|.i'.Al'),!\-'l|- |J|.-\T|( J\-.\'ll"|',|’.-\ I l:.l\‘l
`U.S. District Court
`District of Delaware (Wilmington)
`CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:14-cv-00984—RGA
`Impax Laboratories Inc. et al v. Lannett Holdings Inc. et a]
`Assigned to: Judge Richard G. Andrews
`Cause: 35:27l Patent Infringement
`Date Filed: 0?f25a’20l4
`Jury Demand: None
`Nature of Suit: 830 Patent
`Jurisdiction: Federal Question
`lmpax Laboratories Inc.
`represented by Steven J. Balick
`Ashby & Geddes
`500 Delaware Avenue, 8th Floor
`PO. Box 1150
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 654-1888
`Fax: (302) 654-2067
`Andrew Colin Mayo
`Ashby & Geddes
`500 Delaware Avenue, 8th Floor
`PO. Box 1 150
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`Email: amayo@ashby-gcddescom
`Danielle A. Duszczyszyn
`L. Scott Burwell
`Email: sc0tt.burwelI@,finnegan.c0m
`Michael J. Flibhert
`Page 1 of 11
`AstraZeneca Exhibit 2032
`Lannett v. AstraZeneca

`Astraleneca AB
`Astrazeneca UK Limited
`Lannett Holdings Inc.
`Tiffany Geyer Lydon
`Ashby & Geddes
`500 Delaware Avenue, 8th Floor
`PO. Box I 150
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`Email: tlydon@ashby-gedde$.com
`represented by Steven J. Balick
`(See above for address)
`Andrew Colin Mayo
`(See above for address)
`Tiffany Geyer Lydon
`(See above for address)
`represented by Steven J. Balick
`(See above for address)
`Andrew Colin Mayo
`(See above for address)
`Tiffany Ge-yer Lydon
`(See above for address)
`represented by Austen C. Endersby
`Fox Rothschild LLP
`919 North Market Street, Suite 300
`P.O. Box 2323
`Wilmington, DE 19899-2323
`Page 2 of 11

`Lannett Company Inc.
`lai ant
`Lannett Holdings Inc.
`Lannett Company Inc.
`Counter Defendant
`Astrazeneca AB
`Counter Defendant
`Astrazeneea UK Limited
`represented by Austen C. Endersby
`(See above for address)
`represented by Austen C. Endersby
`(See above for address)
`represented by Austen C. Endersby
`(See above for address)
`represented by Steven J. Balick
`(See above for address)
`Andrew Colin Mayo
`(See above for address)
`Tiffany Geyer Lydon
`(See above for address)
`represented by Steven J. Balick
`(See above for address)
`Andrew Colin Mayo
`(See above for address)
`Tiffany Geyer Lydon
`(See above for address)
`Ceunter Defendant
`Impax Laboratories Inc.
`represented by Steven J. Balick
`(See above for address)
`Page 3 of 11

`Andrew Colin Mayo
`(See above for address)
`Tiffany Geyer Lydon
`(See above for address)
`P07125720 14
`#—_Docket Text
`I : COMPLAINT filed against Lannett Company lnc., Lannett Holdings Inc. -
`Magistrate Consent Notice to Pltf. ( Filing fee 13 400.00, receipt number 21760.) -
`! filed by lmpax Laboratories Inc., Astrazeneca AB. (Attachments: # L Exhibit A-B,
`l # 3 Civil Cover Sheet, # 5 Acknowledgement of Consent Form)(snb, ) (Entered:
`' 0772372014)
`3; H: Notice, Consentmand Referral -forms re: U.Si-"Magistrate Jud-ge-jurisdiction. (snb; )
`(Entered: 07//28;’2014)
`§_ Supplemental information for patent cases involving an Abbreviated New Drug
`Application (ANDA) - Date Patentee(s) Received Notice: 6a’16f20l 4. Date of
`' Expiration of Patent: See Attached.Thirty Month Stay Deadline: 12z‘16f20l6. (snb, )
`(Entered: 0772812014)
`07725720] 4
`0_8;’06f20 1:
`I 3‘
`08!’ 14720 1 4
`Report to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks for Patent.’Trademark
`Number(s) 6,750,237 B2; 7,220,767 B2. (snb, ) (Entered: 0772872014)
`I Summons Issued with Magistrate Consent Notice attached as to Lannett Company
`Inc. on 7r’25;’20I4; Lannett Holdings Inc. on 7f2Sf2014. (snb, ) (Entered:
`- SUMMONS Returned Executed by liiipax Laboratories Inc., Astrazeneca
`Lannett Holdings Inc. served on 7f25f20l4, answer due 811512014. (Mayo,
`Andrew) (Entered: 07a’29i’20l4)
`I S-UMMONS Returned Executed by Impax Laboratories lnc., Astrazencca AB.
`Lannett Company Inc. served on 7z’28x'20l4, answer due 8;’ I 8X20] 4. (Mayo,
`, Andrew) (Entered: 07:’29.r’20l 4)
`Case ‘Assigned to Judge Richard G. Andrews. Please include tlieinitials oftlie _
`Judge (RGA) after the case number on all documents filed. (rjb) (Entered:
`Case Reassigned to Judge Leonard P. Stark. Please include the initials ofthe Judge
`(LPS) after the case number on all documents filed. (rjb) (Entered: 0870672014)
`STIPIJLATION TO EXTEND TIME to ANSWER complaint to September 3, 2014
`- filed by Lannett Company Inc., Lannett Holdings Inc.. (Endersby, Austen)
`(Entered: 08.f14f20l4)
`Page 4 of 11

`to September 3, 2014 filed by Lannett Holdings Inc, Lannett Company Inc. Signed ;
`. by Judge Leonard P. Stark on 8.315314. (ntl) (Entered: 0811532014)
`. s ; STIPULATION T() EXTENDITIME to ANSWER complaint to September 54,
`2014 - filed by Lannett Company Ine., Larinett Holdings Inc.. (Endersby, Austen)
`(Entered: 08f29f20l4)
`so ORDERED, re s STIPULATI-ON TO EXTEND-TIME to An-iswsa complaint
`to September 24, 2014 filed by Lannett Holdings Inc., Lannett Company Inc.
`Signed by Judge Leonard P. Stark on 9K4!14. (ntl) (Entered: 09f04/2014)
`Case Reassigned to Judge Richard G. Andrews. Please includeihe initials ofgei
`. Judge (RGA) alter the case number on all documents tiled. Associated Cases: l:l4- 5
`= cv-00984-RGA, l:14~cv~00999-RGA (rjb) (Entered: 09//1792014)
`I 2 MOTION-to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Over the Subject Matter - ‘filed by I
`E Lannett Company Ine., Lannett Holdings Inc.. (Attachments: # l_ Proposed Order)
`(Endersby, Austen) (Entered: 09f24f20l4)
`IQ : OPENING BRIEF in Support re 2 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack ofJurisdiction
`Over the Subject Matter filed by Lannett Company lnc., Lannett Holdings
`Inc..Answering BrieffResponsc due date per Local Rules is 10;’ l 4-r'20l4. (Endersby,
`Austen) (Entered: 09x’24f2014)
`Order Setting Rule 16(b) Conference: A ScheduIin*ghConference-i—s set K -I
`_ l0;’30i'20l4, at 1:30 PM in Chambers before Judge Richard G. Andrews (see Order
`5 for further details). Signed by Judge Richard G. Andrews on 9i’25f20l4. (nms)
`! (Entered: 0912612014)
`Q ANSWERING BRIEF in Opposition re 2 MOTION to Dismiss ‘for Lack ol‘
`_' Jurisdiction Over the Subject Matter filed by AstraZcneca AB, lrnpax Laboratories
`Inc..Reply Brief due date per Local Rules is I0.r’24.r’20l 4. (Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: _
`I 1 DECLARATION ofAndrew C. Mayo re Q.Answering Brri-e?in Opposition, by
`’ Astrazeneca AB, lmpax Laboratories Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # ; Exhibit
`B)(Mayo, Andrew) Modified on 10;‘l5!20l4 (nms). (Entered: 102’1412014)
`I I)isel-(Que Statement pursuant to Rule ”r'.l: identifying Other Affiliate Lannetl
`: Holdings, Inc. for Lannett Company Inc. filed by Lannett Company Inc..
`i. (Endersby, Austen) (Entered: 10f1 532014)
`" {I
`' —
`|_.1 Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.1: identifying Corporate Parent Lannett
`Company, Inc. for Lannett Holdings Inc. filed by Lannett Holdings Inc.. (Endersby,
`Austen) (Entered: 10;’ I Si/2014)
`MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Joseph F. Posillieo - filed by
`Lannett Company Inc., Lannett Holdings Inc.. (Attachments: # I Certification of
`Counsel)(Endersby, Austen) (Entered: 10;‘ I 5f20l4)
`E) ORDERED, re _|_(3 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance ofAttorncy.JE:‘ph
`F. Posillico filed by Lannett Holdings Inc., Lannett Company Inc.. Signed by Judge
`Richard G. Andrews on l0i’l6i20l4. (nms) (Entered: l0i’l6r‘2014)
`08;’ l SE20] 4
`iisrzsrzti I 4 '
`_' d9x24r2014
`" 09r’2Sz’2{Il 4 I
`I i i
`Page 5 of 11

`; lOi’16i’20l4
`) iB«247:zoi2i
`i ior2sr2o14"
`I 1tii30i2iii4'
`Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.]: identifying Corporate Parent no parent
`corporation for lmpax Laboratories Inc.; Corporate Parent Astrazeneca PLC for
`Astrazeneca AB filed by Astraleneca AB, lrnpax Laboratories lnc.. (Mayo,
`Andrew) (Entered: 10;’ I 6220] 4)
`MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney L-._.Scott BurwelI:Miehael
`Flibbert, Danielle A. Duszczyszyn, and Nishla Keiser - filed by Astraleneca AB,
`Impax Laboratories lnc.. (Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 10:’ l6;’20l4)
`SO ORDERED, re l_Ej MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney L. Scott
`Burwell, Michael J. Flibbert, Danielle A. Duszczyszyn, and Nishla Keiser filed by
`5 Irnpax Laboratories Inc., Astraleneca AB. Signed by Judge Richard G. Andrews
`E on 10!] "H2014. (nms) (Entered: 10!] WZOI4)
`"D E REPLY BRIEF‘:-e 2 MOTION to Dismiss fo_r Lack ouflurisdictio-n Over the Subject
`I Matter filed by Lannett Company Inc., Lannett Holdings lnc.. (Niederrnan, Seth)
`E (Entered: l0f24i’20l4)
`E Q I Letter to Th:Honorable Richard G. Andrews from Andrew i_Mayo regarding -the
`parties’ proposed scheduling order. (Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 103289014)
`;_l_ PROPOSED Scheduling Order, by Astraleneca AB, Astrazeneca UK Limited,
`= lmpax Laboratories lnc.. (Mayo, Andrew) Modified on lO;’28i’2014 (nms).
`I (Entered: l0z’28f20l4)
`__ T —
`Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard G. Andrews - Scheduling
`Conference held on lO;’30i’20l4. A 3 day Bench Trial is set for 9r’6;’20l6. A Pretrial
`Conference is set for 8z’26x’20l6 at 9:00 AM. Counsel will submit revised order with
`agreed upon dates. (Court Reporter Taneha Carroll - Hawkins Reporting Service.)
`Associated Cases: l:l4-cv—00984-RGA, l:l4-cv-00999-RGA(ksr, ) (Entered:
`Dus-zczyszyn for Impax Laboratories Inc- added-
`I Pro Hac Vice Attorney Danielle
`for electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be .
`J the registered users of CMIECF and shall be required to file all papers. (drnp, )
`: (Entered: I0/31:’20I4)
`_ .._
`Official Transcript of Scheduling Conference held on I0-30-l 4 before Judge
`Richard G. Andrews. Court ReporterfTranseriber Taneha Carroll. Transcript may
`be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court
`Reporterflranscri her before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction.
`After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due
`I lf25f20l4. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1252014. Release of Transcript
`Restriction set for 2z’2r'20l5. (lad) (Entered: l lr’04a’20l4)
`Pro Hac Vice Attorney L. Scott Burwell for Impax Laboratories Inc. added -for
`electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the
`registered users of CWECF and shall be required to file all papers. (dmp, )
`(Entered: 11f04;’20l4)
`Letter to The Honorable Richard G. Andrews from Steven J. Balick regarding the
`parties'jointly proposed scheduling order. (Balick, Steven) (Entered: 1 lz’06f20l4)
`PROPOSED Scheduling Order, by Astrazeneca AB, Impax Laboratories Inc,
`Astrazeneca UK Limited. (Balick, Steven) Modified on 1 l.’7;‘20l4 (nms). (Entered:
`' l0i3If20l-4
`I lr'04a’20l4
`I itosrzoiiim
`Page 6 of 11

`__ _.
`1 U0'H2014
`I lf0'r'f20I4
`rl !;’I4I20I4
`SCHEDULING ORDER: Case referred to the Magistrate Judge for the purpose of
`exploring ADR. Joinder of Parties due by 2z’lf20l 6. Amended Pleadings due by
`I 2z’1f20I 6. Fact Discovery due by 3}] 8;’2016. Joint Claim Construction Brief due by
`' 9f231’201 S. A Markman Hearing is set for 10f15!20l5, at 9:00 AM in Courtroom
`, 6A before Judge Richard G. Andrews. A Pretrial Conference is set for 8r’26f20I 6, at
`; 9:00 AM in Courtroom 6A before Judge Richard G. Andrews. A 3 day Bench Trial
`is set for 9;’6f2016, at 9:30 AM in Courtroom 6A before Judge Richard G. Andrews
`' (see Order for further details). Signed by Judge Richard G. Andrews on I IFU20 I 4.
`Associated Cases: 1:14-cv-00984-RGA, l:l4~cv—00999-RGA(nms) (Entered:
`I l;’0?'l2014)
`_ __
`_ _ __
`__ ORDER: On or before 12f5fl 4 each party or each party group shall email to Chief
`Magistrate Judge Thynge, with a copy to her Judicial Administrator, Cathleen
`3 Kennedy, the information requested in this Order. Signed by Judge Mary Pat
`[Thynge on 11f7:’l4. (cak) (Entered: lIf0?'r‘20l4)
`STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to submit a proposedmprotective order—to -
`' December 5, 2014 - filed by Astrazeneca AB, Impax Laboratories Inc.,
`Astrazeneca UK Limited. (Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 1 l:"142’20l4)
`I SO ORDERED, re (27 in I:l4—cv-00984-RGA, 25 in I:I4-cv-00999-RGA)
`, STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to submit a proposed protective order to
`' December 5, 2014, filed by Impax Laboratories Inc., Astrazeneca UK Limited,
`Astrazeneca AB. Signed by Judge Richard G. Andrews on 1 If] "H2014. Associated
`Cases: 1:14-cv-00984-RGA, I:l4-cv-00999-RGA(nms) (Entered: lI;’l?f20I4)
`---M --
`STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to submit a proposed protective order to
`:' January 9, 2015 - filed by Astrazeneca AB, Impax Laboratories Inc., AstraZeneca
`: UK Limited. (Lydon, Tiffany) (Entered: 12f05.’20l4)
`E ORAL ORDER: Plaintiffs are requested to submit a letter by December 8, 2014,
`explaining why there are two lawsuits, since both cases seem to involve the same
`patents and the same ANDA. Defendants may respond, if they so choose, on
`December 9, 2014. Ordered by Judge Richard G. Andrews on 12r‘Sf20l 4.
`Associated Cases: 1:14-ev-00984-RGA, 1:14-cv-00999-RGA(nrns) (Entered:
`NOTICE OF SERVICE of Initial Disclosures of Plaintiffs Impax Laboratories,
`Inc., Astrazeneca AB, and Astrazeneca UK Limited and Plaintiffs‘ Disclosure
`Pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the ES] Order filed by Astraleneca AB, Impax
`Laboratories Inc., Astraleneca UK Limited.(Lydon, Tiffany) (Entered:
`SO ORDERED, re (26 in I :14-cv-00999-RGA, 28 in 1:14-cv-00984-RGA)
`STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to submit a proposed protective order to
`January 9, 2015, filed by Impax Laboratories Inc., Astrazeneca UK Limited,
`Astraleneca AB. Signed by Judge Richard G. Andrews on I2f5;’2014. Associated
`Cases: 1:14-cv-00984—RGA, 1:14-cv-00999-RGA(nms) (Entered: l2:’0SJ20I4)
`Letter to The Honorable Richard G. Andrews from Steven J. Balick regarding
`Plaintiffs‘ Response to the Court's December 5, 2014 Oral Order. (Attachments: # 1
`Page 7 of 11

`I Exhibit A)(Balick, Steven) (Entered: l2f08:’20l4)
`__ j Letter to The Honorable Richard G. Andrews from A—LlSI€I'l
`i regarding In Response to Plaintiffs‘ Letter of December 8, 2014. (Endersby,
`' Austen) Modified on 1231052014 (nms). (Entered: I2/’09r'20l4)
`l2f—1-0r’.2.ill4_ -
`. MEMORANDUM ORDER Consolidating Cases and Denying Motion to Dismiss
`; (see I).I. 9 in l4cv984-RGA). Signed by Judge Richard (3. Andrews on l2fl0f20l4. .
`Associated Cases: 1:14-cv-00984-RGA, 1:14-cv-00999-RGA(nms) (Entered:
`12;’ 1022014)
`I Remark: All future filings for the cgsolidate-dimatters shall be filed in Lead
`Action I4-984-RGA. Associated Cases: l:14—cv-00984-RGA, l:l4-cv-00999-
`RGA(nms) (Entered: 12451 0:20 I 4)
`= fl ‘
`Pro Hac Vice Attorney Michael J. Flibbert tbr lmpax Laboratories Inc. added for
`electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the
`I registered users of C MEECF and shall be required to file all papers. (dmp, )
`|(Entercd: 12;’l2i'20l4)
`;.3_—I -‘PROPOSED Stipulated Plrotectiyie Order, by Astra_Zeneca AB, Astraleneea UK
`Limited, Impax Laboratories lnc.. (Balick, Steven) Modified on N83201:’: (nms).
`(Entered: 0Ii’0?r'20l5)
`Propged Stipulated Prot.eetiv_e_O—r-der:Ed by—lmpax— '
`i so ORDERED Granting
`Laboratories lnc., Astrazcneca UK Limited, Astrazeneca AB. Signed by Judge
`Richard G. Andrews on 1f8f20l 5. (nms) (Entered: 01f08f20l5)
`OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs‘ Disclosure Pursuant to Paragraph 4(—a).ofThc —
`Default Standard for Discovery filed by Astrazeneca AB, Astrazeneca UK
`‘- Limited, Impax Laboratories lnc..(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 0l;’l6;’2015)
`' NOTICE or SERVICE oflnitial Invalidity Contentions, filed by Lannett Company
`Inc..(Endersby, Austen) Modified on 2.’! SE20] 5 (nms). (Entered: 02!] "H201 5)
`NOTICE OF SERVICE of First Set of lnterrogatories (No. I) tiled by Astrazeneca
`. AB, Astraleneea UK Limited, Impax Laboratories lnc..(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered:
`NOTICE requestingiilherk to remove_l\Iishla D-.._Keiser as co-counscl.. (Mayo,
`Andrew) (Entered: 03:’ 13.1201 5)
`Toiidsxéoi 5
`06;’26;’201 5
`- NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants Response To Plaintiffs First Set Of
`Interrogatories re 3_8 Notice of Service filed by Lannett Company Inc., Lannett
`Holdings lnc.. (Attachments: # I Certificate Of Service)(Niedennan, Seth)
`(Entered: 0430239015)
`NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs’ Second Set oflnterrogatories to Defendants
`(Nos. 2-5) filed by Astrazeneca AB, Astrazeneca UK Limited, Impax Laboratories
`Inc..(Lydon, Tiffany) (Entered: 06fl7a’20l5)
`NOTICE to Take Deposition filed by Astrazeneca AB, Astrazeneea UK Limited,
`Impax Laboratories Inc..(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 0612632015)
`STIPULATION and Proposed Order to extend certain deadlines related tohclaim
`Page 8 of 11

`gconstruction by Astrazeneca AB, Astrazeneca UK Limited, Impax Laboratories
`(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 07fl5f20I5)
`I SO ORDERED, re 1.} Stipulation and Proposed Order Por E_xtension—o-f Ti-me,—fi—led
`by Impax Laboratories Inc., Astrazeneca UK Limited, Astrazeneca AB. Signed by '
`Judge Richard G. Andrews on 7fl6f20l 5. (nrns) (Entered: 0';'f16z’20I 5)
`- STIPULATION and Proposed Order to extend certain deadli—nes related to claim
`construction by Astralencca AB, Astrazeneca UK Limited, [mpax Laboratories
`Inc.. (Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 07f29f20l5)
`Extension ol‘T_imc,
`SO ORDERED, re i-_I Stipulation and Proposed Order
`by lmpax Laboratories Inc., Astrazeneca UK Limited, Astrazeneca AB. Signed by
`Judge Richard G. Andrews on 7z’30;’20I 5. (nms) (Entered: 07f30a’20I 5)
`II _5 .' Joint CLAIM Construction Chart, by Astrazeneca AB, Astt:aZeneca UK Limited;
`I Impax Laboratories Inc.. (Attachments: # I Exhibits A-D)(Mayo, Andrew)
`Modified on 8flOI20l5 (nms). (Entered: 08I'07f20l5)
`I NOTICE OF SERVICE of of Defendants First Supplemental Response To
`Plaintiffs‘ First Set Oflnterrogatories, filed by Lannett Company Inc., Lannett
`Holdings Inc.. (Attachments: # I Certificate of Service)(Niederrnan, Seth) Modified
`on 9a’9f20l5 (nms). (Entered: 09r’08;’2015)
`I i
`07E)I’20l -S_
`Q (ni3or20_1_5
`I O8i0?f2(}-ll 5
`I 09f08;’20I 5
`___ T _J.__._. _ .
`I O9f{J_8-:’20 I 5
`' 09!] H2015
`fl NOTICE OF SERVICE of of Defendants Revised Initial Invalidity Contentions,
`filed by Lannett Company Inc., Lannett Holdings Inc. (Attachments: # I
`Certificate Of Service)(Niederman, Seth) Modified on 9;’9;’20l5 (nms). (Entered:
`09f08I20l 5)
`is LSTIPIJLATION TO BEHIND TIME for Claim Construction Deadlines - filed by
`Astrazeneca AB, Astrazeneca UK Limited, Impax Laboratories Ine.. (Mayo,
`Andrew) Modified on 9!] H2015 (nms). (Entered: 09f1 H2015)
`SO ORDERED, re fl STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME for Claim Construction
`Deadlines, filed by Impax Laboratories Inc., Astraleneca UK Limited,
`I Astrazeneca AB. Signed by Judge Richard G. Andrews on 9!] H2015. (nms)
`'(Entered: 09!] 112015)
`Joint Claim Construction Brief, filed by Astraleneca AB, Astraleneca UK
`Limited, Impax Laboratories lnc.. (Mayo, Andrew) Modified on 9;‘23;’2{J15 (nms).
`(Entered: 09:’23a’20lS)
`Joint APPENDIX re 12 Joint Claim Construction Brief, by Astraleneca AB,
`Astrazeneca UK Limited, lmpax Laboratories Ine.. (Attachments: # _I_ Exhibits A-
`D, # ; Exhibits E-G, # ._3 Exhibit H, # 4_l Exhibits I-O, # j Exhibits P-Y, # 9 Exhibit
`Z)(Mayo, Andrew) Modified on 9I’23;’201S (nms). (Entered: 09f23f2(}l5)
`ORAL ORDER: The Markman hearing scheduled for 10K] 5.3201 5, is limited to 9()
`minutes. Ordered by Judge Richard G. Andrews on 9;’30I20l 5. (nms) (Entered:
`09f30f20I 5)
`MOTION for-Pro Hac \-/iee Appearance of Attomey_Frank T. Carroll - filed by
`Lannett Company Inc., Lannett Holdings Inc.. (Attachments: # I Certification by
`CounseI)(Endersby, Austen) (Entered: I0f09f20I5)
`MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Maureen D. Quelerfi-_fiI—ed by
`I 9f30.’20] 5
`I0f09f20I—5- _ _
`' 1o;o§72o1 5
`Page 9 of 11

`iAstraZeneca AB, Astrazeneca UK Limited, Impax Laboratories Inc.. (Mayo,
`_ Andrew) (Entered: 10.r‘09f20I 5)
`SO ORDERED, re MOTION for Piroltilac \_/ice Appearailcemof Agney Pranl;—
`: T. Carroll filed by Lannett Holdings Inc., Lannett Company Inc.. Signed by Judge
`Richard G. Andrews on 10;’13;’20l S. (TIITIS) (Entered: }0fl3f20l 5)
`SO ORDERED, re MOTION for Pro I-Iae Vice Appearance of Attorney
`Maureen D. Quelcr filed by lmpax Laboratories Inc., AstraZeneca UK Limited,
`Astraleneca AB. Signed by Judge Richard G. Andrews on IOII 3:’20l 5. (rims)
`. (Entered: l0r'l3f20I5)
`:_Letter to Judge ‘Andrews go?/it-usteii-‘C-. Ender-sby & Andrew .May—omregarding
`7 Joint Request for Continuance of Markman Hearing. (Endersby, Austen) (Entered:
`H .
`_ 55
`' l0ll4;E0l S
`1 lz’l6:’20l5
`-—— —-
`The request to continue the hearing scrduled -for 10fI
`l (D.I. 54), is GRANTED. The Markman hearing will be reset for a date to be
`5 determined. Ordered by Judge Richard G. Andrews on 10.’) 42201 5. (nms) (Entered:
`.. L
`= 56 ORAL ORDER: The Markmaii—H‘earing is now reset tocomnience on I
`at 2:00 PM in Courtroom 6A before Judge Richard G. Andrews. Ordered by Judge
`f Richard G. Andrews on I0fl9a’20l5. (nms) (Entered: 10119/2015)
`- Minute Entry for proceedings held before J—Lidge Richard G. Andrews - Markrnanm
`Hearing held on 1 lr’l6f2015. (Court Reporter Leonard Dibbs.) (ksr, ) (Entered:
`I l;’l6;‘20l 5)
`1 lfl9f20I5
`ORDER Setting Teleconference: A teleconference has been scheduled for I l:’23:’l5
`at 1:00 PM EASTERN TIME with Judge Thynge to discuss ADR. Plaintiffs’
`counsel shall initiate the teleconference call. Signed by Judge Mary Pat Thyngc on
`I 1fl9f15. Associated Cases: 1:14-cv-00984-RGA, l:14—cv-00999-RGA(cal()
`(Entered: 1lJI9f20l5)
`l lr'20z’201 5
`, 58 ORAL ORDER re (32 in 1:l4—cv—00999-RGA) Order Setting Teleconference. The
`iteleconference set for I lf23f1 5 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time has been rescheduled to
`I I l1’30fl5 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time. Plaintiffs‘ counsel shall initiate the
`teleconference call. Ordered by Judge Mary Pat Thynge on 1 1f20fl 5. Associated
`Cases: l:l4~cv-00984-RGA, 1:14-cv-00999-RGA(cak) (Entered: ll;’20a’20l5)
`32 Official Transcript of Markman I-Iearing held on 1 1-16-15 before Judge Richard G.
`Andrews. Court Reporten’Transcriber Leonard A. Dibbs. Transcript may be viewed
`at the court public tenninal or purchased through the Court Reporter!Transcriber
`before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be
`obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due I2r'l4f20l 5. Redacted Transcript
`Deadline set for l22’22;’2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2;"l9a’20l6.
`(lad) (Entered: ]1f21a’20lS)
`Q{_l MEMORANDUM OPINION providing claim construction for disputed terms in
`U.S. Patent Nos. 6,750,237 and 7,220,267. Within five days the parties shall submit
`a proposed order consistent with this Memorandum Opinion. Signed by Judge
`Richard G. Andrews on 12f1f20l5. (nms) (Entered: 12f01a‘20I 5)
`Page 10 of 11

`Q PROPOSED Claim Constmction Order, by AstraZeneca AB, Astrazeneea UK
`I Limited, lmpax Laboratories lnc.. (Lydon, Tiffany) Modified on I2;’?;’20l5 (nms).
`(Entered: l2f0?';’20l5)
`Andrexys from Tiffany Geyer Lydon regarding ‘
`_; Letter to The Honorable Richard
`I proposed claim construction order. (Lydon, Tiffany) Modified on I2r'?;’20I5 (nms).
`?(Entered: l2f07f2OIS)
`I2}"O8/Eb] 5
`I Q;
`I ORDER Setting Mediation Conferences: A Telephone Conference is set for
`I 3f29r'20l 6 at 01:00 PM before Judge Mary Pat Thynge. Defense counsel to initiate
`I the teleconference call. A Mediation Conference is set {or 4;’27f20l6 at 10:00 AM I
`in Courtroom 213 before Judge Mary Pat Thynge. SEE ORDER FOR DETAILS.
`Signed by Judge Mary Pat Thynge on 128! l 5. (cak) (Entered: I2,/03;’201 5)
`_4 I Claim Construction Order. Signed by Judge Richard G. Andrews on I-2l7r’i0
`I (nms) (Entered: l2l08f20l 5)
`PACER Service Center
`Transaction Receigt
`IZUEUZUI5 I2I39:2-1'
`I _ finn:.;__an_90l._§49(}09.0‘ Code:
`1:14-cv-()0984-RGA :
`Icr::ecria_ Start date: lflfl9'?(l
`' End date: ]2a’2|2‘20IS'
`Description; Docket Report
`Page 11 of 11

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