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`hi~iack also high-jack \'hi-.jak\ vb : to
`steal esp. by stopping a vehicle on the
`highway; also : to commandeer a flying
`airplane -—- hijack n — hi-jack-er n
`‘hike \'hik\ vb hiked; hik-ing 1 2 to move
`or raise with a sudden motion 2 : to take
`along walk —— hik-er n
`zhike n
`: a long walk 2 : RISE, IN»
`CREASE (price ~)
`hi-lar-i-ous \hi-‘ler-é-as, -hi-\ adj : marke
`by or providing boisterous merriment -—-
`hi-lar-i-ous-Iy adv -—- hi-lar-i-ty \-9-té\ n
`hill \'hiI\ n 1 zausu. ‘rounded elevationof
`land 2 :' a little heap orrrnound (as of
`earth) -—- hilly ad)"
`hill-bil-ly \'hil-,bi-lé\ n, pl —iies : a person
`' from a backwoods area
`hill-oek \'hi-lok\ n : a small hill
`hill-side \'hil—.sid\ 11,: the part of a hill be
`tween the summit and the foot
`hili~top \-.téip\ n : the top of a hill
`hilt \'hilt\ n : a handle esp. of a sword or
`him \'him\ pron, objective case of HE
`him-self \him-'self‘\ pron :, HE, HIM -—-
`used reflexively, for emphasis, or in ab-
`solute constructions
`‘hind \'hind\ n, pl hinds also hind : a fe-
`male of‘a common Eurasian deer
`zhind adi :_REAR (the dog's ~ legs)
`lhin-der \'hin-dar\ vb‘
`1. ,: to impede’ the
`progress of 2 : to hold back 0 Syna-
`Zhind-er \'hin-dor\ aali : I-[IND
`Hin-di \'hin—dé\ n : a literary and official
`language of northern India .
`hind-most \'hind-.m6st\ adj .:
`‘farthest to
`the rear
`hind-quar-ter»\-.kwoi-tsr\n 1 zone‘ side
`of the back half of the carcass of a
`quadruped 2 pl : the part of the body of
`a quadruped behind the junction of hind
`limbs and trunk
`hin-drance \‘hin~drans\ n 1 : the state of
`being hindered '2 : IMPEDIMENT 1
`: the action of hindering
`hind-sight \'hind-.sit\ n : understanding
`of an event after it has happened
`Hindu-Arabic adj’ : relating to, being, or
`[composed of Arabic numerals
`Hin-du-ism \"hin-dii-.i-zam\1z : a body of
`religious beliefs and practices native to
`India — Hin-du n or adi
`hind wing n : either of the posterior wings
`of a 4«winged insect
`‘hinge \'hinj\ n : a jointed device on which
`a swinging part (as a door, gate, or lid)
`zhinge vb hinged; hing-ing 1 : to attach
`by or furnish with hinges 2 : to be con-
`tingent on a single consideration
`of the pelvis and the upper tm
`3hip adj hip-per; hippest ;
`"of or interested in the ne
`ments or styles -—'-hipmess
`‘hip vb hipped; hip-ping :
`hIp-bone \'hip-‘hon, v.b6n\
`flaring bone that makes a l
`the pelvis in mammals
`h|'P-h0P \‘hip-._11iip\ n '1
`esp. of inner—city youths w
`tees of rap music 2 : the
`hip-hug-gers \'hip-.119-gszz
`slung close-fitting pants t
`hip joint n : the articul
`femur and the hipbone‘
`hipped \'hipt\ adj : havin
`specified kind (broad-hipp
`hip-pie or hip‘-py
`long-haired unconventi
`young person
`hip-po \'hi-po\ n, pl hippo
`hip-po-drome \'hi-pa-_.drom_
`for equestrian performanc
`pl—-mus-es or -m \4.mi\‘[
`popotamos, alter. of hippo
`river horse] : a large thick
`ic mammal of sub-Saha
`related to the swine
`‘hire \'hi(-a)r\ n 1_: paym"
`personal services : WAG
`, MEN!‘ 3 : one who ishire
`zhire vb hired; hir-ing-~ f
`pay 2 : to engage the te
`for pay 3 : to takeemp
`hire-ling \'hi(-a)r-lin\ '_11 :‘
`esp : one with mercenary
`hirésuie \'har~,si'it, 'hir-\,a_
`‘his \'hiz\ ad)’ : of or rela
`Zhis pron :
`one or the one
`uHis-pan-ic \hi-‘spa-nik\ a
`to, or being ,a person 0
`descent living in the U.
`hiss \'his\ vb : to make
`sound; also : to express;
`hissing -—- hiss n
`hissy fit \'hi-sé-\ n : TAM
`hist abbr historian; histori
`his-ta-mine’ \'his-tea
`compound widespread
`that plays a major role
`tions (as hay fever)