`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Feb. 29, 2000
`a s am1 e a .
`............... ..
`Ulllted States Patent [19]
`Ishiharada et al.
`[75] Inventors: Minoru Ishiharada, Tokyo; Itsuo
`Tanuma, Saitama-ken; Kazuo Naito,
`$211? agalva'ken’ Yasllhlko Matsumuro’
`4,422,719 12/1983 Orcutt ................................... .. 385/123
`8/1984 Daniel .......... ..
`6/1988 Kessener et 91
`385/123 X
`itinlilft a_1~
`2/1990 Kessener et al. ................... .. 362/96 X
`(T uyo: Takao Aokl’ Kanagawa'ken’
`Klyoshl Koyama’ Kanagawa'ken’ an of
`[73] Assignee: Bridgestone Corporation, Tokyo,
`[21] Appl. No.: 08/103,226
`Aug. 9, 1993
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Aug. 7, 1992
`Aug. 21, 1992
`Aug. 25, 1992
`Japan .................................. .. 4-232840
`.. 4-245612
`Japan .................................. .. 4-248594
`[51] Int. C1.7 ...................................................... .. F21V 8/00
`[52] U.S. Cl. .......................... .. 362/562; 362/96; 362/101;
`362/559; 362/582; 385/123
`[58] Field Of Search ............................ .. 362/32, 293, 101,
`362/96, 559, 582, 562; 385/123, 125, 100
`References Cited
`5,067,059 11/1991 Hwang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 362/101
`7/1994 Ishiharada et al. ................... .. 385/100
`Primary Examiner—Stephen Husar
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Sughrue, Mion, Zinn, Macpeak
`& Seas, PLLC
`The light transmission hose included in the Waterproof
`lighting apparatus according to the present invention is of a
`Watertight structure, so it can easily be used as laid in or on
`Water Without any special protective means. Since the light
`source is installed in a location apart from Water, it can be
`easily maintained and lamp replacement is also easy. By
`selecting a desired one of the kinds of light source, the
`illumination can be changed, resulting in a great effect of
`illumination. If provided With a powerful light source, the
`Waterproof lighting apparatus according to the present
`invention can be used for Warning any hazardous area to
`Walkers, bicycle riders, car drivers, ships, aircraft and the
`like vehicles. Even if the lighting apparatus is located far
`aWay, the light from the light-emitting portion permits the
`Walker or vehicle driver to readily be aWare of a hazardous
`2/1972 Reick et al. .......................... .. 362/582
`3,995,934 12/1976 Nath ...................................... .. 385/125
`5 Claims, 33 Drawing Sheets
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`FIG. 7(8)
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