`l"'tREV 10-95)
`63 Rec'd PCTIPTO 24 NOV 1998
`U.S. APPLICATION NO. (If known, see 35 CFR 1.5)
`PCT/US97 /15892
`08 September 1997
`09 September 1996
`DUPRA Y, Dennis Jay, KARR, Charles L.
`Applicant herewith submits to the United States Designated/Elected Office (DO/EO/US) the following items and other information:
`[ ]
`This is a FIRST submission of items concerning a filing under 35 U.S.C. 371.
`This is a SECOND or SUBSEQUENT submission of items concerning a filing under 35 U.S.C. 371.
`This express request to begin national examination procedures (35 U .S.C. 371(t))) at any time rather than delay examination until
`the expiration of the applicable time limit set in 35 U.S.C. 37l(b) and PCT Articles 22 and 39(1).
`A proper Demand for International Preliminary Examination was made by the 19th month from the earliest claimed priority date.
`A copy of the International Application as filed (35 U.S.C. 37l(c)(2))
`[ ]
`[ ]
`is transmitted herewith (required only if not transmitted by the International Bureau).
`has been transmitted by the International Bureau
`is not required, as the application was filed in the United States Receiving Office (ROIUS).
`A translation of the International Application into English (35 U.S.C. 37l(c)(2)).
`Amendments to the claims of the International Application under PCT Article 19 (35 U.S.C. 371(c)(3)).
`[ ]
`[ ]
`are transmitted herewith (required only if not transmitted by the International Bureau).
`have been transmitted by the International Bureau.
`have not been made; however, the time limit for making such amendments has NOT expired.
`[ ]
`have not been made and will not be made.
`A translation of the amendments to the claims under PCT Article 19 (35 U .S.C. 371(c)(3)).
`An oath or declaration of the inventor(s) (35 U.S.C. 371(c)(4)).
`A translation of the annexes to the International Preliminary Examination Report under PCT Article 36 (35 U .S .. C. 371(c)(5)).
`An assignment document for recording. A separate cover sheet in compliance with 37 CFR 3.23 and 3.31 is induded.
`Items 11. To 16. below concern documents or information included:
`[ 1
`An Information Disclosure Statement under 37n CFR 1.97 and 1.98.
`[ 1
`[ 1
`[ 1
`[ 1
`[ 1
`[ ]
`A FIRST preliminary amendment.
`A SECOND or SUBSEQUENT preliminary amendment.
`A substitute specification.
`A change of power of attorney and/or address letter.
`Other items or information:
`DATE OF DEPOSIT: November 24, 1998
`BOX PCT, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20231 . ; - rb
`lYPEDORPR~NN.E~ &mf~ .
`SIGNATURE:S\A._-:;ij 2SA 4
`Page 1 of2
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 1
`U.S. APPUCATION NO. (If known, see 37 CFR 1.5)
`17. [X] The following fees are submitted:
`BASIC NATIONAL FEE (37 CFR 1.492(a)(l)..(S)):
`Search Report has been prepared by the EPO orJPO . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .
`International preliminary examination fee paid to USPTO (37 CPR 1.482)
`No international preliminary examination fee paid to USPI'O (37 CPR 1.482)
`but international search fee paid to USPTO (37 CPR 1.445(a)(2)) ............
`Neither international preliminary examination fee (37 CPR 1.482) nor
`international search fee (37 CPR 1.445(a)(2)) paid USPTO ........•..•....
`International preliminary examination fee paid to USPTO (37 CPR 1.482)
`and all claims satisified provisions of PCT Article 33(2)-( 4) ..................
`[ ] 30
`Surcharge of $130.00 for furnishing the oath or declaration later than
`[ 120
`months from the earliest claimed priority date (37 CFR 1.492(e)).
`-20 =
`x$22.00 $
`Total Claims
`X $82.00 $
`-3 =
`Independent Claims
`+ $270.00
`:. -~;
`~ "'Reduction of 1h for filing by small entity, if applicable. Verified Small Entity Statement must also be
`· :;JPled (Note 37i CFR 1.9, 1.27, 1.28).
`: .;...~
`' ...
`' f"hocessing fee of $130.00 for furnishing the English translation later than
`· .Jnonths from the earliest claimed priority date (37 CPR 1.492(t)).
`[ 120 [ ]3o
`'Fee for recording the enclosed assignment (37 CFR 1.21(h)). The assignment must be accompanied by
`jJn appropriate cover sheet (37 CFR 3 .28, 3.31) $40.00 per property
`.~ .
`720 00
`1,026 00
`Amount to be:
`[X] A check in the amount of $1.026.00
`to cover the above fees is enclosed.
`[ ]
`Please charge my Deposit Account No.
`duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed.
`in the amount of$
`to cover the above fees. A
`[ ] The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge any additional fees which may be required, or credit any overpayment to
`Deposit Account No. 19-1970. A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed.
`NOTE' W....an ............ w..&m• under 37dr 1.04 or 1.<195 ~a z. ()7 dr 1.137(o) or (b)).,.,.
`be flled and granted to restore the application pending status.
`Dennis J. Dupray
`222 South Marion Parkway
`Denver, Colorado 80209
`United States of America
`Phone: (303) 778-1425
`Facsimile: (303) 863-0223
`}>age2 of2
`:b .... ..-~.
`.,~J_,/ ~
`Dennis J. Dupray
`Applicant and Common Representative
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 2
`(37 CFR 1.9(f) and 1.27(c))- SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN
`I hereby declare that I am an officer oflntellabs LLC, with a principal business address of222 So.
`Marion Parkway, Denver, Colorado 80209, a small business concern.
`I hereby declare that the above-identified small business concern qualifies as a small business
`concern as defined in 13 CFR 121.3-18, and reproduced in 37 CFR 1.9(d), for purposes ofpayilng reduced
`fees under section 41 (a) and (b) of Title 35, United States Code, in that the number of employees of the
`concern, including those of its affiliates, does not exceed 500 persons. For purposes of this statement, (I)
`the number of employees of the business concern is the average over the previous fiscal year of the concern
`ofthe persons employed on a full-time, part-time or temporary basis during each of the pay periods of the
`fiscal year, and (2) concerns are affiliates of each other when either, directly or indirectly, <me concern
`controls or has the power to control the other, or a third party or parties controls or has the powe:r to control
`I hereby declare that rights under contract or law have been conveyed to and remain with the small
`business concern identified above with regard to the invention, entitled "LOCATION OF A MOBILE
`STATION,'' described in the specification referenced herein and further described as Docket No. 1003-PUS.
`If the rights held by the above-identified small business concern are not exclusive, each individual,
`concern or organization having rights to the invention is listed below* and no rights to the invention are held
`by any person, other than the inventor, who could not qualify as a small business concern under 37 CFR
`1.9(c) or by any concern which would not qualify as a small business concern under 37 CFR 1.9(d) or a
`nonprofit organization under 37 CFR 1.9(e).
`" *NOTE: Separate verified statements are required from each named person, concern or organization having
`rights to the invention averring to their status as small entities. (37 CFR 1.27)
`I acknowledge the duty to file, in this application or patent, notification of any change in status
`resulting in loss of entitlement to small entity status prior to paying, or at the time of paying, the earliest
`of the issue fee or any maintenance fee due after the date on which status as a small entity is no longer
`appropriate. (37 CFR 1.28(b))
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that all statements
`made on information and belief are believed to be true; and further that these statements were made with
`the knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment,
`or both, under section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code, and that such willful false statements
`may jeopardize the validity of the application, any patent issu· g thereon, or any patent to which this
`verified statement is directed.
`Date: /Ja fl. £ ~ / /3'
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 3
`United States Patent and Trademark
`(PCT Rule 61.2)
`Date of mailing (day/month/year)
`08 May 1998
`International applition No.
`lntemational filing date (daylmonth/year)
`08 September 1997 (08.09.97)
`DUPRAY, Dennis, Ja et al
`(Box PCT)
`Crystal Plaza 2
`Washington, DC 20231
`in its capacity as elected Office
`Applicant's or agent's file reference
`Priority date (day/monthlyear)
`09 September 1996 (0909.96)
`The designated Office is hereby notified of its election made:
`in the demand filed with the lnternational Preliminary Examining Authority on:
`08 April 1998 (08.04.98)
`B in a notice effecting later election filed with the International Bureau on:
` .—_
`2. The election
`D was not
`made before the expiration of 19 months from the priority date or, where Rule 32 applies, within the time limit under
`Rule 32.2(b).
`The International Bureau of WIPO-‘
`34. chemin des Colombettes
`1211 Geneva 20, Switzeriand
`Facsimile No.: (41-22) 740.14.35
`Form PCT/|BI331 (July 1992)
`A h
`‘- ut omed 0 mar
`M Fischer
`Telephone No.: (41-22) 1338.83.98
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 4
`Pi§§iD 0 3 SEP 1993
`(PCT Article 36 and Rule 70)
`I icunis or agents file reference
`See Notification Of Transmittal of
`Preliminary Examination Report (Form PCT/IPEA/416)
`International application No.
`lntemational filing date (day/monlhiyear)
`08 SEPTEMBER 1997
`Priority date (day/month/year)
`09 SEPTEMBER 1996
`lnternational Patent Classification (IPC) or national classification and [PC
`lPC(6): GOIS 3/02 and US Cl.: 342/457
`This international preliminary examination report has been prepared by this International Preliminary
`Examining Authority and is transmitted tp the applicant according to Article 36.
`ORT consists of a total of
`This report is also accompanied by ANNEXES, i.e., sheets of the description, claims and/or drawings which have
`been amended and are the basis for this report and/or sheets containing rectifications made before this Authority.
`These annexes consist of a total of '
`(see Rule 70.16 and Section e Administrative Instructions under the PCT).
`3. This report contains indications relating to the following items:
`Basis of the report
`Non-establishment of report with regard to novelty, inventive step or industrial applicability
`Lack of unity of invention
`Reasoned statement under Article 35(2) with regard to novelty, inventive step or industrial applicability;
`citations and explanations supporting such statement
`v1 D Certain documents cited
`I:-I Certain defects in the international application
`VIII D Certain observations on the international application
`Date of submission of the demand
`Date of completion of this report
`08 APRIL 1998
`20 JULY I998
`Name and mailing address of the IPEA/US
`C5 i0flfl of Patent: and Trademarh
`Wuhingtom W; 202"
`Facsimile No.
`(703) 305-3_i3o
`Form PCT/IPEA/409 (cover sheet) (January 1994):
`ed oflicer
`Telephone No.
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 5
`International application No.
`L Thisieponhasbeeudrawnon mobasiso£Q:b:dnaeJwennhidtInwbeenfl¢m£rha1!o#wreceivb1gO_flitxDnraxpartretoaninvflzznizn
`underArfide I4ararq"en-adtabnthin-epona: 'ofigbnaDyfibd'mdamnawviaa1bdwre;»n:irIo:dwydonawrwbrmImdnam)
`E] the international application as originally filed.
`the description, pages $5” Attached)
`, as originally filed.
`. filed with the demand.
`___ » filed with the letter of
`. filed with the letter of
`{See Attached)
`, as originally filed.
`, as amended under Article 19.
`, filed with the demand.
`, filed with the letter of
`, filed with the letter of
`the drawings,
`sheetslfig (See Attached)
`, as originally filed.
`, filed with the demand.
`, filed with the letter of
`, filed with the letter of
`2. The amendments have resulted in the cancellation of:
`the description, pages N°“°
`the claims,
`the drawings,
`sheetslfig None
`3. El
`'l'hisreporthasbecnestablishedasif(sorneoD the arnen¢:lrnentshadnotbeenmade,sineetheyhavebeenconsidered
`to go beyond thediselosure as filed.,as indicated in the Supplements-l-Ben Additional owavations below (Rule 70.2(c)).
`4. Additional observations, if necessary:
`Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Box I) (January 1994):
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 6
`lntemational application No.
`PCT/U 897/l 5892
`V. Reasoned statement under Article 35(2) with regard to novelty, Inventive step or industrial applicability;
`citations and explanations supporting such statement
`Novelty (N)
`Inventive Step (IS)
`Industrial Applicability (IA)
`Claims 1-47 meet the requirements under PCT Article 33(2-4) because the claimed method and structure for locating
`a wireless mobile station is not taught or fairly suggested by the prior art.
`Fonn PCT/IPEA/409 (Box V) (January 1994):
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 7
`International application No.
`PCT/US97/l 5892
`Supplemental Box
`(To be used when the space in any of the preceding boxes is not sufficient)
`Sheet 10
`Continuation of: Boxes 1 - VII]
`This report has been drawn on the basis of the description,
`pages. l-186, as originally filed.
`pages. NONE. filed with the demand.
`and additional amendments:
`This report has been drawn on the basis of the claims.
`numbers, NONE, as originally filed.
`numbers. NONE. as amended under Article 19.
`numbers, NONE, filed with the demand.
`and additional amendments:
`Claims 1-47, filed with the letter of 01 July 1998.
`on the basis of the drawings,
`This reporthas been
`sheets, 1-54, as originally filed.
`sheets. NONE. filed with the demand.
`and additional amendments:
`Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Supplemental Box) (January 1994):
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 8
`s 7/1539'
`A method for locating a wireless mobile station
`using wirel ss
`signal measurements
`etween said mobile station and a plurality
`of base station
`capable of wirelessly detecting said
`mobile station, co prising:
`providing firs
`and second mmbile station location
`estimators, wherein
`said location estimators provide
`location estimates
`said mobile
`station when
`location estimators are
`upplied with data obtained from
`wireless signal measureme ts obtained from transmissions
`between said mobile station
`d the base stations, wherein:
`said first
`estimator performs one or
`more of the techniques when upplied with said wireless
`signal measurements:
`a triangulation te hnique to determine,
`each of
`three or more of the b
`e stations, one of:
`. distance and a wireless signal angle of arrival between the
`mobile station and the base statio using the wireless
`signal measurements:
`a learning technique, wh rein said learning
`technique determines an association for
`the wireless signal measur ments, and data
`indicative of a location for the obile station,
`wherein said association is determined by a
`training process using a plurality 0 data pairs,
`said pair
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 9
`c1/Us 97/_1r5a9\2
`IPEAIUS 0.1.,JUL1993
`ind§bative of a location of some mobile station,
`information from wireless
`measur ents between said some mobile station and
`e of the base stations when said some
`mobile sta ion is at the location;
`a stoch stic technique, wherein each said
`stochastic technique u es a statistical correlation for
`the wireles
`signal measurements, and
`data indicati e of a location for the mobile
`wherein said correlat5on is used for determining
`a probability that the mobile station is within
`an area, and
`for at least a particular one of said techniques
`performed by said first location estimator, said second
`location ‘estimator
`does not
`perform said particular
`technique when
`supplied with
`said wireless
`first supplying said first location estimator with
`first data obtained from the wireless signa measurements;
`first generating, by said first location estimator,
`first location related information having at least a first
`estimate for the mobile station's location;
`second supplying said second location esti‘:tor with
`second data obtained from the wireless signal meas rements;
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 10
`31/us, 97/1589 2
`IPEAIUS o1JuL19!§
`second enerating, by said second location estimator,
`second locati
`related information having at
`second estimate
`r the mobile station's location;
`determining a
`resulting location estimate of
`5 mobile station using:
`a) a first value obtained from said
`first location related i ormation, and (b) a second value
`obtained from said second 1 cation related information.
`ethod as claimed in Claim 1, further including
`a step of re eiving said measurements during a wireless
`said mobile
`station and
`plurality of ba e stations for contacting an emergency
`response center.
`A method a
`claimed in Claim 2, further including
`a step of transmi
`re C
`said wireless
`A method as claimed\in Claim 1, wherein said
`of providing includes:
`transmitting through a telecommunications network,
`fron1 a \source site to a
`location estimator
`having said second location estimator;\
`operably integrating said first location estimator with
`said second location estimator for performing at least said
`step of determining.
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 11
`./Us 97/158\9i2
`A method as clafiied in Claim 4, wherein said step
`t’£gling an encoding of said first
`a step of re rieving at least one of
`(al) and (bl):
`fir t historical
`location. data having:
`of historical
`location estimates
`generat d by said first location estimator for
`signal measurements
`transmissions between one or more mobile stations
`and said plu lity of base stations at a first
`plurality of
`locations, wherein
`a distance
`between at least one of said location estimates
`of said first set, and said first estimate of
`said mobile station's location is determined to
`be less than a first predetermined value,
`(ii) data identifying said locations of said’
`first plurality of locations:
`second historical
`data having:
`second set of historical
`location estimates generated by
`said second
`location estimator
`for wireless
`measurements obtained from transmissions between one or
`more mobile stations and said plurality of base stations at
`a second plurality of locations, wherein a di tance between
`at least one of said location estimates of sai
`second set,
`said second estimate of said mobile station's location is
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 12
`. A.
`.POT/US 97/1589
`IPENUS o1 JUL1998
`determined to be less than a second predetermined value,
`and (ii) da
`identifying said locations of said second
`plurality of l cations.
`A met od
`in Claim 1,
`C2a4dZ 5
`including, for at
`ast one location estimate of said first
`and second estimat s,
`step of obtaining one of
`likelihood value and a probability that a location of said
`mobile station is in s ‘d one location estimate, wherein
`said likelihood value is o tained using historical location
`generated by
`location estimator
`generated said one location estimate when the location
`is supplied with wi eless signal measurements
`obtained from transmissions bet een one or nwre mmbile
`stations and said plurality of base stations at a plurality
`of locations.
`A.method as claimeo in Claim\l, wherein said step
`of providing includes providing some one mobile station
`_location estimator, wherein
`one mobile
`location estimator generates an estimate of where said
`mobile station is unlikely to be
`A nmthod as claimed
`wherein said
`said mob
`plurality of base stations, wherein sa‘-
`occur within an interval of
`time wherein one of:
`mobile station is expected to be in substanifally a same
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 13
`location, and sa d interval is less than a predetermined
`10. A method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein one of:
`said first data i cludes said second estimate,
`and said
`second data include
`said first estimate.
`11. A method
`in Claim 1,
`simulation for predicting a
`performing a
`likelihood of
`said. mobile station. being at said first
`estimate, wherein said simulation uses pairs of location
`representations, a first me
`er of each pair including a
`location estimate obtained from said first
`estimator and a secon;
`he pair
`including a
`representation of an in epemdently d termined location of
`a mobile
`station use
`fof\ obtaining wireless
`measurements that are dbtained from transmissions with said
`plurality of base stations.
`12. A method as claimed inpclaim 1, wherein at least
`one of said first and second location. estimators each
`utilize one of the following:
`a pattern recognition fbcation technique
`estimating a location of &aid mobile station by
`recognizing a pattern of ch\racteristics of said
`data obtained from wireless
`ignal measurements;
`(b) a mobile base station estimato
`for estimating a
`location of said mobile stati n from location
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 14
`QZIUS 971/1583*?
`I ENUS 0.
`information received from a mobile base station
`detecting wireless transmissions of said mobile
`(C) a coverage are§\location technique for estimating
`a location of shid mobile station by intersecting
`wireless coverage areas for different sets of one
`or more of said base stations;
`a negative logic location for estimating where
`said mobile station is unlikely to be located.
`A method as claimedkin Claim 1, wherein at least
`one of the following holds:
`(a) said learning technique\is capable of providing an
`artificial neural network for generating a mobile
`by t-Daining said
`station location eisti\r\na¢1y:e
`characteristicd ‘of \locatidK/
`artificial neural networm to recognize a pattern
`obtained from said wir ess\signal measurements;
`capable of
`said triangulation technigue
`the mobile
`providing the distances
`station and said three or mbre of
`the base
`stations using one or more of: a wireless signal
`a wirelessx signal
`difference of arrival, a wireless signal strength
`(c) said stochastic technique is capable of providing
`said statistical
`correlation using\ one of:
`AMENDED sneer, '~
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 15
`Q1/us 97/153912
`IPENUS ,01JUL1999
`principle decompo ition,
`least squares, partial
`least squares, and ollenger Bands.
`. A nmthod as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said
`1 cation estimator
`an artificial neural
`erein said artificial neural network is one of:
`a multilay r perceptron,
`an adaptive resonance theory
`model, and ra ial basis function network.
`15. A me
`od as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said step
`of determining i cludes deriving a likelihood measurement
`that said mobile
`tation is in said resulting location
`estimate, wherein sai
`likelihood measurement is dependent
`upon a
`likelih od measurement
`said mobile
`station is in said first
`stimate, and a second likelihood
`that said mob le station is in said second
`16. A.method as -,aimed in Claim 1, further including
`a step of deriving one o‘ said first estimate, said second
`estimate, and said resulti
`ocation estimate using one
`an expected maxi
`\iy of
`said. mobile
`an expected maxim‘u
`eler tion of said mobile
`(c) an expected route of said mobile
`17. A location s
`tem for locating a mobile station,
`wherein said mobile statio is one of a plurality of mobile
`AMENDED suggmg
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 16
`‘~/US 97/1589?
`$l|I;EAlUS 01Juy_19g§
`and wireless signal measurements are capable of
`being obt ined from. wireless transmissions between the
`f mobile stations and a plurality of base
`the improvement characterized by:
`one or more location estimators, each said location
`estimator for est'mating a location for each of one or more
`individual mobile stations of
`the plurality of mobile
`stations, when said location estimator
`is supplied with
`data from a. set of
`said wireless
`signal measurements
`obtained from wireless transmissions between the individual
`mobile station and said plurality of base stations:
`an archive for
`storing" a plurality of data item
`collections, wherein for each geographical
`location of a
`plurality geographical locations,
`there is one of said data
`item collections having (a1) and\(a2):
`(a1) a representation of the geographical location,
`(a2) wireless signal measurements corresponding to
`one of the plurality of mobile stations transmitting
`from approximately the geographical location of (al);
`a performance estimator for determining, for each one of
`said location estimators,
`correspondi g one. or more
`performance measurements
`performance of said one location estimator
`n locating one
`or more of the plurality of mobile stations, wherein said /
`corresponding performance measurements are det rmined using/
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 17
`‘QT/Us 97/158§2
`IPENUS 01 JUL 1999
`location e timates generated by said one location estimator
`et of
`some of
`said data item
`‘s supplied to said one location estimator;
`for activating a group of at least one of
`said location estimators
`for generating corresponding
`location estimates of said mobile station when a first said
`set of wireless
`signal measurements
`is obtained from
`wireless transmissions between said mobile station and said
`plurality of base stations, wherein one or more location
`hypotheses are generated,
`each said location hypothesis
`an hypothesized location estimate of said
`station obtained using the
`location estimate generated by a location estimator of
`said group,
`(b2) a likelihood value indicating a likelihood of
`said mobile station being at a location represented by
`said hypothesized location estimate of (bl), wherein
`said corresponding performance measurements for said
`location estimator providing the location estimate of
`(bl) are used in determining said likelihood value;
`location estimator
`for determining a
`location estimate of said mobile station, said resulting
`location estimate being derived using said hypothesized
`location estimates and said likelihood values from said one
`or more location hypotheses.
`AMENDED sH5g[_ '-_
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 18
`Cc-r/us 9%)1-3a9.\'§
`IPEAIUS 01 JUL 1999
`18. A method
`in Claim 17,
`including a s ep of transmitting said resulting location
`estimate to an e ergency response center during a wireless
`communication whe ein said first set of wireless signal
`measurements is obt ined.
`A location system
`claimed in Claim 17, further
`including an hypothesis esti
`te~ enerator for generating
`one of said hypothesized locati
`series of location estimates §L
`estimates using a time
`20. A meth d for locating a mobile station, wherein
`said mobile stati
`is one of
`a plurality of mobile
`stations, and wireles
`signal measurements are capable of
`being obtained from wi eless transmissions between the
`plurality mobile stations
`nd a network of base stations,
`wherein said base stations in the network are cooperatively
`linked for providing wireless
`ommunication with each of
`the mobile stations,
`the improvem nt characterized by:
`providing 21 mobile station
`cation estimator
`estimating locations of one or mo
`individual mobile
`stations of said plurality of mobile
`tations when said
`location estimator is supplied with sai wireless signal
`measurements obtained from wireless transmi sions between
`the individual mobile station and said net ork of base
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 19
`stori g a plurality of data item collections, wherein
`for each 0
`a plurality of geographical locations,
`there is
`one of said ata item collections having:
`(a1) a
`epresentation of the geographical location,
`resentation of
`said wireless
`measurements betwe n one of
`the mobile stations and the
`base stations when 5 ‘d one mobile station is approximately
`at the geographical 1 cation of (al);
`from aid wireless signal measurements
`between said mobile and said base stations,
`an initial
`location estimate of said obile;
`obtaining a first set of
`e or more additional location
`estimates generated by said location estimator, wherein
`each said additional
`location stimate is generated from
`said representations of wirele
`signal measurements of
`for one of said data item col ections, and wherein at
`least a majority of said additional location estimates are
`within a predetermined distance of said initial location
`deriving an adjusted location estimat
`from said initial
`location estimate using a second set of .aid geographical
`location representations of.
`aid data
`collections whose
`representations of wi eless
`measurements of
`(a2) were used to generate one of said
`additional location estimates of said set.
`Apple, Inc. Exhibit 1010 Page 20
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