Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`Filed on behalf of Symantec Corporation
`Patent Owner
`Case To Be Assigned
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`Symantec 1010
`IPR of Pat. No. 8,141,154

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`Declaration of Jack W. Davidson
`In Support of Petitioner Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.120
`I, Jack W. Davidson, declare as follows
`I. Overview
`I am over 21 years of age and otherwise competent to make this
`Declaration. I make this Declaration based upon facts and matters within my own
`knowledge and on information provided to me by others.
`I have been retained as an expert witness to provide testimony on
`behalf of Symantec Corporation (“Symantec” or “Petitioner”) as part of the above-
`captioned inter partes review proceeding (“IPR”), including issues relating to the
`validity of U.S. patent number 8,141,154 (“the ‘154 patent”), entitled “System and
`method for inspecting dynamically generated executable code.” I also understand
`that the ‘154 patent was filed on December 12, 2005 and issued on March 20, 2012
`and that the ‘154 patent is currently assigned to Finjan, Inc.
`I have reviewed and am familiar with the specification and
`prosecution history of the ‘154 patent. A copy of the ‘154 patent is provided as
`Symantec 1001. As I explain in more detail below, I am familiar with the
`technology at issue as of the December 12, 2005 filing date of the ‘154 patent.

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`I have also reviewed and am familiar with the following prior art,
`which I understand is being used by Symantec in the Petition for Inter Partes
`Review of the ‘154 patent:
`a. U.S. Patent Application Publication 2007/0113282 by Robert F. Ross
`(“Ross,” provided as Symantec 1002);
`b. U.S. Patent Application Publication 2002/0066022 by Brad Calder et
`al. (“Calder,” provided as Symantec 1003);
`c. Design and implementation of a distributed virtual machine for
`networked computers, by Emin Gun Sirer et al., Association for
`Computing Machinery, December 1999. (“Sirer,” provided as
`Symantec 1004).
`d. U.S. Patent No. 8,220,055 to Mark K. Kennedy ( “Kennedy,”
`provided as Symantec 1009)
`5. With its Petition and this supporting Declaration, I understand
`Symantec is requesting that the Patent Office institute a review of claims 1-12 of
`the ‘154 patent, and that the requested review is based on the following grounds:
`a. Ground 1: Claims 1-5 are anticipated under 35 U.S.C. § 102 by Ross.
`b. Ground 2: Claims 2, 4-8, 10, and 11 are rendered obvious under 35
`U.S.C. § 103 by Ross.

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`c. Ground 3: Claims 9 and 12 are rendered obvious under 35 U.S.C. §
`103 by Ross in view of Calder.
`d. Ground 4: Claims 1-12 are rendered obvious under 35 U.S.C. § 103
`by Calder in view of Sirer.
`I have been asked to provide a technical review, analysis, and insight
`regarding the above-noted references, which I understand form the basis for the
`grounds of rejection set forth in the Petition.
`I am being compensated for my time in connection with this IPR at a
`rate of $400 per hour. I am also being compensated for any out-of-pocket expenses
`for my work in this review. My compensation as an expert is in no way dependent
`upon the results of any investigations I undertake, the substance of any opinion I
`express, or the ultimate outcome of the review proceedings. I have been advised
`that Bryan Cave LLP represents the Petitioner Symantec, Inc. in this matter. I have
`no direct financial interest in Symantec, Finjan, or the ‘154 patent.
`II. My Background and Qualifications
`I am a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia.
`In addition, I am the Founder and President of Zephyr Software LLC. Zephyr
`Software, in business since 2001, provides a variety of services including
`innovative computer security solutions targeted mainly for U.S. Department of

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`Defense applications. For more than 35 years, I have been involved in the design
`of computer systems and software as well as leading and managing large software
`development projects.
`I earned a Bachelor’s of Applied Science in Computer Science from
`Southern Methodist University in 1975, a Master’s of Science in Computer
`Science from Southern Methodist University in 1977, and a Doctorate in Computer
`Science from the University of Arizona in 1981. After receiving my Doctorate, I
`joined the faculty at the University of Virginia. In addition, I have held visiting
`positions at Princeton University and Microsoft Research in Redmond,
`For over 35 years, I have conducted research in a variety of areas in
`computer science including compilers, interpreters, programming languages,
`computer architecture, embedded systems, program analysis, and most recently
`computer security. My current research in computer security involves developing
`methodologies for preventing attacks against critical, enterprise-level computer
`systems and preventing malware from infecting personal and mobile computers. In
`these areas and others I have led and managed several large-scale projects
`involving the collaboration of top U.S. researchers. I am currently leading a large
`project ($5.8M) called the Cyber Fault-tolerant Attack Recovery project at the

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`University of Virginia, which has been funded by the Defense Advanced Research
`Project Agency (DARPA). The goal of the Cyber Fault-tolerant Attack Recovery
`project is to develop defensive cyber techniques that can be deployed to protect
`existing and planned software systems without requiring changes to the concept of
`operations of these systems.
`I am also the principal investigator of a project funded by the Air
`Force Research Laboratories (“AFRL”) in Rome, NY. The goal of this project is
`to transition the results of our previously funded research in cyber security from
`our research laboratory to the field. That is, we are working with the AFRL to
`automatically secure mission-critical system against attack by well-funded,
`determined malicious adversaries and to develop and carry out compelling
`demonstrations, tests, and exercises that demonstrate the power and effectiveness
`of the techniques developed in the Dependability Group at the University of
`12. As my current research focus is in cyber security, I have published
`extensively in the field of computer security. In addition to other publications, the
`paper “Safe Virtual Execution Using Software Dynamic Execution” written by
`Kevin Scott and myself and presented at the 18th Annual Computer Security
`Applications Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada in December 2002 is

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`particularly relevant to the matter being considered.
`13. My curriculum vitae, which is provided as Symantec 1011, lists my
`publications in the computer security area.
`In addition to my scholarly activities in the field of cyber security, I
`am the President and sole owner of Zephyr Software LLC. I founded Zephyr
`Software as another vehicle for commercializing my research. Currently, Zephyr
`Software is focused on commercializing cyber security solutions. Including
`myself, Zephyr Software has four employees. Zephyr Software currently has Phase
`II SBIR contracts from DARPA and the Office of Naval Research (“ONR”).
`The DARPA contract is targeted at securing embedded systems.
`Network routers, communications equipment, supervisory control and data
`acquisition (“SCADA”) systems, and industrial control systems (“ICS”) are some
`examples of embedded systems. Because these systems are part of a critical
`infrastructure, such as plant operations, the power grid, communication systems,
`transportation systems, and similar operations, it is vital that these systems be
`protected from malicious attacks.
`The work being performed under the ONR contract includes
`developing techniques to prevent malicious adversaries from taking over the
`control of a program via a technique known as “program hijacking.” Using

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`program hijacking, a malicious entity can take control of a program to carry out a
`variety of attacks such as denial of service, secret information leakage, shutdown
`of critical services, and similar attacks.
`In addition to my research and commercialization activities, I am also
`an accomplished and award-winning instructor. In 1989, I received the NCR
`Faculty Innovation Award for my development of innovative curriculum materials
`and outstanding teaching. I am the co-author of two widely used introductory
`programming textbooks, C++ Program Design: An Introduction to Programming
`and Object-Oriented Design and Java 1.5 Program Design both published by
`In 2008, I was co-recipient (with my co-author James P. Cohoon) of
`the IEEE Computer Society Taylor L. Booth Education Award for “sustained
`effort to transform introductory computer science education through lab-based
`multimedia pedagogy coupled with examples that attract a diverse student body.”
`In addition, I have given invited lectures at the Third International Summer School
`on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems held
`in L’Aquila Italy in 2007. Approximately 200 students attended this summer
`school from the member nations of the European Union.
`19. As part of my ongoing activities in computer security, I created and

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`teach a course about cyber security at the University of Virginia. The course title is
`“Defense against the Dark Arts.” The course focuses teaching students techniques
`for defending computers from computer viruses, computer worms, and other types
`of malicious attacks. The course was first taught in the Fall of 2005 and I have
`taught it multiple times since that time. I last taught the course in Spring of 2014.
`I also was a lecturer in the inaugural Indo-US Engineering Faculty
`Leadership Institute held in Mysore, India. The goal of the Leadership Institute is
`to improve University education in India. The Institute was attended by 120
`faculty members from Indian Universities.
`In the summers of 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014, I helped organize and
`lectured at the International Summer School on Information Security and
`Protection (ISSISP) held in Beijing, China (2010), Ghent, Belgium (2011), Tucson,
`Arizona (2012), and Verona, Italy (2014). Each summer school was attended by
`50 students from various international universities. ISSISP 2015 will be held in Rio
`de Janerio, Brazil.
`22. Because of my expertise and stature within in the computing
`community, I am often asked to serve on important Boards and Councils. I served
`as an elected member-at-large of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
`Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN) for four years.

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`ACM is the largest professional computing society in the world. I was elected
`chair of SIGPLAN in 2005. I am a member of the ACM Council, which oversees
`the operation of ACM, and I am co-chair of ACM’s Publications Board, which
`oversees the publication of the organization’s 44 professional journals and 8
`magazines, and a professional book series.
`23. As a leading expert in the field, I help organize many technical
`conferences in the area including the International Conference on Parallel
`Architectures and Compilation Techniques (“PACT”), International Symposium
`on Code Generation and Optimization (“CGO”), Conference on Programming
`Language Design and Implementation (“PLDI”), Conference on Languages,
`Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems (“LCTES”), International Conference
`on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (“CASES”),
`Conference on the Principles of Programming Languages (“POPL”), International
`Conference on Autonomic Computing (“ICAC”), and International Conference on
`High-Performance and Embedded Architectures (“HiPEAC”).
`In the past, I was an Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions of
`Programming Languages and Systems (“TOPLAS”) and ACM Transactions on
`Architecture and Code Optimization (“TACO”) journals. TOPLAS is the archival
`journal in the area of programming languages and compilers. TACO is an archival

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`journal in the area of computer architecture and program optimization. In 2009, I
`received SIGPLAN’s Distinguished Service Award for “substantial and sustained
`contributions to the programming languages research community and to SIGPLAN
`in particular.”
`I am a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
`Engineers (“IEEE”), the IEEE Computer Society. I am a Fellow of the Association
`for Computer Machinery (“ACM”). The ACM Council established the ACM
`Fellows Program in 1993 to recognize and honor outstanding ACM members for
`their achievements in computer science and information technology and for their
`significant contributions to the mission of the ACM. The ACM Fellows serve as
`distinguished colleagues to whom the ACM and its members look to for guidance
`and leadership as the world of information technology evolves.
`26. A more detailed listing of my professional background and
`accomplishments is found in my curriculum vitae provided as Symantec 1011.
`III. My Expertise and the Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`27. As a result of my more than thirty-years’ experience in the field of
`computer science and my deep involvement over the last 15 years with computer
`security through teaching and research, I am very familiar with techniques to
`secure and protect computer systems, including techniques to prevent computer

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`viruses, worms and other types of attacks from corrupting both personal computers
`and enterprise-level systems.
`28. Accordingly, I am qualified to provide expert opinions on the
`technology described in the ‘154 patent as well as the teachings of the prior art
`references at the time of the ‘154 patent.
`29. A person of ordinary skill at the time of the alleged invention of the
`‘154 patent would generally have a master’s degree in computer science, computer
`engineering, or a similar field, or a bachelor’s degree in computer science,
`computer engineering, or a similar field, with approximately two years of
`experience in the fields of networking and anti-malware development, computer
`security or equivalent work experience. Additional graduate education might
`substitute for experience, while significant experience in the field of computer
`programming, networking, and/or malicious code might substitute for formal
`IV. Applicable Legal Standards
`I am not an attorney and do not expect to offer any opinions regarding
`the law. However, I have been informed of certain legal principles relating to
`patent claim construction and invalidity that I relied upon in reaching opinions set
`forth in this report.

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`It is my understanding that obviousness is determined from the
`vantage point of a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was
`made. In order for a claim to be considered invalid under this ground, I understand
`that the proposed combination of asserted references must teach or suggest each
`and every claim feature and that the claimed invention as a whole must have been
`obvious at that time to one of ordinary skill in the art.1
`32. My understanding is that one should avoid the use of “hindsight” in
`assessing whether a claimed invention would have been obvious. For example, an
`invention should not be considered in view of what persons of ordinary skill would
`know today, nor should it be reconstructed after the fact by starting with the claims
`themselves and/or by reading into the prior art the teachings of the invention at
`1 Accordingly, I understand that that the term “obvious” has both a legal and a
`technical meaning. When the term is used throughout this declaration, my
`opinions and conclusions will be directed to the technical meaning of obvious (i.e.,
`whether subject matter was within the technical grasp of a person of ordinary skill
`at the time of the invention).

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`It is my understanding that obviousness cannot be proven by mere
`conclusory statements or by merely showing that an invention is a combination of
`elements that were already previously known in the prior art. Rather, it is my
`understanding that a party challenging a patent in an Inter Partes Review
`proceeding must further establish by a preponderance of the evidence that there
`was an apparent reason with some rational underpinnings that would have caused a
`person of ordinary skill at the time of the invention to have combined and/or
`altered these known elements to arrive at the claimed invention. Such reasons
`might include, for example, teachings, suggestions, or motivations to combine that
`would have been apparent to a person of ordinary skill in the art.
`Claim Language
`I understand that, in Inter Partes Review proceedings, claim terms are
`to be given the broadest reasonable construction in light of the specification as
`would be read by a person of ordinary skill in the relevant art.
`35. As the result of my education and experience, I believe that I
`understand how the asserted claims of the ‘154 patent would be understood by a
`person of ordinary skill in the art applying the above standard.
`V. Overview of Malware Detection Technology at the Time of the ‘154 Patent
`36. At the time of the ‘154 patent, networks of computer systems were
`greatly increasing society’s productivity, as well as the quality of life for many

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`citizens. Society was increasingly relying on computer systems to control vital
`infrastructure, such as transportation systems, power generation and transmission
`systems, communication systems, financial systems, and similar infrastructure
`components. At the time of the ‘154 patent, malware had become a major
`problem for the computer industry.
`37. Malware includes viruses, worms, and other types of malicious
`software, such as spyware, and malicious downloads. For example, the MyDoom
`virus, which appeared in early 2004, caused billions of dollars in damages, with
`estimates ranging from $14B to $38.5B. The virus caused various types of
`economic damages. For example, business incurred costs associated with
`providing help desk support, overtime payments, loss of business, degraded
`internet service, productivity loss, management time reallocation, and
`implementing a recovery. Because of the high cost of these damages, there was,
`and continues to be, much interest in developing techniques to defend against
`various types of malware.
`38. Because malware comes in many types, it is useful to categorize or
`classify malware by answering the following questions:
`a) How was the attack created?
`b) How was the malicious code transported?
`c) What vulnerabilities were exploited?

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`d) What damage did the attack cause?
`For example, the MyDoom virus was created using a popular
`programming language called C++. The malicious code was most often spread by
`e-mail, as typically inserted into the e-mail as an attachment. When an
`unsuspecting user clicked on the attachment, the user’s computer would be
`infected. This virus worked by exploiting a vulnerability of the Windows
`operating system; specifically, the Windows operating system used to allow e-mail
`attachments to be executed by the computer. If an e-mail attachment contained a
`virus, and the e-mail attachment was executed, the virus would execute and could
`install additional malware on the infected machine including a backdoor. This
`backdoor would then allow a remote adversary to access the infected machine. The
`virus could also install software to initiate a denial-of-service attack against certain
`Internet sites.
`In the early 2000’s, the main defense against various types of
`malware, including viruses, was anti-virus software. Such software was generally
`referred to as anti-virus software even though it would detect other types of
`malware such as spyware, backdoors, spammers, and keyloggers.
`The dominant technique used by anti-virus software to detect malware
`was signature-based scanning. Signature-based scanning is analogous to a
`common, standard medical approach for determining if a person is infected with

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`certain biological pathogen. A blood test is performed to see if particular
`antibodies are present that indicate that the subject is infected. Similarly, with
`signature-based virus detection, the anti-virus software scans relevant files for a
`“fingerprint” or “signature” that, if present, indicates malware is present.
`There are many aspects to creating powerful, effective, signature-
`based anti-virus software. One key aspect for effective scanning is the
`completeness of the corpus of signatures used by the scanner. If the signature
`database does not contain a signature for specific malware, the malware most
`likely will not be detected. Anti-virus vendors expend considerable effort to ensure
`their signature databases contain up-to-date signatures of newly discovered viruses
`and that these updated databases are provided to the licensees of their software on
`a timely basis.
`43. Another aspect for effective scanning is the sophistication of the
`scanning algorithms and techniques. Anti-virus software vendors continually
`investigated new scanning techniques to both speed the scanning process and to
`improve the accuracy. Much like the medical tests I mention above, signature-
`based scanning may sometimes result in false positives or false negatives. In the
`medical context a false positive is when a test has incorrectly indicated the
`presence of a pathogen when there is, in actuality, none present. A false negative

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`is when the test has incorrectly indicated that no pathogen is present when there is,
`in actuality, a pathogen present.
`44. At the time of the ‘154 patent, anti-virus researchers continually
`worked to improve the accuracy of the signature-based scanning by lowering the
`rates of false positives and false negatives. Unfortunately, virus writers also
`continually worked to create new techniques for creating malware that would
`evade detection by signature-based scanning. This back-and-forth struggle between
`virus writers and anti-virus defenders is much like an arms race. Each time a virus
`writer devised a new mechanism for avoiding detection, anti-virus researchers
`responded by developing new techniques. With each successive generation of
`malware, maintaining the effectiveness of signature-based scanning (i.e., low rates
`of false positives and false negatives) grew more difficult.
`45. One of the advantages of signature-based malware detection is that
`anti-virus vendors could extensively test their signatures to avoid false positives.
`They did this by maintaining an extensive corpus of benign programs that would
`be typically found on target machines. Before a new set of signatures is released,
`the signatures are extensively tested against the corpus.
`46. A disadvantage of signature-based scanning is that it is only effective
`against known families of malware. That is, appropriate signatures can be tested

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`and evaluated only if a sample of the malware has been captured and analyzed. As
`it became easier to create new malware and the speed of infection increased
`because of the growth of the Internet, anti-virus researchers began to search for
`other approaches that could complement signature-based scanning.
`47. Another approach to detecting malware is to analyze a program to
`identify intrinsic malware behavior. This approach is sometimes called “behavior
`blocking.” The approach had been known since at least 1997 where it had been
`proposed and used for intrusion detection and detection of violations of security
`policies. The approach is also sometimes referred to as “execution monitoring.”
`The primary advantage of behavior blocking over signature-based malware
`detection is that it can thwart unknown or previously unseen malware, and it can
`thwart malware that may have been seen, but for which the signature has not yet
`been distributed to end users.
`48. One form of behavior blocking is to monitor a program as it runs and
`observe its actions. If the program behaves in some suspicious way, perhaps by
`carrying out a set of operations that is characteristic of malware, a predetermined
`security policy can be applied.
`To avoid damage that might be done before the malicious behavior is
`recognized, the monitored program is often executed in a “sandbox” that prevents

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`the application from compromising the host computer. The sandbox could be
`created through some form of virtualization that is either process-level or system-
`level on the host machine or a separate machine.
`Typically, the monitoring necessary for behavior blocking is done by
`some type of reference monitor. A reference monitor works by monitoring a
`program’s execution steps. The execution may be monitored at different levels. It
`may be low-level and fine-grained by monitoring every instruction or every
`memory-reference. It may be high-level such as by monitoring system calls, API
`calls, or application function or method calls.
`51. A common approach to monitoring a program’s execution is to
`rewrite function calls so that a substitute function is called. The substitute function
`can perform the necessary actions so an execution policy (including a security
`policy) can be enforced. Such actions include recording context information (e.g.,
`the contents of the run-time stack, the values of arguments, etc.), checking,
`modifying, or recording the values of arguments to functions, preventing the
`execution of the function, and redirecting control to a substitute function. Because
`the substitute function can be written in a high-level language, the writer of the
`substitute function has great flexibility in choosing what actions to take when the
`substitute function is invoked.

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`52. Many of these concepts are concretely illustrated in the paper “Safe
`Virtual Execution Using Software Dynamic Translation” which I coauthored with
`Kevin Scott. Published in 2002 (provided as Symantec 1018), the paper discusses
`one approach to execution monitoring or behavior blocking. The paper describes
`how an application’s execution can be monitored so that system calls are
`intercepted or “hooked” and a specific security policy is enforced. While the paper
`focuses on interception or hooking of system calls, the paper notes that the process
`need not be limited to system calls. The paper shows high-level language
`examples where particular function calls are hooked.
`53. One example in the paper shows the open system call being hooked.
`The open system call makes a file available for access by the application. In the
`example, the monitor enforces a security policy that prevents a password file from
`being opened by the application. The password file is stored in the
`/etc/passwd location. By hooking the open system function, the monitor
`invokes a substitute function that modifies the original argument passed to the
`function to make it an absolute pathname and checks to make sure that the file
`attempting to be opened is not the password file stored in the /etc/passwd
`location. If the file being opened is this password file, the substitute function issues
`an error message and terminates the function. If the file being opened is not the

`password file, the substitute function opens the file and returns the necessary file
`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`descriptor to the original calling function.
`A. The Specification
`The ‘154 patent generally relates to “protecting a client computer
`from dynamically generated malicious content.” ‘154 patent, Abstract, 1:5-22;
`4:30-34, 13:37-40. The ‘154 patent explains that early prior art techniques for
`virus detection protection were “reactive,” in that they relied upon a database of
`known virus signatures. Id., 1:23-32, 1:54-55, FIG. 1. Following the proliferation
`of the Internet, later prior art techniques recognized that certain virus types could
`not be recognized by signature-based scans. Instead of relying these techniques,
`the prior art systems turned to “proactive” techniques such as “behavioral
`analysis.” Id., col. 1:34-64.
`Several prior art systems that perform this type of behavioral analysis
`are described in the ‘154 patent. These prior art systems included a “gateway
`computer,” which received content and transmitted it to a “client computer.” ‘154
`patent, 2:46-53, FIG. 1 (labeled “PRIOR ART”). The gateway and/or client
`included a “content inspector,” which was used to “automatically scan and parse
`executable content, in order to detect which computer operations the content may

`Inter Partes Review of
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`perform.” It also developed a “security profile” that was then compared against a
`set of allowable actions, which is a “security policy”. Id., 1:57-2:17, FIG. 1. The
`client also included a “content processor” for processing the content received from
`the gateway, such as “a conventional web browser, which processes Internet
`content.” Id., 2:54-3:2, FIG. 1.
`56. However, according to the ‘154 patent, these prior art proactive virus
`protection systems were not able to detect dynamically generated viruses because
`inputs that were generated at runtime were not available to the content inspector.
`‘154 patent, 3:31-4:26, 4:65-5:3. FIG. 2 of the ‘154 patent attempts to address this
`problem through simple and straight-forward modifications to the prior art in order
`to analyze inputs generated by the content processor at run time. ‘154 patent, 4:43-
`51, 11:63-12:14.
`57. As can be seen from the figures below, there are only a few
`differences between the system depicted in FIG. 2 and the prior art. In FIG. 2, the
`content inspector is replaced with a content modifier. While a content inspector of
`FIG. 1 might have modified the content,2 the content modifier of FIG. 2 inserts a
`substitute function that is “operational to send the input to a security computer for
`inspection.” ‘154 patent, col. 5:10-12. Because this substitute function sends the
`2 ‘154 patent, col. 3:9-12 (“gateway computer 105 may modify the content so as to render it harmless, and
`subsequently transmit the modified content to client computer 110”).

`Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`input to a security computer, a security computer is also added which
`communicates with the client. This security computer has an input inspector and
`an input modifier for inspecting and modifying the inputs passed to it by the client,
`58. As FIG. 2 shows, the gateway computer includes a content modifier
`instead of a content inspector. The content modifier “modifies original content
`received by gateway computer 205 … by scan[ning] the original content and
`identif[ying] function calls… [and then] modif[ying] selected ones of the function
`calls to corresponding [substitute] function calls.” ‘154 patent, col. 9:13-28,
`13:52-62, FIGS. 3, 5. The modified content is sent to the content processor at the

`Inter Partes Review of
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`client computer. Id., 13:63-14:1, FIGS. 3, 5. The output of the content modifier
`may be a simple wrapper around the original functions, which causes the original
`functions to be checked at runtime before it is executed.
`Id., Table I.
`Scanning content and creating

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