`Exhibit 2019
`Exhibit 2019
`1 of 3
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`Library of Congress Camlogirzg-in-Publication Dam
`The American heritage college dictionary. —3rd ed.
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`2 of 3
`plaster of Paris
`licnccr \I.'carirtg .1 piastrmi
`Sylvia ?1ath
`Phoingraplii.-d in 1955
`oi boy
`.“ pat
`ou out
`:71 pay
`07;) to“o‘z<
`fir care
`‘zi father 50 t>o'ot
`E Q t
`a cut
`E be
`ur urge
`‘i pit
`Ll: thin
`i pie
`zli this
`Ir pier
`but which
`6 pot
`zh vision
`0 toe
`a about.
`0 paw
`Stress marks:
`l' (primary);
`3 of 3
`' (secondary), a$ir()f_
`dictionary (dik -'3. i:i—rit":r't:
`it. Any of a group of gypsum ce-
`er of Far-is [p:'irl“i's)
`” made up essentially of heiniliydratcd calcium ‘iuif.![t.‘,
`film '.t,»‘;H2O, .1 powder that forins a paste when mixed with
`r and hardcns into a solid, used in making casts, iiiolds,
`| rurc. [ME after PA!-U52 Fraiice.]
`lntjtfl-Llatork iplisltar-wi'irl-t’)
`Constmction or orn:itnt:ii-
`lafi “_°ry_. done with plaster.
`'3 ‘tic tpiisltikl adj. 1. Capable of bcing sh.ipt:d or foriiicd.
`Fills Rciating to or dealing with shaping or niotlcling. 3._i-laying
`r‘== "““.',"I».°‘..§’i.l..5.°.i’.—l§‘"§"‘i=Z"§il-'fi:llfl1ll::i'ic('4d- ?.'.l,','.‘§.§i'.“.il‘.'i.i’.-'
`5lla.'[\‘1t.‘idC of a plasji‘? or p|:_isiics._1. Phys. Capalilc
`going cDnllIl1.iO'liS fa orni:_ition_wit out l'lip11lrt. or {L .'l.‘(.l1l0l1.:
`5 m;0[_ Capable 0 building tissue; formative. 9. i larkud by
`. "' TI.
`1 I I
`Vi fl
`=ii““‘*i"t °;.::::'2;':.':'i‘.=.
`“’a "’f‘i3”i§l" 51:;
`f,l’,;',.ic compounds produced by polyinerizatioti Cl|".iCl‘C'.lpi11tlC
`of bring molded, cittnidccl, cast into shapes and films, or
`dm,.n lnt0dfil:1E'nc]1'its_us%i ps tcxtiivi‘ f:bers.d_2.
`.-Kai Olii:.'CI.(l]J_l'
`“bit;-15 ma :0 pastic.
`. Ptfflfniyl. r crc It car or crc if
`C3,-.35. [Lat. piastrcus < Gk. plasritltos < pfusros, moitlcd K
`l'.:.r.tei'n,1o tnoi_d.§et: pela-2'.] - plas’ti-cal- ly tidy. — plas-
`ficrmy [pl.'iSvlJSfl-IE) Pl.
`_ iagtic sirff. Forming; growing; changing-, developing: r)i:,'!.7-
`,tg5i;.:. [Gic. plrrsttkos, fit for rnolditig._Sec i't.,\st1c.]
`plastic explosive Jr. A moldablc ci-tplrtsivc substance used in
`bombs detonated iJy'_ fusc or electrical impulse.
`pta5.fl.¢[ze (pl'.1S"I1-S12’) tr. tr mrr. u. -Ei‘1Eld, -ciz-ing. -ci_z-es.
`To make or become plastic. —pia5'tt-ct-zaftlon (-si—v.a-'-
`F135-ti-clZ‘E1'lpiisflfi-Si':i1:Irl it. :\l1}' of varioiis substances ad-
`ded, as to plastics, for softness or pliability.
`plastic surgery 2:. §urgcry to remodel, repair, or restore hotly
`pans, esp. by the transfer of tissue. — plastic surgeon ii.
`plas-tid ipiitsftldi rt. Any of several piginunteti cytoplasiiiic or-
`gctnciirs found in plant cells and other organisms and having
`various functions such as food synthesis and storage.
`[-1 Ck.
`yltisris, plasrid-, fcni. of plasrés,
`tt‘.ltJldt:r < piitstos, moitlccl.
`Sr: iuri'ic.] —plas-tidfl-at (plzls-tidfé-all ruff.
`(Pl-l5'iil'.lT1[piisl'tran) rt. 1. A metal brcasrplate worn under a
`coarof mail. 2. A quilted pad worn by feticcrs to protect the
`torso and Side. 3. A trimming on a bodice. 4. The front of a
`W-IT'S dress shirt. 5. Zooi. The ventral part of the shell of a
`‘little or tortoise.
`[Fr. < OFr. < Oltal. pixrstrorte, aug. of
`Pldifr-1, thin metal plate. Sec I'lA§.l'E|t.] — pias’tral (-tral) izifj.
`‘Fll35lY staff. Molding or forming surgically; plastic sut[:,ery:
`eriiiutnpiasry. (Gk. vplnstier < plztstos, moidt-ti -1' ytirtssriii, to
`mold. Sec peia.z-_y
`"lllllll-5)’ Stiff. Var. of —pia5Ia.
`li'll51i tr.v. plat-ted. plat-ting. plats. To plait or brziicl.
`3 |’t..ur.
`"”- A Elli-lld. [ME platen, alteration of plaitctt, to fold, itraitl.
`will lill-ill rt. 1. A piece of land; a plot. 2. A map sliowiiig
`"ml Ur planned features, such as .-atrccts. — .'r.t.t. plat-ted.
`E:&‘ll“Q. plats. To make a plat of.
`[ME, prob, alteration
`Hat Jlccrl brylpfar, Sflzmlttjiliillflg fl£t.[)3 oglplot. Sci. rtrml
`‘Ha iptéré.
`5‘.E§j'“iiio' a§”ia°"§' ..}ic“§§?i'l}y of SE South
`:\r_gcntina and Uruguay formed by [l‘Lt:
`Flaq ‘ll Uruguay rivers and opening on the Atlantic.
`Si,ca:f'3 ipl-'3'lL-‘fr-l). Ari ancient city of Greece SW of Tlii.-hr-s;
`Dist flu JfloG[CCl("\;]CI0l.'}V oycr the Persians in 479 n.c.
`:1‘ (pin
`do about’) t:., pl. plats du jour tpla
`P12“: +-
`featured dish of the clay at Al. rcstaiirant. [l-r. :
`Play! I
`1_ din Of the + four, day.]
`- “Ti #1. 1. A smooth, liar, dun, l'l
`id body of uniform
`_°55- 2.3. A sheet of liammcrcti, rolled, or cast metal.
`pitcclcri’ thin applied or deposited coat of metal. 3.3. A flat
`liq, P7’ metal forming part of a machine: -i'J f?t)iil(‘i'_Dft1!(.'. b. .-1
`thin ‘"9 Of metal on which something is ctigraved. 4.a. A
`pieccglcgf Of metal used for arnior.
`i:I. Armor ttiadc of such
`- Print. a. A sheet of metal, rubber, or other ni:1tcri.i|
`°.‘l for use as a printing surface, such as an eiectrcitypc.
`{ep,ol:i"“l Of a woodcut or otiicr engraved Ittatcrial, esp. when
`In Coiouccd ‘fl
`-1 book. c. A full—p:tgc book iiliutration. often
`' “nd printed on paper different from that used on tilt:
`‘l'=ct:.pl-TEES‘ 5- l’-'7otog7.1pfi-_v.
`.~\. liflt-scnsitivc Sher-t of glass or
`7. mm‘ Which a. photographic image can he recorded.
`E1imS":'~""}'- A thin metallic or plastic support fitted to thc
`ll“-ittiti ‘1"Vl’ttir artificial teeth. 3. .-ircftir. In wood-franic cun-
`“- 3 horizontal
`incniber, capping the exterior wall
`Plate‘ upo“ \'-'lt:'cii the roof rafters rest. 9. Ht7SL'f?.'1.ft.. Home
`00% -‘\ whole course served on such a dish. 11. Service
`l°l' (mu person at :1 meal. 12. Hoiiseliold articles,
`_ 1
`°llD\'-'w.-ire, covered with a precious iiictal, such as
`4. spa" A dish passed, as in a coiigregation, for offerings.
`1553 pmfi 3- A dish or other article of silver or gold offered
`a -
`- A contest, esp. :2 horsizraci.-,offi.-rin1.: such a prizc.
`P‘ 1‘. llii In (“F of beef from the brisket. 15. .-ittizt. C‘ '/.001.
`n nil! layer or scale, as that of .1. fish. 33. A pl.-it
`'3". or structure, such as llt.1[ cm-eriiig soirie reptiles.
`17. Eicct. a. An electrode, as in rt storagi: battery or capacitor.
`b. The anode in an electron tube. 18. Cool. in the theory of
`plate 1L'C1l)l"tlCS, one of the sections into wliich the earth's crust
`is divided that are in coristaiit motion rclarive to each other.
`— tr.u. plat-ed. plat-lng. plates. 1. To coat or cover with a
`tliln laycr of metal. 2. To cover with armor platc. 3. Prittr. To
`tii.i'.<e a plate from. 4. To give a glossy finish to (paper) by
`pressing bctvveen nictrtl sheets or rollers. [ME < 0i"r. < fcttt.
`of faint,
`flat < VLIJI.
`‘pfalttrs < Git. plants. See plat-'.}
`— platlcr it.
`pla-teau tplfi-:5’) ii., pl. -teaus or -teaux t-167.’). 1. An cic-
`vatcd, ti:i.itivcly iisvcl expanse of land‘,
`:1 [3iJlEl:1.nLi. 2. A roi-
`ativeiy stable lcvci, period, or state. — itt!r..u. -teaued. -teau-
`ing. -teaus. To reach :1 stable level;
`level off.
`iFf. < O}-'r.
`plrirel, platter < pilat, flat. Sr.-u r1.arr.]
`plat-ed (plaltld) adj. 1. Coated with a thin adherent layer of
`metal. Often used in combinntioii: a golrf-plated putt. 2. Cov-
`ered with protective platcs or sheets of metal. Often used in
`conihinatinn: :1 sreclepinted safe. 3. Knitted with two kinds of
`yarn, one on the face and one on the back.
`plate-ful (plat-'io'ol') :i., pi. -fuls. 1. The aniount that a plate
`can hold. Z.-A gcnerousportion of food.
`plate glass rt. A strong rolled and polished glass containing {cw
`impurities, used for mirrors and large winclows.
`plate-let l].!l:it"iit) H‘. A minute diskiikc cytoplasmic body in
`the blood plasma of iiiamnials that promotes blood clotting.
`plat-en iplfit-'n} i-:. 1. The toilet in :i iypcwritcr that scirves as
`li1L' baclzitig for the paper against which the type bars strike.
`2. Comp. Sci. The rollcr in :1 computer printer against which
`the print iieritl strikes. 3. A flat plate or rolling cylinder in a
`printing press that positions the paper and holds it against the
`l!1l\'Ed rypc. [.\lE plittritre, patcii < OFr. piatiiic, nictal plate -Z
`pfitr, flat. See t'uTr..l
`i\ proof taken from 2'! master plate.
`plate proof it. Priztl.
`plate tectonics ii. 1. (used it-lfff.‘
`rt siitg.
`it.) A theory of global
`tlynaniics holding that the movement of a small number of
`scinirigid sections of the earth's crust, at whose niargins seis-
`titic activity and volcanism occur, cttuscs cotitinciitrii drift and
`(images the shape and size of ocean basins and continents.
`Z. (itself tt'i'.'ilJ :2 sing. Oi’ pf. it.) The dyitatiiit:s of platt: move-
`ment. — plate’-tel:-tonlic (piat"télt—t<Em'il<) adj.
`plat-form (pl-:it'ft'ii-iii’) ii. 1.a. A l'iuri?.0t1tal surface raised
`above the level of tilt.‘ adiaccitt area, as a stage for public
`spcakittg. iii. A vcsscl. such as :1 submariiic, from which weap-
`uris can be dcploycti. C. An oil platforiii. Z. A place, .1. means,
`or an opportunity for public cxprcssiuti of opinion. 3. A ves-
`tibule at the cod of a railway car. 4. A iorinal declaration of
`the principics on wiiicli a group niziites its appeal to the pub-
`lic. 5.31. A thick layer, as of cork, between the inner and outer
`solos of a shoe, giving added height. h. A shoe having such :1
`cotistruciion. [F1-. plate-forirte, diagrain < OFr. : plat. flat; so:
`E‘I..\'l‘E + forme, foriu {< L-it. for:-i:n).]
`platform bad it. A hi.-ti consisting of a iiiutiress on :1 platform
`supported by legs, with availabli: spact: on the flour bcncatlt.
`platform scale 2:. An itidustrial iveighing instrument consisting
`of a platforni coiipii.-d to an autornatic system of levers and
`.it.ijustalJli: iieigltts. used to WL'lgl) large or heavy obit-cts.
`platform tennis :1. Sptirts. An outdoor court gamt: played \-Vitit
`paddles and a rubber ball on a raised and fenced wooden
`floor that is smaller than a tennis court.
`Plath ipliithl, Sylvia. 1932-63. .'\ITiCl'. writer whose poems are
`noted for their iiiiages uf alicnation.
`pla-tirrta (pla-té"na) ii. Platitiuiii, esp. as found naturally in
`impure form. [Sp., dint. of _rtl:itri, silver, plate < Vl.at. ‘plaz-
`HIS. Sec i~uir1=..l
`plat-ing ipiiltlngl ii. 1. A thin layer of metal deposited on or
`applied to a surface. 2. A coating of metal sheets or plates.
`pla-tin-ic (pin-tinfik) adj. Of, rciatirig to, or containing plat-
`itium, asp. with \':‘liL‘nCt.‘
`plat-l-nize (pl:“it»'iivi;r.’i ti-.u. —nized, —niz-lng. -niz-es. To cloc-
`ttoplaic with piatiiiiiiii.
`platino— or platinl— or piatln— pref. Pliiiinuni: pfi!If)lOI)'pr’.
`[< FL.n't.\u.\l.]
`plat-i-no-cy-a-nide (pi:"ir’n~t‘i—si':i—nid') rt. A tloiibic salt of
`pirttirtous cyaiiidu anti another cyaiiidu.
`plat-i-noid lpiitlii-uitlli .tci'j.
`llesctnlilitig platittttiit.
`.-\n ;tlio_v of copper, nickel, 1l1t1gSk'll, and zinc, formerly
`used in clcctrit: coils. 2. A l'11L'l:ll cltcinicaiiy rcsciiibling plat-
`inum, usp. osiiiiiiiii, iridium, or pailladititii.
`plat-i-no-type (platlri-Ei-tip_’i H. 1. A pmccss t'or:ncrl_v used
`tor rnakiiig pliotographic prints. rising a platiniini salt and an
`irun salt in the sensitizing solution to priidiice prints in plat-
`iniiiii black. 2.. A print produced by piatinotypc.
`plat-l-nous (pl:'it'n-as) tzrlj. Of, relating to, or containing plat-
`inum. t.'s'p. with trait-tics 2.
`.-\ ductile malleable
`plat:-l-num (pi.it"n-atii} ti. 1. S}'1flf)Of P1:
`metallic clciiicnt ttstl. nccurriny; niixutl with Otlicr tttctals such
`as iridium, osmium, or l1iCl<tIl and used its a catalyst and in
`electrical cninponciits,
`.tnti electroplating.
`.'\i0iI]1C number 7%; atomic weight 195.09;
`inciting, point
`1,772°C; boiling point 3,327'°(I; specific gravity 11.45;
`li_-iice Z, 3, 4. See table at element. 2.
`(.'(.ti'or. A iiiutlitttii to
`— It’. To sp “up i.
`;iit Splash,
`lpl'|'l£‘nt: aclioiiiii
`tissue; 5)-fopldsm I
`iml rt. ‘.3. The C1”: _
`i, or intramuseul
`l plasma. 2. i'iietIi1r:.C:|
`transfusions. 3_ pr _
`tion of milk from “@3-
`\\.-hcy. 5. Pf7}'5_ A higfih
`iuinbers of positive int.‘
`figure < (;k_'<l
`s-rnatlic lpliz-mittiy.
`; Cull foundlin lymphoid
`1 reaction with 5 specific
`ri c state of cvto
`iaalsma cell.
`cudopod oi the atiilgifl
`e|f—rcplic:tting hereditary
`n and function in a man.
`5 Cl1i'Dl'l'.lDSD|‘n.',l] ggi-i¢5_
`H. See cell membrane.
`is. -fa-re’-i ii. A process
`:d blood and the remain-
`Llctnor. [ri..u.\i[a)
`-I- Git.
`oi’) n. A siati: of qw-
`double-stranded unit of
`zlcpendentiy of the Cl'.li'U'
`il.lt‘id in bacteria.
`: enzyme in plasma that
`ting factors.
`The inactive ptccursorltt
`and blood plasma.
`tlsmttt. [< rum!-i
`J) also plas-m0'dB5"‘
`(-nia-ta) or -U135 35“
`hat passes through PP”
`protoplasts of -'ld]_5‘°“l
`festtrd, bond f< ‘-la"? m
`, pf. -til-a (—di‘-?l- 1-!‘
`rmcd by the fusion
`‘o7.o:tn of this 39"“ Pl:
`itcs that cause inalar:r-
`»‘1.z\:.\llO'l- ’ '°“l'"m’
`fés, -oid).] — P|35"“°"
`,__ F.
`i. -595 (~sét'l.
`§3.';l”.? 2
`iv-at‘ from ills‘
`.. pia5r"
`by \va'tc1' loss.
`I’. Jul‘.
`. _oi
`irticlfi of E’-f3““l:'|aP <1
`(;i.-_ pianos. “W a
`-f lime or S?‘
`b solid, usrt.l_
`5. 3. A pastelllfc H .0535
`int; or I:oSIl1L'lll- V13
`_:_-;_ -t_ei'E
`. or repair_
`.1 coat of l‘
`l). T"
`plaster t0- 4'a'_
`ci tit-t
`d gl1':ru\'cr51l’lcfL::':1[1¢;,,gt rd
`i'n.ilte adheft-' "1
`ivy daniagt-‘ "l'\'ll]::l 4' _l"
`f‘Pl." Pl-15ml‘. ll
`:tri', Cfllnfillllllgofl
`sec r:~'—' '
`i. — plasW3f'3' ',:ilIa)"'f
`‘d’l n. A b0-if core.“’(
`ivpsum Pl“-‘“'
`)1’ Walls.
`I of Fir.’
`Jr cast in P 35'
`O"ilC‘l(L'd‘ tlf1l“l"'
`Yhr or coating 0