior application No '
`Group Art Unit
`Prior application information:
`For CONTINUATION OR DIVISIONAL APPS only: The entire disclosure of the prior application. from which an oath or declaration is supplied under
`Box 5b, is considered a part of the disclosure of the accompanying continuation or divisional application and is hereby incorporated by reference.
`e lricor ration . I
`0 .
`be relied uon when a ortion has been inadve entl omitted from th ubmltted a li ation - rts.
`.1 _;
`:__ 2
`Registration No- (Niamey/Agent)
`Burden Hour Statement: This form Is estimated to take 2 hours to complete. Time will vary depending upon the needs of the Individual case. Any comments on the amount
`of time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chief information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, DC 20231. DO NOT SEND
`FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS SEND TO. Assistant Commissioner for Patents. Box Patent Application, Washington, DC 20231.
`Page 8 of 99
`Copy provided by USPTO from the PACR Image Database on 03/07/2003
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`PTO/SB/17 (10-01)
`Approved for use through 10/31/2002 OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paerwork Reduction Act of 1995, no
`ersons are reuired to resond to a coileticn of information unless it disia
`a valid OMB control number
`for FY 2002
`Patent fees are subject to annual revision.
`($) 992.00
`A iication Number
`Fiiin Date
`First Named inventor
`Examiner Name
`Complete if Known
`December 31. 2001
`Attorney DOCKET NO-
`Fee Description
`1.440 218
`1.980 228
`1,510 138
`240 _
`1,280 241
`1,280 242
`Fee Paid
`“or number previous! aid, if reaier: For Reissues, see above
`‘Reduced W 93579 Filing Fee Paid
`complete (Ifapplicable) Registration No.
`Donald E-Stout 1- Au e/Aent ii
`A "’°"’°'“
`in rmatlon on this form may become public. Credit card information should not be
`included on this form. Provide credit card Information and authorization on PTO-2038.
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is estimated to take 0 2 hours to complete. Time will vary depending upon the needs of the individual case. Any comments
`on the amount of time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chief information Officer. US. Patent and Trademark Office, Washington. DC
`20231. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS SEND TO’ Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, DC 20231.
`Pae 9 of 99
`Copy provided by USPTO from the PACE Image Database on 03/07/2003
`_ FEE CALCULATION (continued)
`1. CI The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge indicated
`fees and credit overpayments to:
`Deposit Account Number 01-2135
`F95 F” F”
`Deposit Account Name Antoneili, Terry, Stout & Kraus, LLP
`code (s)
`Charge Any Additional Fee Required
`Under 37 CFR1.16 and 1 17
`Surcharge — late filing fee or oath
`D Applicant Claims small entity status.
`See 37 CFR 1.27
`Surcharge — late provisional filing fee or
`cover sheet
`Payment Enclosed:
`130 Non-English specification
`El Other
`[I check
`Credit Card
`[I Money Order
`2,520 147
`2,520 For filing a request for ex parte reexamination
`920' Requesting publication of SIR priorto
`Examination action
`1.840‘Requesting publication ofSiR atter
`1,s4o' 113
`E(gm'|ner action
`Extension for reply within first month
`200 Extension for reply within second month
`460 Extension for reply within third month
`720 Extension for reply within fourth month
`980 Bitension for reply within fifth month
`160 Notice ofAppeal
`Filing a brief in support of an appeal
`140 Request for oral hearing
`1.510 Petitionto institute a public use proceeding
`Petition to revive — unavoidable
`640 Petition to revive — unintentional
`640 Utility issue fee (or reissue)
`230 Design issue fee
`310 Plant issue fee
`130 Petitions to the Commissioner
`Processing fee under 37 CFR 1.17(q)
`180 Submission of Information Disclosure Stmt
`Recording each patent assignment per
`property (times number of properties)
`370 For each additional invention to be
`examined (37 CFR § 1.129(a))
`370 For each additional invention to be
`examined (37 CFR § 1.129(b))
`370 Requestforcontinued Examination (RCE)
`900 Request for expedited examination
`of a design application
`Fee Paid
`Fee Description
`2- BA5'C F"-‘N3 FEE _
`Large Entity Small Entity
`Fee Fee
`code (5)
`370 Utility tiling fee
`165 Design filing fee
`255 Piantfiling fee
`370 Reissue filing fee
`Provisional filing fee
`Fee from
`Extra Claims
`X 1819 -20“ = 0Total Claims = 0
` indep. Claims 6—3" =3
`Multiple Dependent
`independent claims in excess of 3
`Multiple dependent claim. if not paid
`gmaii Entity
`Fee Description
`code (3)
`code ($)
`Claims in excess of 20
`"' Reissue independent claims
`over original patent
`"' Reissue claims in excess of 20
`and over original patent
` Other fee (specify)
`SUBTOTAL (2) $ 252.00
`Page 9 of 99
`Location information service for a cellular telecommunications
`Field of the invention
`This invention relates to a location information service for a cellular
`telecommunications network, which enables individual mobile stations to receive
`information about their location within the network.
`A number of proposals have been made to locate the position of mobile stations
`within a cellular telecommunications network. Each cell of the network
`corresponds to a particular geographical area and the cells are provided with
`individual identification codes. Thus, when a mobile station communicates
`through a particular cell, a rough estimate of its geographical location can be
`obtained using the cell identity. In urban situations, the cells may have an
`approximate diameter of the order of 200 metres.
`A number of methods have been proposed to improve the locational accuracy.
`For example, the timing advance used in communications between the mobile
`station and the transmitter for the cell, can be monitored to determine whether
`the mobile station is relatively near to or far away from the transmitter. Also,
`schemes have been proposed to introduce an angular resolution around the
`transmitter. Other schemes involve a triangulation method using transmissions
`received from adjacent cells.
`A location finding service is being offered commercially by Cell Point Systems
`AB of Kista, Sweden and reference is directed to W0 01/ 31966. The system is
`marketed under the name FinderTM. Groups of subscribers can find out the
`location of members of the group from a mobile telephone. The user starts by
`defining a list of friends that they want to be able to locate, be seen by or
`communicate with. This involves a pre—registration procedure with the vendor
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`of the Finder service. When a user wantsto know the location of a friend,
`colleague or family member, the user initiates a request through their mobile
`telephone or computer and selects a name or names. The Finder system then
`locates both the user and the friend and calculates the distance and direction to
`the friend. The result is communicated back to the user as a text message.
`A disadvantage of this system is that the user needs to pre—register with the
`system and only has access to the location of members of the relevant group.
`Summary of the invention
`The invention provides a location information service for mobile stations in a
`cellular telecommunications network that is provided independently of an
`aforesaid vendor. A request for location information may be sent from a mobile
`station as a short message (SMS) through the network to a location message
`server with an associated data store that contains location information based on
`the cells of the network. Location information based on the cell occupied by at
`least one mobile station is derived from the data store and sent through the
`network from the location message server as a SMS to the mobile station that
`requested the information. According to the invention, the service is provided
`without requiring pre—registration of the subscriber that uses the mobile station.
`Thus, in accordance with the present invention, there is no need to form pre-
`registered groups of users and each individual mobile station can make use of the
`location information service without having to pre-register.
`The request from the mobile station may be for information concerning its own
`location, in which case the retrieved data is sent to the mobile station that made
`the request.
`Alternatively, the request may be for data concerning the location of another
`mobile station, in which case, data is retrieved from the data store based on the
`cell occupied by the other mobile station, and the retrieved data is sent to the
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`mobile station that made the request. A check may be carried out to determine
`whether the other mobile station permits data concerning its location to be sent
`to others in order to provide privacy, if required.
`Instead of retrieving the data from the data store, the other mobile station may
`itself provide the data concerning its location to the mobile station that made the
`In another aspect, the invention provides a method of providing privacy in a
`location information service to mobile stations in a cellular telecommunications
`network. In a first mode, the invention includes sending a request for location
`information from a mobile station as a message through the network to a
`location message server, deriving location information based on the location of
`at least one mobile station, sending the location information to a third party
`application, using the third party application to develop data based on the
`location information, and sending the data through the network from the
`location message server as a message to the mobile station that requested the
`information. In a second mode, the invention includes inhibiting data from the
`third party application being sent, in response to a privacy request from said at
`least one mobile station.
`Brief description of the drawings
`In order that the invention may be more fully understood, an embodiment
`thereof will now be described by way of example with reference to the
`accompanying drawings in which:
`Figure 1 is a schematic block diagram of a cellular mobile telecommunications
`network that includes a location information service in accordance with the
`Figure 2 is a schematic perspective view of an individual cell for the network
`shown in Figure 1;
`Figure 3 is a flow diagram concerning a location request from mobile station
`MS1, concerning its own location;
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`Figure 4 is a schematic flow diagram for a process in which mobile station MS1
`requests location information concerning mobile station MS2, when MS2 agrees
`to the request;
`Figure 5 corresponds to Figure 4 in a situation where MS2 does not agree to the
`request made by MS1;
`Figure 6 corresponds to Figure 4, in which mobile station MS2 provides the
`location information requested by mobile station M81; and
`Figure 7 is another schematic block diagram of a cellular mobile
`telecommunications network that includes a location information service in
`accordance with the invention.
`Detailed description
`Figure 1 illustrates a public land mobile network PLMN1 that provides a cellular
`mobile telecommunication service to mobile stations in the form of mobile
`handsets MS1, M82. The PLMN1 may be of any of the well known types such as
`GSM, DAMPS or UMTS and in the following description, a GSM network is
`described by way of example. The network is shown schematically that includes
`base transmitter stations BTS1, BTS2 which, as illustrated provide a radio link to
`the handsets l\‘/[S1, MS2. PLMN 1 also includes base station controllers, mobile
`switching centres and a home location register as well known in the art. These
`features are not illustrated in the drawing and since they are very well known,
`will not be described further herein