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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`The American heritage desk dictionary.-- 4th ed.
`ISBN 0-618~11772-5
`1. English language-Dictionaries. 2. English language--United States-(cid:173)
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`TahDe of COIl1I'il:ell1lts
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`impost I improvise
`being aL"cQmplished. 3. Unacceptable. 4. Ex·
`tremelv difficult to denl with or tolerate: {If' illl'
`passi/Jic. sillCtJlion. -im.pos'siobWioty n.
`-imopos'siobly tldv.
`im·post (lm/post') I>n. A tax or duiy. [< Med.
`Lat impasllClIl < Lat. imp6nere, place upon.]
`im.pos.tor (i'm·pii~'I~rj I> n. One who deceives
`under an assumed identity. [< LLa!.]
`im·posoture (i'm-pos'char) 1>11. The act or in(cid:173)
`stance of engaging in deception under an ;US~
`sumed identity. [< LLat. impos!Ura < Lat. im·
`pallere, ThIPOSE.]
`imopootent (i'm'po-tant) I>adj. 1. Lacking
`physical strength or \·igor. 2. Lacling in
`power; helpless. 3. of penile
`erection. -im1po-tence n. -im/po-tent.
`im .pound lim·pound') I> ". 1. To coofine in or
`as if in a pound: impound stray dogs. 2. To
`seize nnd retain in Icl,'al custody. 3. To set aside
`in a fund mther than spend as prescribed. 4. To
`accumulate and store (waler) in a reservoir.
`-Im'pound'age, im·pound'mentn.
`im·povoer.ish (im-pov'ar-lsh) I> v_ 1. To re(cid:173)
`duce to poverty. 2.. To deprive of natural rich(cid:173)
`ness or strength. [< OFr. cmpovrir < pOl'Te,
`poor.]-imopov'eroishoment 11.
`imopracoti·caoble {Im-prdk/u-h'-b"I) "ma·
`Impossible to do or carry au!. See Usage Note
`at practicable. -im.praC"tiocaobil'ioty 11.
`im.prac.tiocal (im-pnik/tl-k"n >-adj. 1. Un(cid:173)
`wise to implement or maintain in practice. 2.
`Unable to deal efliciently witll practical mal(cid:173)
`ters. 3. ImpracticllbJe. See Usage Note at prac(cid:173)
`ticable. -imoprac'tiocallj.ty (-1<.11'1-1;;),
`im'prac'tiocaloness n.
`imopreacaotion (lm'pn-ka.lsh;;1n) 1>11. A curse~
`[< Lat. imprecilrf. to curse.]
`imopre·cise (fm'prJ-sTS') I>adj. Not precise.
`-im'preAcise'Iy ad\'.
`(-sizh'an) 11.
`im·pregonaoble (im-prcg'o:rbal)"'adj. 1. Im(cid:173)
`possible to caplureoremerby force. 2. Beyond
`challenge Dr refutation. [< OFr. iinpre/luule.l
`imopreg.nate (im-preg'nfit)
`I> l'. -nato ed,
`-nat·ing 1. To make pregnant; inseminate. 2.
`To fenilize (an ovum). 3. To fill throughout:
`salurate_ 4. To pernleate or imhue. Sce SY11S al
`charge. [Prob. < LLat impraegncaus, preg(cid:173)
`nant < Lat praesnlllls.] -im'pregona'tion
`n. -imopreg'na'tor n.
`imopre-saqrioo (im'pri-sarfe-o', -sar' -) ~ n.,
`pI. -os. One who sponsors Or produces enter(cid:173)
`tainment, es]). the director of an opera com(cid:173)
`pany. [Ita!. < impresa, undertaking.]
`imopress' am-pres!)l>v. 1. Toaffectslrongly.
`often favorably. 2. To produce vivid impres(cid:173)
`sion of. 3, To murk or stamp with or as if with
`pressure. 4. To apply with pressure. ~ fl.
`am'pres') 1. The act of impressing. 2. A mark
`or pallcm produced by or as if by impressing.
`3. A slamp or seal to be impressed. « Lat. fm(cid:173)
`1 imprint.l'io
`primere. impress w
`bil'i·ty n.'ioble adj.
`imopress' (im-pres'] 1>,,_ 1. To compel (a
`person) io serye in a military foroo.·2, To con(cid:173)
`fiscale (property): [IN-' + press. force into ser(cid:173)
`vice.]-imopress'ment Ie
`imopres.sion (im-presh'"n) I>n. 1. An effec~
`feeling, or image retained after un experience.
`2. A vague notion, remembrance, or belief. 3.
`A mark produced on a surtace by pressure. 4.
`Prim. a. All ihe copies of a publication printed
`at one time from the same sci of type. b, A sin(cid:173)
`gle copy of such a printing. 5. A humorous imi(cid:173)
`tation esp. of a famous person,
`I>adj. Rendily or easily influenced; suggestible.
`-imopres'sion.a.biJIioty, imopres'sion'
`aobleoness II.
`imopres.sion.ism (lm·presh'a-niz'am) "'". A
`style of paiming marked by cOllccnlrntion all
`the immediate visual impression produced by a
`scene and by the use of unmL~ed primary colors
`and small strokes to simulate actual reflected
`light -im'pres'sionoist n.-im'pres'(cid:173)
`sian-is/tic adj. -hn-pres'sionllis'ti-cal_
`im'pres.sive (i'm-pres'iv) ~adj. Making a
`strong or \'ivid impression: remarkable: WI i(1J(cid:173)
`prcs~ive achi~FeJlJent. -irn.pres'
`ad\', -iml'lpres/siveoness n.
`imopri-ma-tur (rm'prn-mWroof, -mH.'t;;;r) 11-11.
`1. Oflicinl approval or license to print Of pub(cid:173)
`lish. 2. Officinl approval; sanction. [NLaL un(cid:173)
`prinultur. leI it he printed.]
`im-print (im-plint/) I> 1'. 1. To produce (a mark
`or pattern) on a surface. 2. To impart a strong
`impression of. 3. To fix llrmly, as in the mind.
`"/I. (lm'print') 1. A mark or pattern produced
`by imprinting. 2. A dislinguishing iniluence or
`effcct: the imprilll 0/ [slamie 11I1e_ 3. A publish(cid:173)
`er's tmme. of len \vith Ihe dale, address. and c.di(cid:173)
`tion. primed at the boltom of a lille page. [<
`OFr. emprdntt.', impression.}
`imoprislton (fm-priz';m) ~v. To put in or as if
`in prison. [< OFr. emprisaner.] -im.prisl -
`on·aoble adj, -imopris/on.ment II.
`imoproboaoble (rm-prob'~-b"l) "adj. Un(cid:173)
`likely 10 huppen or be true. -imoprob'a.
`bil'i.ty 1l. -imoprob'aobly adv_
`im'promp.tu (i'm·promp'l60. -ly60) I>adj. 1.
`Prompted by the occasion ralher than being
`planned in advance. 2. Extemporaneous. [<
`readiness.] -im.
`ill prump!r1~ in
`promp'tu adv. & II.
`imopropoer (Tm-prop/,r) I> adj. 1. Not suited to
`circumstances .or needs; unsuitable. 2. Not in
`keeping with conventional mores; indecorous.
`3. Nor consistent with fact; incorrect. --im(cid:173)
`improper fraction "n. A fraction in which the
`larger than or equnl to tile
`numerator is
` (lm'pr~-prT'i-tC) I> II.. pl.
`-ties 1. TIie quality of heing improper. 2. An
`improper a~t or expression.
`im'prove (lm-pr60v') .. v. -proved, -provo
`ing 1_ To make or become better. 2. To in(cid:173)
`crease the productivity or value of (property).
`imp rowe".
`im.prove·ment ('mt-pr60v'mont) "/I. 1a. 111e
`act or process of impro\·ing. b. The Hute of
`being improved. 2. A chanee or addition that
`imoprov.iodent ('mt-prov'Y-d"nt) ,..adj. Nat
`providing for the future: lhriftless. -1m'
`prov'i.dence n. -im'prov'iodentoly ad".
`im'proovise (imfpra-vi'z') ~ v. -vised, -vis·
`ing 1. To invent, compose, or recite without
`preparation. 2. To make or provide from avail(cid:173)
`able matcrials: improvised a 'hasty dillner. [<
`Lut. improrfSlls: unforeseen: IN- I + prol'idere.
`foresee; see PROytDE,] -imoprov''tion
`(im-prov'I-z;;'shan) IL -im/proovis'er fl.
`im'pruodent (lm-pr60d'nt) ~adj. Unwise or
`indiscreet; nol prudeot. -imopru'dence n.
`imopu.dent (lm'pya-dolll) I> adj. Brashly bold;
`insolent; imperlinent. f< Lal. impudells~ im(cid:173)
`!L -imfpu o
`im.pugn Um-py60n') I> v. To uuack as false or
`questionahle; challenge. [< Lat. impuglU'r.,
`fight aguinst..]-imopugn'a.ble adj. -im·
`pugn'er Ie
`im.pulse (itn/piiL~!) I>n. 1a. An impelling
`force. b. The motion produced by such n force.
`2. A sudden wish or w"ge that prom pIS an un(cid:173)
`premeditated act. 3. A motivating force. 4.
`Phw'ri{J/. The electrochemical trnnsm.ission of n
`si.6.nal u]ong: a nerve fiber thaI produces .Ii re(cid:173)
`sponse at a larget tissue. [Lac impuls!ls <
`p.part. of impeliere, impel.]
`im,pulosive (im-pii!tsi\') "'adj. 1. Inclined to
`acl on impuls~ ratller than thought. 2. Resulting
`from impulse; spontaneous. 3. Having power
`to impel. -im.pul' ad". -im.pul'(cid:173)
`slveoness 11.
`imopu·nioty (im·py60'ni-li!) I> fl. Exemption
`from punishmcm or penalty. f< Lat. imp""e.
`without punisluneot.]
`im.pure (jill-pyoor') I> adj. 1. Not dean; con(cid:173)
`Jalllinated. 2. Immoml or sinful. 3. Mixed with
`another substance; adulterated. -imopure'ly
`dOV. -imepure'ness lL -im"'pu'ri"'ty It
`Imopute fim-py60t'1 1"'. -put'ed, -put.jng
`1. To charge with the fault or responsibility for.
`2. To attribute; credit. [< Lat. unpllliire, reckon
`in . .! -jm'put'aoble adj. -im'puota'tion
`in' (Tn) I>pr,·p. 1. Witllin the limits. bound" or
`aro" of. 2. From Ihe outside to the inside of;
`into: lhn.'w il in Ihe wasrebaskeT. 3. To or at a
`situation or condition of: in love. 4. Having lhe
`activity. occupation. or function of: a life in
`politics. 5. By mCtlns of: paid in ctlsh. 6. \Vith
`m[crence lo: sit inches in depth. "adv. 1. To or
`[ownrd the inside. 2. To or toward a place. 3_
`Within a place, ~s of business or residence.
`~adj. 1. Located inside;.inner. 2. Incoming. 3.
`Holding oflice; hnving power. 4. it{fOnllal Cur(cid:173)
`rentlv fashionable. Sce Svns at fashionable.
`r.- fl. 1. One wllh position; influence. or power.
`2. b!{amw/ Influence. [< OE.J
`in' orin. >-abbr. inch
`In ", TI'e symbol for the clement indium_
`IN ,."bbr.lndimlll
`in-'or il- or im- or ir- I> fJr~f Not: iI/articu(cid:173)
`late. [< La!.J
`in-' (If im- or ir- .. pref, 1. In: into:·within: ir(cid:173)
`radiale. 2.Yar. or en-'. [< Lat. ill and OE ill.]
`-in "sujj. 1. Ncutml chemical compound: glob(cid:173)
`uiin. 2. Enzyme: pepsill. 3. A phannaceutical:
`ni(lClil. 4. An antibiotic: pellicillin. 5. V!lf. of
`-ine' I. [Var. of -INE'.]
`in-aobiloioty (in',,-bil'Y-te) ~ II. Lack of ability
`or means.
`in ab·sen~tia rill ub-sen'sha. -shc-~) f>adv.
`While or although not present.
`inoacoces·sioble (in'iik-scs'~-b,l) I> adj. Not
`accessible: unapproachable. -in'ac·ces'si"
`bil'ioty II. -in'ac.ces/siobly ad".
`in·ac.cuorate (in-iik'Ydr·!t) ~lldj. Mistaken or
`incorrect; not accunuc. -inoac'cuoraocy n.
`inoac·tion (in-al<.tsh;m) ~n. Lack or absencc
`of action.
`inoacoti.vate (in-ilk'ia-vat') "". -vat-ed,
`·vatoing. To render inactive. -inoac'tiova/•
`in·ac·tive (in-akin,,) I>aci;. 1. Not active or
`funclioning; idle. 2, Retired from duty or ser(cid:173)
`vice. -inoac' adl'. -in'ac.tiv'i·ty,
`in·ac'tiveoness n.
` (In-ad'Y-kwit) I> adj. Not ade(cid:173)
`in$ufficient. -inDad'eoquaocy n.
`inoadomis·sioble (in'ad-mIs'"-b,,l) >-adj. Not
`admissible. -in'ad·mis'siobil'ioty ,e -in'(cid:173)
`in·adoverotent (in'"d-vilr'tnt) I>adj. 1. Not
`duly attentive. 2. Unintcntional. [< Med.Lat.
`inadvertence.] -in'ad-verl .
`tence II. -in'adover' ad •.
`in·ad·visoaoble (in'"d-\'T'zv-b~1) I> adj. Not
`reconunemled: unwise. -in'adovis'aobil'io
`ty II.
`inoal .. ien.aobte
`I> adj. That cannot be transferred to another.
`'ienoa.bWi.ty n. -inoal'ienoaobly
`in·ane (Tn-an') t-adj. -anger, -an-est. Lack(cid:173)
`in2: sense or substance. [Lat. itlilnis.] -jnG
`ane'lyadv. -inoan'i.ty (l-niIn'l-te) n.
`in·an.iomate (in-an'd-mit) I>adj. Lucking the
`qualities of active. living organisms; not ani·
`mate. -iooan'iomateolv adv. ---in-an'io
`mate-ness II.
`in",a-ni-tion (1'n!~nrshr:ln) fl>-Jl. Exhullstion. 3~
`irom lack of nourishment or vitality. 1< La!. in(cid:173)
`iinlre, make empty < iniIllis. empty.]
`inoapopliocaoble (in-apfJi-k<>-bol, in',,·plik'~-)
`~ adj. Not applicable. -in-ap'pli-ca.bWj.
`ty 11.
`inoapopre.ciaoble (in'a-prelsh~-b"l) .. adj.
`Too small to be noticed: negligible. -in'apo
`pre'cia.blv adl'.
`in-apopro·pricate O'n/~-pn)fpre-it) J> adj. Un(cid:173)
`suitable or improper; not appropriate. -in'(cid:173)
`' adv. -in'apopro'pri·
`ate-ness II.
`jn'apt (in·apt/) I>adj. Inappropriate. -in.
`apt'ly ad.,. -in.apt'ness n.
`inoaroticouolate (in'ar-tlk'yo-litl I>adj. 1_ Ut(cid:173)
`tered without the use of normal words or sylla·
`bles. 2. Unable to speak; speecilless. 3. Unable
`10 spea.~ wilh clarity or eloquence. 4. Going un·
`expressed: uiar!icu/ate sorrow. -in'ar-tic'u.
` ad". -in'ar·tic'uolate·ness n.
`in-asomuch as (in/~z-much/) ~ COllj. Because
`ofthe fact that; sio~e.
`in oat·ten otion (In'~-ten'sbon) 1>11. Lack of at(cid:173)
`tention, notice, or regard. -in'atoten'tive
`adj. -in'at·ten'tive·ly adv. -in'at.ten'(cid:173)
`tive.oness fl..
`inoau·di·ble (in-a'da-ban I> adj. Imoossible to
`hear. -in'au'di·bil'joty n.'diobly
` (1n-i\'gyar-ol) I>adj. 1. Of or re(cid:173)
`lating to an inauguration. 2. Initial; first. ~Il.
`An inaugurnl speech.
`inoauoguorate (i'n-o'gy~rn:t') ~v. wratoed,.
`-ratoing 1_ To induct ioto office by a fonnnl
`ceremony. 2. To begin, esp. fonnnlly. 3. To
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