`Fourth Edition
`Michael Agnes

`David B. Guralnik
`EDITOR IN CHIEF 1951- 1985
`Wiley Publishing, Inc.
`TracBeam Exhibit 2002
`T-Mobile et al. v. TracBeam, LLC
`Page 1 of 3

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`Webster's New World College Dictionary I Michael Agnes, editor in chief.-4th ed.
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`Page 2 of 3

`observance I obturate
`observed; visible; discernible; noticeable 2 deserving of attention;
`noteworthy 3 that can or must be kept or celebrated [an observ(cid:173)
`able holiday] -ob·serv'·ably adv.
`ob·serv·ance (ab Z\lrv'ans) n. [ME observaunce <OFT observance
`< L obseruantia, attention, regard, in LL(Ec), divine worship~ 1
`the act or practice of observing, or keeping, a Jaw, duty, custom,
`rule, etc. 2 a customary act, rite, ceremony, etc. 3 the act of
`observing, or noting; observation 4 [Archaic) respectful attention;
`deference 5 R.C.Ch. a ) the rule observed by a religious order b)
`the order observing a specified rule
`ob-serv-ant (ab Z\frv'ant) adj. HFr, prp. of observer, OBSERVE] 1
`strict in observing, or keeping, a law, custom, duty, rule, etc.: often
`with of{observant of the rules of etiquette] 2 paying careful atten·
`tion; keenly watchful 3 perceptive or alert 4 Judaism designating
`or of a person who adheres strictly to traditional religious practices
`- n. [0-] former name for FRIAR MINOR -ob·serv'·antly adv.
`ob·ser·Va·tion (ab'zar va'shan) n. lfME observacioun < L observa-
`tio, in LL(Ec), reverence, outward display)l 1 observance, as of
`laws, customs, etc. 2 a) t he act, practice, or power of noticing b)
`something noticed 3 the fact of being seen or noticed [seeking to
`avoid obserua.tion] 4 a ) the act or practice of noting and recordinl.!
`facts and events, as for some scientific study b ) the data so noted
`and recorded 5 a comment or re mark based on something
`observed 6 a ) the act of determining the altitude of the sun, a star,
`etc., in order to find a ship's position at sea b) the result obtained
`-adj. for observing -SYN. REMARK
`ob·ser·va·tional (-sh<> n<>l) adj. of or based on observation rather
`than experimentation
`-trobservation car a railway car with extra-large windows or a
`transparent dome for facilitating a view of the scenery
`observation post an advanced military position from which
`movements of the enemy can be observed, artillery fire directed,
`ob·serva·tory (ab Z\flV'<> tor' e) n., pl. -·ries [ ModL observatorium <
`pp. of L observare: see fol.] 1 a) a building equipped for scientific
`observation, esp. such a building with a large te1escope for astro(cid:173)
`nomical research b) an institution for such research 2 any build(cid:173)
`ing or place providing an extensive view of the surrounding terrain
`ob·serve (ab Zl:\rv') vt. -·served', -·serv'·ing HME obseruen < OFr
`observer< L, to watch, note< ob- (see 013-) + servare, to
`keep or hold < IE base *ser·, to watch over, guard > Sans haraiti,
`(he) guards] 1 to adhere to, follow, keep, or abide by (a law, cus(cid:173)
`tom, duty, rule, etc.) 2 to celebrate or keep (a holiday, etc.) accord(cid:173)
`ing to custom 3 a ) to notice or perceive (something) b ) to pay
`special attention to 4 to arrive at as a conclusion after stud_y 5 to
`say or mention casually; remark 6 to examine and study s~"lentifi­
`cally -vi. 1 to take notice l to comment or remark (on or upon) 3
`to act as an observer -SYN. DlSCERN, CELJ~BRATE -ob·serv'·ingly
`ob-server (ab z\lrv'ar) n. 1 a person who observes something;
`specif., a) a soldier manning an observation post b) a person who
`attends an assembly, convention, etc., not as an official delegate
`but only to observe and report the proceedings c) an official, usu(cid:173)
`ally a member of a group, sent by a UN committee to collect and
`report facts on the situation in a special area 2 a member of an
`aircraft crew, other than a pilot, with cert.ain specialized duties
`and a special rating (aircraft observer)
`ob·sess (ab ses') vt. [< L obsess us, pp. of obsidere, to besiege < ob(cid:173)
`(see OB-) + sedere, SIT] to haunt or trouble in mind, esp. to an
`abnormal degree; preoccupy greatly - -Rvi. to be obsessed or preoc(cid:173)
`cupied: usually with about, ove1~ or on
`ob·ses·sion (ab sesh'an) n. [L obsessio] 1 the act of an evil spirit
`in possessing or ruling a person 2 a) the fact or state of being
`obsessed with an idea, desire, emotion, etc. b) such a persistent
`idea, desire, emotion, etc., esp. one that cannot be gotten rid of by
`reasoning -ob·ses'·sional adj.
`ob·ses·sive (ab ses'iv) adj. of, having the nature of, or causing an
`obsession or obsessions -n. a person who has obsessive thoughts
`-ob·ses'·sively adv. -ob·ses'·sive·ness n.
`obsessive-compulsive (ab ses' iv kam pul'siv) adj. designating or
`of a mental disorder, esp. a neurosis, characterized by compulsive
`thoughts Ol' actions, irresistible urges, etc., that are unwanted and
`uncontrollable and interfere with work, social activity, and per(cid:173)
`sonal relationships, and often appear as repeated, somewhat ritu(cid:173)
`alistic performances of certain acts -n. a person who is obsessive(cid:173)
`ob·sid·ian (ab sid'e an) n. ff.ModL obsidianus < L
`(lapis ), a faulty reading in Pr,INY (altered by assoc. with L
`obsidium, a siege < obsidere: see OBSESS) for Obsianus (lapis),
`stone of Obsius, finder of a similar stone in Ethiopia] a hard,
`usually dark-colored or black volcanic glass with conchoidal frac(cid:173)
`ture, often used as a gem
`ob·so·lesce (iib'sa les') vi. -·lesced', -·lesc'·ing [L obsolescere: see
`OBSOLETE]! to be or become obsolescent
`ob·so·les·cent (ab's9les'antl adj. HL obsole.$censD in the pro~ss of
`becoming obsolete -ob'·SO·Ies'·cence n. -ob'·SO·Ies'·cently adv.
`ob·SO·Iete (iib'sa let', ab'sa let') adj. HL obsoletus, pp. of obsoles(cid:173)
`cere, to go out of use < ob- (see OB-) + *·solescere ( < exolescere, to
`grow out of use < ex-, EX-' + '? alescere, to increase: see ADOLES(cid:173)
`CENT))! 1 no longer in use or practice; discarded 2 no longer in
`fashion; out-of-date; passe 3 Biol. rudimentary or poorly devel(cid:173)
`oped as compared with its counterpart in other individuals of a
`related species, the opposite sex, etc.; vestigial: said of an organ,
`etc. -vt. -·let'ed, -·let'·ing to make obsolete, as by replacing with
`Page 3 of 3

`something newer - SYN. OLD -ob'·SO·Iete'ly adv. -''n·-<n•"'"
`ness n.
`ob·sta·cle (ab'sta kal) n. [OFr < L obstaculum, obstacle
`to withstand< ob- (see OB-) +stare, to STAND] au:v•uwl(
`the way or hinders; impediment; obstruction; nHtwaru;t:
`SYN.-obstacle is used of anything wh1ch
`stands in the .way of pne's , progress
`remained .their only ·obstac/.e];' impe d
`that delays or retards progress ·.by
`action [a speech · im.jJedi.m.ent]; . obstruction
`t:hat blockS progress or some activit:Y· as
`passage [yolll' interference is an oo.~u·u.(;t.wn
`drance applies to anything .that'
`back or delaying {lack of supplies is
`experiment/; barrier·applies to any « IJJJ«it<:"''"l.Y
`obstacle that prevents progress or keeps ,.,.,.,.,,.r,~t.t>
`guage differences ,are often a barri.ef to
`obstacle course 1 a physical exercise course
`ditches, and other obstacles, used t.o train military
`any situation or course of action that presents obstacles or
`ob·stet·ric (ab stet'rik, ab-) adj. [ModL obstetricus, for L
`tricius, belonging to a midwife < obstetri.x, midwife; lit., she
`stands before < ob- (see 013-) + stare, to STAND] 01 childbirt
`obstetrics: also ob·stet'·ri·cal -ob·stet'·ri·cally adv.
`ob·ste·tri·cian (ab'sta trish'an) n. a medical doctor who
`in obstetrics
`ob·stet·rics (ab stet'riks, ab-) n. ff< OBSTE'rRICD the
`medicine concerned with the care and treatment of women
`pregnancy, childbirth, and the ensuing period
`ob·sti·nacy (iib'sta na se) n. [ME obstinacie < ML ""'"'"'"''"'• '~
`obstinatio] 1 the state or quality of being obstinate;
`stubbornness b) resistance to treatment; persistence, as
`ease 2 pl. -·cies an obstinate act, attitude, etc.
`ob·sti·nate (ab'sta nat) adj. [ME < L obstinatus, pp.
`to resolve on < obstare, to stand against, oppose < ob·
`stare, to S'fAND] 1 unreasonably determined to have
`way; not yielding to reason or plea; stubborn; dogged;
`resisting remedy or treatment [an obstinate fever] 3
`subdued, ended, etc. -SYN. STUBBORN -ob'·sti·nately
`sti·nate·ness n.
`ob·sti·pa·tion (iib'sta pa'shan) n. [L obstipatio < L ol>·
`stipare, to cram, pack: see STIFF)I Med. severe and ,.,a,·oio!~nt
`ob·strep·er·ous (ab strep' ar <'>S, ab-) adj. [L
`obstrepere, to roar at < ob- (see OB-) + strepere, to roar <
`"'(s)trep-, to make a loud noise > OE thr<E{t, strife] noisy,
`ous, or unruly, esp. in resisting or opposing -SYN.
`ob·strep'·er-ously adv. -ob·strep'·er·ous·ness n.
`ob·struct (ab strukt') vt. W< L obstructus, pp. of obstruere,
`up, build against < ob· (see OB-) + struere, to pile up: see
`to block or stop up (a passage) with obstacles or

`clog 2 to hinder (progress, an activity, etc.); impede
`from being seen; block (the view) - SYN. HINDER.1 -o
`or ob·struc'·tor
`Ob·struc·tion (ab struk'shan) n. I[L obstructioD 1 an nh<''"''"h"'"'
`being obstructed 2 anything that obstructs; hindrance
`ob·struc·tion·ist (-ist) n. anyone who obstructs
`member of a legislative group who hinders the
`tion by various technical maneuvers -adj. of ob,;truct:ion
`obstructionism: also ob·struC'·tion·is'·tic -ob·struc:•-t,i.orHst:n'
`ob·struc·tive (ab struk'tiv) adj. obstructing or tending to
`-ob·struc'·tively adv. -ob·struc'·tive·ness n.
`ob·stru·ent (iib'stroo ant) adj. [L obstruens, prp. of
`block up: see OBSTRUCT] (Rare] obstructing; esp., blocking ll.
`sage of the body -n. [Rare) something, as a kidney stone,
`blocks a passage of the body

`ob·tain (ab Um') vt. [ME obteinen < OFr < L
`obtain, prevail, maintain < ob- (see OB-) +
`TENANTD 1 to get possession of, esp. by
`[Archaic] to arrive at; reach or achieve - vi. 1
`effect; prevail [a law that no longer obtains] 2 ,.,. .... ,. ....... ,
`-SYN. GET -ob·tain'·able adj. -ob·tain'er
`ob·tect (ab tekt' ) adj. [< L obtectus, pp. of um;e,!<ur<.
`ob- (see OB-) + tegere, to cover: see THATCH,
`insect pupa in which the appendages and wmgs are
`against the body by a secretion: also ob·tect'ed
`ob·test (iib test') vt. I[L obtestari < ob- (see OB-) + testari, to
`< te.stis, a witness: see TESTIFY] 1 to beg for; beseech;
`to call to witness -ob'·tes·ta'·tion (-tes ta'shan) n.
`ob·trude (ab trood', iib-l vt. -·trud'ed, -·trud'·i ng [L
`(see OB-) + trudere, to thntst: see THREAT]! 1 to
`push out; eject 2 to offer or force (oneself, one's
`upon others unasked or unwanted -vi. to obtntde
`upon} -SYN. INTRUDE -ob·trud'er n. -ob·tru'·sion
`ob·tru·sive (ab troo'siv, ab-) adj. I[< L obtrusus, pp. of
`-IVEE 1 inclined to obtrude 2 obtruding itself; esp.,
`tion to itself in a displeasing way -ob·tru'·sively adv.
`sive·ness n.
`ob·tund (ab tund') vt. [ME obtu.nden < L obtundere, to
`blunt< ob- (see OB·) + tundere, to strike< IE *(s)teud- , to
`STOCK] to make blunt or dull; make less acute; deaden
`ob·tu·rate (iib'too rat', -tyoo-) vt. -·rat'ed, -·rat'·ing II< L
`pp. of obturare, to stop up< ob- (see OB-) +base akin ·to

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