`Support for
`Handheld Computing
`Nikunj Mehta
`Sam Malek
`University of
`Southern California
`The authors present a software-architecture-based approach to support
`computing on distributed, handheld, mobile, resource-constrained devices.
`S oftware engineers and practitioners tra-
`ditionally have focused on programming
`in the large (PitL),1 the development of
`large-scale software systems. However,
`the increasing speed and capacity and
`decreasing costs of hardware, emergence of the
`Internet, and proliferation of handheld devices such
`as cell phones and PDAs have fueled demand for
`new technologies that support highly distributed
`computation on small, mobile platforms.
`Employing handheld mobile devices in complex
`scenarios such as sea exploration, environmental
`monitoring, freeway-traffic management, fire fight-
`ing, and natural disaster damage assessment will
`require addressing a number of daunting challenges.
`This new set of challenges is more appropriately
`characterized as programming in the small and
`many (Prism)—software development for highly
`distributed, dynamic, mobile, heterogenous com-
`putation on large numbers of small, resource-con-
`strained platforms.
`Recent studies2,3 indicate that a promising
`approach is to apply software architecture princi-
`ples to the development of software systems in the
`Prism setting. These principles provide abstractions
`for representing the system’s structure, behavior,
`and key properties.4,5
`Architectures are generally described in terms of
`components (computational elements), connectors
`(interaction elements), and their configurations. An
`architectural style further defines a vocabulary of
`component and connector types as well as a set of
`constraints on combining instances of those types in
`a software system. Examples of styles include black-
`board, C2, client-server, pipe and filter, and push-
`based.5,6 Selecting an appropriate architectural style
`is a key determinant of a software system’s success.
`Software architectures provide design-level mod-
`els and guidelines for composing software systems.
`However, to be useful in a development setting,
`these models and guidelines require support for
`implementation and evolution.5,7 As the “Prism
`Challenges” sidebar describes, Prism’s highly dis-
`tributed, heterogenous, and mobile nature ampli-
`fies the software development demands that
`permeate the entire software engineering life cycle.
`Therefore, during the past four years we have
`focused on the design, implementation, and empir-
`ical evaluation of techniques for supporting archi-
`tecture-based software development in the Prism
`Several aspects of architecture-based develop-
`ment—component-based system composition,
`explicit software connectors, architectural styles,
`upstream system analysis and simulation, and sup-
`port for dynamism5—make it a good fit for Prism’s
`demands. Our solutions for adaptable system
`design, efficient implementation, and tailorable exe-
`cution all leverage the approach’s architectural basis
`and were guided by four research objectives:
`P u b l i s h e d b y t h e I E E E C o m p u t e r S o c i e t y
`0018-9162/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE
`Ericsson Ex. 2006, Page 1
`TCL et al. v Ericsson

`• native support for programming the architec-
`tural concepts;
`• efficiency to execute on small, resource-
`constrained platforms;
`• scalability to many devices, components, con-
`nectors, and communication events; and
`• extensibility and configurability to acccom-
`modate varying development concerns across
`the Prism domain.
`Our goal has been to adapt PitL techniques
`whenever applicable, but to support Prism’s unique
`characteristics we have developed novel solutions
`in three areas: explicit architectural idioms suit-
`able for Prism software system design; a light-
`weight, tailorable middleware for transferring
`architectural decisions to effective system imple-
`mentations; and runtime techniques that support
`continuous system evolution, redeployment, and
`To understand the concepts underlying our
`approach, consider an application for distributed
`military troop deployment and battle simulations
`(TDS). A computer at headquarters gathers infor-
`mation from the battlefield and displays the cur-
`rent locations of friendly and enemy troops,
`vehicles, and obstacles such as mine fields. As
`Figure 1 shows, the headquarters computer is net-
`worked via secure links to a set of commander
`PDAs, which are connected directly to one another
`and to a large number of soldier PDAs.
`Commanders control their own part of the bat-
`tlefield by deploying troops, analyzing the deploy-
`ment strategy, transferring troops, and so on. If the
`headquarters device goes out of range, a designated
`commander assumes the HQ role. Soldiers can only
`view the segment of the battlefield in which they
`are located, receive direct orders from the com-
`manders, and report their status.
`TDS illustrates the concept of multiplicity inher-
`ent in Prism. In designing the application, we used
`a combination of four architectural styles: client-
`server, push-based, peer-to-peer, and C2. In addi-
`tion, we implemented TDS in three dialects of two
`programming languages—Sun Microsystems’ Java
`JVM and KVM, and Microsoft’s Embedded Visual
`C++. Finally, we deployed TDS on several types of
`mobile devices—Palm Pilot Vx and VIIx, Compaq
`iPAQ, HP Jornada, NEC MobilePro, Sun Ultra,
`and PC—running four different operating sys-
`tems: PalmOS, WindowsCE, Windows 2000, and
`Prism Challenges
`Software engineers and practitioners have been working actively on
`application modeling, analysis, simulation, and semiautomated system
`implementation for several decades. The highly distributed, heteroge-
`neous, and mobile nature of programming in the small and many only
`amplifies these problems. In addition, Prism presents a number of unique
`software development challenges that permeate the entire software engi-
`neering life cycle.
`Resource constraints
`Devices on which applications reside may have limited power, net-
`work bandwidth, processor speed, memory, and display size and reso-
`lution. Constraints such as these demand highly efficient software
`systems in terms of computation, communication, and memory foot-
`print. They also demand more unorthodox solutions such as “off-load-
`ing” nonessential parts of a system to other devices.
`Programming in the large is characterized by extensive standardiza-
`tion—for example, Java, Linux, and XML. In contrast, Prism must rec-
`oncile proprietary operating systems such as PalmOS and Symbion,
`specialized dialects of existing programming languages such as Sun
`Microsystems’ Java KVM and Microsoft’s Embedded Visual C++, and
`device-specific data formats such as prc for PalmOS and efs for
`Qualcomm’s Brew.
`Computing infrastructure
`Software developers must make tradeoffs to address the computing
`constraints that mobile platforms impose. The infrastructures of such
`technologies may thus lack certain services for reasons of efficiency or
`through accidental omission. For example, Java KVM does not support
`noninteger numerical data types or server-side sockets. Likewise, typi-
`cally employed techniques for code mobility, such as Java XML encod-
`ing, may be computationally too expensive to support.
`Figure 1. Troop
`deployment and
`battle simulations
`(TDS) application
`distributed across
`multiple devices.
`The headquarters
`computer is
`networked via
`secure links to a set
`of commander PDAs,
`which are connected
`directly to one
`another and to a
`large number of
`soldier PDAs.
`TDS utilizes 105 mobile devices and mobile
`device emulators running on PCs, with a total of
`245 software components interacting via 222 soft-
`ware connectors. The dynamic size of the applica-
`tion is approximately 1 Mbyte for the headquarters
`subsystem, 600 Kbytes for each commander sub-
`system, and 90 Kbytes for each soldier subsystem.
`September 2003
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`supports multiple
`levels of abstraction
`of the system’s
`which in turn
`aids the system’s
`We have developed a set of software design
`idioms to effectively capture the characteris-
`tics of Prism application architectures. Ideally,
`these idioms would comprise a software
`architectural style,5 but, as recent studies8
`have recognized, it is unclear which styles are
`most suitable for this setting. We have there-
`fore developed Prism-SF, an architectural style
`framework that inherits many characteristics
`from previous work5-7 but is unique because
`it is configurable—developers can instantiate
`multiple specific architectural styles from it,
`possibly even in a single application.
`Architectural elements and
`composition rules
`Prism-SF directly provides concepts for model-
`ing an application’s architecture. Its components
`maintain state and perform computations. To sup-
`port scalability and extensibility, Prism-SF compo-
`nents cannot assume a shared address space;
`instead, they interact by exchanging events via mas-
`ter, slave, and peer communication ports.
`Events. An event consists of a name and payload.
`An event’s payload includes a set of typed parame-
`ters for carrying data and miscellaneous metalevel
`information—sender, real-time deadline, and so on.
`A Prism event is either a request for a recipient com-
`ponent to perform an operation, a notification that
`a sender component has performed an operation,
`or a peer event enabling symmetric communication
`between components. Prism-SF components send
`requests through master ports and receive them
`through slave ports, send notifications through
`slave ports and receive them through master ports,
`and send and receive peer events through peer
`Connectors. To further support scalability, Prism-
`SF connectors mediate interactions among com-
`ponents by controlling the distribution of all events.
`An asymmetric connector supports request-notifi-
`cation interactions, while a symmetric connector
`supports peer event interactions. Components
`attach to asymmetric connectors via master and
`slave ports and to symmetric connectors via peer
`ports. Prism-SF connectors can support event uni-
`cast, multicast, and broadcast semantics.
`The distributed connectors that span device
`boundaries play a key role in scalability by sup-
`porting interaction among components residing on
`different devices. A distributed connector marshals
`and unmarshals application data or mobile code;
`it dispatches and receives events across the net-
`work; and it may perform data compression for
`efficiency and encryption for security.
`Hierarchical composition. Prism-SF supports hier-
`archical composition of both components and con-
`nectors. This provides an effective mechanism for
`supporting multiple levels of abstraction of the sys-
`tem’s architecture, which in turn aids the system’s
`extensibility. Hierarchically composed compo-
`nents and connectors encapsulate their constituent
`subarchitectures. When performing hierarchical
`composition, a designer maps each composite
`component’s external port to one port of the inter-
`nal component or connector in its subarchitecture.
`Instantiating Prism-SF
`It is easy to instantiate Prism-SF into a number of
`distributed systems styles that are likely to be use-
`ful in the Prism setting.6
`Client-server. In this type of system, client and server
`components communicate via synchronous asym-
`metric connectors—typically remote procedure
`calls—using request and notification (response)
`events. A client component usually has a single mas-
`ter port through which it sends requests to and
`receives responses from the server, while the server
`has multiple slave ports, one for each client.
`Peer-to-peer. The peer-to-peer style defines only
`one component type that uses logical call-return
`pairs as events to communicate via symmetric,
`event-based connectors. A peer component can
`have numerous peer ports through which it sends
`and receives events, depending on the number of
`its peer relationships with other components. Peer
`components typically do not have master or slave
`ports, although it is possible to combine client-
`server and peer-to-peer architectural styles in a sin-
`gle application. Prism-SF supports such a combi-
`nation naturally.
`C2. The C2 style7 is a layered network of concur-
`rent components that communicate via neighbor-
`ing connectors. C2 supports one component type
`similar to the peer-to-peer style, but, unlike peer-to-
`peer components, C2 components exchange request
`and notification events to communicate via asyn-
`chronous asymmetric connectors. A C2 component
`has single master (top) and slave (bottom) ports.
`TDS architecture
`Figure 2 shows a subset of the TDS architecture
`designed using an instance of Prism-SF. In this con-
`figuration, each component has single master, slave,
`and peer ports; components interact solely via con-
`nectors; the design includes both symmetric and
`asymmetric connectors; and symmetric and asym-
`Ericsson Ex. 2006, Page 3
`TCL et al. v Ericsson

`Architectural elements
`Slave side
`Master side
`Figure 2. TDS
`architecture. Only
`single Commander
`and Soldier
`subsystems are
`shown. All
`interaction occurs
`with messages
`routed through
`connectors. The
`internal architecture
`of the hierarchically
`composed Strategy-
`Analyzer consists of
`three components
`and two connectors.
`Distributed asymmetric
`Distributed asymmetric
`Distributed asymmetric
`metric connectors cannot be connected to one
`This architecture consists of single Headquarters,
`Commander, and Soldier subsystems. Data-
`Repository maintains a model of the system’s over-
`all resources: terrain, personnel, tank units, and
`mine fields. StrategyAnalyzer and Deployment-
`Advisor analyze and suggest deployments of
`friendly troops, respectively. SimulationAgent incre-
`mentally simulates battle outcomes based on the
`current situation. DeploymentStrategiesRepository
`stores the strategy and deployment rules.
`C_TroopsManager and S_Troops-Manager allocate
`and transfer resources and periodically update the
`state of resources. Finally, DisplayManager provides
`the application’s user interface.
`Prism-SF provides design guidelines for com-
`posing large, distributed, decentralized, mobile sys-
`tems. Prism-MW, a lightweight architectural
`middleware, supports implementation of these
`guidelines. Although related to several existing
`middleware platforms,2 Prism-MW has character-
`istics specifically geared to the Prism domain.
`Implementing architectures in Prism-MW
`Prism-MW comprises an extensible framework
`of implementation-level classes representing an
`application’s architectural elements, their proper-
`ties, and their composition rules. It is easily con-
`figurable to support style-specific characteristics in
`applications. Programmers construct Prism appli-
`cation architectures by reusing the appropriate
`Prism-MW classes or extending them with appli-
`cation-specific details.
`Prism-MW supports architectural abstractions
`by providing classes for representing each archi-
`tectural element, with methods for creating, manip-
`ulating, and destroying the element. Figure 3 shows
`the Unified Modeling Language class design view
`of Prism-MW. The green-colored classes constitute
`the middleware core, which, to ensure compact-
`ness, contains only eight classes and six interfaces.
`To use Prism-MW’s basic features, an application
`developer only needs to be familiar with four of the
`classes, shaded dark green.
`Brick is an abstract class that encapsulates com-
`mon features of its subclasses—Architecture,
`Component, and Connector. Architecture records
`the configuration of its constituent components and
`September 2003
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`TCL et al. v Ericsson

`0 … n
`0 … n
`Figure 3. Unified
`Modeling Language
`class design view of
`Prism-MW. The
`classes constitute
`the middleware
`core, with those
`shaded dark green
`relevant to an
`developer. Each of
`the blue-colored
`specialized classes
`compose a number
`of interfaces.
`1 … n
`connectors and provides facilities for adding, remov-
`ing, and reconnecting them, possibly at system run-
`time. In Prism-MW, a programmer implements a
`distributed application as a set of interacting
`Architecture objects. Components communicate by
`exchanging Events, which are routed by Connectors.
`To support extensibility to different architectural
`styles, the programmer can attach each component
`to an arbitrary number of connectors.
`To further support extensibility, each Brick sub-
`class has an associated interface. IArchitecture
`exposes a weld method with different implemen-
`tations to accommodate style-specific composition
`rules. IComponent exposes send and handle meth-
`ods for exchanging events with different imple-
`mentations that support both asynchronous and
`synchronous unicast, multicast, and broadcast of
`events. IConnector provides a handle method for
`event routing; we have implemented two versions
`of this interface to support symmetric and asym-
`metric interaction. Each Architecture object imple-
`ments both IConnector and IComponent, thereby
`allowing construction of components and connec-
`tors with internal architectures.
`Prism-MW associates IScaffold with every Brick.
`Scaffolds schedule events for delivery via IScheduler
`and pool threads via IDispatch in a decoupled man-
`ner. IScaffold also directly aids architectural aware-
`ness9 by allowing a programmer to probe a Brick’s
`runtime behavior. Prism-MW’s core provides a
`default FIFO implementation of IScheduler and a
`default round-robin implementation of IDispatch.
`This separation makes it possible to select the most
`suitable event-scheduling policy independently of
`the dispatching policy. In addition, decoupling dis-
`patching and scheduling from Architecture makes
`it easy to compose many subarchitectures in a sin-
`gle application.
`Extending Prism-MW
`To support extensibility and configurability,
`Prism-MW provides explicit constructs and inter-
`faces that accommodate different architectural
`styles. The extensions to the Prism-MW shown in
`Figure 3 provide support for numerous properties
`identified as relevant in Prism and other settings
`including architectural awareness, real-time com-
`putation, distribution, security, heterogeneity, data
`compression, delivery guarantees, and mobil-
`Prism-MW’s core does not change. The core con-
`structs Component, Connector, and Event are sub-
`classed via specialized classes—ExtensibleCompo-
`nent, ExtensibleConnector, and ExtensibleEvent,
`respectively—each of which composes a number of
`interfaces, shaded in blue in Figure 3. Each interface
`can have multiple implementations, shown as
`unshaded classes, to facilitate selecting the desired
`functionality inside each instance of a given
`Extensible class.
`If an interface is installed in a given class instance,
`that instance will exhibit the inherent behavior in
`the interface’s implementation. A programmer can
`install multiple interfaces in a single Extensible class
`instance. In that case, the instance will exhibit the
`installed interfaces’ combined behavior. Each new
`Ericsson Ex. 2006, Page 5
`TCL et al. v Ericsson

`directly supports
`in highly
`interface implementation requires a minimal change
`to the corresponding Extensible class, averaging
`three new lines of code.
`Assessing Prism-MW
`Prism applications frequently run on resource-
`constrained devices that have low amounts of mem-
`ory and slow processing speeds. Techniques for
`ensuring efficient implementations of distributed sys-
`tems are available, but Prism-MW presents unique
`challenges because it is designed to directly support
`architectural abstractions in highly resource-con-
`strained settings.
`Prism-MW incorporates several optimization
`techniques10 including event routing based on the
`architectural topology and a centralized event queue
`with an adjustable thread pool per each address
`space (Prism-MW Architecture object). The result is
`an efficient architectural middleware that introduces
`minimal overhead in dynamic memory usage, is
`highly scalable, and exhibits good performance.
`Prism-MW provides the foundation for building
`a number of advanced capabilities needed for Prism
`applications. We have focused on automated deploy-
`ment, dynamic reconfigurability, and mobility by
`directly leveraging Prism-MW’s support for incre-
`mental system composition. Connectors can dynam-
`ically add and remove communication ports as the
`programmer invokes the weld and unweld methods
`on their container Architecture object to attach and
`detach components. To implement this support, the
`connectors leverage programming language or OS
`facilities—for example, Java’s dynamic class load-
`ing or Windows’ dynamically linked libraries.
`Automated deployment
`Our support for deployment directly leverages
`Prism-MW’s incremental system composition.
`Prism-MW’s light weight is critical for resource-
`constrained devices. Therefore, we have developed
`a custom solution for deploying applications
`instead of trying to reuse existing capabilities such
`as the software dock.11 To deploy a desired config-
`uration on a set of hosts, Prism-MW uploads a
`skeleton configuration on each host consisting of
`an Architecture object. This object contains an
`ExtensibleConnector that implements mechanisms
`for communicating across the network.
`As Figure 3 shows, Prism-MW uses sockets and
`infrared ports to implement these connectors. In
`addition, the skeleton configuration contains
`AdminComponent, a special-purpose, metalevel
`ExtensibleComponent tasked with effecting
`runtime changes on the Architecture. The
`skeleton configuration, which is less than 20
`Kbytes, can directly exploit the Architecture
`object’s API and dynamic connector interfaces
`to instantiate a local subsystem architecture.
`With the help of ExtensibleEvent’s serializable
`interface, Prism-MW migrates components
`across hosts for deployment as (usually large)
`Dynamic reconfigurability and mobility
`Dynamic reconfigurability encompasses
`runtime changes to a system’s configuration
`by adding and removing components and connec-
`tors. If a subsystem needs components and connec-
`tors that are not available locally, it must be able to
`migrate them from remote hosts. To support code
`mobility at runtime, Prism-MW uses the same basic
`technique as for deployment: AdminComponents
`exchange events that contain mobile code. For
`example, if a Commander device needs to assume
`the role of Headquarters in the TDS application, it
`can use Prism-MW’s support for mobility to migrate
`the HQ-specific components and then use the local
`Architecture object’s weld method to attach the
`components to the appropriate connectors in the
`Commander subsystem.
`Prism-DE12 is an architectural deployment and
`mobility environment that integrates Microsoft
`Visio with Prism-MW. The environment contains
`several toolboxes for specifying a configuration of
`hardware devices, OS processes, and software com-
`ponents and connectors for deployment. A simple
`button click deploys a Prism-DE software configu-
`ration onto the depicted hardware configuration.
`Likewise, dragging a component from one depicted
`process to another initiates Prism-DE component
`To date, we have developed more than a dozen
`applications designed using various instances of
`Prism-SF, implemented on top of Prism-MW, and
`dynamically reconfigured and redeployed using
`Prism-DE. These applications involve traditional
`desktop platforms, PalmOS and WindowsCE
`devices, digital cameras, and motion sensors. In addi-
`tion to several variants of TDS, they include distrib-
`uted digital image processing, map visualization and
`navigation, location tracking, and instant messag-
`ing for handheld devices.
`For example, the Attention System with Multiple
`Cameras (ASMC) detects changes in different phys-
`September 2003
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`TCL et al. v Ericsson

`labeling P
`detection P
`conversion P
`Module 1
`Module 2
`Module N
`Display and
`Figure 4. Attention
`System with
`Multiple Cameras.
`(a) The internal
`architectures of
`each LocalAttention-
`Module and the
`Module are
`(b) Two consecutive
`images taken by a
`camera located
`in a single
`Module. (c) The
`resulting feature
`map sent via a
`wireless peer
`to a PDA.
`ical locations and executes follow-on actions such
`as activating an alarm in a surveillance system. As
`Figure 4a shows, each LocalAttentionModule
`observes a given location periodically and sends
`the obtained image to the CentralProcessing-
`Module, which resides on a desktop device. A Timer
`triggers ImageAcquisition at each site. The Central-
`ProcessingModule performs grayscale conversion,
`detects changes, labels the regions, and creates a
`saliency map. The GlobalDecisionComponent,
`which can reside on either a desktop or a handheld
`device, reports significant changes to any number of
`Display&ActionComponents, each of which also
`can reside on a desktop or handheld device.
`Figure 4b shows two consecutive images captured
`by a single LocalAttentionModule camera. ASMC
`sends the selected feature map—an image contain-
`ing the changes processed by the CentralProcessing-
`Module—to the GlobalDecisionModule, which in
`turn forwards the most significant change to the
`Display&ActionComponent—in this case, the PDA
`shown in Figure 4c.
`We used a combination of three architectural
`styles to design and implement ASMC: push-based
`inside each LocalAttentionModule, pipe and filter
`inside the CentralProcessingModule, and peer-to-
`peer between the GlobalDecisionComponent and
`I n concert, the Prism architectural style framework,
`Prism-MW, and Prism’s runtime support provide
`efficient, scalable, and extensible capabilities for
`handheld computing. In collaboration with two
`major industrial organizations, we have successfully
`tested and evaluated our approach on several appli-
`cations. We have also used it as an educational tool
`in courses on software architectures and embedded
`systems at the University of Southern California.
`Our experience thus far has been very positive,
`but many pertinent research questions remain.
`Future work will span issues such as evaluating the
`applicability of different Prism styles to various
`problem domains, adding pluggable architectural-
`style constraint checking into Prism-MW, and
`extending runtime support for Prism to include dif-
`ferent aspects of application self-healing—for
`example, in the face of network disconnections. ■
`We thank R. Banwait, M. Bhachech, V. Jakobac,
`V. Kudchadkar, A. Rampurwala, E. Sanchez, V.
`Ericsson Ex. 2006, Page 7
`TCL et al. v Ericsson

`Viswanathan, and students from the University of
`Southern California’s CSCI 578 and 599 courses
`who contributed to the development of Prism-MW
`and various applications on top of it. We also
`thank G. Sukhatme for his insights on handheld,
`mobile, and embedded computing. Barry Boehm
`and Richard N. Taylor generously provided sup-
`port in obtaining the initial equipment used in our
`research. The work described in this article was
`supported by an equipment grant from Intel and is
`partly based upon research supported by the US
`National Science Foundation under grant no.
`CCR-9985441, DARPA/Rome Laboratory under
`agreement F30602-00-2-0615, and US Army
`1. F. DeRemer and H.H. Kron, “Programming-in-the-
`Large versus Programming-in-the-Small,” IEEE
`Trans. Software Eng., June 1976, pp. 80-86.
`2. E.A. Lee, “Embedded Software,” Advances in Com-
`puters, M. Zelkowitz, ed., vol. 56, Academic Press,
`3. J.P. Sousa and D. Garlan, “Aura: An Architectural
`Framework for User Mobility in Ubiquitous Com-
`puting Environments,” Proc. 3rd Working IEEE/
`IFIP Conf. Software Architectures, Kluwer Acade-
`mic, 2002, pp. 29-43.
`4. D.E. Perry and A.L. Wolf, “Foundations for the Study
`of Software Architecture,” ACM SIGSOFT Software
`Eng. Notes, Oct. 1992, pp. 40-52.
`5. M. Shaw and D. Garlan, Software Architecture: Per-
`spectives on an Emerging Discipline, Prentice Hall,
`6. R.T. Fielding, “Architectural Styles and the Design
`of Network-Based Software Architectures,” PhD dis-
`sertation, School of Information & Computer Sci-
`ence, University of California, Irvine, 2000.
`7. R. N. Taylor et al., “A Component- and Message-
`Based Architectural Style for GUI Software,” IEEE
`Trans. Software Eng., June 1996, pp. 390-406.
`8. G. D. Abowd, “Software Engineering Issues for Ubiq-
`uitous Computing,” Proc. 21st Int’l Conf. Software
`Engineering, ACM Press, 1999, pp. 75-84.
`9. L. Capra, W. Emmerich, and C. Mascolo, “Middle-
`ware for Mobile Computing (A Survey),” Advanced
`Lectures on Networking, LNCS 2497, Springer-Ver-
`lag, 2002, pp. 20-58.
`10. M. Mikic-Rakic and N. Medvidovic, “Adaptable
`Architectural Middleware for Programming-in-the-
`Small-and-Many,” Proc. ACM/IFIP/USENIX Int’l
`Middleware Conf., LNCS 2672, Springer-Verlag,
`2003, pp. 162-181.
`11. R.S. Hall, D.M. Heimbigner, and A.L. Wolf, “A
`Cooperative Approach to Support Software Deploy-
`ment Using the Software Dock,” Proc. 21st Int’l
`Conf. Software Engineering, ACM Press, 1999, pp.
`12. M. Mikic-Rakic and N. Medvidovic, “Architecture-
`Level Support for Software Component Deployment
`in Resource Constrained Environments,” Proc. Com-
`ponent Deployment, IFIP/ACM Working Conf.,
`LNCS 2370, Springer-Verlag, 2002, pp. 31-50.
`Nenad Medvidovic is an assistant professor in the
`Computer Science Department at the University of
`Southern California’s School of Engineering and a
`faculty member of the USC Center for Software
`Engineering. His research focuses on software archi-
`tecture modeling and analysis; middleware facilities
`for architectural implementation; product-line
`architectures; architectural styles; and architecture-
`level support for software development in highly
`distributed, mobile, resource-constrained, and
`embedded computing environments. Medvidovic
`received a PhD in information and computer sci-
`ence from the University of California, Irvine. He is
`a member of the IEEE, the ACM, and ACM SIG-
`SOFT. Contact him at
`Marija Mikic-Rakic is a PhD candidate in the
`Computer Science Department at the University of
`Southern California’s School of Engineering. Her
`research interests are in the field of software archi-
`tectures. Mikic-Rakic received an MS in computer
`science from the University of Southern California.
`She is a member of the ACM and ACM SIGSOFT.
`Contact her at
`Nikunj Mehta is a PhD candidate in the Computer
`Science Department at the University of Southern
`California’s School of Engineering. His research
`focuses on software architectures, particularly styles
`and primitives. Mehta received an MS in computer
`science from the University of Southern California.
`He is a member of the IEEE, the ACM, and ACM
`SIGSOFT. Contact him at mehta@us

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