(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0110577 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`May 15, 2008
`US 200801 l0577Al
`David J. Winsness, Alpharetta, GA
`Correspondence Address:
`Appl. No.:
`Sep. 17, 2007
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No.
`009238, filed on Mar. 15, 2005.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`BIIID 1/22
`B01D 21/26
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`............................. .. 159/5; 494/37; 159/473
`in one aspect of the invention, a method and related system
`efliciently and effectively recover a significant amount of
`Valuable, useable oil from byproducts formed during a dry
`milling process used for producing ethanol. The method may
`include forming a concentrate fron1 the byproduct and recov-
`cring oil from the concentrate. The step of forming the con-
`centrate may comprise evaporating the byproduct using a
`multi-stage evaporator, as well as recovering the oil before the
`final stage ofthe evaporator. Further, the step ofrecovering oil
`from the concentrate may comprise using a centrifuge and, in
`particular, a disk stack centrifuge. Other aspects of the inven-
`tion include related methods and subsystems for recovering
`Whole Sti|lage_
`"Mechanical Separallun"
`Mnlsiure Conlztil of Distillers Wet Gralns:
`Sullds concommllnri ln Thin SHIIEQE‘.
`Moisture Cnnnenlratlan In syrup:
`Tutal capacity
`--rm: Muistum
`.-ma: Sollrls
`Thifl Smlfige
`Total Volume
`all content:
`6.70 /.
`Dlstlllers Wel Grains
`Total Volume
`mni Sullltl
`Evaporator Removes
`Lbslhr afwaler. or
`GPM arwater
`opmisng Cast tilhr)
`Total Volume
`1,1 566GI! cnnium: 32'1-
`Dried Pt‘£7dIll:t~ liavlng 10'/1 rnnlslure cantenl [lbslhr]:
`Mcilslure ta Evapmato (lbsi’hI)t
`an In GFM:
`Fuel Riaqulrafl in Dryer (in Dacathormsj:
`Dryar Opzrallng cost @ 55.00 Decatnemi (SIhr}:
`5300. 35
`Froduizlvalue .'5Ihr):

`Patent Application Publication May 15, 2008 Sheet 1 of ll
`US 2008/0110577 Al
`Whole Stillage
`"Mechanical Searation"
`Mnlstura Content of Distillers Wat Grains:
`Snllds Concentration in Thin Stillage:
`Moisture Concentration In Syrup:
`Total Capacity
`-Tntai Moisture
`-Total Sallds 13.503 27
`Thin Stillage
`Total Volume
`all content:
`Solids: 6.70!’ 5.5 2.920
`Distillers Wet Grains
`:7 4
`Total Volume
`Evaporator Removes.
`Lbslhr nl’ Water. or
`GFM of Water
`Operating Cost mhr}
`Total Volume
`Oll Cunlont:
`M l-Iii"
`Fig. 1
`Drlad Prac1ui:t- havlng 10% mulsture content (|bsl|1r):
`Malslure Io Evaporaie ttbslhr-3:
`or, In GFM:
`Fuel Required In Dryer (in Decatherms):
`Dryer Operating Cast @ $5.00 Decatherm ($I|1r}:
`Product Value $Fhr}:

`Patent Application Publication May 15, 2008 Sheet 2 of 11
`US 2008/0110577 A1
`Whole Stillage
`Mnlslune Content of Dlsllllurs Wet Gmlns:
`Snllds Cuncanlrallun in Thin Slillagaz
`Mnlslux-2 Bunoanlratlun In 5 ru :
` CASE 1
`Tnml Capacity
`- Total Nlalslur:
`-1013! Solid:
`Distillers Wet Grains
`M mm:
`Total Vnlume
`6 5.0%
`Tnlnl snmn
`Thin Slillage
`Total Volume
`ml Canlenlz
`Evaporator Removes
`Lbslhr cl Waler. or
`GPM ufwaler
`Dpnrallng Cusl l$.ll1r]
`gm Q E
`Total Volume
`Clll Cunlunl:
`SIIIHI Cnllllnllllllilhll:
`Dll Recovered llaslhr :
`Oil Value $Ihr :
`Drlad Pmducl - having 10'']: mnlsture eonlnnt fibslhr):
`Molslure In Evaporatu llhslhr):
`or, In GPM:
`Fuel Requlrenl in Dryer (In Decalharms):
`Dryer Operating Cost @ $5.00 Dacitlmrm ($I'hr]:
`Pruducl Value lflhrl:
`Fig. 2

`Patent Application Publication May 15, 2008 Sheet 3 of 11
`US 2008/0110577 A]
`Whole Slillage
`"Mechanical Searatlon"
`Molslure ccmtanl of Distillers Wet Gralns:
`Sollds Cunceniraliun In Thln Stillaga:
`Mulslura Cnncanlrallnn In Syrup:
`11 E
`Tulal Capacity
`- ‘lolal Mnlstura
`- Total Snllds
`Distillers Wet Grains
`E Lhslhr
`Total Volume
`Total Volume
`Tulil Suflnls
`on Gnnlnnl:
` 1,512
`Thin Slitlage
`Total Volume
`01! Cul1|l!MI
`Evaporatnr Flernnues
`Lbsfhr of Water, or
`GPM of Waller
`Operating Cost {Sim}
`Drled Product — havll-:g1ll"/a moisture content (Eb5.'hr):
`Mnlslunz to Evapuralu (lbslhrlz
`or. In GPM:
`Fuel Requlred In Dryerlln Denalherms):
`Dryer Operafing Cast @ 55.00 Decalherm (5/hr):
`Product Val-ua lslhrlz

`Patent Application Publication May 15, 2008 Sheet 4 of ll
`US 2008/0110577 Al
` Whole Stillage
`"Mechanical Separation"
`Molsture content at Dlsllllars Wat Gralns:
`Sullds Cunuanlrallon In Thln Stlllaga:
`Molstum concantratlan in 5 ru:
`Total Capacity
`—Talnl Mulslura
`-Tulil Solids
`Distillers Wet Grains
`Total Volume
`Total Volu me
`Tuul sand:
`Ell Content:
` 3.2
`Thin Stillage
`Evaporator Removes
`Lbs/hr ol Water, or
`GFM afwaler
`Dpurnllng cast (inn)
`Total Volume
`Clll Gonlanl:
`5 mp lbslhr:
`4 907
`Mnlstum llbsnirl:
`Einllfll l:orIlenl[1l:alm}:
`DII Recovered lbslhr :
`Oilvalue $Ii1r:
`Fig. 4
`Dried Product - havlng 10% mnlstura content tlbslhr]:
`Malsture to Evaporala llbslh r):
`or. in GFM:
`Fuel Requlmd in Dryer (In Decalherms):
`Dryer Operating Cost @ $5.00 Dacathenn (SIN):
`$1 58.92
`Product Value ($Ihr):

`Patent Application Publication M
`'< —L U]
`2008 Sheet 5 of 11
`US 2008/0110577 A]
`50 mmgy Ethanol Plant 32.520
`2 Phase Decanter
`Dlstillars Wat Grains
`5 0/.
`31 5%
`23, ‘£60
`35 I36
` ‘I38 359
`Cnnnanlralnfl Ellllngn
`J 4
`1 Camrlfugu
`| L ,.r-"‘
`"' ‘—‘ Q
` Wat Grains + Syrup 1
`Suipnlldnd sand;
`1 309
`5'43"” 7'3
`filfll 5-I
`§_9rn DH
`‘ Walar Evauumted
` l
`npermnuc ::as'rs
`mu Rnquimd By E|rynr(E|um:|hnrlnI)
`Dpnmllng Cnsl Inf hnur||551Da!:a1lIflM\
`nu-vn ruquirl.-d by Dealnlnr : and CanIn"LI_-13
`Dpnrmlna Cnil par hnuv ll §.|154'XWH
`Fun! Ruquamu H)'EIII!'pIII1![‘r[DuEIUIummj
`Opwmlna Cml pIxhnurn( sammnmm
`Tnlillfinlr-nflna I:=I (sum
`Pmmc: Vnllm
`nuns gcupuw,-1
`Cum on {camzm
`VIIILIIILI ll Slflflllhn
`man Vnmn who
`Cnnnunlralnd suuagu
` Sulmls
`Eu-aoralur ll
`Wnlar Evanarulefl
`19 014
`Evagorator I
`Water Eva an-Bled
`25 456

`Patent Application Publication
`y 15, 2008 Sheet 6 of 11
`US 2008/0110577 A1
`50 mmgy Ethanol Plant
`15 35:.
`’ b ,/|/ 51';.,.
`Wash Wahr
`"Law Dll CwnlIml'
`53 571‘
`\ lbslh r
`77 4'71
`- -> Wash Walur Ralurn
`Distlllnrs Wul Grains
`Wat Grains * Wash Water
`2 PhaseDecanter
`washed "Wat Grams"
`in Stillag
`129 440
`I / I Z’
`a; Evaorator
`n .
`1 l
`Gunauntmmi sullnuu
`28 5:75
`We! Grains + syrup2.I'.i Fig. 6
`Corn CHI
`2 E54
`Pmducl Valun
`was [Gnpndtfl
`Vmuai nl I'll]/Inn
`cm on (unpnnm
`Vnlund ul slullnnn
`an m
`Fuul Rtrquland By Dryer [|2|nI::mom\5)
`Unurnllnu Bnst;::Ir|'.BurnL55lDm:nUImu
`KWH vmwlrvri hy n..u..I..r I .1 u nnd Cnntrfluua
`Upnmlinu Gnu pL:rhnura'. E.D5lKWH
`Funl Ranulmd By Evnpwulur [E‘lm:1Inunn5]
`Cl|1I:mllng EH5! par hm.-ml §5lDBEnlJ\Bn'Tl
`Tlllllflpllrnlllvg Call. |$llIr}

`Patent Application Publication
`y 15, 2008 Sheet 7 of II
`US 2008/0110577 A1
`50 mmgy Ethanol Plant
`a-=-um |JI1I-Id
`Wash Walar
`Dlsllllnrs Wat Grain:
`5 4%
`— -5 Wash Walar Rolum
`as 136
`lbslhr _
`We! Gralns + Wash Water
`Thin Slillaga
`109 105
`2 Phase Decanter
`H10 461
`Cam OII
` .u Evanrator
`w‘aIurEvn mated
`1 Centrifuge
` 1
`WuIGral:1a 0 Syrup
`31 355
`2 1%
`Fun! Rnqlllmzl EyDrynv(De=nLII-.rm))
`0nrIm|Im can put ha|.ralS5IDecaIhnlm
`KWH naqulmd ?.7y|]nunInr I A II um: cmmman
`Drmru|Ing can our In-n:rn15 rs-Kwu
`Fun Rnrwwmn By Evapnrnwrnnwuunmnsy
`Dumnllng can par Iluur anS5IDnmIhnlm
`1*_nL_a: Upnmflna Cnsl win)
`ulna [Cu;uI:|lyJ
`wmna m finilnn
`Earn an [Cnpnnim
`V::I|I\xJ |1IS!lJ|)Ilnn
`TalnIVaInIn (inn;

`Patent Application Publication
`y 15, 2008 Sheet 8 of 1]
`US 2008/0110577 A1
`50 mmgy Ethanol Plant
`2 Phase Dacanlar
`I______, Encnnlur n Lug-nu
`Wash Walur
`v 959
`54 389
`ni5u|[ur5 wag gain;
`— -9 wash Watar Return
`We! Grains 4- Wash Water
`112 336
`‘8 Q
`J 2‘
`x, ., I
`: “J
`cancanmtnu Sllllann
`WatGrain: + Syrup
`F "
`Cum Oll
`uggngyuc: CDEE
`:1DE5 |\:un::Iw;
`H.nI Raqurudslynxvu-[Da:u1:-arm)
`fluumhnu Emil unr|m.I III §5lDBH'~N!1l'F|
`En:-no.1 (capmyl
`fI'\'.'H nzuuiui any U|'I=nlI1u I 5 ll um: r:mm~rur_n
`Valuud It Slflflflnfl
`O;InrI|ln|: cm uarmu nl smmwu
`Fm! finquilwl Hy Ew:[IIr1|\nr{lJu|:lktIunlI:)
`Dzmlrq out I urlwu ul ihnnanuuarru
`Tllll Vlllll fllhl}
`Inul Dpurlhnn Izustgum

`Patent Application Publication M y 15, 2008 Sheet 9 of ll
`US 2008/0110577 Al
`50 mmgy Ethanol Plant
`3 Fl1as.n Decanlar
`Dll Rnbnuufl
`1,493 —:-—4 |ndn|
`Wash Wafer
`‘Law on comm?
`...... ...................
`E - -> Wash Water Return
`Dislkllers Wat Grains
`5 MI
`at Grains + Wash Water
`135,51 1
`\ lb:-:F|1r
`Thin Stlllaga
`1 1-/.
`~.. Evaoratar
`Valar Euanralad
`103 E1!
`bancanlramxd Sflllage
`25 535
`I E2514
` lr
` all 129:. 1.1140
`’, Centrifuge
`Wat Grains 1- Syrup2.1-.£
`Fig. 9
`Gnfll OII
`DUES lciwnaltyl
`Vnmon at srnnnn
`Cnmflil lcapanin/1
`rs CDST5
`Fmifinuurnd Er D:':V1r{Dm:alhann:|
`Dnnrnllng Dual pnr hour at Sfimuznll arm
`K\VHm:uI|m:vyDum1tnr\fl-Ilnnd :.m.rir.r;u
`Dpnmllrq cm!nnrhnurnlSMFKWH
`Funl Rnqumri By Evalnaa-nrlnanmhmnaj
`‘halal Dnarallng can Lsnn)
`Dpttlflug Baal pm m:urnl5i'Dn=mcI=rI

`Patent Application Publication M y 15, 2008 Sheet 10 of 11
`US 2008/0110577 A1
`5|) mmgy Ethanol Plant Sullfis
`5 g
`3 Phase Decanter
`_ .
`F I
`I (O
`I‘.IlI Dlichnmu
`Wash ‘Namr
`“Law OII cannmc"
`7; 97“;
`n nu u mu .. .... . mu.
`‘I .527
`136 E31
`A‘ lhslhr
`- + Washwatarmlum
`140.1 47
`Thin Stillaga
`1 520.0
`1 El! 767
`Wat Grains + Wash Wnlar
`3 Phase Denantar
`nil D schmga (wt passmlu In-npunuas.
`1 CH] Furlflaalinn
`he wmar!
`r‘ H3
`-n Evagzoralnr
`Weller Eva
`H12 214
`A5 Rnquand
`‘. Q
`55 195
`Wal Grains + Syrup
`D El’
` ’ Wala: Eva nzalnd
`3 DUB
`‘ID |‘l'/E
`Corn OI1
`Ernducl Vgyn
`nuns (cups.-.11)
`FIn:\i1M;|‘rud By Dn'nr qu-uuumup
`opnmnng Dual pm-um alS5lDn:nfluIIfl‘I
`-KWH ruqulrul IN Dncnmnr I a. n ma cunmlugn
`cum ui £Eupau|y|
` Wm: at Iaunnm mm
`flnumflm Em! var rm -|5.n5mvm
`551 :1
`[--....x Flaqdu-d ag av«;.mnar.‘nnznuunnnl
`Tnutl Unlrflbu Cull [Slim
`T|IlniViDI fl.'h|'|

`Patent Application Publication M
`y 15, 2008 Sheet 1] of 1]
`US 2008/0110577 A1
`50 mmgy Ethanol Plant llini
`4 ‘EDD
`2 Phase Dacanlar
`r-’’ '
`m5|i"3,-5 wag Q;-ding
`Wnl Gralns +Wash water
`3 Phase Dacalller
`129 E12
`I- -> Wash WMH Return
`Wash Watnr
`35 ‘I35
`D1! Purmcallun
`A! R:
`E at £[a;n[
`Wauar Evagnralnn
`Eunnnnlrntnd Etlllngn
`E W-
`Wal Gvains -6 Synlp
`Fig. 11
`(_§Em Oil
`Egznfucl yahln
`nuns Ibupndlyl
`cam DI (Canaan)
`V|1ul.-d .1 sauunm
`Elpor:|I!ngI:nr.||\Irhu1n| ssmncamann
`KWH requlml K-rDI2I:ank:1IAIIur\a Dmnmgn
`nun.-..L..n am; [in my .1 us/Kwn
`Fual Hrmllul BI Evl.-oral-I [Dnumu-vr.s)
`npmmu can ymr-nnrm 55'Dm:nm¢rm
`)Tnll\ Dplfllllnq Gr:-II [Hm
`‘rum |h1luI(§RIf.|

`US 2008/01 10577 A1
`May 15, 2008
`[0001] This application is a continuation of PCT Applica-
`tion PCT./US2006/09238, which claims the benefit of U.S.
`Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/661,733, filed
`Mar. 15, 2005, the disclosures of which are incorporated
`herein by reference.
`[0002] A portion of the disclosure of this document con-
`tains material subject to copyright protection. No objection is
`made to the facsimile reproduction o ‘the patent document or
`this disclosure as it appears in the Patent and Trademark
`Office files or records, but any and a 1 rights in the copyright
`(s) are otherwise reserved.
`[0003] The present invention relates generally to producing
`oil from corn and, more particularly, to recovering oil from a
`byproduct of the dry milling process used to obtain ethanol
`from corn.
`[0004] Over the past thirty years, significant attention has
`been given to the production of ethyl alcohol, or “ethanol,” for
`use as an alternative fuel. Ethanol not only bums cleaner than
`fossil firels, but also can be produced using com, a renewable
`resource. At present, an estimated sixty—nine “dry milling”
`plants in the United States produce over three billion gallons
`of ethanol per year. Additional plants presently under con-
`struction are expected to add billions ofgallons to this total in
`an effort to meet the current high demand.
`[0005] As noted in the foregoing discussion, a popular
`method of producing ethanol from corn is known as “dry
`milling.” As is Well known in the industry, the dry milling
`process utilizes the starch in the corn to produce the ethanol
`through fermentation, and creates a waste stream or byprod-
`uct termed “whole stillage” (which may be further separated
`into byproducts commonly referred to as “distillers Wet
`grains” and “thin stillage”). Despite containing valuable oil,
`these byproducts have for the most part been treated as waste
`and used primarily to supplement animal feed. "his feed is
`mostly distributed in the form of distillers dried grains with
`solubles, which is created by evaporating the thin stillage,
`recombining the resulting concentrate or syrup with the dis-
`tillers wet grains, and drying the product to a mois ure content
`of less than about 10% by weight.
`Significant attention has recently been given to the
`use of oil, including corn oil, as an altemative fuel. This fuel
`oil, frequently termed “biodiesel”, is a cleaner fue than petro-
`leum—based diesel (less emissions), environmentally safe
`(spills biodegrade quickly), and can be mixed at any concen-
`tration to diesel without engine modification. "he current
`value of corn oil as biodiesel is approximately $2.40 per
`gallon, or $648/ton, which is essentially double the value of
`the commercial feed that would normally include this oil.
`Although the market for the biodiesel is growing rapidly and
`the potential profit is significant, key lin1iti11g factors are the
`cost of obtaining the oil using current techniques and the
`resulting quality.
`In this regard, efforts to recover usable oil fiom the
`byproducts of the dry milling process used to create ethanol
`have not been terribly successful in terms of efficiency. One
`proposed approach involves attempting to separate the oil
`from the thin stillage before the evaporation stage, such as
`using a centrifuge. However, spinning the thin stillage at this
`stage using a centrifiige creates an emulsion phase that typi-
`cally requires further processing before useable oil can be
`recovered. Moreover, the volume of thin stillage is generally
`2 to 10 times greater than the syrup, which is a considerable
`capital requirement to purchase the number of centrifuges
`required. Known techniques also lack the capability to maxi-
`mize the oil recovery, which leads to decreased efficiency and
`concomitant lower profits. Together. these obstacles make
`past and current attempts to recover oil from ethanol produc-
`tion byproducts, such as com thin stillage, somewhat inefii-
`cient and uneconomical.
`[0008] U.S. Pat. No. 5,250,182 (the disclosure ofwhich is
`incorporated herein by reference) describes the use of filters
`for removing substantially all solids and recovering lactic
`acid and glycerol from the thin stillage without the need for
`evaporation. Despite eliminating a step in the conventional
`process, the proposal results in a more complicated arrange-
`ment requiring multiple filtration steps. Wholesale elimina-
`tion ofthe evaporator in the vast majority of existing plants is
`also unlikely and otherwise uneconomical. Filters, and espe-
`cially the microfiltration and ultrafiltration types proposed for
`use in this patent, are also susceptible to frequent plugging
`and thus deleteriously increase the operating cost. For these
`reasons, the filtration process proposed in this patent has not
`gained widespread commercial acceptance.
`[0009] Accordingly. a need exists for more efiicient and
`economical manners of recovering oil from byproducts cre-
`ated during the dry milling of corn to produce ethanol.
`In accordance with one aspect of the invention. a
`method of processing concentrated thin stillage created dur-
`ing a dry milling process used for producing ethanol from
`corn is disclosed. The method comprises recovering oil from
`the concentrated thin stillage and further evaporating the con-
`centrated thin stillage. Tl1e recovered oil may be used, for
`example, as biodiesel, and the leftover concentrated thin stil-
`lage dried and used as feed.
`In one embodiment, the recovering step co111prises
`separating the oil from the concentrate using a disk stack
`centrifuge. The disk stack centrifuge produces suspended
`solids, which may be mixed with distillers wet grains. The
`disk stack centrifirge also produces a syrup, and the method
`may further comprise mixing the syrup, the suspended solids
`and distillers Wet grains to form a mixture. Tl1e method may
`further include the step of drying the mixture.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention,
`a method of processing thin stillage created by a dry milling
`process used for producing ethanol from corn to recover oil is
`disclosed. The method comprises evaporating the thin stillage
`to form a concentrate. At some point in time during the
`evaporating step, but before it is completed, the method also
`includes the step ofintroducing the concentrate to a disk stack
`centrifuge. The disk stage centrifuge then recovers oil from
`the concentrate.
`[0013] The method may further include the step of evapo-
`rating the concentrate after the step of using the disk stage
`centrifuge to recover oil. Preferably,
`the evaporating step

`US 2008/Ol 10577 A]
`May 15, 2008
`comprises using a multi—stage evaporator to form the concen-
`trate from the thin stillage and the step of introducing the
`concentrate to a disk stack centrifuge is completed before the
`last stage of the evaporator. The evaporator most preferably
`includes at least one scraped surface heat exchanger.
`In accordance with still another aspect of the inven-
`tion, a method of recovering oil from thin stillage created by
`a dry milling process used for producing ethanol from com is
`disclosed. The method comprises using a multi—stage evapo-
`rator to fonn a concentrate from the thin stillage. Before the
`last stage of the evaporator, the method includes recovering
`oil from the concentrate.
`In one embodiment, the method of this aspect of the
`invention further includes the step of fiirther evaporating the
`concentrate remaining after the recovering step.
`In accordance with a further aspect of the invention,
`a method of processing whole stillage resulting from the dry
`milling of corn to form ethanol is disclosed. The method
`comprises recovering thin stillage including solids from the
`whole stillage; concentrating the thin stillage including the
`solids; and recovering oil from the thin stillage before the
`concentrating step is complete.
`In accordance with yet another aspect of the inven-
`tion, a subsystem for intended use in a system for producing
`ethanol by dry milling com and creating thin stillage as a
`byproduct is disclosed. The system comprises a multi—stage
`evaporator for evaporating the thin stillage, as well as means
`for receiving thin stillage before the last stage of the evapo-
`rator and recovering oil therefrom.
`In one embodiment,
`the n1ulti-stage evaporator
`includes two distinct evapo rators. These evaporators are sepa-
`rated by a disk stack centrifiige serving as the receiving and
`recovering means. Mo st preferably. the evaporator includes at
`lea st one scraped surface heat exchanger.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention,
`a method of processing a byproduct of a dry milling process
`used for producing ethanol from corn is disclosed. The
`method comprises washing the byproduct to create wash
`water including oil, concentrating the wash water; and recov-
`ering oil froin the concentrated wash water.
`In one embodiment, the byproduct is whole stillage
`and the washing step comprises delivering the whole stillage
`to a first decanter for producing thin stillage and distillers wet
`grains. In such case, the method may further include the step
`of washing the distillers wet grains. In particular, the step of
`washing the distillers wet grains may comprise delivering the
`distillers wet grains to a second decanter for producing
`washed wet grains and the wash water used in the concentrat-
`ing step. The thin stillage may be combined with the wash
`water before the concentrating step.
`In accordance with still a further aspect oftlie inven-
`tion, a system for processing whole stillage produced from
`dry milling corn is disclosed. The system comprises a first
`separator for receiving the whole stillage and creating at least
`thin stillage and distillers wet grains. A second separator
`receives the distillers wet grains zmd wash water for creating
`washed wet grains and an oil—bearing discharge (e.g., wash
`water or an oil phase). Means for recovering oil from the
`oil—bearing discharge is also provided.
`In one embodiment, the first separator is a two phase
`decanter for producing wash water delivered to the second
`separator. Preferably, the second separator is a two phase
`decanter, but may instead be a three phase decanter. An evapo -
`rator may be provided for receiving the thin stillage and wa sh
`water to form a concentrate, along with a third separator for
`recovering oil from the concentrate. The system may further
`include a dryer for drying a combination of the washed wet
`grains and any concentrate remaining after recovering oil
`using the third separator. The evaporator may be a multi—stage
`evaporator and the third separator comprises a disk-stack
`centrifuge that receives the concentrate before the last stage
`of the evaporator.
`In accordance witl1 still another aspect of the inven-
`tion, a system for processing thin stillage and distillers wet
`grains produced from dry milling corn is disclosed. The sys-
`tem comprises a first separator for receiving the distillers wet
`grains and creating at least washed wet grains and wash water.
`A11 evaporator evaporates the thin stillage and wash water to
`form a concentrate. A second separator recovers oil from the
`Preferably, the first separator is a second decanter
`downstream of a first decanter for fon11ing the distillers wet
`grains and thin stillage. Either the first or second decanter
`may be a two phase decanter, or a three phase decanter. The
`second separator prefera ly comprises a disk—stack centri-
`In accordance with yet a further aspect ofthe inven-
`[0 025]
`tion, a system for processing whole stillage produced from
`dry milling corn is disclosed. The system comprises means
`for receiving the whole stillage and creating at least thin
`stillage, means for concentrating the thin stillage, and means
`for recovering oil from the concentrated thin stillage.
`In one embodiment, the means for receiving the
`whole stillage is a two phase decanter. In another, the means
`for receiving the whole stillage is a three phase decanter. hi
`still another,
`the means for receiving the whole stillage
`includes a two phase decanter followed by a three phase
`decanter, or vice versa.Yet another option is for the means for
`receiving the whole stillage to include a three phase decanter
`followed by a three phase decanter. Preferably, the means for
`concentrating is a multi—stage evaporator, and the recovering
`means is a disk-stack centrifuge. However. the means or
`device for recovering may comprise any suitable device for
`separating oil from a mixture, such as a gravity separator, a
`centrifuge, a centrifugal decanter, or an evaporator. Means for
`recovering oil using known techniques of chemical addition
`(pH adjustment, enzymatic action, etc.) may also be effective.
`[0 027]
`In accordance with one more aspect oftlie invention,
`a method forprocessingwhole stillage including oil produced
`from dry milling corn includes the steps of:

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