`~,.953210 ISSU ZI
`PLUS - Smart Antenna Strategies • CeBIT Products
`• GSM and Dect - A Dual Mode Solution
`Page 1 of 6
`T he first round or the PCS specuum aucbons in the USA Is now over. The auctions were con(cid:173)
`ducted In English. For observers from outside the USA they could have well been conduct·
`ed In the Bantu language for all the sense that tMy maoe.
`Perhai>S ll Is a mtstak& to actually believe what the Federal Commurtications Commission says.
`PCS, as defined by tho FCC. ts supposed to be a communfcatlon; network in which the same
`lightweight. portable pllooe CBfl be used at home and In the office, as well as for mol>lle punllc ser(cid:173)
`vices. Under PCS. a user can be reached°" one numbet at any pface, at any thne.
`That seems clear enough. The goal of PCS Is to provtde a nationwide, compatible mobile Infra&
`tructure. Wrong. Jllat Is a naive interpretation. Ari interpretation that foolishly takes I.he words al
`their face value.
`The real goal of PCS Is to satisfy US lndusuy by stimulating the rapid provision of a wide atray
`of mobllo services. The philosophy ls that competition wtll result in increased consumer choice and
`lower seMCe charges. In pursuing this philosophy the FCC has de-empt1as1sed the 1mP0f'l3nc:e or
`standardisat•on and become 1ntlnitety Roxlble concefnlt1g lhe introducoon of new tcchnotogles.
`The end re$utt has bc-c.n to enforce market segmentat>on and e11COOrage Incompatibility. It Is a
`J)<occss which should Increase shon term ptofits for individual ne'twork operators and manufactur·
`era. Bm ii is a process that llestrO)'S the very foundatloos of !he PCS concept.
`The wcry that h<:ences have boon allocated g\Jarantees that the fundamental PCS concept of
`being machabJe at any P'ace cannot happen. There ts no chance of a nationwide netWOrk in the USA.
`And does anyooe really beli""e that a full set ol appropriate roaming agreements will be established
`quickly, ewn n n were possible given the wide range of different technotccfes being employed.
`trs not th.at Americans don't lf8YCI very much. It's sJmpty that the number that roam nationally
`Is far less than those that roam locally. Commercial considerations have dominated, and dictated
`the llcenslng pl11losopl1y, resultjng In a she<\ term approaeh to a tong term issue.
`No-one should cotnplaln If the FCC deckles to let ma11<et forces dcte1mJne the future rather than
`Imposing a structured approach consistent with their stated long term vision. It is their c.ho1ce. It is
`In Jlne with the American tendency to shoot first and esk questions later.
`But given that approach. ~ Is only ptuclent to view g)Obal vi•lons and coocepts originating In the
`USA with some suspicion. The ultimate reafisatlon of ideas such as the global information lnfras·
`tructure Is liable to be determined by the same miJ< of shorHennlsm, sew Interest end paroehlelrsm.
`Maybe all is not lost. Americans may nave been denied the PCS promise of being contactable
`at any piece but there Is still the prospect of being reached at any time.
`That prospect Is stated quite clearly as being pan of the PCS concept. But we have le.amt lo be
`careful. What does It really mean?
`Perhaps lhe auctions should be conducted fn I.he Bantu language. Bantu not only has a present
`tense equivalent to that In English. It also has e rich variety of other tenses. These other tenses
`can refer to today, earlier today. yesterday. no earlier than yesterday, yesterday 0< eartler. In the
`remote past. habitually, ongoing. consecUfJvely, ln the ru1ure, at an lndelermlnate ume. not yet and
`Perhaps the onglnal definition of PCS was actually wntten In the Bantu language. It JUSI s"tremd
`a little in the translation.
`lssua l<o. 21. April 1995
`M edltorull enqUtln. IO: Yd\) Lotd..
`MCI Cdi!Oriaf. 36 KerrlciPtce. lOllOOn Wtff Jfl', UK
`l tt: --« (01 J 71 470 702:2 ftt. +44 (0) 171 470 7007.
`PAt.l. IJftM>al.
`NI i11Mltl11n& ..io ,.,,... 9"Qllllft to: Meola Burgen,
`MCI Seles. 3-6 !Wnnck ~ Lon:lon W1H 3". UI\.
`Jet: •4•U0»7t •70 7001. FM: ...t4 t0)171470 7007.
`Ci~~ to: NICOia &.q.ess,
`lfl.-..44 j0~714TO 7001.
`Si.oscriptlons ... avaiable. Plea5e--11lc!
`enclosed cad. SIJbsallJ(lon nites:
`UK-L40, owrseas£60 (S120) pot year.
`For more ln~lan please ccwua tre adchss below:
`MObile COnvnunleatlons lntetMbDMI ~s
`Garrard House 24 HornetcSaJe Roaa.
`Btotnley BR:Z 9WI.
`lei: •44 181402 8181
`Mobile Cotmt~loftl: lnlemauonal •
`flM! ~ IOl!OwWW
`monthly issuet IOI N rel'NbOet ot 1995: Alldl, May, .lllle
`M)'/~ll., Seiitemborft)ctober, HoYember. Deeember/Jen.
`\lllY '14. ri. ~'91111 lrwn be c11nk111et c:iet .inum.
`Ednotlal ano AIMt1ltlrw oopydllt. II v. llm ,._. In uw
`ll'Olllll oreceedl'C It~.
`0 CNtm11n LtO 1991$ All...,.._ ol tap'OIM:tlon lftl!l'rtG.
`BM~ '-"ti.~ tc:0«1 tor ~bl'U"f t994
`PublilheO b1J Ctleerman ltd .
`....,;tst...,.c..MI lllell~m •-WOMtl'fOllO ftl:M .......
`AbCWI ... ~·· h ~-gni;l~.,.. "-lltlf•-0-
`~-...,...,.. ---,,..,,111111t-
`l!lld!Mal~Of ....... --'I,.. ..... ~"
`~1.---. 'I0111n-«~ll~oOll"""°'~
`50Wll f\ ... N!U!t'oW ~- ., -.mllllSI " ... """"' • ~ ......
`., ....,.. ... ...,, ........ ~ ... ---·(cid:173)
`.. -. USMlllWlf~l$~~)Nldlla~Plli'll......,
`~'fOCIC~ln~illc .. IOO~.._
`-.nl.l'Olloll1t.~- ..,~._
`Page 2 of 6
`GSM and DECT could prove to
`be a valuable combination. It
`requires a single handset
`capable of operating on an
`Internal office DECT wireless
`PABX as well as external DECT
`or GSM public access systems.
`Using t oday's technology and
`existing RF chlpsets, It is
`possible to design and develop
`a dua.1 mode GSM/ DECT
`handset wtth reasonable size,
`weight and talk·tlme.
`F or .1 11u1nbn or \'elrJ it tu"
`l)C..'('11 na~ed l))J..l 1.he ncx-1
`~tt--p I mn1 llC'Cond gcru:muon
`dighal ~ysterm., e.g. (~~I. UlCT,
`CX:SISlXJ. t'h ... WU411rt II< du.ll tn1Kic.•
`01~rahllJ~. ~cnt ~ll~ iln:icle11 anct
`joun1al~ ha\~ touched on \-;:uious du.I.I
`.. ucl1
`UJU(~ photLO
`.is. ~I /re!\'",
`Cl'>f\t 111·J71" 01· l'\'i:'O G .. "1\t/ lndl111n.
`l'he en~na- of a dnal mode phonC'
`k M't'.n .b .u1 iHll'Tittt'tliluc -'iOlut.iun to
`lllt' tll1h't·""'tJ iJllOOt' diiii.'.U<tW UtUlf"r
`th e h.i.nner o( 1 hi rd gr.n~r:uion mobUt"
`"''Stcnl<J c:unm1ou Iv known u1 Europt"
`."t! U~rrs (Unkcr~al f\fohile Te-h."\"Olll•
`nu1nknrlcms ~!Mn)
`\\'orl.. on the CEU's DEC.T Pubbc
`Au .. css \';.tlid.11.lu11 ( PAV) 1>ni_r--'Lt ha;
`lu di.t-.11.cd t1ut DECT could be prornior-
`1111.; M (I 1<ldj(1 .M."ttSS tet.hnoli~•. lltis
`C:ClUJd lX' ellhCf in lhC" fom1 or ;I rtxt°d
`R;odio Loctl Loop ( RU.) link or •
`11eJghbt>11rh1:iod tt!kl'OHU .tppllc-.a.tinn
`"'lwrl' 1~·1 nul-hilit~'
`i'\ 1noairu.1int'd.
`·nu: CELI PAV P'*' al~ conduderl
`th.at rtpe-.itcr. n Ltr be UK-d llS a ""-;'}' of
`in<rc'..tSlug 1-;utgt" or 1mp1'0\·ing C("''CI'-"
`:.lg'\" an a ow~ffel"'tl\""C manner in ndgh·
`ht 1ud1txxl tdcpo1nl applionion.'I.
`Fsgu1f I sh~ t"S<'Ul1pl~ ur pt)§l1~t>
`11pphc:uion'i of OECT r~1m inUdr.:
`thr h ome ;Lnd l.u public <'ll\'ITTllt n1cuts.
`111~ USt- <>I ,1 repe:uer inJKle :.l ~l'l•·
`'ial home nlkl\'i'!O lhc range- hrot.·ff'n tht
`b;t"J<" s1.umn aud the hailtbcu \\ithu1
`tJir. ho1nr h1 bt• u\O~'t'.I :'iigulfltou1dy.
`0.. &Irma. lla.liuduW/r ,.,.m Vviwfir
`Grt1,.,iGt fl.) n lfftt5W1<111I in Im. l/u tvr
`rn1/ 1ltSJN.t11J.i/Jilil1d 11iriu.t/J. tHllllfrti11~ ll11r
`'"""'-" rodw rom11uooa1l1MS al'tn:vlra:
`will1111 Snn11ifi< C"1lm0 and rrm1lly, ltf'
`Juu lllf'tt Jm>p1 1J11t14f'C" tflJ;f CJ-,ll fundnt
`/tro}frt "Vtilidn11an I:{ IN IJEC1. ,Jt,.111dtm/
`'" pub/it' aam (1pplicuJif.i,u • Ht /Jrrvll.lW(cid:173)
`h r1t'Jt*'1.l tJI f"l1il.if'$ lll.111i1J (bffl1111;11ifo.
`'""u .\_)';Ut'Dl.f, n111/ jlf'iJlr In Uuu M mm/Jdl'VI
`/111 f'MJot tlv l 'n1tm1.y ~lmb 1n l?.~b.
`Dr 1fd11J· O'Cnnrvll u nrr Rf' Cqn1·11f
`lhrll with .VYuh{rr (:nu'rir\, H,. i' mJ1tmu(cid:173)
`bv. fur RF appUrntwnJ u .. dun tlw Comnu1-
`11111/ n ron,,,•'9'
`1Ut~tlitpi<, DniWJ11.
`uronhw/ 1n IM du1J WJtV GS,\lf/N·:r:r
`lv:uuhrl dr.urluf,.,N"lll u'<ri. f'rnJtOC4S~ ,..,
`,~ ~ b)' ,'Vtllt1t1 1\ l1Jhc/I- Pfun113 anti
`"'"" lo 1/rnt romji/Ml 11 Pfd) nl llnnmllJ
`Col"i. .. C..i, "'*"'ti.
`._-..... -! ~
`I I I I D w
`T his Jolution co1nlJincs the long rang<>
`~hit"'fed 1u r'.tttic.t l«-.i.1 IUOf> wit11 dt<'
`1nobilil)' f~nu~ rrquirt.'d in nerg11·
`hourhood 1cLepolnL Tht ~tiai1ion
`o4 o. DECT Fixrd Repo11cr b currentll
`~ing dt-fint·\'1 ~· tlH• f':TI;I RF..s3R
`ux hn1cal sulx:o1nmh1tt.
`If DECT "' adoptrd "" a kxaliocd
`PCN ~lution or ~n11)1\ .\'i a r.llC.lio
`;1,~ tf'Chnol<'l'O ;iU1m-ing l~ m~1bUi
`f)'. thr: opix:t.tun -...vuSd iaiU lt'C)Uin.• .J.
`"'~wol t.r:w::kang 1hr 't.toe1:s' lt1Caliull! 11ud
`'"'i1r:hin.g ~1111 hi•l\\,"('11 n("lghhourint-!
`DECT haw- .sl411K•~ following tt haud(cid:173)
`-.et.t11io;i1rd harid<"~r becvt~l l\\'tl
`IM'lj..'l«'llt b>t!;e smu1...1n'i D ... <7'r """3' •ni(cid:173)
`u:ill\· tlc<\ignttl .cs_ and rru o inj. u mcUt 1
`:Kt-"Cl'i s.t.uul.inl
`lhcref'urt' "
`r\.""quircd to he' coroptema1tetl -...Uh "°
`intdfigciu nc1wurk. I hb is \\-!1rrc C..5f\t
`.u1d UEC1 m cu1nbu1..1uon 'n.U prme
`.u-. un'lduable- ~li.u'M,,"C:, nw
`ro ltt•
`prn nlt',
`defined b\ tlSJ-RES:l. rJc.c:nbco """
`OECT tUJ' Ix tunuc."Cted l! • tbt" GS..\I
`oeuuJrk aocl pr01oid1 "S a "oOhn ion ror th f'
`link bc:t"te11 tJKY tv.'O n1obUc 5','Mcnis.
`DE.CT <:<Jukl bt• u!lt·d .L1'<1 g-Jl(~'OI~' (IJ
`1hc· C:.S~1 1tt0\r1rk. .t'i .)ltit\\11 in f1:tur 2
`l:a 1ak arh-anJ.agr of lhr mobililv fwl<"'"
`lions of f"S\t .u.t iu 1rtur11 1~11d<tll)
`opt'11 up .ul 1..-x1r.1 ~ ~1Ht bo1t<lv.lddl
`Ill the (~i\1 operator. 111is 'o\":t)', lit<"
`llfJel~ltor tvuJd .,uppon .a 1uud1 highcr
`11~\fl~ dri1'iin· u'il11~ 01:.CT ~ 1hr local
`r.id10 de.liven whll.u ullr.ring n.alklilul
`CS.\J CU\1.'TJt.<e
`l11t" cocnbimition of
`(;.'i,;\f .-ud DECT tial~ llkd\' to JM'O'o~rk
`an anraahrc Uunnn for a S111g~ h.'lnd·
`lit"I whid1 "ill be cap;..blc (1f op-rattog
`011 ;tn hlit"11l,d r1Hice DECT "''rt'k:.'e
`l'ABX !l)'\U''m as -...icll ru: cxtrn11d OECf
`or GS..\.l public~ ~''ltC'SCL'l.
`APRIL 1995
`Page 3 of 6
`..... 2: UM-OECT . , . _ ........,
`·mere arr o( COi~ rnar11i i"i'SLM::S fl1
`be ~I on the 1lt1work f t 10
`a,;ll'Jko du:.il 11-.uc:IC' uper.Wilhy. Ht~l."n-
`thC' fO(l~ ..,, dlC" ch(O ISSIOU lx-lCM Is on
`d1r du;al 1nodc ha.n~ rn•dt and u1 par(cid:173)
`ticul.a lhc dt.,11 nlUdc Rf ,..,~~c.'1TI
`T-1 : ll"f -
`11111 DICT
`f1n1ucnn r.111!-.ac- f\(}U)
`• .\i-1 C'll •nnlu,.I
`1\fl ,,,((" (li.b11 \}
`Jl<fWn LIUtplll { \\')
`''unh1.·1 "I c-.m1t·1,.
`t-.l1Thi·r ,).inn" OJ-f1)
`t lu:nncl", curia
`• "• .
`Til\L\, nm
`U.S. 2
`12 (duplol
`Dual mode handset architecture
`U<dnjC If-Kia\''~ IA..."Chnnlngi, ,uKI l"Xisung
`Rf cln~ h b; p~lile to (lesiwt md
`dc•h•lup ::t du;il 1m.dc (:.S.\1 / 0FC..:I'
`h;incbc:1 \\1th l"t"itfOuablr· \ltt, -wdgh1
`:uKI tall-tune:. Such .w c-.u I\ tb'8u
`""°kl t)t' h.A-;c:rl OU
`;.t ('Ol1\'t"l11iof1al
`arrlli1«u1rr, the ll'\ ftau1rr\ of whtch
`woultl Ix-:
`.i\ roar -" 1~iblC". a co111n1on Rf
`rm111--cnd Cln be decigncd using
`'""'""ti C"'-\1
`:md DEC.T RF
`dl~l!l .uttl COllll"10f1C'Ul'(.
`t"do;;1inp; AlX• ·""1 l.l.AC ... can be
`rnnrlthi;d 10 .d~ t •pr-r.:u.lon .,.;h h
`dilfnt'DI lr.u~n.ili&.ir1u tbtJ. r.ilo nf
`both .~'\L('fll~
`·' rn ... ~ill be rmplO)..t ... >pttCh
`( odc."t fC)t buth GS.\1 UnU r.alc 01
`li.;tlr t"".ft(') :.uwl ua:r:
`J. tonunon n1kmpmcC1'klr •iJI bt(cid:173)
`U'JCd to cuutrol th(' OfkratkHl of
`bod1 <.~'i~f .;lnd Dl'..L1" h ~ould Ix
`bcndicial 10 tt\'Q1d lt'lnlg chip-;ctll
`-.id1 nnLW"'tnl controlkn It!! du."\
`""''Id be t:SM <>t DEC:r >jl«if1<-
`AMPL's Duplexers and Preseledor
`Flhers in 66-960 MHz range at the
`lowest competitive prices!
`AMPL is India's most versatile manufacturer of
`MW components. AMPL's cellular mobile Duplexers,
`Pre selector Filters, Omini & Mobile Antennos, Channel
`Combiners, Isolators, Circulators for Cellular Mobile
`Radio Applications ore offered ot prices that give the
`rnonufocturers of these systems o competitive edge.
`Designed to precision under CAD system, AMPL MW
`components con be custom mode to suit your specific
`individual requirement.
`for details contod :
`Regd. Oftlce; 1-2~,\ Am Aoar,
`Vik11m C,,._,._ Pa~lane, Secu~ 000. lndi>
`Phone : Off : 811565 Fu : 0091-610-812'72
`Tele>< . 0425-e333 PCO IN TM8 587, ~ PCO IN TMB 587.
`APRIL 1995
`Enqufry No. 6
`Page 4 of 6
`Looking Further ah..:-.1rl
`1~"1). tine .shuukl «M1"4dt·r " n1cin~
`.Mh~U('CC:l IAtr.hilttl Ufl' \'oilich '4\'0Uld
`rcsuh in .1 roon: C01Hf);;1CL fr:11luJ~h.
`l10u1&t:1 with .1.urartn'l" tl]};.-cunt" lig(cid:173)
`urn, i e. the 'nl(lfC'" ror JC$C' vrn:1no.
`l11t" lei (c;ulltt$ o{ 11uch ol d~
`would be .tS folJOMi;
`di•~'<'• 1:011,1•r;ic1u 11•rtu1lcvinwill hco
`an1-,lo\'t'd 111 I.ht' m1"htt cltain as
`well ;n. lhc modul;u..1011 •t.!bie ¥tluch
`b .drt:adv pcl!tiibk!:
`• hlgh<-r intcgr;11.ku1 111 cn(cid:173)
`:1hlr a S1nglc dup {:S.\1
`;incl DECT digi~ll ln;c..
`l);Wd ~lutioo•
`.u1cl miC'rocon(cid:173)
`uuUer designs rcrn:atn ~
`nit_- lll(lSI crirk:nl p:1n 114'
`d 1 I\ design Is the reall!!:nion
`dJJ'«t OOJHt:l\JOll
`drn1odubta.· chip cap,1blc
`o( dfw.nCOn\-crtinK both
`!ll~I M H, w>~ I.II Gli1 ''8'
`u.ID: cu ha.whond for (~"'
`:1nr:I OF.er rr5pecmrk'.
`"°m• • f~ues100 fur n.·a·i\~ omd
`l'hr OUlplU power rt"<fUimucu t foe·
`c-.ic.h ~"tnn b dilTcrcut~
`• 1l1c- bi1 r.1LC .uKI ( h.u1nd ~fJ.I( Ill~
`:arr ddtcmn. "'11h dlt' o~_cr s,~
`tr'ln Ming JignHiauuh· Ff""lt.cr
`t lw1111t l hl:u1d"·ldth 111b t't'C:ptll'a
`the LL'lt' of ~par.uc fihm (or rat.h
`.~"Mcn1. both in du• u-;u1<1n1it ;ind
`n.•tcr.c r hauli.
`11ie DEC+T "):i.lcrn esnJ>il<J!''ll C.FSh.
`nMxh1l.11irn1 .u"1 C: .. "i\1 U!'C" G~ISK.
`Com'Oulon.alh• CS?ot er.uwuluen
`h.l\~ ernpkA·cd l;Q 1noc.luL•lion
`Vtf\ik! thOM' wuh o OECT 1n1nt..«
`u....c a ph.'1..."ie klcW loop. "·tuc:h 1J
`unlocl;at dunng the: tr.Ul.'lntit bur/IC.
`l11c t h.1r.11tlrrisliu o u1l1Ht'fl ludl~
`ei11c th;il th<" tu .. intcrf.¥t't. fQr CSM
`und OF.C''I' nrc quite ddfrrr-nL 1-1°"''-(cid:173)
`C\'el , in dt:!iignlnK II d IUI nMM'.k- J>rOU>
`Wavetek goes GSM
`with STABILOCK 4032. Because Wavetek took over the
`Communications Test Division of Schlumberger at the end of
`October 1994. So what you've Invested to date Is secured longterm.
`The supenor modular concept of STAB I LOCK is here to stay.
`Take the latest examples
`STABILOCK 4032 - the only one for GSM and , .•
`• all European analog Cellular Formats
`r~--.. - " -•• -.-,--l'lt~-... -,.-.~
`. \ .. ....
`ocs 1800/1900 ---- '"'"" ..
`._ ...
`"""''C..'o.fat·) -----(cid:173)
`.... ...
`GSM option - all test
`figures at a glance
`• setup
`• audio echo function
`• BER
`• now also ror
`l"''"''''----''-'-"''."'""'---""" .....
`Analyzer option - rast realtlme alignment
`• burst triggering
`• Rf.lrequency range expandable
`• display with 1 dB/div resolulion
`Going the same way? Just call us!
`We will send you the right inlormahon.
`type unh !tdcrnifk: Gtncno 111 hut-(cid:173)
`gntling I.he tVt'O by cono:nutl:Ung on
`how th<~' on be- romhincd ..,. dft(cid:173)
`denth lU pcmible. C..onsid<'.'l't.ug tht'
`;a.l>O\c poiulS ll)flln. "-c c:;an k'C how
`lhi"i n1~t11 be possible.
`Although the: fn:quend<'l' AAd OUl(cid:173)
`ptll pt1Wl'1' m 1uh'c1neuu .u~ rliffe.-.
`Nn for ll1'X:l and (-:S,.\t, ii i!I ~
`bk to h;n'C K'p-l:r.Ur PN tlUtl
`LNN but 1dll h:n~ couunon IF
`Even 1hough a doplexrr
`cannot bt" u1;ird In ~
`r.11.r the ~ .tnd Tx rre-.
`qunw:ics ror 1h~ OE.CT'
`f)ltcm. it \\Ould tx; ~
`bit to u.~ ill Rf $\\itch
`tndttd thtt dt"'i«" Li
`u.Yd itt'\tearl ul tt du·
`plr"xcr in ""1n1c C.S.\1
`d~gn." hcrn•~V' or lhc
`J1ignific:w11 sn1ng in COIC
`Ahhooogh d>c bo"<lwiddo
`flSluin.•:rncnts 1u~ dlffrr(cid:173)
`C'lll for OECT ;u1d e&.t.
`h 1' Rill po«llolc w
`ttnplCJ>' i1cp:1r.tlC fillC'D
`in p::tr.tllel which can
`be ~~led bro.
`On fm& apprur.uu:r. I.hr
`Ulodu.Ltl.icxt !iC:be:ine on--
`~~I in OF.< ~r .uud
`c.&1 ~ \'Cf) difli::r·
`Mt. but iu n:alil) tbil 1.~
`UOI 1ht- cate. G~LfiK k.
`•rictl,. wpcolang, a <p<d;tl
`~ of Gf'SK. Tiua,,, lt s
`;tho poosibk ., tmpl<l\
`an l !Q modulator to
`thr" required
`t-.tfi'itt ror
`1he Ul::.Cl
`'J\'Utm TI..(cid:173)
`pn:fil><n:d d.u.l .. """"'
`"-1.:U dilkrc:nL IAlt thil
`~1111>< i•r<><t11C<d wgit>llv
`11111ply b)· esn1~1ug <lliJ•
`cr~nt louk-t.Lp tablct.. N.
`C'llrt1tl t/ Q mcidubrlo n
`CUI l!O"o ht- petfonued
`up to itind lJl'\ond 19
`G i tt.. we an dfa:thoef)
`tL'IC:: .. m .1uuu 11 1uod:ut ...
`1oir In lhr u~u~ni1 chain.
`In 1.hr mcd\'l!r ch.Jin,
`chc IF si~ttt:tl c:au be fll~
`sampled digiudl')
`will cn.abl(' Lhc ch~ucl
`JC:k<:m1n· owd tltC dr(cid:173)
`n1odoJ..uio11 10 ht- do1w
`C'IHin:olY In 1hr digiw.l
`RF subsystem
`Sdcntirw: (~ncriol i!l rur(cid:173)
`n:ntlr es1~rec:I u1 I.ht• <lci.<t<l(cid:173)
`fllrm'4."UI o4 oi du.11 n11xk:
`t;.'lMJ OU :r Kl- pmt'"'l"'
`wdL Tii.e ciedt,'ll ., ~ nu
`C\U'll'I u
`ulil~~ ~:al(' of thr an
`d llJl'!ICL'I that JX1>.."d!i a lugh
`<iicg:rtt <lr ln 1cgr..won.
`TIM" niaiu pll)"iic1l la,e r
`~r.ulons ror OEC:f and
`CS~I ilfC slu.-,.n1 in TnJM I,
`M can bl! ~1. tl1e prin1;uy
`diffm·ncc:s ~rwccn Lh~
`IWO ph)"l'ical b~'t'!r :stanc:Lml"i
`OH· ot-:r.r rrcqucno·
`nu~r b L88-l.9Cl b. "'-"'
`CUIUP"ft!<I ltl lhc (",fil.1
`nu1gc: '4\'hkh k tf~K''lt)
`~fH1.. "l'hi."i will TI<'CO!W(cid:173)
`lllte 1hr lN' c:.C .\ilepilr'i•tt(cid:173)
`lrt~H rrw.k all! thl" l.'lA
`.tnd Power Ampfif'ser foe
`talh 8"Cc.1R MC optbn.d(cid:173)
`ly 1une"d m~r 1he rC"&t(cid:173)
`\~I frequencf h:uul
`• Dt:Cf c:111J-'C:I)~ lU~tA
`mL) "'11111."' CS.\1 ~
`m~wrno. In ii du••I
`n·MXLe handset. lhc ux
`0 a duplexer to pnJ'idc
`.uld R" • bol.dJon
`i!& p-ecludc:d, "" 1 he
`OECT inlnfl«. U!cS tho
`Wavete!< GmbH
`GU!oti>orgSbaSSo 2 - 4 , 0-85737 ~.Germany
`lltl ("!189)98641 - 0, FaK!•4989J91l641-440
`APRIL 1995
`Enquiry No. 33
`Page 5 of 6
`._.,,_,.._., ..... _RF_,,,_
`I 01
`Prototype dual mode RF a uMyatem
`A block dfagr.uu of d ie rlesign tl•hown in Fif!:'IT' .l
`1\ C•,••U1M1n l1Q1u.xluLno1 Ill C'.'111pkl\'t."d whkh tw1 1:ai,l\•1<lr ditrc:I
`n1nrlubtio1111u r~thrr thf" 1) 1•.M or C"~\f fn.-qun1a h;ul(I, 1/Q rnodu(cid:173)
`bton l:R6cc:I on CiaA.t I llfr t.cdlnn~ ll;l\'C' rc:ccn•"- IX'"l"'n madl" cQm(cid:173)
`Ult"trlaJtoi ~~it.bit dUrl JHVliidr upt·r.ttJm'I u1• ttJ ouKl ht.'\'ond t {;I b.
`Followillf( tilt' nuxl uL11 •,,. th<- ,1gn.J b ~lttJl«l 1"'1\li n•n r."' tJ .an~n'll
`sui,. 'llhkh pev.Vk the.- •ppropn;;ue lihrnng. A'I ciiff'CI murluL1unn ill
`riup~ dlC.' filltt"u1g t-cqwreiuents WT nul 100 •tring\'11l. whi=R'.'"Alli
`~iouf •«hnnilnw;· nnpl<l\ing 1u1 t1fXOll\'tt\k1n •t.q;c.- na~t..lln'I
`dit U'C' nf t0mt1.imt1 ~l) mten t~l ('tbnin.'ilC 1n1Mml'l(fub1lon li~O\ll
`fM'tlducnt b)' the up<ul\ntiJi;g tni~T
`\fin taeh fihC-"r Wld pt·.u11pldiM mgr. 'W'1x.t.iall' OECT .and(;$\$
`PAs pmddl" ~ 11n;ll ~al .u dtc appmpm1r. (n"qUtlk'\ ll.lld l>'""N
`bd Cuornt PA 1ectuulk'° 6 quhr well ntlbl:bhcd for both C.S.\1 and
`D•'CT ~'"mit,. with (:aA,.,: AlESFET• bt-11~ produnuruuul\J rmpM.ut at
`UJ,.CI' tr.qumac. and rlth<r l'.w M~-'ill r. '" 1'li<M M0:.1-l I•
`l)C'utg tJw pdcrrttl (bpkr .u 1.hr lc,.,,·o fttqucucv (~1\\1 \IC.>SFET•All'
`wt\' 4th.:.ibk 1n PA ;11ppHnt1k"" h.llJ GS..\t "'<.;lr't~ • 1.hn C'!dallll1 ''t't"\
`gonrl drldnKV :and do not rccinitt D ~n\r hi.'l\ '"'~"· H°'Yr\""•
`thor pafotuwntr r.lclcnc1r.atn ~(tlfuntJ\. .u ll1t tcl.w\d~ lti~h Ufr.f
`fr«Jt.-nrie\. Fofl'1Wtnl{ 1hr PAI\. .tn SPUT .~-11c:h i~ cmpb.'t't'l lo con~
`blur ll1r 11ign.;tb.1.u u &:on1n1ou ou1:put. Ob.lolcJroulvouc 1nodc Mill he.(cid:173)
`In opn~1don ..i a ume JO 1hlll !flvnrhing "'" "°' nttd v~ lW' high sp<"('d.
`~ pl"C'ICnt, "'1mc PA rhlf"l""IJ abn lncorpnr.uc a ~i"h "tiich mn
`tr.ltufrr d It' "'n 1.cnua tn Ml1lf'r the mutsLultttr u1· n."t-Chtt. Titb ~ 1111he
`• NllH11t1n t(-.MJ1rr Ju DECT rA dC"''-ir"" r.g. ~to<orol.4 \1RFIC:l~7.
`but j., cdll 11,'t;rn\C!h> n'"""' Id G .. 'i\1 PA rhlp;rl'$ .~ 1hc: i"ll.'l1inn rNJIUl'f'fl
`fo.-d1r luRlllTJ>U"'tT r1Ati n:ndt•r ll'l"ddiJ;!ll lnCM"C d.ifficulL
`,\I thit f1'Crl\tr, scparot.e OECT and C.S..\f l..NA" "°''~ brt-n
`ccmpln)\.'CL A\ d1Jtl1'M"d llll1 l\ fl(.'(c.q;;)_t) dut lO Lhr l~fgl' <Hlfcrcnc-t
`1n fn•qumrLN. l-'oJlo'tliing 1ht C.."\1 L~A and 1maKC ttjt.-n: filu-r, tht:':
`nC"'\l 'il.tgl" b.J. dual \.t.lK:t" ch""TM"..\ln\'cn1on dJJ)J9ci. t".g. tht: SHmien,
`IJ'~IB!! 10'1. On Uk· DEC..T 1'('t('i\et, tbtH: .Ut' J nu1nbM' hf chJpsc~u
`c:urrcnll) ;l\"JililblC" \\hich rmpM· -:tn 1 .. ~ and fir.U (i()',o,"TitQn\oenJon
`«roagt". •ollmdnM tl1b, we tr.1\'<' c-mph~nl ll \ln1plc: SPOT twitUt v.-hkh
`l"'.ln 1..l"NT1bint b(l(h 1hc- (~~I 1u1d Ot;C:T f'C'Cm(t chain\. IO~ il1ln""'S :I
`con1ut1Hl sco.1nd 'iUJ(f' d™'tKuttttrsion ~~ w Ill" cinpkf:rnl in
`1lhi&lrJ.Lnl. Funhmnurr. tha. will Jt"'lult 11111 cr:utuuon 2nd If sign~I
`"hkh c..ut 1bt1l ht· d1RJmt~ sunpJcc-1. tbR:itJ.ll\ fihcn-d tdt'pf'odl.n~
`ttn th~ nu:1dc ol npc-n.u:i<,n), .. ud t:lutabl) dt"modul:;urd.
`lu(orpur.uiug the .aho\"l:" L-riu:n:t. a
`dual mod'' pmc1.C\l., <k"\it.c i!I hl-1Hg
`dr\-.::loped. nli., d~g'll I~ h.~-"fl (IR
`rn1tg1-:.llt'd stair ol Lhc un chiJWU
`whtch a.te Ctu'tt"fHfy i" ~iLlbk- ("" &al
`G'n--eu 1ht> i11\Qtu1r11t 111Jtlc- ~· ni;~ur
`E.urt1pc;i:n manut11r1t1fl'f\ 111 (~S~1,..nd
`DEC.I, i1 will only bra 1naurr of li.ntr
`bc:ro1c t'I du.11 n1odr CS~1 DECT
`ha.udse1 y.·iJI .lppea1· nn 1hr 111.1rk~
`11di \itTIUJd 111t.IM likc:h1 11'1J1JX"U artt'f
`19115 i.iJ\<l "'ill l*t' drh'cn 1"" oper.t·
`CUO-. !i\hO •1nll \1$C' 01-(.:'I" .\., 14 high
`o.sp«it) ltw-.ll dt•ln~J'\' r.ldio <iinluhun
`their n:u1h1~:d ( ;!-i~1114-1'\,,.~1 L.. l "4-'I" nf
`l>l>CT ~,tt•lrv. f'\l\X. ,,..,u•nr, v.ho
`a})O ~u1~nlk tu (~\J Uci\\OW
`\\OUld find .1 du.1J Hltlt.lc- h.Ul(l\Cl
`In thh :inick-. "'t: ha,~· <ihowu
`th.JJ h U pol'iihle to dni:Jap a dual
`ulOdc }w.ud!ct "'hicb ~ qwtr "'·cJJ
`lnl<")(r.llcd. It K irnporr.tlll 10 re-.t.li.,...
`1hat 1hk dt'.'lJ(ll L'li 00.~ nn 100.,'"·"
`tahoulogy, uultting clttf)5CD 1h.;u
`.we rutTc.·111h t1Hn111~·t't'i;.tlh• ;n·,ul,1hl.:.
`A ... tt-rhnoJogi. .uh:\ntC". 1he urud i~
`W\'an.b tu.rt.her lntq,'filkd chJJlM'b.
`.u1d •l" thc.'"'A: bt<on1t" .n-.iillblc, It will
`br J>l'll'Whlr 111
`.u.J111"\'f' nni higher
`UllC)tJ'lUMlll. Al prt.....rnl. the Ull.tK~
`lion ucnd ts ltN-anli r.-ilhrr Wl un1~
`vlt:te C.S\I ur- DECf -,uh.11.iou. bu• J..!i
`;i du=i.I 1nodr
`(~:\ I l)f..(..T solunon cn1<'fl(t.'it 11 n
`for~1bar th;a1 the 111;.tJO•
`( hlV"'l''
`nMnufa.l n1te1' \lolll lf)fu~ 1nnrr nu
`.s m1nhinr.d LS~I 01'.(-:T' retl"i\f'I
`lrJJu1niuc1 wtd
`CuY.'.sn:L< •• 111 i1Hl·Ji(r.-tcd l01t1pla:-lr" du.J.1
`modr c;oluuon.
`APRIL 1995
`Page 6 of 6