Attornt~Y Dkt No. 76320.8012.USCn
`APRIL 5, 20·1 'I
`f\RT UN!T:
`CONF. No:
`Comrnissioner for Patents
`P,O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In response to the Office Action dated 071'19/2012, please amend the above~
`identified application a.s foHOINS:
`Arnendrnents to the Specification beqin on P<'-1f~e 2 of thh> paper.
`Arnendrnents to the Clairns are refl(:cted in the listing of claims which be~1ins on
`page 3 of this paper.
`Rernarks begin on page 5 of this paper,
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0001


`/\ttorne;i Dl<t. No 762;20. 80 12JJSO 1
`Pl~ase amend the Specification as .fgltQ~~fE
`Please replace the Specification as filed \.'\rith the enclosed subs.titutt~
`specification filed under 37 CFR ·1.1;25. ·rile enclosed substitute specification corrects
`various grammatical and punctuation errors; clivick::s HIE~ text into paragraphs: deletes
`extraneous and redundant content: and adcJs paragraph numbers for ref~::rence.
`The Title of the .t\pp!ication is changed to "Electronic Cigarette'' to provide a
`better idiomatic En~Jiish description of clairneci device.
`Also enclosed is a copy of the original specification with handwritten rnarkings
`shmving the changes made in preparing the substitute specification.
`§t~t!iDlerlt Under 3L~~EfL:LJ2.§
`The substitute specification contains no new matteL
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0002


`f\Horney Dkt No. n3320 6012 US01
`This listing of the dairns will replace a!! prior versions, and listings, of claims in
`the application:
`·1··29. {Canceled)
`(Currently Arnend.ed) An aerosol electronic ciqarette, comprising:
`a batlt'3ry assembly, an atornizer assEn11bly and a cigarette bottle
`assembly, and featurt~S a shell that is ho!lcN>~ and Integrally formed[[:]]:
`the [[said]] battery assembly electrically connected Gonnects vvith the
`[[saidJ] atomizer assembly, and both are located rn the [[said]] shell;
`the [[said]] cigarette bottle assernb!y is detachably located in one end of
`tile shell, and fits with tht~ [[said]J atomizer clssernb!y inside it;
`tile [[said]] shell has through··air··lnlets:
`the atomizer assembly is an atomizer, which includes a porous
`component and a heating body;
`the [[said]] heating body is heatin9 wire:
`the [[said]] atornizer indudes a trmne;
`tile [[said]] porotls cornponent is .§.h! by the set--on-the .. said frame;
`the heatin~1 wire is wound on the [[said]] porous cornponerrt;
`the [[said]]frarne has a run-tllrough hole [[on itJ]:
`cigarette bottle assembly.
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0003


`i\ttomey Dkt No, 7'6320.80·12.US01
`(New) An electronic ciqarette, comprising:
`a battery assembly and an atornizer assembly vvithin a housing with the
`battery assernbly' electrically connected to the c1tornizer assembly;
`a liquid storage component in the housin~r
`with the housing havin9 one or rnore through-air-inlets:
`the atomizer assernb!y including a porous component supported by a
`frarn~~ having a run~through hole;
`a heating wire wound on a pari of tile porous eomponent in the path of air
`flov~ing througll: tile run~througl1 hole; and
`the porous component substantially surrounded by the liquid storage
`(New) An electronic cigarette, comprising:
`a battery assembly and an atornizer assernbly within a housin9 with the
`battery assembly electrically eonnected to the ntornizer assembly;
`with the housing having one or rnore throu9h-air-in!ets and an outlet;
`the atomizer assembly includes a tram~~ having a run through hole, and a
`porous component between the frame and tile~ outlet;
`a heating V<lire wound on <::l part of t1'1e pon)llS component wh1"ch is
`substantially aligned wlt11 the run-through hole; and
`with the porous component in contact v\lith a liquid supply in the !lousing,
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0004


`!\l!orney Dkt. No 76320.80'l2.US01
`A substitute specification is filed 1..vith this Arnendrnent to correct various errors in
`the orinina! specification.
`Claim 30 has been amended to overcorne the section 1 ·12 reJection at paragraph
`3 ofth~:: Office Action. Lines 16~'17 of original claim ~mare directed to Fi9. ·1s, as shovvn
`Clairn 30 is accordin9ly arnended to replace '' .. porous component is wound with
`heating wire in the on the side in the axial direction of the run-through hole" with "the
`heatinfJ wire is would on a part of the porous cornponent that is substantially aligned
`with the run-throUfJh hole".
`New claim 31 is similar to clairn 30 and includes the elements of claim 30, but
`\vritten wlt!1 more cornrnon English usage. New claim 32 is similar to claims 30 and 31
`but descrit)f..~S a heating ¥vire wound on a part of the porous cornponent substantially
`aligned Vlith the rwHI"!fOUfJ!l hole, as shov1n ln Fig 18 above; and with the porous
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0005


`,A,ttorn~~y Dkt No. 76320 8012USOI
`component in contact with a liquid supply in the housing, rather than the removable
`bottle assembly of claim :iO.
`New dairns 31 and 32 are believed to bE.! a!lovlab!e for the sarne reason that
`claim 30 is indicated to be allowable at para~Faph 4 of the Office Action.
`In view of the changes to the claims, the Application is ln condition for allmvance,
`and a Notice of l\llovvance is requested
`Dated; August 7, 2012
`Customer No. 34055
`Perkins Coie LLP
`Patent- .LA
`P,O. Box 1208
`Seattle, 'vVA 981'11-·1208
`Phone: (310) 788~3267
`fgx· {·?o·e··)~~?-7j19°
`....._Jiv -~:.....
`Respectfully subrnitted,
`By.;_""'""'"""""" __ JKs~n.n.~Jh .. tL.QIJ.rlmtiL __ _
`Kenneth H. Ohriner
`Reg. No. 31,646
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0006


`persuade the srnokers to cornplctdy quit smoking.
`t:~:~~-:.,,,.,..,. .• , .. <-t\Le~f
`; \\
`-.;;;. ... , j''-' \.." · ...
`f (J 003] i\ i co tine is the efTccti vt In g redi~nt ef·ei gare ttg~' whicbt<-p-ro-dm~:t:~-a~h:)t'·f3'-Ftttl:'·+H~st--<l~th)-':l ....;t--<: ...
`c.iga:wtte·htHflS, ~I:i:t~·tfi.f-'Httsi:--Ft<M>~!i-GS,{he·~pttlrtr(tf!.ftt?'-i~l·V~~t)-!-U&·,;,\t:l{l.~,t;.4J:-U.iC.ckly .. ;tt~<.;~4'~~l--inh:>·{:h,l:,}---
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0007


`r ., ') . ! ·1·" ,,
`. •
`. · 'l
`' ·1 . ·1
`lk 1 .. l
`· '
`· r
`Ut. o~ ·. t'llCOtme 1s a m1cn:m.1o ecu ar a --·a ow, wmc ·1 .1s JaSlC-i.H y ' to hmnan m;uws \"'lH±I a
`small d.osagr:. Plus, its half Iii~~ period is extn:..tne!y short in h!ood. 'Tar 1s the nu\]or hannfol
`substance in tobaec:Q. 'tobacco tar cornprises 9{sc:veral tbonsn.nds of ingredients, dozt.~ns of
`! ~
`»!Hi:l,-dlli srnokers can't be satis1kd tfHhe fulL :In addition, tlw s.Jnokcrs are deprived ()ftl)C
`[0006]The electronic dgardtes currently availahk on the rnarket. may resolve the above-
`rncntioncd issue, though they are· cornplieated in structure ... Thg£±.'-...(~ig;,u:ctteA'.lttthzt:-d::,an .. be·'lTH:lf~,hl.y--
`, .... /
`tli:,•itkd .. inhJ·--d.'tf~'&--s-60tt\'-JH,s;-v-.4tk>h··hn"te--ttrbe--ennn-cr:tcd·ihwmgh ... v.ta·,.or--thrt:.a~l-ct-~:upHr±g·----····
` eiliciency is not high.
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0008


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`}-\~.::)LA .. ::~~--~. r:~~) ~
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`,·t ..... t
`A-~ ·...,; •• :t"' O::H.X.>. .... ~ . .II.
`V ),.)' w
`..,,~11.+ ckctronic eircuil hoard.
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0009


`MEG r1125; {Muslim NU. KAN Elsi-~90 HES V
`'‘ $93.3h$§¥§§§§=gws=§qiash-imx-at"citmrgmg“§f€if“{ia1 h; vs m3;
`L{3{113:} 11%}SfiifiLafifimfiwfiatEQ-Efifvflkiii-r1533*fliffifflflfi‘VG-lvx a»sis-mmzmabmmfibrctumzrmitiwmmhép'“mm
`~ .fimewsrmgermammitsfit‘m‘itasanawrku-»-
`rig-2m-3%emiExazg~w§fi§rir-iiwitsfias-mmwag;cmngmmm.mmgw.1»‘ gwfiémgégeiavi$95»
`~- {130 135333;:arr-a-arixfairfinW33m;m““fz‘:¥3“:i“§i‘iicPIER}:‘mrmgmimti>mamth;~~wh§x:h"(amn‘mntfiwwifln----------~-
`\ v “ma\
`d»,raiagsifitmw(113.5;«Qf‘étgandg,-«Bm};and§wr¥f~£hasaair“agiumla§r~w~sa‘ wififirg~~~~w~
`{am fililfiLSflidaé-fifiaw~~3€~¥tf§fif§rzfy 2:1“:wz‘iifit‘é mig‘amfi‘m‘m‘iErma;“whichi‘mmnec'iswifiz»~~~~~~~~~~~~~«
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0010


`Atton:~e_y Docket l"-Io. Ji\NLEA-001-DJV
`cornpel'l:en:t,·ha3-a .. ntn,·tltrl~ttg+r+~cf..;H:ni·0+!to? .. "'hi:rl·nt)ti>f,-Tht~ ... diaulete.I: .. -t)f.tl1e ... sa-1d ... eJec:tr.iL:..l1t!ating.. .. rod...i.s ......................... ...
`~ ·~
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0011


`AL’Em‘ney Bucket Ni). J'Jr‘stIidifiAeflfiii {DIV
`Wmt‘hwafing‘wirwifi"fhti"pThai“i3"«:m“‘rhc‘si(firmt1mimi‘ai“dirtw‘tiD-nfifiha‘aaidmamhmugh-haifi-:WW> r
`'mafirtmmififiakwgafifl yfiififi‘fiimfi‘allfifiufifiifififiififififi.
`‘ {€593368113367*S’aifi‘hfi‘MifigAiéi858»“iS~‘11};a<31S~<3£19~1£¥§4¥Lulm-wi¥€g“Psii31mm}“fihffififim‘l‘lfifiE‘Uy‘“Niw*mfifijnww«-
`SHE} 1 ,
`[09§§}$1§€'§ii}f§‘fiigmWirbtfififi‘a‘sfifififififiiiflfii-fléfifiii‘hffihfi W‘fiiigarBifttf‘hffi‘}dfirghtfi‘rfifié‘fimw»»“MmK
`peribmieé—«eefimmwi‘ibflimfid“Simzrgwinsfdva‘mwmitfligm‘attfimédm“-:sfii'tei‘i‘rt? mmfi‘fif‘fimrfidw«MM
`V ,gigmmmlmleims~shefiipu‘ugg“im“ma“smfi‘§hQ
`W0g‘3}:fiw‘fifiidr‘fii‘l“than?:2§r~~i2>~4z=.sf;aa1aae%-mAlamxsimzmgmnmadvismzfam“ailflmsaid“eigemlsiéri‘mldmw ‘
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0012


`Attorney Docket No. JANLEi\-001-DlV
`'11t·ioT··liqnit.-l:·-stot';--an:d--eontacts-the"STiid·J:rerfnrated-oor± .
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0013


`/\Horney Docket No. J ANLE/-\ --00 l·· D.! V
`.~ ~ ~··}·· j-~
`tlw ~at-n~.,:.--thrle-3-thi.:~ qrnokers ca.n. ~thH eqjoy the feel ;;md--exeitenumt of smoking~ and--thhc is: l1o
`••• ••••
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0014


`Attorney Dod::_et No. JANLEA~OOI-DIV
`[0038]FIG. 1 is the side section vic\'\t of.:the eleetronic cigarette ef:.t~ni+o-n.
`\t"o tt sin_:)
`[0039]FlG. 2 is the section vie'>v ofthe sll~j~ (a) sepaxated from the cigarette bottle assetnbly-ef.
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0015


`Attorni:.y Doeket No. JANLE.,A,-00 1 ~DIV
`~·· ,. · J·! '
`.: o 'l •. ,l·t··· l~·- ttl
`. .. , "j'·' t' l ...
`· · ·"] ···fr ., ·.
`· 1··· ·1· ]· ., ··
`f'')f'>'l '''l'CJ'(··~·
`'~ '' '1~ ~ .r ·· r• ., ·v
`,U" e ti:>:_,i:.!H J. }
`\\. u· ·t!,)l .. L ... 18 t J<:. t.lld 6 hU t} 0
`. l!.:. dXh.t
`~,;_, {.ll.·l!.U ,, U
`)!.:.· Cl ,/,IL .. \'..
`;' <·L: ·•
`Hlu:itrating the stmcture:. of the air (~.hanncl.
`[0042JFIG. 5 is the side section vk~w of--the porou:i cornpunent of the atomizer"lli~
`connection relation bchvecn the electric heatinQ: rod and 1xn·ous component
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0016


`i\ttnrni;.y Dockd No. JAl'·JLEi\-·001-·DI'v'
`t 0050JFIC1. l. 3 is the dingrmn of the structure of t!K: electric. beating rod of the atornize.r in.!J.~
`fbmHt p.t't:fcr.:.ed cn1bodimc:nt ~~~~w;-:i-in"'t.."·rtttt.H·t
`&. \'\a-t\·'\ -e.r·

`f005l ]FIG. 14 is H·w section view of the porous cornponent .of the atomizer in the h':Ytrrth::><
`~.(t~,y~v~-~-!'" ____ i=Y':I • } 3
`, .
`j:tftl~:!.r:-~::d en1bomn1ent &Hhi:~rii'l'.<urtr(Jrr:-
`i_OOS2]FIG. 15 is+hediagrarn ofthe axial stmctme of FIG. 14.
`. ...........
`+··· j (\'>'
`~t'i·~ \3
`[0053]FIG. 16 is section view of the atornizer in the ;M_;~ .. Hi'-th: t'WeHwi"tit crnbodirncnt of'£:-TI.s-
`itwe-tYtttt!l, 1Hustn1tirw the locations of and connection relation betviecn the electric bcatin9: rod
`and porous eornp<.mcnL
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0017


`[0056jFIG. 19 is the side sectiNl ·vit~\\' of~te electronic cigard.te irt-tbc ;Ji;H-tt~J*i?.-:f:.i~f'ff..'!4--"
`[0060]FIG. 23 Is the section vie\\'' of the charging device (tf4hi~"tn;-·illtctn:tthltt--the-­
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0018


`Attorney Docket No. JANLE/\··001-·[JlV
`includes a battery nsse1nbl)', an atomizer asse1nbly and rt cigarette bottle asscrnbly, an.d <dso
`p-r. hQ_~-5·t·~~'-··-
`it1"ll'l·>v ·~ .:[. ··11 ''l') \1fl'·l'··1· 1',, ·1·1')1·]·{)\P ~,!.,:1 1' .,.l··rr·•!ll" f' .. 'l'.l" ·j
`'l"J,., l ·-~l··t·.,
`.... , .lj" ····· ·
`l<.t::. 6 r , .. J
`,_, .. c .... , ,J. .tt
`. u1 .. ,_A.: . . ,t:.· ).. t.r) ,1ss~:n1<':1 J
`~. .. unncc " \-\1 1
`•. ~--. t '· '=·•·' ,, :::. tt, ~·- . ,
`, ~.. •. !
`in one end ofthc shell, \Vhich is dt.tachab!e. The cigarette bottle asscrnbly fits ~;vith the atorni:.;
`[0064-Jin this snecH1c ernbodirnc.:nt.. the batten-' as:'5eJ.nblv includes the batterv. and the orx;ratim!
`lndicat<.w {l), electronic. circuit board (4), i'.md airflov,,- ~;cnsor (5), which are connected \Vhh the
`! . l .
`1· 1 .
`! l
`. . l
`l· ·1
`wlHt :~ may lX': e1tner .a rcc.Jargca :J. e po ::/mer 1t11urn wn o:.rttery or a. rcc mrgeth> c lt umn 1on
`. 1
`. .
`battery. 'The airt10\v sen~ior (5) rnay be a!tcrnativel)1 a ;:.cmiconductor fo1'ce--sensiti1/e chip
`capacitance sensor or an indue!anee sensor'.t[he. rechargeable battery (3) has a flexibly cormected
`charging plug (2). The bbde~> (2l) of the charging pi ug (2) corne out of the other end of ll1c shell
`the body of the rechargeable battt~ry (3) on >Jnc~ end, \Vhik ils free end lies ug.ainn the charging
`plug (2), a l:1exib1c structure, \Vhich buffers the cl-u.rrging plug (2) \Vhl~n plugged for
`l l l

`G vtrgmg, tnus protec1-1ng t K~- rcclt~u~gea J c~ )anery agarnst any c amage.
`c·} i"
`. · course, t 1t.
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0019


`/:Jlorney Docket No. Ji\NLEA-00 l·DlV
`recharg(.~able batteTy (3) in this en1bodirnent h. as a dwtging slot on it, \Vhic.h 1\'.~places the stnlcture
`of charging plug (2) to pcrforrn the chaJging ftmc.tion and protect the rechargeable battery (3)
`dectr1c heating rod (82) inside the:. mornizer (8) ~rnd the LEDn <'!:'>\Yell
`t0065}As shown in FIGS. l and 2, the airl1ow sensor (5) has a silica gel corrugated membrane
`(53), V·ihich connects with magnetic steel (54) \Vith a reed relay (51) on one of its ends. Both ench:;
`[0066)/\~~ shmvn in r:.IG. 5--8, the atomizer assernbly is an mornizcr (8), "vhich include:~~:: a porous
`eornponent (81) and a heating rod (82), ·rhe body ofthe porous component (82) has a run ..
`di.arnett.r of the atornizing charnber (8 11). Tl11: dectric heating rod (82) enters into the atomizing
`charnbe.r (8 ll ), and there is a dea.rance betv,>cen tlu.~ cleclric heating rod (82) and interior •.vall of
`the: atomizing chamber (811\ which forms a negmive pressure cavity (83). One. end of the sai-d-
`porous c.ornponent (8 1) tlts \Vith thes<~i~ cigarette bottle nssernbly, .As Fl:GS. 5, 7 and 8 sho\.v, the
`porml;\ component (8 l) hm1 a protuberance (8 12) C1n the other end, a.nd the pl·otulx~rancc (81 2)
`ilts \Vith the cigarette bottle assembly. The protuberance (8 12) is a protruding batf sphere, on the
`sidt~ of v,.-hid1 there is a nuHhrougb hok (813) connecting to the atomizing (8 11). Of
`c:ourse, the protuberance (8 12) 1nay also be n taper, rectangle or any other shape. The porous
`component (81) is rnadt of nmmcd nickel, stainless steel Hber felt, macrorno!!ar polymer
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0020


`Attorney Docket >~n .. L\l\l Ei\-001-DIV
`•' <.
`. l '
`' "l' ''
`' b'
`. .
`toan1 or roarnen ce:ral.n.tcs, pn)\'lnmg t 1c rcmam.a .. It capao1 Hles mlll[UlL <lt)::;orptwn ant
`diffusiOl\ and the ability to absorb the liquid stored in the cigarette bottle a::;Henlbly.
`f0Cl671As shO\-'-'Il in FIG. 6, the electfic heating rod (H2) indudes a cylinder (821). The heating
`V>'ire (822) is \VOund on the '>Vali of the.~ cylinder (821). On tbt. \Vall of both ends of the cy·lindcr
`th<'lmber (811) oftl1c porous co1nponent (81). There is a rwgative pressure cavity (83) betwo;.~en
`the electric heating rod and interior \J.,'an of the chamber.
`rdloy \Vire containing rare earth, or is t1nked. The electric heating rod (82) ma)' alterna.tiv·cly have:~
`on its peripheral \-\'all the beating layer mack~ of ekclrkully conductive ceramic P'l'C material, to
`rcplnc.c the heating \vire.
`and then installed_ inside the integrally· fonned she!! (a) to fonn a one~picce part Tbt.~
`rechargeable battery (3) rna;/ be c:harged vtithout hequent cha.nge of battery, The user just needs
`to plug the cigarette bottle asscrnbl.Y into the cq::H:.n end of the ~>hdl (a), for easy use and v·ery easy
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0021


`i\ttorne~/ Docket P.To. J.,:\NLEA,~OO t --DfV
`column ~_-Lf rnulti-lm1tr plntes made thrmw_h 1.1lastic in1'eetion \1/ltb ·j)O!yvinvl chloride,
`ploypropylene and polycarbunate. One end of the cigarette holder shell (b) plugs into the shc.ll
`extending inward. The a1 r t.hannd (h 1) is loc,,_:Jed in the center on the s1.-<rface f)f one end of shdl
`[0071 )i\s :~ho'>vn in FIG. 1-9, one end of the porous cornponent (81) lies against on~~ end Sl.HJ~'tGe
`fnr liquid :itoragc {9). It absorbs the cigarette liquid fhnn the perforated urrnponcnt for Equid
`storage (9). Vlhen the srnoker srnokcs, the cavity of tlw dgnrettc holder shell (b) is in the
`negativ;;.: pressure state. In the shell (b), one end of the nirl1mv sensor (5) form~; n nonnal pressure
`mag·n.·ct.:c s~ee~-{55. 4) l_,f the mdlo:v ·.st.'n~m-· (5)to·.Jr.i~-'l_' the Teed re-~~~~(52) to c.ontn.d ·t·l-1-e relay.
`ekctroue () 1 ~.s shmvn w J, !(J. 20. lhe electnc c.1rcun 1:"> electnhed, and the electro me. SV</Hch
`. .
`c.ircuit on tbe electronic drcu1t bnaxd (4) is clcc-triJ1ed. Thus, the rechargeable battery (3) starts to
`electrify the electric. heating rod (82) inside the at.nnli?.l:'.'r (B), <.md at the sarnc time, tht;.~ LEDs,
`airflrnv sensor (5), and Hov.,.:;" to the negati·ve pressure cavity (R3) in the atornizcr (8). Since the
`negative pressure cavity (83) provides the negative pn:.s:~;ure compared \Vith the outside, the air
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0022


`Attorney Dockt~t. No. JAJ'lLEi\-001-DlV
`pr~~isnrc cavity (83) and rtln-tlrrough hfJlc (8 13), flows into the eigan:.lte holder shell (b) of the
`~"(. -(!..>!" 1:':) ';)e:l \
`cigarette botlh.: as!o:cmbl.Y, and is absorbed. by the nir channel (h 1 ). When the-g.a.$>~~kit1 enters the
`. 1 /;~f>/
`! . 1 .. {l
`1·. 1
`1 l 1
`ugnrcttc .1o SJ1C ... ttl}, nn.1 up t.~ sma quu: t1Hps arc corv.: ensccl mto l)ll-::mer ones, '\.V.lKl tat
`··t '
`1 .
`t •
`into the ckarmH.:e het~;veen the cigarette I1older shdl (b) and air channel (b l) \\'ilhont bdng
`absorbed by the air c.hannd (b l} Tbe perforated co1nponent for llquid storage (9) of the cigarette
`t-,;)l··l·j,:. '.1'-"''i~."·'l>l•< ::1· !'lfl •·!·'1"~ rV)''('\'1<.: ~"':<'!l1".l"Ol""'f1 i· {O ·1) ,·)->' i}1;~ ''ltnnJ~?-:'~l· tR .). ,.:,.,.·lt''l r-t ''"'~)1 ,,~; >,,,.. tn ~~·''l'l. "':\."c'
`.,{~.-- ....... ~ \0 )·
`t.-.. ..,_
`'- 1
`'-~~,h_'}.._ • .l'.l-~ •.. .} "
`. ,,J L
`"""'J:"""" S.. -~''"' \..\.~
`'!>. • .:-...._. <._-
`,.,._~-~ -~·-~·"'-·
`\.( ___
`oC~.'l_.~i._ .... -"'"'
`1>....».~'),.~ -~
`•• ti.~\,..·1.
`the capi!hrry in1pregrJation i~Jr liquid supply.
`[0072]Thc unit <Wl.d its connecting structm·e of this i11.vention rnay abo be loaded \Vith drugs for
`[0073]As shown in FIGS. 22, 23 and 24, the electronic cigarette (5) is held in a charging device.
`inside it, and hold~> the clectron.ic ci!.raretk (5) a.nd the c.ku-r;er (3) f6r the rechar}~cab!e batterv
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0023


`liquid :-:uppl:y bclttle ( 4) in. iL The po\ver output of the auxiliary charging storage battery (2) is
`cmJnt.~eted \Vilh the pmver input of the. charger (3), ']'lte pcnNcr output of the charger (3) is a
`charging nlot (31), \Vhieh tlts 'Nidl the charging plug of t.he rec.hargeable battery inside the
`·· .,l ")il
`l~·,·c .. ·s ")·""
`r·····I--· •'I 'II r1··
`. •·t··'· h .. , ,
`r(·)rl7,.·t·J··\·· -:!· · -~ ·
`.,.,..". · ... - · · · t··· -~···!" x ••
`:-; .- H.lV\'JJ: m .: . .~-., ·''"> d.ll\ -~·t, on ~ 1~.: .,ot y o .•.. lt: .•.• .K .·. " ), ~n~:.:l.v b d pau n S{h. e \/<I)'"
`1 . ~ ..... ,··
`(G) corresponding to the position of the electronic cigarette, and on the sl1rk \Vays, tiH.:re is a
`slizk; cover i'l n.
`(0075]1n the second prdbrred etnbodi.rnent e-f4:h4ft4tH+i+:t"ft'K'tl.i-d, a restriction component (t 0),
`\Vhich .is detachable, is set on one end oftbc 3trii'! porous cornponent (81 ). There is a restric.tion
`hole (1 Ol) on the body of the re~>i.riction colllponent (1 0). ·rhe rcstric::tion hule (1 01) corresponds
`dia.rnett.~r <.)fthe atornizing chi.Hnher (S ll) to i.he extent t!wt the size of the restriction cornponcnt
`( l 0) install eel on the porous cmnpcment (81) vark~~ for the purpose of airi1ow c.apacity controL
`On the basis of different <lpplications, tl'te restriction ~~ornponent of cHfferc.nt sizes and pore
`!0076jln the third 1txekrred l~nlhodirnent ofthis uiilitv 1nock.L as sbo\-v'n in 1] and 12, on the
`. . -
`outer peripheral ·wail of the cignretle shell (b), there is a protruding rib (b2) that is evenly
`partitioned. The perforated eornponent for liquid storage (9) enters the cigarette hc~ldcr shell (b)
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0024


`<'\Horney Docket No. Ji\NLE/\--00 l -DI V
`peripheral timJncf.: of the JX~rf~'Jrated component fl·w liquid storage (9) and the interior wall of the
`slid.l (b). The clearance i:> for conru:etion the shell (a) and cigarette bolder shell (b), When the
`ciuarette holder shell tb;'.
`partitlorwd supports (841 ). 'The outer ends of the supports (841) lie against the interior \:Vall oflhe
`sheH (a), thus suspending the cylinder (821), ,,vhich is connected \:Vith the fixed plate (84), in the
`G.lvity of the shell (a). On the surhce of the fixed plate (84), there is a mandril (842), v/hose front
`end lies against one end ofthc porous component (8 l ), so that the fixed plate (84) is separated
`bok on one end of the ato1nl.xing chamber (8 ll) \Von't be blocked, and tlK~ mist generated in fhe
`atomizing chamber (8 11) can be dispersed, One end of tlw porous cornponcnt (8 I} has two
`protuberances (812) at the. outlet of the atomi:?ing (,:hambtT (81 l}. Hetvveen the l''>vo protuberances
`[OO?B)In the fiilh preferred .;}rnbodimtml crl.~-Ut~~l-ity-..:tH~b1, aB shown in FIGS, 17 and 18, the
`momizc.:r assembly is an aJo1nizer (8)., \Vhich inchHk::; a thtmc (82), the porous cnrnponent (81)
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0025


`AttorrK~Y .Docket No. Jiu\JLEA-00 1-DIV
`set on the frarne (82), and the hc.ating wire (83) wound on the porous component {81). The frarne
`(82) has a run~through hole (821) on it. The porous cornponent (81) is \Vound ;.vith heating 1vire
`(B3) in the part that is on the side in the <.txial direction of the n.uHhrongh hole (821 ). One end of
`the porons eornponcnt (81) fits with the cigarette bnttle assembly. 'I be porous component (81) is
`rnade of foamed nickel, stainless steel fiber felt, macromolecular polymer fo<·llTl or foamed
`[0079]In the sixth preferred embodirnent ,>;f-tlti'S"'ttt+l:tt)""fftBtfeh as shown in FIG, 19, the air11ow
`sensor (5) has a silica gel corrugated mernbrane (53), which connecTS with rnagnetic steel (54)
`with a Hall eJcruent (52), or a. magneto~diode or a rnagnetcHriode on one of its ends. FIG. 21
`shmvs the electric circuit of the electronic cigarette of this solution,
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0026


`Attorney Dkt No. 76320 6012 US01
`Smoking causes serious respiratory systern diseases and cancer, though
`it is hard to persuade the srnokers to cornp!ete!y quit smoking.
`Nicotine is the effective ingredh:~nt in cigarettes. Nicotine acts on the
`receptor of the centra! nervous systern.
`Nicotine is a rnicrornolecular alkaloid, which is basically harmless to
`hurnan bodies at a small dosag~:t. Plus, its half life pt."lriocl is extrerne!y short in blood.
`Tar is the major harmful substance in tobacco. Tobacco tar comprises several
`thousands of Ingredients, dozens of vvhich are carcinow::nic substances.
`To provide cigarette substitutes that contain nicotine but not harmful tar,
`many products have been used. These products are not as harmful as tar, but are
`absorbed very slowly. As a result, srno!.:;ers can't be satisfied in fulL
`In addition, the
`srnokers are deprived of the "smoking'' habit
`The electronic cigarettes currently available on the market n1ay resolve the
`above--rnentioned issue, though they are complicated in structure, They don't provide
`the ideal aerosol effects, and their atornizinu efficiency i;;,) not hlgll.
`To overcome the above~mentioned disadvantages, an aerosol electronic
`cigarette incl.udt:;s a battery assembly, an atomizer assembly and a bottle assernbly.
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0027


`Attorney Dkt No 76320.8Cr12.USOi
`nw battery assernb!y connt?.cts with the atornizer assembly and both are located in a
`housing. The bottle assernb!y is located in one end of the housing and fits with the
`atomizer assembly.
`The battery assernb!y may inc!udt~ t!le battery, an operating indicator,
`electronic circuit board, and airf!O\v sensor, "Nhich are connected v1ith the battery, and
`with the signal output of the airflow sensor connected t11e electronic circuit board,
`A component for liquid storage of the ci~F~rette bottle assembly stores the
`nicotine liquid. Smokers can enjoy the feel of smoking, with no fire hazard since there is
`no need for igniting.
`FIG. 1 is the side section view of an (,':}lectronic cigarette.
`FIG, 2 is tile section view of the housinH (a) separated frorn the cigarette
`both~ assembly,
`[001 '1]
`FIG. 3 is the diagrarn of the axial structure of the cigarette bottle
`assernbly, illustrating the ventilating groove on the peripheral suri'ace of the cigarette
`holdm housing.
`FIG, 4 is the slde section view of the dgar'ette bottle assembly, illustrating
`the structure of the air channeL
`FIG. 5 is the side section \dew of a porous component of the atomizer.
`FIG. 6 is the diagram of the structure of an electric heating rod of the
`FIG. 7 is the side section of the atornizer, illustrating the locations of and
`connection relation between the electric heating rod and porous component
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0028


`Attorney Dkt No. 76320 8012.US01
`FIG. 8 is the diagram . of the atomizer, Hlustrating the locations of and
`conneGtion relation between the electric heating rod and porous component
`FIG. 9 is the section view of a check valve.
`FIG. ·1 0 is t11e front section view of a restriction component in a second
`FIG. ·11 is a diagrarn of the axial structure of the cigarette bottle assernb!y
`in another embodiment
`FIG. 12 is a sectional view taken <:~lon{J line A-A of FIG. 11.
`FIG. 13 is a diagrarn of the structure of the electric heating rod of the
`atornizer in another embodiment.
`FIG, 14 is a section vievv of the porous component of the atomizer in the
`embodiment shown in Fiq. '13.
`FIG. 15 is a diagrarn of the axial structure of FIG. 14.
`FIG. 1() is a side section vievt of the atomizer in the embodiment of
`FIG. 13, illustrating the location~~ of and connection relation between the electric heating
`rod and porous componf:mt.
`FIG. 17 is a diagram of the a>da! structure of the atomizer m another
`FIG. '18 is the side section view of the atornizer shown in FIG. ·1 f'.
`FIG, 19
`the side section vie\N of another electronic: cigarette
`FIG. 20 is tile electric circuit diagrarn of an ek~ctronic cigarette.
`FIG. 2·1 is another electric circuit dia9rarn of an electronic cigarette.
`JTI Exhibit 1012, Page 0029


`t-\ttorney Dkt. No 76320.8012.US01
`FIG, 22 is a diagram of a charging device, illustrating the locations of and
`connection relation of various internal parts.
`FIG. 23 is the side section view of the charging device.
`FIG. 24 is the diagrarn ofthe front structure of the charging device.
`As shown in FIGS. 1--·to, an aerosol electronic cigarette includes a battery
`assembly, an atomizer assembly and a cigarette bottle assembly, and also includes a
`shell or housing (a), which is hollow and integrally formed. The b<)ti.ery assembly
`connects with the atomizer assembly and both are located in the st·1ell. The cigarette
`bottle assembly is located in one end of the shell, which is detachable_ The cigarette
`bottle assembly fits with the atornizer assernbly. The shell has through-air-inlets (a1 ).
`In this specific ernbodiment, tht~ battery assembly includes the battery,
`and the operating indicator (1 ), electronic circuit board (4), and airflow sensor (5), which
`are connected \<Vith the battery, It also include~> a check valve (7). The signal output of
`the airflovv' sensor (b) is connected V.'ith the said electronic circuit board (4). The batter;'
`Is a rechargeable battery (3), which may be eitlx~r a rechargeable polymer lithium ion
`battery or a rechargeable lithium ion battery. The airflow sensor (5) may be alternatively
`a serniconductor forceyst~nsitivtJ chip capacitance sensor or an inductance sensor.
`The rechargeable battery (3) has a flex.ib!y connected charging plug (2).
`The blades (21) of the charging plug (2) come out of the other end of thl~ shell (a).
`Between the charging plug (2) and recllargeab!t~ battery (3) is a spring (6), which lies

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