Satellite Television:
`Techniques of
`Analogue and
`Digital Television
`Ex. 2020
`TCL v. Ericsson
`Page 1 of 5

`Firsl puhlisliafl in Great Britain in I‘i|'!i| hf fiunzl-kl.
`I n1-unI:I-In" cf llu: Had-duct Hudline Em-up
`33-E EH5:-nun laud. l.u-I-I:I-nu. ]'-'1uI:"l IEH
`This» El-ml‘. is idflll-:!=Ii lI'I:I tralulnlatd by E1!-I: auihm I":-um flan-nil. H_. I991:
`HI’-I"I1':'n'aIr par .I-rn‘rH'|'rr.'
`I-"4:-darn‘-n-Ir Ir 4': r£+1-;p:r'-:II nu-H4‘-:I;1i:,|1:-r nr an-mFn'q-nr.
`I'a.n'.I. Danni
`EDI!!!-lfirlia-II-HI ‘n Hunk. Emlul Ind Saul]: Aruriu by
`John Wm &. Sun Inv:.. H5 Thinl .I'|..'uI'.'-I11.|r.
`Hm Tart. N"I" III]-.'I5I—D|i'I3
`All lighureiervad. Nu purl -niI"Ihi:]:n.i:ll-::.Ii:nm|3.- 1:II|:rI:|:l'I:I-d|;fl.'¢u;I-nf
`uunnrldtlud it any I":-Itn at by my manna. dc-:I|-uuiclally -ur :n'|¢u::Iu1:i::||}r_
`flilldint flmnmpyhn. n::u:|':'I'n'I: ur I11-3.-'inFn-|'1'rLIIinn in-rip: nr rtrniflil
`systcil. Ieflh-IJI-II. till’-:1 pri-mr pu:|'rn'u.5iun in Irriilg, [ru-In the puHis|'I.':r 4:! a
`iI5II.‘iI'flI': p-mrrining retained HI-|::_I|-"::In;|. In the United Hingdun in-ch. mum;
`m iuuul by 1hr: 'C'4:I-[I3r:r'iflI. Liccming .hgn-u.-3; in Tulumhan {nun End.
`LuIJI'u:Iu:n-I1. WIF ‘JHE.
`whim III: admin: and inratnullun in mi: hunt in: bdi:-ml t-:1 be ll'I-l.'. and
`anrultxcnl Irl-rd:-I: ufauing In |:In::I:. nu flu: puhlinhur
`an atttpl Elljf legal rtsguansitililr -or EI'|:rI'lilj-' For any I:rru:In~ ur -lJ|I'I'I'l5li-I:$
`tllnt mar In: mid:
`flrirflfl .*.in-mi!‘ Eat-rullnlrlllillt In Puflfrur-I-n.I-t mm
`A. I.'1.I.I'.Il+:In;|:'1.II.'. rmnll l'i:I-E |:|'Ii$ 1:1:-III. ii :Il'-|=l:ilI!I.|.'IIII: I'I'I.'Hn III: British L|'.I:I|'1|jr
`.[.iI':1'I'_I' -qfl'_"ungrn.I -I‘Tn'J'.:::Il;g:'u;-:':I:I-.F'I.I'.'Ifl'.:.I'£i!.I-a‘ £1311‘:-
`A. I:i.I:aI-mg r::n:u-rd In-r llrlis. In-n-I H II.-nilihlt lrculn |:I'II.'. Lililfllrf Elf Cflflir-E~Ia5
`[SHE 1:]! HI]! '4'-WI: .1
`ISBN {I -ITI 3-5314 3': l‘I"|I'iIur_I..'!|:
`Cunmiuiuning Ethtnn Sim hut:
`Prndl-ntiu-I Edit-:Ir. Jan Ell:-mu
`I'm:hu:tiu1 Eunlnll-H: 5::-.1h II.'.-:II:
`Emu Delign: SI:-fan Inna
`Tmufmud In digiul priming Ellllfi
`Page 2 of 5
`Page 2 of 5

`TrJ'rrI'=r'n-H mt 1'1‘!-r 1'-I'M-'-r-I.r:I1r=|:III:.":'III'r'+'JtII'
`1.2 Teliwisiuu ‘5qn=I.t5" an the Hh::I::|lIm=niI::HIin-n
`Th: fl -Ii" +£::I:l-I.I:I»-1':-um: =l-:!!:I:'Ii5i-II-rl 5aI:I:fil.I::5 h::'I.=-:
`nmfln:fi & 1h:
`‘I.-"I.I!:!||.I|:E T.‘ [inn 5pu:.;i1i.-.u'u:na.
`II mm: hand. lb: rmapti-nvn hE:HiEIL.'|'*-'uE-_"IIllI'Ll:I1II:I;2|I':J:I1t!Il111-|!iI.::'..
`|III'I:Igrn::::.*..1-I-'i:II'| l.'::rl;g-Ennis: Iict-n-ri in-I311: r:irI;:ul'l.5II:n LE'n.'IlEI.
`in I'!E|{Il:1!IIH.'|'.5Fl-I;I-I.1 -IIH-in I"!"5"i|5|5..i1'IIi=lII:‘flIflI:I-f';|-I1:-fr-Ilflilrl I9'Ti"-,
`:=i-:I-1m':rll:I-r:n1‘.rII:$-I:I."I-IiI::II= !|1."|:=l"I|r'ilIlll'lI!|2I'L.I-I|'ll-‘IH-|:1'lilII$-
`mjmi-nn l:-an-er {ED 1::
`IIEI-I1 ‘W insllhld -H-I" IHEI ‘W: I1 iull-I:I'I'lir:-III ur
`ilnniinrintunna -:lil:n:ns:T:|:nni=.
`1'' H1 ll:-I: -I:riII1:r hI|I::L1i|1I: iI1I:I!E£.'H'.*:iII I.I:5EfIJ1 lnafl I:-I‘ rlhe hum-::11i1_g,
`mI':|:I=I.='- II-as .'IlI:I-I-'I:-d an 'mu:II:r:rt.In: ilucrlmat in I11.-I: I:I-e-:I.I.':i::|I
`pmtr uathelatt. uiin:-Eh. rauuplcd with III: tnnqaunlur pa:--n-.r
`miuctian. hi :1!-cnlreai uh: numtrmr nfuumpundn: prr sIII.II:l|ilI.'.*
`tcrbtin-creuuudbyifnnurafilaiqu In-nruarra Ii:an1l]-1.r:u.5pum-
`in-:1 -I:II' IEIEI "-II-"n-r:I1 in IE»: Iul :|.ul:Eil-:5 u-r ‘I:-iI'ds'j-. 11:: :um-_'l-
`li'I::Ii mrw have I 9.-II'lin'::nl 4.'$I::1.rin1 Iumnuny ll-D -|‘.1'I'il=I'|:‘ an
`InJI'III¢mq:II==Ii:nd IIsI:II1IIH|.'a|:r'Iu"l.'-r: $.Iri:-3 nquinnxmhl -|::E[n:s.
`*" Il‘tI:E£:¢i!n1|:-nt'I?|1::'iI=tu:I5|iI:=IhH»|:|:I-uljl-Eli. I':|.':!|::I::|1;q_:||1;|Iim|i-|:Ig'.I'
`H: Iijrflrs. p-Inl_I.-' flu: ta Ihthaluraanuncynithc Iuu:1-:h:.r..
`Ilhitll. mnngiy i1fl=I-I:I1:l:s flu: qI.IuI1:iI.3r Inf muiing pl-‘nil-EIh:IIl
`II:-:m~flI_'r I5-'I:Hr pusiliinn wxuml -nI”1l!|-I: sal-:'I'.iI.-1:.
`'CI:I"I:IiII ml:-F III: fiilum uflh: I1."gh |:In1.I|-If i.I1I:IEt-In nI":]-u:- ‘HARE
`TI‘? ¢c-HE-t:|1II I1: I|t:'+1':II1:=-Ii I:-n iht Innis 1:Il'a:rII1-I.'l:n-Ian:-:I Iethncinnical
`an-II pullI:i|=1:EIl.I.'I. ‘Eh: Lmntmhn-urg bu-tad 5E."i{5n-r.-IEIIE E-:|:r::qH_-.
`-I:1'tIu-I‘; Ill: ‘E-'.II:~I'.'*llilr:H dI:I.1':lI::I:. lI.'HE|J:l|'I'l-II in 1-.'iu:I-I3:II.:'|n:I-I1 an-fth: 1'51-I:rn.n~
`tin-ml mmtminu -:nI' I11-I: Linc. 1-: launch mtclilm pour :50 W]-
`-clinncl.-l1:+-ihnrn-: I-:|n:1.-‘Han-n suttflltcr. :1r,|:Iu:r:I:ing in 111: E35 hand. on
`uh: I1'."'E urhilnl p-u-silinn.
`Thtfilil I.‘.Il':11=II=. FIETl'.A1HI-..1-.-:I.:il1:IJ1-:iII:d in Iltccmhtr HIE
`and hid 5.':r.t-an 1"-I.'I Wtrctup-and-:1*s., ensuring an EJItF'nI'52 d;|!:'i'I.-'
`-I:I'i'I:rI:ItnI==u.-I:I-l'n'|-n1'H1'IIn II'.ll'.I hm I:|-:l'I::s.'Iah'u:i11:u:;|-:;rn:u:q:p-uq:m
`in Elli: r-:;|:i-cm |:H:I&:'L1:I-I-:1-I'i1h I Eflcm difll. with an LHEI ufl:-.9.-a
`than 2 :15 mi: 1':u:lnr]. T11:-chrnntl! 1.|-':i:II.|!-I: was find at it ii.-IH1
`Inn 1 grid III" I-LT-"5 1':-IIHJL in l:'rII:I: puhuizaflnn [I'LIIH'iE-:ll.I1F'|n-'-EI'I'.E'
`:31! {Hr Fig. 1.21
`with II: pay-T"I.I" n.':i|1nI1I'I:H:l
`-'.hl" EEI-:5-I. in C-:rrI:.1l:|r willh I'-I'n:-n:-l-n-
`Iir pmvgranlmes. lnfi HI-rim: Eundinwinn -I:!'III1I:I:|5 "I: DH-I.H.C'.
`Page 3 of 5
`Page 3 of 5

`IE Diriv-I-rvi-Irrrnrr surel'h're.s
`Fig. 1.1 Ifcifiguntiou oftlu ASTRA IA channels {ll-. IIl'.". lfloeeupy three identi-eel
`contiguous hand-it
`ASTRA IB and HI? followed in I99‘! and 1993 respectively.
`each adding Id new channels up to the complete occupancy of
`the FSS hand {lB.'95|.'l to ll.'?lJB EH1} with AS channels ASTRA
`1D was then launched in I994. bringing the channel number totisl
`on this orbital position and estending the FSS hand down to
`l{l.TDlJ GHL
`The Scandinavian DEMAC transmissions have now moved to
`other satellites. so the T"v' standard used by analogue trans-
`missions on ASTRA is now escl usively PAL.Table A.l [Appendices]
`detailsthelidehannelsin the FSSestendedbandofIheASTR.A
`The Eutelsat mellite system on l3"E {Eutelsat ll-F1 and the
`‘Hot Bird‘ series} ‘I-'|ticl1. with ASTRA. is the second most impor-
`tant For Europe has chosen a relatively similar approach.
`although its missions are more diverse.
`The currently used 1'-‘SS band now goes down to ]fl.7‘fll1| EH1.
`due to an extension of thirteen 33 l|v'lHa channels {I H} to III}
`with Hot Bird 5.
`The Eutelsat sateflites use dil'l‘e1-ent types of beams depending
`on their rnifiion and generation l.EttteIsat [I-Fl or the Hot Bird
`series}. and a new channel numbering system has been developed
`lf‘norn1aI' channels of 33 MHz on a grid of l'E|‘.IE-1 l'v'lHa and
`313 MHz on a grid ol‘ 2fl.'.l5 l'vlHL and some *wide‘ channels of
`ill or ‘F2 l|vlHa. see Table A.2,'t.
`The French Teleeo-rn IA [E"Wl. Teleeorn EB l5""'-‘ll and Telecorn
`1C{3"E}5nleIIilfi.. launched in lifill and I992 use the high portion
`of the FSS band. oI'ten therefore referred to as the 'Telecorn‘ band
`{l 2.5-I115 EH1}; this band has been divided into 11 channels of
`36 lvIl:Ia on a grid oI"Il MHz {Fig. 2.3]. There. the five main line-
`to-air French SECAM channels can be received lTelecon1 EB}
`along with the analogue pay-Th’ Canal Satellite collection or
`‘bouquet’ t'Teleoorn EA. although probably not beyond the end
`Page 4 of 5
`Page 4 of 5

`fligiiul .t:'IuI.'|':-.1'n:iIn: .I'.ir nrmrn :I_,I".I|lr I|'.E.'5-"hr.rI.n' 19
`-‘"--.-.--'-t 1:1:-LL
`lIk.l'.-I II.‘-n-d;I1=|-I.'+un-I-I'll-rT:|mI-I11‘.'|l|-:|'LI-I-n-:’l+
`'l':Iun-an I {an .'1"'|:‘_|- hundaasu ruin];
`the nutty].
`.'u=I'arnHI:1:l fl for call: l'H=H.'|1-lillldi and ‘Ii-ads‘.
`11:: Teltmfl ID saullincunnnu:-htd in Augntfl IHEJ I-ddnzl II
`n-I:-I.' itltntital fl:II.nm:fl -[3-E ]'I.-‘II-I..'.] "I lh: Mill‘ F55 hnnui IHI: Fig.
`Lil]. M 11:: Ii.-Inn -:II"1-I-Irilin: ll:-we I:hannI:I:. I-1:n*. used nuinlgr fur
`‘I'm:15' {malt-:I1¢ at uijiull. II an-1:15 lI'IIl |.I'u'.' dimnl. hm-ulcan
`I'Iifi'lIfllS uni‘ the Tflumrn 5:-nllilt; will
`In: m-nu: sud nun:
`n::Iil:'iI:l-I:d. I:5pI:I:ifl3' Hall mtlnr F|'-I:nI:|'.|digil:1 -EIIaI1I-als use aitlnr
`A.STH..IlI. II‘ Ell-I:|fl'I symtm.
`'I'h.|:It4=L3 n:|:laiIr.l.ht22:I::1mI-:15:in lhrflu Inntl a:I-I'1I:I:'l'i:h|:t:=I
`L3 Digifllte|E:1'i5inI:th':I'¢tIl11tIl'tI1%If|E-fihnil
`l'§|'E!I5cH:I= AETHA
`Th: sllrlu-I'-Iflgilll t=I:I|:=ri5iI:+n umuilnifli-an 1'11
`u|dEutuu:h1I.g;n1.r:n-r:urIiFr.-I.-u1tIutE!|-3:5 hIrId.I:I.rhic!Il1n5'h-Ix-
`II:Ii'lri|:1IIfl ill-cl-I I:IllIfliflIfl'F33hIHE in Ell-I:'I.I']:II|JI'l|i|l‘i-I=l'.|'=II'I-I-'I.:'II
`mflerln flc+'II'—|"-:|=asil||1lt1.I-:|a.'—l-I:-r:-=|:-ti»:-nH.I.I'iI:I| II¢su'n:L!"-III:
`uthsll wad F:I1'II|n|:F'.'5-Slllml {inn-:-ad I::I'1'.|' I-ll-L-.::|d-|:irI:1.1l:.I'
`pt-hirhnlim. as duflncnl by wait 1?}.
`T11: DB5 clause]: 1:-I‘ ASTRA. .-ucl Euldsal .-:n:. 1'!-|JIl'l'-|:l_ nu
`tl.I1:|:I}' I.h: suit: I-'.":Lt~::-Iul. his l:epllh¢1!|'.lI II-{Hz :hrJIIut1:I:I-t|:I-‘H
`Page 5 of 5
`Page 5 of 5

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