`Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering
`Ernest F. Gloyna Regents Chair in Engineering
`The University of Texas at Austin
`Professor Joseph J. Beaman joined The University of Texas at Austin faculty in
`1979 after receiving his Sc.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the area
`of nonlinear control in the Mechanical Engineering Department. His career work has
`been in both manufacturing and control, and he is licensed as a Professional Engineer in
`the State of Texas. His specific manufacturing research interest is in Solid Freeform
`Fabrication (3D Printing), a manufacturing technology that produces freeform solid
`objects directly from a computer model of the object without part-specific tooling or
`knowledge. Dr. Beaman coined this term in 1987. Professor Beaman initiated research in
`the area in 1985 and was the first academic researcher in the field. One of the most
`successful 3D Printing approaches, Selective Laser Sintering, was a process that was
`developed in his laboratory. Professor Beaman has been both an inventor and a mentor to
`inventors during the development of this technology. In particular, he has worked with
`graduate students, faculty, and industrial concerns on the fundamental technology that
`span materials, laser scanning techniques, thermal control, mold making techniques,
`direct metal fabrication, and biomedical applications. He was one of the founders of
`DTM Corporation (now merged with 3D Systems), which markets Selective Laser
`Sintering. During the period 1990-1992, Professor Beaman was in charge of Advanced
`Development for DTM. During his tenure at DTM, the company designed, developed and
`marketed its first commercial systems.
`Dr. Beaman is an academic whose technical work has had a significant and
`growing impact on society. His work has played an important role in engendering a
`whole new industry in the US and abroad. Solid Freeform Fabrication and Selective
`Laser Sintering equipment is now widespread. Rapid prototyping with this equipment is
`commonplace, and represents a significant shortening of the design cycle. Rapid
`manufacturing is now emerging and offers the potential to radically compress the
`manufacturing cycle for complex parts. Benefits are greatly reduced cost, time, and the
`capability to achieve, in one operation, shapes that would otherwise require multiple
`operations or shapes impossible to manufacture with standard techniques. Applications
`cross a broad spectrum from medical to automotive.
`Dr. Beaman also has had an active career in dynamic systems and control having
`received numerous best paper awards in the field. He served as Division Chair of the
`Dynamic Systems & Control Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
`(ASME) and is presently the technical editor of the Journal of Dynamic Systems and
`Control Journal of ASME. Dr. Beaman is a Fellow of the ASME. Dr. Beaman holds the
`Earnest F. Gloyna Regents Chair in Engineering in the Cockrell School of Engineering at
`The University of Texas at Austin, and was formerly Chair of the Department of
`Mechanical Engineering from 2001 to 2012. He is a Distinguished Mechanical Engineer
`from the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2011, Elected Society of
`Manufacturing Board of Directors in 2012, Nominated and Appointed US Army Science
`Board 2012, elected National Academy of Engineers in 2013, FAME award in Additive
`Manufacturing in 2014, and elected National Academy of Inventors in 2015.
`Exhibit 1019
`Joseph J. Beaman, Jr.
`November 2013
`Cockrell School of Engineering
`TITLE: Professor
`DEPARTMENT: Mechanical Engineering
`FULL NAME: Joseph J. Beaman, Jr.
`ENDOWED POSITION: Earnest F. Gloyna Regents Chair in
`Sc.D., Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1979
`M.S., Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 1975
`B.S., Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 1972
`TX, 50385
`2001 - present, The University of Texas at Austin, Earnest F. Gloyna Regents Chair in Engineering
`2001 - 2012, The University of Texas at Austin, Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering
`2001 - 2002, The University of Texas at Austin, Ernest Cockrell, Jr., Memorial Chair in Engineering
`1991 - 2001, The University of Texas at Austin, Andersen Consulting Endowed Professorship
`1990 - 1991, The University of Texas at Austin, Temple Foundation Endowed Faculty Fellowship
`1989 - present, The University of Texas at Austin, Professor
`1985 - 1989, The University of Texas at Austin, Associate Professor
`1979 - 1985, The University of Texas at Austin, Assistant Professor
`1979 - 1979, MIT, Visiting Assistant Professor
`1976 - 1978, MIT, Instructor
`1972 - 1974, The University of Texas at Austin, Teaching Assistant
`7/1975 - 8/1975, IBM Austin, Senior Associate Engineer, Analysis & Design
`1974 - 6/1975, IBM Austin, Associate Engineer, Analysis & Design
`1990 - 1992, DTM Corporation, CTO, Product Development
`Tau Beta Pi (1966)
`BS with High Honors, University of Texas at Austin (1968)
`Phi Kappa Phi (1968)
`MIT Fellowship, Cambridge, MA (1976)
`Best Paper Award, Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, University of Texas at Austin
`DuPont Young Faculty Award, University of Texas at Austin (1983)
`Engineering Foundation Award, University of Texas at Austin (1984)
`NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, University of Texas at Austin (1984)
`Myron L. Begeman Faculty Fellow, University of Texas at Austin (1987)
`Halliburton Foundation Award of Excellence, University of Texas at Austin (1989)
`Engineering Foundation Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Engineering, Number 5, University of Texas at
`Austin (1990)
`Andersen Consulting Endowed Professorship in Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Texas
`at Austin (1992)
`Awarded Certificate for valued services as Chairman, Dynamic Systems & Control Division, ASME,
`Austin, Texas (1993-1994)
`Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1996-present)
`Listed in Who's Who in Science and Engineering (1996-2004)
`Literati Club Outstanding Paper Award, Rapid Prototyping Journal, West Yorkshire, England (October
`Listed in Who's Who in Finance and Industry (1997-2004)
`Member, Advisory Board of the Rapid Prototyping Association, Society of Manufacturing Engineers
`(January 1998-December 1999)
`Best Paper Award, American Vacuum Society, Santa Fe, NM (2001)
`Listed in Who's Who Among America's Teachers (2001-2003)
`Joe J. King Professional Engineering Achievement Award, College of Engineering (2002)
`Women in Engineering Advocate Award, The University of Texas at Austin - Women in Engineering
`Program (2008)
`Distinguished Mechanical Engineer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at
`Austin (2011)
`Elected Society of Manufacturing Board of Directors, SME (2012-2014)
`Nominated and Appointed US Army Science Board, US Army (2012)
`Elected National Academy of Engineers (2013)
`Freeform and Additive Manufacturing Excellence Award, SFF Conference, (2014)
`Elected Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, (2015)
`Invited participant on Japanese Technology Evaluation Center Panel Report on Rapid Prototyping in Japan
`and Europe (1996)
`Reviewer for Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, and Transactions of the American
`Society of Mechanical Engineers
`(January 1997-January 2000)
`Listed in Naval Research Reviews, Profiles in Science, Office of Naval Research, Three/1998, Volume I,
`page 4 (January 1999)
`Moderator for Session on Process Development and Research at the Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing
`1999 Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL (April 21, 1999)
`Selected for Final Site Visit for NSF Engineering Research Center Proposal submitted with Southern
`Methodist University and Rice University (February 2000)
`Chair of World Technology Evaluation Center Panel on Additive/Subtractive Manufacturing.
`NSF Council of Visitors for the Design and Manufacture Academic Programs of the Division of Design,
`Manufacture and Industrial Innovation of the Engineering Directorate of the National Science Foundation.
`Served as invited External Reviewer for the Academic Assessment Process, Department of Mechanical
`Engineering, School of Engineering at the University of Connecticut. Invited by Karla Fox, Associate Vice
`Chancellor for University Affairs (Spring 2003)
`Invited Chair of Expert Review Panel for the IMCRC at Loughborouh University. Purpose was an in-depth
`review of the IMCRC by the Innovative Manufacturing and Construction Research Centre. (2007)
`Invited Member, Global Summit on the Future of Mechanical Engineering, Washington, DC (2008)
`Chair Evaluation Committee, EPSRC Center in Additive Manufacturing, Nottingham, UK, (2014)
`ASME International, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
`SME, Society of Manufacturing Engineers
`SME/RPA, Rapid Prototyping Association
`ASEE, American Society for Engineering Education
`ASM International, The Materials Information Society
`SCS, Society for Computer Simulation
`AAAS, American Association for the Advancement of Science
`MRS, Materials Research Society
`TMS, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
`ASME International, Dynamic Systems and Control Division Executive Committee, (1979-present)
`Rapid Prototyping Association of Society of Manufacturing Engineers, (1998-present)
`Rapid Prototyping Association of Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Advisory Board, (1998-2001)
`RPA/SME, Rapid Prototyping Association of Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Executive Committee,
`ASME International, Mechanical Engineering Department Heads Committee, (2001-2011)
`ASEE, American Society for Engineering Education, Department Heads Committee, (2002-2011)
`National Science Foundation, Committee of Visitors for the Design and Manufacture Academic Programs
`of the Division of Design, Manufacture and Industrial Innovation of the Engineering Directorate of NSF,
`World Technology Evaluation Center, WTEC Panel on Additive/Subtractive Manufacturing, (2003-2011)
`Specialty Metals Processing Consortium, SMPC Technical Committee, (2005-present)
`St. Andrew's School, Austin TX, Board of Trustees, (2007-present)
`ASME International, Systems and Design Technical Group Leader, (2008-2011)
`ASME International, TCOB Committee on Technology Policy, (2008-2011)
`ASME International, Emerging Technology Committee, (2009-2012)
`South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Board of Regents External Review Committee, (October
`ASME International, Leonardo da Vinci Award Committee, (2010-2012)
`ASME International, Mechanical Engineering Department Heads Executive Committee, (2010-2012)
`United States Army, Army Science Board, (January 2012-present)
`Technical Editor for ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control (2013 – present)
`A. Symposia and Conference Organizer
`Local Organizer and Conference Host, Liquid Metals Processing Conference, Austin (Fall 2013)
`Co-organizer, Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, TX (1989-present)
`NSF/ASME Workshop on Research Needs for Control in Mechanical Systems, Seattle (June
`Program Chair, Dynamic Systems Control Division, ASME (1984)
`B. Session Chairman
`Session Chair, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Ann Arbor, MI (October 2008)
`Session Chair, NSF Workshop Redefining Mechanical Engineering with Adnan Akay, Carnegie
`Mellon University (January 25-27, 2002)
`Session Chair, Issues in Structured Physical Modeling, ACC (1987)
`The University of Texas at Austin, Budget Council, (1989-present)
`The University of Texas at Austin, Manufacturing Systems Program Executive Committee, (1989-2005)
`The University of Texas at Austin, College of Engineering representative to the Faculty Council, (1998-
`The University of Texas at Austin, Research Policy Committee of Faculty Council, (1999-2000)
`The University of Texas at Austin, Advisory Panel, Center for Electromechanics, (2007-2012)
`The University of Texas at Austin, Review Committee for the Institute for Electrochemistry, (2010)
`The University of Texas at Austin, Rio Grande Valley Manufacturing Initiative, (March 2010-present)
`Cockrell School of Engineering, Faculty Salary Review Committee, (1989-2011)
`College of Engineering, Promotion & Tenure Review Committee, (1997-1999)
`College of Engineering, Strategic Plan, (1999-2000)
`Cockrell School of Engineering, Reactor Oversight Committee, (2005-present)
`Cockrell School of Engineering, IT Committee, (2006-2011)
`Cockrell School of Engineering, Strategic Planning, (2008-2011)
`The University of Texas at Austin, SBES Computational Cardiovascular Engineering Subcommittee,
`Mechanical Engineering, Qualifying Exams for Mechanical Systems and Design, (1996-1999)
`Mechanical Engineering, Strategic Planning Committee, (1998-present)
`Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty Recruiting, (2000-2001)
`Department of Mechanical Engineering, Assisted organization of University-wide initiative with Ford
`Motor Company resulting in 6 initiatives for the ME Department and responsible for managing grant funds
`totaling $3,450,000, (Spring 2001)
`A. Refereed Archival Journals
`1. Diller, T.T., M. Yaun, D.L. Bourell, J. Beaman, “Thermal model and measurements of
`polymer laser sintering”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 21#1, (2015), pp. 2-13.
`2. Fish, S., J.C. Booth, S.T. Kubiak, W.W. Wroe, A.D. Bryant, D.R. Moser, J.J. Beaman,
`“Design and Subsystem Development, of a High Temperature Selective Laser Sintering
`Machine for Enhanced Process Monitoring and Control,” Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier,
`December 2014.
`3. F. Lopez, L. Zhang, A. Mok, J. Beaman. "Particle filtering on GPU architectures for
`manufacturing applications," (submitted to Computers in Industry)
`4. Devaraj, V., F. Lopez, J. Beaman and S. Prudhomme. "Model-based control of a continuous
`coating line for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Electrode Assembly," (submitted to
`International Journal of Chemical Engineering).
`5. Beaman, J., F. Lopez, R. Williamson. "Modeling of the Vacuum Arc Remelting Process for
`Estimation and Control of the Liquid Pool Profile", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,
`Measurements and Control, May 2014, Vol. 136.
`6. Yaun, M., T.J. Diller, D. Bourell, J. Beaman, “Thermal Conductivity of Polyamide 12 Powder
`for Use in Laser Sintering”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, V0l. 19, No. 6, 2013, pp. 437-445.
`7. Williamson, R.L., Beaman, J.J., "Modern Control Theory Applied to Remelting of
`Superalloys," Materials Science Forum, Vol. 706-709, 2012, pp. 2484-2489, (2012)
`8. Silverman, T.J. Meyers, J.P. and Beaman, J.J., "Dynamic Thermal, Transport and Mechanical
`Model of Fuel Cell Membrane Swelling," Fuel Cells, Vol. 11, 2011, No. 6, pp. 875-887
`9. Ahn, S., Beaman, J.J., Williamson, R.L., Melgaard, D.L. , "Electroslag remelting process
`using unscented Kalman filter," Journal Of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, And Control,
`Vol. 132, 2010, No. January 2010, pp. 011011-2 (9 pages)
`10. Silverman, T.J., Meyers, J.P., Beaman, J.J., "Modeling Water Transport and Swelling in
`Polymer Electrolyte Membranes," Journal Of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 157, 2010,
`No. 10, pp. B1376-B1381
`11. Silverman, T.J., Meyers, J.P. and Beaman, J.J. , "Modeling Water Transport and Swelling in
`Polymer Electrolyte Membranes," Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 157, 2010,
`No. 10, pp. B1376-B1381
`12. Stevinson, B., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., "Over-infiltration mechanisms in selective laser
`sintered Si/SiC preforms," Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 14, 2008, No. 3, pp. 149-154
`13. Stevinson, B., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., "Dimensional stability during post-processing of
`selective laser sintered ceramic preforms," Virtual And Physical Prototyping, Vol. 1, January
`2007, No. 4, pp. 209-216
`14. Evans, R.S., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., Campbell, M.I., "Rapid Manufacturing of Silicon
`Carbide Composites,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 11, 2005, No. 1, pp. 37-40
`15. King, C.W., Campbell, M.I., Beaman, J.J., Sreenivasan, S.V., "Synthesis of Multistable
`Equilibrium Linkage Systems Using an Optimization Approach," Structural And
`Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. ISSN 1615-147X, 2005, pp.1615-1488
`16. King, C.W., Campbell, M.I., Beaman, J.J., Sreenivasan, S.V., "Synthesis of Multistable
`Equilibrium Linkage System Using an Optimization Approach," Structural And
`Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 158, 2004, pp. 1-26
`17. King, C.W., Beaman, J.J., Sreenivasan, S.V., Campbell, M.I., "Multi-Stable Equilibrium
`System Design Methodology and Demonstration," Journal Of Mechanical Design, Vol. 126,
`2004, No. 6, pp. 1036-1046
`18. Williamson, R.L., Beaman, J.J., "A Demonstration of Melt Rate Control During VAR of
`"Cracked" Electrodes," Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 39, 2004, No. 24, pp. 7161-7168
`19. Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., Marcus, H.L., Barlow, J.W., Deckard, C.R. , "Chronology and
`Current Processes for Freeform Fabrication," Journal of The Japan Society Of Powder And
`Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 50, November 2003, No. 11, pp. 981-991
`20. Wang, H.Y., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., "Laser Polishing of Silica Slotted Rods," Materials
`Science And Technology, Vol. 19, March 2003, pp. 382 - 387
`21. Dutson, A.J., Wood, K.L., Beaman, J.J., Crawford, R.H., Bourell, D.L., "Application of
`Similitude Techniques to Functional testing of Rapid Prototypes," Rapid Prototyping Journal,
`Vol. 9, 2003, No. 1, pp. 6-13.
`22. Ramos, J.A., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J. , "Surface Over-Melt During Laser Polishing of
`Indirect-SLS Metal Parts," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 758, 2003, pp. 53 - 61
`23. Dutson, A.J., Wood, K.L., Beaman, J.J., Crawford, R.H., Bourell, D.L., "Application of
`Similitude Techniques to Functional Testing of Rapid Prototypes," Rapid Prototyping Journal,
`Vol. 9, 2003, No. 1, pp. 6-13
`24. Bourell, D.L., Wohlert, M., Harlan, N., Das, S., Beaman, J.J. , "Powder Densification Maps in
`Selective Laser Sintering," Journal Of Advanced Engineering Materials, 2002.
`25. 21. Wang, H.Y., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J. , "Laser Polishing of Silica Slotted Rods,"
`Materials Science And Technology, 2002
`26. 22. Harlan, N.R., Reyes, D., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., "Titanium Castings Using Laser-
`Scanned Data and Selective Laser-Sintered Zirconia Molds," Journal Of Materials
`Engineering and Performance, 2001
`27. Bourell D.L., Beaman, J.J., Klosterman, D., Gibson, I., Bandyopadhyah, A., "Rapid
`Prototyping," ASM Materials Handbook On Composites, Vol. 21, 2001, pp. 383-387
`28. Harlan, N.R., Reyes, R., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., "Titanium Castings Using Laser-
`Scanned Data and Selective Laser-Sintered Zirconia Molds," Journal of Materials
`Engineering And Performance, Vol. 10 (4), 2001, pp. 410-413.
`29. Das, S., Fuesting, T.P., Danyo, G., Brown, L.E., Beaman, J.J., Bourell, D.L., "Direct Laser
`Fabrication of Superalloy Cermet Abrasive Turbine Blade Tips," Journal of Materials And
`Design, Vol. 21, 2000, No. 2, pp. 63-73
`30. Das, S., Fuesting, T., Danyo, G., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., "Direct Laser Fabrication of a
`Gas Turbine Engine Component," Materials And Design, August 1999.
`31. Das, S., Wohlert, M., Bourell, D.L. and Beaman, J.J., "Processing of Titanium Net Shapes by
`SLS/HIP," Materials And Design, Vol. 20, June 1999, pp. 115-121.
`32. Das, S., Wohlert, M., Beaman, J.J., Bourell, D.L., "Producing Metal Parts by Selective Laser
`Sintering/Hot Isostatic Pressing," Journal of Metals, Vol. 50, December 1998, No. 12.
`33. Das, S., Wohlert, M., Bourell, D.L. and Beaman, J.J., "Microstructure and Mechanical
`Properties of Metal Parts Produced by SLS/HIP," Journal of Metals, November 1998.
`34. Melgaard, D., Williamson, R.L., Beaman, J.J., "Controlling Remelting Processes for
`Superalloys and Aerospace Ti Alloys," Journal of Metals, March 1998, pp. 13-17.
`35. Das, S., Wohlert, M., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., "Direct Laser Freeform Fabrication of High
`Performance Metal Components," Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 4, 1998, No. 3.
`36. Das, S., Fuesting, T., Brown, L.E., Harlan, N., Lee, G., Beaman, J.J., Bourell, D.L., Barlow,
`J.W., Sargent, K., "Direct SLS Processing for Production of Cermet Composite Turbine
`Sealing Components," Journal of Materials And Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 13, 1998, No.
`37. Barlow, J.W., Beaman, J.J., Badrinarayan, A., "A Rapid-Mould making System: Material
`Properties and Design Considerations ," Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 2 , 1996.
`38. Beaman, J.J., "A Rapid Mould-Making System: Material Properties and design
`Considerations," Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 2, 1996, No. 3.
`39. Agarawala, M., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., Marcus, H.L., and Barlow, J.W., "Direct
`Selective Laser Sintering of Metals," Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 1, 1995, No. 1.
`40. Nelson, J.C., Vail, N.K., Barlow, J.W., Beaman, J.J., Bourell, D.L., Marcus, H.L., "Selective
`Laser Sintering of Polymer-Coated Silicon Carbide Powders," Industrial And Engineering
`Chemistry Research, Vol. 34, 1995, pp. 1641-1651.
`41. Schreuders, P.D., Diller, K.R., Beaman, J.J., Paynter, H.M., "An Analysis of Coupled
`Multicomponent Diffusion in Interstitial Tissue," Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol.
`116, May 1994, pp. 164-171.
`42. Schreuders, P., Diller, K.R., Beaman, J.J., Paynter H.M., Clark, D., "Kinetic Analysis of
`Coupled Interstitial Multicomponent Diffusion," Network Thermodynamics, Heat And Mass
`Transfer In Biotechnology, Vol. 116, 1994, pp.164-171
`43. Longoria, R.G., Miksad, R.W., Beaman, J.J., "Frequency Domain Analysis of In-Line Forces
`on Circular Cylinders in Random Oscillatory Flow," Journal of Offshore Mechanics And
`Arctic Engineering, Vol. 115, February 1993, pp. 23-30
`44. Nelson, C., Xue, S., Barlow, J.W., Beaman, J.J., Marcus, H.L., Bourell, D.L. , "Model of the
`Selective Laser Sintering of Bisphenol-A Polycarbonate," Industrial Engineering Chemical
`Research, Vol. 32, 1993, pp. 2305-2317
`45. Marcus, H.L., Zong, G., Wu, Y., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., "Direct Solid Freeform
`Fabrication of High Temperature Materials Using Selective Laser Sintering," The Minerals,
`Metals And Materials Society, March 14, 1992.
`46. Beaman, J.J., Bourell, D.L., Marcus, H.L., Barlow, J.W. , "Selective Laser Sintering of Metals
`and Ceramics," The International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 28, 1992, No. 4
`47. Paynter, H.M., Beaman, J.J., "On the Fall and Rise of the Circuit Concept: Contrasting Views
`of Network Thermo and Chemical Networking," Journal of Franklin Institute, 1991.
`48. da Silva, R., Wood, K.L., Beaman, J.J., "A Theory for Geometric Query Processing in
`Engineering Design and Manufacture," Journal Of Computer Aided Design, 1991.
`49. da Silva, R., Wood, K.L., Beaman, J.J., "Engineering Design Calculations with Fuzzy
`Parameters," International Journal Of Fuzzy Sets And Systems, 1991.
`50. Beaman, J.J., Lin, C.H., "Application of Nonlinear Quadratic Stochastic Control to a Position
`Servomechanism," Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement And Control, December, 1990.
`51. da Silva, R., Wood, K.L., Beaman, J.J., "Interacting and Interfeature Relations in Engineering
`Design for Manufacture," Journal Of Systems Automation, Research And Applications-
`Special Issue, November 12, 1990.
`52. Marcus, H.L., Beaman, J.J., Barlow, J.W., Bourell, D.L., "Solid Freeform Fabrication:
`Powder Processing," Ceramic Bulletin, Vol. 69, April 1990, No. 6.
`53. Marcus, H.L., Beaman, J.J., Barlow, J.W.,Bourell, D.L., "Solid Freeform Fabrication: Design
`and Powder Processing," Journal Of The Minerals, Metals And Materials Society, April 1990,
`pp. 8-10.
`54. Beaman, J.J., Lin, C.H., "Application of Nonlinear Quadratic Stochastic Control to a Position
`Servomechanism," Journal Of Dynamic Systems, Measurement And Control, September 1989.
`55. Beaman, J.J, Breedveld, P., "Physical Modeling with Eulerian Frames and Bond Graphs,"
`Journal Dynamic Systems, Measurement And Control, June 1988.
`56. Beaman, J.J., Rosenberg, R.C. , "Constitutive and Modulation Structure in Bond Graph
`Modeling," Journal Of Dynamic
`57. Systems, Measurement And Control, June 1988
`58. Ingrim, M.E., Masada, G.Y., Beaman, J.J., "Bond Graph Reticulation of Galerkin
`Approximations in Thermoelasticity," Automated Modeling In Physical Systems, 1988.
`59. Beaman, J.J., Wang, S.Y., Masada, G.Y. , "Cycle Time Control of a Pressure Swing Oxygen
`Generation System," Aviation Space And Environmental Medicine, Vol. 58, December 1987,
`pp. 1225-1229.
`60. Diller, K.R., Beaman, J.J., McCaa, C., Montoya, J.P., Takahashi, T., "Analysis of the Osmotic
`Response of Human Monocytes to Freezing with a Cryoprotective Additive," Modeling And
`Simulation, Vol. 18, 1987.
`61. Montoya, J.P., Diller, K.R., Beaman, J.J., Breedveld, P.C., "A Network Thermodynamic
`Model for Coupled Membrane Transport: Application to Cell Cryopreservation," Journal Of
`Heat Transfer, 1987
`62. Khonsari, M., Beaman, J.J., "Thermohydrodynamics Analysis of Journal Bearings: A Study
`of Boundary Conditions," ASLE Journal, April 1986
`63. Beaman, J.J., "A Dynamic Model of a Pressure Swing Oxygen Generation System," Journal
`Of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, June 1985
`64. Beaman, J.J., "Nonlinear Quadratic Gaussian Control," Int. Jour. Control, February 1984
`65. Beaman, J.J., Healey, A.J., Werlin, J. , "A Dynamic Model of a Molecular Sieve Bed with
`Nonlinear and Coupled Isotherms," Journal Of Dynamic Systems, Measurement And Control,
`December 1983
`66. Pottebaum, K.L., Beaman, J.J., "A Dynamic Model of a Concentric LADD Actuator," Journal
`Of Dynamic Systems Measurement And Control, September 1983, pp. 157-164
`67. Beaman, J.J., Hedrick, J.K., "Improved Statistical Linearization for Analysis and Control of
`Nonlinear Stochastic Systems: Part I: An Extended Statistical Linearization Technique,"
`Journal Of Dynamic Systems, Measurement And Control, March 1981, pp. 14-21
`B. Refereed Conference Proceedings
`1. Beaman, J.J., "Application of Statistical Linearization and LQG Design to Position Control,"
`Proceedings Of The 1983 American Control Conference (ACC), San Francisco, CA, pp 127-131,
`June 1983
`2. Beaman, J.J., "Application of NQG Control with Uncertain and Incomplete Measurements,"
`Proceedings Of The 1984 American Control Conference (ACC), San Diego, CA, June 1984
`3. Beaman, J.J., Montoya, J.P., Diller, K.R., Breedveld, P.C., "A Network Thermodynamic Model
`for Coupled Membrane Transport: Application to Cell Cryopreservation," Proceedings Of The
`1987 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, edited by P. J. Marto and I. Tanasawa,
`published by ASME, New York, Vol. 3, pp 537-542, 1987
`4. Beaman, J.J., Deckard, C.R. , "Solid Freeform Fabrication and Selective Powder Sintering," 15th
`North American Manufacturing Research Proceedings, May 1987
`5. Beaman, J.J., Rosenberg, R.C., "Additional Structure in Bond Graph Modeling," Proceedings Of
`The 1987 American Control Conference (ACC), Minneapolis, June 1987
`6. Beaman, J.J., Rosenberg, R.C., "Clarifying Energy Storage Field Structure in Dynamic Systems,"
`Proceedings Of The 1987 American Control Conference (ACC), Minneapolis, June 1987
`7. Beaman, J.J., Sun, M.M., Barlow, J., Nelson, C., "The Role of Solid Freeform Fabrication in
`Investment Casting," Proceedings At The 1989 Vacuum Metallurgy Conference On The Melting
`And Processing Of Specialty Materials, Pittsburgh, PA, May 1989
`8. Beaman, J.J., Munkvold, G., "Removal of Toxic Catalytic Oxidation Products Via Adsorption,"
`1989 US Army Chemical Research, Development And Engineering Center Conference, Aberdeen
`Proving Ground, MD, November 1989
`9. Beaman, J.J., Munkvold, G., "Onboard Oxygen Generation Systems Modeling: Three Component
`Feeds," SAFE Association Symposium, New Orleans, LA, December 1989
`10. Beaman, J.J., Longoria, R.G., Miksad, R.K., "Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Forces in Random
`Oscillatory Flow," The First European Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Trondheim, Norway,
`August 21, 1990
`11. Beaman, J.J., Wood, K., da Silva, R., "Representing and Manipulating Interacting and InterFeature
`Relationships in Engineering Design for Manufacture," 1990 ASME Design Automation
`Conference, Chicago, IL, September 16-19, 1990
`12. Matthews, R.D., Dongre, S., Beaman, J.J., "Intake and ECM Submodel Improvements for
`Dynamic SI Engine Models: Examination of Tip-In/Tip-Out," Proceedings Of Society Of
`Automotive Engineers, January 1991
`13. da Silva, R., Wood, K.L., Beaman, J.J., "An Algebraic Approach to Geometric Query Processing
`in CAD/CAM Applications," Proceedings Of The ACM 1991, Association Of Computing
`Machinery 1991 Symposium On Solid Modeling Foundations And CAD/CAM Applications, pp
`73-86, 1991
`14. Wood, K.L, Otto, K.N., Antonsson, E.K., Beaman, J.J., "Engineering Design Calculations Under
`Uncertainty," International Fuzzy Engineering Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, 1991
`15. Munkvold, G.D, Teague, K.G., Edgar, T.F., Beaman, J.J., "Prediction of Bed Pressure Profiles in
`OBOGS," Proceedings Of The 1992 SAFE Conference, 1993
`16. Marcus, H.L., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., Manthiram, A., Barlow, J.W., Crawford, R.H.,
`"Challenges in Laser Processed Solid Freeform Fabrication," The Minerals, Metals And Materials
`Society Symposium Proceedings, Processing And Fabrication Of Advanced Materials III,
`Pittsburgh, PA, October 17, 1993
`17. Agarawala, M.K., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., Wu, B., Marcus, H.L., Crawford, R.H., Barlow,
`J.W., "Selective Laser Sintering of a Bronze Nickel Powder Mixture," Intelligent Manufacturing
`Systems International Conference On Rapid Product Development, Stuttgart, Germany, January
`31, 1994
`18. Agarawala, M.K., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., Wu, B., Marcus, H.L., "Structurally Sound Metal
`Parts by Selective Laser Sintering," The Mineral, Metals And Materials Society, Extraction &
`Processing Division Congress 1994 Proceedings, Materials Processing III, Warren, PA, March 2,
`19. Guduri, S., Crawford, R.H., Beaman, J.J., "Boundary Evaluation for Solid Freeform Fabrication,"
`Proceedings Of The International Federation For Information Processing TC5 WG5.2/WG5.3
`Conference, Litchfield Park, AZ, edited by M. J. Wozny and G. Olling, May 1994
`20. Harlan, N., Das, S., Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., "Selective Laser Sintering of High Performance
`High Temperature Metals," Seventh Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, published by The
`University of Texas Mechanical Engineering Department, August 12, 1996
`21. Fuesting, T., Brown, L., Das, S., Harlan, N., Lee, G., Beaman, J.J., Bourell, D., Sargent, K. ,
`"Development of Direct SLS Processing for Production of Cermet Composite Turbine Sealing
`Components - Part II," Seventh Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, published by The
`University of Texas Mechanical Engineering Department, August 13, 1996
`22. Fuesting, T., Brown, L., Das, S., Harlan, N., Lee, G., Beaman, J.J., Bourell, D., Sargent, K. ,
`"Development of Direct SLS Processing for Production of Cermet Composite Turbine Sealing
`Components - Part I," Seventh Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, published by The
`University of Texas Mechanical Engineering Department, August 13, 1996
`23. Das, S., Beaman, J.J., Wohlert, M., Bourell, D.L., "Direct Selective Laser Sintering of High
`Performance Metals for Containerless HIP," Advances In Powder Metallurgy And Particulate
`Materials, Proceedings Of The International Conference On Powder Metallurgy And Particulate
`Materials, MPIF, Vol. 3 Part 21, pp 67-78, 1997
`24. Bourell, D.L., Beaman, J.J., Barlow, J.W., Crawford, R.H., Marcus, H.L., Weiss, L.E., "Current
`and Future Trends in Solid Freeform Fabrication," Rapid Product Development Technologies,
`SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 2910, pp 104-113,
`1. 1997
`25. Das, S., Beaman, J.J., Wohlert, M., Bourell, D.L., "Direct Selective Laser Sintering of High
`Performance Metals for Containerless HIP," Symposium On Powder Metallurgy-Current Research
`And Industrial Practices, Indianapol