`(12) United States Patent
`Cantrell et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,008,516 B2
`*Aug. 30, 2011
`Inventors: David Fred Cantrell, Lakemont, GA
`(US); David J. Winsness, Alpharetta,
`GA (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 662 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`(21) Appl.No.: 11/241,231
`Sep. 30, 2005
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2006/0041153 A1
`Feb. 23, 2006
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 11/ 122,859, filed on
`May 5, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,601,858.
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/602,050, filed on Aug.
`17, 2004.
`Int. Cl.
`CIIB 1/00
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`......................................................... .. 554/8
`(58) Field of Classification Search ..................... .. 554/8
`See application file for complete search history.
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`2005; First Named Inventor: David Fred Cantrell; Mail Date: Dec.
`22, 2008.
`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintijfv. Big River Resources Galva,
`LLC and Big River Resources West Burlington, LLC, Defendants;
`"Complaint"; filed in the United States District Court for the North(cid:173)
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`l; Case 1:10-cv-0090; 9 pgs.
`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintijfv. Big River Resources Galva,
`LLC and Big River Resources West Burlington, LLC, Defendants;
`"Motion for Preliminary Injunction"; filed in the United States Dis(cid:173)
`trict Court forthe Northern Districtofillinois, Eastern Division, Case
`No. 10-990, on Feb. 15, 2010, Document 6; Case 1:10-cv-0090, 2
`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintijfv. Big River Resources Galva,
`LLC and Big River Resources West Burlington, LLC, Defendants,
`"Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law in Support of Its Motion for Pre(cid:173)
`liminary Injunction" (with Exhibits 8, 8-1 through 8-8 inclusive),
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`Illinois Easter Division, Case No. 10-990, on Feb. 15, 2010, Docu(cid:173)
`ment 7, Case 1:10-cv-0090, 401 pgs.
`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintiff, v. Cardinal Ethanol, LLC,
`Defendant, "Complaint for Patent Infringement", filed in United
`State District Court for the Southern District of Indianapolis Divi(cid:173)
`sion, Civil Action No. 1:10-cv-0180LJM-DML; on Feb. 10, 2010;
`Document l; Case No. 1:10-cv-00180-LJM-DML, 9 pgs.
`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintiff, v. Cardinal Ethanol, LLC,
`Defendant, "Motion for Preliminary Injunction"; filed in United State
`District Court for the Southern District oflndiana, Indianapolis Divi(cid:173)
`sion, Civil Action No. 1: 10-cv-0180- LJM-DML, on Feb. 10, 2010,
`Document 7, Case no. 1:10-cv-00180-LJM-DML, 2 pgs.
`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintiff, v. Cardinal Ethanol, LLC,
`Defendant; "Plaintiffs Reply Brief in Support of Its Motion for


`US 8,008,516 B2
`Page 3
`Preliminary Injunction" (with Exhibits 32 and 32-1); filed in United
`States District Court for the Southern District oflndiana, Indianapo(cid:173)
`lis Division, Civil Action No. 1:10-cv-0180-LJM-DML, on Apr. 5,
`2010; Document 31, Case 1:10-cv-0180-LJM-DML, 25 pgs.
`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintiff, v. Cardinal Ethanol, LLC,
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`for Preliminary Injunction" (with Exhibits 9-1 through 9-15 inclu(cid:173)
`sive), filed in United States District Court Southern District of Indi(cid:173)
`ana, Indianapolis Division, Civil Action No. 1:10-cv-0180LJM(cid:173)
`DML, on Feb. 11, 2010, Document9, Case No. 1:10-cv-00180-LJM(cid:173)
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`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintiff, v. Cardinal Ethanol, LLC,
`Defendant, "Defendants Memorandum of Law in Opposition to
`Plaintiffs Motion for Preliminary Injunction" (with Exhibits 26-1
`through 26-24 inclusive), Civil Action No. 1: 10-cv-O 180 LJM-DML;
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`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintiff, v. GEA Westfalia Separator,
`Inc.; Ace Ethanol, LLC; ICM, Inc.; Lifeline Foods LLC; and DOES
`1-30, Inclusive, Defendants, " Gea Westfalia Separator, Inc.'s
`Answer to Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint for Patent Infringe(cid:173)
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`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintiff, v. GEA Westfalia Separator,
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`Infringement"; filed United States District Court for the Southern
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`GS Cleantech Corporation, Plaintiff, v. GEA Westfalia Separator,
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`ICM, Inc., KMH, Plaintiffv. GS Cleantech Corporation-Greenshift
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`May 5, 2005; First Named Inventor: David Fred Cantrell; Mail Date:
`Jun. 13, 2008.
`Non-Final Office Action; U.S. Appl. No. 111688,425; Filing Date:
`Mar. 20, 2007; First Named Inventor: David J. Winsness; Mail Date:
`Aug. 1, 2008.
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`Mar. 20, 2007; First Named Inventor: David J. Winsness; Mail Date:
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`2005; First Named Inventor: David Fred Cantrell; Mail Date: Apr. 8,
`Notice of Allowance; U.S. Appl. No. 111688,425, Filing Date: Mar.
`20, 2007; First Named Inventor: David J. Winsness; Mail Date: Aug.
`10, 2009.
`Notice of Allowance U.S. Appl. No. 111122,859, Filing Date: May 5,
`2005; First Named Inventor: David Fred Cantrell; Mail Date: Aug.
`25, 2009.
`Notice of Allowance-Supplmental; U.S. Appl. No. 111688,425;
`Filing Date: Mar. 20, 2007; First Named Inventor: David J. Winsness;
`Mail Date: Apr. 21, 2009.
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`Page 4
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 30, 2011
`Sheet 1of4
`US 8,008,516 B2
`Whole Stillage
`"Mechanical Secaration"
`Moisture Content of Distillers Wet Grains:
`Solids Concentration in Thin Stlllage:
`Moisture Concentration In Syrup:
`Total Capacity
`• Totl!I Moisture
`• Totl!I Solids
`Distillers Wet Grains
`Total Volume
`Total Sollda
`Thin Stillage
`Total Volume
`l Syrup
`Total Volume
`011 Content
`Operating Cost ($/hr)
`Dried Product· having 10% moisture content (lbs/hr):
`Moisture to Evaporate (lbs/hr):
`or, in GPM:
`Fuel Required in Dryer (in Decatherms):
`Dryer Operating Cost@ $5.00 Decatherrn ($/hr):
`Product Value ($/hr):
`Fig. 1


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 30, 2011
`Sheet 2 of 4
`US 8,008,516 B2
`Whole Stillage
`"Mechanical Separation"
`Moisture Content of Distillers Wet Grains:
`Solids Concentration in Thin SUllage:
`Moisture Concentration in Svrup:
`Total Capacity
`·Total Molswre
`• Total Solids
`I \
`Evaporator Removes
`Lbs/hr of Water, or
`GPM of Water
`Openiting Cost IS/hr)
`Distillers Wet Grains
`Total Volume
`Total Solids
`Thin Stillage
`Lbs/hr ~
`Total Volume
`Oii Content
`Svrup (lbs/hr):
`MoisWnt (lbs/hrl:
`Oii ~ (lblhr):
`Solids Content (Ibo/hr):
`16 892
`011 Recovered, lbs/hr :
`Dried Product. having 10% moisture content (lbs/hr):
`Moisture to Evaporate (lbs/hr):
`or, in GPM:
`Fuel Required in Dryer (in Decatherms):
`Dryer Operating Cost@ $5;00 Decatherm ($/hr):
`Product Value ($/hr):
`Fig. 2


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 30, 2011
`Sheet 3 of 4
`US 8,008,516 B2
`Whole Stillage
`"Mechanical Separation"
`Moisture Content of Distillers Wet Grains:
`Solids Concentration in Thin Stillage:
`Moisture Concentration in Syrup:
`Total Capacity
`-Total Moisture
`- Total Solids
`Distillers Wet Grains
`Total Volume
`Total Solids
`Thin Stillage
`Total Volume
`Oil Content
`Operating Cost ($/hr)
`Total Volume
`Oil Content:
`Dried Product· having 10% moisture content (lbs/hr):
`Moisture to Evaporate (lbs/hr):
`or, in GPM:
`Fuel Required in Dryer (in Decathenns):
`Dryer Operating Cost @ $5.00 Decatherm ($/hr):
`Product Value ($/hr):
`Fig. 3


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 30, 2011
`Sheet 4 of 4
`US 8,008,516 B2
`Whole Stillage
`"Mechanical Separation"
`Moisture Content of Distillers Wet Grains:
`Sollds Concentration in Thin Stlllage:
`Moisture Concentration in Syrup:
`Total Capacity
`-Total Moisture
`-Total Solids
`I \
`Evaporator Removes
`Lbs/hr of Water, or
`GPM of Water
`Operating Cost ($/hr)
`Thin Stillage
`Total Volume
`Oil Content
`D«v '0-+
`Total Volume
`Oil Content
`Distillers Wet Grains
`~ Lbs/hr
`Total Volume
`Syrup (lbs/hr):
`Moisture (lbs/hr):
`Oii Content (lblhrl:
`Solids Co-.. (lbolluj:
`4 907
`'. ··:U:ialhr ,
`-:0_1_11R_e_c_ov._· .-ce-re-d-.::_.l_,b_sl_.h_t_:_·c -: ._J
`Oil Value $/hr :
`$102 ·
`:•GPll ..
`·1 ,'1
`Dried Product· having 10% moisture content (lbslhr):
`Moisture to Evaporate (lbs/hr):
`or, in GPM:
`Fuel Required in Dryer (in Oecatherms):
`Dryer Operating Cost@ $5.00 Decatherm ($/hr):
`Product Value ($/hr):
`Fig. 4


`US 8,008,516 B2
`This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica(cid:173)
`tion Ser. No. 11/122,859, filed May 5, 2005, now U.S. Pat.
`No. 7,601,858 which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional
`Patent Application Ser. No. 60/602,050, filed Aug. 17, 2004,
`the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.
`A portion of the disclosure of this document contains mate(cid:173)
`rial subject to copyright protection. No objection is made to
`the facsimile reproduction of the patent document or this
`disclosure as it appears in the Patent and Trademark Office
`files or records, but any and all rights in the copyright(s) are
`otherwise reserved.
`The present invention relates generally to recovering oil
`and, more particularly, to recovering oil from a byproduct of
`the dry milling process used to form ethanol.
`Over the past thirty years, significant attention has been
`given to the production of ethyl alcohol, or "ethanol," for use
`as an alternative fuel. Ethanol not only bums cleaner than
`fossil fuels, but also can be produced using grains such as
`corn, which are of course renewable resources. At present,
`approximately sixty-nine "dry milling" plants in the United
`States produce over two billion gallons of ethanol per year.
`Additional plants presently under construction are expected
`to add over four hundred million gallons to this total in an
`effort to meet the current high demand.
`As noted in the foregoing discussion, a popular method of
`producing ethanol is known as "dry milling," and in the
`United States is typically practiced using corn. As is well
`known in the industry, the dry milling process utilizes the
`starch in the com or other grain to produce the ethanol
`through fermentation, and creates a waste stream comprised
`of byproducts termed "whole stillage" (which may be further
`separated into products known as distillers wet grains and
`"thin stillage"). Despite containing valuable oil, this whole
`stillage has for the most part been treated as waste and used
`primarily to supplement animal feed (mostly in the form of
`distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), which is created
`by evaporating the thin stillage, recombining the resulting
`concentrate or syrup with the distillers wet grains, and drying
`the product to have a low moisture content; see, e.g., U.S. Pat.
`Nos. 5,662,810 and 5,958,233, the disclosures of which are
`incorporated herein by reference).
`Efforts to recover the valuable oil from this byproduct have
`not been successful in terms of efficiency or economy. For
`example, one approach involves attempting to separate the oil
`from the thin stillage before the evaporation stage, such as
`using a centrifuge. However, spinning the thin stillage at this
`stage does not produce usable oil, but rather merely creates an
`undesirable emulsion phase requiring further processing.
`Moreover, the volume of thin stillage present is generally 2 to
`10 times greater than the syrup, which requires considerable
`capital to purchase the number of centrifuges required.
`Together, these obstacles make attempts to recover oil from
`thin stillage highly inefficient and uneconomical.
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,250,182 (the disclosure of which is incor(cid:173)
`porated herein by reference) describes the use of filters for
`removing substantially all solids and recovering lactic acid
`and glycerol from the thin stillage without the need for evapo(cid:173)
`ration. Despite eliminating a step in the conventional process,
`the proposal results in a more complicated arrangement
`requiring multiple filtration steps. Wholesale elimination of
`the evaporator in the vast majority of existing plants is also
`unlikely and otherwise uneconomical. Filters, and especially
`the microfiltration and ultrafiltration types proposed in this
`patent, are also susceptible to frequent plugging and thus
`10 disadvantageously increase the operating cost. For these rea(cid:173)
`sons, the filtration process proposed in this patent has not
`gained widespread commercial acceptance.
`Accordingly, a need exists for a more efficient and eco(cid:173)
`nomical manner of recovering oil from a byproduct contain-
`15 ing it, such as thin stillage created during the dry milling
`process used to produce ethanol.
`In accordance with one aspect of the invention, a method of
`processing a concentrated byproduct of a dry milling process
`for producing ethanol, such as by using com, is disclosed. In
`its most basic form, the method comprises recovering oil
`from the concentrated byproduct.
`In one embodiment, the byproduct comprises thin stillage,
`and the method includes the step of evaporating the thin
`stillage to form a concentrate. The recovering step may fur(cid:173)
`ther comprise separating the oil from the concentrate using a
`disk stack centrifuge. Preferably, the recovering step com-
`30 prises: (1) providing the concentrated byproduct at a tempera(cid:173)
`ture of between about 150 and 212° F. and, most preferably, at
`a temperature of about 180° F.; and/or (2) providing the
`concentrated byproduct having a pH of between about 3 and
`6 and, most preferably, between about 3.5 and 4.5. Addition-
`35 ally, it is preferred that the concentrated byproduct have a
`moisture content greater than 15% by weight, more prefer(cid:173)
`ably a moisture conte

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