`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`10 July 2003 (10.07.2003)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 03/056853 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification7:
`H04Q 7/22
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`23 December 2002 (23.12.2002)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`31 December 2001 (31.12.2001)
`(71) Applicant: NOKIA CORPORATION [FT/Fl]; Keilalah—
`dentie 4, FIN—02l50 Espoo (Fl).
`(72) Inventors: OLRIK, Jakob; Lindenovsgade 11 4 th,
`DK—2l00 Copenhagen O (DK). KRAFT, Christian;
`Mandholmen 4, DK—2650 Hvidovre (DK).
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH,
`GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG. KP, KR, KZ, LC,
`LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG,
`SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, UZ, VC, VN,
`YU, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW),
`Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European patent (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, SI, SK,
`TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`(74) Agents: READ, Matthew et al.; Venner, Shipley & Co.,
`20 Little Britain, London EClA 7DH (GB).
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the ”Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations " appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`(57) Abstract: A cellular telecommunications network provides a location information service. A landmark location server (11)
`has an associated data store (12) of data concerning location information associated with individual cells of the network. The server
`(11) is responsive to a request for location information from a mobile station (MS1). The request is sent as a SMS through the
`O network (PLMN1). The server (11) obtains location information from the data store (12) based on the cell (Cl) occupied by MS1
`or another mobile station (MS2). The network is configured to send the location information as a SMS to the mobile station (MS1)
`that requested the information, without having to pre—register the mobile station for the location information service.
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`Goog|e_LG Exhibit 1006
`Google_LG Exhibit 1006
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`W0 03/056353
`Location information service for a cellular telecommunications
`Field of the invention
`This invention relates to a location information service for a cellular
`telecommunications network, which enables individual mobile stations to receive
`information about their location within the network.
`A number of proposals have been made to locate the position of mobile stations
`within a cellular telecommunications network. Each cell of the network
`corresponds to a particular geographical area and the cells are provided with
`individual identification codes. Thus, when a mobile station communicates
`through a particular cell, a rough estimate of its geographical location can be
`obtained using the cell identity. In urban situations, the cells may have an
`approximate diameter of the order of 200 metres.
`A number of methods have been proposed to improve the locational accuracy.
`For example, the timing advance used in communications between the mobile
`station and the transmitter for the cell, can be monitored to determine whether
`the mobile station is relatively near to or far away from the transmitter. Also,
`schemes have been proposed to introduce an angular resolution around the
`transmitter. Other schemes involve a triangulation method using transmissions
`received from adjacent cells.
`A location finding service is being offered commercially by Cell Point Systems
`AB of Kista, Sweden and reference is directed to W0 O1/31966. The system is
`marketed under the name FinderTM. Groups of subscribers can find out the
`location of members of the group from a mobile telephone. The user starts by
`defining a list of friends that they want to be able to locate, be seen by or
`communicate with. This involves a pre-registration procedure with the vendor
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`of the Finder service. When a user wants to know the location of a friend,
`colleague or family member, the user initiates a request through their mobile
`telephone or computer and selects a name or names. The Finder system then
`locates both the user and the friend and calculates the distance and direction to
`the friend. The result is communicated back to the user as a text message.
`A disadvantage of this system is that the user needs to pre-register with the
`system and only has access to the location of members of the relevant group.
`Summary of the invention
`The invention provides a location information service for mobile stations in a
`cellular telecommunications network that is provided independently of an
`aforesaid vendor. A request for location information may be sent from a mobile
`station as a short message (SMS) through the network to a location message
`server with an associated data store that contains location information based on
`the cells of the network. Location information based on the cell occupied by at
`least one mobile station is derived from the data store and sent through the
`network from the location message server as a SMS to the mobile station that
`requested the information. According to the invention, the service is provided
`without requiring pre-registration of the subscriber that uses the mobile station.
`Thus, in accordance with the present invention, there is no need to form pre-
`registered groups of users and each individual mobile station can make use of the
`location information service without having to pre—register.
`The request from the mobile station may be for information concerning its own
`location, in which case the retrieved data is sent to the mobile station that made
`the request.
`Alternatively, the request may be for data concerning the location of another
`mobile station, in which case, data is retrieved from the data store based on the
`cell occupied by the other mobile station, and the retrieved data is sent to the
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`mobile station that made the request. A check may be carried out to determine
`whether the other mobile station permits data concerning its location to be sent
`to others in order to provide privacy, if required.
`Instead of retrieving the data from the data store, the other mobile station may
`itself provide the data concerning its location to the mobile station that made the
`In another aspect, the invention provides a method of providing privacy in a
`location information service to mobile stations in a cellular telecommunications
`network. In a first mode, the invention includes sending a request for location
`information from a mobile station as a message through the network to a
`location message server, deriving location information based on the location of
`at least one mobile station, sending the location information to a third party
`application, using the third party application to develop data based on the
`location information, and sending the data through the network from the
`location message server as a message to the mobile station that requested the
`information. In a second mode, the invention includes inhibiting data from the
`third party application being sent, in response to a privacy request from said at
`least one mobile station.
`Brief description of the drawings
`In order that the invention may be more fully understood, an embodiment
`thereof will now be described by way of example with reference to the
`accompanying drawings in which:
`Figure 1 is a schematic block diagram of a cellular mobile telecommunications
`network that includes a location information service in accordance with the
`Figure 2 is a schematic perspective View of an individual cell for the network
`shown in Figure 1;
`Figure 3 is a flow diagram concerning a location request from mobile station
`MS1, concerning its own location;
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`_ 4 -
`Figure 4 is a schematic flow diagram for a process in which mobile station MS1
`requests location information concerning mobile station MS2, when MS2 agrees
`to the request;
`Figure 5 corresponds to Figure 4 in a situation where M82 does not agree to the
`request made by MS1;
`Figure 6 corresponds to Figure 4, in which mobile station MS2 provides the
`location information requested by mobile station M81; and
`Figure 7 is another schematic block diagram of a cellular mobile
`telecommunications network that includes a location information service in
`accordance with the invention.
`Detailed description
`Figure 1 illustrates a public land mobile network PLMN1 that provides a cellular
`mobile telecommunication service to mobile stations in the form of mobile
`handsets MS1, MS2. The PLMN1 may be of any of the well known types such as
`GSM, DAMPS or UMTS and in the following description, a GSM network is
`described by way of example. The network is shown schematically that includes
`base transmitter stations BTS1, BTS2 which, as illustrated provide a radio link to
`the handsets MS1, MS2. PLMN 1 also includes base station controllers, mobile
`switching centres and a home location register as well known in the art. These
`features are not illustrated in the drawing and since they are very well known,
`will not be described further herein.
`GSM networks support a short message service (SMS) by which text messages
`can be communicated between mobile stations, in addition to the usual speech
`communication. In accordance with the invention, a SMS message centre
`(SMSC) 10 is connected to the PLMN1 to process SMS messages concerning
`location requests and responses, as will be explained hereinafter. The SMSC 10
`is connected to a location messaging server 11 with an associated location
`database 12.
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`Referring to Figure 2, the configuration of an individual cell associated with the
`base station controller BTS1 is shown schematically. The transmitter BTS1 has a
`usable range illustrated schematically by hatched outline 13. Thus, if the handset
`MS1 is communicating over a radio link with the network through BTS1, it is
`within the circular area 13 of the cell associated with BTS1. In accordance with
`the GSM Recommendations, each cell has an individual identity known to the
`network. In this example, the cell shown in Figure 2 has a cell identity C1. Thus,
`when the handset MS1 communicates with BTS1, the cell identity corresponds to
`a rough geographical location for the handset. Typically, in urban situations, the
`cell 13 has a radius of 100 metres. The actual cell size depends upon the
`configuration of the network and as well known in the art, the cellular
`dimensions are made smaller in regions of high population density and larger in
`rural areas. As shown in Figure 2, a distinctive landmark in the form of a church
`14 — St. Mark’s Church - is located within the cellular area 13.
`In accordance with the invention, the user of handset MS1 can send a request to
`the landmark location messaging server 11 to obtain details of local landmarks in
`the form of a SMS. This process will now be described in more detail with
`referenceto Figure 3.
`At step S3.1, the mobile station MS1 sends a request 15 in the form ofa SMS
`over the radio link to BTS1 to the network PLMN 1 and thence to the SMSC 10
`at step S3.2, as request 16. The request 15 contains the telephone number
`(MISDN) of MS1 together with category data D1, D2 or D3 discussed in more
`detail below. The request 16 contains the data from request 15 and the cell
`identity; cell C1 in this example, obtained from the network PLMN 1.
`The SMSC 10 refers the request to the location messaging server 11 which refers
`to the database 12 in order to fetch stored data corresponding to the cell
`concerned, namely cell C1. The data in the database 12 may be arranged as
`shown in Table 1, in which landmark data corresponding to individual cells is
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`_ 6 _
`stored, together with other data relevant to the cells such as local restaurants,
`railway stations and the like.
`Table 1
`Cell Identity
`D1 - Landmark
`D2 - Railway
`D3 — Restaurant
`St. Mark’s Church Newtown station
`1. Pizza Place
`is nearby
`2. Wong’s Chinese
`At step S3.4, the location server provides relevant data 18 to the SMSC 10 in
`response to the location request. For example, if the user of M81 has requested
`landmark data D1, a message such as “St. Marks Church is nearby” is provided
`to indicate that church 15 is within cell 13. Alternatively, if the user has
`requested information D2 about railway stations, data “Newtown Station” may
`be provided. Further, if information D3 regarding restaurants has been
`requested, appropriate restaurant data may be supplied.
`The SMSC 10 then creates a SMS text message 19 containing the retrieved data
`from the location messaging server 11. The resulting SMS is sent at step S3.5 to
`PLMNl and thence as SMS message 20 to the MSISDN of M81 to be received
`by M81, as shown at step S3.6. The short message can be then displayed by M81
`and if appropriate stored therein for future use.
`Figure 4 illustrates an alternative process by which the user of mobile station
`MS1 obtains information concerning the location of mobile station MS2. At step
`S4.1 a request 21 is sent by mobile station MS] to the network PLMN1, to be
`routed at step S4.2 as request 22 to SMSC 10. The requests 21 contain the
`MSISDNs of M81 and MS2 together with the data D1, D2 or D3 concerning the
`requested category of data i.e. landmark data or other data such as railway
`stations or restaurants relevant to the location of mobile station MS2.
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`At step S4.2, reference is made to the network in order to determine the identity
`of the cell currently occupied by mobile station MS2. This is incorporated into
`the request sent as request 22 to SMSC 10.
`Then, at step S4.3, SMSC 10 sends a request 23 to the PLMN 1 that is routed to
`mobile station MS2, as request 24, at step S4.4, in order to determine whether
`the user of MS2 is content to allow its positional information to be
`communicated to others. If M82 is happy to release this information, a response
`25 is sent at step S4.5, to the PLMN1 and forwarded as response 25 to SMSC 10
`at step S4.6.
`Having received clearance from MS2, the SMSC 10 at step S4.7, refers a request
`27 to the location messaging server 11 in order to obtain landmark or other data
`pertinent to the cell occupied by MS2, which is returned as message 28 to SMSC
`10, at step S4.8.
`The SMSC 10 at step 4.9 assembles an SMS message 29 containing the fetched
`data, which is then sent to network PLMN1 and forwarded at step S4.10 as
`message 30 to be received by the mobile station M81. The resulting data is
`displayed by MS1 to the user thus providing information about the location of
`M82 to the user of M81.
`Figure 5 illustrates the process when the user of M52 does not wish its location
`information to be made available to others. When MS1 requests data concerning
`MS2, request 21 is sent at step S5.1, as previously described with reference to
`Figure 4 and is sent as request 22 to SMSC 10. Then as described with reference
`to Figure 4, requests 23 and 24 are sent to MS2, at steps S5.3 and S54, in order
`to request whether MS2 is prepared to release its positional information to
`others. At step S5.5, MS2 sends message 31 indicating that it is not prepared to
`release its positional information to others, and this message is transferred at
`step S5.6, as message 32, to the SMSC 10.
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`The SMSC 10 then does not refer to the location messaging server 11 but instead
`sends message 33 at step S5.7 to the PLMN1, to be transferred at step S5.8 as
`message 34 to the mobile station MS1. Message 34 comprises a SMS notifying
`the user of M81 that data concerning the location of M82 is not available.
`In another modification shown in Figure 6, M81 is provided with positional
`information concerning MS2 derived from MS2 rather than the location
`messaging server 11. At step S6.1, MS1 sends an SMS message 35 to the
`network PLMN1 containing the MSISDN of M51 together with the MSISDN of
`M82. At step S6.2 a message 36 containing the data from message 35 together
`with positional information concerning the cell occupied by M82, is transmitted
`as SMS message 36 to SMSC 10. Then, at step S6.3 SMSC 10 routes a request
`message 37 to PLMN1 which in turn, at step 86.4 routes the message as message
`38 to MS2.
`At step S65, MS2 may decide to provide positional information from its own
`memory to MS1, in response to the request 38. For example, as previously
`described with reference to Figure 3, the message 20 may be stored in the
`memory of M81 for subsequent re~use. Alternatively, the stored message 20 may
`be modified by the user to provide more precise or personalised location
`information. The resulting positional information is transmitted as SMS 39 to
`PLMN1 and then at step S6.6 is sent as message 40 to SMSC10.
`At step S6.7, the SMSC 10 develops an SMS message containing the data
`received from MS2 about its location. The resulting message 41 is transmitted
`through PLMN1 and then, as step S6.8 to M81, as SMS 42 to be displayed by the
`user of M81.
`It will be understood that with the described system, there is no need to pre-
`register with the location service that may be provided free of charge by the
`network operator, or at the usual tariff for SMS messages.
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`The system provides information about any mobile station currently using the
`network, without the requirement to form groups of “friends” or other group
`identities. Furthermore, privacy is assured for individual users who do not wish
`to release their location information to others. Many modifications and
`variations fall within the scope of the invention. For example, more precise
`positional information may be achieved by the use of angular resolution within
`individual cells or by monitoring the timing advance setting for the individual
`mobile station during transmission.
`Another embodiment of the invention is shown in Figure 7. The arrangement is
`generally similar to that of Figure 1 and the same reference numbers are used for
`corresponding components in the two Figures. The arrangement of Figure 7 has
`a position server 13 additionally shown, which provides the positional data
`corresponding to the position of the mobile station(s). This can be based on the
`cell identity as previously described or may include other positional data that may
`be provided by the use of angular resolution within individual cells or by
`monitoring the timing advance setting for the individual mobile station during
`transmission, or possibly GPS fixes for the mobile stations, regularly updated to
`the server 13. This positional data is provided by the server 13 to the location
`messaging server 11 so that landmark messages can be supplied to the mobile
`stations in response to a request from the SMSC 10 as previously described.
`The location messaging server 11 may also supply the positional data from the
`server 13 and/ or the landmark data from the store 12 to third party applications
`illustrated schematically as applications 14 and 15. These applications may be run
`on separate servers as shown or as applications on the server 11. The system
`normally operates in a first mode whereby third party applications provide
`additional information to the mobile stations based on their position. For
`example, the third party application 14 may compute a route to be followed
`when either walking or travelling in a vehicle, in order to travel from the location
`of mobile station MS1 to MS2. This may be requested by M81 in the manner
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`previously described, and the computed route is forwarded by the location
`messaging server 11 to MS1 as series of route directions in 21 SMS.
`Other third party applications are possible. For instance, when a mobile station
`requests particular landmark information, merchants may wish to provide
`advertising or other promotional messages to a mobile station that is provided
`with particular landmark data. Considering the example described with reference
`to Figures 1 and 2, Wong’s Chinese restaurant may wish to send details of its
`special offers in response to a request from mobile stations for information
`about restaurants, that are provided with landmark data for St Mark’s Church
`that is nearby the restaurant. In this situation, third party application 15 develops
`data about the special offer and forwards the data to the server 11 so that it is
`forwarded to MS1 in a SMS.
`The system may be configured to operate in a second mode that ensures that the
`individual mobile stations are ensured privacy in respect of the third party
`applications. For example, if MS2 does not want its location to be made available
`to third party application 13, for route computations, MS2 may block the
`transfer of its positional information to the server 11, in the manner described
`with reference to Figure 5. Similarly, if MS1 does not wish to receive
`promotional information from third party application 15, MS1 may provide a
`privacy request message to the server 11, in order to block the sending of
`promotional or like messages to it from server 15. Thus, privacy is assured for
`those individual users who do not wish to release their location information to
`It will be understood that with the system described with reference to Figure 7,
`there is no need to pre—register with the location service. Both the location
`service and the third party applications may be provided free of charge, or at the
`usual tariff for SMS messages.
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`A method of providing a location information service to mobile
`stations in a cellular telecommunications network, comprising
`sending a request for location information from a mobile station as a
`message through the network to a location message server,
`deriving from a data store location information based on the cell
`occupied by at least one mobile station, and
`sending the data through the network from the location message
`server as a message to the mobile station that requested the information,
`the method being performed without pre—registering the mobile station for
`the location information service.
`A method according to claim 1 wherein the request from the mobile
`station is for information concerning its own location, and the method
`includes sending the retrieved data to the mobile station that made the
`A method according to claim 1 wherein the request from the mobile
`station is for data concerning the location of another mobile station, and the
`method includes retrieving location data from the data store based on the cell
`occupied by the other mobile station, and sending the retrieved data
`concerning the other mobile station to the mobile station that made the
`A method according to claim 1 wherein the request from the mobile
`station is for data concerning the location of another mobile station, and the
`method includes checking whether the other mobile station permits data
`concerning its location to be sent to others.
`A method according to claim 1 wherein the request from the mobile
`station is for data concerning the location of another mobile station, and the
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`method includes sending location information from the other mobile station
`to the mobile station that made the request.
`A method according to claim 1 including re—directing the message
`from the mobile station that requested the information, to another mobile
`A method according to claim 6 including displaying the message at he
`mobile station that requested the information, modifying the message and
`then re—directing the modified message to another mobile ststaion.
`A cellular telecommunications network with a location information
`service, comprising a location server having an associated data store of data
`concerning location information associated with individual cells of the
`network, the server being responsive to a request for location information
`from a mobile station sent as a message through the network and operable to
`derive from the data store location information based on the cell occupied by
`at least one mobile station, the network being configured to send the data as
`a message to the mobile station that requested the information, without pre-
`registering the mobile station for the location information service.
`A network according to claim 8 including an SMS message centre to
`receive location request messages from the mobile stations, send the requests
`to the server and receive retrieved data from the server to be sent as an SMS
`to a mobile station.
`A mobile station configured to communicate with a network to
`perform the method claimed in claim 1.
`A mobile telecommunications network configured to perform the
`method claimed in claim 1.
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`A method of operating a mobile station to receive location
`information from a location information service in a cellular
`telecommunications network, comprising
`sending a request for location information from a mobile station as a
`message through the network to a location message server, and
`receiving from the location message server, a message containing
`location information based on the cell occupied by at least one mobile
`the method being performed without pre-registering the mobile station
`for the location information service.
`A mobile station for receiving location information from a location
`information service in a cellular telecommunications network, comprising
`circuitry operable to send a request for location information from a
`mobile station as a message through the network to a location message
`server, and
`circuitry operable to receive from the location message server, a
`message containing location information based on the cell occupied by at
`least one mobile station,
`the provision of the location information being made without pre-
`registering the mobile station with the location information service.
`A mobile station according to claim 13 including a display operable to
`display the message.
`A mobile station according to claim 14 including circuitry operable to
`send the received message to another mobile station.
`A method of providing privacy in a location information service to
`mobile stations in a cellular telecommunications network, comprising
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`in a first mode sending a request for location information from a
`mobile station as a message through the network to a location message
`deriving location information based on the location of at least one
`mobile station,
`sending the location information to a third party application,
`using the third party application to develop data based on the location
`information, and
`sending the data through the network from the location message
`server as a message to the mobile station that requested the information,
`and in a second mode, inhibiting data from the third party application
`being sent, in response to a privacy request from said at least one mobile
`A method according to claim 16 including providing a privacy request
`message from the mobile station to the location server whereby the server is
`switched to said second mode and does not pass location information for the
`mobile station to the third party application.
`A method according to claim 16 wherein the location information
`relates to a mobile station other than that which made the request, and
`wherein said other station blocks the transfer of said information to the third
`party application in said second mode.
`A cellular telecommunications network comprising
`a location message server for deriving location information based on the
`location of at least one mobile station
`a mobile station operable to send a request for location information as
`a message through the network to the server, and
`a third party application to develop data based on the location
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`the network being operable in a first mode to send the data through
`the network from the location message server as a message to the mobile
`station that requested the information,
`and in a second mode, to inhibit data from the third party application
`being sent, in response to a privacy request from said at least one mobile
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`Sewer 11
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`Sewer 11
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`Third party
`Third party
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