`United States Patent
`Cabilly et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(451 Date of Patent:
`US 7,923,221 B1
`*Apr. 12, 2011
`[ * ) Notice:
`(73) Assignees: Genentccl1.Inc, South San Francisco.
`CA (US): City urnope. Duarte. CA
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term ofthjs
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`u.s.c. lS4(_'b)byOdays.
`'l'I:|is patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`4.512.922 A
`4.59%.)? A
`4.534.555 A
`4.642.334 A
`Inventors: Shmuel Cahilly. Monrovia. CA (US):
`4.668.629 A
`llerhert l.. Heyneker, Burlingame. CA
`4304-353 A
`(us): William E.IloImes. Paei|ic:1.(‘.¢\
`<vs>~uw»rv- Paw mm :%.:-.‘.-3%::
`R‘0l'IaIl] B.
`San Fl‘8!l.CiSrCL"|.
`C A(Ubl
`4315.39? A *
`4.816.567 A
`4-955-£95 A
`3:1 15195;: A
`5.|_‘:"J.t|l7 A
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`5.336.603 A
`5.420.020 A
`5.4.Z8.l_"l{J A
`5. 55,
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`5.514.582 A
`5,545,403 A
`5.545.-'-I-04 A
`on Am.
`Apr. 13, 1995
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