TracBeam Exhibit 2001
`T-Mobile et al. v. TracBeam, LLC
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`·. ··: ·. ·A LAUREL BOOK .
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`Pubiished by .
`neii PUblishing .
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`ll .of . .. .
`· · ·Bantam Doubleday Dell PUblishing Group~ Inc:
`1540 Broadway

`· Ne·w York-, New Y()rk l00~6 .
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`. · ... if you pu~h~d this b&k\viili~ut a cover yott 'sbouid ·~ awate that 'thi's b()Ok' is ..
`property. It was reported as .. unsold and destroyed" to the publisher and neither
`· · ':'uthor not the puMislier has reeeived ariy payiri(mt for.this .. stripped .bOOk." .· ... ·
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`American Heritage• and. the eagle logo are . ~gisteted trademarks of Forbes . .
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`sts ·
`obtori\ll obtus~:;
`· · ·· ··
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`accepts the use ofboth ofand to with oblil·-· · oti•.se5s <~b~s~s'~ ~b~)y.· i6 .. preoccupy the :
`·> _)gi:
`·. '.':J In
`ious: The iJart)• appeared oblivious to (or mmd of excesstvely. [Lat.·. obsidi!re' , •
`obsess- : ob-, on + sedere~ sit; se~ Se(pj:
`.·. :·, ~ H]
`of) the inotlfltittg pressures for polidcal re- .
`... ob•ses•sion (~b-sesh':m, ob-) n. 1. Co!TlpUl:"
`. · ·..

`;'.:);\ •·.'l_,_l.:.~_·.·.~
`sive preoccupation with a fixed idea or t.fiil'/
`ob•long (ob'lomt', -long')· mti.· 1.a. Deviat-
`ing from a square, circular, or spherical' · wanted emotion. 2. A corilpi.tlsive; 'Oftef1:·':
`-·.. •.-.·._.·:.
`unreasonable idea or emotion; ~ob~ses~~.
`form by being elongated io one direction. b.
`Rectangular or elliptical .. z~ Bot .. -Elongated..
`slon •aJ alii.· -ob··ses'slve< aclf~:~.··~ ob!Seiit~(:··.· .. ·. ·.:.· ·: ·: · ~-
`slve•ly ad\•, 7ob·s~tstve•neS5;L .. ;: ::· :·::.:_:.:
`·>:\); f~
`[<Lat. obfongus.] -ob'long' "·
`· >.· , ...
`ob•lo•quy(ob'l~~kwe) n., p/. -qules.1. Abu-
`ob•sld•i•an (ob-s'id'e-~n) n. <A hard, usu~ ·
`black or banded volcanic glass. [tat obsi:.:.. . ·.
`sively detractive language. 2. Disgrace; ill
`repute. [<..Lat. ob/oquf, speak against.]
`: ~··....
`.., .... ~ .: :: .. :.·.:··.-....
`diiinus.] •
`. .
`, .
`ob•nox•ious (ob-nok'sh~s. ~b-) adj. Very
`ob•so•les•cent (ob's~Iesi~nt) ii(//;·. Becom~'.;·
`'::\:\ ;f~l
`ing obsolete. [ < Lat. obsofescere~ go outor
`objectionable; odious. [< Lat. obnoxius,
`· ..• ···.·•·.·. < g :
`use.] -ob'so•les'cence n; --ob,'so.•IS's~~< ·· ,\'.(\ iX
`punishable.] -ob•nox'lous•ly adl•.· -ob•
`o~~~Jo(g;bgf,~:· A .woodwind instrtn1lent
`o~e·nst~!~e1~v(cih's~-ieti, 6b's~-let~i ~<U.·;~;:·:> > ·=LV'i\:~
`with a conical bore and a double reed No longer in use or in effect, 2. Outmode'd . < >i :,::
`~:v~bw~ ~l[t·;;ly;oW~/· ~;~~~-b~~ha:~l ttgbjiff~~~~~J\ . . ·.~.{'}<~ ~-·-~
`~b~:outhpie<:eb. [ ~ '>aut/J~o~1·s. ]Off~ o' ~ •ltst
`o •scene v -sen. ~· at. ;
`e11stve o -o so· e e atv. -o so• e e .ness·rh ...
`f~~~{~~~~~1!1,~;:t~:~:;~~:6]~~~~~ "f.~~;~~!i~:~f~r!> ~;, h~tJ:ti•g;t.<;~~~:A ;;;~~t~~
`~~-.L~~~i:!s~c~J~;~. "irari~~~,~~~· s~~~~l~~·YJ.\ ('_X.; .. J ... ·! .. :.\ .. _'_,_._~_·J_i_•_·
`o~c~~:~7• ~~~ ~ i-;;:.b (g~~~~ ~~;;~en~~~~~;~:.
`~b-. 6b'skyd()-ran'~) n. 1. The practice of ob•ste•tri•cian (obfst'i-trrsh'~n) !t·::;Aphy-:<'•' -·-_
`, ., i!l
`deliberate abstruseness. 2. A policy of with·
`·. . ·; ''
`sic ian who specializes in· obstetriCs.'·
`• ·.·· .. ·.: ·..
`holding information from the public. -ob• ob• stet • rics (6b~steti riks,: ~b~)lt; :. (takes . · ... ·· ·
`· ;>,:::•
`. .
`..... -.·:·':::>~:_;£}X
`· . ·· . .....
`after· pregnancy and childbirth. [< Lat. ob~ .
`~~~~ ~~ifk ~h~ ~~~eb~~"fvho~e-~ej~~f~=~~~~~~·: •. ·. •--•·• )'t.trx'f
`o~c~~~~!·~~b~~kyo~r'; .,b-)· adj; · ~scur·er.
`· · · · ·
`-scur.• est. 1. Dim; · dark. 2. Indistinctly
`~~o1l~~Ji::i~e~~~i~~· s~;:~oO: ~~g~~b~:~~~~: · ~~:~J~· s~~ids~~~~:l=--~~~. ~f~~~~~~;~t:~ ~~~t1:}~.:;. <·)t-i;~~~%·"~~
`.. ri•eal adj. < . .
`, · .. ·.
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`,;. .<: .:
`·· · :'< H'&
`5. Ambiguous or vague; unclear.' .....;.y~
`-scured, ~scur•lng. 1. To make dim. or un~ ob•stl•nate (oblst~-nit) adA L Stubbornly ;'>
`.: , ,,
`~~~~~.s[~ t~~ ~1~~~~~~;s~i Too~~~~~~!,~; .
`~t~~r.~~-t~. tiffi~~~~~~·;f~~~e~~~rit~~r~r~~.::~~,
`o~;~~~~~~~it~~g(~~;· r~:~
`~~~~:lrYa~/~·:stl·~~·~.~-(-n~:se)/l~~.~·ob's~lt':· ·- ·-······/ijf~~.?l
`~~!~;~ll~b •Cs~~:~r.~J~;: ~~~ SJ~;f ~Ui~ OUS •Jy
`O~~~!fii ;~~ •si~b~~~i~t~:J£rit~f~~~;t.ao1r. • .·; .~' . :ilr!
`;_ •. ·._ ... __ ._=_--.•-·.: •• :_.:_:_·.:_·:.~ ...• :.:.'.~.:.: ... :.:.~_;_·_,_-.·.·."_._:,£.'.~_:_".~.·-;_-
`ob•se•quy (ob'si-kwe) n ;; pl. -qufes; A fu-
`strepere• ma ke a·, noise.. •asainsLJ.;;..;;;ob.· ·:·.
`. .
`neral rite or ceremony; [<Lat. obsequium;
`. strep'er•ous~ Iy .lidv; -"Ob~stt~p,~r~ous ·~ ::·
`· compliru1ce.]
`., ::•. <
`·.·· .
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`ness''' .. ·.
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`ob • ser •vance · <~b--z0r'. v~ns)' lk t~•The act or· · ob • struct (~b~strukt ,~; ob'-) \( 1.>TQ, b.locki<a:o
`· ·· ··
`·- ,,
`PhlctiCe or-< '\vith' a -'law/ c\Jstom;' . . passage) \vithobstacles. -See:Syris;afbi(;d(:: .. :":?
`; <<;~VA§
`command; o( lttle: 2/ The: Ci.'istorri of cete". · ·. ·.. 2. To ·.impede;.· retard: 3. T6 ·•· &efin~ the· \vfiY.i:

`~bra~~~~~d-:n~~~<1~biie :~?{~~-~>~~~~~: o1c~Q~·~i~nk. 3.
`. ~bbr ~j~;1,~~· ~i~~~.,s.~i!~~~~Ya,·~ti"o;.~s/J~·t&~feb~';·/::}·.:····· .. · .. •.:_._ .. -_ •... ·.·.:::_:_ .. ·,:·.· .. ·.:.:.:.: ... ·.: ...• !:~ .. -.·::.:··':···~:······;·:_ ....•.•. :_•._~ .. ~.·._.-_-,:_:_~ .. -.. -.·.:,:_:
`o .• struc'tQt\ iL : ~:ob•struc: tv~f{ri: };~ o . ~/r
`o •ser•vant . :J_ -zur'v:Jnt ·twj .
`• u1c
`perceive or·: ~pprehend:atert; .. See' Sy11s at . , sthtc~tlve•lyac/v: ~ ob•structttve*:hess izi .. \: ·· ...
`carefuL 2i p il!&e1 fl( iri~·ob·. bs~ty1i_h!~ a t1aw ,.1_ cl~s~.. obb.• sttru1c • tionT(h~b~stru f<' sh5~} ~b~ >.:)1){1f>_Ab~ \:~: < , •
`····_/ ...... · ... ~.:_._:··:'.;.·.·.' ... :.:·:.;·':::•.·,·.·.·.·:·:·.·.~.·.·-···_.·.'.•_.•·-•.·:·---,',:_ .. ~.-_;:;.-~_.· .• -.... :
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`tom~·· or prmc1p e::.;:....o · •ser. vante y :{l( l:;. ;-;: · o sac e:::c. .. , e~act:'.or an,,_mstait<:e;;o :o .~;.:::x
`ob•ser•va•tt(!n (ob_ 'z:;;r~va'shan) n. 1. T_ he:
`st_ tucti_n_ g_. 3/.T_ he.causingofa ·d_e_._l_aY·~'::·.···•· ·<<····.· · <_-•• -._._ •.
`act Of observing or. the fact of being' oq~ . ob• struc •tlon. fsf (~b~struk' sh~~niSt; • ob~ r. ' '.• :.· \ t;:;
`served~ 2. The act.- of.ootirig.-and recording: .. _.• m. One who' ·systetntitically blocks o~ ~etaxs-':; ) :<,:~~~\.:-~}.'~
`~~~ee~h~~~ .•. s~:~~~~~~1;g~·~!rit··~0~b~;~~·· .. ·.-._-..• :iiticl~~riti~it~~1iJ!·.~c'~1~!:·.fs~-.~.~-\\"f 0~.:~·~·· .. ·.,·.-.· .....•.. _,··.··•··••··;•··iW
`va'tton •al adj. -ob'ser!vartlon• al ~ ly ad1•.. ob •tatri (~b~tart'. ob-:-) ~;~·. 1~·:To su<:c~ed.:In

`ob • ser • va • to· ry <~b:.zur' v::~~tor' !!. :,.-tor! e) ... : itainhii: possession.'~(i:ac<lliir<d.i::Z~ :t<>: ~~·'itc~··<· \ {;;:····:.•.:.;:·.·.:.·:·::· .. ·_,_ •.•. · __ : .•• -_ .. :_"_.r .. ::.~:~ .• :._ ••.•
`TJ:, i>l~-··.··~rtes;. A iplace desi!~tied for making .
`. cepted. o r customary: r< ··,Lti.t;( obtiiieiii~) ;.·:
`. ·"~~~l:%:~l~~-~~~;~~~WJ~~a~~!f1~·;~:-•··ri~~~r;~1f~~~1~t~i~~!t§~~%~~!~C1~ ':~:.J.)J.i
`To· be or; become aware of; ·' esp:i thr()ugh · • · ... <A hers. 2 •. To thrust \ out; ·:push.:fo;<:f;;c.~ ii .. ···.· '" "
`careful attention·: noticei 2~:,:ro_watch. atten~:\ •·
`[Lat., oblft1clere.] .-::-'C?b•trudter -" ·:. - _ob•,
`./ ./> L
`· tively~-:3~To iriake·a systematic or· scientific·.~ ... · tru (sJon: (:.troo 'zh~n) --n. · .... ,.-ob • tru! slve.
`·· _[_:;~.:t.\.~::_}.:_·~-.~-;_,_:.~
`ohsefvatiOn of~ 4•To say•.¢asuaUy;.·remark):·.·. :·· (..:frdotsrv~ ~ziv}adN.: :.._ob~tru~siV'e~ ty•q-w><
`--~~~Igt;t~(~:iit~-~~~~~l~:~~21~·il~i;~~~e~~~~·• .. ·._·_·g~~;'!~~L~~:1TI:lki~~~JQ~~;~~~i;;·-:Jli~~f!·••;•.X ~-;·i····.i.'.:.;:~,·.~.•.·.·.•-·.·.,_-.:_c.~-~.;.;·'.·;:: __ •
`· -~~::'z·~~w~iJb~~ci~~i:::<t!!t~':;~~.~~k~.·(ldJ•.·_;· -·~·-::~gai~riW·!J}~W :i~w~tq~\~,~~~r~~~1~lrt~;:·::" , ... ,. ,
`Page 3 of 3
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`.·<·: :"·=~·:: .. ·.:. ·. ·.· :· . . · · · . ::-:~-:.~.· ..... :.) .. :.··: =:·:
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`-. ~-:·:. ::· .. ?.=:·: >:~:-,-.. _·.:..:. ~- ··
`--.. · · :· ::-:-~ • ·. -~.: ... .-<:.:<-:~ ::· .. ·:.::.·:.:.\·~:·;·=.:·~-. :~_-=:;_·-~-.
`adv. ~ob•seuretness, ob•scu'ri•ty ,,,
`subdue. {< Lat. obstinlire, persist;• See:: :
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