Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 1 of 13
`Christopher G. Hanewicz (pro hac vice)
`One East Main Street, Suite 201
`Madison, WI 53703-5118
`Telephone: 608.663.7460
`Fax: 608.663.7499
`Michael R. Henson (pro hac vice)
`1900 Sixteenth Street, Ste. 1400
`Denver, Colorado 80202
`Telephone: 303-291-2337
`Fax: 303-291-2437
`Matthew B. Hippler (Nevada SBN 7015)
`5441 Kietzke Lane, Second Floor
`Reno, Nevada 89511
`Telephone: 775-327-3000
`Fax: 877-665-5867
`James E. Hartley (pro hac vice)
`555 Seventeenth Street, Suite 3200
`Denver, Colorado 80202
`Telephone: 303-295-8000
`Fax: 303-295-8261
`Donald A. Degnan (pro hac vice)
`Timothy P. Getzoff (pro hac vice)
`1800 Broadway, Suite 300
`Boulder, Colorado 80302
`Telephone: 303-473-2700
`Fax: 303-473-2720
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Server Technology, Inc.
`CASE NO.: 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC
`a Nevada Corporation,
`RARITAN INC., a New Jersey corporation, and
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 2 of 13
`Pursuant to Rule 15(a)(1)(A) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, as a matter of
`course, plaintiff Server Technology, Inc., submits this first amended complaint against
`defendants Raritan Inc. and Raritan Americas, Inc.
`This is an action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of the
`United States, Title 35 of the United States Code, 35 U.S.C. § 271 et seq.
`This Court has original jurisdiction over these claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
`§§ 1331 and 1338(a).
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over defendants Raritan Inc. and Raritan
`Americas, Inc. because they transact business in the District of Nevada, they have marketed,
`manufactured or sold infringing product within this district, and they have caused plaintiff injury
`within this district.
`Venue is proper in this district under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b), (c) and/or 1400(b).
`Plaintiff Server Technology, Inc. (“Server Technology”) is a Nevada corporation
`having its principal place of business at 1040 Sandhill Drive, Reno, Nevada, 89521.
`Defendants Raritan Inc. and Raritan Americas, Inc. (jointly “Raritan”) both are
`New Jersey corporations having their principal place of business at 400 Cottontail Lane,
`Somerset, NJ 08873. Raritan does business within the District of Nevada.
`Server Technology is a leader in innovative power management solutions. It
`designs and manufactures a number of products, including what are called intelligent power
`distribution units (or “PDUs”). Although used in many types of applications, a primary
`application for PDU products is in data centers.
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 7,043,543 (“the ‘543
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 3 of 13
`PLUGSTRIP,” which issued on May 9, 2006. A true and correct copy of the ‘543 patent is
`attached as Exhibit 1 and incorporated by this reference.
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 7,702,771 (“the ‘771
`DISPLAY,” which issued on April 20, 2010. A true and correct copy of the ‘771 patent is
`attached as Exhibit 2 and incorporated by this reference.
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 7,171,461 (“the ‘461
`issued on January 30, 2007. A true and correct copy of the ‘461 patent is attached as Exhibit 3
`and incorporated by this reference.
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 7,162,521 (“the ‘521
`patent”) entitled “REMOTE POWER CONTROL SYSTEM,” which issued on January 9, 2007.
`A true and correct copy of the ‘521 patent is attached as Exhibit 4 and incorporated by this
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 8,549,067 (“the ‘067
`WITH CURRENT DISPLAY AND METHOD OF USE,” which issued on October 1, 2013. A
`true and correct copy of the ‘067 patent is attached as Exhibit 5 and incorporated by this
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 8,601,291 (“the ‘291
`CAPABILITY AND METHOD OF USE,” which issued on December 3, 2013. A true and
`correct copy of the ‘291 patent is attached as Exhibit 6 and incorporated by this reference.
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 7,457,106 (“the ‘106
`November 25, 2008. A true and correct copy of the ‘106 patent is attached as Exhibit 7 and
`incorporated by this reference.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 4 of 13
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 7,706,134 (“the ‘134
`2010. A true and correct copy of the ‘134 patent is attached as Exhibit 8 and incorporated by this
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 7,990,689 (“the ‘689
`2, 2011. A true and correct copy of the ‘689 patent is attached as Exhibit 9 and incorporated by
`this reference.
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 8,694,272 (“the ‘272
`DISTRIBUTION UNIT,” which issued on April 8, 2014. A true and correct copy of the ‘272
`patent is attached as Exhibit 10 and incorporated by this reference.
`Server Technology is the owner of United States Patent No. 8,305,737 (“the ‘737
`POWER SENSING AND METHOD OF USE,” which issued on November 6, 2012. A true and
`correct copy of the ‘737 patent is attached as Exhibit 11 and incorporated by this reference.
`The ‘543, ‘771, ‘461, ‘521, ‘067, ‘291, ‘106, ‘134, ‘689, ‘272, and ‘737 patents
`are collectively referred to as the “Server Technology Patents.”
`Server Technology’s business is centered on PDUs. Virtually all of its sales are
`PDUs and related services, and most of these sales are directly related to products covered by the
`Server Technology Patents. Server Technology’s success depends upon innovation and product
`Raritan has made, used, imported, sold or offered to sell, and continues to make,
`use, import, sell, and/or offer to sell data center equipment cabinets and data center power
`management devices, including PDUs.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 5 of 13
`Raritan competes directly with Server Technology in the PDU market. Raritan’s
`acts of infringement have caused Server Technology to lose market share and goodwill to
`Raritan has made, used, offered for sale, and sold in the United States hundreds of
`PDU products that infringe one or more of the claims of the Server Technology Patents.
`Specifically, as just two examples, Raritan’s DPSX12-15 and PX3-5902V model PDUs infringe
`each of the Server Technology Patents.
`Additionally, the Raritan model PX2-5520 PDU infringes claim 15 of the ‘543
`patent and claim 15 of the ‘771 patent. A list of 182 models of Raritan PDUs that infringe claim
`15 of the ‘543 patent and claim 15 of the ‘771 patent is set forth in Exhibit 12.
`As set forth below in the following subparagraphs, Raritan has made, used,
`offered for sale and has sold in the United States PDUs that infringe at least the following claims
`Claim 15 of the ‘543 patent;
`Claim 15 of the ‘771 patent;
`Claims 1 and 8 of the ‘461 patent;
`Claims 1, 16, 31 of the ‘521 patent;
`Claim 1 of the ‘067 patent;
`Claims 1 and 7 of the ‘291 patent;
`Claims 1 and 22 of the ‘106 patent;
`of the Server Technology Patents:
`Claims 1, 9 and 22 of the ‘134 patent;
`Claim 1 of the ‘689 patent;
`Claim 1 of the ‘272 patent; and
`Claim 1 of the ‘737 patent.
`Server Technology marks its products with the numbers of the Server Technology
`Patents in accordance with 35 U.S.C. § 287. Therefore, Raritan has had constructive notice of
`the Server Technology Patents since the date marking commenced for each individual patent.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 6 of 13
`Additionally, Raritan has had actual notice of the Server Technology Patents since at least as
`early as the filing of this amended complaint.
`(Infringement of the ‘543 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing claim
`15 of the ‘543 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, over 180 different product models in the
`DPSX, PX-2000 and PX-5000 series of vertical, switched PDU products, including but not
`limited to the Raritan model DPSX12-15, PX3-5902V and PX2-5520 PDUs.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe claim 15 of the ‘543 patent unless permanently
`enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s infringement, Server Technology has suffered,
`and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy at law.
`Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to permanent injunctive relief against such
`infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`The existence and scope of the ‘543 patent are well-known to those companies
`that manufacture and sell PDUs. Accordingly, based on Raritan’s knowledge of the ‘543 patent,
`Raritan’s infringement of the ‘543 patent is willful.
`(Infringement of the ‘771 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing claim
`15 of the ‘771 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, over 180 different product models in the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 7 of 13
`DPSX, PX-2000 and PX-5000 series of vertical, switched PDU products, including but not
`limited to the Raritan model DPSX12-15, PX3-5902V and PX2-5520 PDUs.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe claim 15 of the ‘771 patent unless permanently
`enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s infringement, Server Technology has suffered,
`and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy at law.
`Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to permanent injunctive relief against such
`infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`The existence and scope of the ‘771 patent are well-known to those companies
`that manufacture and sell PDUs. Accordingly, based on Raritan’s knowledge of the ‘771 patent,
`Raritan’s infringement of the ‘771 patent is willful.
`(Infringement of the ‘461 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 1 of the ‘461 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to the
`Raritan model PX3-5902V and PX2-5520 PDUs.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 8 of the ‘461 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to the
`Raritan model DPSX12-15, PX3-5902V and PX2-5520 PDUs.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe claims 1 and 8 of the ‘461 patent unless
`permanently enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s infringement, Server Technology
`has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 8 of 13
`at law. Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to permanent injunctive relief against such
`infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`(Infringement of the ‘521 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claims 1, 16, and 31 of the ‘521 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling,
`within the United States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not
`limited to the Raritan model DPSX12-15 and PX3-5902V PDUs.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe at least claims 1, 16, and 31 of the ‘521 patent
`unless permanently enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s infringement, Server
`Technology has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for which there is no
`adequate remedy at law. Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to permanent injunctive
`relief against such infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`(Infringement of the ‘067 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 1 of the ‘067 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to the
`Raritan model DPSX12-15 and PX3-5902V PDUs.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe at least claim 1of the ‘067 patent unless
`permanently enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s infringement, Server Technology
`has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 9 of 13
`at law. Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to permanent injunctive relief against such
`infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`(Infringement of the ‘291 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 1 of the ‘291 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to the
`Raritan model PX3-5902V PDU.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 7 of the ‘291 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to the
`Raritan model DPSX12-15 and PX3-5902V PDUs.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe at least claims 1 and 7 of the ‘291 patent unless
`permanently enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s infringement, Server Technology
`has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy
`at law. Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to permanent injunctive relief against such
`infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`(Infringement of the ‘106 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 1 of the ‘106 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to the
`Raritan model DPSX12-15 and PX3-5902V PDUs.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 10 of 13
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 22 of the ‘106 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to the
`Raritan model DPSX12-15 PDU.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe at least claims 1 and 22 of the ‘106 patent unless
`permanently enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s infringement, Server Technology
`has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy
`at law. Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to permanent injunctive relief against such
`infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`(Infringement of the ‘134 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claims 1 and 9 of the ‘134 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the
`United States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to
`the Raritan model DPSX12-15 and PX3-5902V PDUs.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 22 of the ‘134 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to the
`Raritan model PX3-5902V PDU.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe or induce the infringement of at least claims 1, 9
`and 22 of the ‘134 patent unless permanently enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s
`infringement, Server Technology has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for
`which there is no adequate remedy at law. Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to
`permanent injunctive relief against such infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 11 of 13
`(Infringement of the ‘689 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 1 of the ‘689 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, products, including but not limited
`to the Raritan model DPSX12-15 and PX3-5902V PDUs.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe or induce the infringement of at least claim 1 of
`the ‘689 patent unless permanently enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s infringement,
`Server Technology has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for which there is
`no adequate remedy at law. Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to permanent injunctive
`relief against such infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`(Infringement of the ‘272 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 1 of the ‘272 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to the
`Raritan model DPSX12-15 and PX3-5902V PDUs.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe at least claim 1 of the ‘272 patent unless
`permanently enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s infringement, Server Technology
`has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy
`at law. Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to permanent injunctive relief against such
`infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 12 of 13
` (Infringement of the ‘737 patent)
`Server Technology incorporates by reference the allegations contained in the
`paragraphs 1-26.
`In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Raritan has infringed and is infringing at least
`claim 1 of the ‘737 patent by manufacturing, using, offering to sell, or selling, within the United
`States, and/or by importing into the United States, products, including but not limited to the
`Raritan model DPSX12-15 and PX3-5902V PDUs.
`Raritan’s infringing acts have caused damage to Server Technology.
`Raritan will continue to infringe at least claim 1 of the ‘737 patent unless
`permanently enjoined by this Court. As a result of Raritan’s infringement, Server Technology
`has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy
`at law. Accordingly, Server Technology is entitled to permanent injunctive relief against such
`infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`WHEREFORE, plaintiff Server Technology requests entry of judgment in its favor and
`against Defendant Raritan as follows:
`was willful;
`A determination that Raritan has infringed each of the Server Technology Patents;
`A determination that Raritan’s infringement of at least the ‘543 and ‘771 patents
`Issuance of a permanent injunction enjoining Raritan, its agents, officers, assigns,
`and all others acting in concert with Raritan from infringing, or inducing or contributing to the
`infringement of, the Server Technology Patents;
`An award of damages to compensate Server Technology for Raritan’s
`infringement, and an award of treble damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284;
`A finding that this case is exceptional under 35 U.S.C. § 285 and an award of
`attorney fees incurred by Server Technology in connection with this action;
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`Case 3:15-cv-00330-MMD-WGC Document 14 Filed 06/29/15 Page 13 of 13
`An award of pre-judgment interest and post- judgment interest on the damages
`Such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.
`Pursuant to Rule 38 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Server Technology hereby
`demands a trial by jury of all issues so triable.
`/s/ James E. Hartley
`James E. Hartley (pro hac vice)
`555 Seventeenth Street, Suite 3200
`Denver, CO 80202-3979
`Donald A. Degnan (pro hac vice)
`Timothy P. Getzoff (pro hac vice)
`1800 Broadway, Suite 300
`Boulder, CO 80302
`Matthew B. Hippler
`Nevada Bar No. 7015
`5441 Kietzke Lane
`Second Floor
`Reno, NV 89511
`Christopher G. Hanewicz (pro hac vice)
`One East Main Street, Suite 201
`Madison, WI 53703-5118
`Michael R. Henson (pro hac vice)
`1900 Sixteenth Street, Suite 1400
`Denver, CO 80202
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Server Technology, Inc.
`DATED June 29, 2015.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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