`Victoria Neufeldt
`Editor in Chief
`David 13- Gllralnik MURATA MACHINERY, LTD.
`Exhibit 2020
`Editor In Chief Emeritus
`DA":UKU Co” L1-D_ and
`IPRZO15-015 41

`to David B. Guralnik
`lex£r:r:graph:Lr:al mentor and friend
`cw world” 9911999 Dictionary, Third Edition
`' N
`wwmr B
`96, 1994, 1991, 1988 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.
`Cupyright '9 1997, 19

`' ntf Webster's New World Dictirinaryiy,
`9 1999,1994, 1992, 1999, 1979,
`1979, 1979,1974.1972. 1970 by Simnn 3% Schumr» In“-
`All rights reserved
`including the right of l‘l‘:]‘ll'f)d|.lL'1.]fJl'|
`in whole UT in part in any fnnn
`Macmillan General Reference
`A Simun & Schuistzar Macmillan Cnmpany
`1633 Broadway
`New York, NY 10019-6735
`A W9'r;9ter's New Wrirld” B9914
`MACMIILAN is a rrzgistsred trademark of Macmillan, 1110-
`rc:gi9u:red trademark of Simon & Schusiter, Inc.
`Dictionary Editorial Offices:
`New World Diczirinaries
`850 Euclid Avenue
`Cleveland, Ohio 44114
`Library of Congress Catalnging-in-Publication Data
`Wc:b9tt:r’n New Wurld onllege dictinnary I Victoria Neufeldt, editor In
`child’, David B. Guralnik, editm in chief emeritus. — 3rd ed
`IH?iN 0-U2-861673-I (thumb-indexed). —- ISBN 0-02-861675-8(P1am)'
`- 159.»: 0-02—8f31674-X fl1:ath1:rkral't)
`1. Iiriglinh lzangiiage — Dictinnay-icg_
`11. (}1m1lnik,IJ-
`‘d 9;
`P91999.w51s99m1si9imdrd’ W0“
`I, Neufeldt, Victoria-
`Ilzitahaue nervics: and
`Muriiifatrtlirtgrl in the §luE:f:':';tXI:g£§a1£x1'Comp'
`. 0.
`Hudson. Oh‘

`T '
`miiiiiatiiig of very iiiiiiill mrliitli-.ii of reiiin '
`|I|Illl.|-ll, l.|I|' JJIJIH11 lmil |{l'l‘vt]l|l'IIl Lliieii luiuaii Lu l.:il:)ur:i-i:“l';wI
`ii-it-II mi ll i-niri!.ni1{. frir Hlfllfllllu’. I'll‘.
`plas-togens iiili.ii'i.r. jriir; n. i - fir plmiimi, r.,,..,,.,, M
`ii lfl-g|fllHIJ' ur~rii.lii' giiirtiili,-iiiiiirii:iu1,..,i W '3 'l'1.A.-cry] .
`t-iii Il'I]'_ llii- iii livll y iil. l.liii |iliivil.iIlH
`I " "ml ii-i|]u_
`plan-Iron Ipliiii'tr.iii, -tron’; ri.
`i'l~'r r It piriiiiriim. , Mm
`1 ii
`lIl‘I'.lUtl.|lllllJ' wrini uiiiln-.r ii «mil. iii‘ "H": '3 he riiiii.
`iirriiectnf ‘Vllfll ovi-r tliiii limit lay li-iir t-rsi 3 n trmimiriy |. 1. “ 1”‘‘l'leii
`wiirli fin the front ril ii wiminii'ii rlri-iiri 4| it iitsrrlii-rl lI1l|I|''.'l'T “ "Ht-y_
`Iowi-r. vi-iitriil port of this iilwll ul H |-"I'll! far tr-rtiiiiiie
`mm 5 ‘ha
`-p|a:l1ylp1i.ii'|.ei {fir pliiiiliri « plimluii, fnirrniirl
`lu-e l'l,A.‘i‘l'lL [i i-iiiiiliiriiriii [arm IJl"l"-3‘? '“"l!"I':r mwilviny .. r',,u' f."”"i
`port iii
`this liiiily.
`timiuc. Ur piirp-use frFitrir.,,;,u:”":'f’*dl
`plriiiiy. ricriplrinlvl
`y’ "M"
`-p|a|5y [|,[,-(5.5. ,.];,ii'ii) i_-riirriliiriiriu frirrri —If'f.i\l-ilii
`plat‘ (plat) vf. plal'lotI. plotting lMl'._;Jl!1llPn, var. or ,.i.,Wn_
`I-i.ii'rL |llial.| to piuit or liniirl
`fl- llllllll *5 Iiluitor liriijii
`' ""
`Plat? lialiiii n. Ivan of WFI‘. if-T1-hr ME. Hat r til-‘r: sec PI.A'l'1’-I
`small iiii.-iie of ground 2 ii niiiii rrr i|1""-_*="l'- “Th rm-re of land
`into lniilding lritii — Vt. platted. p|It'tmg In Iniilie a map 01' pin or
`plat~ liilaii ciiriiiiiniiiii farm i_-ui'rv-
`lat iililm-ii. 1 pliiteiiu 2 Mil. platoon
`Isna (iiIii"Li). Rio do is lre'i‘> dc la") estuary of the l‘srsriii it ljmgim,
`lii-twi.-i-n Argentina dc
`lJruitU"!= |'-'- 2”“ mi.
`(1121 limp; 3,,‘
`nsmic River Plate
`Pla-[gels [pl-.i |.e':i) ancient city in lirimitia, M. lireece: site nfii. {mug
`(-l'i’9 H.i:.] in which the liri-eliii defeated Llii.- Persians: also PI.-f,.g'..
`plaiian or plat-aria lpIrit"nl n. l‘l.ANlv‘.'
`pair dujaur (rile dil iviiiiiir/) pl. plats dulouf liiln-) ll"r. diiii-i out.
`day i the featured dish of the day in a restaurant
`plate (pit) n. llll-'r. flat iiliject < fern. of plot. flat < VI. 'plallwt .«
`(Ir pilulys. broad. l'laL:
`i-ice I'I..-\'r\'~ I
`1 a smooth, flat. relatively thin
`piece of metal or other material 2 ii iiheet of metal made by heating.
`rolling. or casting 3 a} any of the thin “him” "r m*'L|l- Pllfil-it. etc.
`used in one liirid of armor (plate armori b)_iiuch armor I iii a thin,
`flat piece of metal iin which an engraving is. or iii to be. cut bl an
`impression taken from the en raved metal 5 a print of a woodcut,
`lithograph. eu:.. esp. when use
`in ii liiioli 8 a full-page boali illustra-
`tion of so kind. printed on paper of a stock different from that of
`the text
`a) dishes. utensils. etc. of silver or gold, collectively ii)
`metal dishes. utensils. ebi:.. or any metallic ware, plated with gold or
`silver 8 a shallow dish. usually circular, from which food is rush I
`rui-rizi-iii 10 the food in a diiih: a course (ii rruitplaie] 11 food and
`service for an individual at a meal [dinner at twenty dollars splatr.'
`12 a dish or other container passed in churches, etc. for donations of
`money 13 o) a prize, orig. a gold or silver cup. given to the winner nl
`a race or contest b) a contest, esp. a horse race. for such a pnzl.
`rather than for sialies (also called plate race) 14 Fl-t'f‘Hl
`iii.-i_ii 15 a
`thin cut of beef from the forequarter, just below the short nba: see
`si-zitr. illus. 16 Ariot, Zoril. a thin layer. plate. or scale, as of bone or
`horny tissue: lamina; acute 17 Archit. a horiaontsl wooden girder
`that supports the trusses or rafters of a roof 13 Baseball than [or
`HOME ri.ii'rr: 19 Dentist:-y oi) that part of an artificial denture which
`no to the mouth ind holds the teeth ii} [often pii ioiiseiii. a full at
`of fsliie teeth 20 I-.‘li;-c.
`I & 2) 21 Piiil_iiirly_ the
`impression surface from which it sheet of postage stamps is piflnlld
`22 Photog. a sheet of glass. metal. etc.. coated with a film sensitive to
`light. upon which the image is formed 23 Printing I cast. io_be
`printed from. made from a mold of set type or from a nfl!I“"'
`repsred as by photocornpositioo —vt. plsfied. pllflrig 1 £9 WU‘
`ay or coat with gold. silver. tin. etc. by a mechanical. chemical. 0'
`electrical process 2 to cover. as with metal plates for prolirtllflfl 3
`to rnalie a printing plate of
`pla-teau (pla us’) n., pl. -lentil’ or -issux' (-ton’) [Fr < OF‘!
`dim. < plat" see pi-ec.] 1 an elevated tract of more or less levr
`tablelsnd: mesa. 2 a period. level. etc. of relative stability. 01’
`tively little change. as can be shown by a list eatent on s are
`apecifii I period in which an individual‘s learning Isl-£_
`improve —vl. to become relatively stable or constant. as _
`plate block Philotely a block of postage stamps with a serial "W"
`(plate number) in the margin
`Plalled lpiaivld) ad].
`1 covered or protected with plates.
`2 linitted of two liinds of yarn. one forming the face and th! 0%.
`the back 3 overlaid or coated with a metal. esp. a precious onh 3'
`lsting process [silver-plated}
`P ll9'lUl li3lll’funl’l n..
`. -luls‘ as much an a plate will hold Md .0,
`plate glass ground an polished. clear glass in thick iihfll-5
`shop windows. mirrors, etc.
`. “mi
`plate-let (plat‘lit) rl. ii-ui1'ir. + -|.|r.-r|
`1 any of certain T
`nonnucleated diiiks. smaller than a red blood cell and t‘i.\|'\l1Ill'llm
`hsiriogliihin. found in the blood of mammals and aw-K'l'“d W
`process of blood clotting 2 Tiiiioiiiiiiii-v1'i-2 (sense ll
`stien lplat"n) fl. IIME plrileyne -i Ul~‘rplali'rii'.1liI| ll
`1 a flat metal plate. as that in a_ Pfi“ _w..,-itrf-
`.4 picii: see l"l.i|‘l'l-'.
`*2 m H I)
`which presses the paper against the inliud type
`the roller against which the lieyii slrilie
`plstisr liillitfarl n. 1 a periioii or thing th
`Iilhl an inferior race horse
`plate roll it l|l'Il.'lnlhl4 iiiuliliiig along the upper part Of
`lnr huliliiiii uriiaiiisiital pliileii, t'1.I.'.'.
`plate tectonics Hi-iii. ihi- than
`that (hi! our-ih's gulf
`pl.-iteii, ur largo i-ruiital iiliiliii. w use constant motion ‘
`_ “Q i-I
`ni-iilnl ririft, miiiiiiiiiin biiilrlin . etc.
`plat-iorrn iiiliit'l'i‘iriii'l n. [Fr ,0 on‘-form». lit.. flat form-nwmgpccl -'
`iiiiisi |
`1 ii raiiii.-il horizontal surface of wood. stone. 0"
`ilasmol sis I
`and no definite size. es . the v-
`,_ _
`531)’ 0“! ll?!“-ll! U"i0»‘-'mtNi:'Ui'1'll
`mmld °'*"'l“".’"'~'|*'3- '“"l\_'_d’l"l§ UH’ I)lll'Jl.Rll.t'H tluil. i-iiiiiiu riiiiliiriii
`as}""?°'l.y's.s (pin: mm ' 3'5‘ "- I Muil.l.‘. its-c I‘I.i\.\'Mll- (Vi -l.\‘Hl.‘-ll Hiuf.
`3 5 n']k'“g ‘Jr ‘he I-"'0'-'-'Dlfl3|l'l Ul ll living coll due to Iiiiiii of water by
`as-mo» yze
`:17. mi} la’ Vt.
`_ .
`A ,.
`undergo plsiiiniilyiiia
`’ Vi ‘nut ‘fling W Huhlut L" M
`33:95 lanlgeglivzillngfoin Vll-'_iriiit Iii-niiiil,
`liiiliii. north of linllfllllfli
`their rule in India
`1'1!’ l
`-17) by which the British eiitaliliiiliod
`ilasl lplastl l<. Gr pla.rto.r, formed a pram-in to form‘ see l'l.\‘i'l'lt‘|
`'("*fi fofm 5 “_‘_'“I- 07 l-ll‘0l-nplaiim ]r.'hromo;ilast}
`LL to ‘l: H“ L?" 91“ ‘l "- lMl‘- Q 0|‘) plaster 8: Ul-‘r plrislre, both ~:
`‘fl.nptc‘:da“u"g' W L 9''“Pl€|fi'fr_Um 4: Gr eriiplniitruri. plaster «r. em :lii.-i-
`p“t.y miuu over hen. on. in + plossein. to form: see I-In.-i'I'ii:i
`1 a
`on d .
`{'9' 39 °, “'09 N’ I-t?l>B_l{m. sand. and water, which lli3l'dt‘l1ll
`Pml:3":‘I‘5- °' 9'35"“! Willie. ceilings. and partitions 2 |'l.Ah"l'l-'.lt or
`bad ~
`3 P831-iv’ preparation spread on cloth and applied to the
`3'" “mi ""d‘¢“"B“3v' as a curative or counterii-ritanl. —-vi. 1 to
`'IR‘'''’- 9'h":°5T- Werlly. etc. with or as with plaster 2 to apply or affix
`M: a‘pwster1!to loster posters on walls] 3 to make lie iimuoth and
`t _k
`apply in aster of l:’aris as it treatment 5 [(lolloq.] to affect
`_°'| ‘ “ 9 t‘;"‘
`‘ON! —D|IIlei1ern. —-piss'tei1y adj.
`'pf‘P9l“,"' "-""3 i-b_5rd'l fl. thin board consisting of a core of plaster
`0 bslflll covered withlieavy paper. used in wide sheets as a. base or
`titute for plaster in walls.
`srtitiona. etc.
`iaster cast
`a ctgay or tool of a statue or other object. cast in
`Dllllfl 5'‘ P11“ 2 WEEU I rigid cast to hold ii fractured bone in
`P1903 Emil Drevent movement. made by wrapping the limb or part
`with a bsnda e of gauze soaked in wet plaster of Paris
`lp_as'tsrd) Idfi.
`lpp. of P1J\t‘i"I‘ER: orig. military iilsiigl
`[Slang] intoxicated; drun
`alas-tar-ing (plaa'tsr in) n.
`1 the act or process of applying plaster 2
`a coatiri of plaster as on a wall
`plaster 0 Paris Ifrom use of gypsum from Monti-iiurtre in Piais in
`its manufacture
`a heav white powder, calcined gypsum. which.
`when mixed with water, orrns a thiclt paste that sets quickly: used
`for casts. moldings. statuary. etc.
`piss-tar-work lplas’tsr wurli’) rt a finish or decorative work done by
`p as-tic (plaa’tili) Id]. [L plostictia < Gr plastihor <
`loss:-iri. to
`form. prob. < II-.‘. base ‘pin-, flat. to smooth out > PLAIN‘
`1 molding
`or shaping matter;
`formative 2 ii) capable of being molded or
`shaped b) made of a plastic 3 in a flexible or changing state:
`impressionable In dealing with molding or modeling. as in sculpture
`its a) characterized by or exhibiting superlicislity or a lscli of o_ri_g"i~
`nality; dehumanized; mass-produced [the plastic world of television
`advertising] bl hypocriticslly false or synthetic; phony_[a plastic
`smile] as Colloq.] of or designating a credit card or credit cards. _or
`on their use [plastic money] T Biol. capable of readily
`chan 'ng or adapting in form. phyiiiology._or behavior 0 Med. a) of
`or he pful in the renewal of destroyed or inyured tissue li) that can
`be so renewed
`Physics capable of continu_ous and permanent
`change of shape in any direction without breaking apart —-l'l.
`1 any
`of various nonmetallic compounds. synthetically. produced. Usually
`{mm organic compounds by pol memation. which can be molded
`into various forms and
`. 0|‘ formed ml-0 Pllflblf BN9“ 0"
`films, fibers, flexible_or hard foams. etc. [or commercial use 2 some-
`thing made of plastic 3 [Co1loq.] a credit card 0r'1.‘I'I.‘dll. csrsla. or
`credit based on their use ~SYN.
`i>i.iiisi.s -—P1|| “'5!” l "- —
`(-lis'a tab) it
`_pI“mc (P asiftik) [< gr plaiirilioa: see Err.-c.] Coflllblflgtgffarllt {oi-_m.
`i'i-ig adjectives 1 fanning. developing! OMOPIOGIWI
`0 9' '9!“-lily
`in (ii given noun ending in_-ivuisiii.‘r. or -i;'ih.\sTYl i’r£IIfl0.t:ig=8lit'
`==wi°=~= 1-m=='°d“°'==i°'
`sioniihaasculpture orcersmicii ?sr1-and htéclnfl
`di an:
`as Ectll
`E78? 30 I
`-I9 P U
`from those involving writing or ¢0mP0lU‘-8- 1' “‘“"°
`tt lilie substance coritainins ¢¥Pl°°_1‘:'!|- ill“ Vi“
`ind is detonated by fuse or electricity
`Plea-ti-cine (plaii'ti sen’) lPl-it-‘THC * "N"-'3 “"'d°""°"‘ f°"""”"'b“°
`modeling paste. used as a substitute for clay or was Also plgrfl.
`pi:a°:l.i'-t'il:eGn‘l)IJlas’tl sir’) vt. vi. -clzed’. -citing to make or become
`r ‘
`;f.3i'i'.:;i-;j'¢?i-.(s—:]ir‘.Ela:).l:°:n: of various liquid or solid organic sub-
`Pmmc“ added to plaugch paints. etc. to modify viscosity, flexibility.
`is d
`of certain plastics after being
`9:",-"‘;,e'.§‘fom.?,:i’.mih:heiildrieghyiil form when heated
`I2 I‘):
`‘Ur en. surgery degling with the repair or restoration of
`pp’ rgd de ormed or destroyed parts of the body, esp. by transfer-
`tissue as skin or bone. from other parts or from another indi-
`vidu‘a’ld~—;l>lI’sLt'::)zuffifigilplaflidpn (pm < iii piiiiiidea. pl. of piiiiiii'i,
`rénider _. pia,m'i-i, to form: see Pi.-i2i_'rIi'
`any of
`em' D
`ifpd protoplasmic structures occurring in t u cyto-
`:,'i:::lo'?]::pc[1i:e piimi. cellii. in which lurch. oil. pi-uti-in. Pl|{|1'||5|“-- etc-
`1 pi,.iiiri-ir- HOME 2 the techniqiie or
`(pliiii tats’) n. H’?!
`manta in dancing or piiiitoinimu.
`action of rnaliins V??? 810*‘ "””"°
`root on
`1 t
`piles!-ii-bill l:lilirii'ti mi’. -uni‘) n- lrln-‘WC
`) + am?! a liquid dispersion

`4 of 4
`or pmcetut o a perm
`heiiide rail
`“at of p,in¢;p_lea and policies. cup. at‘ a political [mfly ,. my 1
`‘mg ii thick sole ofcorli. leather. etc. for a uhoe 2 ilcioignnt mg
`. ‘ho, with such a sole
`,,::g.m tied a bad m“°“‘l“lih;’L:l“;::flUDWIfhKl by n ltlnlfiirm
`_ fun with the ii
`%nE|8”rockBf A new;chair that rocliii atop an attache-d. eta.
`¢pmfot|‘l|_SC3l°(3l 9 g:-$35108 ma"-hm“ Wlul 3 Dllttform for luilding
`‘pawn in to be vmfl
`mun tennis rAiii>i.ii TENNIS
`fiflfll. (,,i.(;il.a)£,_s,y)iv: 11933‘.-ax‘us. poet
`pl§;r:'egnalézlwmfl ll!" of metal plates 3 a t.hin':;:ing'l:l"mill‘,
`flgfigfic 6::“tI:'ik) ed]. 0!. like. or containing platinum. esp. tem-
`valent pl:
`(_Plll-''D 13') V1 4"-‘:05’. illllflfi to coat or combine with
`ids and another cyanide
`pg]-gnndd (plat"n old’) 001. Ii-umniuul + -om
`resembling plati-
`mm —n. 1_an alloy at‘ copper. nickel, zinc. an tungsten: mm! in
`electrical resistance calls. etc. .2 any rnetal amuiciata-d with platinum
` $t% 00) ad]. of. like. or containing platinum. esp. diva-
`°':.‘:.'?““..... .....':.:’:..... L. ......<. N. '.'":...:.“3.::.."'.::°.:;.!r.:'.:
`elemrnt. highly reiiiatant
`silvery. rnalleable. ductile metallic chem‘
`to corrosion and
`attack: used an a chmaieal catalyiit,
`for er:
`roof wnumemagriiuon fuses. jewelry. dental alloys. etc.:
`'_aL wt... 195.
`, at. no., 78; up. gr. 21.45; me-lt. pt..
`boil. pt. 3.827'C —
`by canoe. with the platinum-
`plttted copy awarded to the pe ormer(el I
`fidrnignating a record.
`tape, disc. video, etc. which has registered sales or a ripe-cillvd num-
`ber. as two million, or value. as $1,000,000: platinum reflect: 1
`“Enter number or value than gold
`ttnurn block a black powder of finely divided metallic platinum.
`rodaictionofplatinurn salts: used an a catalyst. ea in organic
`nt hlonde 1 a
`lor woman with very light. silvery blonde
`. nature! or bl
`2 such a color
`lllltimtm metal any of a group of eimtlar metals.
`. dllim
`gamma... .3‘.-.::°.':;:‘..‘a¥.*.:°r.:": :;..*;,'::..?':..:’.:.:':._.....
`in by latitude. fvclituade
`1 a eornmonplace.ull‘a‘t. or dullquiility. an
`as ltitwero
`sh oro '
`-Pl|l’l-N’¢i1'|°|l| (407 "II 90
`:%'~"| His‘: is a trilte.::ierlr or idea. esp. one uttered an if it were
`NM or inonientoul: a eornrnonpteee is my ulwiuttl or runvrritinnal
`mark or idol; a huitrn to a statement whore truth in_widc-ly lmmvii and
`‘M8 utterance, therefore. seems superfluous; a client tl an eiipm.-ruin or
`Sglltlllth. though once_l'reiih and r.m_.ruL has bu-entire hfrtm-ylegitnndng
`re (plat'o t6bd"n I1’. -iyaid'-) vl. -aixocr. -nlflnl to
`Wllta map
`wt iE&t'o) I
`lraliiaionI c. 4274. 347 a.c.; Gr. hilneopher
`la-) a¢Eu[LP:aion.'cus < .r_r:g:on_.lm| tor
`Pmlflflptenatic of Pletoor
`' philosophy 2 idealistic. Vl_lt0|ll
`. or
`[usually p-] deaifizating or of e relatioiwhip. or we.
`1 is
`:[&l:I$I.lll or intellectual
`1 the philnaophlf
`W Plato or(phl:nsll:hl£hT)e:'.p.lliggndfcttrine hiildihg t.hat.ohjcc_ts of
`are real insofar as they imitate or participate in an inde-
`"“d°“1 realm of immutable essences, ideas. or lnttlcfll film‘ ‘"l‘“‘l'
`°°""'l“’*¢ the world ofeaeential reality: see iuiumsu 2 the theory 0?
`' amt?‘ p'i'a'1'*'.'iiz"i"i7i".$§:i«°°T"i:i " to follow the philowphy or
`"Ito; hh”
`r '“ W
`imooii igliutgitglhlll-aIplltlwm ma'.n:°l>a'i,'l§.§.'.p"l‘.|a‘ll.l.’l7l."Tcorr
`lion ' '
`'00 PEu.B'rI
`‘I a military unit complllfll 0' “'0 °'
`'“‘.‘i. - ~»'i'.u'°°‘*°.....:°:,.*':'.':.*:."'.‘:;'f‘°.:.t.".‘t ‘:?.'?"i‘:'.-'I»u?»
`""‘°'"°"°' ml =-rm -v°';'*°-*'*°:‘;"'*.*:."..*:;".':.‘.:'
`fansive squad: in pro alumna on
`warn -vr. 1 to divide into Pl“'°‘“'”'- "' W "' "'
`#2 '
`-»..::,;.l...... .:P.?.;.:: .‘::,.:.',“L":‘:.‘ ,..i::".‘:.*...:"..*.'.:.;7,.<...'.'.'.*:'.
`uhgtn ..:&":|l‘fl ssition 2 to platnuri plnyerii ai:£':ml‘I)4'I‘I_Im' in
`..".%:.-.-,3... .. ,-..:..;‘::': tr °°.:.':*:.:'.°.".*.:.'.":"'
`i.'A'»'«'.;“‘~- nui'l"c§‘*'*‘*"’ '* I35 < in n'a':‘""'"" ‘ """' "“"":
`Hnhl th, W
`9?: see PLATE) -5 dumrcll. lurrmflfli ‘W’ l”‘'''’"'"
`l¢d- 1,,
`:1 iivt‘r-rmnri
`‘ Pr kililzln l3raii"e'.°iii.. n:imh"v'3 ‘I.'lV!I"l'0|'"“'d In
`‘Wm Nnh
`" °
`a*:.'.=-.-»....'~= Ma»:-«main»-vr.«-m ~"'.:.::.*:." .3.
`5.i°.".l.'i“...':’i‘.:. ilzphhh-h ph--m--
` :°Played #1:! [Slang] HOMR i>i.A11: *0 lsltmfll " |”“"
`"" “'3 (plat) lane: 0. H. mu (I827-I905). us» oom-
`_______w____ platform bed (pl:
`‘l-"I; lmI'I||l|:| il‘ '31 |IhI.I'I:\'l purl III S tlhln , ruiitiumiig iiiilliir ripnn
`PIONI burgh lpliiliilmrgl Infler 1.. Hull. r-ntlv -in-Illa-r
`[734 I ”“
`NH N \'., tlll l.nhr- t'lmiiipliiIn' riu-mt «I a llrihnli .lIlVt‘lI|lIIl| (Ill
`lrlntlricil Irv the U H.‘ pup. ')I.IlIltl
`Plait!’ tpl:tt’0l ad]. timl r-miipuiu-rl uf plnli-ii, aim-rg, mv .|,.|,..‘ M ,.
`trim lfl\’lII, flllltllt. rm-lui. «Ir-.
`.- M..
`malty’ ti-Iai'ol n.. pl plum. plmyr. or purse: Irlippiorl
`I 'lul_\1uu-iulmi. or in-Iiuii i-I’ lmlimi -
`r Hr pmlulmi, lIlItlIV1‘tlIlI"'
`any oil’ it
`immlii-r nl lmghllv mlnri-cl.
`lreriliwnlrr livr-In-urn hail
`(gr-niui Xiphnphnrunl ul t ‘r-iilrnl /lriir-rim: mu-il Ill lfnpirnl mi...-mu
`Dlflfir (pIiiI’i. -al
`lit plulwi. lirmiil. llnt
`"-2 ‘pin! . var ul lu
`‘pin '- I-um‘ I mrriluning /nrm lm-ml ur "Ill Iiilrrlvlirlnunlhi
`platly-holri-nnlh |pI:il'i hi-l‘mmIh'l n. [pm-.
`9 im mm-iil any n
`plivliim Wlrllvlwlrninllmll nl
`llnllemvl wiirrnii with a nun, mi-u
`mi-nti-il liui|_v anal tl ntlllli‘ ri-ll nvntr-iii. llll Ilu- plnimrinnii. tiipi-vmri
`or liver lluhi-ii; llntwurrn — hilly helrntrftluc
`plally-pus (plut'| [will n.. pl -push: or -ht‘ (-|Il'l Mudl. -' Gr pin
`-. plrilyn.
`(u-c I-I.A'n'-l
`o puma. mirrll ll
`iiriuill. nqimtir. flu; laying murm-
`trr-me miuniiiul
`i-hue umrlinuiil iii’ Ittiiitriiltii niiil
`'l'triimiiiiiii. with we-lilir-4| I'm-I. a
`hi-nvi-rlilw tail. and a diicklilie
`hill; din-liliill
`pla I’-fhtfle (plnl'i l'lIl'. -rinl
`platyrrhin. bruml~nuiicd < plnly
`(nee i-urn‘-l o rlmi
`gun. rlu
`nnrl. nmie: me Itlllfltlvx lmvinx a limml, that name with nnlilflltt it
`open In the iiiilr-. creating a wulo. flat no-ptum —-n. e plntyrrhi
`nnininl. nip. the New Wurlil inuulu-yin Hm» l‘Al'AltlltttNtt
`pleudit (pli‘i'ilitl n. I « l. plmidilr. pl. |IIl||t‘l'. of plaudc-rr, tn npplnur
`Iu.ruirll_v pI.|
`I an nppliiuiliiiu ur mum] uf ripplnuiuv 2 any elpreuim
`of up ruvnl or praise
`plltl-3 to lpln'v..i lull ad. II. plnrrniloiliii - plnmlr-rr. tn npplnmil
`aermiiigly true. nrreplulilc. rlr-.: um-ii iriiplyiim ulisln-In-l‘ 2 m-ining
`hnncnt. lmiitwurtliy. eta-.: uI’ti~n implylmr dnitnuil.
`« plCt.t'sRbtl’lIy
`plau'oIibIe-near Ii.
`pteufubty adv.
`lance nppo-an too be In
`SYN.--rlmmble npplir-ii In llml wliirli nt firiil
`iv nut. nllhmigli than in I
`ruiuirui Ill‘. viilul. i-Ir. lml whirl: may ur iiuiv iml
`cmmutnttun i-I‘ dc-lilii-mtr its-cepliun In pluiuuhlr amirimill. crodtbto
`inn-il u[ that which at lii-lirsulilu lni-miiiw it ll Itu|I||IIflt‘tl Irv rvialmco. -um
`Inuit‘. etc. In c-mlrlrlr an-miiill. Ipocloua iipplu-it tu llml win: It In uiprri
`ciiilly mun-iuililr. viiliil. i-tr. liiit III in timllv iml nu. am! it rminiotr--i intrrilii
`lu ill-i'r-ivr In nprrluun I-rum-I — ANT. mine. OCWII
`DISH-SWO tv|I'I'IIiVl 04.
`I Iltarel app uilmu ur iiluiwirig prniu 2 ob
`mr. of I'l.Al'NlllI.K
`Plfltl-fill (pli'It'aI). (Tfltll Mocetus) C. ‘J54-I84 II.r‘.; Rum. writer 1
`cuiuic ilranuin
`play (pla) vl. MI-ipirm -r 0|‘! plrirnn. tn« lt'llVl'I 1 to ram
`lightly. rapid . or erratically: flutter (iiimlmhl Illdylflfl an the wave:
`2 to amuse nriur-ll’. an by talunx part In I prairie tlf ttpurl; engage» I
`recreation 3 to title active part in ii grime or up--rt /mil pluym
`bi-caune of an irriuryl 4 in engage in ii mime fur iitulu-ii; gamble 5 I
`to wt. deal. or tourh rarelmily tlf lixlilly; truths (uurh . chm; .
`peminl bl |llhai.| tut-nunge in iii-Iualiirtivity; rlnlly G In pr-rfnrrn o
`o maniacal inrtrumr-nt 1 to give out uuiimhi. nip. muiticul muudp; ni
`iii’ an in:-trurm-nt. phnrmgrnpli or tape rec-nrdinr. etc. 8 in lend me
`to pertnrriiaiice In drama that due: not play we-ll] I to dirt tn
`riporifu-il way; ercp.. to pretend tu be [in play dump] 10 [0 an m u
`an in ndrama: perform on the value It to lie ii-rturrm-rl in I theatr-
`on the radar. etc. [what rnuvie is plavingfl
`In mm. rm-|y mun.
`limits. an part: of n lnflI'l'I|l‘ll‘ 13 to be |')N'It‘d.
`ii...-i...'m«i. o
`directed rep:-nterlly or mnliiiumiuly. u g rnum.m_ . ,.p..1|.,¢ln, on-
`with em. IJWW. nr clung M to iiupmie |ll|It'l't.I[I||lrrunl_v (urn .m..i|-u-r‘;
`feeling: or witmplihililteinl 15 |t‘nIlnq.| to in-lm-vr arrr-plnniv-. nui-
`ecu. rte. —-n.
`‘I al to mine part
`in la game m itpiofll M In he
`stationed at (a upecifird pmiitiunl in ii spurt 2 to upp--no in pi-nu-n
`tram. etc.) in ii grime or «mint 8 tin enter or III!‘ in i-layer. rtnl In H
`gum! 0|’ fllnltll 5 I0 (50 twmrthingl. an in fun ur In -lecelvf IP40.‘
`trlrltnl Bal In het ibl tnhr-I mi hula)-tlw haired-II
`firl tn iwl NI IN‘
`biiiiiii iii‘ [play n hum-hj a6 tu It||I‘t'IIll|lf in (the i-tn-I martirll 7 I--
`caiiiie to rnuwe. act. uiir-rate. eti-.; wn-ht; ply U to put In *l"‘|"r""l
`card) into play [tn play nn are] 9 In cnimv or alter! /|-| I'M" l"‘"""{
`10 Iii pi-rtiirm tmiiuirl It at In pi-rt‘:-rm nn (3 Iimriu-nl ma-inmu-I-I
`bl In came in phttltltlrlrh. phuimgraph rec-uni. IAIN’ |"’*""‘l"'- ‘Ll;
`etc.l to live out
`iuiuiii I. lmnttn. etc. 12 In lI't‘ulI1l‘lttlV'|" ‘ M
`tnumeunel with miiim-2 with in. nil. rt.-. 13 In It-ti-‘Fm ll‘ '
`drimintic piui-aur-l 14 to act the pain of II"! '" l''l'''- ;',:“’m,m,,.,.
`[null 15 to imitate the nctivtlmi i-l. III I‘lI|M""' 'l" '"m_.,., m [In
`(in plav teacher. to plm. huiuu-I NO I0 I¢""' ’...'‘“:I''':
`light. rt.-.l
`My ltnatun tnr a wall 11 in «mi in dIlI‘:‘l'l.w'l" R.‘ “I hmhd
`rt-pr-ntr-ill_v or mnttniiiiiiuly (cm. «wt. or alarm “_ “Flu” u, luvrtultll
`fmhl tirr tliwll lr_v tiigmiim at this lino I519
`,q.-In-ily. «up. when
`Ipla_wd him (‘in ii fimll
`1 minim. in-v
`2.fN‘l'tlI|lII ur in-u-|It‘ FM’
`Tm-. rnpul. ur liulit /the ilirv ut‘ mun-lnil
`and in fur
`mum“. M wmmi M“ H . nu‘.h¢||IiIIII'l 3 nativity «nil
`nlmniiiineiil. iir I'IPI'I't'IIIt|t|n “lburt. ttuim-I. III -- "“' " "l"“ .
`incl; ml.
`-Ml‘ “I'-
`at. no cttr;
`It'll. eve:
`in l'‘'- ll“? Mr"
`' iv in lalm
`‘mi J I", mnhvflflt 'wWh' an n I.;I"\0’|$:'.II:’IlI‘."f’tt'.
`(I or in tin! trill]:
`‘Mun,_ ..hi.,-, uhr‘. vii run in imirr iu_ If V“ "mm _
`_ {mm ‘gm.
`Ln"2 - iimiltr-utml.
`8.‘. ‘and. mm In N“ cw."

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